Easter is a uniquely Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Scientologists do NOT believe in Christ — though Hubbard gave lip service to the idea that “we want the same things Jesus wanted, peace on earth and goodwill for all men” (though even that is not true as great wealth was NOT a goal of Jesus, and goodwill for all men is NOT a goal of scientology — especially those deemed to be enemies). To be precise, it was even more vague and condescending, Hubbard said: “Scientology can demonstrate that it can attain the goals set for man by Christ, which are: Wisdom, Good Health, and Immortality.”
Scientology and Christianity are NOT compatible. At all. In scientology there is only one savior of mankind and the universe. L. Ron Hubbard. The savior of mankind is definitely NOT Jesus Christ. In fact, Hubbard claimed that Christianity and Jesus Christ are merely a part of the “R6 bank” or “R6” (a highly destructive pattern of irrational and destructive behavior that humans on this “prison planet” are burdened with in order to keep them subdued).
“Somebody on this planet, about 600 B.C. found some pieces of “R6.”
I don’t know how they found it; either by watching madmen or something. But since that time they have used it. And it became what is known as Christianity.
The man on the cross. There was no Christ!
The Roman Catholic Church, through watching the dramatizations of people picked up some little fragments of R6.”
He really had nothing good to say about Christianity:
“The whole Christian movement is based on the victim…. They won by appealing to victims. We can win by converting victims. Christianity succeeded by making people into victims. We can succeed by making victims into people.”
And another of his arcane references — but anyone can understand this is NOT complimentary.
“Well, I have been to heaven. Yes, I’ve been to heaven. And so have you….
It was complete with gates, angels and plaster saints and electronic implantation equipment. So there was a Heaven after all — which is why you are on this planet and were condemned never to be free again until Scientology.
For a long while, some people have been cross with me for my lack of cooperation in believing in a Christian Heaven, God and Christ. I have never said I didn’t believe in a Big Thetan but there was certainly something very corny about Heaven et al. Now I have to apologize. There was a Heaven. Not too unlike, in cruel betrayal, the heaven of the Assassins in the 12th Century who, like everyone else, dramatized the whole track implants….
The symbol of the crucified Christ is very apt indeed. It’s the symbol of the thetan betrayed.”
OK, given the above, who is this promotional piece intended for?
And remember the recent posts concerning non-scientologist being forbidden from staying at the Ft Harrison? It’s clearly not intended for actual Christians…
And finally, do you think Disney is aware they are using their trademarks and even listing “Originally Produced by Disney Theatrical Productions” and CHARGING for the performance? After all the shit scientology has tossed at Disney in the last two years as the parent company of A&E?
Why would ANY non-Scientologist WANT to stay at The Fort Harrison anyway?
by the way, I sent Disney corp a copy of the flier- just to make sure they were aware of it.
Well, of course, the press release on Monday will proclaim that HUNDREDS of children participateed in the egg hunt, and that THOUSANDS of eggs were all snatched up within minutes! It will be just as popular as their Winter Wonderland display.
… and scientologists everywhere are waiting for the resurrection of LRH. Offices, a house, and a carton of Kools at the ready!
You have to w onder w hat their hidden agenda is in that poster where they say “we encourage you to stay over night at the Fort Harrison so you won’t miss any of the activities “.
As usual, Hubbard is either uninformed or dishonest. “Scientology can demonstrate that it can attain the goals set for man by Christ, which are: Wisdom, Good Health, and Immortality.”
First off, these are most certainly NOT the “goals” that Christ set for his followers. Not even close! With no less accuracy he could have claimed that Christ wanted everyone to have a mule and 40 acres, or a 20% discount on the “bridge.” But once the false premise is swallowed, the hook is set!
Second, if Hubbard wants to claim that scientology can attain these “same” goals, he has to do a lot better to prove his point than name-drop Christ. As usual, the claim remains without any corroboration whatsoever.
The Wise Beard Man in an Easter Bunny suit sits down on a public park bench in downtown Clearvater. Suddenly, a SQAT Team and ninety-seven Clearvater Police surround Easter Bunny, demanding Bunny’s ID.
Bunny replies: “Yeh, Doc, cant’cha see I got no pockets? I taped my ID to Mr. Toitle. He’ll be along in awhile”
SQAT Team member to SQAT Team Leader: “Uh, Sir, there was a Turtle with several documents who moseyed through here an hour ago. We thought the docs might be subversive, or critical of the Church. We ran him off. Or, rather, moseyed him off.”
Bunny: “Mr. Toitle was here an hour ago? Pree-sPosterous-us! We were racing, and I’m a hundred times faster than that low-down slow-poke.”
SQAT Team Leader: “Mr. Bunny, did you happen to stop for a nap on the way here?”
Bunny: “Well of couise I stopped for a Bunny Nap. It’s good for the digestion.”
SQAT Team Leader: “Mr. Bunny, what can you tell us about that beard poking out from your jawline?”
Bunny: “That, Sir, is no beard. I am simply shedding. Summer is coming up, dont’cha know.”
SQAT Team Leader: “OK everyone, that clears it up. Whoever reported a Wise Beard Man in a bunny suit sitting on a public bench must have not got close enough to see he was simply shedding. Sorry to have bothered you, Mr. Bunny.”
Bunny: “Yeh, yeh, no problemo, Doc. Come back anytime, but before youse all go to wherever they store a SQAT Team and ninety-seven Clearvater Police, could someone loan me a ten-spot?”
SQAT Team Leader: “Ten dollars! I thought carrots were cheap?”
Bunny: “Carrot? I don’t need no stinkin’ Carrot. I need a cold beer. This damn suit is hot as hell.”
I wonder where “hypocrisy” on the tone scale?
I bet it’s pretty high up (COB’s ass).
Well, to compound the complexity even further, Easter isn’t even a Christian holiday. At least, it didn’t start out that way. Its origins are pagan. The word “Easter” comes from a goddess named “Oster” that the pagan Saxons worshipped in medieval times in England, before the Vikings invaded, even. Oster was their godess of spring and new life and fecundity and her pet animal, no surprise, was the rabbit. Oster was honored sometime in April. They colored eggs, also self-explanatory. All part of the pagan ritual. Now, when the RC powers that be were intent on converting the Brits to Christianity, no small part of the deal was that becoming Christian wasn’t going to CHANGE things much.
Pope Whoever To Pagans:
“Yo, listen up, here’s the deal: For your part, almost NOTHING is going to change. No kidding! Keep your rabbits, color your eggs, weave your little baskets, dance your little dances. Do your thing as its been done for countless centuries. We’ll even let you keep the same name! Keep calling it Oster (Easter), no problem.! Only – and pay attention now – there’ll be this ONE change. You’ll hardly notice it but it its important. Instead of celebrating Oster and her rabbit you’ll be celebrating Jesus Christ returning to Earth after His Crucifixion. So! Take down this picture of Oster here and put this one up of Jesus Christ instead. Put these little crosses around your necks. There you go. The rest will come later, when you can handle it. For now, that’s all there is to it! Do we have a deal?”
I’m being deliberately obnoxious for the sake of humor but that’s pretty much the concept of how hundreds of thousands of pagans all over Europe and the British Isles back in the day were converted to Christianity.
I try to be non judgemental about people having their own religion and I hope they do too. For example. a Christian might think I’m a good guy but I’m not yet “saved”. A Scientologist might think I’m a good guy but I just “fell off the bridge”.
On the other hand they might think I’m a heathen or a wog.
Who cares what “they” think, Richard? Anyone who knows and likes and respects you is not going to give a damn about your woo of choice provided no animals are harmed 🙂
Besides, each of us has our woo and thinks its better than everyone else’s, me included.
You think I don’t have my own woo because I knock organized religion so much? Guess again!
I throw coins for the I Ching Hexagrams. i ask “The Sage” questions and get answers from the 64 Hexagrams. Does this make me a Taoist? Whatever. A nutjob? Probably. But I don’t care.
I like asking questions and throwing the coins and getting the various Hexagrams with changing lines etc. as answers
. “The Sage” may not be always spot on with me – he’s a busy Sage after all – but then, I always get SOME kind of answer, and he never gives me BAD advice, and more often than not, wise advice 🙂
Now, YOU are the LEAST judgemental person I know. I INSIST this to be true. Despite the fact that we’ve never met. There’s that little detail. But, with the blog and all, it feels like I know you, kinda sorta, so I’ll say it again; the least judgemental person I know 🙂
Thanks Aqua. My best friend is a realist and an atheist so I leave my own woo out of the conversation and we get along just fine. We both enjoy trashing “organized” religion. A couple of times I’ve mentioned things I thought were worthwhile in Scientology but that makes him worry that I’m still “stuck in Scientology” so I rarely mention it anymore – haha
He had a male cat named Oscar. Oster might be a fun name for a female kitty. Bob told me that Oscar was a “silk freak”. Bob was living in an apartment in Philly and one morning he was awakened by a scream from the upstairs apartment which was occupied by a single woman. She had left a dresser drawer open which had her silk thingies in it and Oscar was in Heaven rolling around in the find.
This was an educational topic with clarifications on Easter, Santa Claus, pagans and Halloween.
Great article, Mike, and Happy Easter to you and yours. But one correction I have to make. It is no longer true that LRH is the “Christ” for Scientologists and the leader and spiritual everything to them. Somewhere along the line in the last 30 years it changed over to David Miscavige supplanting LRH. Now it is “command intention” instead of KSW that prevails. They know they are out tech, but do it knowingly because the head honcho, David, has ordered it done as “command intention.”
It’s EASTER??? Damn! I was in the dark! OK! Let’s get the chocolate Easter eggs rolling! Nothing says Easter like chocolate!
Dark Chocolate?
we know what you are rolling OSD, and it sure isn’t chocolate Easter eggs, though I’m sure those would be great for later.
Hubbard and his secret “stash” of never ending ‘death and brimstone’ to nullify curiosity and control his flock – the R6 bank. Whenever he wants to make a point or stand up on his own podium and rub our miserable existences in our own faces. All for our own good, after all. He drags out his God like knowledge of the R6 bank, which us mere mortals cower in terror from and look to Ron to steer us to safety. Boy, we bought a big load of bs with that one. Nice trick though, as only Hubbard knew the path, and all that was needed & wanted was your money and/or subservience, for a billion years service that is.
The biggest enemy of Scientology is someone who is self-determined or inclined to be so, because as per Hubbard it’s all the R6 bank that is motivating you anyway. Hubbard, the R6 Pied Piper is here to rescue us all.
I Yawn, I Yawn, I Yawn. Really, it’s so simple! Just get an R7 bank!
I’m surprised you didn’t know about it.
LOL Are you suggesting I’m numerically challenged? But you do make sense, an upgrade of course! But, can’t I just unplug Scientology from the wall and plug it in again?
I’m currently reading Russell Miller’s book on L Ron Hubbard…A specific quote by Hubbard really struck me he said”an insatiable desire for power and money” and I think that statement IS scientology and midget miscavige all rolled into one.At no point in this book was religion,god,Jesus or any other reference to region made.
Mike and Leahs mission to discredit this cult is certainly working and getting support from around the world.
Happy Easter
IMHO, Russell Miller’s book is spectacular! I’ve read his book several times.
If you haven’t read his book, you’re missing out of a great read.
There are very few books that I’ll read more than once. This is one of them.
To me, it’s not what this “cult/church” believes will be their salvation, or their mission, or whatever the scam they are pulled in to. It’s the despicable cruelty of how it conducts the illegal activities, from enslaving anyone that DM fears will rock his little world, to the demands for the members to perpetuate the lies and manipulation for an endless sacrifice of a persons family, finances, freedom. How they are demanded to live a life of servitude to serve, well, one person that person now being that little twerp DM. It all falls on him now that LRH kicked the bucket.
It’s all so twisted and really sincere, good people who believe they are doing something honorable and good do exactly the opposite. Some walked into this on their own, some were brought into it, not by their choice but by birth. They are all victims of a twisted lie created by a science fiction writer. A man who never did anything that was not intended to serve anyone’s interests except his own. Maybe if there is a Purgatory he is running around a poll somewhere.
Speaking of the little twerp, hey DM, where’s Shelly?
Perfectly said Peggy!
“The symbol of the crucified Christ is vert apt indeed”.
Damn right it is! I’ve got a Japanese wife and she crucifies me on a daily basis. I don’t mind most of it. But, it’s the whips are really tough!
Just how many whips & what types are we talking about here Dude? You’ve got my attention.
ROTFLMFAO!!! Now that’s some funny shit!!!
Meet me at the usual place.
Bring that Guy Fawkes mask along OK?
Consider it done!
As always, your post was extremely eye opening. It truly angers me that they are trying to make it seem as if they are just celebrating Easter and inviting families to do the same. How can we make Disney aware of their copyright infringement? Thank you for your post. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter ❤️
O/T. As announced during his lecture on Sunday, April 14, 2019, Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister “Tony” Muhammad has had his name changed to Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad. He is still a minister in the Nation of Islam. Thus, he is now known as Minister Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad.
fka = formerly known as.
See video below: “God Will Rise! Pt. 2.” And particularly from 23:30 – 27:32 when he is introduced as Minister Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad and then takes the stage. I have watched the entire lecture. Later in the same video, Minister Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad (fka “Tony” Muhammad) talks about how the Ministers and their wives, including his wife, had their names changed to purely Muslim names.
My tweet: https://twitter.com/IndieScieNews/status/1117955504981139458
ESMB post: http://www.forum.exscn.net/threads/scientology-awards-freedom-medal-to-nation-of-islam-min-tony-muhammad-who-promotes-anti-semitic-book.44564/page-15#post-1205715
NOTE: in case anyone is wondering, I am not an Independent Scientologist and I am not associated with Independent Scientology. I didn’t even think of Independent Scientology when I chose my Twitter ID.
So he’s now A.M.S. (Ay-em-ess) Muhammad or “A” for short. Cool nickname.
What was the name of the Christian Church and Priest , close by the cult in Clearwater, that there was a lot of writing about a year or two about here at this blog and Tony´s place?
How are they doing today?
Anybody knows?
Pastor Willy..Calvary Church.
He actually just retweeted Mike’s piece today:
Never mind!
Just mentioned in Tony´s blog:
“Willy Rice on Twitter. He is Pastor of Calvary Church in Clearwater, Florida”
Pastor Willy Rice. Calvary Church in Clearwater, Florida. Hallelujah, I think I just got religion. I’d go to his church. I’d listen to this man’s sermons. A modern day cleric with an actual backbone who honors God by thinking for himself, listening to his conscience and practicing what he preaches – how unique. How refreshing!
Thank you Mike Rinder. God bless you and your family always.
“Easter Bunny Day” is secular with no chance of restimulating the youngsters. $113 for a hotel room sounds reasonable and at least the Scientologist will be getting something for his or her money. Room service would probably be limited.
That’s $113 for a single room. Who would go to this event as a “single”? It’s clearly intended for families with small children.
What about large children?
Hi Aquamarine!
They had to have paid serious money to be able to show those movies. New Mary poppins movie.
They’re both on DVD, so my bet for this is the same for the Beauty and the beast production: I bet they are counting on not getting caught.
Also ready to apply the forgiveness vs permission rule.
Mike is so right to point out the hypocrisy against Disney. They’ve been sanctimonious lying snakes with their spear rattling and claims of victimhood.
It’s so two faced and disgusting.
So apparently the “Easter Bunny” qualifies as a somewhat “honored guest” & he/she will be by te pool maybe doing the Bunny Hop to the band’s music. Seems like “they” also believe in Easter Egg Hunts.
Please explain to me exactly what….if Jesus didn’t exist….THEIR version of acknowledging EASTER actually is? Could the Easter Bunny now recognized by “them” in some format as a…a…..a…deity?
Then again, after all, just how are they to suck young kids into the “realm of the bubble” without ANY enticement? Thinking about it, chocolate eggs wouldn’t do it for me,….then again, hmmm…the jury is still out on that one….it would depend on the type of chocolate Easter Egg….Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter????
…chocolate eggs wouldn’t do it for me,…
Are you mad, woman!!! Chocolate, in any form, is fantastic!
Unless, like me, you are allergic. Yes, allergic to chocolate. It is the cross I bear.
I’m…I’m sorry, Valerie. That just tugs on my heart strings.
OK! Back to eating chocolates! Woo Hoo!
My deepest condolences Val.
On the contrary, I think you’re blessed, Valerie. I wish I were allergic to chocolate.
You’ve broken my heart Aqua.
“I wish I were allergic to chocolate”
Because I love it so much and lack the will power to resist it.
Kinda like I feel about you, Yawn 🙂
We will be more than happy to take that dastardly chocolate off your hands…gladly!
Has anyone seen my EDIT BUTTON….once again it seems to have gone missing…..editing feature seems to come and go like the tide….Hold on a minute..damn it…I hope that Easter Bunny didn’t swipe it!
OSD…I just knocked off a milk chocolate peanut butter “egg”….it was really good…but…the dark chocolate peanut butter eggs well…..mmmm.
P.S. An acquaintance is Japanese & her husband American…their daughter is named Yoko (truly really is!). When they went to Japanese to visit Yoko’s Grandparents….Grandma said: “She is an American child….no Japanese little girl would act like that”….Wow….Yoko IS a fire cracker!
She’s got your number, girlfriend! And there’s nothing I can do…
Question: What’s the difference between a male chocolate Easter Bunny and a female chocolate Easter Bunny?
Answer: About this much. (shows a 1/4 inch gap between thumb and forefinger)
A guy who is pretty well intoxicated goes into a bar to order yet another beer.
The guy sits himself down on the barstool noticing a rabbit hopping around on the bar top.
Customer to Bartender: what’s a rabbit doing on the bar top?
Bartender: He’s our bar mascot.
Customer: What are all these small round things laying on the bar top
Bartender: They’re Smart Pills
Customer: Smart Pills, whadda mean “Smart Pills’
Bartender: Well you take a few & they make ya smart.
Customer: I could use some of these I ain’t so smart. Customer puts several in his mouth
& screams out…OMG….. this tastes just like SHIT!!!!.
Bartender: See, there ya go….you’re getting Smarter Already.
This kind of reminds me of the way some religions co-opted pagan holidays to coincide with their own “holy” days. That way, the “pagans” were less likely to protest an encroaching view- they could still celebrate their holidays although with a different meaning.
This allows Scientologists to keep parents and kids happy. They pay lip service to Easter and Christmas so that people/kids won’t be upset and start pulling away. JW took away holidays and birthdays, and I think they may get some resistance by children and young adults as it makes them stand out way to much from the rest of the masses.
Since it seems too few people in Scientology actually spend any amount of time reading Hubbard’s views on Christianity and other religions (or they don’t want to unpack that and examine it too closely), this would be a “normal” thing to them. It’s only when you actually look at how Hubbard felt about other religions that you shake your head and ask why.
Scientology like most religions and cults believes in incorporeal beings. Except for fundamentalists, Halloween is generally accepted as secular with no need to disguise it as something else. Ghosts, goblins, angels and devils welcome!
For Christmas and Easter, Scientologists need to stick with Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.
LOL! Richard, Santa Claus is a CHURCH Saint. Not secular at all.
St. Nicholas!
Okay but I’m still confused. Are Santa Claus and Saint Nicholas different names for the same dude who lives at the North Pole with reindeer and flies around on Christmas Eve? I’m not well versed in Christian lore. My mother put me in Sunday School when I was six or seven years old but I got booted out for being too rambunctious or something.
Same dude, Richard.
Halloween most likely was originally a pagan celebration called Samhain, which celebrated the harvest. The christian church called it all-hallows eve and co-opted it to include paying homage to dead saints.
Kat – Maybe the pagans also “summoned” the saints? In one form or another seances and “summoning” have always been popular. Even Hubbard gave it a try with Jack Parsons and others. No report on the results.
Kat, we’re tracking. I just posted this same concept before reading your post. Christianity let the pagans keep their holidays and the traditions and rituals associated with these holidays. Plus all those saints and their shrines were substitutes for the countless Greek and Roman gods and goddesses.
Scientology insinuates itself into their’ lives by letting the Christians keep their holidays, their traditions.
No matter where Scientology goes they’ll play ball with the existing customs and beliefs, they’ll embrace the prevailing religion of that place and “celebrate” it too.
Scientology is doing precisely this with the Nation of Islam and its own brand of whacky woo.
A very old, extremely cynical ploy and provenly workable.
Except, in Scientology’s case, not so much, thanks to the internet!
I was absent for a little while due to having to catch up with all that dratted work that went unfinished while I was at conference, so Im a little behind. (the work elves were obviously on vacation and failed to complete everything in my absence). I saw your post- you did a much better job explaining the point than I did!
Florida grown here, from Tierra Verde. Grew up watching the lemmings walk the streets of Clearwater. It has been extremely sad to watch COS blatantly break laws repetitively, to watch them amass such property in and through the Gulf Beaches and Fl. To see county and state officials run scared because of COS cult status. Time and time again.
Outsiders are not welcome at the Ft Harrison, SPs are not welcome. No amount of false propaganda they spew will change this.
Someone should call Disney and report the illegal use of the name.
Share and make aware – only way to stop this nonsense is to educate others to the atrocities of COS.
Two and a half hours of off-the-hook batshit scientology insanity from 1993. I had to actually see it to believe it. You will too if you haven’t already. I’m sure poor Mike Rinder was present and remembers it well.
Yes, we actually live on the same planet with this hyper dangerous cult. It must be destroyed.
See https://youtu.be/hiAGiflmM0E
Its not the woo that has to be destroyed. You’ll never do that. People love their woo. What has to be destroyed is Fair Game and Disconnection. And if destroying these doesn’t destroy the Church of Scientology, fine, and if it does, well, that’s how it crumbles, cookie-wise.
Having said that, I don’t think the former is possible. I think the only things holding Co$ together ARE Disconnection and Fair Game. I think without these the entire cherch would fall apart. This is just my opinion but think about it; ALL that’s holding the cherch together are its most destructive, brutal policies. Destructive on EVERY dynamic!
Kind of like it would be if the only policies holding the RC’s together were fear of being put on the rack or being burned at the stake for heresy.
Oh, but wait; that’s right, the RCs wised up and eliminated those policies…and survived, and are revered and respected today…OSA, are you reading this?…How about mentioning this little fact to your boss?
I agree with your assessment. Only by keeping members too scared to do anything or look at anything outside of the cult is keeping it running. The fear of disconnection keeps many in. The fear f being ‘sec-checked’ keeps others rooted. The sea ogres have the fear of the RPF to keep them in and in line.
without the fear of retaliation, most (if not all) would leave.
When someone starts speaking about their visions of the distant past they’re speaking as a prophet. “Source” is kind of a sneaky way of saying the same thing and slips by as founder or originator. I wasn’t looking for religion when I got into Scientology and the communication course and auditing with an e-meter seemed pretty scientific.
“the communication course and auditing with an e-meter seemed pretty scientific.”
“Seemed” being the operative word there.
Let’s put that in bigger letters: SEEMED!
That is one of the hooks Hubbard loved. He seems to always want to come across as the authority on all- he couched everything in pseudo scientific terms- just enough to make people think he knew what he was talking about. He stated that things were ‘fact’ without offering anything other than his word. The truly horrible thing is that people wanted to believe in what he was saying and ended up in a cult.