More tidbits from inside the bubble.
This is an interesting preview of GAG II and gives an indication about how He plans to spin it.
1. We collected “everything LRH ever said or wrote” — for about the fourth time. Same line that was used when the “LRH originals project” was done so it could all be put on titanium plates. Then it was stated for the first set of Tech Vols. Again for the second set of tech vols. For the “new” OEC. For the Basics. For GAT. For the “Golden Age of Knowledge.” etc etc etc This is pretty much expected — after all, He has positioned Himself as D/Source For Lost Tech.
2. It’s NOT about the money, it’s all about Bridge progress. We want you to go up the Bridge (except when we want you to “support” the IAS, Ideal Orgs, CCHR, Narconon, Books to Libraries, the PAC Event Hall etc etc). So, everything is going to be FASTER (but NOT quickie). We have been doing it all wrong but now I am going to make it all right “just for you.” Funny, does anyone recall the frantic emails BEFORE the release that the prices were all going up “because you get more gain in a shorter amount of time.” It will be fascinating to see whether there are “rate changes” for the “new Miscavige bridge.”
Of course, everyone should go to hear it from “COB” — after all He IS D/Source For Lost Tech (working on moving up to Source For Lost Tech which He is hoping to achieve with this, the most important event in the history of any universe).
Next, and somewhat ironically, one smart cookie sees the writing on the wall.
The brand new 9 year old Mark VIII Warehouse Edition(tm) is coming. The value of her Limited Edition Bronze Age Mark VII Quantum is going to become what any meter from the Bronze Age of technology would be worth. Great artifact, but can’t audit with it. Not when you are forbidden to audit unless you have a brand new Warehouse VIII.
Good luck Paula. I just think that maybe there are some others who have figured out that the big ticket “it’s not about the money” item for this weekend is the Warehouse VIII.
Do some sort of “buy now” as you have less than 48 hours left….
DM probably wrote that facebook post, so it could leak onto Mikes blog, in order to try to figure out what not to say at his big tent revival.
This person was made to remove that post from FB, but I have already seen it two other places on the net. Ooops, lol.
My observation also. Before GAG I it was rare for a person completing NED to need to go the alternate route to Clear. And I too recall that the alternate route became more and more prevalent after GAG I and after the COS began to invalidate the state of Clear which many had previously attained.
Now, one would hope that with the roll out of GAG II Mi$cavige will have discovered the SP who created GAG I and……oops!
It was never about the money for these fat cats and elitists AKA patrons. It is all about power.
The power to lord it over others and keep them in line.
Mike you mentioned the “ConEvil Eval” and I vaguely remember it. The “bright idea” from it was to create WISE.
Yet WISE has become a magnet for what sociologist David Simon calls “elite deviance”.
Meaning any WISE member who is a big donor can get assistance from the Church to basically suppress AKA “get ethics in on” their staff who may do “out ethics” actions like report on the WISE member’s labor code violations and/or corrupt,criminal activities.
Just what you’d expect from the criminal conspiracy the Church has become.
What do they care about the road blocks as in arbitraries being put there for the average Scientologist.
They’re secure in the knowledge that when they go to Flag they’ll be feted like conquering heroes for whatever massive “contributions” they made by stealing it out of the pocket of their staff and ripping off their public and will get only the best auditors that are still available who is only making 12 bucks a week (if they are lucky and make their 25 hrs (BTW the HCOB and FO say “no bonuses” which they’ve perverted to no pay at all unless they make their 25) ) and living on rice and beans.
Enough rant about that.
Moving on to my next target of aggravation and that this guy who claims to be a “trained auditor” and spews out false data and disinformation that only 5% of PCs go Clear on NED.
This is such a ridiculous assertion.
I mean the problem with NED if you could call it a “problem” was that it was producing actual Clears.
Not only that. But it was found that earlier R3R had done the same as well and even auditing the PC now Pre OT had in an earlier life may have produced the same result.
(Well I actually noticed once but when I reported to the C/S that I think my PC went Clear I was sent to cramming and told to continue the Dn action I was running which went even further south but that’s another story.)
Just like no one noticed for over 15 years that they were making releases and continued to audit past them!
Worse it was found that it was very difficult to audit these PCs now Pre OTs on any further Dianetics.
(True we had done it in the past but this was after they at least acknowledged the State of Clear and after or during the time the Pre OT was on III.
And usually the auditing of OTs on Dianetics required more skill than the average Dianetic auditor had.)
This other problem was handled with NOTs.
New Era *Dianetics* for OTs.
I ask anyone reading this to read the HCOB 22 April 1968 Dianetics Vs Scientology.
In my opinion NOTs especially the way it is run in the Church these days has become an endless quest.
People have been on “the Level” (as they call it) for not just years but decades!
Yet after many of them attest eventually and are put on OT VIII fall flat on their face.
The likely reason is that in most cases they have not done the original OT Levels which included the OT IV Rundown which was included as a catch all to pick up anything that was missed on the Lower Levels. Like for instance set facs which a lot of the newly minted OT VIIIs have.
Unlike the “one size fits all” handling of have the Pre OT rerun the Grade Chart over and over again like some kind of *engram* (actually making it an *engram*) the IV Rundown was tailored to the Pre OT that were needed before the Pre OT went on to actual OT Levels which the original OT levels are!
However I digress.
This moron who claims he’s “trained” just accepts and parrots verbal data probably giving by a source who washed out on his Class IV internship at Saint Hill and who is basically a squirrel that handles any upsets he has by hanging on to a pair of copper rods (what HCOB is that in?) and refuses to be audited himself who pulls some arbitrary out of his ass.
Who is going to line up the Grade Chart by repeating the same colossal *fail* that the Golden Age of Tech was.
What an idiot!
Nuff said.
I think the bubble is shrinking at a straight and vertical downfall
As I understand it, Mr Miscavige himself has never done much of the Scientology training. How do those inside the organization explain that to themselves?
to an outsider, it’s as if a seminarian became Pope.
They all KNOW as an absolute scientific fact that He HAS in fact studied everything L. Ron Hubbard ever uttered or wrote and that he has learned how to apply it all and can do so better than anyone else on earth. He MUST have done all that. Otherwise how could He tell them what to do?
This is how things work inside the bubble.
If He says so, it becomes truth.
Just like every great cult leader.
Per a REALLY VERY highly trained longterm auditor (and true believer), DM is a “fully trained Class XII with the COMPLETE training-lineup.“
Some may not be aware of the fact, that one can become a Class IX auditor (and higher) WITHOUT being a Class VI (SHSBC) as a prerequisite.
Hei — correct. You only need be a Class IV to do NOTs Auditor Training…
Miscavige is not trained (in Scientology terms) beyond Class IV.
Funny how He claims Marty Rathbun has “no auditor certs” and was never trained (even though he was trained by Ray Mithoff and Greg Wilhere ONE ON ONE on the Freewinds), but he claims to have the knowledge and skill beyond what anyone else has EVER had.
I agree Mike.
Definitely a big fat omitted there.
Fact is I’ve seen trained seals (not the Navy ones but the ones in the aquarium) with better cred than his holiness.
Exactly right, MIke. When I was in there was no question in my mind that COB was OTVIII, Class XII, OEC/FEBC, had done the SHSBC, had been audited and trained to the max. This was an assumption on my part, and I would say, a fairly understandable one. Actually, the biggest shock I had was finding out that he never comp’ed Class IV and when I read his responses about the OEC I was amazed, I mean, the guy couldn’t even admit under oath to comp’ing Vol O. Boy, did this ever teach me a lesson about operating on assumptions!
Funny you should bring that up AM.
Just for fun I decided to post something from the Ol’ Squirrel Watcher mag where they they posted what we all know now and that is that the munchkin who would be COB is about as qualified as the janitor in running a gung ho group, never mind the International Scientology Network.
Enjoy 🙂
Yeah, this is the deposition to which I was referring, thank you.
“Do you have a high school education?”
“I don’t know what that question means.”.
My mind is getting blown all over again. Totally.
Can you post the link to that deposition where they ask if he has a high school education? I need it for some people I’m handling.
Mike, Hei, and Aqua: just WOW!
so, how did it happen that such a pipsqueak grifted his way into the job?
(wanted to post the picture of the 1988 New Year’s Event, featured in the comments at the Bunker this afternoon; can’t figure out the link…)
this has got to be one of, if not THE, greatest con ever in modern times, right?
I am taking the fact, reported by the ever intrepid SunnySands at the Bunker, that bows-and-bunting have fallen off the Flag building as apochraphal.
Will observe the weekends events with great interest; not with the glee of shaudenfreude so much as pity. I believe humans are born with an innate hunger for the truth; CoS has profited by deceiving thousands who trusted and believed in them. Shameful.
Just focusing on one thing here, Altered Importance. What has occurred is that Miscavige and the church have taken a datum – a rough estimate of time it typically should take to get through grades – and elevated that datum to be the senior datum that everything else must align to, even if it means cutting processes and shortening auditing so that everyone can get through the grades in the time “allowed”.
If one believes LRH was correct in what he said about quicky grades nearly destroying orgs, this latest GAT 2 should finish off the church. Well done, Miscavige, you finally destroyed it.
Here here, John. I really like your observations. I especially like your conclusion in the last sentence. May it be so!
How do you expect to understand what goes on in your head if you don’t read and understand anything about it ?
That’s what they think of people !
Ugly !
It’s really not about money ?
I was threatened with being beaten up physically to a pulp for money for CCHR Int.
Also if I did dare to pay for my entire Bridge without donating to CCHR INT
the same fundraiser vowed that I would never move an inch on the Bridge.
Excuse me COB,Kiss my ASS
… I WAS beaten up at Narconon…
But that’s another story – would be too entheta… now that EVERYTHING will be REALLY standard… 😉
But it helped me learn my lesson… 🙂
I had these awful calls coming from CCHR over and over again. I gave them money at the beginning when they asked. Then I started wondering why they never said Thank You or never called to say, “How are you doing?” Or sent me a gift. ?? Wha’??? Just these rushed “I’m too busy to treat you like a human, just give me more money” calls. Amazingly unkind, inept, and PTS themselves.
“If you can communicate to somebody, or with somebody, and get that person to answer your questions, even somewhat laboriously, and so forth, you have no business using the CCHs. That’s about what that amounts to. And the CCHs can be categorized in that fashion now only because we can get rid of hidden standards. …
…Now in view of the fact that we have Problems Intensives, you can relegate the CCHs back to where they came from, which is processing in the absence of verbal communication… you can process somebody you can’t talk with. And that’s where the CCHs belong. Well, therefore, they are important.”
LRH lecture VALENCES, CIRCUITS 18 October 1961.
The stupidity factor is straight up and verticle for those “still in” trying desperately to justify david miscavige’s out-tech, squirreling and arbitraries
“The objectives were re-released with the new HQS course…” Huh? What the hell is that even supposed to mean? Had they been “unreleased” at some time? By whom?
The truth is that for over thirty years the grades have been used effectively by hundreds of auditors on many thousands of PCs with most PCs being very happy with their gains.
It was miscavige’s stupid meddling and know-best that made them complicated and unworkable. So nice he’s going to pretend to fix that now.
Another thing I think is true is that it’s impossible to be on-lines with scientology and NOT be PTS. PTS people tend to lose their gains. Therefore the “circular bridge.” Welcome to your new eternity…you can check in anytime you like, but you can never leave. Sounds like a cult.
Or a roach motel.
Yes, when Objectives were run standardly – which they were- many people went onto NED and went Clear – and then DM ordered their Clear certs cancelled!!!not to mention the long list of other squirrel mandates. This whole re-do of the Bridge is such BULLSHIT! Under all the bells and whistles, glitz and glamour, there is nothing but the most critically serious continuous violations of KSW and the perpetration of the most massive out-tech campaign that has ever existed.
GAT II. My thoughts.
In 1995 I was promised that the tech was standard and pure before I paid my hard earned money down. Then my case was run non-standard, my ethics handling were non standard, but I was promised that all the tech was available, correct was being used standardly. Then years later in 2005 I put all my faith in “The mecca”. Then my auditing was grossly mis-handled costing me thousands and thousands of dollars in there wrong audited actions that FLAG refused to repair.
(After since leaving and doing my due diligence I found out The Church of Scientology has been breaking promises and upsetting people and committing criminal acts for YEARS. The Church of Scientology is in TREASON to every person that walked through the door and paid money in good faith.)
GAT II is more of the same. THANK GOD there are good auditors in the Independent Field that were able to repair the colossal fuck-ups tech wise and get me moving again up through higher levels. Otherwise I would have been TOAST. GAT 2 ???? Are you kidding me? As I think back to all of my old friends who are under the radar, I can’t think of ONE that has not been lied to, tricked, manipulated or screwed over one way or the other. You know who you are because chances are we all played on stage together before in front of hundreds of Scientologists at events or on the Freewinds. You guys know who you are and I’m talking to you. Most of you guys had cars, houses, nice stuff and assets and most of you have NOTHING now and you are in debt! And most of you guys haven’t moved on the bridge or you’ve been recycled on the OT levels and milked year after year. Thats BULLSHIT.
I highly recommend you eventually LEAVE THE BIGGEST SQUIRREL GROUP ON THE PLANET and get out here where you can HAVE and GET the technical actions/services you were promised or were withheld from you. Miscavige is NOT YOUR FRIEND.
I’ve been out of the church for 8 years and of ALL the people I’ve met or spoken with who also left, NOT ONE PERSON REGRETS LEAVING. Their lives are better and those who wish to continue with Scientology make fast gains and get on with it.
On Nov 14 2006, I walked out of the door of the MAA’s office at Flag after they said all my Christian Non Scientology relatives had to “cognite” and disconnect from my 83 year old mother who had left the church in 1983. Yeah, they were “connected” to an SP, their aunt Elaine who probably sends them a birthday card once a year from 2200 miles away.
Todays my birthday and I celebrate 8 years to the day that I am out of the criminal cult that calls itself the *Church* of Scientology. I FINALLY got the auditingI needed and now I’m on OT5. Best birthday present I ever got was that totally insane “R-factor” at Flag. Thanks guys for showing me the door.
Well Done, Doug Parent! Well done for being able to see and think for yourself and getting yourself out of there.
Thank you for this beautiful post, Doug Parent. Happy Birthday and Happy 8th Anniversary of leaving the Flag Scam Base and getting yourself onto the right lines to reach OT V. I’m so happy for you!
Great post, Doug Parent! And you’re a Scorpio! Hooray for Scorpios. Intense. Focused. Powerful. My birthday is next week. Whoopee! I’m free I’m free I’m free. 🙂
Goddamn right, Douglas!
Wow Doug, that is so fantastic! I too got saved by a great indie auditor repairing the gross disgusting “auditing” I got at flag and the massive wrong indications from stoopid maa’s. The auditing was only for me and my well being. Best of luck to you!
Great post Doug. I will bet that the vast majority of readers here have no regrets for leaving, and in fact, going a step further, are grateful for whoever and whatever put us on the path for real life – without the lies, deception and bullshit.
On your birthday and the recent anniversary of your manumission (credit Sinar) I wish you much joy and happiness, and continued advancement on your journey in life.
Well, well, we’ll…they have it all wrong. Co-audits were moving just fine in the early 70s and 80s. There were many auditors at ASHO and Saint Hill as well. OT VIIIs were completing smoothly in late 80s and early 90s.
With a snail pace all came to a stop with the infamous GAT where auditors were taking over a year on the metering course. The GAT Drills were so tedious and long and achieved the product of a “robotic auditor” who was able to parrot commands with no ARC, just as RTC Reps instructed to do under the command on the blinder leader I have ever seen.
The worst part of all this is that the insiders believe all that are being told, they don’t really “see” anymore; in fact they have become blind which is the opposite of what the assumed GAT was supposed to do. Poor fellows, pity on them.
“We all know there’s been SP’s in the past and some changes were not per LRH. So all of this was looked at.”
How about a big SP right now in the present, changing LRH’s references and Bridge? Indeed, not “all looked at”.
“And while you co-audit your lower end of the Bridge, you send money to Flag or AO’s for your upper end of the Bridge!”
Yes, of course, don’t forget about the money! Why would I have to send in money when I can pay when I’m ready to? This is something that always annoyed me, being condescended to and told what to do, as if I don’t know how to handle my personal affairs.
The statement that 95% would have to do the alternate route to Clear with the “old” Objectives is B.S. and a lie. Only 5% of people went Clear on NED? I don’t think so. I went Clear on NED (and verified again by the ‘clear check’) and I am no special case, just an average one.
Just more mind crap and lies being spread by DM and his minions.
Yes Pepper, that Clear thing that 95% had to do the Clearing Course anyway was a big lie. Most I knew that I audited on NED ended up going Clear on NED. I also went Clear on NED. In fact I rarely met people doing the R6EW Clearing Course. I can count about 3 people over 30 years that I knew who went that route. It’s a lie the church does to get you to buy your Bridge from them and to buy into the GAG II.
Agreed. Using the “1991” version of the tech, as learned on the SHSBC with the 1991 Tech Volumes, people went Clear ALL THE TIME. Then, in 1996, the Golden Age of Tech came out (which I’ll remind people, DID NOT HAVE DRILL FOR RECOGNIZING THE EPs OF THE OBJECTIVES). Suddenly, pcs would go through an entire lower Bridge, through NED, without going Clear. And the push was on to make POWER auditors THAT ONLY ASHO AND FLAG COULD DELIVER to handle the run-up needed to get people on the Clearing Course (the “alternate route) which funneled people to AOLA and FLAG. I attribute the sudden shift of emphasis to the introduction of RTC representatives into orgs who “corrected” auditors-in-training into being robotic automatons, GAT drills which only emphasized form over substance, and introduction of the meter simulator, which introduced “simulator dependence” into auditors. And how many people were overrun and overrepaired from 1996 onward because of the 3-swing F/N requirement in the auditing room and at the Examiner?
Suddenly, in 2013, we have Sups who have learned to supervise the auditing of Objectives correctly. Well, I assert that Sups (and C/Ses) did that BEFORE GAT!
If the Bridge “slowed down” after 1996, it was because of the introduction of GAT.
Imagine how much it will slow down with GAT II.
People will be RUSHED through their lower grades, only for someone to “discover” that, once they’ve reached the OT levels, that their Grades need re-doing. But this time they’ll have to be re-done at FLAG HGC rates!
No, it’s not about money. And you can trust them. Because they never make mistakes and they never lie.
Right! And the verbal or hidden data just keeps on coming. This ridiculous 95% comment just proves they’re unbelievably incompetent. Having auditing clear checks for 5 years straight, I came to understand how horrible it is for people, when the state gets invalidated. It’s generates massive by passed charge. The mass invalidation of so many clears is an extremely evil action. Not to mention all the other horrible invalidations the rcs has dishes out.
I thought all arbitraries were removed with GAT 1?
Did you see some of the black pr there in Lydia’s hype about her husband’s insider info? “coauditing is long and arduous.” I beg to differ. As one who coaudited my way up the Bridge, it was a blast. We never were sent to the HGC for review and we had tons of wins on our own as the pc and as the auditor delivering huge wins to our pc. The church is sending out black pr that coauditing is “longer” is “harder” and “you’ll just end up in review anyway so why not buy it professional from the get go?” This last thing was word for word what was said to a friend of mine to get him to fork over tons of money for professional auditing on his Objectives. This is Black Dianetics at its best. In the old days they encouraged you to audit and extolled the virtues of being responsible for another and for auditing another and that you’ll get case gain just auditing another, which is true.
Not only is it black pr, it is an implied slur that you “won’t get it right anyway and don’t have what it takes”.
Yes, Dollar Morgue, it was an arrogant invalidation of the coauditor’s ability. I had a SO member at the AO get mad and say that “public shouldn’t be allowed to audit Elig programs on people on coaudits because they didn’t have the same high ethics standards that SO have.” David Sonenfeld said that little gem. But at that time AO would give Qual Checkouts and Qual OK to Audit and in this case it was OK to deliver Elig to public wanting OT Levels. They stopped that soon after, not because the tech was any less good or the ethics level was lower, but because they were leaving money on the table by letting people coaudit Elig programs. It’s all about the money, and that is more true now in PT than before.
Good point Jane. Many of us did much of the lower bridge in a co audit and it was fun. I noticed too, the arbitraries about length of time of processes and rundowns. Just like every thing else in the rcs, they seem incapable of imagining that people are different from one another. There is a huge range of time spent on various levels and processes, depending on the case of the person. It’s a huge, sweeping invalidation of the very essence of Scn, that we are all unique beings!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, I couldn’t help the exclamation points.
! I’ll see you and raise you one !
Rev Moon (Messiah of the Moonies) would announce the year the world would end, and then when that date would pass, he’d come up with another explanation for a different year. The old-timers might catch on, but the new recruits didn’t know this was recycled material. (see above blog entry)
Also, in the Moonies they teach the recruits that ex-members are possessed by Satan. Naturally, they would have to be! Why else would anyone leave and criticize the Moonies???
This is why I’m not as positive about the COS collapsing soon as some are. DM is purging/has purged the people who have memories of less-horrible times, or who have read “uncorrected” LRH material. The newbies will accept what they are told because they have no idea it’s “new”.
This is true, but what DM is doing by purging those with inconvenient memories only buys more time for a dying organization. New people are not coming in. This is a dying organization and DM is simply prolonging its death. He knows this very well.
Oh, agreed…there’s no long-term future for them. But I’m afraid it’ll be a few years before DM is either in jail or in hiding.
And since your brand new Warehouse VIII is nine years old you will need to recert it immediately!
I cannot believe that I once was at the same table lapping up this drivel. Sheesh!
The batteries of the brand new Warehouse VIII is nine years old, and are already at “end of life”, and need replacement.
And, of course, one always needs a spare meter, so buy 2.
It’ll be referred to as a “test” battery, intended only to make sure it works. The cost of replacing the battery will be added into the price.
Wonder if they will replace faded boxes and wipe off the dust and mouse poop before they send them out? Would probably make no difference…no one would be willing to complain out loud.
Whatever happened to the LRH expression, “It takes as long as it takes.”
Yes exactly “it takes as long as it takes”. Advertising that auditing will be real fast after the new GAT 2 release is a complete violation of the auditor’s code and quickie grades.
And apart from all that, unless He cancels GAT drills, the robot auditors are going to be doing the SAME roboauditing with endless left hand buttons to deal with no 3 swing FNs while the robots wait for the meter to play Dixie. So, there may be LESS processes, but it won’t be FASTER. Just SHORTER. It’s like removing 30% of the candy bar and promoting it as “low fat.”
“It’s like removing 30% of the candy bar and promoting it as “low fat.””
That’s hilarious! I get this image of a broken off 2/3rds of a Snickers bar.
“We all know there’s been some SPs in the past and some changes were not per LRH”. Uh-huh. Do go on…
What? You want SPECIFICS?
George Orwell described in his novel “1984” a society that is constantly getting worse, but being sold betterment at the same time.
Who is going to write the novel “2013”?
“I just think that maybe there are some others who have figured out that the big ticket “it’s not about the money” item for this weekend is the Warehouse VIII.”
And that is one obnoxious-looking e-meter.