This one sure got some hype.
Look at those poor excluded souls, peering through the gaps in the door.
It’s a “monumental achievement” and it is mind-numbing.
And it is the biggest thing ever ever. Since the last email was sent out, at least.
But though you have probably heard, we are NOT going to tell you.
You have to come in so we can “brief you” personally (and hold you hostage til you turn over your credit cards)
So, I will save you the trouble.
Apparently there is a “new” CCRD…. Wowee zowee.
Of course, everyone has been doing it wrong forever and COB has saved the day again… All that out tech that has been being perpetrated for 30 years under the direct supervision of RTC has been found and all arbitraries have been removed “just as LRH intended.” Exclam exclam exclam.
All praise the COB. The creator of squirrel tech that he so cleverly “discovers” later in order to bask in the glory of having uncovered the despicable off-sourciness.
This will soon crank up the number of “clears” ready to be regged for the Purif and Objectives. Of course that is after they have paid for the “new” GAT II CCRD to correct the earlier GAT II CCRD which fixed the CCRD before that, which was a replacement for the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive. Each successive version was “out-tech” and “not what LRH intended.” I don’t know how much longer he can keep doing this…
Standard tech rules.
Until tomorrow when the new version comes out. Then today’s standard tech becomes yesterday’s suppressiveness. And you have to pay to do it over again because “you didn’t get all the gains you should have” and it’s “quickier” now so you can “rocket up the Bridge at lightning speed” to await the next event where you will be briefed on another epic monumental breakthrough that will take you back to start at the beginning again.
It’s the “circle of life” in scientology.
Greetings from the outside again……this COB, ( is that corn on the cob or crazy on the boat or crappy old boob because he is surely not a leader but a con of blarney!) I hope that the idiots who are left, and I know they are really not true idiots but brain dead robots, when are they waking up? Lord have mercy they need to wake up because it truly amazes me how many times the COBman runs the same scam. Can’t someone sneak on the boat and give the COBman some Knock out drops and then give the rest of the poor souls Wake Up Drops so that their brains will engage and no one has to hear about GAT II CCRD ever again in any incarnation.
Hi peggy2176il,Good to meet you.Loved your post especially “crazy on the boat moniker”. Brain dead robots got me drifting back to SO days.Thought I had found my true home but now know it was all Illusion.It takes in my opinion a very very traumatic situation to snap souls awake from the hold Ron/COB has over them.In this incarnation I know that with every fiber of my body mind & spirit. Knock out drops sound like a plan,but what to do when they wear off? I’d leave him on that rust bucket The Moneywinds with no anchors or lifeboats no working engine smack in the middle of a very angry Sea!Ann.
I am impressed by the youthful vigor of the Flag consultants. They are a perky looking bunch, no? It reminds me of all the orgs’ promo bulletins: the people in the photos look older and older each time. Let’s hope this new discovery does add years on to lifespan!
Hi Mike, I’m sorry but all this Epic Rate of New Clears will produce is a bunch of empty wallets and broken OT dreams. In fact I’ve got The Morgue warming up right now in the back yard to take all those who trully believed they will Clear this planet on a Journey of Many Lifetimes.Those here are not stupid, we did not just fall off the turnip truck into the almond groves that used to be in Hemet and those who keep poking us with a stick may wish they had not tred on us so callously,we may awake & surprise them.I salute you for your courage & bravery in the face of greed & eventually insanity.Not to mention putting up with all points of view from all over the globe on this blog including my own.Always Ann.
A few weeks ago, I wrote to a young man whose parents have disconnected from him (I have known his parents, both “new OT 8s” for over forty years; they are also accomplished auditors and CSs from San Francisco). I told him that my own opinion was that his parents were no longer independent beings; that they are in effect circuit driven machines now. That is to say, they operate not unlike tape recorders, they record the information and orders and think given to them and then replay it back on cue (ironically acting EXACTLY like the reactive mind that LRH explains in DMSMH). They are in full dramatization ALL THE TIME, no longer capable of ACTUAL ARC.
The reason I mention the above as a response to this post is that when we see ANOTHER over the top come on like “epic announcement”, it actually looks comedic to us, almost like an SNL sketch. And we ask why anyone would even buy into ANOTHER ccrd and pay for it to boot. But you see, to the on lines Scientologist, I think would be DISAPPOINTED with anything BUT over the top promo. Why? They’re programmed, they’re on automatic as to what to respond to. Like my young friend’s parents above, THEY ARE NO LONGER INDPEPENDENT THINKING INDIVIDUALS. They are simply functioning circuits set to respond to push button commands. (Proof? If they WEREN’T, then how could any sane individual who was a Cl 8 CS in a large org that was absolutely PACKED in 1975, continue to STAY on staff presently in the same org which is now relatively empty and continue to buy into the program? Would not be possible if they were actually sane and in present time.)
So when you see the ridiculous looking over the top promo sent to Scientologists, realize that they are BELOW “truth or lies.” They do not even consider if something is true. What they are fed simply “IS” and it elicits their programmed response.
Uhm … yeah … I guess for you it might be, my formerly somewhat sane friends.
You nailed it Joe P! Well said! And how can Barbara Dews, Flag rep, veteran SO member who has been there for years, how can she not see what is going on?
Hi Joe Pendleton,Thank you for saying what I have been thinking better than I could.I posted about those still in having their brains rewired to the beat of Ron & David Miscavige.In the SO my brain was so hard wired to Ron it was ridiculous.I had a lot of dear friends in the SO auditors c/s’s fellow members of the Team.We were a small band then & yes we fiercely loved each other & watched each other’s backs.Then why did it break down.Well I feel because we were fed a pack of lies by Ron about
Ron. He was not sweet kind loving & true.he was not this great OT coming to save us from the prison planet.And for you Ron’sTech is OK do not blame your feelings on him crowd,it has taken me over 40 years to realize this. If he was all he said why did he pass to his Target 2 insane & alone ? And why would such a big being appoint David Miscavige as heir & successor? What about his own kids? So the house of cards to me begins to tremble & fall into the sea.Lies & many types of pain & ruin of souls inflicted on good hearts is wrong very wrong.Those that will not see,will not see.They can post as much as they desire but they are still in the prison of belief only glimpsing the stars sun moon planets & their soul Even then do they really care? Always Ann.
All you SP nay-sayers may scoff but I predict that using this Epic new CCRD will produce the highest ever rate of new Clears made in the history of the universe.
I think they left out the “e” in Corps.
This is on a bit of a different subject, but I’ve seen something (forget where) that said Mi$cavige never even completed a Class 4 internship. He’s like…NOwhere as far as any level of technical accomplishment.
Does anyone know where this came from or what the facts are? I mean, yes, he sure acts like he has zero tech training, and when I was in his office time and time again many years ago there were NO certs on his wall as to tech or admin training or case level. You’d think, since LRH says to have your highest certs displayed in your work space, that he of all people would be boasting about it. But they were noticeably missing.
It’s just even more despicable, if the above is true, that he has the nerve to say he figured out what’s wrong with any LRH tech and set about rewriting/editing all the basic books, put out “LRH bulletins” after the man’s death, insisting lower levels redone is correct technically, etc. etc. etc.
The creme de la creme would be him “discovering” a NEW definition of Clear. Yeah! Well, let’s at least write a new one then so we can sell more CCRD re-dos.
i never thought it made any sense in the first place. I believe the cog (what you have to voice to get past the CCRD) is “I mocked up my own bank”.
So did all those engrams happen to you or not? Or did you just imagine the entire thing?
It doesn’t seem to be the kind of end phenomena that could be readily changed, to what?
I didn’t mock my own bank, it all happened to me. Congratulations you are clear
If people will not tolerate fraud from the Catholics you know what’s coming around the bend for David Miscavige.
This is off topic, but tonight Comedy Central will show the classic 2005 anti-Scientology episode of South Park, “Trapped in the Closet” from 8:58 p.m. til 9:29 p.m…the episode that made TC go ballistic!!
All I can say is that it’s a good thing LRH was such a prolific writer or one day David Miscavige would run out of semicolons to blame.
The first announcement is SO funny….they must be so desperate that they’re now employing the scarcity marketing trick – “VERY limited time offer”….”contact us to see if you qualify”. I guess lowering prices didn’t work, they haven’t been able to GIVE the stuff away so maybe fear and scarcity will work this time. Ha ha ha ha!!
Hi Brian,Those greens Eyes Spook me also & David’s hyper devotion love that description, reminds me of a kid outside of a candy store except here David is thanking Ron for the copyright to his name & all that tsunami of cold cash! May you both have a good weekend & 4th. Always Ann.
Hi Ann,
I could not stop laughing when I saw this pic.
Dave’s hyper enthusiastic devotion just cracks me up.
And Ron’s green “being there” eyes makes me laugh even harder.
That last sentence was like this year’s Super Bowl–a tough, hard-fought post for 59 lines and the last line made it a classic.
Anyone having difficulty understanding changes in Scientology technology needs to purchase a GAT2 version of the technical dictionary and look up the word Standarder. It is a new addition to the Scientology language which means; any and all LRH tech which has been revised, corrected or improved by COB. The word standard is now only used for historical reference. GAT2 works 107% of the times with the correct application of Standarder tech.
As always RB ๐ ๐ ๐
Now thats a shermonating NEW standardizer!!
Typos, typos! “It really is the spoonful of sugar that makes the bitter medicine go down.”
I have to stop getting emotional like this.
“All that out tech that has been being perpetrated for 30 years under the direct supervision of RTC has been found and all arbitraries have been removed “just as LRH intended”.
Mike, you are one funny guy. Thank you for your wit. It really the spoonful of sugar that makes the bitter medicine This stuff, these outrageous tech lies and frauds as well as other cult frauds need to be confronted but I don’t think I could do it “straight”.
Yes, you’re special because we have selected *you* to be the first group of dumbfucks to get it up the ass yet once again, provided you have any money left that we haven’t already taken from you.
Yep, you’re so special we’ll even allow you to fuck yourselves by running around this poll all day until you fucking pass out.
And this is tax exempt fraud, too. Amazing.
Hi Cindy,Thank you for your post.I must give David Miscavige a teeny tiny invisible gold star.He is the champion of bs garbage digging & recycling Tech.I really feel the entire cos Staff & public whales big $ ones & celebs have had their brains completely rewired through his.In that way they have no capacity left to discern that they are on the hamster wheel of cos forever.All the great wins that were to happen with Clear & OT remember that regular Tone Scale & then the secret Magic OT one? All the wins that were supposed to make the Thetan Super Powerful have been blown into the Black Hole of Never Happened.All the still ins writing their faked success stories to David are vacuumed up by him & hauled to his private trash heap.Of course he keeps their money for his lifestyle etc & the poor lied to cos members clamor for more huge doses of crap,Sad Scary & Sacreligious! Ann.
I worked at Bridge in 1988 and remember the warehouse full of old greenies and the new colorful replacement books that we were to sell.
Then there were the cassettes.
Then more new books and I was supposed to go to the same people and get them to buy them AGAIN.
Then again, another event and we were told to grab public and reg them again.
And again and again and again. Didn’t think it was weird taking their money. I was Sea Org and never had any money anyway.
Then I left and became public and I became the one being regged. I had all of this crap at home and the same thing happened to me. It dawned on me that I was able to return products that were defective and get my money back or at least get the latest product – in any store ANYWHERE. So I pressed the issue to get this same process because it was at least fair exchange.
Who was I kidding?
Let see, he changed f/ns, way back when he added postulates to dn auditing, all new redos, doing objectives and purifs again etc. If it has to do with new CCRD then maybe one additional question that auditors weren’t saying correctly or an additional step for havingness since you have an emptiness where the reactive mind was or a series of bulletins a pc must read before the auditing.
SP transcribers and lost tech in a drawer has already been used. I say lets blame the auditors this time.
No, they don’t want just your credit card. This is a big recruitment push. You can’t leave till you sign a contract to arrive on the EPF or give one or more of your kids. Maybe a spouse. You can get a divorce if you don’t qualify.
Any chance of a refund on all that bad tech people paid for?
Per COB, there’s no such thing as bad tech per se, it’s just that some tech is better than other tech, specifically the stuff he gets more sales with. If he could earn more selling psyche materials, trust me, he would.
If you were born and raised in a cellar by sadistic parents with no access to or knowledge of the world around you, you might be excused for your ignorance. Such is the plight of children born into scientology.
The willing entrance into a mental prison of belief can be just as effective as concrete walls in shutting off all ability to perceive things which are only a few feet from one’s eyes and ears.
I think Miscavige is fully aware of the long-con he’s playing; gleefully chuckling at the rubes who continue to allow him to feed them shit and call it a top sirloin.
I wonder if Ron Miscavige senior’s upcoming book, โIF HE DIES, HE DIESโ will encourage any of the deluded to wake from their nightmare and take peek at the sunshine.
I was at Flag when the CCRD was found to be lacking and “new” data on the CCRD was uncovered “in going through LRH’s stuff after he died.” This was the shore store and all the OT’s bought it hook, line, and sinker. And many on OT VII and other OT Levels were told “Not Clear.” And they dutifully lined up to get NED run on them after Clear, a big no no per the tech. But if RTC thoroughly went through LRH’s stuff in the early 2000’s, then theoretically there should be no more “stuff” to go through since RTC did such a good job of going through it in the 2000’s. So where is all this new revelation coming from? How many times can cob search under the couch cushions and in the old file cabinets for new revelations with which to change the Bridge? And how long will the true believers keep believing this?
“And how long will the true believers keep believing this?” As long as they believe in magic, they will keep believing. The cult as imprisoned them with their own minds.
“But if RTC thoroughly went through LRHโs stuff in the early 2000โs, then theoretically there should be no more โstuffโ to go through since RTC did such a good job of going through it in the 2000โs. So where is all this new revelation coming from?”
They found his safe deposit box at the First Bank of Dumbshit.
It was on a piece of microfilm in his wallet.
I recall reading one of those “interviews” the Fatman did – maybe it was Rocky Mountain News – one of those where questions were mailed and he sent his answers back handwritten. Anyway, it was about writing Battlefield Earth or Mission Earth. He said that because the subject of Scientology was complete, he wanted to have some fun and just write for the pleasure of writing.
Well, I guess it wasn’t complete, at least according to COB (Peace Be Upon Him).
Thank G-d David Miscavige came along to fix all Ron’s fuckups.
Mike wrote:
“Until tomorrow when the new version comes out. Then todayโs standard tech becomes yesterdayโs suppressiveness. And you have to pay to do it over again because โyou didnโt get all the gains you should haveโ and itโs โquickierโ now so you can โrocket up the Bridge at lightning speedโ to await the next event where you will be briefed on another epic monumental breakthrough that will take you back to start at the beginning again.’
“Itโs the โcircle of lifeโ in scientology.”
From George Orwell’s, “1984”
The dynamics outlined here in 1984 are true, not just for “The Party” and the Church of Scientology, but for any ideological organization. People and even technical procedures such as the DCSI/CCRD, move routinely in and out of favor as a way to keep the ideology pure in the minds of the faithful.
If a Clear does not behave the way that Ron said they should, then they are declared never clear in the first place. The technology that was used to declare them clear, along with all the people who applied it exactly as written, must be discredited and disappeared – all to keep the ideology pure and true when it has proven that it is not.
The law of keeping any ideology pure is that the ideology must always be true – especially when it isn’t. People must be sacrificed and technical procedures must be discredited – even held up as examples of pure evil – in order to keep the ideology true.
Even many exes never spot how chimerical the concept of “standard tech” is, and always has been.
People who have been involved in Scientology generally believe that the wins they got out of Scientology occurred because the tech was applied to them “standardly”. They never notice that wins occur at about the same rate no matter what version of the tech is applied, or who is applying it.
How do you keep a thetan stuck on a hamster wheel for eternity?
Put him in a round universe and tell him that there is an absolute in the corner.
Scientology is an ideology filled with non-existent and absolute mental constructs that, once you adopt them as true, will trap you in a constant quest to continually prove their existence. You will commit the most horrific injustices against yourself and others, even outright crimes, just to keep the ideology true.
– Voltaire
I wish they would just stop it. But I know they never will. Scientology is just one absurdity in an endless string of absurdities that humans will always fall for, just as they always have.
Oh well. Lesson learned. Moving on…
Thanks for all you’ve done, Mike. I know that it could not have been easy for you, but it is clear to me that you endured the difficulties because of your basic goodness, your intelligence, and your quest to seek to live with the truth.
I will always be grateful to you for that.
“How do you keep a thetan stuck on a hamster wheel for eternity?
Put him in a round universe and tell him that there is an absolute in the corner.”
Great comment Alanzo. Like the irresolute digits of pi, a round universe contains an infinite and ever expanding number of “corners” to look in. Additionally, every time one comes full-circle as it were, he always and only finds – himself.
What you wrote above is actually profound wisdom and a sage piece of cautionary advice that all would do well to keep foremost in their minds as they journey through life. I just wanted to make sure to acknowledge you for that.
Scot Campbell wrote:
“Great comment Alanzo. Like the irresolute digits of pi, a round universe contains an infinite and ever expanding number of โcornersโ to look in. Additionally, every time one comes full-circle as it were, he always and only finds โ himself.”
Totally agreed. If there is one lesson from having been a Scientologist that broadly applies to human existence, it is that one. And you expressed it way better than I did.
So in other words, Espiando, nothing was ever real, useable, true or useful? All of us who had life altering experiences…and kept them, despite someone saying “no you didn’t”…all of us were hornswoggled all the time, hypnotized every step of the way? Good luck with that thought. I’ll stick with my gains, thank you very much.
I would not go back in and “repair” or “alter” what I got. It was pretty damned good stuff. But then, they were MY cogs, not LRH’s or anyone else’s.
Though I got out at the end of the 70s, I never regretted one minute nor one dollar. It was *my* experience and be damned to the naysayers. ๐
Hi thegman77, I do not begrudge you your wins. They are yours & if you feel you have no regrets for the minutes or the dollars,that is your prerogative.For me this blog has allowed me to express my SO Journey & finally to look at all the lies I was told & the SO Slave I was with every fiber of my being.When I say auditing will not work for me now I speak from my spirit that is Truth for me.But we are all different & if someone out feels good about their cos experience more power to them.I tell my story to help those still in if they ever sneak s look out.And I can never forgive Ron or David for hijacking my soul even if I did willingly sign that billion year paper.Ann.
I presume that you’re asking Alanzo this and not me, since you’ve responded to him? I didn’t say anything today about anyone’s cognitions.
thegman77 –
What’s interesting is that you can both assume the viewpoint I expressed about the non-existence of standard tech in Scientology, AND keep all your wins from Scientology as a spiritual endeavor.
One does not invalidate the other.
What produced the wins in Scientology was frequently not what Hubbard said produced the wins in Scientology: He could describe the end phenomena perfectly, while being completely wrong about what caused it.
This was very common in Hubbard’s technical writings. For instance, the niacin flushing you experienced on the Purification Rundown was a release of histamines into your skin from the niacin, not what Hubbard said caused the flush. And so when you would stay at a particular level of niacin to “run out” the flush, you were simply depleting the histamine in your body. When the histamine was gone, then there was no more flushing. The drug residuals and other toxins were never stored in fat cells, and had left your body soon after (within hours) after taking the drug.
Hubbard told you that you would feel the flush. This was true.
Hubbard told you that what caused the flush was “drug residuals and other toxins” leaving your body. This was false.
The wins you got on your purif were still “real” and beneficial to you. What caused those wins, though, was usually something different than what Hubbard said caused them.
Please understand – I still engage in spiritual practices (not related at all to Scientology) and I get wins from them.
I still remember the wins I got in Scientology, and I still have them – fully.
Many of those wins have been re-evaluated and re-categorized, but that’s all part of learning and spiritual progress, right?
Spot on Al. This IS the trap of the Road to Freedom. Just make the road infinitely long…
Thank you Alanzo. You flatter me too much. I was merely inspired by your brilliant comment above.
Well, it worked for OTs didn’t it? When told to each and all OTs that they were no Clear and have to be ‘checked” the stats boomed for a while on Advance Tech Delivery (RTC Stat).
So, why not do it again to the lower bridge believers? Business is business man.
A new make wrong !!!!! A boatload of new arbitraries !!!!
The COB has been working so hard to save the tech.!!!!!!
Jose, my friend, you are so very RIGHT! I mean, COB is, in fact, working so hard to save the tech! And the fact that you’re aware if it just shows….ahhhhh…ummmmmm…my bad! That was sarcasm 101. You got an ‘A’ in that class, didn’t you! Nice…
Itโs the โcircle of lifeโ in scientology
More like the diminishing spiral. (till it dissappears)
Anyone falling for this B.S. deserves to be fleeced
IYawnalot,I meant tomatos.Ann.
So, with this new super-duper Clear Certainty Rundown, there should be no one ever again who has their State of Clear invalidated, right? After all, it’s now absolutely 100% on-Source Standard Techniness that any State of Clear is actually a State of Clear after it’s been Certaintied with this new rundown, right? So what will be the scapegoat when it becomes financially necessary to invalidate all of those Clears in the future in order to get them to do expensive re-dos?
No, seriously, what will they blame? They’ve already “fixed” the Putrif. They’ve “fixed” Objectives/Survival Rundown. They’ve “fixed” Stupid Hat and the “new” Quickie Grades. What the hell’s left? Here’s my guess: just like with the Survival Rundown, they’re going to pull an old name back from the grave of Scientology history and introduce a brand new Primary Rundown to “fix” any and all problems on the Lower Bridge. There are still too many people around who remember Key To Lice and Life Orientation Course to revive those names.
There is plenty more to be fixed.
Just off the top of my head, he hasn’t had a crack at Life Repair yet. That could give everyone another new start.
Power and Power Plus haven’t been redone. Could start a new fad to do the Triple Power Pack Package of Super Power AND Power AND Power Plus.
The L’s are old and sad.
Of course the Briefing Course.
But perhaps the tour de force will be the dictionaries. Once they come out, everyone will have to redo everything because they MUST have done everything “over MU’s” (both auditing and training). It will enable everyone on earth to get the full gains they deserved all along…
Print this list and put it in the safe in your office for future reference.
I hope the new dictionaries have glossaries so I can get the correct, on-source definitions of key words in the dictionaries without having to look them up in a dictionary.
Wow! A self perpetuating, global scam. Hey, Mike! At least they recycle!
Hold on to this post with your predictions, Mike and trot it out when shrimpie does exactly that. He probably read your comment there about what to re do next and said to himself, “Yeah…dat’s de ticket!”
If clear you have checked that you mock up your own mind ,, you know then that the bridge up to this point was a joke in itself (I surely knew that in 1973 when I made the DCSI) .. but I had to redo it several times .. should do it .. must do it .. but it is impossible to cognite the same thing twice ..
Friend, you woke up much, much earlier than I did. However, I never had to do anything twice as I got out in ’82.
Just curious, do the coveted whales and celebs have to redo everything too? Or are they told they’re perfect the way they are?
One my favorite processes that has been brought out of the mothballs and implemented with astounding success is, “What has David Miscavige done? How has he justified it?”
Tony O said about OT IX and X. All he would have to do is edit old stuff together differently and everybody gets a clone! Maybe I could teach mine to do the dishes.
Hey, I want my clone to paddle me out into the waves, wash my car, go to work for me, take out the trash, do all the shopping and remind me of shit that I’ve forgotten. Now that’s not a bad deal!
I always thought it revealing that the state of clear could be invalidated.
It’s like saying that “cause over mental MEST” is determined by a person saying yes you have the state or no you don’t.
In Scientology, spiritual states are bestowed by validation (flattery and ego strokes) or taken away by invalidation.
Such power given to an outside source! If someone says yes you are clear then you are clear.
How can someone be at cause over something if you have to wait for some ego stroke to “validate it.”?
Or how at cause over something is a someone when that “cause” can be taken away by “no you are not cause.”
The hypnotic assignment of make believe states of being is Scientology science.
One of my favorites is a lady who had been “clear” and “unclear” four times by the merchants of mecca. Upon being told for the fourth time that she wasn’t clear she thought for a moment and the examiner told her her needle was floating. She said she had a slight smile on her face and was thinking, “these assholes don’t have any frigging idea of what they are talking about.”
Lot of people could use that cog.
Between 2000 and 2005 there were three major “tech corrections” of the CCRD (that I’m aware of). Each time all Clears and OTs were hauled in enmass to be interviewed and given “the R-Factor” (as it came to be known). I don’t know anyone who did not eventually bow to the cherch’s demands. Some of those that refused ended up in Ethics, because it was consider out-ethics to have out-tech on your case. Can you freakin’ believe that?? THEY commit out-tech (whatever that means), then PUNISH you for it. Ha, ha, ha, whadda racket.
And therein lies the reason LRH made it a crime to invalidate the tech or OTs or state of Clear.
All critics are criminals says the wisest man in the galaxy.
In other words:
Seeing and thinking for yourself is a punishable offense.
Only a hypnotized subject could allow themselves to be subject to this and still consider it a good thing.
COB has been in charge for thirty years, give or take. He has only been delivering an on-sourcy Bridge for one. One year totally standard, “as Ron intended”. Twenty-nine years squirrel drek. Why? Because of US! It’s OUR fault hence why we have to pay to redo everything. Yes, there’s still some squirrel stuff left that we’ll just have to wade through until He gets to it. We’ll just have to wait. It’s not important anyway. It’only tech. He is a great man and a phenomenal spiritual leader. He has given us many new buildings by endlessly pressuring the public to pay for them themselves. He has opened up an amazing new building so that people can run around a pole and check their levels of oiliness. He is a kind, caring man who loves in spite of all. Please don’t criticise Him. His stats are there for us all to see. Millions of new Scientologists every nanosecond! Packed out orgs in every city, town and sleepy little hamlet across the planet!! So there! In yo’ face, wog!
It’s been discovered OCAs need fixing too. A never suspected but long lost corrected OCA question list was discovered by COB in a bottom drawer of an 2nd hand janitor’s footlocker from North Grinstead who was the brother of the gardener’s assistant of the man who sold the fertilizer to the man who supplied the tomato seeds that LRH used to grow 20 foot tall tomato plants in the back of an Austin Healy. The questions discovered were aligned with what would have been the intention of the sugar free pastry chef who was Mary Sue’s confidant on the morning of the day the maharajah’s dog threw up on the carpet under the table used by LRH when he signed the deposit slip for the purchase of Saint Hill.
Those corrected questions included two additional sub questions which alluded to the clarity of the morning mist associated with the first time visit a person has to the seaside. The term “clear” was identified to have a typo made by the illegal foreign typist who was snuck into the country by the then undercover IRA operatives seeking to learn how to place miniature bombs inside medium tomatoes most favoured by British Nationals. The fact a big C wasn’t used is a major discovery which alters completely the graphing of the OCA. Personality traits will need to be reaffirmed by everyone who ever took an OCA prior to July 2015 and the Bridge started again by those who have ever visited the seaside as a child or who has ever seen a picture of a beach or has ever felt sand between the toes.
COB commented today just how lucky we all are this came to his attention, he has worked tirelessly and with the dedication of 10 Toms to make this discovery available to everyone just as LRH intended. All he wants in return is every scientologist signed up by his next birthday, that’s the only birthday present he really wants, he modestly admitted when questioned.
What a guy! He really understands scientology and your freedom is very important to him.
That actually makes more sense than the justification for the Basics.
IYawnalot,My friend you have made my day with this splendid expose of all things Ron When In England. Darn I wanted an Austin Healy when in college got a Triumph GT6 instead which had a perfect glassed lift gate for those tomatoes but refused to start in cold weather so I ended up with a Capri that had all the spark plugs and some other stuff filed down my boyfriend at the time was in The Sports Car Club of America & my car rountinely beat out BMW 2002s at stop lights etc.The drivers faces were priceless just like when an OT realizes they just aren’t that fast.Now I never drive at all lost my taste for it like I lost my taste for sec checks.That seaside morning mist gave me infinite powers like The Oracle at Delphi and I suppose I slew wog empires with all that clear intention but could not rebuild them perfectly with Ron’s blueprints.Mary Sue wrote me that she had little dust mop doggies & loved them dearly.Do not think Ron did though maybe I’m mistaken he might have put them on the scammeter as he talked Tech to the tomatos.I am thrilled that David Miscavige has made this earth shattering discovery mankinds fate hangs in the balance & the anointed one’s modesty is positively electric! Thank you for a brilliant post.Ann.
As long as there are credit cards with available balances, the fleecing will continue…
Yes…yes it will. My question, WSMC, is a simple one: Who’s doing the fleecing on “Target Two?”
“Standard tech rules.
Until tomorrow when the new version comes out. Then todayโs standard tech becomes yesterdayโs suppressiveness.” “It’s the circle of life in Scientology.”: Mike you write so well it is just such a pleasure to red this and laugh and blow charge and appreciate how you put it. And all re-dos are paid in full over and over again. Heck the mass from all the overrun will keep them busy auditing it for years.
Correction: “red” should read “read”
Back in the days when Missions were privately held, the one I connected with made it a point of giving free auditing to anyone who had received either a poorly executed C/S session or the C/S got it wrong in the first place. The mission owner stated, ‘If it’s our error, WE PAY.”
I remember those times! The missions were the real hero’s during the ‘good times.’ They were islands of positivity. Not like what’s happening now.
Epic COB makes me think of a huge corn cob.
Being on source is so refreshing
Hi Brian, What a photo! Goes right along with the post I sent Cindy today.Shivers & Laughs Ron looks positively spectral! Always Ann.
Hey Ann,
I cannot look at this pic without laughing. Dave’s hyper manic salute to Oz is just hilarious.
Miscavige is like a witch doctor that gets paid to bury your relatives in the correct way. Every few years he claims he has been burying them all wrong and will now dig them up and do it correctly, but will need to be paid again. He does this again and again. Some people have been declared “Clear” and them not “Clear”
4 or 5 times. 2 or 3 times is common. Maybe on “OT 9” the person finds out he has never been “Clear”
then on OT 10 he is told he is “Clear” again. But really , really “Clear” this time. OT 11 is probably a re-do of the Purif but with special vitamins created by LRH and a special T-shirt designed on Target 2.
And special Depends for those upthread who peed themselves.
If you cogged as Clear, it was YOUR cog and no one can take it away from you…unless, of course, you give your awareness away to someone else. That goes for every cog and every release you ever got. They’re YOURS, not LRH’s, COBs, the auditor’s or the C/Ses. No can they be taken away by anyone on the anti scio blogs saying you imagined it all. Those who got it, GOT IT, and things altered for them. NEVER give up your wins to anyone else’s opinions.
You got it, its simple!
This is true.
Love my wins.
I left the church because of their invalidations and their suppression. Blew the suppression line-charged with tears of laughter. I am grateful for my scientolgy experience but more happier to be out of that viscious circle.
Scientology – “Cogs for sale since 1952”
Of course, Scientology reserves the right to take them back and resell them for a profit while claiming they are a non-profit. And…you better not complain or Scientology will charge you more $$$,$$$ to find the crimes along your 76 million year past life time track….(whistling in the air).
Scientology reserves the right to fuck you up and make it your fault. You will sign lawyered-up contracts that take away your “god given” rights.
That is a right of a religion.
They are allowed to violate the laws of the land.
Not pay taxes.
Not be transparent.
“Religion” = a place for criminals to hide out….
After three CCRDs, Clear, Not Clear, Clear, Not Clear, Clear…they tried to tell me I wasn’t Clear, I told them to fuck off. After a couple months of me refusing to budge, they told me I got my “Green Stripes” back. Oh boy. I reckoned their GI was down so I they needed to drum up some business. What a joke.
statpush, what are “Green Stripes,” I never heard this when I was in. Also, I don’t believe Clear exists. My auditor at the Orange County mission in Tustin, kept pushing me to attest to being Clear. But, I just couldn’t see it. The definition of Clear was once, “A Clear is to a normal person what a normal person is to the institutionally insane.” That’s quite the yawning gap so I declined. Had a talk with the ED at the time, John Woodruff, and he didn’t like what I was saying and blew me off. I never went back.
Clear PC Folders are color-coded with green band or stripes across the spine.
WOW oh EPIC WOW! I just wet myself with excitement.
A new CCRD, just what the planet needs. The old ones were rusty anyway, sign me up quick.
(I falsely attested to Clear, I knew they’d find out, I just knew it… damn it… how did COB know? My God! just how OT is he?)
Yeah, I think I just peed a little bit too. Lol
He cann kep doing it as long as there people stupid enough not to follow Policy letters and HCOB’s, instead they await “command Intention”.
I guess it will keep going until COB dies
Is there an heir apparent if Miscavige for whatever reason steps down? Can the church keep going the way it is without him at the helm?
No and No
The Church of Scientology has been responding to the world around them the same as David Miscavige is since I was a child. First the program for you (i.e. ME) is this one which is 100% standard. Now we are going to re-cap that program with this one, though different is still on Source, and here we have the new latest version of your handling and lucky you this one goes up at a rate of 10% each month. When I was listening to the church staff I talked to lie to me this way I thought I was hallucinating for a moment. ๐ Hallucinating was the brightest idea I was able to entertain at the moment. This is LRH tech under discussion here, not Islam or Christianity. The current church is proof they have been working towards this the whole time. ๐ I resigned DECADES ago. ๐
Hi Lawrence, An excellent post thank you.It seems to me there is so much about David Miscavige that acts like a rotten spoiled small two year old.Just because he has piles of ill gotten cash & mucho real estate filled with tasteless statues & what ever else he drags in, does not make him mentally or spiritually sound.And from what I gather he is just plain mean.So glad zi left decades ago too.Ann.
Yes, or until the IRS removes the tax-exempt status from this insane fraud.