Here is yet ANOTHER “seminar” on making money pushed by the “church” of scientology.
It’s thrust upon the world by the “Senior Administrative Consultant” (whatever that is?) of the “new” LA Org. Obviously a Sea Org member, as everyone in LA Org is now SO, which makes this guy an expert on money — he rakes in and manages an annual income of $2500 in a good year.
Of course, what would a scientology promotional piece be without a glaring typo — commonly in the headline as here (also check out the copyright notice).
For good measure, and just to reinforce the point, though in point of fact it need not be said (a little shermanspeak to lighten the mood, no sentence can start with enough introductory modifying phrases), here is ANOTHER pitch sent out the SAME DAY to suck in some more gullibles. This time in the name of the Valley “soon-to-be new ideal org.”
While LA gets Henry Ospitia, Valleyites are graced by the world renowned OT Ambassador, Michael Chan.
And surprise, surprise — his seminar is ALSO about how to “increase your income…” (there are plenty of people riding this horse — Gavin Potter, the BLS guy at Flag, Patrick Valtin, Bruce Wiseman etc etc)
Oh, what a fine religion scientology proves itself to be.
One could easily categorize scientology as the religion that worships money. But that would not be strictly accurate.
This is the the church that COVETS OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY and its sacraments are devoted to siphoning every dollar possible from anyone that comes in contact with them. And now it has become a necessary element to teach others people how to make money so they can hand it over as quickly as they can make it.
Scientology is fond of explaining to the world that they “have to make money” in order to keep their doors open, just like every other church.
But what they never come out and say is that this is their ONLY real activity and that the vast majority of their efforts are devoted to making money, NOT to “servicing their parishioners” and certainly not to “benefiting the community at large.” Show me another “religion” that conducts seminars and training and workshops that are virtually EXCLUSIVELY devoted to “increasing income.”
That is a challenge the church of scientology cannot meet.
Hiatus57 says
That would be Amway Mike,
But at least you get some washing up liquid that works!
Foolproof says
I don’t know what the font is that Michael Chan is using in these semi-official releases from the Church but I find them quite hard to read. It is almost as if the font is trying to “stab” one’s eyes. I wonder if such is intentional? Have a read (if you can bear the drivel) and see if you can also see what I mean. I think that there is a sort of “science” to do with choice of fonts, although seemingly unimportant, and which is used to bring over a message such as “authority” or “calmness” or whatever it is supposed to do to the recipient/reader, depending on the author wishes. This font choice I find is quite irritating, never mind the nonsense written thereby.
Kronomex says
“…that conducts seminars and training and workshops that are virtually EXCLUSIVELY devoted to “increasing income.” That is a challenge the church of scientology cannot meet.”
It does work, just look at Cap’n Straightjacket Extraordinaire’s bank balance grow and grow evey day.
Bruce says
Interesting how these purported “experts at making money” in CO$ are not put to better use actually running a business for the church to actually EARN money instead of parasitically Fundraise off of members. For example, the Catholic Church has schools and hospital businesses, LDS Church has Cattle Farms, and I’m sure other religious groups have other legit businesses….So, why not have CO$ put their vaunted moneymaking “experts” to work running some legit businesses, and earn money fair and square from that? After all, as $cientologists, they are Superior Beings with Superior mental faculties – Running a legit business should be childs play for them ….(answer: they won’t of course, because these “experts” could not even run a lemonade stand – all they know is how to TAKE money, not work hard and EARN it.)
Jens TINGLEFF says
Really, Mike! You’re forgetting the sacrement of “us[ing] the law to harass (rather than win)” with the purpose of “If possible, of course, ruin him utterly”
The religiousness of this always brings a lump to my throat!
Still on your side says
42,000 square feet is not enough space? Are there lines out the door from the church’s third floor suite at 1515 Hancock Street in Quincy? There must be, after all the church is sharing that floor with other businesses, and according to the information on the following website, those suites are not that big: Indeed, if the church needs more than 42k square feet for its members, the block surrounding its current office must be so crowded with members waiting to get in traffic is being stopped. Right…..
Still on your side says
(This was written in response to SadStateofAffairs’ comment about the sale of the Alexandria Hotel.)
Robert Almblad says
Henry does not appear to be trained or audited. At least he is not on the websites that follow this sort of thing like the Truth About Scientology. While most SO staff are not audited or trained either, I think he’s too fat or too old to be on staff.
Looking at Henry’s own website, I would guess Henry is more or less a “wog” consultant with good stats to attract an Spanish speaking audience to listen to him about making money. He is also probably a “Scientologist” that the LA Org SO execs turned to after their total failure to financially turn around LA Org. They are now thinking Henry might help them pull in some people with a decent job and some money. This would be instead of Miscavige’s lame idea of body routing 600 poor people a week from the metro station into the Org who have no money, no job and nothing to do… Yeah, right. Like that’s going to work… ha, what a f**king joke.
The new Jackbooted Sea Org staff at the LA Org have a lot to learn. New people with decent money will notice when they getting pounced on for their money in exchange for nothing. That is why they have money. They are not drunk on Koolaide…… so they run for the hills.
Here’s a clue SO staff at LA Org: try using a gun at the bank. That’s how most crooks get their money.
Joe Pendleton says
Anyone here ever seen Michael Chan in action? I’m very intrigued by what I’ve heard about him.
Swedenborgian Scientology Watcher says
A question I (as a distant observer) have frequently wondered about… How are these “talks” not “verbal tech”?
Sweet Apostate says
YA know, I’ve never been to one of these “How to make boatloads of money” seminars. But, why don’t they just advise the attendees to start a religion and get people to donate large sums of money for statuses?
It has been a successful action before…
Beryl says
If Scientology ever really was about “clearing the planet” or saving it from self destruction, then it would have been affordable enough for the average Dick or Jane. Prices started out high, then became very high, and then became simply unaffordable. That, along with the corruption of the technology, has made the bridge is impossible to cross.
Steph says
Merry Christmas, Mike ! I wish for you a happy holiday and prosperous New Year!
Thank you for everything you do on this blog. You help more than you probably know!
cindy says
They are having a sales seminar to teach you how to sell without appearing to sell. This is being 1.1, covertly hostile. I see so much covertness now in the church.
One example: an Indie friend went to the doctor. She started asking him when did this start and was there anything going on in your life at that time? He could tell by her questioning that she was a Scn. He asked her if she was a Scn. She got flustered and didn’t answer the question. She obviously tried to hide the fact that she is a Scn. He persisted and said that he is a Scn and that he could tell by her questioning, she was looking for the PTS terminal or thing that had set this off. She finally then admitted she was a Scn. But she had been covert about it and hiding it before this.
So then he said that yes actually there was something that occurred about that time. He said he was not happy with some of the things he saw in the church, so he started reading about it on the internet and the church found out and excommunicated him from the church and had everyone disconnect from him because he read on the internet.
She told him to go in the waiting room for a few minutes. Ten minutes later this doctor sent her underling out to tell him that the doctor can’t help you and we aren’t going to charge you for this visit. They were trying to get him out of there quickly. Before the Dr knew he was a Scn, she had told him there was lots she could do to help him. But when she found out he was not in good standing, she made him wait while she called church people to be told what to say, and then she came back and said she can’t help him, whereas before she said there was plenty she could do to help him. DISCRIMINATION. FAIR GAME, DISCONNECTION. He has a lawsuit here if he chooses to sue.
Mission guy says
Henry Ospitia was doing same type of paid seminars in la in 90’s, got run out for ethical offenses. Texas next, did time in sin city Vegas. he’s not only “slick” but came up as huge negative influence in la org before. I can’t believe he is welcomed back with the new hot shot so team in the,ideal Pac. Same old same old.
He always has his other side business on too of his scn sales (10% commission).
Chuck Beatty says
The French and Belgian officials have it right!
Jose Chung says
What is taught is a Orwellian mind game made to make you think giving
all your money to the COB makes you rich. If you have no money you are then convinced that taking money from others and not paying them back is for the greater Good and pro survival.
Then ultimately declaring bankruptcy is the right thing to do to be an upstat church member.
These bogus seminars want your credit card numbers to covertly track you after you go home
when your credit lines increase it’s like ESP the IAS Reg’es know just when to come calling.
Watch the indicators of an IAS reg when you tell him/her that you are destroying
ALL your credit cards !!!!!!
NOW THAT IS REAL SELLLING !!!! ( typo deliberate)
LDW says
The whole agonized future of this planet and every man, woman and child on it depend on what you do here and now with your credit card.
Abi Ja says
Mike since you are the master blaster, let me ask you a question …
To me word church is synonymous to sanctuary, having said that, in cold winter if I walk into a CO$ church will i get a hot cup of soup and a warm place to sleep? or do I have to give them my blood to survive the cold and stormy night ????
Is there anything I (if homeless and hungry) can get from CO$ ???? I can even settle for rice and bean if it is free.
Mike Rinder says
No charity — that’s for downstats.
Abi Ja says
so that means that even for rice and beans I have to pay in form of sec checks and get “voluntarily” forced into RFP and only after that i can get rice and beans ????
What about warm bed ? or even a patch of grass under a tree in INT base?
Do I have to pay for that as well in form of sec check?
Mike Rinder says
No, you have to pay for that by signing up for a billion years…
McCarran says
You can get the rice and beans, Abi, but for that you’ll have to sell your soul.
Zzzzzzz says
Abi ja, I was traveling a few years ago and I hurt myself physically. I found the nearest Cl V org. One I had never visited before. I drove there and introduced myself to the receptionist as a past long term church member and former staff member and showed my IAS card. I stated my situation and asked nicely if there was any staff or student who might be able to give me a touch assist and if so I’d give some exchange back. Suddenly the Div 1 Sec marched out to the Reception desk and gave me an interrogation as to who and what I was. I think the receptionist must have had a buzzer under her desk that she pushed for difficult people like me who might show up asking for Scientology. Of course I didn’t get a touch assist.
Doug Parent says
Well technically speaking it is a “church” and it is a “religion” with an organized set of beliefs. however, it is also a crime syndicate, and a cult operating as a business but posing as “religious”. There is nothing religious about being declared a suppressive person and being cut off from your son and daughter like for example, Lori Hodgson. And this is just one way Scientology is destroying itself. Good riddance.
Steph says
The definition of Scientology should be changed to “knowing how to fleece”.
Potpie says
I guess if you just sell instead of selllllllliiiiinnnnnggg you won’t truly prosper.
Who the hell is their prooooof reader anyway?
Michael has never delivered his Number…oops….Part 2 talk to LA?
My guess is it is full of crap information.
cindy says
Yep, that is what Number 2 is after all, crap.
yvonneschick says
Henry was public in Houston and Austin and I seriously doubt he is now in the SO. He has had a very up and down business career including some pretty nice ups though last I heard he was on a down. Looks like he may be working as a business (administrative) consultant now. He definitely qualifies as a salesman deluxe, very slick.
When I was still in, I helped organize and promote lots of seminars like this. We got people in the door (I always disliked the expression “bodies in the shop”) and hoped to rekindle their reach when needed. Anything related to money and finance was always a popular topic among the mostly financially strapped scn parishioners.
Starman (Bruce Goldman) says
yes, I recall having Henry on my reg list for Miami. He told me he lived in Texas, this was around 2008-2011 or so. I believe he was a physician.
Friend says
Scientology is fond of explaining to the world that they “have to make money” .. yes sure, since many years it is the generality given for every member .. in the old days I said, if I take the money in my poket another has to work for it .. so is business .. one gets more than another because management activity ..
But I said also, if we want to clear the planet, we should not go that this way .. but ist was said the able should become more able .. so then he makes more money .. and I said: the unable will than never come up the Bridge to be able .. and the expected unable is maybe much more able to have a good heart for his friends as any able will ever have .. so I said: fuck me with your concept of making money .. it is so stupid as you are yourself ..
Note: Apple made billions .. okay, that’s business with a good idea .. but no worker for the product became ever rich .. most of them cannot pay fpr Scientology .. they have no way to make more money as long somebody is there who wants to make more money for himself ..
Note: everybody on this world who became rich has taken the work or money from others .. this is not the way to clear a planet ..
Note: I said once: 500.000 x is more money as exist .. and I wrote that also once to LRH personally ..
PJ says
H ello, my name is Henry Ospita, and here is a little bit about myself:
I was introduced by my brother-in-law to Scientology back in 1984. I started to get curious how he was becoming more certain about himself and the things he started saying about life made sense.
I did 4 hours of Dianetics which totally blew my mind.
I found out I was living someone else’s life; my dad’s and not mine. This really changed my viewpoint about life and ever since I have not stopped nor do I have any plans of stopping to search and find more of me. I boomed my Air Conditioning business with the application of LRH’s administrative technology. I saw I could do much more than what I was doing and am now a full time Consultant helping large organizations as well as schools, families and small community clubs and organizations to accomplish their goals.
I now have my own talk show in Houston everyday from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. on 920 AM called “The Secrets of Success”. I love people and I love helping those who wish to be helped. And most of all I love LIFE.
If you wish to know more concerning anything I have written, e-mail me and we’ll definitely see how we can help each other.[End]
Mike Rinder says
Thanks Peter. My mistake.
Though this is even more remarkable — they import 200 SO members and they don’t have anyone to give Div 6 lectures?
McCarran says
Well, Mike, that’s because the Div 6ers are busy body routing 600 new people into LA Org – every week! Much more important.
Old Surfer Dude says
And they’re all routing onto courses. All of them. Every single one of them. No exceptions. The entire 600 new people that walked through the doors of the L.A. Org became scientologists. No one left the org. All have found solace with the most ethical people on the planet. Yep! Six hundred brand new church members.
And that’s happening every single week too!
Joe Pendleton says
I don’t for a moment believe 600 new people were routed into LA org in a week … but IF that is in fact a true stat I have two words to add to it … “free food” …
Mike Rinder says
And “All gone”…
cindy says
PJ so great to hear you have succeeded so much after leaving the church. YOu had bona fide wins, took your wins with you and left to create your own life! Nice.
hgc10 says
From Michael Chan’s pitch for his “Part 2 Talk”…
“I will go over many important LRH concepts on postulates, imagination, increasing ability, generating interest at will, power of choice and more data on income and prosperity.”
In other words, it’s a seminar on wishful thinking. Magical thinking. That’s the sum total of it.
I’m certainly not one of those “all religions do it” trolls that OSA sends into public forums, but I do find it amusing anyway the atrocious traits that Scientology shares with many other religious groups. Constant exercise in wish fulfillment is one of those traits. Seriously, Mr. Chan’s seminar isn’t too different from getting together to chant nam-myoho-renge-kyo to awaken your Buddha nature (and fork over the dough).
Aquamarine says
Mike, its Monday and you’re the only one who will see this comment, but I have to make it anyway: These characters who hold seminars to teach the rest of us how to postulate new realities give me a pain and today I wish I could attend one of these, just to be able to raise my hand and ask, “Have YOU (Seminar Leader) postulated (an Ideal Org, a flourishing and prospering org, 5X your income, etc.) ? If so, how is that postulate working out for you? You are, after all, the so-called “postulate expert” here, so tell us all about your “straight up and vertical” wins with this tech, OK?”
Doug Parent says
Right on Mike. From a strictly post consumer ex-cult member perspective, (I was never on staff) you are absolutely spot on as always. When the 5% monthly price increases were started back in the early 80’s it became clear (to me) that it WAS all about the money. The proclamation by the cult that it is not about the money is just another one of the big whopping lies that need to be sorted through for oneself. But the cult makes it dangerous to do so. Even more reason to step back folks and get all the data. Look for yourself. Think for your self. Trust your own reality, your own perceptions. Do what seems right TO YOU. Everything will then eventually sort out. My postulate; that each and every Scientologist this coming year can fully and completely evaluate things for themselves WITH NO CONCERN FOR THE CONSEQUENCES. The truth is never a bad thing.
Chuck Beatty says
Sarcastic remark: “No, those late 1970s price increases were to pay staff better, since prices (fixed donations), were too low and needed raising! How to help poor staff survive but make an adjustment to the fixed donation levels!”
Raising and lowering the “fixed donation” set amounts for Scientology’s spiritual services is hidden by this more prominent straight donation rah rah-ing frenzy these last many years.
But still, on the books, in history, is Scientology’s raising the fixed donation amounts for their lineup of spiritual courses and pseudo-past-life-trauma “therapy” and their high volume dead space alien exorcism to rid themselves, one by one, of their “body thetans” which Xenu mass murdered and implanted 75 million years ago which are still supposedly stuck on earth on our bodies, for which OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are today necessary to uninfest ourselves of.
It all costs money to run these orgs, and some sort of payback system, LRH concluded.
It’s all a rather good reason to quit this whole setup. Do your fantasy past life pseudo-therapy on yourself and others for free, “co-audit/co-exorcise” one another for free in the freezone, if you must do this stuff on yourselves!
RolandRB says
I’d SO like this to appear on the Church of Scientology London events calendar. I’d be straight onto the City of London Corporation that grants them charitable rates relief.
True, this has nothing to do with Religion, never has, and never will…that says it all
SadStateofAffairs says
Off Topic, but I can’t resist. See Tony Ortega blog today. Boston org is now selling it’s Ideal Org Building (the Alexandria Hotel) claiming it is not big enough. This is after trying for years to raise the money to renovate it. This is after it sold the beautiful building it had owned for years, and now it is “temporarily” located in a suburb. So they will have a pile of money from the sale of their old owned building, and their new owned building, but they lost the building they owned, and now do not have a new building purchased, let alone designed or renovated or opened. This, in a nutshell, is their “progress” 11 years into the Ideal Org program.
Mike Rinder says
Right — more proof that the ideal org program is a total fail.
Let’s not forget that this is the org that L. Ron Hubbard talked about in LRH ED 339R as proof that others could make an org “as big as old St Hill.” Yes, it was stat pushed to a bigger scene in the early 70’s, but it was never viable and could not be sustained. It has shrunk since then, apparently getting smaller by the year.
No matter how many times they announce their “massive expansion” and “we need bigger quarters to meet the needs of our parishioners” not a soul believes it as it flies in the face of ALL evidence.
Pathetic really.
And they are going to lose a ton of money selling this one too, just like the other building they took an option on and didnt buy and got sued over.
Meanwhile, they are paying rent now that they never had to pay before. That’s eating into whatever meager staff pay they have, so more staff will leave.
Friendly Lurker says
If a “New Religious Movement” cannot make it in Boston, it cannot make it anywhere.
McCarran says
I guess we’re hearing the next shore story behind sell-offs. “We need BIGGER!”
Old Surfer Dude says
Did he indicate that 42,000 sq ft is not enough space to train and audit members with a straight face? Or was he given a pill to calm his nerves so he wouldn’t start laughing hysterically? I mean, I’ve done acting and there’s absolutely no way I could pull that off!
Potpie says
Doesn’t Miscavige, I mean the COS own the Ideal Org Bldg they want to sell?
Who has that pile of money? Who will keep the proceeds from the sale of the Ideal Org Bldg.?
Do the poor souls who forked over hard earned money have a say so in where the money goes and how it is handled in the future? Should they trust a group that made such stupid decisions
with their money? A group that wouldn’t lift a finger to renovate the Ideal Bldg but now is more than willing to sell at a loss……yes it is pathetic…..not only pathetic in terms of the church but also pathetic on the part of the people who shelled out money for the Ideal Bldg in the first place. I bet they don’t run their own businesses that way…..they are pretty stupid to let the church get away with this sort of crap.
SadStateofAffairs says
What is striking about the Boston org cautionary tale is that it has ended up where it is now as a direct result of a series of insane, idiotic orders from above: They asked to sell their old building before the real estate crash of 2008 and would have gotten a very hefty figure for it then. Above said “no.” I believe there was also another, better building they wanted to buy earlier, but again above said no. Then above approved the purchase of the Alexandria, which as it turns out is the white elephant of all white elephants. Then I am sure they were pressured to sell their old building, at a much lower price then they could have gotten earlier, based on orders and promises from above that they would be able to get into the Alexandria in a timely manner, which was total BS. So here they are today. It has cost them 11 years, millions and millions of dollars, god knows how much blood, sweat and tears by staff and public to follow the orders. And now we have the result.
David Miscavige must be among the STUPIDEST, MOST DESTRUCTIVE managers ever. Yes, Miscavige will blame any underling he can for all this, but he is the Source of the destruction of Boston Org. Great show Dave. And you’ve got a number of other orgs on the path to similar demises.
Eileen says
That’s not a typo, sellling is better than selling. But it’s not as good as selllling or sellllling.
Steph says
I holhartedlee agreeeee, Eilleeeeeen !!!!!!!!
Old Surfer Dude says
I agree, Eileeen! As you can see, you’re actually MORE Eileeen now. Makes perfect sense to me. I mean, sure selling is good, but not nearly as good as sellling. And selllling just takes the cake! I get it…
zemooo says
When ever Is lots of LLLLL’s, I think of feet walking or running away. Freudian slip anyone?
Zzzzzzz says
A “held down L” key. Scientology can fix that.
McCarran says
You guys are on a rollllllll!!!!!!!
Old Surfer Dude says
For $1,000,000 dollars. Hey, these “L” keys can be as expensive as hell to fix. Especially when you’re making it all up as you go along…
The Dark Avenger says
They’re masters of MEST, but simple errors that a moderately intelligent 6th grader could catch somehow slip by them like an adder slithering past them in the dark.
JennyAtLAX (@JennyAtLAX) says
Re: …what would a scientology promotional piece be without a glaring typo — commonly in the headline as here (also check out the copyright notice).
“I, Jennifer Alive Linvon, declare and vtate as folllowv: I am a revident of California, a United Statev citizen and am 43 yearv old. I am of vound mind and am fullly qualified to make the folllowing statementv. I have prepared thiv Declaration by choice, not compulvion, av an exercive of my free willl, and without any presvure, coercion, or duresv concerning itv content or preparation from anyone.”
Zephyr says
Jenny dear, let me help you out here a bit:
how about “foul mind”?
Roger says
From my personal experiences since 1970,it was always about the money.other cults are the same.i remember 1972 at asho when we were all reading big league sales closing techniques. I felt like I was involved with Kirby vacuum sales good ng door to least back then there were people talking about there wins, now it is your next status and how much can you give us. No talk about getting auditing.
Unfortunately it will keep going until people wake up.
Potpie says
I could never get on that big league sales band wagon back then.
The purpose of all that flew right over my head…..duh.
All I wanted was to train and receive processing……how silly was that?
Richard Grant (@richardgrant) says
Mike, do we know that Mr. Ospitia is really SO? The title “consultant” often denotes an outsider brought in for some special expertise. If that’s the case, it offers a striking if small insight into the management of this one-of-a-kind, 100% standard org.
statpush says
Maybe the LA Org should hire him?
That’s one thing I don’t understand about the many WISE Consultants I’ve known over the years. They claim to work wonders for doctors, dentists, chiropractors, etc, yet their local org is floundering, bereft of public, with staff overworked and underpaid. And these people live and breath “the tech” 24/7. Can these WISE Consultants not see this? And if they DO see it, why haven’t they offered their services pro bono, to whip the org into shape with this amazing tech? Do they not care? Or is it every man for himself?
The state of orgs, not just today, but historically, is proof that the application of admin tech does not result in prosperity or sustainability. The only environments where it is seen to “work” (I’m being VERY generous here) is in Sea Org orgs, which is like saying Admin Tech is THE tech for quasi-military, communist/socialist slave labor camps.
Sammy says
Henry looks like he can’t change his underwear, let alone change a whole life.
Wouldn’t you love to see the ‘Money’ song from Cabaret done on stage by a bunch of Sea Ogres in full Sea Ogre drag?
zemooo says
Almost every musical group from the O’Jays to Pink Floyd have songs about money. But the CO$ lives it. I really don’t understand why anyone would listen to Henry Ospitia, a virtual nobody drone on about ‘havingness’ and ‘the senior data’. The poor guys dead eyes say it all.
The Dark Avenger says
What good is sitting alone in your bunk
Come hear the whales get regged
Life is an Ideal Org, old friend
Life is an Ideal Org.
cindy says
OMG Mike and Sammy, you had me ROFL. What a picture that made. I think the IRS should see this blog, today especially, to see how much the church promotes making money, and make more money on and on…. that alone proves it is a business and not a church. We need to get the IRS to withdraw it’s adjudication that it’s a church and call it what it is: a business. And not a very good one at that.