Another one of those “unauthorized” emails. I guess the message didn’t get out internally.
This woman is misnamed. She is about as charming as a scorpion with 6 broken legs. Wouldn’t want to run into her in a dark alley on a rainy night.
There is some serious make-wrong happening here, and she is not in the least bit apologetic about it either.
It gives you some idea of the heat these people are under.
And the contempt they have for “the field.”
And the ingrained attitude of “you OWE us your support.”
And finally, all the way down the org board, it once again reinforces the main line that motivates all activities in Corporate Scientology “COB has had to tell us to do this as we are all so pathetic, uncaring and incompetent we could not do it ourselves and now we are overloading him making him have to inform us what our next insane target is.”
This may be the worst email I have ever seen coming out of the RCS.
The dwindling spiral is getting tighter, faster and more vertically down day by day.
From: Jennifer Charm-Jacobson <[email protected]>
Date: October 8, 2013 10:58:09 PM PDT
Cc: Quinn Taufer <[email protected]>
Subject: Why you’re getting this comm
Reply-To: Jennifer Charm-Jacobson <[email protected]>Hi,
You may wonder why you are receiving this from me. I don’t know, are you an OTC member who wasn’t here tonight for our ED’s talk on our imminent Golden Age of Tech Phase2 delivery and Quinn Taufer’s exciting news on our renos and design & planning and fundraising? Perhaps you live in the Valley but don’t contribute to the Org, maybe you were at the New Year’s event and cheered your agreement when COB told Los Angeles to get Valley done?
Make no mistake about it, we WILL be delivering the entire release, both training and processing. Our staff at Flag have not only completed their training but they finished ALL the training on ALL the releases even beyond their individual TIPs! Further, we WILL be delivering the grade chart services to any and all OTs no matter what level they have completed and we will be ready to service YOU! But people, delivering this priceless tech in a non ideal org is like serving up a 5 star über-gourmet meal on a paper plate! The Ideal Org strategy is 30 years in the making and for 10 years we have been trying to get Valley done while the majority of LA thought it was the responsibility of a few wealthy donors and a handful of OTC members and staff. The importance of this undertaking was SO undervalued that it has taken COB to have to ask LA to get it done! And still, it’s importance is ignored by the majority. There are millions of Thetans who are plummeting down the dwindling spiral while this cycle drags on!
Quinn read to us from HCOPL “Promotion and Motivation” and I’m issuing this as a MUST read to you. Read it and get back to me on whether your viewpoint on your own participation in getting Valley done, budges even just a little. I’d very much like to hear your cognitions!
Please be at Valley’s next event on 19 October at the Angeles National Golf Club. If you open your Valley emails, you’ll see the invitation. There will be another HUGE event on 8 December at the new chapel.
Please confirm to me for either one or both 818-357-7034 ASAP. Show up any day, any time and help us with confirming and getting donations. DO YOUR NEXT STATUS!!!!
For G-D’s sake, do something!
Backasswards as usual. IF in fact this wonderful tech is so wonderful, start G-D delivering it, make a ton of money because people love it and keep coming back for more, and G-D fix up the org yourselves! Sounds a little more like LRH, a little less like DM. Except for some adverbs….
She reminds me of network marketers–“sign up now–I have people to put under you”.
This tactic reminds me of what my senior used to call “eating the green weenie” when I was in the GO at SFO in the 70s. It was his contention that whatever negativity he got from/via the USGO was to now be crammed down his junior’s throat. One day I reminded him that as my senior he was supposed to protect me from this kind of crap. He had a good laugh and stopped taking the whole thing so seriously at least for awhile.
COB’s drag-queen name is Jennifer ? so cute
This post says a lot about the state of RCS these days. Miss Charming is going down the scale from “interesting people in creating a new civilization” to ENFORCING COB’s directive to “get Valley done.” Her method of handling others is domination and invalidation, just like her leader uses. Forever Luker has it right in his post here:
“it certainly transparently mirrors what is going on right now in people’s minds in the field and all over. Bears careful reading. I’m ringing the bell. It’s over.”
Miss Charm is one of the loyal sheeple, faithfully believing and fighting to carry out these absurd destructive orders to drain money from the field for the Idle orgs. Based on the tone of her email here, I predict she will soon throw in the towel and walk away, inhibiting contributions (whether it be money or volunteers) more and more, and then refusing herself to do more than she has already done. Just like she said, “its importance ignored by the majority,” she will soon join the majority, whether it be by her cogniting on the fallacy of Idle orgs or by her going down the scale to apathy.
gasp!!!! do what she says or its off to clean dumpsters and toothbrushes for you!!!!
“The dwindling spiral is getting tighter…and more vertically down day by day.”
Just like Dante’s Hell.
Your handle is hilarious! Is that you Leah?
In the middle of Jennifer’s little snit was this gem:
“Further, we WILL be delivering the grade chart services to any and all OTs no matter what level they have completed and we will be ready to service YOU!”
Aha, so THAT’S what GAG II is……after one gets up to the top of the Bridge, one goes back to the beginning of the Bridge and does it over. …..Of course. We should have known.
This just in: A channeled message from a Mi$cavige esp broadcast:
“Not to invalidate anybody’s gains or overrun anything or anything, but just DO IT. Never mind what you THINK the Bridge is you incompetent, mindless, sheep. I have decided that it did not work for you the first time, so Just DO IT! Will that be cash, check, gold, or plastic?? Just GIVE ME THE MONEY and DO IT, you MFers.
(I’m new at this. Did I get this right?)
Hahahahaha!!! Well put Les!
I have never met this “lady”, but I can picture her stamping her little stiletto heeled feet and saying, “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll listen to me! I don’t take no for an answer! Do you know who I AM ??!” (Yes daaaaaling, we do.)
“Must contribute”, hmmm… where’s that on the Pre-Havingness Scale?
I guess the reason they’re having their public read “Promotion and Motivation” is so that they’ll “cognite” that they are a bunch of money motivated douche bags.
You know unlike the Org.
Yeah right.
Add hypocrisy to arrogance.
They obviously don’t get it.
Maybe they’re unflat on their EST or something.
But the field probably doesn’t give a flying f_ck what Dave wants and are likely waiting for the whole rotten sh_t house to come down so they can get back to doing Scientology again.
Mike, not only do I get a kick out of these emails (keep them coming please) but I also used to really enjoy the fundraising promo you would post. So if you still get those, here is my request to post them. Thanks.
I notice Jennifer Charm is only an Alumni. Doesn’t she have a house to mortgage? Or cars to sell? What a downstat! She can’t give, so she screams at other to get it done. I hope Quinn gave her an attaboy! I notice she CCed him.
Bitch, please…
She is now in the valence of the suppressive…got overwhelmed herself.
And since when Valley will be able to deliver the grade chart even to OTs?
And the importance of all this “is ignored by the majority”-correct statement, the Church is shrinking and shrinking no matter how many bites the scorpion gives. Too bad.
since when Valley will be able to deliver the grade chart even to OTs?
Very good question, Silvia!
Of course, they can’t, but I guess that didn’t stop Jennifer from throwing everything but the kitchen sink at the wall to see what sticks.
Geeez……have you ever seen a fundraising email with more outpoints? Wow.
…and what is the result of such an email? They won’t show up for the next meeting either, anybody surprised?
Excellent point! Who would want to risk being cornered by this strange lady?
Plainoldthetan, Good points. “Grating Annoying Repetitive Shaming Blaming Asshole’ on the Tone Scale?” I figure it’s about -1.0 (Blame, Punishing other Bodies) So she’s trying to reach people that are a half-tone-level below what she’s mocking up. So she thinks her field is at -1.5 (Controlling Bodies)? That’s at EFFORT on the Know-to-Mystery Scale. Oh wait, that’s where she personally has descended.
“Show up and bring your body” is pretty much a -1.5 message.”
“For G-D’s sake, do something!”
Who is G-D? Do I know this person?
“For G-D’s sake, do something!”
Who is G-D? Do I know this person?
You know, I’d completely overlooked that little detail until seeing your post. The word, God, written as G-D, is most often used by fundamentalist Christians.
Someone more well versed in the fine details of fundamentalist Christian dogma can probably explain it better than me, but I believe it’s spelled that way out of an extreme deference and respect for the Creator, who (in their theology) has no name. Someone please correct me if I’m in error with that explanation.
The question is…..why is Jennifer spelling the word, God, that way to a Scientologist audience? That’s a head scratcher.
Actually, that spelling is also used by religious Jews, and I was surprised to see it – incongruous for a Scientologist?
Explanation from a Jewish perspective, for what it’s worth:
She meant it as an expletive. I betcha my next $8.52 Sea Org paycheck.
Right Gato…..she’s swearing at god now. They’re not on good terms I guess. One of my favorite descriptions of flag auditing was “artless”. Now the rcs is artless and godless.. good luck with that.
It’s all about the MEST
Yeah, tastes and digests every bit as well … same result, minus the Eye Candy. Who cares about 5-Star MEST buildings?
(… now some of you born revolutionaries … when chinaware becomes important to us, will someone please start pulling the whole cabinet down …)
Maybe the majority had a “Fraud” cognition that still hasn’t arrived with you?
Especially those who went nearly bankrupt from fundraising assaults …
I think that’s a tad more enforced than “Need you to …”
Ooh, this is really bad, now getting reamed out for failing to buy into the con.
Well said Formost and how about, while all these thetans are plummeting, why don’t you go word clear someone or actually audit. Of course not, that would be actual work and effort toward a product.
“we WILL be delivering the grade chart services to any and all OTs no matter what level they have completed”
Surely its a class V org not an AO?
Is there something in the water of the Valley that is detrimental to
brain cells?
Gourmet food on paper plates? Please:):):) I’m not in the habit of eating plates.
It appears you will have food left over. I volunteer. 🙂
Hi Jenni,
19 October ? Lets see…..No, I am busy that day.
8 December ? No, sorry, that’s my hair day.
But, next time for sure, (You know that I do appreciate fine china.)
We are right behind you,
Ps, I would have included a contribution, but I sent the email too soon. (sorry, I hit the button too fast.)
This lady is losing it. I love the line “and still its importance is ignored by the majority.” What does that tell you?
They make such an insane big deal about these big fancy buildings. I love nice cars and nice buildings and the rest, but not for my religion. If I were new, and someone took me in to one of those museums, I’d be thinking – this looks expensive. I’m not looking for an expensive religion. The old San Francisco Org was a dump and it I had zero attention on it.
Was I Curious About your goddamned participation?
Was I Desiring your goddamned participation?
Was I Enforcing your goddamned participation?
Was I Inhibiting your goddamned participation?
Was I making Nothing of your goddamned participation?
Was I Refusing your goddamned participation?
Oh, yeah.
She’s obviously trying to “match the tone level” of her target audience so she has an entry point for communication. It’s just that she’s so low on the Tone Scale nobody wants to associate with her and Quinn the Eskimo.
Good observation, plainoldthetan.
Could well be her anger tone level is deliberately mocked up to a public who’ve been ascertained to be in grief and apathy. Out of desperation for responses, she “boos” and berates them in hope that some of them will at least get pissed off enough to comm to her. Maybe she can bring some of them in apathy up to grief, or grief up to fear..What a noble enterprise.
Hey, Jennifer…Boo !! 🙂
I don’t think her tone level is mocked up, but is real. See earlier post I did on her kicking out an OT who volunteered to help. But if it is being mocked up, she is aiming too high because the people she is berating for not attending, and telling that they owe their support etc, those people are in Apathy as a tone level regarding giving more time or money toward the Valley Ideal Org. They are so overrun and sick of it that they are in apathy about it. So Jennifer, practice your tone scale drills and hit them at the right tone level. Or better yet, just run! Get out while you can!
Maybe, but I have to ask myself “Where is ‘Grating Annoying Repetitive Shaming Blaming Asshole’ on the Tone Scale?” I figure it’s about -1.0 (Blame, Punishing other Bodies) So she’s trying to reach people that are a half-tone-level below what she’s mocking up. So she thinks her field is at -1.5 (Controlling Bodies)? That’s at EFFORT on the Know-to-Mystery Scale. Oh wait, that’s where she personally has descended.
“Show up and bring your body” is pretty much a -1.5 message.
Well Jennifer, for what it’s worth I had great wins in a small, non-descript org many years back. Nothing particularly “ideal” or uber-tacky about the rooms or exterior but only in the mind of a wealth-mad fool would that have made a difference to delivery.
There’s nothing wrong with “serving up a 5 star über-gourmet meal on a paper plate” if that’s what it takes to deliver a good product.
This email is sickening on many levels. And they wonder why people are leaving in droves and they’re having to resort to passive-aggressive begging…
“are you an OTC member who wasn’t here tonight for our ED’s talk on our imminent Golden Age of Tech Phase2 delivery…”
…not that anyone’s watching / taking notes or anything….
…not that anyone’s watching / taking notes or anything….
~~ shudder ~~
Man, I’m glad I’m outta there.
Oh this started a long time ago. I remember an event where the actual attendees where cross-checked against the “confirms” list. Those who no-showed were ethics targets.
Reading some of the comments here I wondered if any one of you actually answered Jennifer directly at [email protected]. Most of the comments here are what she actually needs to hear. After all, she did ASK for our cognitions, and the ones all you guys are coming up with are bloody good ones! Or maybe a computer buff here could copy and paste the responses and send them to her from a throw-away email address. Really, we can’t let such good cognitions go uncommunicated!
Buffy, the saddest reality of all, is that Jennifer would almost certainly reject any communication from outside the bubble of the cult. It’s what the corporation indoctrinates the faithful to do, when presented with any information critical to the organization.
Okay, Jennifer, let’s expand on your premise. If I was to somehow be given a meal by a three-Michelin-starred chef, a Gordon Ramsay or a Joel Robuchon or, to keep it local to me, something from Alinea on a paper plate, I would assume that it was an integral element of the meal, that the paper plate was there for a reason. If I was at Dinner or the Fat Duck, I would presume that, this being a Heston Blumenthal meal, the paper plate was edible and part of the dish. You see, when you’ve got those stars, you give the chef the benefit of the doubt.
So what has this chef served up? GAT, GAK, the Basics, and three-swing F/Ns, all served up with a side helping of language that makes Gordon Ramsay look like a cloistered nun. So, my critique: beautiful building, but the ambience ruins the appetite, and that’s a good thing, since the food’s basically vomit-inducing, and we won’t even talk about the service, with the world’s pushiest waiters. And, by the way, having a sauna inside the restaurant for no discernable reason is tacky.
This is the EP from the SCIENTOLOGY MERCHANTS of CHAOS AND FEAR propaganda! I am just cringing right now….I remember calling another OT Committee member telling his secretary to COME TO THE ORG and HELP….the planet is going down! And it was very real to me!! CRINGE CRINGE CRINGE~!
This woman is being fed lots of fear from COB – it has worked $o well in the pa$t!
By the way – anyone know where COB is hiding these days?
He is really down stat and can’t seem to finish cycles of action!
Where is David Miscavige – not seen for 4.5 weeks, cancelling events, grand openings, golden age of scam II releases…what’s up?
Mike – care to speculate where that weasel is hiding?
I’m wondering about the int base too…….the cats away so I wonder if the mice are partying, or perhaps, eating and sleeping.
Actually Jennifer, we in the Indy field ARE doing something. Delivering the grade chart steps to people who have not actually had them yet. Delivering them as found in LRH HCOBs. I know, I know, It’s novel, it’s quaint, it’s outdated. But hey, it WORKS. Perhaps if you did that you might find you NEED a larger building and perhaps if you did a lot of it you might find you HAVE the money you need to buy one….. Oh did that fall on deaf ears? What’s that you say? Not listening? Of course you aren’t, or you would have realized long ago that EVERYTHING you are doing and saying violates LRH policy.
She gave us an assignment to read a Policy Letter… let me give her an assignment. Read Tony Ortega’s blog for a few days… starting with the Laura DeCredensza case…. and then, Jennifer, let’s talk about YOUR cognitions. Asshole. (Forgive the swearing, but she really is totally stupid at this point.) Doesn’t she understand that NOBODY here in Los Angeles wants to bother supporting a Valley Org? We are ALL in the entertainment world, we check the media, we are on-line. We HAVE to be for our work. The “public” here wants to disappear into the woodwork so that they don’t get attacked for not towing the line. We just don’t give a shit. Does that work for you, Jennifer? You’re dragging a dead horse.
Sorry for the expletives, but her email is not only stupid, it’s offensive to intelligent, aware people. She is obviously neither of those adjectives.
Has anyone noticed that Mike (and the owners of other sites critical of Davey) are NOT begging for money right away (though some ask for donations) and are NOT saying “you owe us”.
The elephant in the room, as you have been aptly pointing out for some time now – the freaking sherman tank of an outpoint is, if it is so important, so vital, crucial, necessary etc etc etc for every building owned by the Church of Scientology to be an Ideal Org immediately, then why does the church depend on the public to do it? Why don’t they just do it themselves and get it done?
Now, when I was officially in I was never able to think with that, and when I questioned it with several terminals I was told something like “If Scientology is just handed to people it won’t work for them”. That was the concept; that we as public had to earn it by putting an Ideal Org there. My response to this was, “Well, then, you’ll just have to wait because I don’t have the money to give you right now”.
See there’s the fatal flaw in the Dwarf’s argument, and I’ll bet lots of others are thinking the same way, i.e. “How crucial could it be, really?”.
That’s right, Aquamarine. That they’re still going cap-in-hand proves unequivocally that the Ideal Org strategy hasn’t worked and indirectly points to down stats. How many bank managers, or even LRH, would keep shelling out to a failing business?
Bypassing their own treasury and org board indicates interesting ethics conditions. You’ll need a submarine.
Yes – when I looked up all the references in 2009, whilst LRH might have been ambiguous on some issues – on this one he was crystal clear, notably in OEC Vol 7 issues. DO NOT get bigger premise then try and expand into them; expand first THEN get the bigger premises. In other words the “Ideal Orgs” strategy as I saw, wasn’t just “a bit off policy” – it was actually 180 degrees wrong direction. It literally could not be more off policy if it tried. When I went to the OT Committee members with my findings and to check if they knew Miscavige was beatings his staff I was reported to OSA. That’s factually what happened. The rest, as they say, is history.
“Please be at Valley’s next event on 19 October at the Angeles National Golf Club.” Or go to ethics! Not I, I won’t. You can go.
Lets see, Valley Org ? COB orders?
For Gods sake’s do something !
OK, I’ll have a Bowel movement, aaaaahhhhhhhhhh.
The movie Compliance springs to mind. Wow.
Dear Jennifer,
I could not agree more with your statement: “For G-D’s sake, do something!”
Why don’t we start by removing these arbitraries about having a 5 Star menu on gold plated china. Any business truly having a 5 Star menu would find people to eat it first and if it is really a 5 Star menu people will talk and the shop will fill up. Once you have people lining up around the block there may or not be a time to think about gold plated china. Up to that point you better prove to as many people as possible you indeed have a 5 Star menu.
What you are doing is harassing the people to pay for gold plated china and never have shown them the actual menu; – so logically they stay away. Especially with the experience in mind from the last really expensive and lousy “5 Star menu” that turned out to be a steaming pile of shit.
Has it ever dawned on you, that all the head banging you are experiencing may come from an plain idiotic approach?
So stop the headbanging and take a really good look. It is not so hard, give it a try it works.
“For G-D’s sake, do something!”
Oh my! ….Well I think this says it all-Desperation, Anger and Panic. Let me get out my Chart of Evaluation and see where this terrible trio reside exactly.
I’ve been reading and watching this story unfold on various blogs since 2004 or so.
Never seen anything like that letter. It certainly transparently mirrors what is going on right now in people’s minds in the field and all over. Bears careful reading.
I’m ringing the bell. It’s over.
Humor me. Listen to this short clip.
Church bells are sometimes rung slowly (tolled) when a person dies or at funeral services.
The ancient custom of ringing a church bell at the actual time of death: the passing-bell, or rather the death knell.
The dead bell was therefore originally rung for two reasons: firstly to seek the prayers of Christians for a dead person’s soul, and secondly to drive away the evil spirits who stood at the foot of the dead person’s bed and around the house.
Take it from me, it’s over.
Jennifer sounds stressed. COB must be venting close too… all the time now.
Just a note to those who watch and report on these boards. Miscavige will take you down with him, get out now.
Scary shit, man. If I were still in and read that email (which I would have surely received), I’d probably be busy changing my phone numbers and putting the house up for sale. I’d be making like Forest Gump, and running away as fast as I could.
Sheer raving insanity of bleeding desperation meltdown.
Desperately scary for sure. As I was reading her email, I got this visual of her frantically pulling on a cigarette that’s dangling from her lips, while she tries to undo the child-proof lid on her newly prescribed bottle of Lithium – all the while stabbing one-handed at the keyboard with boney fingers.
What the Bleep happened over there?
What the Bleep happened over there?
Sheer quivering insanity, brought on by an inability to escape the ever increasing pressure of a cognitive dissonance that sounds like a klaxon turned up to eleven in your head.
Quite an illustration OddT……film noir?
A serious meltdown it is Ronnie. The fall outs from Chernobyl and Japan were (and are!) catastrophic enough. I think we need a news worthy “event term” from one wordsmith extraordinaire (-hint,hint!) which may adequately describe the Miscavige collapse syndrome, sure to establish a benchmark in the history of human implosion!
Your suggestions, ol’ buddy?
This is awful. If I hadn’t left already, I’d be running for the door. “for G-d’s sake do something!” My answer: F*ck you! Whew, definitely had a little charge on that email LOL
“But people, delivering this priceless tech in a non ideal org is like serving up a 5 star über-gourmet meal on a paper plate!”
But, no, daaaaaling. What you are attempting to do is serve dog doodoo on a fine china plate while charging five star prices and demanding people eat it and LIKE IT!
These people sure are off the mark with their analogies. I’ll take the paper plate with real food any day.
Absolutely agree with that, LDW
Aptly put Les!
“For G-D’s sake, do something!”
Shouldn’t this have been for COB’s sake? Putting God before Davey will surly piss him off.
“we WILL be delivering the grade chart services to any and all OTs no matter what level they have completed”
Looks like your “next status” is all that counts, doesn’t matter where you are on the grade chart you will be doing it all over again.
All the “we WILL…” business is her own self-reassurance. She’s chanting it to herself. Because she sees that all those other non-compliant a-holes won’t budge and nothing she says to them will change that. So she still has to make herself right and reinforce it to herself.
“if you open your Valley emails…”
So, She KNOWS people just don’t want to be bothered! I’m sure the Valley posse knows that people do NOT open their “Valley” emails, delete them immediately or have already flagged them to Junk. Not to mention throw out their unopened, daily beg letters that come in the mail to the recycle bin. I sure do.
Talk about someone (actually a group of people) who can’t get the message!
Wouldn’t it make more sense to say “this will be great” and “you don’t want to miss this” rather than “you must be there [you peon]!”
Wow they certainly know how to drive people away!
Next step ( drum roll please)
Scientology will take EBT cards for services and donations.
Don’t laugh,just watch.
Right-O! And Scientology is what made them have to finally get EBT cards in the first place!
Something else they’ll get sued for.
They are knitting with one needle and unraveling is inevitable.
For G-D’s sake, do something!”
This sound like something you would say when the car is stalled on a railroad crossing and a speeding train is bearing down. It just reeks of desperation. Given the importance of “proving” all that “straight up and vertical expansion” to the fund raising scams, I can’t imagine that any management types with half a brain would approve something with this desperate tone. People who are expanding and reaching their goals don’t usually sound like this in my experience… But maybe that’s me.
My other favorite part: “it has taken COB to have to ask LA to get it done!” Yes, I can imagine Miscavige politely and gently asking the various management types in the LA orgs if it wouldn’t be too much trouble for them to find a spot on their daily schedules to spend a few minutes attempting to find a way to get the Idle Morgue that Nobody Wants completed. In a respectful and collegial manner, of course.
It reminds me of the Wizard of Oz (“IGNORE that man behind the curtain! No, stop!”
For God’s sake just leave me alone Jennifer. 🙂
Jennifer says, “I’d very much like to hear your cognitions…”
What she doesn’t say is, “And they better be the right ones that I want you to have!!”
Well, the good news that she imparts for one and all to hear is that the majority of people are ignoring “the importance” all this BS…as they should!
DESPERATE?????? “For G-D’s sake, do something!” Wow I must say this type of letter means nothing to me to say the least it is a complete turn-off!
Incredible. “COB” will blow a gasket when he reads this… it brilliantly demonstrates what a joke his “strategy” is, and what a failure it has become.
I think this is the most pitiful, desperate idle org email I have ever seen.
10 years of brutal fundraising in an area with a “high percentage” of Scientologists and they still can’t get the job done. And, they are getting more desperate by the day.
It amazes me that Dave is so stubborn and stupid that he won’t just pony up the money. What’s worse at this point… failing by giving up on money-grubbing, or failing by having morale and his image continue to slide into oblivion?
Simply amazing, what passes for logic with this chick.
The tech is ALL there and Valley Org WILL be delivering it, and society desperately needs it, but no way the tech can be delivered unless the building and decor in which it is to be delivered are up to snuff
Jennifer, I assume that you believe that Scientology is the ONLY hope for man, and the ONLY way to reverse the reactive mind’s dwindling spiral, and that non-delivery of the tech will cause another Dark Age – you believe this, correct?
But, c’est la vie and que sera sera and Mankind will just have to sink into the mud after all, because delivering the tech in a non-ideal org would be like serving a 5 star gourmet meal on a paper plate…huh?
Jennifer, if you had unlimited access to top quality food prepared by expert gourmet chefs yet no access to any tableware except for paper plates, and if people in your area were starving, would you withold food from them, would you let them starve, sicken and die while you waited for the proper table settings?
Jennifer, are you really this nuts?
I’ll answer my own question and say that I don’t think you are – just desperately, severely PTS to an SP you haven’t spotted yet.
Aquamarine, that is the best comment and should be sent as a reply to this rediculous email.
Agreed. Though the application of this logic to uneducated fanaticism is akin to efforts to persuade the populace that planet earth was in fact round during the era of Catholic Church primacy. Particularly with the backdrop of punishments and eternal damnation if one were not suitably on-message. If OT III contained reference to a big purple salamander living on the moon, these cult adherants would now be asserting this as gospel fact. Ultimately a lack of education combined with an erosion of critical thinking skills – assuming the latter ever existed.
Those thinking skills did not exist. That is the problem.
When you reach the top of the original Bridge as LRH wrote it, and actually do all the Grades including Power, R6EW, and the Clearing Course so that you clear away enough self-contradiction to get the gains from the OT Levels, the picture becomes available to you. You do in fact see it. But you still do have to supply the thought, and you do still have to sort things out for yourself. And you do still have to work out your own policies and procedures.
The plateau at the original OT VII is very pleasant and peaceful. If you get busy there and stabilize, and do not mess up and go crawling off to play in traffic, and do productive work (thought), then your position is virtually unassailable, and you can see the beauty and order of Creation for the first time, knowing that you know. It is still a challenge, but one you can now rise to. One has the perception of viewpoint necessary to act. But one still must determine to act on one’s own (isn’t that what freedom is about?), and one must then work out one’s own policies and procedures.
That is the whole game, right there. Scientology processes and data and technology are there to help. I have no status, no power, no cheering throngs. I just know what’s right, and I’m trying to put what I have so far out for someone to see. The goal is rational thought. Cause over MEST is a fact, but what gets that is not force. It is thought. And believe me, there are many uses for thought, for the exact consideration, that have to do with people you know and people you meet, and with yourself. Cause over MEST is a necessary result of thought – it goes hand-in-hand..
With the possible exception of humility, nothing is more valuable than wisdom, and the ways to gain wisdom are (obviously) an integral part of wisdom. All of Scientology could be viewed as the keys to wisdom, but that wisdom must come from you. It is tough, but it can be fun, and it is rewarding like nothing else..
Brilliant and spot on Carcha. Thank you!
Good call. I also think her logic circuits have been severely hampered by the fact that, reading between the lines, virtually nobody showed up at this uber-important ED’s talk (fundraiser) and she’ll be damned if SHE’s going to take the rap for it. She’ll SLAM ethics in on these DB OTC members, RUTHLESSLY putting ethics in to be sure she’s not the one doing an all-nighter with a toothbrush or something. Amazing how DM’s valence has permeated all levels now.
This is absolutely frightening her demand to donate. Could it be possible the sleep watched Leah’s stunning in your face performance last night?
This Jennifer Charm-Jacobsen has no charm and actually a bad rep as a bully, at least to a person who relayed this personal story to me. This Kool Aid drinker went to the Valley Org to volunteer on the OTC and Jennifer was the I/C then. Jennifer took her out in the hall and told her to go home. She asked why? Jennifer said she was “a DB” (Degraded Being) and that until she could prove that she could get a job and keep it, she was not to show up to help at the OTC. The public she said that to was shocked and utterly invalidated. And her help was invalidated. And this girl she said it to had auditor training and was mid OT VII (even though off the level to earn money to get back on it.) So Jennifer is turning away people who want to help if she is in contempt of them. Sounds like Jennifer is a real scorpion. Or a Sociopath or both. One thing I”m certain of from her email: she is desperate and feeling the heat and pressure and is about to crack.
“we WILL be delivering the grade chart services to any and all OTs no matter what level they have completed”
– Does that mean what I think it means? Everyone can re-do the bridge? Forever?
“And still, it’s importance is ignored by the majority.”
– Apparently, COB’S Command Intention doesn’t pack punch any more. What was it again…”power is if people will listen to you”?
“I’d very much like to hear your cognitions!”
– And they’d f—king well better be the right ones!
“For G-D’s sake, do something!”
– That last is the best. Reminds me of a comedy where the woman is wringing her hands as her pathetic slipper of a husband flails around uncertainly in utter confusion.
My, my. Look what the cat dragged in. I have to admit to finding her name a little confusing.
laffing here, DollarMorgue…we said a couple of the same things. 🙂 Funny how it is so obvious…I only wish SHE would see it!
You have deciphered the current Miscavige Marketing strategy. When you have no new customers, sell to the old ones. The scam worked on them before didn’t it? Now, every body will have done the ‘basics’ and lower levels 3 times. That is 3 times the income, and that is a win for COB.
Read “Sociopath Next Door” by Martha Stout
Major characteristic of the Sociopath is that you “owe” them.
Read the book, seriously
Ick. No thanks.
Wow, she really makes it sound so fun. I can hardly resist, but I think I will pass on this. Thanks Jennifer. Good luck.
1) So sorry COB had to soil himself by having to ask LA. That must have been very difficult for the Biggestest Being on the planet. Glad he didn’t have to bother the other Biggestest Being (his BFF Tom Cruise) to ask LA.
2) I’ve had great food on a paper plate. The best BBQ comes in a basket.
3) Uh-oh, they’re having to defend why nothing is getting released.
4)Their desperation is palpable.
I must respectfully disagree with you on point #2. In Texas, the best BBQ comes on a plastic tray covered with a sheet of butcher paper. They put the meat, sauce and sides in piles on the tray. No need for paper plates, and certainly no need for a basket, since that just cuts down the portions! 🙂
And it’s eaten outdoors, at a picnic table that’s also been covered with butcher paper. And you can smell the meat smoking nearby. YUM.
LOL! This is too rich. She must’ve attended and graduated from “The Beatings Will Continue Until You Voluntarily Donate to My Cause!” sales class. Is that a graduate course delivered at the Grant Cardone Big Dicks Sell Anything to Idiots Institute?
You’re right … it’s getting tense out there.
and she is DEMANDING you have cognitions from reading a PL.
Don’t you see, don’t you see. LOL
Fork over the dough, Jack!
But COB said that he is not responsible, didn’t he?
He is not the leader of the church.
So you could also write that the milkman said something. 😉