This is a recent email to one of our long-term commenters. He also provided his response for your entertainment.
What is most interesting about this is the desperation it indicates.
This message is from the Advanced Org in the UK. That is supposed to be the organization that serves the orgs in the UK and Ireland. They should be providing the public that AOSHUK survives on. And remember, they have one of the oldest “ideal” orgs that is “clearing London”. Hey forget all the other orgs in the UK, why aren’t all those Clears from London flooding AOSHUK?
Obviously they are desperate to get people in to make money — so they are trying to convince people all the way in California to travel to England rather than AOLA in Los Angeles.
Never mind that there is no service they could deliver to a Class VI, OT VIII.
Let alone the fact that Cooper is an SP and not even allowed into any org.
I had services at saint hill for over 22 years. fiona was a good person back then when i first started and use to work in div 6 (new public) I did not have to much to do with her until 2015 were she gained my trust again and went off policy and ripped me off 21.000 pounds.All the time i have been at saint hill they have always got scientologist in from other orgs. Saint hill would be empty if it relied on local people. THE FIRST CLEARED COUNTRY,THE UK!
I just noticed the caption “crotchless man” under the photo of St Hill. LOL!
This isn’t so much funny as frightening. Talking to a Scientologist can be like talking to a mindless zombie. And zombies are at least somewhat evil. That was especially obvious during Jenna Elfman’s Reddit interview, where she only answered bland mindless questions about the weather and her favorite color while dozens of redditors were asking about disconnection…
rtotchless, yes! LOL. These people are SO weird. They could have just put some clothes, or armor or something on the statue.
Off Topic but I’ve got a Grant Cardone Youtube thing popping up a lot on my screen lately. I’d like to know what overt I’ve committed against the dynamics to deserve this. Hmmm, well, I have called his wife a gargoyle a few times on this blog. Ok, I get it. I pulled it in. I apologize… but the, with that 12 inch neck and that face she does kinda look like she could be hanging off of a building.
Newcomer, I hope you get your son and daughter back soon. That was some letter. I doubt that OSA will show it to your kids. Its is too well written and classy. Too honest, too modest. I doubt they’d risk your kids reading a letter like this from their father.
Anybody want to bet me that Fiona got a new cell phone number?
I am often tempted to call the numbers I see on the scientology propaganda but never do. Does anybody out there call to have a frank discussion? What happens? Instant hang up or not?
I’m one SP who would actually love the CoS to spend its money and time sending me promo and comm … but alas with the CoS as I’ve been saying ever since the mid 1970s … it’s the law of reverse vectors … if you want something, the CoS will do what it can to stop you or at least slow you down in getting it … if you DON’T want to experience something, the CoS will do its darndest to make sure that you DO experience it …
Yes, including spouses and children.
Davie will let anyone back as long as they pay $.
Exactly right. To get back in the cult’s good graces, and with apologies to the FAB FOUR:
All you need is dough (bap ba da da da)
All you need is dough (bap ba da da da)
All you need is dough, dough –
Dough is all you need.
Oddly enough, I just received my first piece of Scn mail in several years under my former married name and it was from AO Saint Hill. I took the time to write a “remove me from your list” message on the enclosed postage paid postcard. I also wrote that I was disaffected so I am an SP to you. It amazes me how they could connect those dots since my last known address with them was a biz one so forwarding was impossible as an individual and I had not used that name since my divorce in 1989! We’ll see what happens next!
Honestly, that’s not a very enticing photo. Or looks more like a ruin than a thriving organization. Which I guess, if we are truthful, is what it is.
Also, what an amazingly generic promo letter. Dear person: here is a photo of our business. This is a great time to come see it. ml
Thirdly, ml still sets my teeth in edge. I know of no other organization in the world presumptuous enough to address strangers with much love. Sort of like strangers who call you hon. To a good thing.
Valerie, how out of present time is that? Inviting a declared person in to get started on services? I don’t think they are desperate. I think they don’t know. The registrar that his wife donated to, Paul Miller? I have known Paul Miller since the mid 1980’s. I am sure a lot of people here know him. He sits right next to the most PTS Scientologist I ever met, Kitty Georgius Kahn the Flag Registrar. 🙂
That’s the Paul Miller we know and love! In 2007-8 we had palletts (yes palletts) of books and materials showing up at our office which had me totally perplexed. Paul was reviewing our ‘account’ and had determined we had overpaid for some services (no shit sherlock!) so he was sending us the basics to ‘straighten things out’ …… as a way of refunding the overages he had discovered.
By the time my wife got to Flog in late 2009, Paul had occasion to call me at home about a donation ………………I finally hung up at about 3:30 in the morning after a six or seven hour marathon with “No fucking way are we doing a donation. My wife is trying to get onto her next level and that is what we are doing.”
So as the story goes, ( I didn’t learn about this for several months) the next day Paul says to my wife something to the effect “I talked to your husband last night and he said it is ok to do the cycle.”
More on the backstory ………for years the reg community knew that I was the hard sell and my wife had a soft spot for wanting to ‘help’. So over a long period of time they were able to sell the pitch that there were BIG BEINGS and then there were little beings and since I was one of the more diminutive types, she was the one that needed to step up and GET THE JOB DONE!
Someone has got to do it for gawds sake and we know that El Con and Cee Oh Bee have been carrying it on their shoulders long enough. Well to those BIG BEINGS still in ……………………. enjoy the ride!
Yo Dave,
Stroke em good buddy ………… the only ones still in are the really big beings and they are the ones with the fat accounts. You and I both know Dave that anyone who says they don’t have the money ……………. well they need some ethics slammed in to stop lying to you Dave. Go get em big boy.
Don’t forget to cull this email in case you need to show it to my kids. My ex brother in law is also at Flog now working to get onto his Ohhhh Tea Level Seven. He may need to see it too because he was connected to me for over thirty years and of course little beings have a way of worming their way into the small cracks of the mind. You will need many hours of sec checking to purge all the little bits of theta I sprinkled around while communicating with him.
That’s the same Paul Miller who was Chaplain at Flag during the Lisa McPherson time period. In that post he had first hand knowledge of the Lisa McPherson debacle. And he told me he was in the van that took her to the hospital the night she died. He said she died in the car on the way to the hospital. For those who don’t know this, the church van passed by several hospitals on the way to the one furthest away so that they could see a Scn doctor and avoid bad press. By spending the extra time to go out of the way many more miles, and passing up good hospitals on the way, Lisa died in the car.
It’s not this Same person that was in the van
Mike, I sure hope the Aftermath will focus on the Lisa McPherson case. According to Marty Rathbun, that whole debacle really pushed David Miscavige into his spiral of anxiety and paranoia. Any chance of seeing this?
Newcomer, that makes my blood boil. Tearing apart relationships means nothing to those assholes; it’s truly ALL ABOUT THE MONEY. Whoever pays is ALWAYS right. Never mind that he-who-pays is fucking his office manager while his wife is overwhelmed at home with newborn twins (and he’s telling her how disgusted he is with her fat, stretch-marked body now). Or maybe his soon-to-be-ex is literally crazy (because she won’t give up their life savings) and they should prove her to be crazy and take their son away from her and give custody to the dad that pays. Or maybe the “Ethics Officer” knows all the dirt on her soon-to-be-ex-husband and threatens to bring it all up in court at the custody hearing if he doesn’t back down. Just to name a few that I know of personally.
I wonder if Fiona even read Coop’s letter, or if she did, she obviously didn’t know what to do and gave a pat, ‘theta’ response. How sad, since Scientology is supposed to make you a master of communication and yet, you cannot communicate. At least Fiona couldn’t. I hope for her sake, Coop’s letter sits in the back of her mind. I’m sure she’s had plenty of experience with good ole Ethics, and knows what Coop speaks of.
…and she got some stats, (1) Letter In and (1) Letter Out. Woo-hoo! Fiona’s upstat for 7/11/17!
well a “Church” being a Super One & busy clearing the world of what other than ppl’s Pockets but I think & wonder with all the Money DM has if it was used for the Better they prob Could but Nope threaten & Fear + Pull family’s apart guess Clearing there ppl but they’ll be better to be Free cut your losses there Gone anyway & RUN and I send Love your way….
Fiona should be writing Job endangerment reports on DM…. making her job impossible!
I too here in US have having married a Sea son, of a founding Sea member have been erased and divorced. I speak out and against these criminal LRon Hubbard s, they are sorcery at it’s ugliest.
Very good, Diane C. Glad to have you here.
I had cause to go see an onlines Scn family on unrelated business very recently. Nice couple but the kid was in trouble; had been taken out of her Scn school and was being home schooled, and was way behind where she should have been, academically. The couple – both OTs – were doing their best within the confines of “the tech” which wasn’t helping their kid one jot. I had to stifle a giggle when someone from the local Org showed up at their front door to “confirm them for MV event”. Their frosty and impatient response told me everything about how things are only worse – brought back so many unwanted memories. On professional grounds I couldn’t impart too much data but let them know I was not onlines permanently and why, within their reality.
Sad. Good for you saying what was up with them. 🙂
The IAS crotchless man is absolutely David at his most delusional. For one second I thought he was holding a pig’s head & had an image of dm as a Hell Fire member heavens! but then I saw it was a torch to guide all weary travelers directly to the Reg! But it is sad to me that ASHO AOLA & AOSHUK trudge on while The Fleecewinds meanders around looking for Davy Jones locker and dm counts his treasure trove.????
A UK AOL is cannabalizing another AO’s public. Well a cleared cannibal is still a cannibal, right? Makes sense in that odd Scn way!
I’m a cleared cannibal, but, I still like eating people. It’s just a thing I have.
Maybe we need to take another cruise down to the Org!
Any time!!!
There is a Hubbard term called, “cannibalizing your CF.”
Seems they are now gnawing at the toenails.
Saint hill and AOEU in Copenhagen was already fighting for public 3-4 years ago, now they decided to go to the other side of the ocean.
Central Files computer running staff for stat-pushing reasons, will cause errors, just so they can send out large numbers of “outflow” that they count on their statistics, even if it is due to their prior faulty screening errors which they failed to do.
One of the bottom level “whys” is stat-pushing. They sometimes are just trying to get their stats up, with “outflow” higher numbers, and some other Central Files staffer’s list included, incorrectly and un-screened, these goofs, that build up their stats on some occasion when they desperately needed to be upstat that week.
Overwork, lack of sleep, making convenient errors that let one count oneself as upstat, that week.
Hubbard’s oppressive rules and mentality add up to suppressive of the staff, they goof, they false report, and society suffers Hubbard’s “legacy.”
Chuck Beatty
ex OEC/FEBC Course Sup 1977-1981,1982
Excellent Chuck
Coop, Great letter you wrote to her. I hope it wakes her up.
I hope so too, Cindy. Coop deserves it! He’s one of THE nicest individuals I’ve ever met.
Just ask Julian! While he has never met me, I know that deep down he really likes me!!!!
Seriously, who wouldn’t like you?
So, you and Julian are like this! (two fingers crossed to show how close they are.) lol
Beware of them. A friend of mine fully blown and part of the independant field was contacted by another public on the church telling that her auditor in the independant field was actually standard so not SP, therefore she could return to the course.
They try to recuperate those who are gone.And actually create dissention between people in the independant field sayig some standard and some other no.
They want to,catch them with services like courses that cannot be done easly on the independant field.
New strategy. Soon they will do an amnesty. You’ll see that will brake the independant field. They will put under their control those theu will have “salvaged”.
They are ready to “forgive” and to pay those who who are a threat (like Marty Rathbun who must have received quite some money” BEWARE OF MISCAVIGE !
NEVER FORGET THERE IS ONLY ONE SP : HIM !!! As long as he will be leading the church nothing couldn’ be trusted from them.
They never stopped to “recover” public in recent years, not ones who were declared (I too believe that they have an amnesty at some point soon), but who silently just stopped go to the org or answer the phone.
Victor, are you the Mexican auditor Victor? Just curious and hoping.
Brilliant comment FG. When the ’emergency work’ or income was down in Lron’s time, an Amnesty was declared. I would not be surprised to see one pushed at a lot of those who have run away.
This ‘public’ who spread the news is probably speaking for themselves, but if any disaffected were to inquire about an ‘amnesty’, I bet the local staff would pretend that the ‘disaffected’ would be welcome to return. As long as cash was paid.
Saw the last MV last night, all about the future of Ideal orgs and their useless PR hypes. Shockingly enough, SMP, which was brought up, was not given a launch date. Bear in mind, they said at the Birthday event (3/14) it was going to launch by the Summer Solastice. (6/21)
Here we are in mid-July, and they’ve already rolled back on even giving a date. Pathetic.
Instead of SMP, they hired Marty. He is doing a magnificent job looking like a right asshole whereby they do not need SUMP anymore. They will announce that at the next maiden voyage.
They can’t reg their public using Marty (he needs more money for YouTube ads?) but for sure can using sump racketeering more donations.
I doubt that Marty need much to make his videos; they are likely being made at Gold.
But the commenters are rectal too, aren’t they? “Yesss Martee, yesssss yesss YESSSS!!!”
I must confess that fascinates me. I’m relatively new to these blogs, and haven’t had the pleasure, until now. Maybe he could do a podcast from Smp. Live, no notes.
I tried posting about the recent videos on Marty’s blog a few times. Not once have my comments appeared. You only get to see the “pro” comments.
Sickening, isn’t it?
yep I to noticed it, but we need still to be urgently ready for the tidal waves of the public when “islands will become a sea”, after sump will go on air.
By the way does anyone know will it anywhere except states?
I think it is going to air on Target 2. If LRH would land his fat ass to set up the antennae.
Nah, LRH is too busy zipping around the Van Allen Belt of our Gal-Uhk-zee to bother setting up antennae. And even if he came back down to Teegeeack, he’d be sitting in his scientology maintained, office sucking on his Kools.
ClearlyPissedOff – “I think it is going to air on Target 2. If LRH would land his fat ass to set up the antennae.” 😀 I’m rolling!
Flailing Update:
What is taking so long to crank out a script for The Joker to make a video that dead agents all recipients of all Emmys? A psych & big pharma plot. LOL
Cringing at the additional pain this email may have caused him. I admire him for letting Fiona know the truth and responding with civility. Maybe she will “wake up” as a result. I feel sad for the pain that might be inflicted on her if this was an innocent mistake and she is in trouble for it. Horrible that one email cost him his family. Horrible that this one email might cause him and her days of pain. I hope not. I hope it brings her closer to awareness and freedom. I hope he is empowered by the ability to write the truth to someone stuck inside and may tell his family members he would like to talk to them. (Who I am: I was never in CO$ but have been reading about it for years and worrying about those in it. Now years later, I happen to have a friend who has a family member who is a lifetime member at Flag. I am so thankful for you and Leah. I don’t want anyone to wonder who I am – not a troll or a mole. I am letting you know because you all have been through enough and don’t need to wonder who a new commentor might be.)
Hey Chicken, I could have written your post because “who I am” is almost identical to you. I care a lot about those hurt and trapped by Scientology. I also am very grateful to Mike and Leah for their personal integrity and persistence in taking on this evil cult. I don’t think you or I would be viewed as a trolls – I think it is obvious when something is written with love and respect and that’s just what I find in your words. Thank you for caring and taking the time to express yourself because I think there are more of us than we imagine.
Thank you for saying so too. I think there are even more now that Mike and Leah are doing the show! For those that wonder, I have written politicians asking them to investigate abuses in CO$ and asked my friends to as well. I also tell people who don’t know about it to watch the show. It might be small but I want you to know that you have people out there that care and are trying to help.
I had to comment on this, I too am a “never-in” but took an interest years ago. 30+ years ago my first husband read Dianetics and was completely enthralled by it. Since then whenever I heard Scientology stories my ears perked up and I took an interest. Then once Going Clear came out of course my interest grew, after Leah and Mike’s series I’ve been almost obsessed. I wish there was more we could do to help other than supporting the shows and the blogs. I noticed today on twitter that the church has created a twitter account specifically to denigrate Leah and Mike called Freedom Media Ethics (@FreedomEthics) and it’s more of the same “who is …” What is infuriating is they are promoted tweets that you cannot reply to. Anyway I’ve gotten away from the original subject, just hope the people that are actual victims of this cult know that we are here to support and not trying to be voyeuristic.
Chicken, Lynne and Dena – thank you for your support. 🙂
Hey Chicken and Lynne, I love seeing the never-in comments. It’s refreshing for me, someone who has been in ‘forever’. Nice to have you.
Ditto that! When never-ins begin asking the tough questions it will get attention. The rest of us often appear as whiners, obviously without the intelligence to have seen it coming.
The nice thing about life is everyone gets their turn!
Hi Chicken,
Just to be clear ( pun intended ) regarding you comment:
” Horrible that one email cost him his family.”
It was over a much longer period of time. The dono cyle began a year earlier (unbeknownst to me) with Teddy Braggin and ended on or about Dec. 11th, 2009 at about 10:30AM which is when I received a phone call from the credit card company about needing to make a payment. That was the 4×4 upside the head ………. !!!! My balance is WHAAAAAT?????????????????@#$%^&*()_+.
I immediately sat down and wrote an email to my wife regarding my disagreement. It was not until February 2013 that Julian the Schwartenegger finally got it together to summon my wife to LA to inform her I was a declared Ess Pee and showed her the beautiful golden toilet paper with my crimes against humanity listed out.
Between those two dates I had plenty of time to be visited by the mucky mucks sent from Daves third arm of mercenaries and then also by some fine folks from the freakwinds and so on. All in all a really fine time!
They are wanting me to come to England to do my Briefing Course …. which I have paid for in Los Angeles along with my Cl VIII and both internships…. of course they fail to mention that the courses haven’t been delivered in years and actually do not exist at this time. I am pushed/regged constantly to do the ‘basics’ and the ‘congresses’, and they are stumped for a reply when I mention that those will in fact be part of the BC. At least I have a valid excuse to not go anywhere near.
Is the Briefing Course the one where they brief you how to reg someone within an inch of their life? Just wondering…
I think they want to get a lot closer than that OSD!
Notreally Myname – my advice – talk to the Book Store Officer where you paid and get him/her to send you GOLD. That’s what I did. They will be VERY happy to sell you anything you ask for, because they will get a commission. Take ALL of your money on account and buy as much gold as you can. Use your IAS discount, whatever you can to buy more for less. You do not have to be OT to buy gold OT bracelets. This is the only way to get the most money back for what you paid in, short of getting a full refund (good luck with that!). You might even hang onto the gold until the prices are high. I haven’t looked at that in a while. Prices were pretty high when I did this, some years ago.
What I find most fascinating about today’s post is the proof it provides of Scientology’s desperation. I can remember a time when missions, orgs and advanced orgs respected their territories. It says everything about the state of the church that Saint Hill is contacting a (declared!) Scientologist (ex-Scientologist, I guess) whose advanced org is clearly not Saint Hill.
I have my own recent experience that provides further evidence of the Church’s ongoing spiral of flailing desperation. The last time I went to an org was in 1998, a dreadful experience. Since then, I’ve been “under the radar”—well, not so much since 2013, but whatever. I got a cold call recently from “Alex” in the “Los Angeles Church of Scientology Call Center” who tried to sell me the Basics series of books. Seriously. The only calls I have ever received from Scientology were from the local org trying to get me to go to an event, but even those have tapered off to practically nothing in recent years. But I definitely have never received a call from any sort of “Scientology Call Center”. They clearly went to some effort to track me down since I moved to a different city a while ago. Or, maybe not too much effort since I realized I updated my Facebook page with my new information and I still have dozens of Scientologist friends. (I wonder for how much longer?)
And, is “Scientology Call Center” a thing now? Weird. I wonder if it’s a sign that Miscavige and Co. are centralizing the operation in the face of the cult’s ever-shrinking numbers.
While I was still reeling from the initial shock that they had tracked me down, Alex said he was just calling to see if I still was receiving Scientology mail and, if so, if I wanted to continue receiving it. (Such a pleasant, reasonable, and polite young man!). I told him, no, I did not want to continue receiving any mail. Before I could even finish that sentence, he confirmed my progress on the Bridge… from 25 years ago! I do have to admit that Scientology’s record keeping is nothing short of astonishing. He then asked in a weirdly casual way, “And you have the Basics, right?”
I said, “The Basics? I’ve got all of LRH’s books.”
“His books? Oh, good, so you’ve got the Basics!”
“Um, well, I have the real Basics, if that’s what you mean.”
“Okay, you might not know this, but in 2007 LRH’s books were reissued with all punctuation errors removed and in the correct sequence according to LRH’s instructions…”
“Oh, you mean the Squirrel Basics?”
“Right! Some squirrels altered LRH’s original writing and the Basics have corrected that.”
“Unless it was the Squirrels who altered LRH’s writing and reissued them as the ‘Basics’.”
“Right. Wait, what? No, no… What did you say? I need to make sure we’re communicating here…”
“Look, my grandmother bequeathed her entire LRH library to me which consists of editions of his books from 1956 to 1978…”
“Oh no! Those are all squirrel editions! You have to bring all of those to your org right away, and we’ll give you a huge discount to get the corrected books which are On Source!”
By this time, I was really tiring of this whole discussion. “Listen, David Miscavige is a suppressive person, the so-called ‘Basics’ are all alter-ised LRH that I wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole, and the sooner you realize you are following a man who is destroying your religion, the sooner you can get back on Source. Take me off your mailing list and do not call me again. Good luck.”
I thought about going into a diatribe about my opinion of Scientology in general, but the one success I have had in convincing a (wavering) Scientologist to start questioning the current orthodoxy was to appeal to her belief in Hubbard. Baby steps, you know.
Anyway, I don’t know what to make of the “Los Angeles Scientology Call Center” which purported to remove me from their mailing list while actually trying to sell me $3,000 of L. Ron Hubbard’s thoroughly altered early writings. It was just weird, weird, weird. How desperate has Scientology become to do the detective work in tracking a supposedly under-the-radar Scientologist such as myself who has had no contact with any org since 1998? They are clearly reaching deep into their central files to get someone—anyone—to hit up for money or somehow convince to get back on lines.
Former SO member, Gary Titus, (RIP), told me this huge win that someone in the SO had regarding the Basic Books. They were doing call out and found a person who hadn’t been in an org for decades, was inactive and disaffected. They did their sales pitch to him about the Basics, so he bought them (sounds fishy to me), but the he read he basics and it miraculously revitalized him and he came in and got moving on his Bridge again. So from that one success in a million unsuccessful things, they decided the ticket is to concentrate on the disaffected and inactive people and that the Basics will revive them just as it did for this person. That is why they are tracking you down and calling all the inactive people on the Bridge.
Like any salesman, when you can turn doo-doo into gold, sell it like that. I would bet dollars to doughnuts that the story was made up.
The whole thing is just a retelling of the Biblical ‘lost sheep’ parable. I can believe that a lost sheep was found, not a lost clam.
Wow, that makes sense. Thanks for solving that mystery! Still, I remember Hubbard saying something about A=A=A being a symptom of insanity. I know I shouldn’t be surprised by anything at this point, but are Sea Org staff so brainlessly robotic that they pursue such thoughtless solutions? One size very rarely fits all.
” but are Sea Org staff so brainlessly robotic that they pursue such thoughtless solutions?”
Long answer: YES
The answer is YES, and you should have seen Gary’s face when he told me the story: he lit up like a Xmas tree. He obviously believed it and hung on every word of this miracle. That’s why the Advance Mag was so popular too: it was all about super powers and miracles and wowie zowie stuff that Scns, especially staff, ate up. Think about it. If you’re eating rice and beans, not getting sleep, working like a dog for little or no money, you have to have some kind of super power, super natural miracle that you hold out as the thing you’re working so hard to achieve. It gives them hope. Without that, they would all blow en mass.
Yes, Cindy, the going on hoping. I remember it so well. Going on hoping. It sustained me for 12 years, until I just couldn’t go on hoping anymore.
Eh? Lol
I’ve been inactive for about 34 years. And have no inclination to involve myself with the cult again. And my life has been the better for it. Way, WAY better! When you leave the cult you get your old life back!
I was ex SO, ex GO, gone since the early ’80s. I lived in a different state, under a different name, and was not on FB when they tracked me down in April 2011.
Their record keeping was not so great on me. All they had was a clear number. No clue I had ever been in SO, knew none of my training or auditing, none of my Staff Statuses or OEC, FEBC garbage. My first contact was Kendra Bogacz Whitcher.
It took 6 months and hundreds of calls from various people for me to shut them down because I made the initial mistake of telling them to leave me the f$&k alone. It was only after I thanked them (Larry Jacobs being the particular person I thanked – you can read about him in Blown for Good. He claims he never blew, but he also quoted Tom Cruise about how wonderful David Miscavige is so I know he’s a liar) for calling me so I could remember to donate to the Headley Legal fund, Mark Bunker or Tony Ortega because that’s what I did after every one of their calls. I did not receive one call after that. The letters had previously stopped when I stopped writing “Retutn to Stalker” on them and began using their BREs to send lLisa McPerson autopsy photos or copies of SP declares on David Miscavige. I wonder if I upset someone?
It was not until after the first call from Kendra that I even started investigating the current state of scientology, I had kept far far away from the subject for over 30 years. I only became a critic out of self defense after they began stalking me because it was the only way to shut them down. Otherwise I would have continued living my anonymous life in an anonymous town in the middle of nowhere.
They are either that desperate or that stooooopid. Or both.
Well, self-defense or not, I like your style!
Val. KO had Joe Lisa track you down and give that “reg” your contact info. Thought you should know
@Philip Thanks, if this is the Philip I think it is, I always thought it was your ex-wife who gave them the information. She was one of the few people who had any clue where I was. I have always regretted stopping by to say hi to her all those years ago.
Val. Ines and I are still together so it seems it is a different Philip you’re thinking of. Now I wonder if you are the Val I am thinking of. Where was your time in the GO and SO spent?
Wow, hi Philip! It’s been a LONG time…
You are correct you are not the Philip I was thinking of though I do believe I knew you. I was ASHO D then my GO office was in the basement at the manor.
Thank you for sharing that, Valerie. But did you mean Gary Jacobs, the former MAA at AOLA? Is he an ex now?
No Cindy, it was Larry Jacobs. He was the video team director at Int and had blown from when they were trying to get an event done and didn’t have the password to his computer. Read Blown for Good.
Cindy I did not mean to sound as rude as that comment came off. I apologize for being so brusque. I was typing in a hurry. But it was definitely Larry and I had a good time messing with Larry because I knew his backstory from BFG and he tried really hard to deny he had ever blown or his ex wife had recovered him then divorced him then he had gone to RPF.
He also had a giant pause after i said “is this conversation being recorded?” When he said no, my response was just “nice comm lag.” I laughed out loud when I asked him what he thought of David Miscavige and he quoted Tom Cruise’s medal of Valor acceptance speech. Then I said “so they’re making you Chinese School Tom Cruise now?” He said “well it’s true” to which I replied “I’ve met the man”.
Poor guy needed to practice his TRL. But he did keep his word. By the end of the conversation he told me he was going to make sure I was blacklisted because “I obviously read the Internet” to which I replied “well, YEAH” and since that day…crickets.
“The letters had previously stopped when I stopped writing “Return to Stalker” on them and began using their BREs to send Lisa McPerson autopsy photos or copies of SP declares on David Miscavige. I wonder if I upset someone?”
Valerie, I love you and your methods!
Interesting on the call center development.
Imagine that they tried real cold-calling brand new people. That would be a task and a half. From their perspective it would require genuine skill and some cojones, at the very least.
So, it is far,far easier and ‘confrontable’ to dig up older names. For them to track you down and give you a call actually has the potential to result in a conversation, even though your very funny response didn’t seem to totally get through at first.
I think the calll center is a ‘modern’ take on the older antiquated ‘letter registrar’ or to the never-ins, a job title for someone to contact people by letter to get them back on service. Letters are a dead duck today. So, maybe this call center replaces that, although as we see, some email letters are very much still in use as well.
Love your response Cooper. I’m sure it got tossed in her cognitive dissonance file along with many others. One of these days that file will be overloaded and then – she will be done.
Coop, why aren’t you are doing to your A to E to get back on the bridge (to nowhere)? By now you should have earned substantial savings that you can donate to the church of Scientology. David Miscavige would greatly appreciate your gesture (of utter stupidity). lol
‘Cause instead of A to E, Coop is now into A&E. ? KAW – Keep Aftermath Working
How did you figure that out? You both must be very Ohhhhhh Tea. LOL … the KAW is perfect.
Yo Dave,
We have some real Oh Tea success stories out here in the hinterland good buddy. And what the hell os the holed up on your SuMP for gawds sake? You Dave are officially a downstat now that You have missed Your Own assigned target of 21 June. Loser.
I have been lurking for a while…..born and raised in Scientology. I have been in doubt for a long time. My parents are ex Sea Org and one is on staff in a Class 5 Org. I am under the radar.
Thank you Mike and Leah Remini – for giving me the missing data. I am no longer in doubt.
I now see how I was ruining my life “being a Scientologist” and believing all the lies.
I was part of a criminal organization that is hurting people.
I finally went “crystal clear” after watching your show and the reading every book written by ex Scientologists. I have realized that Scientology and L Ron Hubbard are a complete and utter scam. Hubbard was a crazy criminal that used mind control to create his cult.
Thank you for having the courage to speak out. You saved my life and I will never go back to Scientology.
I can’t wait until episode 2 on A & E reveals more truth about how Scientology really works and I hope you show eventually shows the world how it disguises itself as a religion and uses the religious cloak to hide its crimes.
More people will leave – count on it ! It was my experience while on Staff that most people are in constant doubt but learn how to fake it. Your show is setting them free!
Great comment, Computer Guy.
“I was part of a criminal organization that is hurting people.”
Nails it. What other reason would one need to get the hell out?
Although I’m aware that for many it was not that simple.
I am so humiliated and embarrassed that I was in Scientology. I feel like a fool!
Congrats on getting out Computer Guy. I think people like you are the reason Leah Remini and other brave souls have taken on the bully “church”. Her mission is to educate people on the truth and help them to avoid the pain and misery of that ruthless organization. Your story is a success, and proof that “Something Can be Done About it”.
Computer Guy – so glad you’ve been able to find out the truth. I get that you feel like a fool. I think we’ve all felt that way. I did. I wasn’t born into it. I chose it myself. You were born into it and raised that way, so how would you know any better? It’s designed to make you think their way is THE ONLY way and it’s the winning way, powerful way, most theta, most successful, most honest, most enlightened, on and on, you’re the cream of the crop and have ALL the answers to life’s questions laid out for you, if you’ll just walk the path (aka Bridge) that’s been “taped out”. Right? That’s a very comfortable place to be and would be truly fantastic – if it were true.
Best wishes to you in your new awareness. I hope you can get through this without disconnection, I really really do. Please take it slow and try not to overreact and take it out on your parents. They’ve been fooled too.
Computer Guy,
The only people who deserve to feel humiliated and embarrassed are those still in.
They’re asleep, deluded and on a non survival death course.
You’re awake, aware, and on a survival course.
You had the perception, courage and intelligence to leave a ruthless, greedy, conscienceless organization that is hurting people and destroying families.
THEY are still there.
YOU are out.
Don’t be embarrassed: be proud.
Don’t be humiliated, be grateful, and hopeful, full of faith that someday, what you called forth within yourself will be what those Still In will call forth from themselves.
The embarrassment and humiliation is theirs for as long as they remain.
It ceased to be yours when you left.
My 2.
. .
“It was my experience while on Staff that most people are in constant doubt but learn how to fake it.”
They sure did learn how to fake it. I never got an inkling of any doubt from any staff member.
Thus, its highly encouraging and a key out (if you don’t mind a Scientology term) to get this opinion based on your experience.
Computer Guy, you’re right. Even back in the late 1980s to late 1990s, when I finally blew, most of our staff were in doubt, myself included. Of course, none of our public knew this, because we were all good at pretending we were 4.0 (enthusiasm) or above on the tone scale… HA!
Wow! This is great, T-Marie. Great data. So this 4.0 I’d get from the staff WAS fake. I suspected it, but…hard to explain, but I also doubted myself. I couldn’t ever decide! They really WERE good at this enthusiasm mock up. Amazing – I wrestled with this question for years. “How can they be so happy?”, I’d wonder. “They slave here all day, they make no money, the place is nearly empty…” Answer: they were acting! Duh! And the proof that it was an act was the rate of staff blow off – very high. Except for a small core of staff that stayed hear after year, the blow off rate was high. But nonetheless, according to them, being on staff was life changing, an incredibly good, enriching experience they were privileged to enjoy, etc. etc. VERY good acting AND/OR I was very dumb and gullible. Probably a mixture of both, LOL 🙂
Auquamarine, I was going to say too, that I should have won an Academy Award… LOL
Stat push?
Funny stapush. Coop, well done. Am feeling your scene. Sorry man.
No Problem here and thanks for the thought. I hope one day soon all those still in may free themselves from the Hitler Youth phenomena.
I did not make it into the Hitler Youth as I was too old but one of my juniors, Klaus Lohman on the Freewinds was actually in the Hitler Youth in the 40’s.
For me, being a SO member on the ship was probably no better than being in the Hitler Youth. Adolf did not claim to be the most ethical being on the planet and his stats were more accurate than DM’s. I am glad that I no longer have to work for either of them.
I had donated my life to the cause in the 1st couple of years I was in the SO. After that I was the owned property of the organization. When I was sent off to die of AIDS. I was given my power of choice back, though there did not seem to be much life left. Now I feel like I am in another lifetime and it is me to make the most of it.