Not only that — it’s “eminent” in 2016.
More scientology money grubbing. It is absolutely relentless.
But of all the schemes that have absolutely no purpose this and the L. Ron Hubbard Hall take the cake.
Scientology’s “latest tour-de-force” was “originally established in 1912.” This is like some sort of pattern that has crept into the scientology world as a trickle-down from Shermanspeak Miscavige ribbon-yankings — you always explain the “history”as if it has some bearing on anything….
Here is a comparison of information that is used to make this sound so vitally important — forgetting of course that Golden Era Production (“the international dissemination center of scientology”) even exists:
The five-acre property — Golden Era is 525 acres
Multiple sound stages — same at Gold, though Gold proudly promotes that it has the largest free standings sound stage in California/the US/the world (depending on who is talking)
recording studios — Gold has the finest recording studios on earth (according to them) and the second of the 4 has an anechoidal echo chamber (whoopee)
facilities for video production, editing, TV — Gold has huge video shooting, Special Effects and editing facilities. They have a plethora of fully equipped Avid video edit bays and a surround sound theater just to view edits.
The SMP Administration Building is the central nervous system for production, housing all media headquarters, including Scientology publications, Internet operations and Global Salvage campaigns — Gold has all that as well as International Management and RTC. The Administration building at Gold is virtually empty as CD manufacturing, meter manufacturing and other functions were move to LA.
This is like trying to con someone into giving you money to finance the new org vehicle — a Chevy Cruze — when you have a Bentley Mulsanne parked in the garage.
And on top of that, the Chevy is already bought and paid for.
From: Colin Davie
Sent: Dec 14, 2015 7:40 AM
Dear Maggie,
As 2015 draws to an end in a mere few weeks we are gearing up Internationally for our biggest Planetary Clearing Campaign ever.
You probably already heard of Scientology Media Productions but if not this is Scientology’s latest tour-de-force to reach all people’s of earth and enligthen them on our salvation campaigns.
Scientology Media Productions comprises our own television station, radio station and facilities for every type of media – from print publications to cutting-edge Internet Media.
Originally established in 1912, the lot on which SMP is located houses the oldest and longest operating studio in Hollywood.
The five-acre property includes multiple sound stages and recording studios. Also included are facilities for video production, editing, TV and radio broadcast.
The SMP Administration Building is the central nervous system for production, housing all media headquarters–including Scientology publications, Internet operations and Global Salvage campaigns.
From the Broadcast Building we will transmit television and radio programming world over.
The Sound stages are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities for shooting an array of Scientology programs.
While the opening of SMP is eminent for 2016, the speed with which this will be done is largely depended upon your of donations for this massive global 4th dynamic project.
Honestly, this is an investment in all your dynamics.
Click on the link and show your support now.
Once you have made your donation let us know by return email so we can validate your contribution to Planetary Clearing.
Below is further data you should now about Scn Media Productions and reaching the world.
Your Team from Planetary Dissemination Unit
at The International Liaision Office
in Los Angeles
Honestly, this is an investment in all your dynamics.
Not. Not honestly at all. And it’s no investment in anything other than Miscavige’s stat of total cash plus reserves….
This is the Golden Era property. Click on it to enlarge. I have included some notes identifying some of the facilities there.
Maybe “The Central Nervous System” is being moved to Hollywood because they can keep staff extra-busy body routing people into LA Org. It’s easier there, than out at in-the middle-of nowhere-Gold. Gotta keep those properties bustling with activity, so they don’t look like ghost towns. The staff might start thinking that something is wrong, and that would be bad.
The SUMP is immanent for 2016.
Did Tom Cruise really give $50 million for this project? Or was that story an implant by Miscavige, to get others to pay up?
Jenny – Tom had a whole bunch of his real estate on the market over the last couple of years. Maybe so. That thought crossed my mind when I saw him off-loading his stuff.
“Oh? What? Did you say you are asking 50M for your house, Mr. Cruise? Gosh, I wonder where it’s all gonna go? Don’t your children want it?”
“Aw, heck,” says Tom. “It’s only MEST anyway. MEST and bad memories of happier days with Katie. DM said that I should get rid of any sources of restimulation so, whoopie!! Here goes! I think I’ll jump on the couch one more time, for the good times!!!!!”
And Tom has to give DM a part in the next Mission Impossible movie! No….not really. But I wouldn’t be surprised if he did. I’m just wondering how long it will take DM to figure out that what he is doing is actually a “mission impossible”. I guess he will never see the irony in that. LOL
I visited a list of Melbourne Australia IAS donors from 2012:
I noticed “Andrew & Pat Rinder & Family O’Rourke & Family” were “PATRON WITH HONOURS – $100000” which is about $140,000 US dollars.
Are they your disconnected family? Were they the kind of Scientologists who impoverished themselves with IAS donations, or are they wealthy?
Oops. $100K in Australian dollars is about $72K in US dollars. I did the conversion incorrectly.
“Its The Biggest Planetary Clearing Thing Ever”.
Cracking up just on this. You’ve got the cult so down, Mike.
Still no signage on your DM Studios on Sunset Boulevard. Just one lonely security guard with dark sunglasses.
it’s really too bad that none of the people writing these letters (or receiving them) seem to know that most of what they are saying they need to accomplish this eminent planetary clearing dissemination (which will be epic of course) can be done with a few iPhones and a couple of laptops. and broadcast/cable TV is quickly going out of style as well.
is this because of scn’s general lack of being able to embrace technology? Marc Headley spoke about how in the early 2000’s they were still browbeating people to buy TAPES! I know that cutting costs is never really the main concern of DM when it comes to charging people for stuff, but how can public scientologists, especially the “captains of industry” whales not have some inkling that spending millions on print and broadcast materials is a waste? especially when they already have at least 4 places that can deliver whatever they want right now.
I understand the lack of knowledge of the sea org as far as modern things like smart phones and Internet TV and the like, but are public scns also encouraged to stay stuck in the past? a phone with Internet on it could be a major problem. what’s the protocol for smartphones in scientology?
You can accomplish “planetary clearing dissemination” for basically $0. But let’s be generous, $200. For that you can buy a used laptop, new tablet, used iphone, etc. You can create all the content you need on that – for example a blog, a few videos, even music. Then you can get a blog account for FREE, for example from WordPress. And you’re off.
You don’t need a studio – Scientology already has more studios than it needs anyway. You don’t need a TV station – especially one in California… how is that going to reach Africa, South America, Asia?
This is a CON for money, like EVERYTHING in Scientology.
It is a grab for cash based on a lie. So actually it’s on source I suppose.
Just ask them…by Telex.
Hi teleny, Good to meet you. Ha Ha about the Telex! If you have ever followed any of my posts, you do not want Miss Ann to send it!! Love, Ann
Hi sashiebgood, Happy 2016 to you! I do not know a thing about protocol today regarding smart phones with Internet etc. In my Sea Org day just getting to a silly phone to make or answer a private call was crazy. I like to imagine today the only phones allowed are dm’s spy cameras everywhere and those inward facing spiked fences that Mike knows and loves!! I can’t see dm allowing freedom of photography. But then Ron kept Clearwater on the low down for months! Love, Ann.
Let them eat cake…and spend all of their money frivolously. It’s ok. Less money or the war chest. Yes!
My first reaction to the picture above is “Why the heck is it so green?” and “Don’t they know that we are in the middle of a drought?” This organization should be fined and fined heavily for its water guzzling ways. I’m going to guess that this property owns a well, but that really doesn’t matter. It doesn’t own the aquifer. Pure irresponsibility. Time to list this property on the naughty list, Gov. Brown.
Mike, have you seen a hydro-logical map of the aquifer? I guess it would be a good indication of the potential value of that property.
Nope — and wouldn’t even know one if it hit me in the face…
There was an episode of “The Outer Limits” in which a conformist futuristic society had a name for the occasional independent thinker. He or she was a NONMUTUAL. Such people would be “re-educated” or exterminated. If somebody made a statement not in step with the group-think, everybody would turn and point to that person and repeat in unison, “NONMUTUAL! NONMUTUAL!”
Do you want a world like that for you and those you love??? OF COURSE YOU DO! Donate to the eminent Scientology Media Productions and let’s get this planet cleared imminently!
AND There was an episode in “The Prisoner”, Patrick McGoohan, called Unmutual. Same theme. Back in the 1960’s those shows unnerved lots of folks.
Hi jrfool, Thank you for your post. I never missed any of The Prisoner! Loved it back then, shades of later Sea Org times! Laughter, Ann.
The episode in question was called “A Change Of Mind”. And it’s still unnerving nearly fifty years later. Then again, Scientology is unnerving sixty-five years later. Some things have the power to horrify regardless of social context.
Thank you, that’s it. It wasn’t “The Outer Limits”, it was “The Prisoner”. You can watch the entire episode on YouTube. I saw it when I was a kid and through the years my memory of it merged with a bunch of other dystopian visions of the future that were popular on TV. I never forgot the “Unmutual” bit. Although it disturbed me deeply as a youth, I would later go on to join a group similar to the one in the program.
One could re-title DMSMH with “To Serve Man”
It’s a cookbook!
One of the BEST episodes…….EVER!
…”Scientology’s latest tour-de-force to reach all people’s of earth and enligthen them on our salvation campaigns.”
They offers “salvation” now? Must be a Christmas special!
As soon as I read this I wondered if these broadcasts will be done by Miscavige Himself? If so, what a great way for Him to maintain relevancy!
Will He give His inspirational TV briefings on Planetary Salvation wedged between 2 fake marble pillars, with golden sunbursts, cloudbursts, and himself against his Ecclesiastical Backdrop of della robia blue to match his eyes?
Can’t wait!
As long as I’m not paying for this, I just can’t wait!
My question is, don’t you have to actually tune into a station to watch the programming? Or have they actually found a way to hijack real TV networks with their brainwashing material? Because who’s going to actually WATCH their stuff besides already existing cool-aid drinkers? And is every Scientologist going to have to send in a compliance report for watching their quota of Scientology TV each week before Thursday at 2? I can see it already….gee what should I watch tonight? NFL playoffs? Basketball? or Scientology’s new reality show entitled “The Dwarfinator”?
As a side note….since SO members are not allowed to (or have no time to) watch TV, listen to the radio, or go online, and since kool aid drinkers are expected to be on course or in session, how are they going to find the time to watch TV? Or is Scientology TV going to be broadcast in all courserooms and HGCs instead of having to waste time doing menial things like delivering services?
I’m predicting the eminent release of a New Super Dooper Mark 9 emeter with a TV screen where the needle should be. All Scientologists are required to own 2 for each room in the house. The only channel it gets is Davey TV, and it has a credit card reader built into it so you can watch Scientology Pay Per View brainwashings and donation events! WOW! EXCITING!
AND…..the new release of the Golden Age of Tech 6 “Introduction to Scientology Ethics” book. You can now study it in less than 3 minutes! Because it has only 3 pages! A photo of Capn’ Dave on page one, and a list of suppressive acts on page 2, and an personalized SP Declare template on page 3 just in case you miss your quota for “Well done TV worship Time”.
Ok….now it’s all making sense…LOL
And even if it is imminent, scio will NEVER be eminent!
Nostradamos, part of your prediction is already true. When you rent a Cabana at Flag at the Ft Harrison Hotel (the same place where Lisa McPherson died), they have a TV/dvd player in each room. It is playing on a continuous loop, Scn things and events and Davey. You have to actually change channels to get something else, but no TV, so you have to watch DVD’s or lame channels because they don’t want anything to enturbulate you. And it always defaults back to, or the room cleaners manually change it back to, the Scn “theta” channel which is just propaganda.
Hi Cindy, Well that endless loop of dm really is spooky! I assigned so much magical properties to ” Thetan ” in The Sea Org,It now seems so ridiculous and the bridge can never rise again. Too much damage and twisting in dm’s hot air did the bridge in for good. Have a great 2016. Love, Ann.
Cindy, what if one brought one’s own portable DVD player and DVD’s to Flog? Verbotten?
Because if I had to watch All Miscavige All The Time it would add another 4 intensives onto my auditing. Maybe that’s what they have in mind.
You will watch the dwarfenator in its entirety and when ever any re-runs are on too. Just put your dollars into the slot on top of the TV and while you fill out your daily Knowledge Report on how Little Johnie doesn’t like doing his clay demos, sit back and pay attention. And pay dollars too.
The SMC will produce stuff for cable access channels and an internet service like Hulu. I expect to see a clam approved and owned streaming stick that only connects to the SMC. Can’t have the clams seeing any entheta, can we? No way can the clampire afford to go the Home Shopping Network or Christian Broadcasting Network type of satellite distribution.
They may be able to afford a low power broadcast TV channel in very select cities. But that will be the next fundraising crusade.
or Cee Oh Bees new IDEAL late night series ‘My life in a Golden Thong’!
Yo Dave,
There is a newsflash coming your way ……… better stock up that Goldbond medicated powder good buddy, the chafing is going to get serious in 2016.
Thanks a lot, Coop! Just thinking about that, I went blind! The horror…..the horror…..
I’m envisioning no end of fun.
First, the cult’s version of Home Shopping Network with Leather Bound DMSMHs, Basic Books, Ideal Purif outfits, the Easy Bake Regular or Commemorative Editions in hard to find colors, etc. all pitched 24/7.
Then, with new policy to film all cult fundraisers, showings of the most lucrative ones. A sort of Greatest Hits of IAS and Ideal Org fundraisers.
Of course, reruns of all Int Events that anyone missed/saw only once/twice and needs to see again like the 1993 one, with Marty and Mike and all the SPs including glimpses of Shelly Miscavige in the audience edited out.
Then we can have the Scn reality shows with live coverage of the Valley OTC meetings. Planetary Clearing is a given once billions of earth people watch that hat being passed around…
Those are just ideas off the top of my head. I would personally want to see “Real Housewives in the Hole”, but I’m not holding my breath.
I’d also make a bid for “Keeping Up With The Cardones”. Little him with that smirk, and monumental her with the 3 foot long neck. Also it would be a given (in my daydreams) that the selection of Wife #4 – this current process – will make excellent reality TV for Tom And Then There Is Me Cruise. In fact, if I do say so myself, I think that would be a great name for TC’s show: “And Then There Is Me”. Catchy.
“All dressed up and nowhere to go.” If there ever was an overrun, degraded & failing mindset it’s that one.
The phenomena known as miscavige’s scientology really does its best to maintain the intelligence of a deluded spoiled brat who only knows one way to do things. The repetitiveness of the minions of corporate scientology follow the character in Hubbard’s Mission Earth series Sultan Gris to the letter. No amount of money will change the operating basis of an asshole. The intention is always the same, the lies are always the same, the glitz is always the same but it’s shuffled around and presented as if it’s all brand new and vital.
The shadow of Hubbard is all but gone for miscavige now as he struggles to find new ways to relive the glory days of controlling attention and counting the cash. The flow of money for nothing is failing miserably as the scientology organisation is being exposed for what it is. These death throws all push the same old buttons but attract less and less.
They have nothing to show but the show itself. Repackaged lies, twice baked would sit pretty neatly on their headstone.
Geezers, I never written something without saying anything in so many words its embarrassing, just like organised scientology. If it wasn’t for adjectives and adverbs (modifiers to you KTL buffs) scientology would still be wallowing around in the Saint Hill greenhouse with huge tomatoes. That was the one and only time the media ever recognised something positive about the organisation that actually worked and produced a product. Any workable product of scientology walked out its doors decades ago or was throw out and declared and colour TV was only a dream at that time.
Those poor screaming tomatoes!
I know, huh? Poor little fruits!
Could they be gearing up to sell Gold?
So many bad things have happened to so many innocent people it’s got to haunt them all.
It’s not a secret base any longer.
Aren’t the Whales leaving Los Angeles?
Not a chance it will ever be sold. Don’t forget “L. Ron Hubbard’s home” was constructed on the property after he died.
… but wasn’t the original purpose of SMC to give plausibility to Dildo Dave’s periodic threats to offload everyone at Gold?
I remember when they were going to salvage the galactic sector by flooding it with printed materials from the worlds largest “in house” printing facility. Do you think that had any slightest measurable effect on the planet or anyone on it? Did it create any increase in demand for Scientology?
Don’t know about that but it DID create a HUGE increase in the demand for paper. It seems like they need an entire rainforest to produce all those printed materials.
Seems like a good chunk of that rainforest ends up in my mailbox every day!
“Gold has the finest recording studios on earth”. That’s interesting. Billy Sheehan, a Scientologist since 1971, and arguably the best rock bass player in the world (as well as a fellow Buffalo boy), does not even record at Gold. One would even think he would get a member “discount”, not too mention the advertising for Gold that it would bring. Instead, Billy spent his own money doing it on his own. When asked about his studio his answer was, “Yes. I put a studio together. I spent a lot of time and a lot of money to make it right. It was an amazing adventure!” Why not use Gold if it is “all that”?? LOL
Well, could be because he is in Buffalo… There is ANOTHER music recording studio in LA. Mad Hatter. Chick Corea’s old studio bought by Miscavige to help Chick with financial problems. It was refurbished on a cost-is-no-object basis and was intended for use by “outside artists” — the Golden Era Muscicians had the studios at Gold…
The overcapacity of A/V studios and systems is stunning. For Miscavige these things are like John Lobb shoes. You just can never have enough of them.
Is Billy Sheehan out?
Was a close friend of Patrick’s — who was always trying to find him …
I should have been more specific. Am going to assume he is no longer in the Sea Org or at least no longer living at Gold in whatever fashion he was for years.
When you said no — to my “is he out?” — that means he still considers himself a scientology and possible Sea Org member.
Interesting? Wonder how he brokered that deal?
He is not only still in, he is actually attending Scientology protests wearing a Guy Fawkes mask! LOL The latest info that I could find was on Loudwire from October 2015
I would love to see Billy answer some questions that you could ask Mike.
For example…..why is Shelly being hidden?
I would ask ‘where is Shelly’ but chances are Billy buys into the ‘she off doing the works of LRH and the LA County Sheriff’s Office checked on her and she is fine!’
Or, what’s up with Heber?
Or, if Scientology truly wants to helpwhy isn’t it more affordable?
Or, what about allegations of abuse/child labor in the Sea Org?
Or do you agree with disconnection?
I could go on ad nauseum, but you get the idea….
Billy reminds me of a John Travolta…. A nice guy with his head in the sand
I can vouch for the “nice guy” part. Even though he is a rock star he is still the “guy next door” type. And music is his life and takes up most of his time. He gives Scientology the credit that it deserves in his life but you can tell that he isn’t preoccupied with it. He is definitely a guy who others can look up to and I think DM should look up to HIM and not the other way around.
I really want this to be true, because I really want to watch Scientology television and listen to Scientology radio programming. This would be a never-ending source of entertainment!
Jimmy Swaggart has his own cable TV station where every month they hit thrir followers up for millions of dollars to buy airtime. I wonder if Miscavigie is modeling this scheme after Swaggarts channel.
More like Reverend IKE
“Blessed are the RICH, Damned are the POOR”
send money to the IAS NOW.
Things never work out too well for those televangelists. I think DM is way too paranoid for that. At least to do it himself. He would likely use any number of his executives. That way, if the crap hits the fan he could disassociate himself from it and then send the person to the Hole. “Plausible deniability” just like politicians.
Don’t forget Pat Robertson’s CBN. They managed to create a cable channel and sell it off, with the proviso that it will STILL be legally required to air episodes of The 700 Club, even after they finally ditch the Family channel names and change over to Freeform in a few weeks. So you end up with a channel that airs Pat Robertson spouting off about sin during the day, and Ian Somerhalder sucking out people’s blood by night.
Gold has good equipment and facilities and they can turn out a good AV product, but there’s currently just no need for it. I think church members would prefer affordable services and real delivery to Hollywood style PR events and overpriced materials, and I refuse to believe anyone is coming into orgs from the expensive ads they place.
That sort of logic in the Cof$ will get you declared Chris.
You beat me to that comment, Yawn.
“enligthen them on our Global Salvage campaigns…” Really? Global Salvage campaigns? Enlighten? How does that work when any amount of real enlightenment would end in the recipient of the communication realizing that their global salvage campaigns have only one certain result…more money in Dave’s many bank accounts.
Truth in advertising would be impossible.
“Global Salvage.” Is that some sort of inter-galactic trash company?
A subsidiary of ‘Spacely Sprockets’.
That’s it! You’ve got a great memory, I Yawn! They are, indeed, a subsidiary of Spacely Sprockets! Thanks for the reminder!
George Jetson works there and has a son Elroy (no relation to LRon). Wife called Jane and I think there was a daughter (possibly Judy?) and they have a dog, can’t remember their names. Mr Spacely owns the franchise and is George’s boss.
Nope. Just good old dumpster diving by the PIs hired by the cult.
BTW OSD, you’re getting pretty vocal these days and See Oh Bee might be putting some of the new recruits onto your waste stream! Watch your backside ….
But…..but….I always thought YOU had my back?
I’ll be there ……..
All hail Charlatan of the Bored as he mind-puppets his minions.
As Mr. Rinder points out, the sentence “Honestly, this is an investment in all your dynamics” could not be more dishonest. I would add that when someone starts a claim with words like “honestly, truly, sincerely, frankly” etc., it is a good habit to put on the critical thinking skills and look for the knife behind the back. Such qualifiers can emphasize strong, seldom revealed truth but more often they are a smokescreen to hide BS and should raise the question in our minds of “what — you weren’t being honest in other statements?”
And this sentence is pretty funny: “Originally established in 1912, the lot on which SMP is located houses the oldest and longest operating studio in Hollywood.” This writer is no doubt another “study tech” prodigy. What he just said is that the _lot_ was established in 1912. Who the heck establishes a lot? (But to be fair, I withdraw my criticism if the “lot” he refers to was a movie lot in 1912.)
Do you how you can tell when a cult member is lying? When he or she says, ‘Honestly.’
Such as, “Honestly, you only need 20 more intensives.”
It’s all in the nature of a two terminal universe. Scientology just perfected it that’s all. They skipped straight to the chase and gave you the whole package deal up front and real personal like. You could never accused them of not dramatizing the truth of dichotomies… could you?
No way would I even attempt it!
Honestly, if you do your next status twenty more people will see that and do theirs………. honestly, you are such a big bean………
It never ceases to amaze me how they can boldly lie and get away with it. As I sit here by my generator running set power I had time to check out their promo. The first established studio in Hollywood was Nestor Motion Picture Cowhich opened on Oct 27 1911. It was located at the corner of Sunset and Gower which is now called Gower Studios. It’s where we worked on the first “Heroes”. Also they claim to have the largest soundstage but I doubt this is the case. Does anyone know the square footage? It was built after I had already left Gold. Supposedly there was a stage build in 2010 near Grand Rapids, Michigan that is 50,000 sq ft. They claimed to be the largest. However I am hearing that the old super dome in New Orleans will converted to a sound stage which is supposed to open in 2717!
I don’t believe that the soundstage in Michigan (Hangar42 Studios) ever happened. Apparently, their 10 million dollar tax credit never came through. I think the largest soundstage in North America is Pinewood Toronto Studios. The largest soundstage, called the Mega Stage, is more than 46,000 square feet and is the largest purpose-built soundstage in North America.
Tom, the don asked me to tell you that Pauly wants to have a chat with you.
Thanks OSD. My e-mail is [email protected].
I did not know the value of the A/V equipment was 300 million dollars!
Oh man, this character Pompadour sure knows how to waste money and the IRS seems to be as blind as the inside followers of this scam called scientology religion…
If Pompadour hired an outside professional like Marc Headley to sell it on eBay, he would be lucky to get 50 million for the mostly outmoded equipment. 300 million would represent about 15% of his purported reserves of 2 billion. ‘What unanticipated event would result in dipping into reserves (beyond ‘cash’ accounts on hand) and selling property?’ is a key analysis point to Dave’s tipping point. Beyond tipping his shot glass that is.
The future use of Dave’s cult properties would be most suitable for acquisition by White Elephant Self Storage, Inc.
Has anyone heard anything about the actual programming they have planned for TV and Radio?
While this is not my area of expertise, but I don’t think just because you purchased a broadcast station that cable operators will simply pick you up. As well, they are claiming that their TV and Radio programming will be available internationally; again, I would have thought this requires broadcast and distribution agreements/rights.
Knowing how the church operates, they will probably end up paying these companies to pick up their programming.
Ever increasing demand for Scientology?…hmm…I think not.
Is this someplace other than KECTV next to the 101 freeway.
There are old studio lots in Hollywood like Charlie Chaplins
and Max Sennet.
David Miscavige has no idea what he is doing, seriously
all of his techno babble and money spent on thrown away
fancy sounding stuff to save the World ????.
Excuse me COB but it’s called the BOOB TUBE for a reason !!!!
Miscavige long ago lost touch with reality. When trying to understand what he’s doing, one is trying to rationalise an irrationality. It’s not possible. The money and the power have gone to his head and he’s living in his own dream world. He thinks he’s on Target 3.
Ahhhhhh…that makes sense, Dawn. I slipped out of my body and cruised around Target 2 for days and days and didn’t see a trace of fatso. So, yes, he’s probably finished with Target 2 and is, in fact, at Target 3 now.
He’s come back and is a Mormon.
Can you blame him ?
Hip, Hip, Polygamy!
Oh, Hell no! Don’t blame him a bit! I mean, the Church of Latter Day Saints is happy to have scientology’s casts off. Besides, with scientology around, that makes the LDS Church the SECOND wackiest Church on the planet.
I thought He was spotted in Iran?
I thought someone saw him playing rugby for the Saint Hill Raiders of Middlesex. He wasn’t very good I believe and was delegated to cutting the grass.
Hi I Yawnalot, I love your post. May I add Ron whipped out his emeter and tape recorder after cutting the grass, and went in search of some poor tomatoes. Love, Ann.
And found some and gave them the best slices of bread and cheese you’ve ever seen.
He discovered the term grilling and toast that day and ever since the regges have been trying to emulate the exact process of turning their marks into toast by heavily grilling. And so the story begins…
Dawn, I think you’re right, and with no intention at humor I think Miscavige actually has lost touch with reality at this point. I don’t think he sees what’s in front of him but instead something that he himself puts there.
Hi IYawnalot, Best home grown tomato and cheese sandwichs I ever had! But please do not let the regges grill mine. It will be charcoal and I will be charged $100.00 plus all my credit cards for good measure.. Love U Ann.
You need to activate your Vulture Culture ASAP in So Cali. All LA schools have been closed down today due to a ‘credible terrorist threat’. Crank up the presses and back up the trucks for all of those WTH booklets to be distributed.
Here in Buffalo only snow can cancel schools. But there is never a speck of snow in front of our Ideal Org! LOL
I love this KCET project. It’s a great test and demonstration by The Owner of his flock’s total submission to mind-control and absolute discipline. The demonstration is the continued support from the remaining slaves when this high-profile boondoggle produces not one single product of dissemination. The reason it works is that it’s a slow-motion bait-and-switch. The phenomenon is embodied in a lack of output — not a concrete event, but rather a negative event. Every day that the foolishly foolish fools who paid money into this venture do not see any output is just another degree of temperature increase in the pot of water in which their sanity is being boiled alive. They will be able to maintain cognitive dissonance because there is no shock to the system. No sudden realization. Instead, they are reconditioned day-by-day, in small increments, into accepting the reality that Scientology does not market itself.* What they cannot see is the plain truth that Scientology hides from the world because the entire enterprise is so vomitous that isolation is the best of strictly bad alternatives.
* When I say that Scientology does not market itself, I AM taking into account the Superbowl ads. Those are just very squishy promos that mention Scientology by name, but have nothing to do with the religion/business/scam/torture chamber.
Hi hgc10, Thank you for your excellent and astute post. All the still ins why they cannot see what dm is doing? But then, it took me four years to escape The Sea Org excuse me The Slave Org, so may those lost be found and see the Dawn. Love all your posts. A wonderful and bright 2016 to you & yours.Love, Ann.
Great post hgc10. It is a slow-motion bait-and-switch. Originally this was entirely a Miscavige project. It wasn’t like the Ideal Org boondoggles, so while they hyped it to the moon as the next greatest thing ever, they weren’t asking money for it. And like all Scientology projects, it was supposed to be done by now, summer 2015 if I recall correctly. Then came the supposedly limited-edition colored e-meters, and then the leather-bound Basics (if Ron Burgandy taught us anything, it’s that few things spell self-importance like leather-bound books), Now it’s on to straight donations. And the few remaining seals eat it up.
It tells me Davey has spent more on this project then he wanted, and in a pique of anger at him “doing all the work running this planet” he wants that money back. L Ron Hubbard Hall will fall into this exact same pattern. It will fall behind. It will fall prey to sales gimmicks. Then it will ask for straight donations.
They call it planetary clearing because David Miscavige wants to clear the world of all their money and possessions !!!
It’s all too pathetic and painful to watch …
Mike — do you think Miscavige is planning to close down the Hemet property at some point?
No, just using it a remote facility to dump people he doesnt want around. And as a backup location for whatever reason.
Hi Mike, that place looks huge and very green so I am inclined to ask who takes care of it and how much it cost.
In light of the fact that California is drought stricken I am inclined to ask: Where does the water come from to keep this big ass baby green? What will happen if it dries up? So many questions, so few answers. Please hep me on dis.
Mike when I saw the aerial view of Int Base in Hemet, I was struck by the green grass and green trees etc. Hemet in its natural state is a desert and CA is in a severe water shortage. How can he keep the place green when all of CA has been told to cut down on water usage? I bet if the water and power company knew he was not cutting down and/or was watering on the days he wasn’t supposed to, they’d fine him big time.
It’s simple….holy water!
After going through the Pro Reg Course checksheet twice you can squeeze it out of desert sand.
Hi Nostradamus, Much applause and please take a bow. Great post! Love, Ann.
The Base in Hemet is exposed now, and everyone knows of the place. New escapees will have tales to tell. The high level of secrecy can no longer be enjoyed as it once was. Miscavige had better tread carefully, if he’s not doing so already. Keeping that base open just may be his downfall. You never know, sometimes it’s the most simple things that are overlooked. The devil is in the details.
Hi Hennessy, A true post,especially the devil in the details part. Sometimes the microscopic breadcrumbs leave the strongest trail. Always, Ann.
If he had an ounce of common sense he would have closed it down years ago. It has already drawn too much heat. Too many outsiders know the horror taking place behind those inward facing spiked fences!
KCOB will be added to my cable subscription the day it comes out!
Hi Sneaky Little Phuq, Sending you a Ton of Love, Light & Laughter to go along with all you do. Happy & Free 2016 to you and all Elves that are with you. Love, Ann.
This is one of those “elephants in the living room”. I commented on this in one of mikes earlier blogs. Since Gold is now mostly a prison camp and most actors don’t want to drive that far to do a none-union gig this is a perfect location to shoot the fantastic mind numbing new propaganda films to sell Scamotology.
Flew clams have been to Gold so I’m sure DLHDM feels he needs this Hollywood jewel to impress the Biz community and the clam community that he should be taken seriously.
Mike, you are spot on in this blog and absolute hubris of these Scientology shills is mind blowing.
Hi MKmole, I liked your post. Mike has blown my mind so many times here, I’ve patched it back together so I can view the amazing scene at Gold.All the tech for propaganda filme but dm uses the property to dump those he wants out of his way. How like him! Teeth-gnashing! Love, Ann.Happy 2016.
And this planetary clearing campaign will also end all threats of terrorism immediately.
I don’t doubt that for a minute…..
I wonder how ISIS would feel about the “planetary clearing campaign”. After all, that is their goal also. Clear the planet of infidels. If DM ever wanted to get rid of someone for good all he would have to do is send the Scientologist to Syria to “spread the word”. He could then claim the person as a “religious martyr”.
And by the way OSD, I realize you already have one beach house. However I have some oceanfront property in Cheyenne Wyoming for sale. I’ll give you a góod deal if you are interested.
I was saying that Scientology is one of the very worst polluting system of the world, was it because the scam is spending incredible amounts of energy, water and soforth wherever it installs its bases, but also because it wastes tons of fuel and such to travel fradu sellers in the whole world, so as to make money, make more money and getting others making more money.
That’s for tgh material pollution. Besides, it’s the worse as well regarding polluting minds.
Whoa! The telecommunications tower has only 2 smallish microwave dishes. Is that really enough for the 47X, mega, planetary clearing? I was wondering if all those big SMP lies will fit those tiny dishes. Just saying…
Bog, body thetans only need to 2 small microwave dishes. How’s that possible? The BTs infiltrate the system and run it internally. You must not have gotten the memo….
Microwave? We having popcorn huh… please, lotsa butta and salt.
What we watchin? Two body thingos crawlin up a wall or something.
Oh, they’ll be lotsa butta & salt. And if you’re seeing two body thingos crawlin up a wall or something, you the shit is good……really, really good.
Particularly striking about the California property is how green their land is compared to the surrounding hills and land. Could they be in trouble there for excessive use of water? According to National Geographic there have been 4 years of drought in California.
Property has its own well.
I am amazed to hear that the property has its own well. I don’t have any idea how realistic this is, but imagine the good PR if Scn would offer some of that water to the community. If Scn is unique in that area for having such easy availability of water, I am thinking that such waste as having 3 lakes (what are they used for, anyway? I have only heard of overboarding…) might very much excite some less than desirable emotions in their neighborhood.
They do — the local Firefighters often lift water out of the lakes with choppers to fight fires.
” but imagine the good PR if Scn would offer some of that water to the community.”
Are you kidding? And violate the first rule of the cult: never, ever give anything to anyone unless you have first gotten something from them. And then, give something of lesser value.
The ‘water’ in one of those lakes is from the sewer treatment plant so my bet is that is what is offered to the firefighters. They can then dump it on other peoples houses!
The base has about 5 wells, with 3 of them producing the over 2 million gallons per day that is used to irrigate and supply the base. The water from sewage treatment is aerated back into the ground. The environmentalists are starting to require meters on private wells so they can regulate groundwater and aquifers (e.g. San Francisco Bay Area, part of the United Nations Agenda 21). In some areas such as the Bay Area the fire department will TAKE water from private lakes, including those stocked with fish. Tough luck if the owner doesn’t like it.
Isn’t this stuff being implemented in the Sonora area? Farmers in the San Joaquin Valley are having their wells regulated due to the 4 year drought and overuse of the aquifers.
“In some areas such as the Bay Area the fire department will TAKE water from private lakes, including those stocked with fish. ”
Around here it is Cal Fire running the air attack and yes, they take it where they find it. Everyone is supportive of the efforts …………. except maybe the fish.
Wells in the Sierras are in fractured granite which is supplied from the snowpack by the trickle down theory.
Along with the fish, Dave doesn’t like it either. But since he has no choice, he graciously ‘allows’ them to take it. He even shuts down his sound stages because of the helicopter noise (helicopter tech). The trade off is that if there is a fire near the base, the fire department drops the orange or red fire retardant.
How is the trickle down theory holding out with about zero snow pack?
“While the opening of SMP is eminent for 2016”
Per Webster’s Dictionary:
: standing out so as to be readily perceived or noted : conspicuous
: jutting out : projecting
: exhibiting eminence especially in standing above others in some quality or position : prominent
The sentence would have been tortured with the word imminent but with eminent, it’s actually truthful, though not what they intended.
Can anyone still inside use the word “honestly” without exploding?
(I know, rhetorical question.)
Most rhetorical I know……
That list just makes me think about how many independent film and series makers, recording artists, etc. would salivate at having access to those kinds of facilities (at SMP or Gold) – and the least talented of them would bring a lot more joy and enlightenment to the world with the facilities than CoS does. Such a waste.
Actually some independent filmmakers have done with far less.
Of course, they can, it’s just sometimes it would be nice if they didn’t have to. I’m going to be doing some writing for Kickstarter-funded video game in the next few weeks. I’m new to the project, but when I look at what they’ve accomplished so much, with so little, it does make it all the more impressive. Ascension looks quite intriguing – and the production notes are very interesting, for film geeks like me at least. 🙂
But I’ve always wondered why there aren’t more production cooperatives in use across the country, for everything from video games to independent film. Creating a bunch of them has been one of my “if I won a billion dollars” dreams for years. Though it might be a moot point these days. Kevin Smith has commented that for all the credit card debt he had to acquire to get the equipment to shoot Clerks, his daughter can now make a better looking, flawlessly edited film with a cellphone and a laptop.
The Scientology drinking game: anytime you receive an email or letter from Scientology and the words epic, monumental, eminent, dynamic are used, have a drink. Anytime they ask you for money, send money to Mike Rinder’s blog or Tony Ortega.
Caution: This game is likely to cause rapid-onset liver damage…
Maybe Miscavige has been playing the drinking game himself!
It gave him semicolon cancer. LOL
Hi angryscorpion, Your post made me laugh, thank you. A very happy and all good things to you in 2016. Love, Ann.
Just saw this, maybe I’m a sucker for bad jokes or this is very funny!
Hi Gimpy, I thought it was very funny and I am a colon cancer survivor.Laughter is really good.Always, Ann.
Hi Mike, In my case yes the Drinking Game would have me under the table pretty quickly!?Ann
Oh…I’m all over this! How do I get my address to the cult! This is great!
The drinking game, though sure to make you comatose is probably the smarter one to do because if you sent money to either Mike or Tony any time scientology asked for money, Mike and Tony quickly would start wearing John Lobb shoes and retire to some far off island and we wouldn’t have any blogs to read because their followings are so much larger. Be careful what you ask for.
Simple solution: Send the money to me! Don’t worry, I’ll keep the tradition alive! I’ll sleep from 3am to 12pm. I’ll drink very expensive Scotch. I’ll only buy John Lobb shoes and I’ll retire to my home state of Hawai’i. You see? Everything is now taken care of. So…..when can I expect to the greenbacks?