The hype is rolling out for Maiden Voyage…
Our Whole New Universe is the one that only we can perceive I guess. The one where scientology is saving the world and clearing the planet and flourishing and prospering like never before with the real LRH tech available for the first time ever…
And now, some reports from on the scene, with a liberal sprinkling of “awesomes,” “incredibles,” and exclamation points and a very large YUK factor.
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2014
From: I HELP UK <[email protected]>
Subject: Maiden Voyage events. More feedback from those who are there.
Here is more feedback from those who are on the ship for the Maiden Voyage events. Read this and get ready for your local events.
“This is my first Maiden Voyage and it is awesome! It’s just being in that intimate space with COB. It’s over the top and if that was all there was to it I’d be happy. Seeing all of the accomplishments after the Golden Age of Tech Phase II release really shows that it is happening! The part on the Freewinds is awesome!… There are so many Ideal Orgs and you hear of them one by one but to see them cumulatively is incredible. I didn’t realize it until now. It’s in high gear.”
And another one…
“The event was just incredible, I loved it! I am completely inspired by the whole event. Considering the number of people on the planet, the sky is the limit and we are completely unshakable. This is really Scientology and it is so exciting. I am impressed by the magnitude of the Ideal Orgs that are now done and what still has to get done. I am going to be seriously working flat out on the Ideal Org projects and this is now my job.
Watch this space for more news from the live events.
Use the above to get your PCs, selectees, friends and family confirmed for the MV events either here in Saint Hill or in their local org or mission. Remember there are commends for those who are confirming 5 people or more.
I have to admit, there is nothing quite like just being in that intimate space with COB. It’s an experience of a lifetime!
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2014
From: Celebrity Centre International <[email protected]>
Subject: From Mr. Dave Petit, CO CC Int
Dear Celebrity Centre Students, Preclears and OTs,
We are about to embark upon the 2014 Summer of Events and with that, the 25th Anniversary of the Freewinds Maiden Voyage. In fact, the Freewinds has already set sail and the feedback from the Opening Night is outstanding. I am personally inviting every one of you to attend and to be part of this historical year of accomplishments.
The summer starts off with the Flag World Tour on July 21st at the Hollywood & Highland Dolby Ballroom. With the release of Super Power and the Cause Resurgence Rundown, this is a whole new era for Flag. You will see two brand-new videos for these services and you will hear of the spectacular impact these rundowns are having for Scientologists the world over. The event starts at 7:00pm, with free parking at CC Int and regular shuttles leaving to the venue starting at 5:00pm.
Following the Flag World Tour, each Saturday will host the four Maiden Voyage Anniversary Events:
Chairman of the Board RTC will present the grand overview of OT accomplishments across the planet, which will include the flair and insouciance of our international Ideal Org drive that is truly over the top!
This is an in-depth Ideal Org briefing on how the delivery of Golden Age of Tech Phase II in our Ideal Orgs has resulted in a new universe for Scientology. Get a behind-the-scenes look at our mammoth dissemination facility and a future glimpse of what’s to come.
Author Services Night takes you into a universe of pure aesthetics and tells you how LRH solved artistic creativity and came to define the subject of art. This event is for anyone with a creative spark inside. And that is every one of us!
The final event is a culmination of what it means to call oneself a Scientologist and a member of the IAS from our fourth dynamic salvage campaigns touching the lives of thousands in urban societies as well as the farthest flung reaches of the world.
All Maiden Voyage events start at 7:00pm every Saturday, located on L. Ron Hubbard Way. Free parking and complimentary childcare will be provided.
Interesting they moved the events to the Dolby Theater. Holds 3400 rather than the 6300 at the Shrine Auditorium — so the number of empty seats will not be so apparent.
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2014
From: Flag OT Committee <[email protected]>
Subject: MV 2014 – The First Event
Dear Members,
At this first event you will witness the meeting of our history and our destiny as never before.
Thus Chairman of the Board enthusiastically, and often humorously, validated our 25 years of amazing accomplishments and set the stage for a year of unparalleled expansion.
A very special acknowledgment to the Freewinds Executives and Crew for their contributions far and wide to making this a better, safer planet brought everyone to their feet and the applause lasted for many minutes.
OT Ambassadors from around the world were featured in an Ideal Org extravaganza that had us alternately gasping at the stats and laughing uproariously at the lengths Ambassadors will go to get the job done. And yes, your own OT Committee and Ambassadors were given special attention!
Emotions ran high throughout the event as we all readied ourselves for the week ahead, the Ideal Org briefing and our new programs.
We, as public, are a vital part of International Management’s strategy to Clear Earth. So, mark the dates, June 28th for the first Maiden Voyage event, and then June 29th in Flag’s Crystal Ballroom for a celebratory dinner and the unveiling of our OT Ambassador Program.
Stay tuned for more updates as our week rolls out.
Much love,
Kaye Champagne & The Entire Executive Council of the Flag OTC
Aboard the motor vessel FREEWINDS, somewhere in the Caribbean
Either Kaye has attended a Shermanspeak seminar or she copied this down on a little notepad during the Dear Leader presentation: “you will witness the meeting of our history and our destiny as never before”.
The gibberish that is spoken at these events is incredible, amazing and worthy of many exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This just in this morning, a somewhat fuzzy shot of some of those happy, satisfied people sharing an intimate space with COB.
Yup, and they’re in Barbados today, according to Sooper Seeecrit… apparently they are utterly ignorant of teh Interwebz.
As for being in an intimate space with COB… jeezus, pass the Pepto Bismol.
And does He mingle with the crowd while on the ship? I doubt it. He probably holes up in the Majestic Suite and gets whisked to the stage by a retinue of bodyguards for His speechifications.
Can you feel the love?
Paloma Blanca = White Dove. I wonder if they still have those nice Cuban cigars for sale behind the bar?
Should be renamed Halcón Nero = Black Hawk
I just got a chance to catch up on the latest posts and came across this one, with the f**king horrendous MV artwork at the top. Who conceived of this design?!!!! Has David Miscavige suddenly become a Transformer and his new body is being depicted in this promo piece?
Maybe this has been answered elsewhere under the comments — but seriously what the fuck does “Moving to OT in our whole new Universe mean?! I used to think and sometimes even talked like this when I was 19 and seriously under the influence of mind altering substances, but since then I have tried to be coherent whenever possible. What new Universe is being referred to? Has someone within the RCS recently created this one and we’re all being asked to Come on Board?
Skipping along to the next point, I found it somewhat apropos that one of the authors of the above emails was Kaye Champagne. I can sort of see where all the bubbly chatter and perspective is coming from now – oddly it makes sense.
Reading further, I tripped over this line in one of the ecstatic homages to the Little Man.
“The event was just incredible, I loved it! I am completely inspired by the whole event. Considering the number of people on the planet, the sky is the limit and we are completely unshakable.”
I read through these few lines several times and I am still trying to connect the dots on what it’s supposed to mean. The author hops from the incredible event, to being inspired, to contemplating the 7 billion people on Earth and I guess its connection to the sky and ending in all those present being unshakable.
I’m feeling somewhat introverted by my lack of comprehension here. Surely there is something very important and meaningful being captured in these 34 words and I’m not getting it. Maybe I need to redo my PRD and re-check those 9000 words again, because here is a woman with a keen intellect, dishing on some pretty serious philosophical shit and it’s all escaping me.
Or ….. it’s all bullshit and everyone on the Freewinds had their Mai-Tais spiked!
Okay, a deep breath and a moment of reflection. Where has all the sanity gone? SCN used to be a wondrous place, filled with hope and joy and a real abiding sense of the good that could be done. Now …it’s all giddy humanoids, frolicking in the heather waiting for the Shepard to smack them across the head with his great staff.
Well, drawing another line from my past —–
“Twizzle Twazzle Twozzle Tome, Time for This One to Come Home”
Why isn’t Shelly with him in his “intimate space”?
I agree Joe. It’s truly so sad and some of the friends that I had in the SO were so capable. Now seems they have lost one of the funnest things to do in life – ask questions and get answers and improve yourself and fellow beings. I send my family and X husband texts when ever I feel like it and I get such a feeling that my message gets there but they are numb.
I did not read every single comment, but the ones I saw kept comparing the Dolby theater ballroom to the Shrine in terms of the MV events and commented on downsizing. Only the Flag World Tour event is at the Dolby ballroom, and I don’t thing the Flag World Tour has been a Shrine-based event in past years either. The MV Events are at the Complex, as they have been for many years, not the Shrine. An outdoor or tented event space is set up in the Complex parking lot and that has been the usual for MV events in PAC.
That’s right SSOA,
It’s called the Pacifica Base Amphitheater AKA the Parking Lot 😉
“I have to admit, there is nothing quite like just being in that intimate space with COB. It’s an experience of a lifetime!”
Yeah, but what kind of an experience was it? Details please.
Was he exuding peace, love, and kindness?
I don’t think so. He ain’t the Dalai Lama. ?
Per many, many reports from people, including Mike, who have spent considerable time in his space, he is a lunatic who sort of succeeds in getting his “Tourettes syndrome” under control for short periods of time for PR purposes.
Give credit where credit is due!!!!! The Scion’s have to be in complete cognition when they start with all the over the top, ceaseless, yet incoherent verbiage. The pure perseverance of it all! Blocking out the negatives, putting on a happy face, all while being gazed upon by a increasingly suspicious public like you are a 3rd world leper. All this loyalty with such gusto!!! And maybe, just maybe, a little hint of bitterness. But doing it!!! Through thick and thin, toeing the company line. Working their skinny fannies off! Defending with pride, something that is irrelevant. The last few remaining Indians on the reservation seem to be willing to give everything, or even die for their self-appointed Chief! This selfless lonely trek through darkness is kind of weird, but it is to be commended! It’s like the British used to fight. They would be down to their last few men, and know a fresh enemy army of ten thousand was coming over the hill, yet line up in their red coats, march side by side, and fight to the very end. You know it ain’t easy! Like Lone Watie in the “Outlaw Josey Wales” said, (or short stuff)) i’m not sure, “We endeavor to persevere”. And for that Scions, “I salute You”
Well said. Hype, hype hooray!
The continuous super hype has been giving me a headache lately so I googled “mental schism” just for fun. It is “a temporary division or split from ones own consciousness. It can happen in order for the person to endure extreme stress.” There is a definite split in reality between what is, in the physical world, and what these people choose to believe is happening. The problem is it is only happening in their minds. I got a mag from Tampa recently and it was so shiny and pretty and had excited wins everywhere and shiny happy faces. If you took it only as one particle you’d think, wow, these people have a good thing going. The lies and deceit are like a large, sharp protrusion sticking out of the iceberg just below the surface. I still think that duplicity might be the most major departure from the ideal scene. That duplicity is now in cement and those who willingly live in it are very crusty!
Being in the same space as the COB? On the Freewinds ?
Somebody check the engine room bilges and count the number of senior exec’s.
Is the Freewinds going towards OT or something in that picture?
Does DM have his own deck? Or just a suite of rooms? Is he sealed off totally from the marks or are there just guards? Does he have a ready room just off the bridge? I’m imagining a little ship-within-a-ship, with a separate galley and soundproofed walls so he can pretend he’s not within yards of the unwashed masses his worthless SP crew has yet to finish draining of cash.
Mike, you are both brilliant and hilarious (I really REALLY want to use an exclamation point or 2, but I’ll restrain myself and exhibit appropriate insouciance) or NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Heh- not only is it not at the Shrine, it’s not at the Dolby Theater either. It’s at the Ballroom, which is a convention space next to the theater. Capacity is about 2000.
Lower capacity means DM has to hire fewer extras to fill the empty seats.
“I have to admit, there is nothing quite like just being in that intimate space with COB. It’s an experience of a lifetime!”
Not for all the tea in China!
“Moving to OT in a whole new universe”…so if you have a whole new universe, get the hell out of our old universe and take every evidence that someone named L. Ron Hubbard ever lived with you.
I am so impacted! You would have to be one serious CICS to not want to attend. I still can’t believe I used to drink this swill. Is there not one iota of KRC amongst these people?
No there isn ‘t
“Aboard the motor vessel FREEWINDS, somewhere in the Caribbean”
Oooo so secret. You kids are SO cool. It’s too bad you clowns are too scared of the internet to know that we can track every move of the FleaBag at any time we choose.
You’re in St. Lucia honey, and you’re not fooling anyone. Hope you make it off Maiden Garbage with the fillings still in your teeth.
Well, doesn’t look like Ray, Heber, Mark or Norman are speaking. I’ll skip it.
They stopped speaking decades ago when they betrayed all of their original beliefs and decided to support and enable Dave at the price of their own honor and integrity. It is no surprise that they left themselves with not a shred of self determinism.
My favorite – “This is really Scientology and it is so exciting.” Oh, well thanks for letting us know that everything previous was LRH hogwash. Praise COB!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mike another great coup. I pity all those pour souls on the ship when this photo was taken, off to the gallows.
Yes, that’s right. This is going to cost the La Palomalites a lot of money. Oooh, and the wrong items when they’re hauled in…ahm luvvin it.
Jeez & oh sh*t!!!!
There is something terrrribbly wrong with that photo. Assuming it was so arranged with DM in the middle so
everybody could bask in the intimate space of His Holiness but due to his -hmm rather small stature- DM is
NOT visible.
What a PR flap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heads will roll….
Right Greta,
Finding Dave was sorta like trying to find Waldo.
Who knows maybe he’s working on the human shield technique or something. Just in case he’s rushed by all the people he’s managed to piss off.
DM is in the middle cuz he is using human bodyguards as human shields in case a bitter, defrocked apostate tried to take a sniper shot at him. His paranoia grows by the day.
Bubble babble and Sherman speak in vertical expansion. What is real to you is real to you. Seems totally unreal to me. I realise many words have vanished from newspeak bubble talk : auditor .. Well done hours … Co audit, etc.
Completely unshakable are they?
Lets see what happens when the ship hits a real whale unlike the $$$$ whales on board.
Watching this story unfold is whats really interesting.
The Org is not going to cave in nor fold up their tents.
First of all there are just too many cretins with money to give away and the SO reserves could keep them afloat for 100 years if no one ever donated again.
The stories are funny and these events and the commenst of the Kool- Aid drinkers never fails to raise laughter levels.
But the idea that DM is going away or the Orgs are going to close down is ridiculous.
Not gonna happen in our time
I see what you are saying, but I think things are beginning to pile up. Lots of SO leaving, more and more information more widely available, lawsuits increasing, less fear of OSA, fewer trustworthy (to COB) people to do the dirty work, and leaks, leaks everywhere. I think none of those things on its own would be fatal, but they are bleeding the COS down from multiple wounds.
They can’t control their image anymore, and they still need a lot of bodies to keep things up and running even with SO reserves. I don’t it will be in the next 5 years, but in 10, I expect COS to be gone or shrunk down to a few hundred broken-minded drones and surviving on foreign bank accounts.
I think there’s a decent chance McDamage will do a runner with a suitcase full of cash if the IRS gets serious (and they could use the PR of taking down a widely despised criminal organization about now). And of course one seriously bad lawsuit outcome could make it happen earlier, but lawyer money and bribes seem to be money well-spent for COB.
Do not underestimate the dwarf, many have and they are out on their arses and he is in there running the show.
If the dwarf is clever enough to take over the C of S and get away with what he is currently getting away with you must realise he is not an idiot.
Evil and wicked yes, stupid no.
Its really quite simple he got where he is because he is a load mouthed bully (short types often are) who wants to be bigger than he is.
If just one person in the SO had the guts to put their fist in his face just once so hard he lost teeth I doubt he would have stepped out of line again.
But they were craven scum more concerned about getting the OT level for free this lifetime (HAH Some chance with their schedule) and so did not stand up to him.
I only state this becuase in my own life I suffered severe bullying attempts at aged 6 and solved the problem by taking a brick and slamming in the face of the lead bully who was the biggest.
No more bullying, OK I got expelled but it was worth it
Imagine that, I used the “nine foot high board fence” tactic beforeI had even read DMSMH and became a Cope Officer.
So understand my support of LRH and his works as they have ALWAYS worked for me even before I even studied the Tech.
The one thing I have learnt about thugs and bullies is the very first time they cross the line you have to hit them so hard they never try it again.
Ok its a risk, but as your integrity is more important than your life (we aways get new ones anyway) one should stand up against thugs.
If you don’t you become a victim like current Staff and public
The Staff in the SO never did so the dwarf is still there.
As for the legal stuff, we all know about the ridiculous American legal system and its law suit system.
For the record David The dwarf” Miscaviage will NEVER go to court in person to be judged in any way.
Pip Pip!
“It’s Just Being In That Intimate Space With COB”
Gawd it reminds me of Al Speer’s mawkish panegyric about Uncle ‘Dolph in his book “Inside the Third Reich”.
The Church of Scientology has not only become a cult but also a cult of personality or in Miscavige’s case lack thereof.
Could never figure out what anyone saw in him after his dreadful performance on Ted Koppel’s Nightline.
All that time I spent at international events waiting for a lightning bolt to strike him out of the blue when he announced his fealty and friendship to the “Tax cruds” and that nest of inveterate Nazis known as InterPol or some squirrel tech program like the Golden Age of Tech or the off policy final solution known as “Ideal Orgs” was time wasted, I guess.
When he came out with that totally insane and *wrong* “why” about a the “blind leading the blind” from a so called “Eval” that a five year old could’ve written I sorta knew back then based on a BC lecture I heard regarding R2-10/12 that a PC will dramatize a wrong item or goal harder than an actual item or goal.
Instead of the Church of Scientology it should be called “Kingdom of the Blind” with apologies to E. Phillips Oppenheim.
I love this part, “…which will include the flair and insouciance of our international Ideal Org drive that is truly over the top!”
Insouciance means casual lack of concern; indifference. Yeah, I know there are some other definitions too but none of them are what this author wanted!
Boy, I can’t wait until everyone one is through Objectives, Super Power, Basics, blah, blah, blah…, so we can get students returning to Key To Life. Maybe THEN we can have some announcements that make sense. Well, grammatical sense a least. 😀
Where is COB in that photo? Is he standing under the table?
He’s at the back…
Hiding due to embarrassment. No A-listers here.
1. The brochure: Take one of Davey’s stage sets, badly superimpose the Freewinds off center without blending, add a photoshop rain filter. It’s amazing that people inside the bubble are so used to the horrific sets that they build for Davey that they think this looks good not gaudy and horribly overdone.
2, I read the success stories trying to find a scrap of concrete data, one thing that is not a superlative, one thing that shows someone or something has been made better, but no, there is nothing to grab onto.
How can they expect to draw someone in if they dangle a promise of a thought of a picture of a carrot out to them out and tell them to believe that maybe someday they too can believe that maybe they might be able to think of a carrot? If those are their BEST success stories, the ones you are supposed to use to tell other people, what are other people saying.
3, I realize that insouciance is Davey’s word of the day, but seriously, the flair and Insouciance of the Ideal Org Drive. OOOOH the truth came out.
noun: insouciance
casual lack of concern; indifference
4. Moot question here, but how does any of the above post relate even slightly to Scientology? Fundraising, Ideal Orgs useless presentations about nothing,
5. “OT Ambassadors from around the world were featured in an Ideal Org extravaganza that had us alternately gasping at the stats and laughing uproariously at the lengths Ambassadors will go to get the job done.” Gasping at the stats – how low they were? Actually, on first read,it looked like grasping at straws, which goes better with the end of the sentence about the lengths the Ambassadors will go to get the job done.
So much hyperbole. So little substance. No political campaign in the world would dare feed their audience so little and ask so much of them, and of course there’s the spending limit and expenditure reporting things, which Scientology isn’t burdened with.
If I were still In, I would be embarrassed that the strategies and hyperbole of a political campaign look benign compared to this mess.
You sound disaffected. 😉
Nah, not me!!!!!!! The term is disINfected. 🙂
Thatta girl!
MJ, A heads up: I want/need a parody of Duke Ellington’s “Sophisticated Lady”, with the possible title, “So Disaffected Lady”. I’m going to google the lyrics and see what I can come up with. Perhaps this can be a collaborative effort. I’d like to dedicate it to Debbie Cook.
They say into your early life a great man came
And in this soul of yours burns a flame
A flame that lives night and day, what price you paid
Then, with disillusion deep in your eyes
You learned that others declared were still right
The years have changed you, somehow
I see you now
Alone protesting, never resting on your laurels, survived the shots
Wisdom shining, dreaming, dining all alone in a restaurant
Never listening to the taunts
No, reeducated lady,
I know, you miss the tech you lost long ago
And when nobody is nigh you cry
LRH and insouciance:
“When a man loses his spirit of play, he’s dead. That means that guy starts dying at about 3.0. And sure enough, 3.0 down, a guy will tell you, ‘Well, I had some illusions when I was a kid, but I’ve lost all those. Ahem. I’m practical now. We’ve got to face this thing practically. What we’re doing here is very serious…’
“You want to know what’s wrong with your preclear? Well, your preclear is too serious. You want to know what seriousness is? Seriousness is solidity. You ever heard of a ‘solid citizen’? You want to get something done, don’t get any of these serious boys. Shoot them on sight or process them. But if you want to get something done, don’t have anything to do with them.
“There’s nothing succeeds like insouciance. Plain flippancy will actually get more done in less time than anything else you can name. That’s a funny thing, isn’t it?”
— L. Ron Hubbard
Excerpted from the lecture Flows: Characteristics Of, delivered on 9 December 1952. This lecture can be found in the Philadelphia Doctorate Course lectures.
Ah, thank you. I was trying to remember where LRH used the word that way. And “solid citizen” too!
Subreption, I know that reference well. It was quoted indefatiguably during heavy duty reg cycles as an artful way of flattering those of us who weren’t thrilled about plunging ourselves into further debt. See, instead of being just plain dumb for spending money we didn’t have and had no idea how we’d pay back, we could think of ourselves as insoucient, debonair, carefree. You’re not stupid, you’re insoucient! What? Us worry? Nah! We’re thetans! Money is garbage to a thetan! I would answer: “Yes, money is garbage, except when the org wants it”. Then I’d offer an LRH finance policy quote about not spending more than you earn. Thank God this was at least one con that never worked on me.
Subreption – think Ron changed his mind just a WEE bit by 1965 or so when he drew up over 40 crimes/high crimes, many dealing with a person being there and communicating? That’s one problem in quoting 1950s Ron – he often made a lot of sense – but changed his mind on many of his basic principles as he started his own very slow but steady decline to his eventual mental state.
My replies are probably too late but here goes.
Pleasure Miraldi.
Aqua. Yep. I had that given to me too. The quotes on finance kills a lot of back chat, for sure. Do not spend more than you make. You know, finance 101.
Joe. The quote was only to add to the comments. It was relevant to how the word became part of the Scn lexicon. I make no case for his consistency or lack thereof.
so theta, the choking, slapping, yelling, smoking… lol
i want to load up a thousand flash drives with the truth rundown, etc. and give them to every sea org member
“It’s just being in that intimate space with COB.”
Yes, I’m jumping on this bandwagon too! Exclam! It just became my favorite description of His Sleaziness’s effect on the sheeple. He pours it on SO THICK it’s hard to NOT see it, but when they’re all starry-eyed all he has to do is flow and glow at them and they just suck it up.
He’s so sincere, benevolent, always loving the little people, isnt he! All the while pumping them full of lies lies lies, so he can grab ALL their money money money. 100% of the time–not even just 90%—but 100%. His Disingenuousness is truly talented!!!!!!
Thanks to Bob Dylan:
You must leave now, take what you need, you think will last
But whatever you wish to keep, you better grab it fast
Yonder stands your orphan with his gun
Crying like a fire in the sun
Look out the saints are comin’ through
And it’s all over now, Davey-poo
The highway is for gamblers, better use your sense
Take what you have gathered from coincidence
The empty-handed painter from your streets
Is drawing crazy patterns on your sheets
This sky, too, is folding under you
And it’s all over now, Davey-poo
All your seasick sailors, they are rowing home
All your reindeer armies, are all going home
The lover who just walked out your door
Has taken all his blankets from the floor
The carpet, too, is moving under you
And it’s all over now, Davey-poo
Leave your stepping stones behind, something calls for you
Forget the dead you’ve left, they will not follow you
The vagabond who’s rapping at your door
Is standing in the clothes that you once wore
Strike another match, go start anew
And it’s all over now, Davey-poo
“Tipsters and SPs and Moles, Oh My!”
Dear Mr. Miscavige,
I’m overflowing with appreciatingness for your continued edifyingness now that it can be enjoyed from the comfort of my own home with its air-conditioningness.
Much love,
LOL!! As usual, delivered with your inimitable brand of Rinder-humor, Mike The one thing that should, (but won’t!) scare the sheeple brand of targeted audience, is the deathly echo accompanying that claim: “MORE FEEDBACK FROM THOSE WHO ARE(NT) THERE.”.. “more feedback from those who are(nt) there” …”more feedback from those who are(nt) there” …”mrr fdbck frm thse who rnt thr”….’m–f–b–f–th–tr “..
Seems the Golden Era of Idle Morgues, now have a Flagship too, that in effect, is promising to deliver you *directly into ‘eternity’, without any via’s. “Hurry, hurry, all aboard to be sent “Straight UP and Vertically ” into THE CO$MOS. (The COB’s Instructions!)
* (when you have been bled to death, you may as well be in “eternity”.
….yeah right!
This is the Ray Dolby Ballroom being set up for an event for maybe 500 people?
Intimate, Shermanspeak for contraction.
That was cool!
I can attest that being in an intimate space with COB can be a life-changing experience! LOL.
Insouciance – “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
Thought Experiment:
You’re stuck in a phone booth with David Miscavige and you can’t get out.
He keeps yelling at you to open the door but it’s hopelessly stuck.
Help is hours away.
What do you do?
You mean like “Schrodinger’s cat”. Only in this case the person stuck in the phone booth playing the role of the cat and Miscavige playing the role of toxic radioactive substance 😉
Sit on him while asking him where his Big Being powers are now.
Elbow him repeatedly in the face until he passes out?
Love your GAT II drill, Alanzo. A whole new J & D world has just opened up.
Seriously, these people need to word clear ‘insouciance’. Isn’t knowing what words mean kind of a basic thing in Scientology?
Many exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!! But where is all the colored, bolded and fancy fonts???????????? Doesn’t getting intimate with COB deserve a multi-colored, bolded, fancy fonted announcement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can’t find COB in the photo. They are going to be calling out all the PI’s to find out who leaked this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Interesting they moved the events to the Dolby Theater. Holds 3400 rather than the 6300 at the Shrine Auditorium — so the number of empty seats will not be so apparent.”
All the more reason to donate generously to the building fund so that a more intimate space LRH PAC Theater can be built. All we need is room enough for a small stage, mini-lectern, seats for 100 whales and ceilings high enough to accommodate COB’s ego.
Shouldn’t cost more than $100 million or so….
You ain’t nothing but a dog Dave, barking all the time
You ain’t nothing but a dog Dave, barking all the time
You ain’t never helped a pc and you ain’t no friend of mine
You said we would expand Dave, that was just a lie
Well you said we would expand Dave, just another lie
You will never clear a planet and you ain’t no friend of mine
“It’s just being in that intimate space with COB.”
That sentence is just TOO GOOD! You cannot make this stuff up! Hah ahah ah ah haha ha
I have no idea how these things go, but in my imagination I see David Miscavige doing everything in his power to keep away from all the c**ksu**ers on board. Does he actually spend any time with these people, or is he entirely sequestered from the rest of the boat?
“OT Ambassadors from around the world were featured in an Ideal Org extravaganza that had us alternately gasping at the stats and laughing uproariously at the lengths Ambassadors will go to get the job done. And yes, your own OT Committee and Ambassadors were given special attention!”
Oh yes, watching oneself acting like an idiot to get others to pay millions of dollars for a building can be rather amusing.
And that “special attention”…hmmm…
“Gasping at the stats”, huh? I hope there were oxygen masks handy.
I think that’s Abby Juneau in the front row, on the left.
It is.
Trish Duggan and the feshbachs too
Steve Besio on the far right?
Alicia Fuller to the left of Steve Basio
As a friend said, “all the tech has now been released.” What’s not to like? OMG….
What is your friend going to say when Dear Leader makes the big announcement of the “new” Briefing Course – now with ALL the tech and JUST like LRH wanted (when he delivered the lectures?)
You can smell the bullshit from all sectors of the galaxy. Dave McStinkage.
Text from one of the emails above:
Chairman of the Board RTC will present the grand overview of OT accomplishments across the planet, which will include the flair and insouciance of our international Ideal Org drive that is truly over the top!
definition of “insouciance”: casual lack of concern; indifference
And, no, I didn’t make up that definition. It’s all over the Internet.
They justify using the word because they are acting like the huge size of the task is no big deal. So it’s not that they don’t care about the Idea Org campaign, but more that they don’t care that anyone else would say it’s an impossible task. They basically use the word to mean “We can do the impossible; no big deal”.
It’s usually ONLY used in the context of raising funds.
At a fundraiser, “insouciance” would be donating $100,000 and putting it all on credit cards even though you have no savings, no equity, no job, and only $5,000 in the bank.
That is precisely how Scientologists and IAS reges define “insouciance”.
Excellent comment Danny. Hit the nail square on the head…
THE Danny Barram who did the Supervisor evolution at Flag in 2004, and who was once the Internship Course Admin at Flag in the mid-to-late 1980s???
Adding to Dave Fagen’s question: …and who was also staff at FCB (when that existed)?
That’s kind of like jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge with insouciance.
COB accomplished what he has wanted all long – become the center of attention, adulation and admiration from his ‘parishioners’ by covertly trying to diminish LRH as source.
But who will like to be admired by people that can’t see for themselves and follow you blindly after having been practically brainwashed? Poor soul.
Another juicy leaked photo? Geez Mike, they’re still trying to chase down the source of the leak from the Moxon photo debacle. Now a leaked photo from the FreeWinds!? Tsk, tsk. The spies and moles are all around you Miscavige. You can’t trust anyone. Yes, that person did just look at you kinda funny. I wonder what evil intention he has toward you? Are you going to let that cocksucking degraded being get away with that?
Something tells me this is going to be a long, hot summer for the Dwarf.
How long til Davey looses it and pounds on a whale in view of other whales? I think it’s time to start taking bets on when that will happen.
insouciance? Now that’s a pretty big word.
Thank goodness HE developed the NEW
Student Hat 3 times through.
Say wait a minute….the four nights activity
are HIM, then Ideal Orgs, Author Services
and the grandaddy of ’em all….IAS.
What night are they devoting to the
importance of training and the awesome
fantastic new training line-up and the best
ever, never before accomplished fast flow
At the Gag 3 Gigantic Gala to be announced soon!!!! Be there, you won’t wanna miss this! Spread the world. I’m confirming you to attend. Send me five names and I’ll give you your very own photo of COB hugging Tom Cruise!!!
Speaking of spreading….up on the chair now COB…. there you go!
Okay Thomas…..all ready for you now!!
They’re legends in their own minds.
Having that photo show up on this blog ought to really (as they say in the CO$) jack HIS ta. The whales might experience Moby’s Dick if they can’t get these leaks under control. Sheesh
“Its just being in that intimate space with COB”.
Puke? How about “Ouch!!” as those tiny fists make intimate contact with faces and bodies of his executive staff? It’s about the only kind of intimate contact he’s capable of.
Mike wrote:
“Interesting they moved the events to the Dolby Theater. Holds 3400 rather than the 6300 at the Shrine Auditorium — so the number of empty seats will not be so apparent.”
An LA Church of Scientologist, sitting in the Dolby Theater, will notice that it is half the size of the Shrine Auditorium, and see that this smaller auditorium is still not full.
They will reduce these contrary facts to the Party Line that “we are expanding like never before!” by telling themselves that “The Shrine was being run by SPs”, or “It’s so much more theta here” or “those people who left were PTS or SPs, and not TRUE Scientologists. They were dead wood. Good riddance! We are expanding the number of TRUE Scientologists now like never before!”
They will reduce the importance or distract themselves from having to confront the contrary facts to the Party Line so that they can keep believing what gives them the feelings they want to feel from Scientology.
That’s why they are Scientologists – because Scientology makes them feel good, not because it makes sense.
Love is blind. And there is no one blinder right now than an LA Church of Scientologist.
Yes, Alano, that’s precisely the kind of bullshit they roll out to explain away the shrinkage.
I mean, AlanZo.
In the last photos that I saw, they didn’t even have the bottom level of the Shrine filled, and were careful not to show more than the edge of the balcony level, which is half the seating capacity.
I guess they’ll crank up the wide-angle lens distortion to make the space seem vast.
I don’t think they word cleared “insouciance.”
Exactly, Noah : in·sou·ci·ance noun \in-ˈsü-sē-ən(t)s, aⁿ-süs-ˈyäⁿs\
: a relaxed and calm state : a feeling of not worrying about anything; casual lack of concern; indifference.
Yeah right. Like any fundraiser for the idle morgues have even a grain of insouciance! The threats and punishments when you don’t get your target; the SO standing guard at the door so you don’t leave with any change in your wallet; the grinding terror of waking up in the morning and knowing you gave more money than you could afford for a building destined to stand empty; the lies and deceit and hard sell.
Yup – the very definition of insouciance.
Clearly, the COB abuse stories have been really getting to the Tiny Tyrant. Why else would he demand such praise in the press releases? I have very little doubt the ‘editorial direction’ for those pieces came from him.
I don’t think he could be At Cause any less.
I must admit… “Being with CoB in a an intimate space” gave me chills. Just not the way he would like.
Shudder. “Being in an intimate space with COB.” They forgot to mention that people should bring bandages, antiseptics and painkillers for the aftermaths of the intimacy.
Dave likes it rough.
I’m totally creeped out also. What a weird thing to say, perhaps she has daddy issues.
Hope it’s alright to mention this in context: Search youtube for “vice north korea”. These Vice guys make (some) great documentaries, and their first trip to North Korea includes part of a propaganda video extolling then-leader Kim Whats-his-face. The similarity in language and tone level between it and the MV-2014 email, above, is chilling.
“COB, a dog amongst men.” I tried typing god, but my grammar program rejected it as incorrect usage. So be it.
MJ, I won’t stand for this insult to dogs 🙂
My dog also takes umbrage at that insult. She says she would not stand for having him in her presence. Of course she’s 26″ tall so she would tower over him anyway.
My apologies to canines in all sectors, and some friendly advice to Cap’n Dave’s mutt if he’s still alive: “Just run as fast as your four legs will carry you out of that god forsaken place!”
My dogs noted that they too are taller than COB and they’re Yorkies.
Additionally, they noted that IF wee Davey has a dog, someone desperately needs to call the Humane Society…
Whoever took that photo forgot to put the dwarf in the front row.
I don’t know what you’re talking about. He’s obviously the big being in the center back.
I thought he was the possessor of the eyeball peering from behind the woman in the white ball cap?
Heh- not only is it not at the Shrine, it’s not at the Dolby Theater either. It’s at the Ballroom, which is a convention space next to the theater. Capacity is about 2000.
6300 to 2000. Now that’s planetary expansion!
Hahaha! The only thing straight up and vertical is our collective middle finger.
Bwahahahahhahahahahaha! That made my day, Katniss! I just can’t wipe this smile off my face.
Where was that group shot taken? On a space ship from the year 1998?
It’s in the “Paloma Blanca” (the “White Lounge”) next to the “Starlight Cabaret” where the events are held. It’s a hang out place on the Freewinds for the “cool kids” to sip lattes and exchange exclamation points.
I thought the closest thing to intimacy one can have with Davey involved sucking cock on Hollywood Boulevard….
Dave gives a whole new meaning to the term ‘tough love’ – right Mike?
I think that’s what they do on the last day of MV, but on the Freewinds, not Hollywood Boulevard. I think Davey only “gets” and doesn’t “give” (unless TC is there).
“you will witness the meeting of our history and our destiny as never before”.
If Kaye only could see the real truth behind her words. The destiny of that cults meeting with history as never before is shaping up to be a real barn burner! I’m throwing on extra popcorn and ordering up some T-Bones for the BBQ ……………… it is underway folks, make no mistake about that.
I just wonder how absolutely awe inspired Kaye would have been if she had been in the intimate universe of standing in a garbage can with cold water being poured over her while the rest of the crew screamed “what are your crimes.”
Has Dave Petit ever experienced the bliss of Dave’s gentle, theta hand smashing his head against a filing cabinet while calling him a cock-sucker?
Honestly, these guys make me puke. Zero confront of evil.
LDW, how can you say that after all COB’s done for us? Right up there with Christ and Gandhi. The biggest humanitarian in this sector of the universe. As his BFF said: “We’re lucky to have you.” Now let’s have a big donation from you to make up for this slight on his person.
LDW – re: your last line. It’s not just evil …. these folks can no longer ACTUALLY confront and perceive ANYTHING. They operate on circuits to process information and have mocked up machines that generate what they think are wins and even elation over the planet now being “cleared.” Whatever happened to them on NOTS has resulted in beings who are a composite of some sort of “synthetic being.” I no longer think these people are in any sense really “there.” This is probably why they seem so in sync with their insane leader COB.
Joe, you’ve explained it so simply and clearly. They are no longer THERE anymore, confronting ANYTHING.
By all means, let’s use Hubbard’s baloney terminology to explain Hubbard’s failed technology and the broken culture of Scientology that has been created from that failed wisdom.
The KRC triangle of each of these Still Ins is getting smaller and smaller. The less they know, the less they can control, and the less there is for which they can take responsibility, which means they need to limit their knowledge even more, etc. They’re getting more and more solid.
Real solid. That’s how I felt last time I talked to these still-ins. It was confusing though, because they were circuits talking this very theta talk!
LDW – But Dave has stopped hitting people. He has been handled; the evil has been fixed; he’s all better now. Haven’t you heard?
Really? Wow, that’s great. I thought news of his repentance was just a lot more glowing but false reports.
Hummm…I do think I’ll wait for his liability signatures before I believe it.
Now that’s what I call an eternity!
I had a couple of friends go in to the MAA to read my SP Declare. They said the MAA was in the tone level of boredom and didn’t embellish or get HE and Rey about it and just showed them the goldenrod. One of my friends there is actually UTR, so she said “Well Cindy told me that she was not against her son joining the SO (he was heaviiy being recruited), but she just told him not to go to Gold or Int so he could stay close to her in LA. The MAA replied, “We don’t do that kind of heavy ethics and justice anymore.” OMG, that was an admission from the MAA, that the church did actually DO the horrible crimes you hear about at Int and Gold. It was like the MAA had been drilled and rehearsed to adopt a Boredom tone level and to say that although some heavy ethics and justice may have happened in the past, they stopped all that and it is not done now. That is the new “handle” for all the bad press DM gets for bashing heads at int. It’s like you ask them “Do you still beat your wife?” And they answer, “No, not anymore.” What an admission of guilt.
Yea, only when he is in stripes ….
I asked (with insouciance) a person trying to “recover” me what he thought of Dave. I got Tom Cruise’s Medal of Honor Acceptance speech spewed back at me word for word. I laughed and said “so they’re making you Chinese School Tom Cruise’s Medal of Honor Acceptance Speech, huh?” He spluttered, “well, it’s true.” I said “I’ve met the guy.”
I wonder why they don’t call anymore.
Wow. Another living demonstration of how to drink Kool aid.
OMG Valerie, that is so outrageous. What a tool.
Btw….that graphic is so gaudy and ugly!
A “mammoth dissemination facility” but no real dissemination. The kool-aid has been spiked to truly monumental levels and I’m sure them sheeple are just pleased as punch. The only video I want to see is COB behind the scenes ripping new assholes and vituperating in that inimitable style we’ve all come to love. Over to you Dave.
Does a mammoth dissemination facility disseminate mammoths? The San Diego Zoo wants one.
They don’t have a big enough facility to handle all the waste matter.
That sounds like another mammoth-sized, painful, turd that just refuses to be breached?
The new dissemination facility must be the old KCET TV station on Sunset Blvd. that Scientology bought a few years ago. They must be moving all audio/video production to Los Angeles instead of Int Base near Hemet.
Oh, please start disseminating from there soon, PLEASE! It won’t be just a foot bullet, as we’re used to seeing, it’ll be a Gatling gun of foot bullets! (Be still, my beating heart…)