Remember Jeff Mintz?
He used to send around those “Good News” briefings giving the stats of Flag. I kept a running tally of them and graphed the weeks he reported (on weeks where the stats were not so good – in his view – there was no “good News Briefing” which was about 60% of the time).
We haven’t seen any “Good News” now since June.
I guess one of two things happened. Or maybe both.
- The stats have been atrocious for 4 months — they ran out of suckers to redo the Purif and Objectives, they got all the high rollers to do Super Power and nobody else can afford it or has any interest and the target of 10,000 on Solo NOTs is going backwards as more more people are “black tags” and just stopped auditing altogether. Judging from the empty parking lots, empty buildings and empty streets in downtown Clearwater things are not going well at the Mecca.
- Someone realized he was actually broadcasting the stats, I was graphing them and that made it really hard to put out BS statements about how Flag is “booming” and 47X all previous years combined blah blah blah
As they like to say in scientology, Mintz was shuddered into silence.
But now he is sort of back in a lesser incarnation of his old self, sending out a success story from Super Power.
It is one of those “successes” that give the word a bad name.
You can pretty much ignore the first section — A.B.’s personal experience is his subjectively. If he felt better, good for him. Though it is difficult to ignore the usual dissing of everything that has come before (Clearing, L’s, OT VII all rather tawdry compared to the magnificence of Super Power), focus on his statements after his announcement that “Planetary Clearing is now within reach.”
Here he shifts to the objective statements, presented as fact.
It is also an obvious fallacy. Planetary clearing is no more in reach now than it was in 1950.
It then goes into bizarre mode comparing Sea Org members at Flag to his mother teaching him how to walk. And into hyperspace with the obligatory brown-nosing of COB for his “courage and his work.” The deifying of David Miscavige has become pretty nauseating. He has moved past “Ron” on the worship scale — Dave gets a many thanks for the immense magnitude of what he has done and Ron gets an all caps thank you.
But let’s just stop and think about this for a second. Unfortunately, not something bubble dwellers are inclined to do. If Super Power is all you make it out to be, aren’t you just a little bit peeved that it sat on the shelf for 30 YEARS and was delivered to nobody? COB made this tech into its “purest form”? Yet there has only ever been ONE form of Super Power. It was laid out 30 years ago (remember L. Ron Hubbard said it would be released in 6 weeks at St Hills) and has not changed at all since. Miscavige simply added an arbitrary (and enormous) requirement that a few hundred million dollars needed to be collected and a new building constructed before anyone could have it and before planetary clearing could be made within reach. That was NOT part of the plan for Super Power. Hubbard said it was going to be delivered at St Hills. Yes, crappy old ASHO and St Hill and AOSHEU. Miscavige got off onto his high tech kick (like with the Mark VIII Warehouse meter) to make costly and unnecessary toys for people to hone their oiliness perception skills. It was a MARKETING gimmick. It does not turn these people into super perceptive individuals — their success stories are the proof of that. They cannot perceive the world right in front of them. Empty Flag. False promises. Lies being told to them every day. Oiliness oozing from the pores of regges and Dan Sherman and David Miscavige. Let alone the saline levels of their body.
Frankly, if there is a single service in scientology that should wake people up to what is really going on, it is Super Power. But it doesn’t. So it is a self evident truth that it is not delivering what it promises.
And so, now what are you going to do Jeff? Go out and actually help people in the world you perceive so well? The big lie in this, IMO, is that this is anything other than self-indulgence, introspection, beefing up of that “holier than thou” service facsimile, self-absorption, me, me, me processing.
Why does this SuperPower person keep saying My God? I thought IAS taught that God and Christ were implants and didn’t exist? Unless he’s saying it to DM which would be pretty much the way DM feels about himself, all knowing, omnipresent and magnificent beyond all human understanding.
Nobody ever actually required SP, really. All that was need was one crack at the Money Process – “Mock up a way to waste money”. I’m guessing that “Scientology” has come up more than once. End process.
Flunk, Flunk, Flunk Jeff Mintz
Ron lied about 57 perceptics…
there are actually 58 and the one Scientology had you intentionally miss
is “able to know when one is being bamboozled”
You have been duped beyond belief
Thank you Mike.One of your very perceptive pieces,you write so skillfully as you talk about David and all he continues to make fools of.I have to say that the success story had me glued to every gooey word.If that is what Super Power delivers today,I would definitely give it a pass.Pass it into the abyss along with DM’s World.?
You completely Rule Mike in your summations. Laser Precise as always!
So let’s say you have a plumbing problem. The plumber comes over, quotes you a pretty hefty figure and goes to work. He tells you he’ll “clear” your pipes in no time flat. In fact’s a lot faster and cheaper than his competitor, Psychs and Sons. Quite a bit later than promised, he pronounces your pipes “clear,” and you write him a fat check.
You flush, and cause a flood. You call him back, and he tells you that unless you sign up for his advanced clearing program, you can’t really expect this problem to go away. So you do. Again, no dice.
But he tells you that he is now following a new plumbing text where semicolons have been reorganized and is a much better plumber for it. He will perform a re-do of the work for you. And no, there is no refund for previous abortive efforts. And yes, the fee is due in advance. So he goes back to the basics and does it all over again. At some point, he sells you super-powerful extra services at the super-power rate. But hey, in for a penny…
A bit further into the job (you haven’t used your own toilet in months, but are still hopeful), he tells you that unless you take out a second mortgage and donate to the International Association of Shithousefixers (IAS), there is no way the job will ever get done. In fact, he would be greatly unhappy about your disloyalty as a customer if you declined…
At this point, you finally wake up. You call another plumber and let them start the job over. Only problem, plumber #1 is now picketing your house, following you around with a gang of thugs and is telling all of your neighbors that you are a pervert, commie, wife beater and gov’t spy. Even the police comes by at random times to investigate horrible tales of your depravity! You are powerless to defend yourself because the plumber claims–all evidence notwithstanding–that he is a religious man and that one a “religious level” your toilet was fixed perfectly well. Although it would not hurt to put down a few more thousands and keep on a maintenance plan.
No, this could never happen! Or could it?
He made a pretty pathetic postulation if it took 20 years for it to come to fruition.
His perception of others “wasn’t bad” but now it’s “a new realm” – yet he says: “sometimes you meet someone, you don’t even know their name or who they are”. That’s pretty shitty perception of others – if you have super powers you should know these things.
“Ron says only the tigers survive”. OK, so this is a metaphor, but several species of tiger are extinct, and all living species are on the endagered list, yet their prey thrive in the wild.
Amazing Mintz is still making false promises after all these years. Wonder how many others he helped get out of the Church?
As to Super Power, I would say to someone newly in, who wants to stay in, to just do Super Power, nothing else. You’ll save a lot of time and money.
Jeff Mintz has now descended into word salad spinner for Stupor Powerz. And a stupor it is. I always thought that the 57 perceptics thing was an attempt to latch on to the Heinz 57 sauce advertising. Now I think it is another step in the ‘how many things can I get the minions to believe and pay for?’ scam.
Poor Jeff, no good stats to report, he’s stuck writing copy for the hotel end of the business. What’s next?? Yelp reviews?
I’m curious anybody get out after s.p.? Anybody here ? Of course i realize maybe s.p. isn’t every thing it’s cracked up to be.
Super Power, it is a laugh a minute. From the viewpoint of PC I will admit that Super Power would most definitely cause great changes. Even for someone OT III. But for a person OT VII or OT VIII to say they blew VAST amounts of charge on this rundown MEANS that OT VII or OT VIII has an MU on the word CHARGE or is not TO VII or OT VIII. But, you have to remember, these people will say ANYTHING to get anyone to believe they are in so they don’t get declared. 🙂
“Planetary Clearing is no more in reach now than it was in 1950”. HA! Planetary Clearing is much farther away than it was in 1950. 1950: “Clearing, what’s that? Sounds interesting.” 2016: “Clearing, is that $cientology? OH SH!T!!!” (sound of feet running away, screams getting fainter with increasing distance)
The REAL 58th perceptic: $cientology is bad news. WAAROOUNK!!
Interesting concept: ‘educated as a thetan’. Weren’t courses, books, tapes and what not the ones intended to give you knowledge and understanding on how to handle life, handed organizations, handle people, handle suppression, etc. That will be closer to become ‘educated’ than False Data Stripping on a few subjects as used in Super Power.
This success story is another example of ‘belief’. The few left inside the church DO believe in all the words they use on their success stories and, no matter what happens, they will continue to believe so.
What is very likely sure is the decline of scientology and Flag, without need to mention all other orgs. The ones that were able to pay many 1,000s of dollars to go to Flag to do Super Power have done so; the rest, or have no money, or have quietly quit this cult.
For some reason his forceful assertive attitude is not convincing me of the veracity of his pontifications.
Poor Jeff! I thought after the death of Mohammed Ali he would never be able to go on! Anyone who has spent time at the flag office knows he had an obsession with Ali. I always found soooo interesting.
Also recently I have been to the Vancouver org, the NYC org, LA org and AO and Madrid org. The pr with the locals is horrific and the traffic in the orgs is nil!
Thank you for that report Lola
Yep, Jeff named his daughter Ali after Mohammad Ali. He is a fan.
If Jeff Mintz has a daughter, why weren’t he and his wife demoted to a failing Class V Org when she got pregnant? That was what was done with SO members who refused to abort. Did the daughter grow up in the Cadet Org and then join a real SO Org when she got old enough? And is she still in the SO? Anyone have information about this?
Cindy, Ann probably gave birth to Ali before the F.O. was issued. That was back in the late 80’s I believe.
With all the words that are underlined and capitalized, along with the claim that this person “feels TIGER”, I think I’m pretty confident in saying that this guy is on day two of a massive coke binge or thirty minutes after a good-size dose of angel dust. There’s no way that this could have come from someone who’s NOT on something very illegal. The amount of dead brain cells required to produce this could only come from a good size dose of something that’s on some federal Schedule or another. My bet’s on angel dust. Scientology is so far beyond the times that their knowledge of drugs only goes to the 70s, so MDMA is out.
I want Marildi, Proof of Fool, and Two Cents to look at this shit. This is why there are people who are skeptical…okay, hostile to Scientology. Just look at this. This person describing his so-called wins is a gibbering idiot. Nothing could live up to this hype. In fact, stuff that gets this level of hype generally doesn’t work. And if the sine qua non of Scientology doesn’t work…connect the dots.
“This person describing his so-called wins is a gibbering idiot. Nothing could live up to this hype.”
His “hype” isn’t very different from the gains Brian and Path of Buddha, for example, have had in their spiritual quests. You don’t call it “hype” when they describe their gains, so it seems to be a matter of mindset and which “filters” are used for which practice.
Mr. Mintz’ ever-increasing levels of happiness appear to have him dancing on table tops naked below the lampshade on his head. Is he happy or is he nutters? Reportedly his mind was blown by OTVII and then in turn by each one of the L’s and now it is blown YET AGAIN by Super Power! Can the mind continue to be astounded in such measure with such frequency without tragic consequences? Pending the rigors of a formal study I’m going to say, “NO!”
In my capacity as a professional know-it-all, I advise to steer clear of what Mintz has been practicing and go with something more rational and peaceful. Something that satisfies your hunger instead of feeding it.
Just got out of session and wanted to share a WIN!!!
The ability to recognize greedy, tyrannical, insane, mini-sized Ecclesiastical Leaders!
And yes I would like EVERYONE to have this win!
Bye bye CO$.
The whole 57 Perceptics thing is so scary to me that I actually feel embarrassed that I bought some Heinz 57 sauce when I went grocery shopping this weekend. What can I say? It’s my preferred slather for burgers.
A little known fact, but the head of the Heinz company and LRH were very close and Mr. Heinz actually named it after the number of perceptics discovered by the old man. True Story! Look it up if you don’t believe me.
I guess now that I’ve discovered the 58th, they might have to relabel.
But…..but that would make Theresa Heinz Kerry into a Scientologist!
The 59th perceptic is knowing that the 30′ wave you just took off on, is actually your aqua partner following you into the barrel of the wave & becoming one with everything around you. That is, if you don’t wipeout and spend 3 to 4 minutes underwater wondering if you’ll ever see the sky again……
OSD, I thought the 59th was that feeling you got after going over the falls and into the washing machine when the bottom is rock…
Dear Mike,
Who is this “Ron” you talk about?
Mucho Amore,
Hmmmmm…..maybe Ronald McDonald? That’s my best guess.
Dunno if it’s Mac Tonight, but it’s got to be some kind of scary clown. Hey, it’s the hot meme right now.
Having Realizations (cognitions) In Ron’s Form of Looking (the meditation of inner discrimination through auditing)
Reading these wins from Scientologists on Mike’s post inspired a thought: because of Scientology being in such a bubble and because Ron sold his way of looking as “never before seen in the history of forever!!!!”, Scientologists falsely assume that they are the only ones to be able to cognite on basic causes of associated events to resolve issues.
I am here to tell you that Scientology does not have a monopoly seeing causes of issues.
That is wrong knowledge.
Ron’s form of inner meditation with the discriminating intelligence, when it is working correctly, puts the soul, thetan, the witness, the observer into a situation of directly perceiving thought, mind stuff, feelings etc.
And thus in a position to have cognitions.
In meditation, these things happen also. But the approach is different.
In the Scientology auditing session Scientologists are limited by Ron’s process. Scientology follows ridged rules of inner observation. These rules can actually limit the seeker of truth at some point. Especially those ready to move on to higher forms of looking.
Ron’s Scientology can take a mind to basic perceptions of the soul, of our incorporeal nature. But because Ron was not free, was not liberated, did not know the higher truths, experienced Scientologists can be trapped in the process of always seeing the mind in a linear time model. That was Ron’s limitation. For Ron, the source of suffering was always in the past.
Spiritually speaking, Scientology processes are kindergarten. They can awake basic perceptions of spirit.
But if you continue running these things past a certain point it is not good.
The ultimate solo session is meditation ; just you and the vast cosmos.
But Ron trapped his people by selling them, and they agreeing, that he was the only one to show people how to have cognitions about life. And that his processes were the best, the only workable. That is a bald face lie.
All of these things arise from time to time in meditation. The difference is in meditation, you don’t go looking for moments of suffering. They pop up when they are ready to be looked at. It’s much more natural than being forced into an assembly line of the grade chart.
You can only evolve in the accurate perception of life and truth by following the teachings of those that have actually attained these states.
At some point, the linear time model of looking in the mind, Ron’s model, actually starts to have a negative effect on the student of truth.
Always looking in the mind for past moments of pain can be very self destructive.
At some point, the student of spirit realizes that space and time is a dream, an unreality, a magic trick of Maya (delusion)
Meditation will take you beyond Ron’s linear time model. Expanding awareness goes on forever. Meditation is that process that brings the student to higher and higher levels of perception.
At some point we do not look in the past to figure out the present. Meditation is an advanced form of looking within.
Ron’s Scientology is like Kindergarden for the soul. At some point we graduate and go onto first grade, high school and college.
But for those who have agreed that there is no learning beyond Kindergarden, because Ron’s linear time model is the “only way”, knowledge and expanding awareness gets stunted.
And I can tell you this:
Thinking that the causes of suffering comes from BTs will keep you in Kindergarden. And will give you the view that first graders and second graders are squirrels.
Beyond your wildest dreams are experiences to be had in meditation and self inquiry. There is no end to moments of floating TA, FNs.
Limiting the process of looking, to Ron’s mechanical meditations, is a detriment to finding new knowledge, new freedom, new joy.
Meditation leads us ultimately to endlessness. Because meditation, by its very practice, leads us to the perception of Infinity.
And infinity is perceived beyond the mind, way beyond an auditing command.
The ultimate solo experience is without a meter, without a business transaction, without a CS, and without the ego strokes of standing ovations for progressing up the linear time bridge.
Auditing commands are for beginners. Those that haven’t learned to operate their own discriminating intelligence to look within for those glorious moments of cognition.
Scientology is for beginners on the spiritual path. That is my experience.
Brian, I follow your posts closely and am a real “fanboy” of sorts.
I’d like to know about some of the spiritual books you’ve read along the way (or methods or teachers) post Scientology, which you found especially insightful or valuable. Do you have a couple titles you’d suggest?
Namaste . . . the spirit within me salutes the spirit in you.
Hey Lurker:-)
Yes, I always advise those people interested in advancing past the kindergarten of Scientology to read Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda.
You can get it at Amazon as a file. Get the one published by Self Realization Fellowship.
Also, How to Know God, the Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali. Translation and commentary by Swami Pranavananda and Christopher Isherwood.
In these two volumes you will see things that Ron only dreamed of, wished for, but ultimately failed in.
These two world class respected volumes will give you an accurate cosmology that is agreed upon as truth by all spiritual masters.
To those entrenched ideologues of Ronism, you may have problems reading and understanding these books because of many held down 7s and wrong knowledge.
Through the filter of what you have allowed into your cognitive faculties and because of total lack of education regarding the Supreme Being, you may see these books as written by implanted unlettered rubes; the product of an arrogant teacher third partying other paths to secure paying membership.
Scientology has limited your understanding about life.
Sometimes to grow, we have to release our desperate attachment to the rung of the ladder we are on.
Look up, release your grip, move forward.
Happy Hunting Lurker!!
One of my favorite books, Brian. Namaste…..
Forever Lurker, I would suggest Richard Bach’s “Illusions: Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah”. 1977. I read it once or twice a year just to keep reminded. Spiritual growth does not necessarily have to be organized nor a part of any group. In the end, it’s *your* growth you’re working on and only you can make the judgement as to your own growth.
Brian, It’s amazing that these two exact books plus 2 or 3 others are in the window display of the church just the next block West of the Complex on the Sunset end. I walked by them often reading all the covers over and over at least a thousand times 78-96! Do you know that church I mean?
Yes, I got Married there. It’s called Hollywood Temple. I use to serve there.
It was so strange having the Blue Whale next door. On New Years Eve we would meditate all night passed midnight. The complex was so noisy! But I concentrated and sound vanished.
Steve Jobs had only one book on his iPad; Autobiography
Jobs read it once a year from 18 years old to his death.
At Job’s memorial he had a gift for everyone wrapped in brown paper; Autobiography
Autobiography catapulted George Harrison into meditation. He changed the world. George kept stacks of them around to hand out if people needed a spiritual tune up.
None of these men were his disciples. That’s because Yoganada is a universal figure.
Like Martin Luther King and Gandhi, Yogananda’s legacy has been the hero.
I’m selling nothing. I’m just sharing what others have asked me to share.
BTW, My church is considered a suppressive group. We are on the list of suppressive groups.
How cool is that! Lol Good company:-))
My deepest heartfelt thanks Mike for allowing me to speak. Thank you so much. The thoughts on these posts sometimes stays with me throughout the day.
I wish you all the very best. And thank you to those people who I offend. Thank you for putting up with me:-)
We are free to share ideas. Ideas that would have put you in the hole, in the catagory of criminal, in the catagory of SP, PTS, losing family and friends.
How can Ron teach us how to be free if he himself labeled all criticism as criminal?
The expansion of awareness to higher states of being demands us to constantly scrutinize and be critical of what is understood, if what is presently known.
The demonization of criticism is the death of expanding awareness and knowledge.
Scientology will only take you so far. Then it’s time to move on. That is, if spiritual liberation is an essential goal.
Well, technically, L. Fraud didn’t say that all criticism was criminal. He did say that all critics, when researched, have something criminal in their background. There is a logical line that connects his statement with yours, though.
And just to save the Ron Squad the effort, yes, I do have something criminal in my background. When I was 17, I moved for a couple of years to attend a small college in Texas before returning to Chicago to complete my education at The University Of Chicago, proud to be Top Ten In The World in the higher education rankings. By doing so, I went from a place where sodomy was legal (and had been since 1962) to a place where it was illegal until 2003. That’s my crime, being a horny gay teenager. Ruin me with that, OSA.
Hi Brian!
Brian said:
“Scientology is for beginners on the spiritual path. That is my experience.”
Well said, That is my experience also. Your presentation is excellent and I agree.
I have spent the last 28 years angry at Hubbard for promises he could not keep.
I have gone on and on punching and swiping at him and making myself feel better.
I have only spent my time ransacking books to find more mud to sling at him.
I have buried him in the lowest hell. I have encapsulated him in lead..
I have shredded his mind like an old newspaper. I have stomped on his grave.
All he had to say in 1972 was that “He did not know”. I would be happy.
IMO, one of his biggest crimes was his stern rejection of meditation.
You expressed the point better than I have ever heard it. My anger, is gone now because
Hubbard was in a linear world as you say. Thus Hubbard is very easy to objectify in a subjective way.
“I have stomped on his grave”. If LRH had not been cremated, can you imagine the pilgrimages of THOUSANDS of miles people would go on, just to crap on it? It boggles the mind! Eventually could be millions, like Mecca. AAROOUGH!
Path of Buddha (George): “My anger, is gone now because Hubbard was in a linear world as you say. Thus Hubbard is very easy to objectify in a subjective way.”
So happy for you that the anger is gone. On top of it, I get that you’ve transcended Scientology. That’s really great, George.
Thanks, Marildi
The Buddha said that anger in the mind is like boilng water. Thus there can be no clarity of thought. It took a long time to cool down.
Brian and Path of Buddha (George),
“Scientology is for beginners” and “Scientology will only take you so far” are very fair statements. I think it’s much better to tell the whole truth about Scientology and Hubbard, not just all the negative.
The tech, when delivered outside an authoritarian context, does help people. And those who know this are more likely to be open to the other things you have to say. As The Oracle would say, let’s keep it real. 🙂
Brian – I always love your posts.
Hear, hear!
Thanks Ms. P! ❤️
Brian, the trouble with meditation is that it costs —- NOTHING!
How is the coolest religion ever supposed to survive and clear a planet with no income? Time to get your head out of the clouds and get real my boy. For some reason maybe meditators have been able to avoid psychs, SMERSH, whole track implanters, merchants of chaos, unemployed bloggers on the fringes of the Internet, and suppression in general. These masters of nastiness seem to focus their evil purposes on the countless hoards of ethical scientologists, so meditators are free to sit on their cushions and not have to hire OSA goons to watch the door. Lucky you for finding an obstacle free (and cheap) path to spiritual freedom. Best of luck to you!
Ha ha ha!! Very funny.
The truth is, the mind is a more formidable foe than any deluded GO/OSA goon.
It’s easy to dismiss external enemies. Fools that you can see with the eyes.
The enemies within:
These are the formidable foes to be victory over.
Not the make believe demons of a deluded madman.
Making war with externalities that are really the projection of the condition of the mind.
When was the last time Ron ever apologized for some mistake?
The fault always lay in some imagined or real enemy that was trying to destroy “mans only hope”.
Blame, that was Ron’s tone on the tone scale.
Military Robots touting civilian robots as they are infected with one more euphoria bubble virus. All thanks to the mad quasi-scientist the esteemed L.Ron Hubbard king of the universe.
Doesn’t Jeff Mintz see the obvious out point of how this trashes the bridge from OT VIII and down?
Thanks Mike for printing this.
Flag is loosing blood at an increasingly rapid rate. And thank god for that.
I just couldn’t finish reading that SS. I have a delicate constitution regarding such things now, I skipped onto Mike’s explanation half way through. The point that really chills me is that anything Miscavige authorizes is poisoned. He cannot allow anyone to even come close to being self-determined. It is just not in his nature to help anyone, only introvert and destroy – goodness me, his own family are prime targets of his. If anything was ever good or even slightly usable in Scientology he has gone out of his way to fuck it up.
I remember way back in the early 90s he got an alleged bad can squeeze at Flag. So he made every auditor on the planet go through it all again, a blanket cram on can squeezes. The guy is totally fucked up. Hubbard is still dead last I looked, so please don’t comment it’s all Hubbard anyway. Miscavige deserves special mention, just look at that photo of the Super Power building, geezers, how much money was scammed to pull that monstrosity off? Ideal Orgs are another wonder of criminal ingenuity, not to mention the IAS. Narconon is an enterprise steeped in court actions. Any SS coming out of that organisation is negative fantasy created only to please the master. Miscavige is the new Dracula.
Poor guys Under th “flag”. Where is that, the universal thing? Wondering again.
“I feel totally educated as a Spiritual Being”
“I was in the RPF and was punished with slave labor, no sleep, no social time, no humanity or love until I cognited that I AM NOTHING, won’t think for myself, won’t look at anything negative about Scientology and won’t ever consider leaving Scientology”
Jeff Mintz
Slave for Scientology
Off topic but I thought they claimed that LA was the fastest growing org on the planet? I got mail from Atlanta yesterday asking me to join staff and claiming they are the fastest growing org with 175 staff members and also that they had won the birthday game. How can LA and Atlanta both be the fastest growing org?
They exist in two separate universes…
And I am so tempted to join staff in Atlanta
(Big Sigh). Ok….ok…I’ll join staff with you. Sheesh! The things I do for friends. But, I want to be able to use cannabis. If I can’t, the deal is off.
All lies are truth. All your truth is false. Everything is just as we say it is when we say it is.
Careful. Big Brother might be watching.
As long as little sister isn’t watching! She freaks out!
Flog has the ability to make you believe, that you are getting what is promised. Like you better get these
wins or else you are a disaffected SP that SCOHB.
Its so obvious that lies, force, and intimidation are the only glue that holds flog together.
To the OSA bots who read this blog daily: wake the fuck up and protect your fellow man in stead of committing continuous overts against them. Also note that when all is said and done you will have to be handled for the part you played in “protecting DLHDM”. The NAZI excuse of,” I was just following orders”, will not work.
FLOG – funny!
I was in a flog once. But, it burned off by noon.
Spin Bin material. Like most of what oozes out of Hubbard’s organization.
‘Spin Bin.’ Nice name for a band!
“Before Super Power, I was playing some very big games for the third and fourth dynamic….”
“And now, after Super Power, I am ready to take on even BIGGER games….”
Very familiar stuff – it means “I’ve been tortured to such a new level of psychosis that now I can totally deny the reality of anything I don’t want to see. I’m FREE now – free to grant BEINGNESS to anything I’m told to so we can all keep this lie going….for as long and as far as we have to.”
All I can say here is what I’ve said before and that is that the sheeple are no different than the devoted Nazi Germans who worshiped Hitler right up to the very end.
I have a question for the trained tech folks out there. A.B. says he/she has completed OT VII and three Ls. Then it is stated that by doing Super Power they blew all sorts of charge and had more floating TAs in twenty days than they did in the 30 years prior. Where does the charge come from for an OT VII completion? Aren’t they supposedly ‘clear’ on the 1st dynamic as well as the others?
They got more Bee Tee’s and Cluster’s and if they are not living amongst other Oat Tea’s – it is curtains for those bamboozled sheeple robots!
“Where does the charge come from for an OT VII completion? Aren’t they supposedly ‘clear’ on the 1st dynamic as well as the others?”
No, just the 1st dynamic. Also, an OT VII can still have out-rudiments and create new charge. In addition, they are not clear all the way down the track – which, to my understanding, would be a Cleared Theta Clear. That state was Hubbard’s goal, at least at one time, but the additional OT levels and tech to produce the state was never developed.
CLEARED THETA CLEAR, 1 . a person who is able to create his own universe; or, living in the mest universe is able to create illusions perceivable by others at will, to handle mest universe objects without mechanical means and to have and feel no need of bodies or even the mest universe to keep himself and his friends
interested in existence. (Scn 8-8008) 2 . next level above theta clear (which is cleared of need to have a body). All of a person’s engrams have been turned into conceptual experience. He is clear all the way along the track. He can really deliver the horsepower. (5206CM26A) 3 . one who has full recall of everything and full ability as a thetan. (Scn 8-80)
According to my many years of studying quantum mechanic/physics, it seems we each are creating our universe in every moment. Voila! OT 87!!!!
Marildi, in response to your authoritative-sounding description of the CLEARED THETA CLEAR ( a person who can create illusions perceivable to others at will and is able to handle mest objects without mechanical means), we can confidently say there is no such thing. Thought, which exists in the subjective order of reality cannot create effects in the empirical order of reality without a means that is situated in that empirical order.
“Postulates” don’t create DIRECT effects in the outside world. The interface between those two separate orders is the physical body which does the mind’s ‘bidding’ or ‘heavy lifting’. This is prima facie, a self-evident fact until proved otherwise.
Indeed there is a long tradition in India of fake guru’s using prestidigitation to hoodwink gullible devotees, Sai Baba being a latter day example of these so-called, “siddi power” gurus. There is no documented case of anybody anywhere ever effecting a breech of the natural laws.
Therefore, alluding to such things as factual carries a measure of responsibility famously lacking in, for instance, car salesmen and grinning red-headed spinners of tall tales.
“Marildi, in response to your authoritative-sounding description of the CLEARED THETA CLEAR ( a person who can create illusions perceivable to others at will and is able to handle mest objects without mechanical means), we can confidently say there is no such thing.”
That wasn’t my description. It was Hubbard’s, from the tech dictionary. That should have been clear, as each of the definitions gave the reference.
“There is no documented case of anybody anywhere ever effecting a breech of the natural laws. Therefore, alluding to such things as factual carries a measure of responsibility famously lacking in, for instance, car salesmen and grinning red-headed spinners of tall tales.”
And don’t forget the Buddha. He himself apparently claimed to have such powers but refused to demonstrate them and discouraged others from doing so, as he considered the siddhis to be a diversion from the path to enlightenment.
Of course you were quoting Hubbard.
I know of no Buddhism from the theravadin, vajrayana or zen schools that ascribe siddhi powers to Guatama Buddha. The story goes when people wanted to suggest he was an incarnated deity he relied, “I am just a man”.
However, one of the Tibetan Buddhas, Aveloketeshvara, was purportedly born of a lotus leaf! The real reason the yogis maintained it was forbidden for them to demonstrate their siddhi powers is because they didn’t have them! The whole India myths of higher states of consciousness and siddhi powers was to entice the masses to follow dharma. Actual enlightenment isn’t all that sexy.
At any rate, such powers cannot be said to exist without substantiation.
Roger: “I know of no Buddhism from the theravadin, vajrayana or zen schools that ascribe siddhi powers to Guatama Buddha.”
I’m pretty sure the Theravadins do. Perhaps Path of Buddha / George could verify that as he is a Theravadin and I believe a Pali scholar as well.
With regard to the yogi’s, I’m pretty sure Brian would have data, since Yogananda in his book “Autobiography of a Yogi” wrote about and directly witnessed siddhis. I forget if he himself had those powers.
Mirildi, you want to argue to the death don’t you? The Buddha didn’t put anything down in writing so we don’t know what he really said. Many things are attributed to him some of which defy common sense and some which may be true. The vaishnavites (Hare Krishnas) say he is an incarnation of Lord Shiva yet the Buddha denied the existence of deities so… you have free license to believe whatever furthers your aims.
My point is that claims of telekinetic abilities etc. you seemingly legitimized by quoting Hubbard’s definition of a fanciful state of consciousness (cuckoo theta clear?) are to be considered fantastical notions until authentically demonstrated.
This is notwithstanding Yogananda’s autobiography which of course I have read. I respectfully refrain from commenting on the book only to say I consider the man to have been a great mahatma. I also respectfully excuse myself from discussing this matter any further with you.
my GOD, my GOD, there’s a person eating a bagel in a cafe on the other side of the world!! i’m SO glad i UNDERSTAND and PERCEIVE like never before! i’m so fucking TIGER right now, i mean, don’t get me wrong, i was ok tiger before, but now i’m GODDAMN SUPER POWER TIGER – RAWR!!!!
if that person hasn’t been carried off to the loony bin by now, they soon will be. what a load of b.s.
Super Power Question No 1: (something to the effect of) “Where is it safe to be?”
Answer: Where I am. (No longer connected to the church of scientology and its control.)
Hilarious! Meta-super power perceptic #58: “The rock-solid certainty that the cherch is corrupt to its core and that every cent you’ve contributed to this monumental scam has been an overt on all nine dynamics!”
Anyone who wants to guess how much Flag is down from 6 months ago?Or a year ago as there is a seasonal aspect.My guess would be 30%.what do you think?
When I walked around the Ft. Harrison and along the Potemkin village of front organizations, I only saw a gaggle of maybe 20 Sea Org members smoking outside of Flag, and a few security guards. I am sure I was the only non-CO$ person in the 2 block area. Dead doesn’t describe it.
How about, ‘Dawn of the Dead?’ Is that a better description?
Skeptic…..when I walked around about a month ago….I saw even less people than you….and no security…..unless they were hiding in the well-manicured shrubbery. It was a ghost-town. Very eerie….I did not like it….I just kept eyes forward…..ugh. But I had to see it for myself.
After last weeks Hurricane Matthew…..I wonder how many evacuees that FLAG could’ve accommodated……..there was not a hotel room to be found here…????
I drove down F.H. Blvd for the first time in about 35 years last week. A ghost town indeed.
Maybe it should be BT Town. Ghost Town is so……ancient.
More like a BM town OSD. After all, that describes better El Con’s church that dominates the place…