With all the massive international expansion and flood of people moving up the bridge, 10 times more than ever, etc etc one would imagine the heads of the organizations at the top of the Bridge would be flat out dealing with this overwhelming tide of OT’s.
Instead, the “Commanding Officer” of the FSSO (responsible for delivering OT VIII — really her ONLY job) and the D/CO Flag AO (responsible for delivering OT I – VII, his SOLE job) are visible for another reason. Begging people to do FILING at Valley Org.
Not even a global beg for filing everywhere (which apparently IS needed) — just a single org so they can “open.”
It is revelatory that scientology apparently only has the bandwidth to do ONE thing. Today it is files in Valley. A few weeks ago it was attendance for the New Year’s event. Before that it was the fundraising for Valley. Everyone from the top of the org board to the bottom and the public are zero’d in on a single thing. They apparently cannot cope with anything beyond a single event at a time, even though they are in the midst of a “golden age” of “expansion” and “more interest in scientology than ever.” Imagine if the head of Marketing, R&D and Finance of Microsoft were all worrying about the opening of a single store. Inconceivable.
Scientology pretends it is a multi-billion dollar global empire like Apple – in truth it is a mom and pop liquor store.
The Emperor truly has no clothes.
These are my files. I am very unhappy with the idea that this fraud “company” has my files.
HOW to geh them? Or burn them?
Better the Government gets them, than his mafia-guys.
On the Freewinds I was responsible for all of the mechanical work done in the drydock by anyone. In the last drydock it was an insane amount of work. Among other things, we had to remove both propeller shafts and overhaul the variable pitch propellers. Then, since security had to go to the hotel to guard the delivery of OTVIII, I was pulled off of my work to hold QM watches on the ship. And it is not like the work can take as long as needed. The dock is only reserved for so many days and it costs a fortune per day just to sit there. And when one of the shafts were being removed and I just happened to be there, the crane could not hold the weight and almost dropped it into the dock. Even the stupidities that could be avoided are not. Sea Org members are considered to be OT. By that, I mean that they can eat OT amounts of Bullshit.
The ‘OT AMBASSADORS/ Flag, ( WISE business Consultants)formerly known as FSM’ s from Boston Mass.
( 1975) were shopping at Natures Food Patch in Clearwater, Florida sat night
1/ 14/ 2017 located next to ‘Life Works/ Ned Chiropractic/ scientologists business.
In walked / showed up sea org uniformed / sting ops same time.
I was there to get my water.
Since, flag ops(OSA) have my picture & s.s file
as former flag public whistleblower I was targetted again.
Check out ‘Natures Food Patch’
Would be so cool if you & Leah ate lunch there.
It says;The truth is that the public knows us by our MEST. Even liars speak the truth sometimes.
Cause Resurgence Rundown Phase II …. start filing …. keep filing …. keep filing …. “My God! I’ve never been so blown out in my whole freakin’ existence as a being!!!!!!!!! I never thought I could mock up the energy and perception to keep alphabetizing and filing for six months 10 hours a day seven days a week … but now I know I CAN DO ANYTHING!!!!!!!! The universe will truly be ours!!!!!!!’ Thank you COB for finding the lost filing tech and thank you Edie Lundeen for helping me arrange the third mortgage to get the 40 Gs for this great action. And the re-do’s are half price!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
great article on how the LRH DM COS gets people to work for nothing with the make believe LRH DM COS exchange in abundance.
free labor because you are OT. Take responsibility!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, now now !!!!!!!!!
Honestly, I could see why DM would NEVER digitize all of Scientology’s files. It would put the truth about Scientology into easily hacked/downloadable/convenient file form. No way to lie about a shrinking membership database and if Anonymous got sensitive info about Tom Cruise’s auditing sessions the main body of the church would implode. Keeping things in boxes, loose leaf paper, and in bulky form, it gives the appearance of truth to their inflated claims. The last thing DM would want to see is the light of digital record keeping shining onto this morass of lies.
That is exactly what I thought. If files were scanned the files could be hacked. But there must be a separate file area for Sea Org members or higher ups so that when the blow drill is announced, the files are easily accessible, correct? How else would they know where to send the goons to attempt recovery quick enough to make a difference?
What on earth are they DOING with these files?
I volunteered to help in the early 2000’s at Valley and we were at the Letter L.
2017 – 2003 = 14
14 years of All Hands and they haven’t made it to Z?
One of the real exponential technologies -blockchain database technology- is eliminating paperwork, manhours and costs. Your archaic files are about as useful as some blogger reaching into a grab bag of eclectic literature and attempting to draw some sort of kooky linear conclusion; a non-poet, unable to discern a ‘repetition of history’ from a rhyming of human events moving onward.
“Our future never looked brighter”, she mumbled as she gazed absently out the window.
Sorta off topic I just checked Phil & Willie Jones’ “CALL ME” Bill board campaign is coming along nicely. They have collected $8,360 of $9,950 goal…..here is the link to the GoFundMe page if anyone here has some extra change to donate…..https://www.gofundme.com/stopscientologydisconnection
Just donated $50 and I’ve never been a Scientologist. Such a worthy cause.
This line really struck home for me: “It is revelatory that scientology apparently only has the bandwidth to do ONE thing”.
When I was on staff circa 2011/2012 this was exactly my experience. The org was constantly in “cope” mode with whatever activity DM or someone up the lines dreamed up to “get blah blah done immediately”.
And then it was a case of “all hands on deck” as every staff member frantically ran around trying to fulfill the latest insane and completely undo-able order. If it wasn’t “deliver 40 PE workshops every week” then it was “500 letters out every week” (and that meant EVERY staff member had to write letters because we only had 30 staff!). Or suddenly “IAS needs $20,000 THIS WEEK” (every staff member got a quota of people to hit up for a donation – including the auditors) or “immediately complete program blah blah and report it as DONE by Thursday” (never mind the program was dated 2003, had never been completed before, and 8 years later was suddenly fingered as the big “why” for the org not being solvent – or some similar BS). All of this in addition to the usual craziness of getting one’s stats up, running an entire Division with 3 staff etc – AND all-hands call-in for the increasing number of events foisted on us virtually weekly.
On and on it went with no let-up in between. No sooner had one run themselves frazzled trying to comply with that week’s crisis, order or “flap” when the next would be upon you and it would was equally as VITAL as the last. Everything operated on a NOW NOW NOW basis – it was hair raising, insane and constant.
For months after leaving staff I would wake up with night-sweats having just dreamed I had “forgotten to do so-and-so and now I would be in deep shit”.
As I write this, I truly appreciate how thankful I am to be OUT.
A fascinating account of a real life McHale’s Navy!
Sounds like working for the Cosmodmonic Telegraph Company.
Absolute insanity is all I can say! I just cannot believe that people put up with all that shit.
Exactly how it was for me as well. Totally nuts. I was always worried how much trouble I was going to be in for non-compliance to some shit.
maybe l’m wrong here, but isn’t there some part of the cf that shouln’t be spread all over everywhere. how about where a person lives, how much he’s paid the cherch, where he is on the bridge, his personal phone #,his family’s address. i don’t know. some things were meant to e private, ithink.
Oh, I don’t know… CF ain’t so bad. If it wasn’t for CF think of where else we would have had to do all those amends for the countless liability formulas thrust upon us.
It sort of follows the same logic of why some people hit themselves repetitively with a hammer – it feels great when you stop!
This would be like the CEO of GM begging people to sweep the floor at Burbank GM dealership…
This is 10X worse that the Emperor has no clothes
What’s worse still, is Scientologists are selling blue sky following Hubbard’s craziness, and all of the lower variations of craziness frankly pale compared to the full Hubbard snipe hunting organizations everyone is caught up playing Snipe-Hunter Commanding Officer here and there.
And sad is this is all organized blue sky hunting in keeping with earth’s snipe-hunting earlier similar traditions.
The layers of idiocy when you get old enough to see it all, is …… I’m lost for words.
I love the role you have played in exposing this cult for what it is. The courage is amazing! I want to know of you and John Sweeney are friends.
Yes, good friends. He and his wife came to the US to attend my wedding. I see him whenever I am in London and he sees me if he comes this way. One of the funniest people I know. And bravest.
Okay. If we read the CO Freewinds and Flag D/CO letters, this is what we now know:
They are bypassing the entirety of management from them on down to the field of one org. 10 or 20 tiers maybe?
The CF (central files or client files) function belongs to a junior within the Valley org, who reports up through a couple of layers of management to the ED of the Valley org.
The CF function does not belong to the public or clients of the org.
The fact of the letter, means you can’t rely on existing management structures to get it done.
No one in local management, no one in the regional management, no one in Flag or international management. Those structures obviously don’t work.
The letters are orders. They have sec checks as incentives. They are not using policy to get it done, just orders. The orders are trying to implement a policy. Hmmmmm.
The policy is selectively made to be important.
They don’t apply justice policies, so why the files policy? Or is policy now just something thye use to reinforce their orders, as it suits them? (Rhetorically speaking)
Not to mention that this is for an ideal org, which is a series of orders not remotely backed up by any policy whatsoever.
What a pathetic mess. This blog and the Leah series is all assisting in “draining the swamp…..”
The cover photo for today’s piece made my eyes water and I kept sneezing.I spent so much time in CF 74-78 it is a wonder I made it out in one piece what with all the paper dust,silverfish and bananna boxes to tote.As I read the desperate twist your arm slowly out of the socket if you do not come CF The Valley letters,I had to laugh.What a juxtaposition!The same treadmill of CF filing as there ever was and at the same moment Miscavige spends millions for titanium storage in mountains for the RTC and come back Ron mega mansions,yet toiling in CF must proceed.Thank you Mike.??
It’s funny how both these letters have an almost threatening tone towards OT’s, like they should be aware of how much they should be helping out because they’re OT’s, but they’re not. So they have to be reminded. Most Sea Org are jealous of the lives non-Sea Org folks are living, and there’s this not so opaque veil around them all that says, “If I have to work grueling hours , days on end, so will you”. Something like that. They just wish so hard that these “Wog public” would join the S.O. so they could “give them what for”. That’d show em.
I noticed the same thing! However, that’s not a almost threatening tone. No, sir! That your Grade A threat. A, “I know where you live threat.” And, “Your ass will be mine if you don’t comply threat.” Wouldn’t want to be an OT in this environment. Sucks being OT.
Yea, I guess the gradient is, at first, just a covert threat, with the understanding that if it’s not “understood”, will develop into the grade A type. So come on all you OT’s, go file some folders!
Any paying public might as well become staff or join the SO because there is no way you are allowed to just have a normal life and do scn as something “extra”, and especially if you are an “OT”. No longer can one just be normal, you are “either with us or against us”. One of the things that really struck me when I came back on the lines after more than 30 years was how the paying public was treated, like a real shit hole and if you are ex-SO you are considered an even more of a shit hole. You have to be doing something to help or else you are out-ethics, OR paying HUGE amounts of money for services or buildings or the “ideal orgs”.
And you know, I wouldn’t mind being heavily involved if they actually were accomplishing something toward helping folks. You know, a world without crime, insanity etc.etc. But they just aren’t. They’re doing the opposite. I think they’re the most hypocritical group around. Their philosophy says one thing, and there actions say another. I joined the Sea Org to help. I ended up being held prisoner then declared. Lord of the f**#kin flies man!
“:Literally, nation changing-changing events taking place at your Ideal org in Inglewood.”
Read that line again from Rabey’s message.
Is the man actually, at this point in time, insane?
I’m not trying to be funny in asking that. (sanity being the ability to recognize similarities, differences and identities, as was once said)
Any of you read David Mayo’s interview for Bald-Faced Messiah or his other statements of life with LRH through the years that covers the 60s and 70s through the early 80s? I just re-read them yesterday. It’s not a pretty picture, folks. Along with Lois’ story, you do get an idea that Ron was himself often REALLY fucked up. The essential problem one faces in a fundamentalist religion is that as one accepts a single source of truth, that by the very nature of it coming from that source, ANY and every statement by definition within that group is simply TRUTH.
The other day I found online the HCO B Introspection Rundown and looked at it from you might say a “tech perspective” and though I was already a pro auditor and CSing some when this came out in early 1974, I paid no attention to it really as I did not have to deliver it at all. But the other day I did in fact read it. Grandiose statement at the beginning aside (and it is truly embarrassing to read Ron’s over the top claim now) and while I will forego right at this time, a point by point critique (I was going to, but I’ll save that for another post) the rundown is virtually un-doable, from a Scientology tech viewpoint . It is actually UN-precise, very unlike LRH’s best work with many of his exact processes. And as I read it, I could not help but wonder how far gone LRH was at that time already. He was only 62 in 1973, but when you read Mayo’s recounting of “life with Ron”, you start to understand that mentally LRH was on a fast downhill slide, ordering federal crimes, the eventual paranoid List one RS purge, the almost complete tech emphasis on OWs as he had apparently decided his OWN loyal followers were borderline dramatizing evil doers, etc (culminating in the complete un-doable, as written, Repair of Past Ethics, when we all had to pretend as if we actually understood the concept of completing an ethics condition formula for an event decades ago or trillions of years ago usually, but with IN present time actions ….
But in a fundamentalist force backed church, you are not allowed to say “I agree with this thing, absolutely brilliant and this OTHER thing, let’s be honest, it’s crap.”
Why bring up the above on this particular post? Because it’s the same phenomenon. Crazy statements that if not accepted as actual truth by a parishioner, are at least just ignored, but one can NEVER say “What the FUCK????!!!!” NATION CHANGING EVENTS????? Which is a crazy statement all by itself by the way, but add to that at the org in INGLEWOOD???? Hey, even the events at Flag ain’t changing any nations.
And so … IS Mister Rabey at least a bit insane? Could he POSSIBLY believe that statement? He probably doesn’t even know which direction is up and which is down anymore. I’m guessing that like most long term Scientologists, he can no longer think in any significant way analytically anymore. And thus the idiocy you see emanating from Rabey and Weber re: these almost useless files. (*probably the idea is possibly to squeeze as much possible money/stats out of the maybe 1 or 2% of actual prospects that MIGHT be unearthed in these ancient files and when you’re using free labor to do it, well …..I studied managerial accounting in college, not a bad return on investment, all gravy when you don’t have to pay the help, and hey, you might also get to reg the hell out of some of the volunteers who haven’t been in the org for a while … )
“The essential problem one faces in a fundamentalist religion is that as one accepts a single source of truth, that by the very nature of it coming from that source, ANY and every statement by definition within that group is simply TRUTH.”
Good post, Joe.
With regard to what I’ve quoted above, I don’t think it was Ron who came up with the idea that “ANY and every statement [of Ron’s] by definition within that group is simply TRUTH.” In fact, I remember one lecture where he implored students not to give heed to his OPINIONS. As for the tech itself, he said that what was to be applied was only in HCOBs – not anything and everything in every book, issue, and lecture.
True, Ron had the biggest responsibility for Scientology becoming a fundamentalist religion, but the group compounded the felony and did not take responsibility for it. These were and are valuable lessons for each of us to have learned and they shouldn’t be forgotten.
I will slightly beg to differ a bit, Marildi. I think I remember that PDC lecture. LRH said he would be presenting two types of points to the audience. One was on the technical side of beings and case solutions, etc which were TRUE and simply fact (which all by itself pre-empted any questioning of his explanations about the fundamentals of life) and that he would also be giving his opinions on many subjects throughout the series and they are just his opinions, so do not feel you have to agree with THOSE.
But as time went on of course, LRH’s voiced his opinions about EVERYTHING in every part of life as if they were simply true. He stated his opinions on art, public speaking, politics (which included inflation, Vietnam, democracy, etc) diet, marriage, children, ethics, public relations, every aspect of organization he could think of, etc etc etc. We both know Marildi that ALL of these were accepted as the gospel. Of course I didn’t REALLY agree with LRH’s statement on democracy in KSW, but who would ever think of ever voicing that? (for what possible reason?) Tech-wise of course one had to think under the same conditions … one day, you had to understand and demonstrate why it was that Dianetics came before the grades, and then one day you had to be able to understand and demonstrate why grades came before Dianetics.
Now, I do not necessarily have anything against the above being an operating principle IF it is all done above board with full understanding of the game, AT THE START, such as “You are now in Scientology where you will learn the truth about all of life from L. Ron Hubbard (there’s even a lecture In the State of Man Congress where Ron says that that is his goal). As a student you will learn study techniques to fully understand what LRH says so that you are not left with any disagreements with anything he says. In Scientology, you do not discuss any disagreements with what LRH says with anyone but a course supervisor or cramming officer who will help you to fully understand your material so that you no longer disagree with any of it or confused by any of it . ….” And so forth, all above board. And yes, I very much DO understand why you could not even HAVE Scientology if a person could say “I just don’t agree with going earlier similar”, yes that becomes an ethics point because you could NOT get tech in if people didn’t agree to audit per the rules of auditing (and to understand these rules as well) That IS part of the deal to be play the game.
And yes, if one does not like the above R-factor, one can decline to be involved in Scientology. THAT’S religion. If you don’t like having to agree with everything your church says about the Bible, then leave and find another church. The problem though is that religions throughout history have involved communities, whole countries at various times, and so one cannot actually leave one’s church without severe consequences, not only loss of family and property, but often of one’s life, and not “painlessly” or quickly either (just study Tudor England and how it went from the reigns of Henry8 to first his daughter Mary, a Catholic, and then to his other daughter Elizabeth, a Protestant. One’s very life was at risk depending on which side one came down on and when). And it’s not just religion of course. I have read all four major bios of Ayn Rand and Rand did not mind a debate … as long as she always won. She was always RIGHT! (watch the two shows she did on the Phil Donahue, on youtube, everything she says is simply fact ..”because I am telling you the truth”, she is kinda interesting and entertaining too) And no one could remain in Rand’s inner circle who did not agree to her truth completely.
And so it is in Scientology, but if you are a second or third generation Scientologist or you have children or other family in the CoS or a job that depends on other Scientologists (you think Arte Maren or Michael Roberts would voice disagreements with LRH even if they had them? They’re “in bidness”)
And my own question would be “why did ALL of us KNOW – and anyone who denies this is probably lying – that to voice a disagreement with LRH’s statement about democracy in KSW would have been just a useless endeavor, if not one that just bought trouble.” Same with his statement in SOS about isolating/getting rid of low toned people (who decides who is low toned? How do “they” decide?) Or about the role of women in NSOL? (I guess since taken out).
Here’s the thing Marildi in closing: Personally I paid virtually no attention to any of the things that LRH said that I thought were funky or wrong. I agreed with 99% of what he said and had great wins in my training and processing and I think Dianetic auditing (R3R) is an original technique and is gangbusters if done well (as are most Scientology processes) … BUT … (and it’s a big but by the way, ha ha) is that THE IDEA THAT ONE DOES NOT QUESTION, CANNOT EVEN HAVE A RESPECTFUL DISAGREEMENT OR DIFFERENT VIEWPOINT IS BY ITS VERY NATURE DANGEROUS TO BEINGS’ FREEDOM AS BEINGS AND COMPLETELY VIOLATES SCIENTOLOGY’S OWN AXION 2 AS A RIGHT.
And furthermore, it permeates the whole organization in EVERY fucking matter. You think that demanding you empty your bank account and use all your credit cards to buy the next “ideal org” is contrary to your personal survival? (or you simply don’t agree?), THEN YOU ARE IN DEEP SHIT, BABY, SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR ETERNITY AND CLOSER TO HOME, YOUR FAMILY AND YOUR JOB AND MAYBE YOU DO NEED TO FORK OVER 30 G’S FOR SEC CHECKING ….
That’s very well said, Joe, and I can’t disagree. What I would hope is that if we should ever be given another chance to be part of such a movement, with its energy and real promise, that we would not so easily be swept up in that kind of insane approach. LRH himself said it was vital not only to keep one’s own ethics in but that of one’s seniors. I think you’re right that this was an impossible task because of the way LRH set things up, but if we as a group had known what we know now I think we would have done a much better service to ourselves and to LRH. He made incredible strides forward with much of the tech but was a “broken straw” himself in other respects and wasn’t able to carry the load. With the hindsight we have now, we might have nipped the insanity in the bud. There probably won’t be another chance this lifetime, but keep this in mind for the future. 🙂
Marildi, I’m not sure what I will be able to keep in mind for future lifetimes. If I knew I would be able to remember stuff, I’d try to get some money into a numbered Swiss bank account and remember the account number.
One lesson I have taken away from my experiences in Scientology is that if possible when getting involved in any group dynamics, small groups with no central authority are much MUCH preferable to the opposite and certainly this lifetime, I will never become involved with a large group again that claims any power over what I can think or to whom or about what I can communicate to on any dynamic.
Well said again. That was essentially what I meant when I wrote “if we knew then what we know now.” IMO, there aren’t many lessons more valuable to self-determinism, ironically.
This comment is brilliant. Won’t you write a guest post on the introspection rundown?
Didn’t you hear? They solved LA’s gang problems last July.
Love this line: “Remember the overall embracive strategy being executed to achieve planetary clearing is the making of Ideal Orgs…”
Yes, every $cilon should recall exactly what the founder had to say about how to achieve planetary clearing and what the key stats in measuring the success of achieving that ultimate goal are! Unfortunately for Sharron and lil davey, the amount of new Ideal Org square footage is NOT the measure that the founder explicitly designated there. Indeed, his very clear remarks on the subject focus in on making new auditors and delivering more well done auditing hours because (doh) that’s the direct measure of how much planetary clearing is actually taking place!
Both Sharron and lil davey need to be charged with serious high crimes and full-on treason for altering and disregarding Elron’s very clear and unambiguous policy on the critical matter of how to boom $cn. How is it that rank and file $cilons have failed to note this obvious and miserable failure to Keep $cn Working in this most vital and significant of all concerns!?
Right. It seems so simple: deliver well done auditing hours. But if CF is in such an awful mess … imagine the PC’s with unrepaired errors on their case, the mistaken C/Ses, the students who either got it and were told they didn’t, or were told they did get it when they didn’t?
Yes, nick it SEEMS so simple. However, empirical evidence PROVES that no matter what, orgs fail. Which in turn conclusively PROVES that the “tech” ain’t what it is purported to be by El Con Tubbolard.
Maybe I could sell them my old Commodore 64 computer with an external 8 inch disc drive, with lots of single sided 128 kB discs. That would be an upgrade to their paper system.
Hey, people who use telex machines, will find the commmodore out of this world! So, yeah, sell that sucker…
Out of this world is right!
I wonder which other one he went to?
Amazing these guys are still at it. 30 years ago Jan was my kids nanny. Amazing dedication I used to think. Now I see it as amazing thought stopping. These guys are knowingly stopping themselves from thinking about and looking at what is really going on in the world around them. Hi Jan 🙂 I got my cabin I always wanted and the kids are all healthy and grew up fine out here.
Not being a Scientologist I read this with fascination. Are they literally talking about their physical paper files? Have they heard of the Golden age of technology? You know you could fit 70,000 files on a USB stick right? 2100 man hours? People going out to Valley? Seems like a waste….
Yeah, but, I really think enjoy working with paper. I mean, what are they going to do when they’ve gone through all the paper files and realize nobody is coming in? Sucks being the Valley Idle Morgue.
As long as the paper is dry, who cares? “Don’t bogart that joint my friend, pass it over to me…” paper is good!
So much of Scientology is busywork.
It has been elevated to pageantry in many cases.
Keep track of the myriad statistics. Write up your conditions. All the multiple programs run on the org and the demanded compliance reports for the same.
C/F filing parties. “We’re almost through the letter F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Scientology: clearing the planet (of trees) for all that paper.
Getting people to engage in increasingly irrational behaviors is on the classic mind control continuum. I worry about where the continuum is headed. We are all hoping that Scientology will implode. What if it explodes instead? This has been final step for numerous cults.
The actions of TV shows, films, books, websites to expose the cult may literally save lives. If enough doubt is sown people will refuse the Koolaid.
“I expect you as an OT to get on board fast and make this happen, that’s what OT’s do and that is the ethical way to operate as an OT.” ML, Sharron, CO FSSO
I had a still-in friend tell me that she had never been so invalidated as an OT as when she became OT VIII. “As an OT VIII, I expect you to…; I need you to…; I know you will….” It’s crazy, slave-making shit.
McCarran … you’re making an EXTREMELY important point here that gets to the heart of what is so wrong in Scientology. I recall the post on Marty’s blog about 6 or 7 years ago about one Mary Jo Klein (I think that was her name), an OT8 who was being brutally regged by Lundeen and others, who refused to accept HER viewpoint (and she became very nervous and “key-in”, although an OT8) and I recall what occurred with my old friend Sheldon Goldberg and his wife, also both OT8s. It doesn’t matter HOW high you go on EITHER side of the Grade Chart, or no matter WHAT your accomplishments might have been in decades of work in Scientology or how many professional auditor certs you have earned …
I mean, if you are an OT8, an unaberrated individual, who has achieved “total freedom”, wouldn’t your viewpoint and decisions about YOUR life be considered as RATIONAL by other members of the church and just accepted?
There is no place on Earth where the gains and abilities of Scientology training and processing are more invalidated than IN the church of scientology itself.
Thus I did eventually conclude (using my knowledge of scientology) that one is in fact PTS when one is still a parishioner in “the church” …
” I mean, if you are an OT8, an unaberrated individual, who has achieved “total freedom”, wouldn’t your viewpoint and decisions about YOUR life be considered as RATIONAL by other members of the church and just accepted?”
Uh …………………….. NO!
After I finished Oh Tea Ate in 2003, It was made very clear that I was expected to show up for the Maiden Voyage event in June of 2004 ………………………….. or fucking else. YOU ARE OH TEA ATE! YOU OBVIOUSLY CAN MAKE IT GO RIGHT!
I said yes I can and thank you for the invitation but I will not be attending. Holy shit, that was not the correct answer. I did not attend nor would I ever return to that god forsaken rustbucket. That was the correct decision!
LOL! Good for you!!
I would expect from all those OT’s that admin tech was already applied, But it sounds and looks more like those OT’s have the condition of confusion!!!!!!!!
“…down to the final org”? What about Santa Barbara? What about all the others? As if all the other orgs on the planet are “the size of old Saint Hill?”
I remember CF filing project I was put on with Ralph Hilton he In Charge and me the 2nd, in Jan 1976 at Flag Service Org, and we went through the FSO’s Central Files making a paper copy of every invoice in every file. It took only a month or 6 weeks though, and we went through about 80-90 thousand files. Skipping the deadfiles, I think our pile of a fresh new copy of every invoice in every file, our pile stood I think 9 feet.
Doing so I learned of all the names of the even by 1976 big name “SPs” who’d been Flag public, and as a newbie I would over and over start doing coping of invoices in “SP’s” central files.
Over my 27 years in the Sea Org I rummaged through filing cabinets over and over, for various jobs in the Sea Org, various all-hands filing. 1984-1986 I did many all-hands filing in the Int Pers and Ethics Files, which had the old ethics and pers files of old Apollo vets, and I just couldn’t keep myself from reading tidbits of their interesting histories, the Pers files really filled in people’s career paths in the Sea Org.
People who come do the filing, what is needed are people who love thumbing through phonebooks, but who can refrain from too much reading, and just filing, but the reading is fun if you are that type to wish to get the picture of what other members did and how long it took them to do various courses and services before they paid for their next one, that was always noticeable.
For Flag, people, I noticed would do services yearly, or every couple years.
And the Central Files from prior organizations of course stay at those lower organizations.
Except “case folders” do get moved up to the higher organizations when the client/parishioner goes permanently up to the higher organization, per rules for transfer of “case folders.”
I worked in the FSO Folder Error Summary Unit for a couple weeks, once, and the Flag earlier storage of the “case folders” is just a massive operation it necessarily has had to grow into.
Filing, and people who love filing, it’s a no brainer type of job, and Hubbard’s other whole strategy of using the computer system, there is one “routing forms” advice that discusses an ancient advanced civilization’s device which would be much like an Ipad today, where the device could store massive amounts of info into it and be used as an in-house administrative device along the lines of the “routing forms” use, Hubbard said.
He wrote what I would nickname today, his “Ipad device idea” in 1982ish. When I was later a repeat person on a later routing form project, my subordinate Renate Tenner (later married Paul Wilmshurst) was working hard to come up with ideas HOW we could possible replace the routing forms entirely with a device like the “Ipad device idea” from that one Hubbard comment in that one 1982 traffic to Foster Tompkins who was then the original boss of the INCOMM computerization project.
But she failed, we had no idea how to do it, we’d have to wait for the outside world which now has Ipads, and for sure, it’d be a job, but there is Hubbard theoretical “advice” traffic for INCOMM today to pick up this old LRH order of 1982, from LRH to Foster, and start getting all of their “folders” of various types, all digitized and onto Ipad like devices and get rid of their massive endless continual being pegged with their paper filing systems.
That’s a tip for the Exec Strata, free.
I think how easy it would be to “run” Scientology if indeed the practice of elevating us human beings up to our “full potential” as the core innate “soul” (thetan) which we supposedly are, per Scientology theory.
But the biggest major block is the untruth of the soul itself as a core entity that can do the things that Hubbard writes in the basic Scientology book, “Fundamentals of Though” chapter 7 of the 2007 edition of that book states clearly that the thetan is the person, that is what we are, down deep, and that we as the thetan who we are down deep can essentially eject out of both our minds and our bodies, if we supposedly are in “good enough” “case shape” as spiritual souls after using Hubbard’s Scientology pseudo-therapy-past-lives-trauma therapy and because Fundamentals of Thought was pre the exorcism “tech” of a decade later, today Scientologist’s supposedly strip off their “body-thetans” which are earth’s surplus souls that infest all human bodies additionaly to each human being who each of us ARE the “main soul” in our body, the “body-thetans” just swarm us and leak their “case” into us, and that’s why Scientology spiritual practices are kind of a one-two punch. The lower half of Scientology gets you “Clear” of the trauma bad effects of your very own “case”, and then the “upper levels” of Scientology (OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7) strip off your “body-thetans” (the surplus souls that are even hear on earth due to the Xenu trauma incident 75 millions years ago).
It’s all bogus, but it’s important to simplify what Scientolgy really is, what their activities really mean, and then the whole thing I think is better understood.
At least the theory and the core writings of Hubbard just conclusively are directed at this theory narrative and it engages the staffs and members in this goal of “handling their cases” (their soul spiritual cases, first getting “Clear” and then stripping off their “body-thetans”). All with the aim of getting them as the pure souls that each of us are, down below all of our two big loads of “case” that we each all have, then we are ready for the real “OT” processes of using our true innate soul powers to do what in “Fundamentals of Thought” Hubbard claimed Scientology would help achieve.
Were this actually being achieved, Scientology would actually be a valid group to support.
To me, this is the bottom line, the “tech” the Hubbard lineup does not achieve this pure soul ability of “Fundamentals of Thought”.
If so, then promoting Scientology would be valid, and doing all of the undone LRH orders, like even LRH’s, I’ll call, “Ipad device idea” of 1982 which LRH wrote to Foster Tompkins then the boss of the Scientology computerization project, would be a good thing.
It’s be a good thing, for all organizations to stably record their stuff on devices that save space, so long as the devices are stably usable long term.
In LRH’s “Chug” advices to Foster Tompkins, Foster just has probably 30 pages all total, of traffic from LRH, and LRH was very animated and his writings to Foster were so positive, talking to Foster really animated LRH I found when comparing LRH’s writings to other areas for instance LRH’s writings to Marc Yager and to Miscavige were cautionary at times and very harsh and condemantory comments thrown in (like to either DM or to Marc Yager there’s the “….and if you see WDC SMI, spit on him for me…..”).
But to Foster, the LRH traffic is highly animated and LRH’s mind just in points seems to really show LRH’s enthusiasm, and Foster’s answers to LRH were interesting, too.
People don’t realize that it took a good deal of skill how to “talk” or “write” to LRH in these official communications where one has to acknowledge LRH appropriately for every single one of LRH’s comments and ideas, to placate and to satisfy LRH that LRH has been fully duplicated and all of LRH’s comments and ideas will be further dealth with fully.
Anyways, I get away with things writing the details of what LRH writings the private writings, are like, but it gives the today atmosphere, and the mindset of the LONG term Sea Orgers still aboard.
Some of them, still aboard top Scientology are vets who themselves had countless REAMS of traffic from LRH.
Foster Tompkins is still in the movement.
He knows well ALL of those LRH communicatoins and ideas, and Foster himself has multiple times over the decades returned to his top position at INCOMM to give LRH’s orders another try, to execute.
Anyways, related to “filing” the solution would be just follow what the outside world’s computerization solutions are doing, and get into Ipad device ideas, and get into some sort of info transfer devices that are more suitable, but which also are stable LONG range safe storage devices so as not to lose all their data.
But it kind is all for naught, for me today, due to the “soul” not being theoretically like LRH talks about it in the basic “Fundamentals of Thought” chapter 7.
Oh well, such are these operations selling soul stuff, when to me, the soul is the bottom card in the house of cards, that really hasn’t been proven, just a lot of human history hope and ongoing false belief in the soul.
Scientology INCOMM computer branch ought to be getting all these second and third generation genius computer offspring into INCOMM to solve the LRH advice of the “Ipad device idea” from the 1982 Foster Tompkins INCOMM LRH traffic, though.
Chuck, I rarely comment on your comments about the non existence of the human spirit, but I do feel like noting here that “the untruth of the soul itself as the core entity that can do …” and your putting quotation marks around the word soul, is in fact your OPINION, which you are certainly entitled to have. I’m just noting that your expressing this as simply “truth”: is kind of what Ron himself always did: never noting that it was his feeling at the time, but stated as a certain truth to be accepted because he stated it.
I’m not going to debate with you about the existence of the spirit here (though that would be a fine debate to have with many contributing). My comment is just in response to you continually stating that the soul/spirit does not exist as if that is simply a truth, and not YOUR truth (or as Davey is so found of saying at events … “factually …”)
Now, I do not accept LRH’s whole theory of course as my own truth, the BTs, the whole OT3 story, ALL of the super powers that Ron intimates we can achieve while in our current bodies, etc. But that’s the point I like to make here occasionally and especially today for some reason. That I can accept SOME of it as my truth and reject other parts as not.
* by the by, you often identify yourself as an “atheist”, which I usually also say I am and I am NOT going to get into any kind of “definition battle” with you here, ha ha (hey, we’re not in Scientology anymore!) and I’m guessing you could find more than one definition somewhere that fits your viewpoint, but dictionary.com gives the usual or most accepted definition of this word as “a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings:” Being an “atheist” all by itself does not (in the usual meaning) mean that a person disavows completely the idea of the spirit or the unlimited potentials of a spiritual being. You are a materialist. You just believe in the physical universe. Again, certainly your right, no argument there. But I just thought it would be more honest to be upfront about that., rather than use the word which usually just means disbelief in a supreme being/creator.
I’d be a very undereducated dropout philosophy student, is what I’d be.
And thus imperfectly I’m a believer in two things:
and I simplistically believe in no souls, no God, no gods, no woo none things that can cause things
But I do hold a “faith” in this LONG historical nutty idea about all eternity still:
So I’ve only adult educated myself up to being an atheist who kind of thinks that these two above philosophical ideas are pretty much it. No “OT” woo either from God, gods, thetans, angels, etc, etc. Just the stuff that is present is going through patterns forever.
The point that allowed me to jump into Scientology, is the thetan, the soul, and that I down deep am my own soul, Problems of Work, the intro Scientology Course book chapter really grabbed me, unfortunately, so that is unfortunately my broken record exit word I pivot on.
Very nice comment, thankyou.
Thanks Chuck. I’ll check out those two wiki entries.
Just more busy work while they cannot confront walking up to someone, telling them what the CoS could do (helping them communicate better, study better, deal with life better), seeing if they are interested and move on.
The CoS has been hiding from the public for decades. LRH was the master at this and DM is just as petrified at speaking to a normal, garden variety person. The facts show that LRH and DM couldn’t tolerate 5 minutes with a non-indoctrinated, non-kowtowing Scientologist.
The ship is sinking and LRH or DM just want to bark out ineffective orders while gratifying their egomania.
Wouldn’t it be easier to have an accidental fire?
It would certainly get rid all the paper files. That should be one less burden for them.
But then how would they call up and annoy all those people in CF who bought DMSMH thirty years and thought it was the biggest pile of horseshit they ever read?
Is Clive still coming home to Nurse Ratched every night?
I can help them burn all that stuff in a second
Light a match !
Surely the remaining executives are going to catch on & leave-it’s dwindling Also I don’t feel its right for Super Bowl to air anything cult, like the FBI can they take the high road and cancel?
Would hate to think of the difficulties they would face if they had to walk and chew gum at the same time.
I’m starting to wonder what happens to central files after Scientology shuts down.
United States Supreme Court.
Exhibit A.
Van Nuys OnSite Secure Shredding- ShredSource
Call for a free quote.
Files are complete.
This week I finally had the time to read “Fair Game”. In it, he discusses how in the 1960s scientology was banned in Australia and hundreds of people went to SH In England for services, booming Saint Hill. For some reason, it really hit me then that there have never been more than, at most, a few hundred thousand people in scientology. They never got near a million members at one time.
This led me to realize this: Files are VITAL to perpetuating the lie that scientology is still alive and breathing. For the bubble dweller continuously struggling to organize the files it helps them to believe that any organization with that much paper must have a lot of people connected to it. Why else would it need to be organized?
I believe you are correct! I have not done any “church” of $ activities since the early 1980s. Somewhere in there I was assigned a lower “ethics” condition (Doubt, as I recall, but actually at that point I had little doubt; I was pretty sure I wanted nothing to do with $).
Fast forward a few decades: a year or two ago, I began getting random phone calls from various $ organizations. This told me two things. 1. The folks who slapped my wrist with the “ethics” condition had apparently not bothered to inform anyone else up the line (interesting lack of comm), and 2. They are so desperate to find “members” that they are conducting archeological digs to get names they can write to and telephone. Someone who is 35 years out of date is not a hot prospect.
See, there’s the rub. These inflated figures include people who bought a book years ago and then did nothing else. Probably the actual number of people currently on services is somewhere in the
They must have millions of members…
Absolutely zillons of ’em. Be easier if they just grabbed the phone book and started calling the ‘A’s – everyone has heard about of ’em anyway. Telemarketing Scientology… hang on a sec – geezers!!! What did I just think of??? Hey Dave… you there? My fee is 1 1/2% of the gross OK?
I’m in the money, I’m in the money…
Valerie, the MAX # of scamologists at any one time was about 90,000-100,000. And THAT is generous.
2,100 man-hours a week to finish on time? Are they high?
Assuming their estimates are accurate, (trust me, they never are; I bet there’s more hours really needed) let’s break it down:
Based on the Atlanta filing project, I think a reasonable estimate is people coming in giving 3 hours a day. (maybe time after work that could’ve been spent being with their families or enjoying life) Assuming such a person can work every day a week, that person could only give 21 hours/week. They’d need 100 of these people everyday to reach their goal on time!
Where would they put all 100 people? Does Valley org even have a field of 100 dedicated members who can give up an 1/8 of their day everyday? I know upper management is probably injecting some SO memebers into the scene to oversee/work but is that enough?
They are right – there is more interest in scientology than ever – as a corrupt organization that needs to go away
^5 to that.
You would think they have plenty of slaves who work for free to file. It looks much more like they are calling an “all hands” to help them just to see who shows up. If your called on and don’t show up then you must have crimes right? Then they have to do the sec checks on who didn’t show up to help them file, at the expense of that person of course. $ $ $ $ cha ching. Do you think that about covers it?
Why does a new org have files already if it hasn’t opened yet? I didn’t understand that part.
Scientology has a lot of time and money to spend on sending people with surgical lighting on their heads to people’s homes to intimidate them and to write fake bomb threats to themselves on paper stolen from an unsuspecting victim whose fingerprints are on it to blame. Why doesn’t the church just hire a temporary agency to help them do a central files project? That would be helping the church and the economy. Oh, I just remembered why. That would cost the church money and result in a VFP (valuable final product in Scientologese) being delivered. 🙂
Yeah, but Hubbard didn’t say to do that! Plus, I think they really like playing the games they do, it just wouldn’t be Scientology otherwise.
Same question here. Why do they have papers that need to be filed before the Valley Org opens?
Hey TJ. The org is already there. Has been for years. It is a rebuild and reopen of an old org. Smoke and mirrors.
Is it open right now? Or where are the members meeting if they already closed the old Org? I’ve seen photos that look like the outside is really in bad shape right now. Thanks!
It’s either currently a city office, a mission, or a class v org operating in a mall somewhere.
>They apparently cannot cope with anything beyond a single event at a time
This is objective – albeit indirect – evidence that the criminal cult of $cientology is dying. Over a year ago, word leaked that there were less than 20K active scientologists in the world. With the continued exodus of members caused by the toxic PR for scientology, and the few who are still-in going under the radar, there are probably less than 12K active scientologists today.
Miscavige needs to open more facilities, even if he has to dip into reserves to pay for them, so he has things to show to the few remaining deluded whales who foolishly continue to support the criminal cult. The only thing expanding in this cult, is the square feet of empty buildings.
As our host says, “it sucks to be Miscavige”.
How long until Miscavige announces that CF files have been used as an arbitrary to prevent the opening of Ideal Orgs. Thus begins the Golden Age of Filing in which parishioners must fund the conversion of all CF documents into electronic form.
Exactly. As the clams file away for hours, they must constantly think about how useless the whole process is–the files will probably never be used unless it’s a fruitless quest to digitize them, and by the time they figure out how to use any digital copies they make, the whole shebang will change: the Ideal Org or even Scientology might disappear at that point.
” in truth it is a mom and pop liquor store.” Lets roll with this metaphor a bit more:
The mom and pop liquor store is being run by their thug son, who just slaps top shelf labels on any old hooch to keep the shelves stocked and appearances up; but the main line for the store is lottery ticket sales, not just ANY lottery tickets, but ones of their own invention, which have NEVER ‘paid out’. but have afforded the lawyers and bribes to keep the place ‘open’ despite the never ending complaints from the neighbors and ‘legitimate’ neighborhood gangsta’s…….
Think Hubbard’s ‘Mission Earth’ “the appearance of an answer can be substituted for an answer” or some such….(Earth does not exist…lol). The Big lie redux.
LRH’s Mission Earth “Palace City” being removed in a different location by that space/time dislocation to prevent it from being bombarded/attacked, that in a sense is how LRH’s pattern of having properties, step-ladder like, which he himself lived at, always one real estate property removed from the lower properties, in a string of them. The earth-bound and realistic version of his sci-fi real estate for the “top” palace city of his fiction book.
In a sense, no one’s really seriously gone over Hubbard’s final fiction book(s) “Mission Earth” 10 volume, book to see the positive fantasy side of Hubbard’s bi-polar fantastic thinking about “it all.”
Hubbard’s expansive positive childish fantasies about how the ancient space civilizations ought to have been real estate in multi-dimensions like “Palace City” was, I think would be immediately understood by Hubbard’s old sci-fi colleagues and by the harsh realistic smart people who even took notice of Hubbard, like S. I Hayakawa’s all time great critical article about Hubbard’s mindset, which is on Tony Ortega’s blog within an article by Jon Atack.
Hubbard’s pie in the sky, and Hubbard’s “Let’s Sell These People A Piece of Blue Sky” mentality has been understood by people right from the get-go of Hubbard’s Dianetics beginning, and their understanding is just the best. Extending into the understanding of Hubbard by Martin Gardner in Gardner’s chapter on Hubbard in Gardner’s “Fads and Fallacies….” book of the 1950s.
Smart people have been pegging Hubbard’s thinking correctly all along, and their views bear repeating.
It really does help to read the long history of critical books on Scientology:
Tony Ortega’s blog of dozens of past myths of Hubbard are detailed, and have the best latest summary
Russel Miller’s book
Jon Atack’s book
Bent Corydon’s book
Steward Lamont’s book
and really if you have less time to read, then the last couple years of books:
Hugh Urban’s
Janet Reitman’s
Lawrence Wright’s
and Tony Ortega’s blog, just has months of reading details to absorb about Hubbard’s fantastical mindset and back explanations.
I forgot how Tony Ortega’s blog has the drone aerial filming of the final most private of properties in the Hubbard stepped back from public view stepladder of real estate properties, the “Archives” LRH traffic talk of that goal of having his legacy of “tech” put out of human history’s self desctruction harms way, so that future space people can come back and get the Hubbard “tech” someday, thousands of years into the future.
The full Hubbard today operation, having so many persons so deeply and DAILY, intensely, organizaed and actually acting out Hubbarfd’s out of control voluminous fantasies and ideas, takes more time to present it wearies the listerner or reader to absorb all the damned crazy Hubbard operation details.
It just constantly is like tackling a wave of craziness that is unbelievable layers of history details each of which go right back, ultimately to Hubbard’s voluminous never ceasing pen or voice ordering this or that, to it “all” in this Hubbard created Scientology world.
It’s a mess way beyond what media can show, just ask Tony Ortega how little the full Hubbard is groked.
Hubbard made Scientology so offensive, it’s continually wished to be gone as an operation, but behind the scenes, sadly, are so many overwhelming detailed orders and policies driving the members, that those lured into Scientology keep it going until they eat each other up using the Hubbard injustice scapegoating system which institutionally has them blame each other, and never blame Hubbard for their operation’s failures.
It’s just such a massive ongoing bundle of intricate crap that self perpetuates.
Good analogy, but the liquor store sales are voluntary. This reminds me more of racketeering. Where vulnerable people are pressured, harassed and threatened, like the Jamaican Lottery Scam, until they lose everything.
And dammit, wouldn’t you know, they’re all out of cigarettes!
Out of cigarettes!!!!!! Did they turn into zombies?
no, Kools…
It’s always “the files” because COB said the “Central Files are the MIND of the Org”
Can you imagine?
A mind fucked mind
So….you’re saying never ending CFing? That can go on for decades and decades, decades and, well, you get the idea, Wog and Out? And that the majority of the files are people who have left and want nothing to with this vile cult? Yep! Me too!
They’re still worrying about paper while the rest of the western world is digitizing and getting rid of paper. Oh wel…
So true! In our offices, we scan every piece of paper as it arrives and keep certain paper files on our clients until a special meeting that is scheduled (usually 3-6 months after our initial meeting). At that point we hand the paper file to the client. If the client doesn’t want it, we inform them that the contents will be shredded that day but they may request a digital copy of any of their paper at a later date.
We have two redundant backups for these files and it makes it so much more efficient to retrieve anything we need for background research.
We have several dozen active clients at any given time and all paper files are well contained in two large file cabinets. In the last three years, we have digitized then shredded more than half of the documents in the back file room. At the first of this year, we hired a person to spend the day scanning and shredding. It is our goal to turn our old file spaces into useable office space by the end of the year.
We did that, too. There’s now a nice ping-pong table and a couch where the filing cabinets used to be. It’s very nice.
I shudder to think how much floor space Valley Org’s CF takes up. Maybe that’s why TinyDick is buying big buildings.
> They’re still worrying about paper
Apparently they can’t computerize because Ron didn’t tell them to. This is what it means to “make the able more able” and to “think for yourself” in scientology.
Again, there’s the rub. An org doesn’t use computers because Ron never used computers. Everything has to be done the way Ron did it. Never mind that a lot of our modern technology didn’t exist back in Ron days. If Ron wiped his ass with Scottissue, that’s what you wipe your ass with. Never you mind that Kroger is having a sale on Charmin, Scottissue us what you buy because that’s how Ron did it.
There will be quite a lot of paper shredding once Justice steps forward….
Steve Canane talks about destruction of evidence as far back as the 1960’s, Lowie talks of helping to destroy evidence. There were many of us who were at bonfires in the late ’70s. “greatest good” bonfires.
“Greatest Good Bonfires.” This could represent an era….
Right. It would be so much more efficient to have computerized records. Accessible at the touch of a button, by personnel at any Org a person may walk into, the information able to be shared and analyzed much more easily. So silly to still have paper files in this digital age.
Because they’re deathly frightened of their electronic files being hacked? It’s the only reason I can imagine for still keeping everything in paper format. Little does DM know that if all files were digitized, he could have access to them all 24/7 from his computer anywhere in the world. Access to everyone’s bank records, auditing sessions, sec checks. Frightening isn’t it?
What is really frightening is the real reason they keep the paper files. It’s the system L ron Hubbard designed in the 1950s so it will never change. Just like them not accepting Registered Mail because it could be a lawsuit – but they will sign for FedEx (there is no LRH policy that forbids that – Fedex didn’t exist when Hubbard was alive)
So, Mike, are you saying that Scientology is, infact, living in the 50s? And can’t break out? Maybe they could have a series. “Stuck in the 50s With Scientology.”
Theme song could be new lyrics for Steeler’s Wheel “Stuck in the middle with you.”
Wouldn’t need to change a lot of words honestly….
Clowns to the left if me, jokers to the right…
Well, I don’t know why I came here tonight
I got the feeling that something ain’t right
I’m so scared in case I fall off my chair,
Basically the lyrics are ready made.
Here you go. New lyrics.
Well, I don’t know why I came here tonight
I got the feeling that something ain’t right
I’m so scared in case They put me in the chair.
And I’m wondering how I’ll get outta there.
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right,
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you
Yes, I’m stuck in the 50s with scientology.
And I’m wondering what it is I should do
It’s so hard to put a smile on my face,
Losing control, and I’m all over the place
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right,
Here I am, stuck in the 50s with scientology.
Well, I started off with millions
So proud I was a self-made man
And the regges all come crawling,
Slap you on the back
And say please. … please.
Trying to make some sense of it all,
But I can see it makes no sense at all
In the hole they make you sleep on the floor.
Call you cured when you can’t take anymore
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right,
Here I am, stuck in the 50s with scientology
And the meters reading nothing,
And you’re tired of holding on to the cans
And you’re pleading and a crawling,
Laying flat on your back and you say,
Please, please.
Yeah, I don’t know why I came here tonight
I got the feeling that something ain’t right
I’m so scared cuz now I’m here the chair,
And afraid of what is doen those stairs
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right,
Here I am, stuck in the 50s with scientology
Yes, I’m stuck in 50s with scientology
Stuck in the 50s with scientology
Here I am, stuck in the 50s with scientology
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right…
Indeed! Much laughter!