How do you make instant “highest evers statistics”?
It’s easy, just combine TWO orgs into ONE.
It’s like a “golden age” expansion formula that Dear Leader has conjured up.
Here is something from the latest UK Advance! mag.
What is really amazing is the gleeful way they promote the closure of another org, one that L. Ron Hubbard himself put in place and wrote NUMEROUS policy letters about.
How do they call themselves “on source scientologists” who are “dedicated to keeping scientology working” and “doing what Ron says” and yet get all excited about “the merge of Saint Hill Foundation and AOSHUK” in light of this policy letter:
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
7 APRIL 1969
It is an act of Treason to reduce, combine or close an org.
Yes all you graduates of the GAG II Student Hat, “combine” does mean putting together two orgs, Day and Foundation, especially these two who are specifically described in policy as having completely distinct publics (the theory was always that SH Fdn was a Class V org for East Grinstead and was even counted on the Class V stats, while AOSHUK was counted on the “SO Org” stats).
But there is more in this wondrous new Advance Mag.
For undeniable proof of their Highest Everness, they conveniently include their “OT Completions” list….
Now, of course, we don’t know how many weeks or months this covers, but it would seem to be quite some time — at least enough for Greta Kovacs to Complete Solo Part II, OT Eligibility and all the way through OT V… Kea Verweij did even better, attesting to Clear, Sunshine RD, OT Preps, Solo Part 1 and 2 and up through NOTs completion. Now, unless they are offering horrendous, even quickier quickie tech at AOSHUK, this could not be done in less than 3 months and that is being extremely generous. In which case their “highest evers statistics across the horizon” level is about 2 Clears a week, 1.5 OT III’s a week and less than one OT V per week. BEST case scenario.
And this is something to shout about?
PS: I have not even addressed the fact that the VAST majority of the tiny number of public they have on lines come from Europe and should be at AOSHEU. There is virtually nobody from the UK, even though they have London D/F/CC “ideal org” flooding people up the Bridge and “clearing the UK.” Almost everyone shown in the entire magazine is a non-UK person, something also evident in the “completions” list.
This is an LRH ED dated 16 March 1969 page 472 OEC Volume 7
Please get it right
Not sure who this is directed to FairTech?
Here is the reference you cite:
Date 16 March 1969
Stranded tech. I really liked being hammered by some teenie bopper inventing their version of standard tech.
There comes a time when old people have trouble holding cans for extended periods so Bridge came up with a great design that was supposed to handle that problem. It looked like a piece of galvanized stove pipe about eight inches long with the side cut out of it rolled to fit the average arm of a fat person and the edge was trimmed with felt to prevent bleeding. By that I mean it was not possible to maintain constant contact on a thin or skinny arm if one were to move even one millimeter. It was called a wrist strap. First clue. Straps look like straps they don’t look like a gladiators gauntlet. I was forced to buy a pair because they were (standard) issue. I put them babies on and rock slammed my way from .9 to infinity through a squeeze drill.The sup whispered out the side of his mouth That they may need to be cut down to size to work properly so being a metal guy I did.
I cut up a couple good tinplate cans and made some bands about 3″x3″ for starts that worked well. I put them on the same arm freeing up my other one to operate the meter, no more body motion.
Then one day the tech sec quietly asked me if I could do some for others. Sure anything for my fellow homo novis if I can fly in the face of draconian arbitrary tech. I made some out of silver,copper screen or whatever worked for them. The result being that they could finally be at cause, in the chair and get to go home and audit. So here is some usable data. If the TA is too low reduce the size of the bands or get them perforated to reduce sweating. If the TA is too high get larger bands or more lotion. Standard industrial art.
Mike – FYI – As I recall, Larry Byrnes left the Sea Org when he was WDC ABLE because Jessica’s ex-husband who was a declared SP at the time wanted to see their kid, but couldn’t because Larry & Jessica were living at the Int Base, and of course declared SPs are not allowed to be on the grounds there (this was before “The Hole”, which doesn’t exist.) There was some kind of legal battle waged by the ex-husband to get visitation rights, and this ultimately cause Larry & Jessica to route out.
I don’t know when or how Larry became totally consumed with all his conspriracy theory BS, but he is a die-hard kool-aid drinker and in tight with Miscavige. When he was CEO of RealWorld Software in New Hampshire in the 1980s, Denice, David Miscavige’s twin sister, worked at RealWorld. In fact, I believe Ronnie Miscavige, David’s brother. also worked at RealWorld in the 1980s before re-joining the Sea Org in 1986.
As you can imagine, politically, Larry is to the right of the Far Right.
As Scamology shrinks ever faster Demented Leader, Deranged Maniac, will combine more and more orgs (sounds like a lower class of orcs) so as to rake more money into his accounts in preparation to skipping off into the sunset.
Well … considering that LRH himself in effect reduced many orgs when he established the FSO and started stealing org public and money … since he never paid attention to any of his own policy, not sure why others should.
Oh, but Davy just has SO much on his mind now to worry about minor details of wog law.
“It is an act of Treason to reduce, combine or close an org.”
LOL! Well, those of us who have never fallen for Scientology’s frauds are the ones who have helped destroy the criminal enterprise the most, I guess we’ve all committed treason. 🙂
LOL! What an insane fucking crook that dead conman was. 🙂 Amusing, too.
Treason doth never prosper, what’s the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it Treason. – John Harington
And it sure ain’t prospering, is it? Or flourishing, for that matter.
You and I, Fred, we’re proud to call ourselves traitors. Every blow that we deal against the criminal cult and repulsive philosophy is pure, unadulterated pleasure.
OT question Mike. It seems that “RTC” has slacked on attacking people for using TM’s. Look at the Israel Scn Indie Org as an example. In days of old they would have been litigating. If I understand that area of US law from a business perspective you either defend your Marks or you lose the ability to so in the future…
What we need is a helicopter to fly over St Hill Manor and drop a few hundred copies of HCO PL ORG REDUCTION OR ERADICATION over the grounds at lunch time during a dry day.
Two minds linked, Alex. I was just going to post that. Might be a lovely idea for the Anons and similar to print it up in large batches and hand them out around all orgs constantly.
Thegman, it is really not a bad idea. If they are allowed to hand out their own propaganda leaflets and such, it woudn’t be illegal to drop the appropriate LRH policies on them, after all, they claim to be following their founder’s orders anyway.
Yes… and they should design the fliers to look like a Scientology publication… with all the pow-whiz-bang glossy shit… and the PL letter just as LRH made it…. so that the Scios picking them up actually READ them before they realize that they are reading something they SHOULDN’T be reading. Hah.
By the time they finish reading it and putting 2 and 2 together, they might actually realize (as I did when I started reading Blown For Good) that they are now officially too far gone and will be labeled an SP or else they will have to get Sec Checks to the tune of $6,000 or $8,000 … and maybe that will inspire them to leave.
It can’t cost that much to drop about 2500 green on white from say 1000ft (I’m not sure what the legal fly over altitude in LA is, someone here could advise – helicopters abound in LA so it wouldn’t be that noticeable) from a helicopter over the complex. I’m sure enough would land to get their attention, particularly after the video was aired. We could even do a fundraiser…….go fund me…….. LOL
I’m a stupid wog but perhaps some kind hearted ex-sci could explain how you can go up both sides of the bridge “to equate to stability in life” as the Advance! News article says? Note not to achieve stability – just equate it whatever that means. Wouldn’t you be just stuck at the humpy part of the bridge? Anyway the high priced end of Sci’s Bridge to Freedom seems to end like la Pont d’Avignon with a drop off into a cold mid river torrent.
“Both sides of the bridge” means training as an auditor at the same time you get your processing. I.e., go Clear and learn to Clear others.
Doloras — thanks. It’s an arcane non-intuitive language they speak. I guess that’s the whole idea – keep the outsiders outside.
Saint Hill stats hey?
I find it really, really, really hard to believe that they delivered Power, Power Plus & R6EW and yet don’t show even one SHSBC grad or internship completed in the time it took to deliver someone from solo through to OT5.
There’s a old military saying, “bullshit baffles minds” and the custodians of Saint Hill, Ron’s actual UK home and home of the SHSBC and the world famous tomatoes are lying through their teeth while they happily advertise self committed 3rd Dynamic Treason against their beloved founder.
Those criminals care not about their blatancy or their own sanity just as long Captain david miscavige sits on the throne.
Oh, what life must be like inside the bubble… they are being set up for one of the biggest, “I told you so” in history.
Poor sods.
Well of course you can ‘rocket up the bridge’ {sounds more like Wiley Coyote and the Roadrunner then school} when you’re doing ‘clear’ and all the steps for the third time. I suppose the end phenomenon writing is much easier too. Just recycle the old one you used and throw in a statement about how much you appreciate COB doing this for ‘everyone’. Otherwise the sec checks will cost you more than the new levels.
Not looking good at all.
Most scn’ers lack a college education (L Ron derided that) and thus know little of history except in a very broad brush fashion. This is in operation with DM and scn’ers: “… All this was inspired by the principle—which is quite true within itself—that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. “
I wonder how many of those completions were re-dos… Emilio Bertinato was already ot v… Long ago.
It looks as though Ana Gonzalez did so well on OT I that she was allowed to skip OT II and go onto OT III. Boy, they sure are clearing the planet over there in England. Happy Birthday Ron wherever you are.
I’d either say, “Great minds think alike”, Dean, or I’d have to conclude that we both have an unnatural fixation with Ana Gonzalez.
Apparently, they’re also speeding things up in a different way they’re skipping entire Bridge levels. Take the curious case of that doughty English lass Ana Gonzalez. Her accomplishments, according to the list, are OT Preps, Solo I and II, OT Eligibility, OTI, OTIII, and OTIV. So how did she do the last two without doing OTII? A nice big “whoops” from the staff at Saint Hell. Either she skipped an entire level (one that LRH thought was so perfect there’s never been a “New” version), or it’s a clear sign that they’re pulling names out of their asses, or rather “arses”.
The group photograph is very interesting. The photographer says “fist-pump and look Tone 40!” And this is the best they can do? Some look positively embarrassed – and some have every right to be so, don’t they Sue Cardiff, for example, in the front row? Didn’t LRH say somewhere that you have to take responsibility for what you know? Willing, intentional and blind ignorance is not a tried and tested method of achieving spiritual freedom as far as I know.
Right Martin. I know of no spiritual or religious pursuit on earth that has, keeping your head in a bag, as a necessary component. No matter how you dress it up, your head is still in a bag.
Congratulations on highest ever:
treason to LRH 🙂
8 times…… I just have an affinity for the name….
I saw Phil Tyler at least in 4 different lists at a glance, bet there are more…
Mike, Kea Verweij is a rather well-known ex-Sea Org member in Europe. She was the main EU reg for FSSO (Freewinds) for at least a decade and spent a lot of time in Hungary and was always under tremendous pressure. Quite atypical for a Sea Org officer, she was genuinely nice and likeable. She left the Sea Org later (I was already out of Scientology by then). I was under the impression that she was either Clear or OT III, so she probably just re-did some or most of these services.
The OT V comps are 11 people. Average to complete one usually took 2 1/2 to 3 weeks.
If I well remember AO UK had at least 8-10 NOTS Auditors. This means the majority of them are ‘downstat’ from HCO’s viewpoint; on the other hand I remember them as very caring individuals.
There is no wining way no matter how many angles of it you look at it.
The photo of ASHO public/staff/both is about one fourth the size of the SHSBC at ASHO Fdn in 1976 … and maybe about equal to the size of ASHO Fdn staff at the time. Surely some of the old timers who are still in have noticed the decline. And if Larry Byrnes is lurking, the PL on reducing or combining orgs should give you pause: you once accused me of being an SP using this policy, when I proposed we eliminated duplicative functions. If you’ve changed your mind, you can PM me with your apology.
Larry may lurk here, if he can spare any time from making an absolute fool of himself trying to defend Danny Masterson in the comments section of Paper with his lunatic conspiracy theories. It is sort of sad to see someone who was once quite dynamic and capable turned into a blathering moron, raving on about the New World Order/Bilderbergers/Big Pharma/Marcabians/Democrats/Communists/Media etc etc etc all engaged in a massive conspiracy to “destroy scientology.” And he is too blind to notice that the only destruction is coming from within. I heard he lives in a house made out of old tires and is preparing for armageddon. He is so convinced of his rightness and so far stuck up David Miscavige’s butt that even if he read the policy and acknowledged it had been violated, he would have a new explanation that made it all OK. To admit that he has been in error would be too devastating to his false certainty that it isnt going to happen.
Thanks for smacking down the conspiracy theorists, Mike. I’ve previously remarked on the regrettable prevalence of the NWO/Chemtrails types in the Indie scene; it’s a regrettable hangover from Ron’s paranoid ramblings about SMERSH/the International Bankers etc.
So you know, Larry Byrnes is a die hard KoolAid drinker, not part of the “indie scene”… There are conspiracy theorists sitting on the fringes of every part of society. But I do agree that the psychs/WorldBank/SMERSH/Big Pharma “doctrine of scientology” tends to give idiots like Larry Byrnes credibility within the scientology bubble as he doesn’t sound that much crazier than what LRH said.
I had NO idea that was who Larry Burns was.
I am a never in. I do not know the wed of who is who within the scientology elite.
I would say Larry may a fool of himself spouting off those theories.
Thank you for posting on Paper Mag.
I, and others , enjoyed it.
You’re welcome.
Probably most people don’t know that Larry was in the Guardian’s Office Worldwide, he ultimately became the D/Guardian Legal WW. His wife, Jessica, was also in GOWW.
He then became, through various circuitous means, WDC ABLE and was the person who put Narconon in Chilocco Oklahoma after being convinced that the “alliance” with the native american tribes would launch Narconon into the stars. It was a disaster. He eventually got out of the Sea Org, I cannot remember how. But since that time he has been a total butt kisser, party-line espouser while proclaiming vast knowledge of what is truly going on in the world (and the universe).
He is a couple of Sam Adams short of a six-pack.
I vote for having a one time edit button 😉
Doubtful Larry will come clean on this if its the same Larry Byrnes Im thinking of. (Has a son Luke over in Apparently Larry is behind the KSW Lions blog which was created to counter the BIC blog. If you ever wanted to see a nutter mix RCS dogma and conspiracy theory Larry is your guy. A real wacko!
Just check out Larry’s FB page….whoa……..kool aid and tinfoil hats.
I don’t know the ‘before’ or ‘after’ Larry, but I can tell a mentally unbalanced person when I see their FB page. Very sad. Makes me wonder if he was driven to madness by the Co$ or if he was predisposed to it. I ask the same question about LRH.
What is SMERSH?
Definition from scientology glossary:
SMERSH: the secret police units assigned to the Russian Red Army that watched closely for signs of dissent or defeatism, created during World War II. Western intelligence agencies long attributed the word “Smersh” to an acronym for “Sme(rt) Sh(pionam),” or “Death to Spies.” Kirill Khenkin, in his book Hunter Upside Down, says the acronym was derived from the phrase “Spetsial Nie Metodi Razoblachenia Schpinov,” which means “Special Methods for Exposing Spies.” Whatever the origin of “Smersh,” the fictional character James Bond fought this mysterious group for the better part of his career. LRH used the word “Smersh” to denote the World Federation of Mental Health and the National Association of Mental Health networks, due to their links with intelligence and government agencies.
Most references to SMERSH are in OSA NW Orders (formerly Guardian Orders)
My knowledge of Larry Byrnes goes back to 1982, when he joined the staff at RealWorld Corp. in New Hampshire, where I was also on staff. He was (foolishly, I thought) put in the position of President by the company’s founder, David Gale, who assumed the role of CEO.
Under Larry’s “leadership”, he led the effort to convert a secular business into a Scientology recruitment org. As VP Legal, it was my job to make the workplace clear of religious discrimination, and dealing with Byrnes on this point was dealing with insanity. I got more “wrong-indications / evals” from Byrnes than any other Scientologist. In fact, I owe him for showing me how cruelly Scientology “tech” can be applied which means he can take a lot of credit for my decision to leave Scientology.
Byrnes was in the SO before he joined RealWorld and, for a time, worked at St. Hill, where he had an affair with a married woman. One of my oldest friends was the EO who was assigned to handle him on it, and she later told me he refused to do the ethics handling and instead told her he was leaving, which is what he did. He then joined RealWorld.
I spent nearly 5 years watching the guy. He did “investigations” without leaving his office. He picked the policies that supported his hidden aims (to take over the business), and his grasp of our product (accounting software) was minimal. He married Jessica in NH in 1984.
Luke is the son of Jessica and Charles Parselle, although it appears Luke’s taken the Byrnes name. After RealWorld, Byrnes started a business called “Competent Software” in Clearwater, which has never been particularly successful although he’d never admit that. His current home in Colorado is “off the grid”.
I don’t know Larry Byrnes but I do know a lot about whistle blowers, conspiracies, conspiracy theories, denial, political correctness,Kool aid drinkers and who’s Kool Aid is being promoted.
For example: Back in 58, USN, So. China Sea. We bombed the fuck out of Sumatra for 3 mo.We were told that we were putting down a communist revolution which turned out to be total BS. Thirty thousand civilians were killed before Sukarno caved. No one blew the whistle at that time, no conspiracy theorists either.
Fifty years later I learned that the US and Shell oil conspired to put the heat on Sukarno because he had the audacity to nationalize their own oil fields. what I am getting at is that a conspiracy is two or more individuals or parties that are secretly planning something illegal. Do government alphabet agencies do it, do banks do it,do churches do it, do corporatocracies do it? Fuck yeah. My advice is to eschew, denial, political correctness, MSM and seek the truth by knowing both sides of an argument. I knew that DM was one creepy ass psychopath the first time I saw him but I wasn’t willing to become a social pariah while I still had too much money on account. There I communicated.I may blow a whistle later if I don’t get a shit storm of back flash.
Wow, there are so many outpoints and holes and lies in their promo that I don’t know where to start. But you did a masterful job of pointing them out, Mike! I’d like to get a list of KA drinkers and staff and send them that LRH HCOPL saying that it is an act of Treason to combine, close, reduce an org. That puts DM in Treason, which we’ve all known about for yeas, however, it may bring some KA drinkers to confront the truth. My guess is that this specific reference will suddenly “disappear” from the Tech Vols never to be seen again. And then when the KA drinkers go to look it up by title or date, they won’t be able to find it and they’ll say, “See, there! That’s proof that the bitter, defrocked apostates on the internet are lying. If it was true it would be in our tech vols.” But they will fail to realize that DM keeps messing with the tech vols and has taken whole references out of it if it doesn’t suit his agenda. What is it that is said on the Data Series, that the hardest outpoint to spot of all is the missing one or something? Some of you OEC FEBC people help me out with that quote please.
The LRH reference Mike gave will possibly disappear from the OEC volumes (not the tech volumes) because it’s an HCO PL.
I am not OEC FEBC but did the Data Series 3Xs without checksheet just to be able to do ‘Why Findings’.
That IS the hardest outpoint to spot because we tend to focus on what IS there.
Very useful to apply in life!
Yes, Cindy, Omitted Data is the most difficult to spot outpoint, per the Data Series.
I REALLY don’t get it – how anyone can buy the crap of advancement, especially anyone that has been in for any length of time. Someone like my son has no point of comparison as we of days of old do, but he does have references like that stated above and he has his own eyes but those still don’t seem to matter.
It’s not a “prison of belief;” it’s a “prison of I hope what I am being told is true.”
I think people just go numb at some point. When you think it’s just your org failing, or your SP country, and you don’t have the money to travel (but still believe you can pay for the bridge), you may have no idea what “millions of members” would actually translate into, especially when they are allegedly spread of 11,000 orgs, missions and groups. In a nutshell, not much thinking goes on in the bubble, and what does pass for thinking is self-referential and short-circuits.
I agree Dollar, there is so much fatigue. Hype fatigue, regging fatigue, not delivering what’s promised fatigue, pretending things that aren’t there fatigue, etc. I really don’t see the point of repeating the 100 million member’s thing. I mean, who cares how many members a church has? Again, instead of treating someone decently and helping them, they take this circuitous route that they “think” will impress people so much that they will pour into the spiffy orgs. Talk about a crooked line of thinking, it’s cheap and fast like a 2$ whore.
Yes, so much fatigue. Now also includes new and improved inval and re-do fatigue.
A rather cruel experiment was apparently done with rats. A rat was made to swim until it almost gave up and died. In the final moment it was rescued. The same rat was found to swim almost twice the distance later because it had learned something. It had learned to hope.
Hallie – 100 million??? Anyone with any sense knows there ‘s only 75 million active Scientologists in the CoS. But just as soon as all the orgs are ideal …
As 2nd gen Scientologist. Your comment makes me glad I had my own overts and didn’t feel safe giving them over which was certainly part of why I left… I feel bad for people who weren’t as good at withholding as me. I hope that a day will come soon when you two can 2WC again. I laugh at the out-points but cry for the good people involved!
I also find it incredible that the old timers still in would not seriously query this combining of orgs. I have some people in mind who know plenty of admin tech. They absolutely know this policy letter about combining orgs being a treasonous act. Leaving “treason” aside, consolidation of this sort is what a company does when its shrinking. Examples abound.
Phil Tyler is another with multiple entries. Grade VI R6EW, State of Clear, OT Eligibility, New OT 3-5. Presumably he has a job that would not allow prolonged leave and money to burn. I would guess at the aggregation of stats for a year or more.
Heh. Love your nick. 🙂
Perfect indeed, Mike. It was my opinion since years that, unless comparing all the lists of names to see which ones are always appearing with similar “complétions”, it would be impossible to really know what orgs do.
SHill? It’s not new; one of my own org ex-students and pc has been three times on “OT II” attestiations. How could you attest three times -two false attests – without being put to treason?
Worse: how could you attest OT III, since every time, you’ll be put onto OT IIIX by the C/S, which “proves” you that you are “in treason”…
not to speak of the OT VIII insanity later, whre one should guess what one had been, false IDs etc?
There is a distinct lack of Anglo-Saxon names and the group picture fails to impress. Fail.
Hey at least it’s not photo-shopped. Give credit where credit is due!!!
Also note that everyone in the picture is old. I’m not an ageist, but my point is that these guys will be dying out and there are no new people coming in, so the church is dying. Whether that cycle of action is slow or fast depends on how fast and how much the church is shooting itself in the foot. I’d say it will go fast.
Cindy, you’re right, there are no new people and/or young people coming in. This combining of orgs (a suppressive act, I was told when years ago) is just an expediency so that the place looks less empty and so that Miscavige is not embarrassed in front of everyone – for now. This consolidated org is going to shrink because what was causing the Day and Foundation orgs to shrink was NOT the fact that they were 2 orgs which should have been 1. The Real Why is not getting handled and will never be handled, so this combined org will continue to shrink also but for now it will be less noticable.
Edit: I was told years ago, not “when” years ago.
Lemme see now, expansion is contraction? well yeah but the density has to change into something more solid, more tangible, er ah, then there is speed of particle flow, like down a long runway which is actually quicker that a slippery slope with rocks!!!? Sorry I thought I was having a cog but I was wrong, or was I right? Could some genius help me out on this conundrum?
“I know you are reading and believe you understand what you think I wrote ; but I’m not sure that you realize that what you read is not what I meant.”
I saw a documentary on how DW Griffiths, famous producer, made some of his movies from the 50’s. In one western he needed lots of people on horseback to come in for the battle, but the budget was not big. So he solved the problem of how to get enough people to show up on horseback by having a train put there with a cattle car that opened on both sides. So the people on horseback would gallop through the cattle car and turn in a circle and go back around and enter the cattle car again and again. The end result was it looked like tons of marauding horsemen. They erased the cattle car and all you saw was massive men on horses coming at you over and over in a steady stream. This is what our church is doing with the people. Combine orgs and take stats of both orgs so that it looks like tons of people are now doing services in the one org. Smoke and mirrors for the whales to keep them donating.
Along with combing Day, Foundation & Celebrity Center, they are combing Starbucks into the mix too! Their stats are highest ever for coffee consumption & trips to the toilet! AND, those trips to the ‘loo’ count as case gain! It’s called, “Pee your way to higher consciousness.” It just doesn’t get any better…
The toilets are coin entry also OSD. It’s 2$ per use but it’s for your eternity so it’s ok. The tp is a quarter per square, ….case gain there too. It’s all for a good cause, your eternity, the bathroom needs a remodel, case gain, John Loeb shoes, huge slush fund etc, etc,. Every penny counts!!
Beautiful, HJ!
Three months is VERY generous, indeed. Even if they were a trained auditor. The quickest I’ve seen someone do OTI-III is 2 1/2 months. Which would make this about 4+ months of completions.
When I visited St. Hill in 2004, the place was EMPTY. I was there for a week and every day I saw the same lone student in the course room. The Captain of the base, John D. was personally doing an arrivals tour in Italy in an effort to bring in public. It was really an eye opener for me.
OT: Mike, would it be possible to link to the big list in your “Important links” section…?
Thanks in advance,
I’m not commenting on your request to Mike to link this list. But I will comment that anyone visiting the link should simply scroll down. I got lost in tabs and copy. Then I learned, just scroll down.
I read “combine two orgs into none.”
Scientology: where bad news is the best news (for both sides)!
It never bothers me when Scientology’s bad leader makes a good change.
Combining Day and Fdn Orgs is totally and they ought to shorten their hours back to normal business hours or normal “religion” hours too.
And it should be sidestepping and violating lots of other Hubbard rules, frankly.
Not that long range any of Miscavige’s authorized violations of Hubbard’s rules will make any difference.
The disconnection and rabid mislabeling of persons as SP rules are rules that ought be cancelled.
The focus on the “able” rather than help all humans across all classes, is totally wrong traditionally for a religion.
Scientology’s also of age to be honest about the Xenu engram and the exorcism being done on the “upper Bridge”, since really the world knows Scientology better than average Scientologists who can’t even say Xenu and body thetans publicly nor simply define these important parts of the whole Bridge.
Scientology’s got major problems that need more blatant violating of Hubbard’s rules.
Combine the orgs Day and Fdn, and even close the already dead orgs out there, that policy to NOT do so was dumb. Hubbard allowed Missions to close shop, he should have simply done the same for orgs.