A denizen of the fringes of the internet (not sure if he or she is unemployed to boot), sent me an email that got me thinking.
The message was quite simple:
I’ve been an avid reader of your blog for a long time, and before that your posts on Marty Rathbun’s blog. I’d like to let you know about corporate Scientology’s straight up and vertical expansion in Houston, a city of over four million people. While Dallas has an Idle Morgue, opened by COB himself, Houston has only a dingy, run down mission, barely visible from the street. The fastest growing religion on Earth has a presence in America’s 4th largest city equaled only by the Bahai faith and Eckankar, both of which also have one church in the metro area. The city is certain to go clear soon at this rate.
The only Basics book in the Houston Public Library is a 2007 edition of DMSMH, though it does have both a 1992 and a 1978 edition of “What is Scientology?” America is listed as “done” in the library campaign, no doubt SP librarians are to blame for the lack of Basics and the LRH encyclopedias in Houston’s largest library.
This is a simple two paragraph statement of FACT exposing the truth about the unprecedented, massive international expansion that is occurring everywhere (except where you are….). While there have been numerous articles, there isn’t ONE place where it has been aggregated.
So, fringe people, how about sending in one or two short paragraphs about YOUR area and I will compile them into one large posting. It will at least show that the massive and unprecedented highest ever, straight up and vertical expansion isn’t occurring EVERYWHERE.
Maybe you have an “Idle Org” in your city and you can check the libraries. Drive past the org and see if you can see any sign of life, or even go in an take a look around. Any cars in the parking lot? Anyone even posted on reception? Or maybe you have some information from people that are IN the org on how many people are in the Academy or how much the staff are being paid. Same if you are in a “CI city” with no Ideal palace. And the expanding Mission network is also of interest.
Please, even if you HAVE sent this sort of write up to me before, just drop me a new message repeating the information in short form. I don’t have time to go back through all the emails I have gotten or all the comments or even the earlier postings. You can send this to me by clicking the “Contact Me” button at the top right of the blog page. No names will be included in the post (unless you specifically put your name at the end of your one or two paragraph write up in which case I will leave it in when I collate all of this into a single post). Please begin your entry with the name of the town or city and state or country.
This may become a very useful document to give to the media. They are constantly told they are “missing the real story, we have opened 37 new church in the last few years and under the leadership of Mr. Miscavige, following in the footsteps of L. Ron Hubbard, we are experiencing a time of unprecedented growth.”
I happen to think that may be a bit of a white lie. A stretching of the truth. Nah, actually its blatant and unmitigated bs.
Looking forward to hearing from all of you bitter defrocked apostates and assorted criminals and SPs out there. Make sure YOUR area is represented. The more the merrier!
I sure would like to see the Indie 500 reach the
500 mark. It’s been at 469 for a while now. I think now
would be perfect timing.
Great idea.
Anonymous already debunked the Scientology myth of “a few bitter apostates” by compiling the list of exes speaking out, which you can find at http://whyweprotest.wikia.com/wiki/Former_Church_of_Scientology_members_who_have_spoken_out
Now let’s debunk the next Scientology myth of “always and ever expanding by opening new builidings”.
I am writing my story regarding my experience of staff in an org in Aus. will be emailing you soon.
Invisible Man, I’m looking forward to reading your story. Thank you!
I was Director of Bridge Control at AOLA. That meant that I oversaw all Div 6’s Lets rule out the southern states for orgs and missions. North and South Carolina. now have no missions or orgs. West Virginia and Virginia 0 orgs or missions. Alabama 0 orgs or missions. Maryland 0 Orgs or Missions.Delaware 0 orgs or missions. Georgia. i very small org. Last visit there in 2006 there were less than 25 at the Ideal Org fundraiser. Tennessee has a CC only now and its been dead since it opened. They were so desperate that they had to buss people in from FL for the grand opening. Thats almost a 1/4 of the USA win no Scientology presence.
Hong Kong – one of Asia’s major metropolises with 7 million people:
Number of orgs: 0
Number of missions: 0
Number of Scn or DN books in ANY public library: 0
Number of Scn or DN books – Chinese or English – available in ANY public bookstore: 0
That means it could be certified ‘CULT FREE’.
Hi Ulf
Here in beautiful Nebraska, the heart of the Heartland, It is about the same.
The only Scientology presence I have seen here was a Narconon billboard years ago. There is a mission of Omaha address listed in an old copy of Vol 0 I have but it is a residence in the suburb of Bellevue and long since defunct.
I found a full set of the Basics in the local Half Price Books store, with donation stickers inside. Obviously the library they went to sold them! If Mary Lou Voegeli is lurking I have your library donation. The Library didn’t want it!
They also have several copies of the L. Ron Hubbard Series books, probably also donations to libraries.
My theory is that there was no Scientology in Omaha for the same reason that Ron fled Phoenix – fear of radiation. During the cold war there were bomber squadrons with nuclear weapons stationed at Offut Air Force base nearby. It was the headquarters of the Strategic Air Command. Or maybe the strong Christian influence kept the missionaries at bay.
Do you remember seeing the opening sequence of the Terminator series? The nuclear explosion in the schoolyard? That was Omaha! Good place to stay away from if you are convinced that the election of Ronald Reagan would precipitate a nuclear exchange. True story: I knew an “OT” who fled LA in ’79 because he was convinced a nuclear exchange was imminent. And Ron ordered all SO staff to do the Purif and to become Ministers so they couldn’t be drafted around the same time.
Anyway, thank the Lord there is 0 0 0 Scientology in Nebraska, birth place of L Ron Hubbard.
I visited Tilden on his birthday a few years ago and no one in the local gas station could tell me where his house was. I had to look it up on the interwebs.
Hey Bruce — so nice to see you here. I wondered where you had gotten to! Hope you are doing well.
Hi Mike,
I’ve been lurking quite a while. We have to sign a lot of NDAs at my job now, hate to have it get around that I violated the thickest and juiciest one I ever signed! You know, the one with the video evidence….
You have the most cogent and coherent commentary around. It always made my heart drop into my shoes when you were criticized so bitterly at event rehearsals. The speech you gave before it had all the semicolons shaken out of it was always better.
I have to stay mostly in the shadows for now but my thanks and love goes out to those who have the courage to stand up and be counted where I cannot.
Thanks Bruce. That is very nice of you to say.
I often wondered what you and the other technicians thought about the insanity going on around you that you witnessed so much of.
Don’t worry about the biggest, thickest NDA you ever signed. It’s only big and thick because it was constructed entirely of bs….
Happy you are around. Sorry about Nebraska getting their butts kicked….
Hi Bruce,
Nice to hear from you again!
I lost your email somewhere along the line – expiring hushmail account….
If you could forward me your email again to [email protected] that would be very appreciated!
Thanks, Ulf
I have some “Bruce boxes” I need designed and I was thinking of acquiring your services!
Looking at the logistics here with accommodations and transportation costs and Mike having to go to San Antonia to help, right now it’s got to be very, very tight. Sending a donation myself, and for the love of God if you readers have found personal rewards in reading this blog and being heard and listening, now is the time to come forward and help out as best you can.
+100 if you have it.
Just think of it as a “Reverse IAS” donation.
XXOO Something CAN be done about it! You DID do something about it!
LOL! Yes! Let’s donate to true freedom this time. No stress. No pressure. Only do what makes you feel happy to do. It tickles me to assist in this bringing down of the dictator. I grin a little bigger when we get a good one in.
XXOO Something CAN be done about it! You DID do something about it!
done. Good idea.
XXOO Something CAN be done about it! You DID do something about it!
Off topic, but perhaps of interest to this community. Narconon Int Snr CS “retires”
HT – ESMB: http://www.forum.exscn.net/showthread.php?33106-NN-Int-Snr-CS-quot-retires-quot
Original post: http://www.mycandiopinion.com/2013/09/11/bye-bye-miss-scientology-pie/
Candi’s acknowledgement of the of the regression from scientology to miscavology was superb.
Thanks for posting this.
Houston? You’re missing the story here. There’s really no Scientology in freaking NEW YORK CITY! The largest city in the United States, with 8.5 million people and arguably the number one city in the entire world. There’s a BUILDING there, yes. How many people actually on course? 20? 30?
I was visiting Rome a few years ago and decided to check out the new org. Uhm …… folks ….. there ain’t no org in Rome. Couldn’t locate anything on the internet. Finally, got a hold of a map and the “org” was way beyond the farthest railroad or bus station and I had no car, so couldn’t get there.
Folks, here’s what you have to realize. On a planet of almost seven BILLION people, there is virtually no Scientology at all! Essentially you are talking about a few thousand people (25,000 the usual estimate worldwide now) located in two areas on the planet. A few block radius off of Sunset in LA (and the 2,000 or so at that location at any given time are probably 90% SO memebers) and the downtown area of a small Florida gulf town. And ……THAT’S your “church of scientology” in the entire FREAKING WORLD. There are probably 100 times more people at any given time checking out websites for the Roller Derby.
Scientology is in essence a real estate scheme. Budapest? It doesn’t matter where the buildings are or how empty they are. It’s all in the cash collection and where the money goes when it is collected. Most of these buildings are there to raise funds many times over what it would cost the building. The “org” is just the excuse for collecting the funds from the group I still maintain is the stupidest, most gullible group in the entire world. Scientologists who are so desperate for a couple of “super powers” before they drop dead that they will contribute every cent they have to their huckster leader and believe the complete idiocy that he hands out about “clearing” the planet. Scientologists are like Bernie Maddoff’s clientele, only probably 100 times stupider, don’t even have to show them a return, just take their money and count it.
So, again, I say …. Houston? How about the entire WORLD?
Houston, we have a problem?
Sorry, had to do it. 🙂
+1 😀
Judging by the number of ‘new’ people suddenly speaking up in Tony Ortega’s blog, and introducing themselves, he may have more ‘followers’ than there are Scientologists left.
Yes, indeed, Unex.
And, from the Ironic bin, check this story about the Gala this year. They are focusing on WHAT? (Eye roll).
FYI guys – sorry to be off-topic but here’s a short bit from the Ellen show, where Leah is talking about why she left Scientology. Ellen says, “I’m your friend, we’re your friends.” Nice. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/la-et-mg-leah-remini-scientology-ellen-degeneres-20130910,0,4139139.story
Dear Indie8M, I read your theories on the Budapest story with great interest. perhaps I have some information for you, is there an email address that one my send a large file to ?
If you would, please, silent watcher, ask Mike to forward yours on to me. Be happy to receive it.
[email protected]
Thanks, Silent. Watch for something from me.
…or, if you want to leave yours, I’ll be happy to write you! 🙂
Leah may have left Scientology but she was still part of the team who tried to send a british reporter insane and was persistent in degrading him and calling him a bigot! No respect for her at all or the rest.
Well, that’s true. But so did I. So nobody in your estimation can ever seek to make right what they did that was wrong in the past and ever be forgiven?
+1 Mike
Yes, she did. Shame on her. What did you do while you were in, Nik, that you wish you hadn’t done once the brainwashing spell was broken? You haven’t done anything like that, have you?
“Let he who is without sin cast the first stone,” said Jesus. He was a pretty smart dude.
= 1
Must be the onley one with good intention there
So sad. We COULD have done all this by now if Little Hitler wasn’t spending expansion money on His $5,000 suits, 100 year old scotch and stealing money from people who should have become OT and the best auditors on the planet on those nickels.
THAT is why we protest – at least that’s why I do.
True story:
I had an OT8 call me about 2 years ago lamenting that he was loosing his home.
Count me IN to check library LRH books.
As for the mission, its been empty for years.
Damn I have more control over MEST than that OT8
Great idea.
My report was here:
20 books in East Grinstead … not too bad (unless you pay a 1000 USD for it)
Course rooms were quite empty, but I have not been there for a while now. Therefore someone else has to deliver this figure.
The Houston Org is a dump similar to the Tampa Org before the Idle scam in 2005/6. I drove by it one day last month while on my way to an appointment. Houston will not put up with the BS that the cult delivers. Watch them try and go after the spanish speaking community there much like the “Tampons” did. Scientology is dead in Texas. Well done COB.
Wow, Mike. A post today? You are astonishing!
Had it ready to go beforehand. And as a witness in the case I have been excused from the courtroom during Mosey’s testimony, so might as well do something useful while I wait. As a note to everyone, I cannot comment on this case I am under oath not to discuss it until my testimony has been heard. I will not be including comments from others about the case either until tomorrow in an abundance of caution.
Understood. There is a “straight up and vertical” wall of support and good wishes flowing your way from every corner. M&M&M you all rock.
This is like watching the OJ trial – only better. Means more to more people.
So true! And we’re all riveted like people were in the OJ Simpson trial, but this means so much more than that. Well said Indie 8.
What the IAS donations buy – 12 attorney’s to protect the COB from being found out that he harrasses, bullies and uses the members hard earned dollars to protect himself from being caught! If the people in only knew what was going on behind the curtain of CSI and RTC! It is just sickening! People gave up their homes, cars, college funds for kids, IRA’s and Stock Portfolio’s to give to the IAS and the IAS tries to silence others from exposing the crimes this Organization does daily as their operating basis!
We are sending you support from our camp of hundreds of exes following the court proceeding today!! You are all in our thoughts and prayers and we are behind you all 100%!!
Thanks again Mike – for not taking the Scientology Gag Order “Silencing Rundown” of being bought off to silence their crimes.
Yes, what she said, Mike! Thank you for not taking the money gag order. Your integrity is too great for that. If you need money, just say the word and we will donate to YOU and never again to the church.
Understood, Mike. I am rivited. Flowing ARC to Monique, Marty, you and Sugar Ray.
Yeah Mike,
Good luck!
And to Tony O !
How does this influence the fact that from now on everybody can finish a reg-cycle easily with the words:
“On Sep 12, 2013 Miscaviges lawyer said in court that the Co$ already has sufficient assets for every nonsense, so why do you still harass me
From the Tampa Bay Times:
Well, time for Roberts & Pomerantz to get back in the saddle again and spin overblown tales of attacks against Scientology?
Thanks for your generous offer, Mr. Lamont. Happy to oblige.
Keep following Tony O’s blog for blow by blow. It is so funny when they catch the other side in common sense errors like the one below: (copy and pasted from Tony’s blog):
One more time Spencer brought up that in this case, Marty Rathbun had said false things in his affidavit, and had violated the confidentiality of the church.
And then, the best interruption so far…
“How is something that is false confidential?” Judge Waldrip asked.
I love it that this judge has learned life’s data series along the line.
Wow, is this going to be a Magical Mystery Tour for him.
UPDATE on court matters:
Wow. So, the guy who is taking home the big paycheck for protecting the Church, COB, caused all of this and now he is throwing the Church under the bus to save his own ass. He is ratting out “C.S.I.” and pointing the finger at THEM and asking Mosey to sue the Church. While he is spending THEIR money in court for 12 attorneys. To protect HIM. Not the Church, HIM! Conflict of interest has caused him to abandon his fiduciary duties to the Church of Scientology, while spending the Church’s money to cover himself. This is highly illegal in itself.
The Church continues to refer to Marty as an EMPLOYEE of the Church (former). But the Church got the Headley case thrown out of court in California by attesting that all staff are ONLY VOLUNTEERS! Now, when it suits them otherwise, they assert that Marty was an EMPLOYEE. Evidence of purger y in at least one state.
Sorry, headline: David Miscavige throws the Church of Scientology under the bus to save his own ass!
LAUGHTER! He is the FIRST one to throw the Church under the bus when the heat is on!
Anywhere in the world, just ask for an “Internet Fringe” coffee brew at your local Starbucks; if they don’t already know, the recipe is 50% Medium brew of the day and 50% Dark brew of the day.
The Mafia also controlled large tracts of real estate, as well as key city officials, and had surveillance in place to “discover” snitches, and promptly terminate them. Large sums were paid over to “the Mob” on threat of blackmail and financial ruin. The above scenario just gets repeated throughout history, ad nauseum. Just the players change, along with the sophistication and speed of advancing technology. Shortly, we’re likely to see the belated(????) breakthrough announcement ; “What the world has been waiting for — the ultimate development of your spiritual salvation, finally DELIVERING on the promises of L. Ron Hubbard, with lightning speed and personal attention, we bring you —- MISCAVOLOGY…. !!
Ho-hum, as unlikely as this prediction may sound, …… his ego DEMANDS it!
I’ll get over to the Orange County Org (Calif) as well as my local library. I’ve been going to this library for decades and know everyone there. I’ve told them about siloons coming in and taking out books that are critical of them. I’ll send in a report, Mike.
Excellent idea! Short and sweet. 🙂
Mike this is a great idea to get as many correspondents as possible to report on the Idle Morgues in their areas and compile a notebook of them all to present to press when the time is right to debunk DM’s PR lies of how he’s busy opening churches all over the place and that Scn “is the fastest growing religion in the world.”
On a different subject, Tony Ortega is reporting blow by blow the court case that is in session NOW on the Mosey vs DM and church case. Here is an excerpt from the blog:
We’re sitting with Joe Childs, talking about Lamont Jefferson’s astounding comment that Monique should sue CSI and leave Miscavige/RTC alone because CSI has plenty of money for her to go after.
We wanted to double check that’s what he said. So we checked Michael Bennitt’s camera, which recorded Jefferson. And here are Jefferson’s exact words:
After saying Monique could go after CSI, he said, “They have sufficient assets to address any damages she claims she has suffered as a resut of this supposed investigation.”
Wow. CSI has plenty of money, Mosey, so go after CSI and leave poor Mr. Miscavige alone, who is just an ecclesiastical leader opening churches and should not be bothered with such matters.
See you later this afternoon after Mosey’s testimony!
I’m on it Mike