The latest promotional item from the First Bankrupted Continent has dispensed with any pretense about the purpose of the May 9th event.
It used to be a celebration of the anniversary of Dianetics.
At one point it was even an “International Event” though as time went on “COB” found it too much of a strain to attend the March 13th event and then prepare for Maiden Voyage in June AND have to do a May 9th event in between. So, he sent the “B Team.”
Nowadays, there isn’t even a pretense of that. The event is a “non-event” with “local speakers” and little or nothing of note. They don’t even include any hype on their promotion.
And now they have gone the full “to hell with it, we might as well just say it, everyone knows anyway….”
Dianetics Day is Fundraising Day. In other words, just like the other 364 1/4 days of the year. And just like every other event. It’s just a reason to get you in a room and gang rape your wallet.
Ah, the wonderful life of a fundamentalist scientologist.
Looked up Scientology front groups, and there are many.
But there u were talking some crap about, and I paraphrase […{ you}…. have so much pride thinking about all the humanitarian efforts and good works that a Scientology offers people…]. So insane to think that a religion could thrive and grow so exponentially by turning its flock into lying, hypocritical sacks of shit. Crazy world, truly insane. Only L Ron. Truly insane… But brilliant all the same
As a never in I don’t know, but what does one of those teams “win” if they win?
I hear crickets…
SPs made Albuquerque Mavericks make only 0 points!
Where’s Tom Cruise?
HELLO, all the donations sitting in the bank can make many orgs in the final stretch idle! How don’t they just look at one another after beating themselves and public up and say,all the regging we have done for the IAS the past 5 years,we need 259,000,screw this! Demand it!!! They love there church so much why not state the obvious!!!!
Is it just me, or does anyone else find the names of the org teams like “Tornadoes” and Stallions” a bit off policy?
Re the IRS, they do indeed prefer “pure donations”, however, unlike most “charitable organizations”, Scientology churches as a general policy do not provide services for free (“Free service equals free fall.” – LRH); “pure donations” will only get you a lapel pin and some garish, gaudy and glittery trophy. The churches do very little to benefit the communities that they are in, except for perhaps an annual, pathetic “food drive” done for the local homeless and DBs that Scientology has very little compassion for. Scientology Churches are a cold, sterile, strictly-business environment and not a place anyone in their right mind would want to hang out for fun. What they do actually use their money for is to personally benefit people like Miscavige and a few celebrities like Tom Cruise, and of course, surveil, harrass and litigate their critics out of existence, not something that should really be done by a tax-exempt organization. Uh yeah, they also hide behind the First Amendment in the US to abuse their staff.
I shouldn’t really care what these bottom feeders do but it pains me that so-called Scientologists have no reverence for May 9th. This, LRH’s Birthday and Auditors Day should continue to be celebrated as the true holidays within Scientology they are. As for me, I’m looking forward to the day that my first thought about May 9th isn’t DMSMH.
New link for status rating on charity. Scientology not even considered. CCHR gets low rating of 2 stars.
Ideal Continent indeed. Hah.
So North America is targeted for the giant sponge soaking. Billionaire Bob Duggan lives here along with the Hollywood crowd and other millionaires. They need to be impressed and comforted in that Scientology is expanding. They will also need to shell out for it because the public is sick of this and will not come through. This game can be played for a looong time, as long as the enablers keep proping it up.
Yay! Diarrheanetics Day! Scientology blows. We support you, Mike.
I am personally boycotting every movie where there is so much as a scientologist grip working on the film. I would never boycott other cults. Because most have something that I can at least respect about them.
Even Charles Manson had one or two redeeming qualities. He didn’t eat animals and he liked kids (BTW I’m not vegetarian but it’s a respectable quality). David Misscavity has zero redeeming qualities. None! He’s not even kind of a babe. He is creepy and gross.
First Ideal Cont—League Two: “With surfing in their blood, Hawaii shedded up the waves…”
One doesn’t “shed up the waves,” one “shreds the waves” when surfing.
Now, “shred” means (per the Online Slang Dictionary), “to perform an athletic sport such as surfing, skiing or skateboarding well.” Perhaps a new event will someday be added to the Summer Olympics in which a Scientologist can “shred an event,” in which they’ll display their athletic prowess in completely avoiding having their wallet or purse gang-raped at a Scientology Incorporated event.
“Shedded up the waves”? I’m not fluent in surfer slang, but shouldn’t that be “shredded”?
Yes. Yes, it should have been “shredded.” “Shedded up the waves” is something only a very brave cat would do.
Hey Cult members! If you’re going to try and use surf lingo, for fucks sake, do a little research or don’t do it at all.
They are the “authorities on the mind” and “authorities on getting people off drugs.” However, they are not the authorities on spell check. I guess surfer lingo is something better go and learn.
Scientology fundraising is called, “The Out-Exchange Rundown”. Its EP is the cognition you’re done with it forever. Church stats prove that it works.
I would prefer to call it a Fundraining Day.
The consistently amazing thing is that these folks continue to give and give and give, pay and pay and pay, yet realize nothing return but more of the same How do they continue to fool themselves? Yes, I know that others have done the same kind of thing all through history, but never seem to learn the lesson. I’ve always said that there were, at one time, some very good things to be had. And I got many of them. The greatest of them was simply, “I AM SOURCE IN MY OWN LIFE”. It’s the most freeing moment I had in scio and the beginning of my leaving.
“How do they continue to fool themselves?”
Because fooling themselves is much more preferable to confronting that they themselves have been fooled, defrauded, swindled, conned.
If they confronted what they suspect is the truth, then they’d have to handle it! They’d have to make decisions!
So they alter-is, self invalidate their own observations, turn away from what their own eyes tell them, and in so doing, get a little bit more stupider than they were before.
They need to be stupid, so that they won’t see, and they need to not-see so that they can stay stupid.
The more they consider that they want/need to/must stay, the stupider they need to be.
The stupider they need to be is the more care they must take to not see.
This is the only way to “survive” in a suppressive cult ruled by a sociopath like David Miscavige.
thegman77, Samuel Clemens answered your Q 150 years ago. ‘It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.’
Pathetic. I don’t think Kelly Slater would be keen on the use of his image for this sad scientology promo. And if they’re going to use a “surfing” theme it’s “shredding” not “shedding” the waves, like they’re shedding members. Thank you Mike for continuing to post and document the wild ride as the cult spirals down.
Boy that was lame. My elementary students could have produced a better promotion. Yeah they seem to be grasping at straws now. Feel bad for the B Team and all the orgs charged with yet another fundraiser. I can already see Mighty Mouse ranting about the ineptness of his feeble flock.
Even “fundraising” is something of a misnomer. Fundraising for non-profit causes should be all about doing something worthwhile/useful/interesting in the community to get people sufficiently enthused to impart a few quid for the worthy cause. My local C of E Church does this routinely and it works great – everybody wins. But imagine a “Help The Aged” local branch having a meeting of all volunteers locally, locking them up in a room and exerting high pressure and guilt-pressure sales to the fellow volunteers to max out their credit cards. That’s fundraising? I suppose it does “raise funds” in a literal sense but not quite in the intended spirit methinks…
At least the two public still left on lines in Alburquerque are showing their smarts. (by the way, what kind of production earns a TENTH of a freakin’ point! Ha ha … and I STILL don’t believe there’s really an org in Santa Barbara!)
Production doesn’t earn points anymore, because there is none, anywhere (with the possible exception of the Headquarters of Flaggotry). Those points are all money donated, one point per thousand dollars, if memory serves (the bonus points are earned by new statuses attained). So a tenth of a point represents the hundred dollars someone handed over just to get the regges to shut up and go away.
They might as well just rename this Diuretics Day, because the cult specializes in pissing all over its remaining public.
Diuretics…thought of Repo Man 🙂
“They might as well just rename this Diuretics Day…” TOO FUNNY!
I haven’t been by the Santa Barbara location lately, but a couple of months ago I made an afternoon trip after somebody said it was perma-closed, which I was skeptical about. I went Saturday afternoon. They were open and a couple of people were handing out pamphlets (I didn’t take any).
I think it’s just a storefront and not really an org, and I doubt they’re open all the hours they claim to be, but it’s certainly worlds better than the Ventura location (which *is* an org IIRC) as far as foot traffic goes. Ventura is in a light industrial area while SB is in a shopping district.
If there’s any body routing going on it must be in SB. If they let that close, they’re basically admitting they’ll never see any new members from the central coast of CA.
Love the SpongeBob font
How pathetic do beings have to be, to continue to participate in this? Are they even sentient beings anymore? Completely on automatic? (How ironic. The goal of Dianetics was to remove all stimulus response mechanisms from a being … and yet to be a continuing member of the church of scientology, one has to have mocked oneself up as a stimulus response machine, reacting in the expected way whenever the church pushes a particular button).
The come and give us more money button?
First ideal “Cont”. heh he
Heh, heh, heh…I feel you, brother! First Ideal “Cont.” I’ve known a few…
Thanks for the laugh!
Scientology is a pyramid scheme. You put in and never get anything out. I don’t know how much “clearer” it can get. For all those stuck in Scientology, please remember these words from a song by the Eagles: “so often times it happens, that we live our lives in chains, and we never even know we have the keys.”
Here’s hoping that one day soon, all Scientologists can sing this song about leaving Scientology:
Well, I heard some people talkin’ just the other day
And they said you were gonna put me on a shelf
But let me tell you I got some news for you
And you’ll soon find out it’s true
And then you’ll have to eat your lunch all by yourself
‘Cause I’m already gone
And I’m feelin’ strong
I will sing this vict’ry song, woo, hoo,hoo,woo,hoo,hoo
The letter that you wrote me made me stop and wonder why
But I guess you felt like you had to set things right
Just remember this, my girl, when you look up in the sky
You can see the stars and still not see the light (that’s right)
And I’m already gone
And I’m feelin’ strong
I will sing this vict’ry song, woo, hoo,hoo,woo, hoo,hoo
Well I know it wasn’t you who held me down
Heaven knows it wasn’t you who set me free
So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains
And we never even know we have the key
But me, I’m already gone
And I’m feelin’ strong
I will sing this vict’ry song
‘Cause I’m already gone
Yes, I’m already gone
And I’m feelin’ strong
I will sing this vict’ry song
‘Cause I’m already gone
Yes, I’m already gone
Already gone
All right, nighty-night
I know it’s been said before, and often, but LRH made a point of stating that orgs should never engage in fundraising, but should instead focus on delivery of services. In the old days we’d have long tables of people coming in for group auditing sessions, dozens of people seated across from each other, actively co-processing. The orgs were full, the exercise was affordable and fun. (although “fun” was a purely subjective concept. Lol. ). I don’t see any evidence of this happening anywhere any more.
John Brownlee wrote:
“I know it’s been said before, and often, but LRH made a point of stating that orgs should never engage in fundraising, but should instead focus on delivery of services. In the old days we’d have long tables of people coming in for group auditing sessions, dozens of people seated across from each other, actively co-processing. The orgs were full, the exercise was affordable and fun.”
But as the years turned into decades – after 65 years now – the delivery of Scientology auditing and training caused too many psychotic breaks, and “baby watches”, and opened up the organization to too many lawsuits from mental breakdowns, suicides, and deaths.
Over time, it became clear that while some people had “wins” from Scientology technology, too many others experienced catastrophic losses. And these catastrophes resulted in too many lawsuits, bad Public Relations, and profit loss.
Over time, the real results of Dianetics and Scientology could no longer be hidden.
So for Dave, it became clear that Scn organizations that were devoted solely to the delivery of the tech were a legal and financial liability. Fundraising had to become the primary way of making money for the Church of Scientology.
Scientology technology has proven itself to be unsustainable. Look at how crazy the Church and its “Clears” and “OTs” routinely prove themselves to be. That alone is evidence of Scientology’s real results.
The real results of Scientology ethics, technology and admin are unsustainable, and more harmful than beneficial in the long run.
In AD65, Scientology has proven itself to be a fully failed social experiment.
My father have taken people to the side at flag that no one could handle and had then keyed out within 1/2 hour . He has done the same in the field. at the final end it goes about your own understanding and application of that understanding of the other individual .
. I am not talking policy in anyway
Alonzo, your summation was particularly succinct. It helps to put the subject into the crypt where it belongs. Thanks to the internet and many courageous people the public have been well informed now. Like anyone with a terminal disease, all we can do is work toward removing whatever life support is keeping the organs functioning. The mind and consciousness have long since left.
So glad you continue to write. I’ve been following you with pleasure since your days commenting on Gere’s site.
All this talk about the ‘old days’ and how great they were annoys me. I am from those old days myself and do admit they were fun. But it was also a time period where the public were in the complete dark about what was really going on behind the scenes. Much of the same shit going on today was going on then but we didn’t know about it. If I knew then, what I know now, there is no way I would have continued in the friggin cult as long as I did. I saw things that were wrong and I didn’t pursue many of them because it was easier to rationalize things that did not seem right. But today it’s easier to Google. Therefore those ‘good old days’ will never be repeated because it was all due to the total bullshit veneer that is part and parcel to scientology. Why dream of some bygone time that was based on bullshit?
Correct Maureen. Anyone who talks of the “good ol’ days” has NO idea that the Cult started by El Con has ALWAYS been destructive. They were just insulated from its reality.
It is shocking how many people leave the “church” only to remain in the Cult…
You speak the truth Maureen. I wasn’t from the good ol days but not from a terrible time either. Things got progressively worse if you were still in the orgs into the 2000’s. The same BS on super steroids.
I left before I found out all about LRH, Miscavige, what goes on at Int base, and all the other horror stories. Sure, if I knew what I know now I wouldnt have stuck around either. But even back then I did know some info and chose to ignore it. For example, I saw the children wandering around PAC base looking unkempt, sad, lonely, and looking for their parents. There were a lot a signs “back then” and there still are today.
I agree that it is not productive to hang on to what we at one time believed to be true. We would still be creating that alternate reality which doesn’t serve us or even exist. Still, that experience can be learned from and talking about it can provide new insight and realization that we aren’t there anymore and have moved onward. It’s unique to each person.
Maureen, point out something that had occupied my thoughts for some time. While I was enjoying the good old day of the late 60s and early 70s, running directly parallel to that time was what we’ve all discussed and revealed over the years. It’s still staggering to me, in much the same way as a Berlin businesssman, enjoying his life as the death camps ran their course. Talk about betrayal. And talk about blind ignorance and rationalization.
Whew, it’s it’s a lot to deal with sometimes. If the FBI admits the GO was one of the top intelligence organs in the world, it’s no shame not to have been “on top” of what was really going on. Hubbard and his ever-changing crew were no dummies. I knew/know many of the top GO people at the time and I can attest they were very intelligent, in the same way as the Stasi were.
I continue to watch the vital signs of this malignant group with the help of Mike and Tony.
“orgs should never engage in fundraising, but should instead focus on delivery of services.” The IRS kind of said the same thing. No, they didn’t ban fundraising, but were promised services and prompt refunds by Scientology, and, in fundraising, you don’t have refunds.
Not really. The IRS would prefer straight donations. The quid pro quo of service in ecxhange for payment was a big problem for the IRS. Even worse was the idea of refunds. These are contradictory to the idea of a charitable gift. They have NO problem with direct donations.
It’s not happening anymore period. The public lines up to be told what they should do next, by David Miscavige who is now “Source”. Only he knows how LRH really wanted it.
The Dianetics Day event has transformed over the years. For a long time it was still inspirational to get people to train and audit. There was still a lot of purpose for the event, even though people were no longer set up at long tables getting group processing. Those days are long gone.
Sales quotas are attached to each event and each org is assigned an amount they must raise. Staff aren’t allowed to sleep unless their quota is met either. That’s really all it’s become now; a game for the SO to play and annoyance of public. No real purpose, no real product.
Another thing Ron said, was that empty orgs are a sign of out-tech. So true.
But, but, jenni! Why would bring up Ron in your post??? The clown dwarf is now SOURCE! Only he knows what’s best. And if the orgs are empty, it’s all because of the SPs surrounding him. It’s all because the staff can’t tell members to hand over their kids college fund! Ron? Really?