Of course, it’s time to reflect on the year that was and look forward to the new year.
And this that follows is the message from the church of scientology.
Does anyone actually read the drivel they send out?
It literally says: “Only until midnight December 31st. Secure your Eternity.”
It doesn’t strike them as just the slightest bit odd that one can “secure your eternity” by buying it at any time?
But even more bizarre that the sale on your eternity only lasts until midnight on 31 December?
Buy Now. Eternity Expires at midnight.
And what is even funnier — the first thing they tell new people “you are an immortal spiritual being that we call a thetan.” I wonder what part of the term immortal they don’t understand (or perhaps it is eternity they don’t get?)
New year’s Eve. Just like everything else in scientology — just ANOTHER fake justification to give us your money before Thursday at 2.
They have truly perfected the art pioneered by the much derided (at least behind closed doors in scientology for fear of being labeled bigots) Catholic Church in medieval times. Scientology is the “21st century religion” selling medieval promises — provided you hand over enough cash.
Can I have my eternity for $0.02. That is double what an eternity in sciobotville is worth…
Secure your eternity, by making a donation so you can pay less taxes.
Is this really a church and what are they preaching here? We got the message that Scientology is recognized as a church by the IRS over 20 years ago and yet we still have to be reminded, just in case.
No inspirational message for 2015 coming out of the CoS. Just the usual DO IT NOW! The focus is to give money and more money. Status quo.
Happy New Year to Mr Rinder and his family, and to everyone (and yours) here.
I have enjoyed your discourse over the year and am looking forward to what 2015 brings us.
Many blessings, success and happiness for 2015 and beyond.
Wow, I’ve got to share this or people won’t believe it. No beating around the bush with this ad.
Happy New Year, Mike, Christie, and beautiful boys, and to all here on my favorite blog! May 2015 be “The Year of Reconnection”. Truth will out and truth will win. Peace.
But what if I don’t want my eternity saved? It’s been nothing but trouble, perhaps someone might like a slightly used and dinted existence – going cheap, has heaps of experience but peppered with some really dumb decisions, like I joined the Cof$ voluntarily but I’m sure that will polish out with a little bit of effort. All reasonable offers considered.
But anyway… to all you masters of the universe out there – time is just a consideration. So just what has the Cof$ decided to sell you before midnight – your own ideas back to you! Now, that’s a cool trick… caveat emptor.
Very Happy New Year to everyone! May 2015 be the year, where the indecent practice of forced disconnection ends, with public disgrace for the radical church. I saw a great link recently, called “31 reasons to restore your faith in humanity” and recommend it! It’s a heart warmer! Have a wonderful, safe celebration!
Do they pay Obamacare money for their SO staff? Will they have to in 2015? That could be the thing that tips them over the edge into bankruptcy, were they suddenly liable for it.
When I first heard of the Affordable Care Act I immediately thought “YES, this will bring down the SO for good!” But with a little thought I changed my mind.
No SO staff have any form of health insurance. Some money is taken out of their pay for Workmen’s Compensation. Since they work almost 24 hrs a day almost any illness or injury can be wangled around to fall under Workman’s Compensation. Other health care is done at the Emergency Room or sometimes is paid for out of the weekly income of the organization. That last is very rare, in most weeks there is barely money for food and electricity, let alone toilet paper or someone’s cancer treatment. In my 25 years in the SO I never once got a yearly exam or any treatment except vitamins unless I was too sick to work.
They pay the staff so little that they mostly never file a tax return, so the individual penalties will not apply. I don’t know if the organizations that have more than 50 members will have to start providing health care, if so they will very rapidly become smaller than 50 members.
There is a bit of tax fraud involved in that they never report the monetary equivalent of the room and board they receive, or the value of the “free services” they receive. If they can be billed for the value of such services when they blow, shouldn’t it legally be counted as income? Our “income” was reported to Social Security as just the cash pay and any bonuses, no mention of room and board or “free” services.
I am not a tax attorney nor have I ever played one on TV, but it seems a conscientious, hard-working and responsible tax agency would look into this. Unfortunately there is no such agency here in the US. Most of us ex-members are not anxious to suddenly become liable for decades of back taxes, so we are not acting as whistle-blowers about tax fraud in the SO. Maybe some other reader of this blog knows more about it.
You can only be held responsible for past taxes if you didn’t pay what you owed in the first place. The SO members make so little that they don’t go over what is called the filing requirement, so they would only file if they had any withholding or for the Earned Income Tax Credit, which covers single adults over 26, for a little bit of a tax refund. If you don’t file because you didn’t make enough, the only penalty is that you can’t do so beyond the last 3 tax years.
Great to read your postings Bruce, so glad you are out and I’d love to hear you write of your electronics history at the Int Base, and of others there.
I was on the PAC RPF from Nov 2000 til March 2003, and the PAC RPF has the routine of going and using the local USC and UCLA free hospital stuff for the RPF members down pat.
You go in groups from the PAC RPF, a couple times a week, a group of RPFers go get their medical issues dealt with for free.
Since we in the Sea Org and especially the RPF make less than poverty income (on the tax reading I did, we fell into the “Religious Worker” category, which is sub poverty, and for voluntary members of religious fellowship type of “jobs”, all their “pay” is allowances categorized, and if low enough, then you are sub poverty, and then in California you can easily apply, and we did, and got our individual free medical that way).
I got several medical procedures while in the Sea Org and watched as many got free operations, while both in the Sea Org and on the RPF.
LA Sea Org members and RPF members, just have to go apply, they all qualify, due to our sub poverty level weekly allowances we received.
And of course, this is “out exchange” since Scientology Sea Org Reserves gets the profit of the church of Scientology, minus paying for the members’ medical.
I think honestly, were this inspected more carefully, possibly California might just disallow these RPF members and the Sea Org members in LA who do use the California system current allowances.
In any event, it is “out exchange” in Hubbard’s terms, but I no longer personally give any credence to anything L. Ron Hubbard wrote, none of his policy or ideas stand up due to him contradicting his principles constantly in his other writings, he’s at best a mediocre pulp fiction writer who was prolifically creative for the mediocre stories he came up with.
Bruce, you should just for history purposes, get together with some other ex Int Base staffers who could interview you about your knowledge of electronics behind the scene adventures and engineering feats you witnessed and participated in during your years at the Int Base!
There are various exemptions, loopholes and alternatives for non-profits and religious and other organizations built in to the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) that CofS can maneuver within it and not be bankrupted by any means.
A priest was called away on an emergency. Not wanting to leave the confessional unattended, he called his rabbi friend from across the street and asked him to cover for him. The rabbi told him he wouldn’t know what to say, but the priest told him to come on over and he’d show him what to do. The rabbi comes and joins the priest in the confessional.
A few minutes later, a woman comes in and says, “Father, forgive me for I have sinned.”
The priest asks, “What did you do?”
The woman says, “I committed adultery.”
Priest: “How many times?”
Woman: “Three times.”
Priest: “Say two Hail Mary’s, put $5 in the box and go and sin no more.”
A few minutes later a man enters the confessional. He says, “Father, forgive me for I have sinned.”
Priest: “What did you do?”
Man: “I committed adultery.”
Priest: “How many times?”
Man: “Three times.”
Priest: “Say two Hail Mary’s, put $5 in the box and go and sin no more.”
The rabbi tells the priest that he thinks he’s got it, so the priest leaves.
A few minutes later another woman enters and says, “Father, forgive me for I have sinned.”
Rabbi: “What did you do?”
Woman: “I committed adultery.”
Rabbi: “How many times?”
Woman: “Once.”
Rabbi: “Go do it two more times. We have a special this week, three for $5.”
ROFL! Thanks for that one 😀
Precious! 🙂
I think the Church of Scientology is forgetting that indulgence peddlers were not well regarded as demonstrated by the medieval art work showing indulgence sellers in the mouth of hell: http://www.godecookery.com/macabre/gallery5/macbr122.jpg
A big Happy New Year to everyone here on this blog. You’re all truly helping this world become a better place.
Happy New Year Mike !
May 2015 bring many good things,
prosper and flourish !
2015 will expose Miscavige as the psychopath he is…..he will not be able to keep his personal life secret as more and more people close to him bail…
Your mouth to God’s ears, Robert A.
You know, I just thought of an old saying: “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”. The operative word here being “paved”.
Here are all these staff and SO relentlessly regging for the IAS and Ideal Orgs, believing they are saving the planet, that this is the way, convinced of this, drilled on it, bullbaited on doing it so that their buttons on regging people with no money to spare are flattened – all these staff shilling for a greedy, selfish, ruthless, heartless cult, with the best of intentions.
Yes, it is indeed the good intentions of the duped staff that are paving this road to hell.
Happy New Years to all who read this blog. Mike have great New Year!
“Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme…” The message never changes. There’s no way this cult can stay alive on this stuck flow of Must Be Contributed To.
Happy New Year everyone here at our favorite Blog.
Please make sure your tray tables and seat backs are in their upright and locked position. Prepare for landing ……
Jo Julian,
Just wanted to follow up on the event attendance last Saturday. Four of your plebes were AWOL in case you failed to notice. Yep, the ones I tried to get you to handle blew you and Darth off and headed for the mountains rather than listen to another round of Dave’s Drivel.
Whats up with you guys. You have the most important event ever and four of your Ex Cee Ogres who are now ‘public’ don’t even want to come to see you all and get caught up. I suppose they figured they might actually get caught up (in some useless cycle) with your grubbers so why not blow the pop stand and deal with your flak later.Cant say I blame them!
Yo Dave,
Quite a testimonial. Your Ex Cee Ogres would rather hang out next door to a known flaming SP than listen to you drone on with your customized Shermanspeak with a lilt in it? And guys, don’t worry about those tray tables and seat backs ………….. where you are going there is no landing strip.
Let’s all contribute for a pair of John Lobb’s for rob, er I mean cob with a tracking device that records audio and video so we know what he’s up to in the coming year. Some hot chick with her arm around Bob Duggan could give it to him after an IAS bash.
You don’t own any bank accounts! They really belong to the church! You just haven’t been enlightened out of them yet!
Enlightenment is for people in the dark.
“…enlightened out of them yet”. Funny, John Doe. I’m stealing it.
Happy New Year Mike, Christie and your two beautiful boys.. May the next year, and all that follow,
bring you and your family joy and riches of every kind.
Run up your Credit Card for a tax break but don’t worry about all that interest you get to pay the “Evil Bankers” because it’s “the greatest good”.
I would like to take this opportunity to David Miscavige and his army of bloodsuckers TO GO FUCK YOURSELVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That’s 47 !
I think because of SCOHB syndrome, it might be go suck yourself.
It is disgusting that sane taxpayers are forced to subsidise this. ALL religions are businesses and should be expected to compete on a level playing field with other businesses which sell social events, social status, therapy, fantasy, and entertainment.
Happy New Year everyone, it’s going to be an exciting new year, don’t you think?
“It doesn’t strike them as just the slightest bit odd that one can “secure your eternity” by buying it at any time?”
No, it doesn’t, they are too stupid and too confused to wake up, but eventually they will come out of their stupor, everybody does at the end.
In any case, it was a few years back at Marty’s blog, that I read your comments on the basic why for this lunacy, aka The Church of Scientology and its love for MONEY, and I was sold on your good intentions.
It paid off, as I think you are one of the biggest threats to these blood suckers.
I wish you and your family a wonderful new year!
All around money and mixed purposes: your eternity and save taxes, boy they do match don’t they/
Discordant indeed.
I did my Scn. deductions a bit differently….I took a bunch of Miscavige era books and
donated them to a thrift store. It works well for everyone….I take a small deduction
and the thrift store will throw them away once they realize the books won’t sell.
On another note, I just received an email from the IAS about donating before the end of the year.
I get emails from the IAS now and then…..I always unsubscribe. But yet they keep coming even when
the message says I successfully unsubscribed. That to me is a lie.
I don’t know about others but for me about 98% of the emails I unsubscribe from never send another email.
And who ignores their message of being unsubscribed the most?…..IAS of course.
It’s like talking to a stone wall…..my way or the highway all in the name of eternity….the greatest good.
There is really nothing good coming out of the IAS….just gimme, gimme, gimme and you will float among the
stars in theta bliss. And of course that attitude is how it is in all of the COS these days.
Constant misdirection of communication, inval, eval and wrong indications across the boards for this group.
I doubt that 2015 will be a happy year for David Miscavige and his group.
The RCS reminds of that old sick joke: “Other than the assassination Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?”
In all fairness, the midnight deadline is the IRS deadline on tax deductible donations for 2014, not the church’s deadline. The real outpoint is the idea that you can buy your eternity or that someone or something outside yourself controls your eternity.
Dispensing of existence brainwashing as used by the Chinese communists in the 50’s.
It’s exactly like Mao’s Red Guards. Fanatics! All of them!
Jenni, Thurs at 2:00 pm is fast approaching.
+1 Jenni S.
“Eternity” schmernity. Bla Bla Bla. The church doesn’t understand so many wonderful intangibles.
Just for yuks and since it’s New Years Eve, I reread the Debbie Cook Email. What an extreme act of courage it took for her to step up and do what she did. Today I want to give a big “theta” hug to those of you who are courageous enough to face the truth and act on it – even at a great cost.
Thank you to many here who helped me endure this year. I have been moved by your words of support more than you know. It has been trying to say the least but I gained a lot this year – courage, integrity, honor, love, frienships and family. I have a stonger personal bond with all of these.
Thank you Mike for what you and your family did for me in 2014.
To my friends here, may dreams come true in 2015.
Happy New Year.
McCarran, know that you and all others buffeted by the cold winds of disconnection are always in our thoughts.
This is such a farce, I don’t even want to make fun of it.
Instead, I’d like to wish everyone here a truly wonderful New Year and lots of fun tonight, whether you’re spending it with family, friends or in solitude.
2015 is upon us already!
OMG, what will I wear???
A squirrel buster t-shirt with Dave’s picture on it.
And a camera strapped to my head? Perfect!
“the first thing they tell new people” What new people? Thanks for all your work against the cult Mike. May the coming year be better than the last for you and all of us. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to Mike, Christie and Family. 2015 looks to be an exciting year.
To all the kind souls that post here: I hope this is the year that you are reconnected with your families. Your strength and resolve in the face of this evil is inspiring. Keep your heads up, you are not alone and you have far more support than you can imagine.
To those under the radar: We are waiting for you with open arms. There truly is strength in numbers and we will continue to wait for you until you’re ready to come out and join us.
And finally to Miscavige: Listen to bell you cockroach, it tolls for thee.
That should be *Listen to THE bell….
Need. More. Coffee. 🙂
Ding dong Dave, ding dong.
Boy, that red, white and blue really stirred up my patriotic fervor. Oh wait, they want money? Sorry Davey boy, but I’ve read The Age of Reason by Thomas Paine and he warned me about religious scams, so once again, you ain’t gonna get jack!
Happy New Year everyone!
It’s been a treat sharing this year with you MM. You have provided me with many laughs. 🙂
Thanks McCarran. Much appreciated. Happy New Year!
Michael M, McCarran, Coop, Cindy, Mike Rinder, Sheldon and the rest of you magnificent posters, I’m truly grateful to be included in this group. I have learned so very much from each of you. Every day you put a simile on this Old Surfer Dude’s face. There is so much wisdom and insight offered on Mike’s Blog. But the main reason? FUN! It’s so much fun to post here and read the other posts. I can never get enough of it. I believe I’m already on the Indie 500 list using my real name (Coop, if you would, check this for me).
Bill Maher, on his show, was going after Monsanto. He referred to that company as ‘ruthless.’ Then he said, “They’re the Scientologists of agriculture.
Tonight we turn the last page and begin again right after midnight. We’re not going anywhere, DAVID MISCAVIGE. We will continue to expose your crimes.
Mike, thanks for this site & your incredible posts. We ALL look forward to 2015 watching the cult crumble to the ground.
Be safe out there tonight if you’re on the roads. Me? Oh, hell, I’ll be asleep by 9.
Thank you all, my friends, for being here…
You be cool OSD. Do you do stand up while you surf? Now that’s some funny shit.
And to you OSD. You being here is something I look forward to every day. Your humor and compassion have meant a lot to me personally.
Love your comment here. And back at you.
Looking forward to your party.
Me too, Michael (MJ).
The “Swanee” song still stands out in my mind. The “Preying Mantis” reply too. I remember thinking: Where does this guy get this from?
Thanks for all the laughs over the year. You’re what I call a joyful spirit.
Thanks Pepper. Happy new year!
The day the IRS granted tax exemption to Miscavige’s multinational extortion racket was one of the darkest hours of American history. Miscavige won’t die in peace, surrounded by a loving family and caring friends. He will have the death he deserves. All the evil he has left in his wake will stike back at him. One of these days his goong to have a stroke, or cancer or any impairing illness and he will be powerless and his underlings won’t fear him any more. I pity him
Alex, you hit my thoughts right on the head…I have always wondered if Miscavige is capable of thinking even one day into the future. Such a sign of a poor leader (the inability to look into the future). All he can think about is the money he can grab today……he’s not even a normal dictator like Saddam Hussein or Kim Jong Un, who at least share the spoils with their families.
Does he think he can stand on all that money and it will make him taller?
On another topic, the Co$ hatred of the CC has always been fairly obvious to me (and it always surprises me to find how many former Catholics are now die hard Scilons).
It is always amusing when scibots compare and justify their modern day practices to the abuses in the CC from hundreds, if not a thousand, years ago.
I have seen scibots use the CRUSADES as an excuse for their actions (“Look what the CC did during the Crusades!” As if someone would respond, “You’re right! Carry on….”)
Why the hatred, one wonders? My theory…. It comes from the top. The Vatican denounced the Co$ as ‘demonic’ many years ago. Turns out they were more right than anyone knew (now that more information about LRH wanting to be both a Messiah and Antichrist comes to light).
In my experience, when someone is exposed for what they really are, they react like a petulant child or they react violently. LRH and David Miscavige, respectively.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy new year’s eve. As they used to say on Hill Street Blues ‘let’s be careful out there people’
Quite ridiculous. As this year ends and the new one is about to begin, I am grateful for many, many things. One is that I have been able to again flourish in my chosen field as a software developer.
Another that is of great import is that I can only apply the things I have learned in Scientology that I find useful. I am a cherry picker and have no concern of ethics officers.
I learned a lot in SCN, but I loathe the constant b.s. emanating from the cherch. So awesome to a:not have to listen to unprovable stories about polishing a brick on planet Arslyncus for 10,000 lifetimes and b:not get hounded to pay for my eternity by midnight tonight.
Wishing you all the best new year possible in 2015!!!!
All the good stuff I learned in Scilontology they did not expect and anticipate me learning. And I was a good student. If I can make another Sea Ogre roll into a ball and cry, I’ve fullfilled my training.
Here’s to a New Year of Miscavage using pounds of pancake makeup to hide his alcoholic bloom. Drink another one for me, you useless piece of shit.
Same to you Sheldon. Love to you and Sara.
Wow Shel, you’re flourishing without WISE. Amazing! That’s all right, you don’t need to write a success story.
Shel, I really get your post. I, too, got a hell of a lot of good stuff out of it. I knew early on that LRH was not always speaking truth, but I also cherry picked and got what I wanted. I still have it. And DM can’t take it away from me…ever. Cancel all my certs? Go right ahead. When it was time to go, I went. Quietly. They still think I’m in. LOL