David Miscavige’s Propaganda by Redefinition of Words is trickling down to the few remaining field auditors (who apparently no longer audit but deliver “seminars” — auditing as a career in the RCS doesnt seem to work out, though today there are a lot of independent field auditors who are prospering…).
The objective now is an “Ideal Life.” Even in the same font as the “Ideal Org” promotion. Soon to come — “Ideal Children”, “Ideal Meals”, “Ideal Cats”…
This is the new Corporate Scientology “brand” — Apple has iPhone, iMac, iPod; Costco has “Kirkland;” Walmart has “Great Value” and Miscavige has “Ideal” as his “brand”. Everything except “Ideal Scene.”
Let me see if I have this straight: Drew Johnson is a Class VIII auditor. Wouldn’t he totally know that the questions being posed in the flyer for the seminar all have one answer – “YOUR CASE”. ??? Yet a seminar costing $30 is going to HANDLE these for someone and give him an ideal LIFE? What valence is this guy in that he can stand up and do this? And the seminar is pitched, not to new raw public, but to established Scientologists? Jesus Christ.
What an enjoyable post, Mike. Never lacking in esprit.
May I ask what exactly is wrong with holding a seminar on the given topics? Of course, if it were to the exclusion of auditing, the priorities would be disputable. But is it? Seems like a one time event to me, lasting only a few hours.
How do we know it isn’t done in addition to auditing or to attract new clients for the org or the field auditor? I cannot conclude from this flyer whether Drew Johnston is or isn’t primarily auditing.
Perhaps it’s me, because everybody else seems to understand?
Or is it just the word “Ideal” as a brand? Maybe not perfect. What else should they do? Not have a brand? Ask people if they want to undergo a lengthy and expensive process that will marginally improve their quality of life?
Naturally, I can understand if someone wants to condemn everything miscavige.
I don’t have any doubts you posted this for a good reason and hope you don’t mind me asking.
It’s difficult to make out the target audience of this flyer. Doesn’t sound like an informative evening for newcomers, but also not like something of interest to people who are already familiar with the subject.
Nice that they have some music. Unless it’s jazz again.
Where was this promotion distributed?
T. Marianne, your questions are actually answered in Jane Doe’s post above. It’s similar to the “business”(scam) promotions where you gotot a”seminar” and are then recruited to buy an expensive “distributorship” costing thousands of dollars, or simply a position in a pyramid scheme. Only this is even worse, because you are heavily pressured and manipulated to donate BIG money for which you get nothing but the “good feeling” of going broke in a “noble cause” which doesn’t really exist.
Here’s the link to her comment:
Hey Valkov,
Thanks for the link! I had taken note of Jane Does comment and it doesn’t answer my questions. Well, apart from bordering on one of them…the one on why it is wrong to give this seminar. However, I couldn’t discern whether her statements are based on information or whether they are to be understood as generalizing guesswork. The biased reader will certainly piece the info together to your conclusion.
Jane Doe says “Drew gives these events” and I am left to speculate what “these events” are.
The flyer posted above refers to only one event. Is she talking about a series of events of the same nature? Jane doesn’t even explicitly state that she attended such seminars and if so, how often.
She might very well be extrapolating from a one time experience unrelated to the event in question here as is her right in an innocent comment on the side. But without further background info I’d rather not jump to the conclusion that there is a series of seminars given by Drew Johnston that serve as a fundraiser. Though I can imagine very well that this is exactly the case and therefore it would be great if Jane could give us some definitive info here!
Helping people leave the church is not done by telling them auditors shouldn’t give speeches. Hence my request for a little context. Undoubtedly Mike had good reasons to post this, but they don’t come across.
My questions still stand and – ideally – would be answered 😀
an „ideal life“? Nothing wrong with it, when also it sounds just a bit utopistic.
Nothing is wrong with the topics, basically … but it looks like hypocrisy and luring in for fund-raising (again). The responses are about the hypocrisy, not the goal itself, IMO.
And about “ideal”….. like the empty, void of theta “Ideal Orgs”, disconnections and destroyed families and lives, surveillances and interrogations like the Stasi or in Orwell’s “1984”, extortion and wasting of money and bankrupting people, endless demand of money (donations without exchange) so one cannot afford anymore to go up the Bridge, the altered and reversed tech, blacklisting and punishing when uttering disagreement with “management” and their doings, suppression of free speech and information, mind control … ???
HYPOCRISY! The many, many declarations and REPORTS (of members who left) show this clearly.
T Marianne, I would have answered sooner, but I don’t go on this site every day and just now saw your question to me. YES I have attended many of Drew Johnston’s events. He is a pitchman for DM and all his schemes under his naive belief in “Command Intention.” It is sad to see this beautiful being, Class VIII, OT VIII, high toned, caring guy so utterly duped and acting as DM’s marionette. I like the idea of going to a seminar to learn and drill LRH data to improve your life. But that isn’t what happens at these events. I have attended many of them because I trusted and liked Drew. But it didn’t take me long to put the dots together and see what was happening. Drew gives a few references and examples and then launches into the regging for the Ideal Orgs or whatever the cause du jour for the day is. And they post people at the doors so you can’t leave. When I’d finally been overrun on all this at about my 10th event, I left and had to fight my way out of the room. Sad to see what a Class VIII has been reduced to when he should be Clearing people through his auditing or his CSing.
That’s really sweet of you, Jane, thank you very much. This is exactly the kind of information I was looking for!
DM has achieved Ideal Parking-whenever I visit the Pac Base I never have a problem finding a spot!
After an Ideal Life comes an Ideal Body also named Ideal Sapiens and finally an Ideal Cell.
Looks like I don’t have anymore ideal time left to attend that event.
MissCabbige is an Ideal Lunatic!
The cults Ideal You is YOU being flat busted and declared.
> Everything except “Ideal Scene.” <
I disagree … it IS DM's IDEAL SCENE: Less and less people and more and more MEST; less and less auditors and more and more protection racket; less and less freedom and more and more surveillance; less and less communication and more and more disconnection; less and less reality and more and more bubble; less and less theta and more and more force; less and less self-determinism and more and more loyalty to the regime; less and less “Bridge” and more and more "donations"; less and less exchange and more and more begging; less and less truth and more and more sham.
You said it, KA.
Interesting too that the $$ for the seminar is going to the OTC and not the Org.
Interesting perspective … That’s actually the turn that Werner Erhard’s EST took. It was re-invigorated as Landmark Education, a company that provides training seminars to corporations and business managers. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erhard_Seminars_Training
What common mistake begins a man’s deterioration and how do you keep it from happening to you?
That is an easy one:
Just walking through the door of your local Church of Scientology Ideal Implant station.
Congratulations to Drew Johnston, she has now achieved the I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT FUCKING TRUTH IS SUPPOSSED TO BE REVEALED state.
I just can’t even imagine what would have to change Drew to get him to open his eyes.
But I’m sure that some day he will. I wonder if he’ll manage to forgive himself.
Yes – why doesn’t scientology get an ideal life as they promise – no crimes, no insanity where honest people have rights – where people can speak freely, think freely and do what helps them flourish and prosper before they make promises for their customers and slaves. Just mind boggling – the lies!
At what point do these active scientologists breathing life into this criminal organization wake up and realize they are working and supporting a total crim organization and they are trapped – the opposite of free!
What is it going to take for them to leave?
What is it going to take for them to leave?
A suitable alternative? More indie auditors in their vicinity?
To answer your question Blown SP –they have to personally discover and admit to themselves “I was wrong”.
That may seem simply enough but once you make the postulate “I am a C of S member and I am onboard for the duration”, and travel for years down that road it can be pretty tough to revisit the postulate.
“ I was wrong” is the road to responsibility and you may have to travel through embarrassment, humility, shame, loss, grief and any assortment of pain traveling it.
“I was right” ( to leave ) comes some time after your out and the postulate has been inspected and evaporated.
…..you can add Backsliding, Treason, Overts, Q and A, Suppressive, Out-Ethics, Low-Toned, Down-Stat and other church pejoratives to the list of barriers to the road out of DM‘s dark labyrinth..
Maybe it’s just easier for many to stay in and apply “duck and cover” to survive.
“auditing as a career in the RCS doesnt seem to work out, though today there are a lot of independent field auditors who are prospering…”
COS field auditors are having a hard time doing well as auditors these days. iBETRAYAL, I mean iHELP has been making delivering auditing in the field these days rather difficult . Their WDAH stats are out the bottom.
A funny thing about this ad:
I do not know Drew Johnson and assumed that Drew Johnson was the pretty girl in he picture! I was thinking, “She looks pretty young. Is it POSSIBLE that the COS is making Class VIIIs again????” .
Apparently not. ….Unless “Drew” dropped his body and came as a pretty girl. 🙂
It struck me that this is kind of like the old non sequitur advertising trick of putting a picture of a pretty girl on an ad for auto parts.
Just part of the Ideal Tits Marketing Plan.
Okay, I’ll take a stab at this:
1) Would you like an instant tool kit to help you create an ideal life?
Marty’s blog, Mike’s blog, Steve’s blog
2) What brings about a loss of self-determinism?
Being onlines. Developing a taste for Kool-Aid.
3) What does LRH say self-confidence and competence are derived from?
Trusting your observations and standing up for what you know to be true.
4) What makes it difficult for a person to have his postulates work and the simple way to handle it?
Being onlines. Handle: Withdraw your support
5) Learn the mechanism behind why a person would not like himself.
MAA and staff inval and eval. Ignoring your own observations and not-ising the truth.
6) What common mistake begins a man’s deterioration and how do you keep it from happening to you?
Being onlines. Choosing to “believe” rather than “know”.
There you go…just saved you 30 bucks!
I would add to your #4 “Being onlines”……. ‘or providing support (financial or otherwise) to any member of the cult or it’s affiliates in any way!
This has included for me the real application of “handle or disconnect”. Handle them with the truth and the facts and failing a result ……….. move on to a much more Ideal Life!
Right on Statpush. You just saved me not only the $30 bucks but saved me the big big donations that will be regged at that event. Drew gives these events to reg money for the church, so they entice you with the blurbs, get you in thinking you’ll get real LRH data to help your life, give you a little taste or teaser of it, and then begin on the real regging. “Lock the doors” and “no one leaves this room until we raise X amount of dollars.” And they mean it too!
Jane Doe,
You just answered my question: why would they be bothering with $30 seminars with even this pathetic sham help flow to parishioners? Why are they dealing in such small financial potatoes?
Answer: just get ’em in with the surveyed buttons and then get down to the real business at hand.
I have known Drew for sometime and he should know better!
Drew Johnson is so played out.
Iv’e seen his schtick one too many times and I would think that an OT8 would really have better things to do.
I love the irony — the second question is “What brings about a loss of self-determinism?”
Pretty funny.
The Ideal Toy Company lasted about 44 years.
Bernie Madoff lasted about 48 years.
Then again, Adolf Hitler lasted 12 years in control, and Charles Manson lasted 10 years from proclaiming himself to be a Scientologist to his conviction.
I wonder how could a Class VIII possibly buy this BS? AFAIK, the Cl. VIII course is probably the only one Mr. David Miscavige hasn’t f#cked with. I had hoped somebody who’s done the course would see things a bit more clearly.
OTOH, it seems a helluva a lot of them have, and have left.
Sorry to tell you, but Miscavige fucked with Class VIII on a via. To do (or redo) the Class VIII course, you have to do the SHSBC Certainty Course and a fresh Class VI internship. Since no one had done Class VIII in the years 1996-2004 at AOLA, I can’t tell you for certain what other meddling had been done. I do know, for example, that the “doing the Axioms verbatim drill” migrated from the Class VIII course down to the SHSBC Certainty course.
BC certainty course, ah yes. I imagine that would be where poor, deluded pre-GAT Cl. VIs learn the true definition of a floating needle by studying Art Series refs. I suppose if you torture a reference long enough, it’ll confess to anything you want.
I know an old Cl. VIII. If that little twerp Miscavige could grow a big enough pair to tell her she to had do any “certainty” anything to keep her cert, she’d pick him up by his ankles and bitch slap him ’til he puked. With his ruds thus put in, she’d show him a sec check, alright. Apparently this Drew Johnston guy just doesn’t have that kind of spark in him. Wuss.
Barf. Vomit. Miscavige can’t arrange a WORKABLE WIFE and they are selling others the keys to an ideal LIFE?
I remember when Drew Johnston ran a fairly successful field auditor group back in the 80’s early 90’s.. Now he’s a “13 time Power FSM” and I wouldn’t trust him to audit a PC out of a paper bag.
Ronn — That is a really important observation. It is consistent with a trend in larger society. I’m thinking of people with strong backgrounds in math and science who could have done something significant to help society — e.g., became doctors, scientists, engineers, etc. — who, because of irrational societal incentive structures, instead went to Wall Street, created paper profits, and later crashed the economy. It was very common among physicists who couldn’t get funding to do science, but were paid a mint to model (and manipulate) the equity and debt markets. An example is Emanuel Derman, author of My Life as a Quant: Reflections on Physics and Finance.
Like I said, it is the result of irrational incentive structures and confusing making money with being productive. An Auditor becomes and FSM. A scientist becomes a Wall Street analyst. Same story, different players.
Boy you said it Commnicator I/C. Instead of honorable work auditing and CSing others, they turn to regging for the IAS or Power FSMing. But one FSM I talked to years ago said that FSM’s have absolutely no interest in FSMing new raw public onto the Bridge ‘because the big bucks are getting seasoned OT’s onto OT VII.” That was actually said. And out of work almost-were actors like Michael Roberts make their money regging for the IAS. It’s pitiful what it has come to.
i was told by someone, whom I can’t remember, but had a high position in the SO that I should go into FSMing and then I won’t have all the WORK of AUDITING someone. First of all I love to audit and secondly, I hated the politics and commission wars that went on in fsming.
Very good analogy Comm IC. Yes, ’twas appealing all the big dog FSM’s making money hand over fist for a few hours of selling services.
Even that changed though, with the reinterpretation of FSM Commission structure sometime in the 90’s went to paid as debited – instead of paid on the whole package upon arrival. So then…. many FSM’s took to selling pure donations instead of package services, the zero exchange Crusade, IAS, Ideal Org’s,Super Saver Flower Power, etc etc etc.
Drew Johnston really needs to get a new life-I’ve known him for years and he should really really know better. The Co$ have sullied the words “ideal” and “golden” utterly.
Ingrid, I totally agree with you. And I’ve also known Drew for years. It amazes me that someone as highly tech trained as he is could still be swallowing the tech alter-is, the altered LRH references, the Ideal Orgs with no one in them, the IAS gang bang money grabs and more. How does he do it? Does he just Not-Know in order to still believe?