While things are hopping in Texas, I am hoping a lot of people are putting together their paragraphs about their local areas pursuant to yesterday’s post. I think I have received about 20 responses so far, I am expecting more to come in soon….
But in the interim, here is a fascinating email from the beggars trying to build the sandcastle of Joburg North.
What makes this so interesting is that Joburg already HAS an “Ideal, St Hill Size Org” (see the report about it here). Now this is a city with a population less that Houston which doesn’t even have ANY org or even a real Mission. But they are working on soaking their few public for a SECOND idle org.
Yet the pitch everywhere else is “we need AN ideal org to clear our city/state/country”. In fact, Joburg has had an ideal org for a decade and its falling to pieces and accomplishing nothing. So, why build another one? The people they are expecting to “donate, donate, donate” can drive a few miles and see what that idle org is like. It isn’t clearing anything.
The suckers in Kansas City and Birmingham and Adelaide and Oslo and, and, and are all being told “If we have an ideal org we can clear ____” (anywhere from a city to an entire country). It is this false promise that gets these people to turn over their hard earned cash. All they need do is look. Many areas do not have the ability to look at another idle org they just have to accept the lies they are told. This is what I wanted to make a repository of information available in one place about the real world of Scientology and its idle orgs.
The Force From The North – Making the able more able
ED News Letter
So, Golden Age of Tech Phase II release is imminent. Cris sent a message to me after Flag Graduation that said “This is getting to an end…” I am still finding out what that really means!
All that is embodied in an Ideal Org is geared towards standard and perfect delivery of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II. Without an Ideal Org, Joburg North will not be able to handle the area for which we take responsibility. This is a bare fact.
I was clearing some words last night, and we thought these definitions were particularly appropriate:
Honour Role (Role of Honour) – Noun a list of people who should be remembered for their brave actions (Cambridge Online Dictionary)
Humanitarian – Adjective concerned with o seeking to promote human welfare. Noun a person who seeks to promote human welfare; a philanthropist (New Cambridge English Dictionary)
Philanthropist –Noun a person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes (New Cambridge English Dictionary)
Generous – Adjective (of a person) showing a readiness to give more of something, especially money, than is strictly necessary or expected. Noun (of a thing) larger or more plentiful than is usual or necessary (New Cambridge English Dictionary)
So, what is it going to take to get our Ideal Org done? It is going to require the generous donations of many people! And the prize is an org from which we can really deliver, of which you will be proud to bring your family, friends and colleagues, and of course an AO just down the road!
How can you help? (I heard you say that!) Donate, donate, donate, and help.
Well I can tell you all, the Joburg North Org will be a watershed Ideal Flop. The fact is that there are only a handful of whales left in Johannesburg that can donate to this new Ideal Morgue. I can name them now but I won’t. Then it’s going to fall onto the only 2 successful families in South Africa to come up with the other R35m out of the total R40m needed. And that is where it is going to go all wrong! And then Cape Town, PE and Durban must still be done, all three of which have about 100 to 150 active public between them and NO whales. That is where the only 2 wealthy families in SA Scn will part with the rest of heir money. Or they are going to get grinded by the mighty midget himself!
Hi you seem “in” have any idea on the indoctronation camp [Summerhill school] run by Sonja Morsehead ?? they swear blind they not “scientology” that woman is a piece of work going back to the ’60’s and has issued Disconnects/SP Declares from what i read in the kotze report into Co$ ….
Hi Greg. No it is not. The Morseheads are old and inactive even though Sonja is the head principal. She only attends exec meetings and is not often seen at the school. There are some Scn kids but they are in the vast minority. The surrounding orgs do to have enough public to fill a school with their kids.
Intresting thx. did not think there would be enoug of em a anon style protest may get a 1/2 a lulz with jozi sad ill have to carry on hekling and lulzing metro ….
I dunno what you are saying. Are you drunk or on drugs?
Not enough i suspect.
Translation …
there is such a tiny and insignificant Scn presence in south africa there is no satisfaction gained from a anonymous style protest.
I get my satisfaction from hekeling and going after johannnesburgs metro.
ps if you do have drugs sharing is caring
From a Jozi boy ….
Jozi is split into 4 the cardinal points E/W/S are lower class to the great N simple as that the Idle mourge is in a real bad location no one would bother going there unless they had too simple as that.
so we need a new one they cant claim defeat/move …. the AO on the hill is the most impractical position its more than 10km from all hotels and has NO TRANSPORT routes near it its off a busy road but is 2km+ up a hill its a joke ….
the other reality is scientology is so discredited here in genral they will not make it … sure there millons of suckers in the country but the minmum wage of +/- 100$ per MONTH puts any thing like this out of there reach … all that will be cleared are there pockets …
This newsletter from Joburg North Ideal Org stupefies me. Maybe I am really dumb but I cannot connect the dots between delivering basic Scientology services such as Student Hat, for example, and an “Ideal” org. I did all my training at ASHO, LA org and AOLA when they were in the crappiest physical condition before and after they were renovated. I appreciated the renovated space but training is training, no matter the style or age of the chair or table you sit at. I keep reading this concept over and over again that GATII, (which in essence is Scientology courses) can only be delivered in an Ideal org environment. All I can ask is, Why do we need a multi-million dollar building in order to train and audit?
I can’t for the life of me come up with a plausible explanation other than this is just a way for the CoS (which is really only David Mestcavige now), wants to accumulate nice real estate, get richer in the process and keep the public’s attention focused off himself with a shell game that really has nothing to do with getting trained or audited as a Scientologist.
Mike, you are busy these days and we all know why. I want to thank you for being busy for us.
I have read all of Tony Ortega’s blog-comments. They are highly valuable. The community acts like an additional and valuable Lawyer. In the comments the spotlight goes from left to right, from up to down, from inside to outside … and then straight into the face of our little Napoleon.
The SP sits there without attracting attention, Ron said. Make sure the spotlight makes DM shine. He has no halo, so he won’t shine by himself.
The Wollersheim case took 22 years, right? Let’s avoid such a fight this time. Wollersheim had no internet community, and he had no Rathbuns or Rinders 😉
Karen de la Carriere, Paulette Cooper and Marc Headley are further soldiers to be considered. But there are many more. You know it much better than I do. Is there any chance to get additional evidence from the Narconon class action? These people might want to contribute as well.
So many questions…. and you are not supposed to answer at the moment. 🙁
But for your pleasure you can at least see how much excited I am.
It is my family that was torn apart. You have no clue how valuable you are in my life. I have hope.
The queen (Monique) is out in the field and is fighting on our front right now. Don’t upset women 😉
Marty must be the king then. Tony and you are the castles. We – the community – are the pawns. Some of us are gone, some of us are still on the chess board. Pawns are important as well 🙂
Many thanks and greetings to all white chess pieces – whoever you are!
Napoleon was a great fighter, but in the end he died in excile.
Bare Faced Messiah, I loved your post. Yes, everything you said is true. We should pull together as a group to win this case, and any help needed is to be communicated so the pawns can contribute to the forward motion. And I think DM will end the way Napoleon did, in exile where his money can’t buy him what he really needs and wants.
Please edit previous post:
Student: They give your you know.
Should be:
Student: They give tours you know.
I was on a photo assignment yesterday a block from the Tampa Org. When I wrapped up I happened to walk by the front of the org a couple minutes before 6 PM. I noticed one solitary person leaving the org who I assumed was a public student based on how she was dressed. As we were standing next to each other at a street corner I turned to her and asked as I looked back at the org, ” What goes on in there?”
Student: You mean the building?
Me: Yes
Student: They give your you know.
Me: But what goes on in there?
Student: You mean the building? Oh, that’s the Church of Scientology.
Me: Scientology? What’s that?
Student: It helps you become more responsible through studying wisdom and knowledge.
I thought her answer was pretty good though rote but as she was giving me her answer she was actually taking several steps away from me and then she said bye and took off. It was broad daylight so I don’t think her security was an issue.
My take on this was that her comfort level was to talk about the building but once the subject was actually Scientology, even though her answer wasn’t bad, she was obviously uncomfortable with doing further dissemination even though I was wide open to being disseminated to. In my 30+ years in Scientology I think it’s fair to say your average Scientologist is uncomfortable disseminating but in this situation, back in the day, I think most Scientologists , even those who were uncomfortable disseminating, would’ve at least make an attempt to get me into the org for a personality test or whatever.
Hurricane season began June 1 and will now run through Nov 30. Clearwater being on the West coast is subject to Gulf Hurricanes as a more direct hit. And there is David, erecting a tent for hurricane season! With that huge motivator flow swirling above him!!!!!!!!!!!
The Pittsburgh City Office, a satellite of Cincy Org, closed last year, and it was a doomed choice from the get go since they put the City Office on the drinking boulevard of Pittsburgh, where college students are interested in other things that Scientology’s out gradient “tech” for spiritual improvement. (It’s out gradient because you are forced to buy way too many books before they let you move from Div 5 to Div 4 courses, and that move means having to go to Cincy, just too big of a drive from Pittsburgh.)
Jeannie Sonnenfeld, none the less, is doing okay at Cincy, I’ve been told, due to her saying “Yes sir” to Miscavige, and then typically in her Jeannie style, she does what she knows works, and she’s kept the Cincy org tone level halfway safe for those that go there, and she won the birthday game, even, this year.
But Scientology just has problems due to bigger things, and those stumbling blocks are systemically almost impossible to deal with. No amount of good Jeannie Sonnenfelds will even “Clear” Cincy.
If I were a new religion scholar, the place to study Scientology’s impact, is in those cities where official Scientology orgs that “won the birthday game” are functioning, and see just how real the impact on people’s lives in those cities those “Ideal Orgs” are being.
Jeannie’s why Cincy won the Birthday Game, not the Ideal Org strategy.
Jeannie has been been on the front lines, back lines, up lines, down lines, for decades. She can deal with raw public and Int execs. She is very generous with people and not very self important. She will do anything it takes though on making compliance to orders. She probably knows more about ins and outs of an organization than anyone else in the Sea Org. Do you know why she got parked in Cincinnati? Because she committed the top sin of a Sea Org member, she got pregnant. Evidence that she is a female! It sickens me that that bully, David Miscavige, that BULLY, who can afford to be “tough” in a group where everyone is obligated to say, “yes sir” and nobody is allowed to fight back, can bully around a woman like Jeannie. What is HIS contribution? ALTER IS. Bullying. Domestic terrorism. Self importance. Obsessions with voyeurism that cost the Church millions of dollars every year. Domestic abuse. Extortion. Emotional blackmail. False reports. Fraud. Embezzlement. Adultery. Tax evasion. False imprisonment. Slavery. Conspiracy to cover up an investigation. Breach of fiduciary trust. Bullying. Assault. Oh well, ……….let’s not harp on it. I can see he is on a motivator flow as big as the state of Texas and he has began to torture himself now.
David’s motivator flow caught on tape!
What you validate grows! Just, everyone take ten minutes a day to validate his motivator flow.
Now that you put it that way, listed out like that, Oracle, Texas may be the only state big enough to handle not only his motivators but his overts too. I vote that it is a perfect venue.
Looks like there will be another “Pee Wee” in Texas soon.
hahaha! “Deep in the heaaaaaaaaart of Texas!”
Glad you liked it. 🙂
Bully Jeanne? I can hardly imagine it!
Brings up a question for me – Where is Jeanne’s brother John Danilovich nowadays?
And good fortune for Jeanne that she IS in an outer org – as far from madness as she can be. She may well have engineered that herself.
I believe he is still the Commanding Officer of AOSH UK, a post he first assumed in about 1996.
Thank you for the info re John.
Oracle, I’d say you just laid down — seemingly off the cuff — the most succinct yet comprehensive indictment I’ve seen of Davie M’s high crimes and misdemeanors. Such a shame, truly, that there’s no functional governing body within COS to take it up and act upon it.
I believe you may be right, Chuck. All I know is that the huge boom of LA Day in the 80’s was because of Jeannie (and Jens) Bogvad (now Sonnenfeld). That place was screamin’ hot! The Latin field flooded the place!
People were coming from other cities all around the country to take services there. THAT was when LA DAY was an ideal org that people DID go to to get trained in on how it should be done.
Just a little history there.
And they actually treated me fairly and kept their promises.
I’m also told that the Los Feliz Mission is expanding. As I understand it, they are moving in to newer, bigger quarters.
They do tend to win the Birthday Game every year – but bear in mind that they are a mission and aren’t strapped to the rack like most Org EDs are today. I’ll try to get you a pic of their new quarters. I know the old building is for lease already.
What is David Sonnenfeld doing these days? Are they still married? Is David still in the SO? WHat is his post if so?
He is in Cincinnati with Jeannie.
I’ve heard some people refer to DM as the “Lord of the Flies.” That might be truer than they know because it seems like the only “people” who are visiting the Idle Orgs are the flies.
But there’s a lot of wings missing because dm pulls them off for fun.
Well Mike,
I can tell you that there is absolutely NO scientology going on anywhere near our little burg.
The greater Spokane area has over 500,000 people and there isn’t one person here with any STATUS.
Even though there are three Class VIII auditors and C/Ss, several Grad V auditors, several Academy auditors…there just ain’t no STATUS, so I guess there ain’t no help, ain’t no donations and ain’t no “scientology.”
Despite our depressing lack of STATUS we have managed to get a few things done that matter to our petty, insignificant and fringe orientated minds.
Over about the last month we’ve completed a graduate Class V Inter, a Class IV C/S, a Solo I (started solo II). We had a grade 0 comp, two grade I comps, two grade II comps, a grade III, a grade IV, a Dianetic Case Completion, a new person through a Book I life repair, another through a comm course, a Supp. Person Rundown and a partridge in a pear tree.
We just didn’t feel like waiting for GAG II to get going.
All that is just from our three staff. Frankie and Mary have a number of OT level comps as well.
Personally I believe the only thing you need to have before you can do is enough skill to get something done.
Les, VVVWD to you and Frankie and Anita and all the others at your place for getting the show on the road! Great stats.
That’s so cool Les! Fantastic work!
Outstanding, Les!
Yay, Les!! You guys are rockin’ up there!!
Hey Mike. What if we get the stats from all of the Indie/Freezone auditors, courserooms, etc. etc. and do a comparison of comps, etc.
I don’t know if it’s a good idea to talk about the areas of delivery too much because we don’t want any OSA webs going up around these good people but you could say, “In the US, XYZ stats over the last 6 months,” etc. Have them by country. Heck, I’ve done some assists. Does that count? 😉
Bravo Les and Anita!!!!!!!!!!! Amen! XXOO
Les, I would like to have a private comm with you to ask about a Scn friend up in your area. What is your email address and I’ll email you?
All your money … was like that 10 years ago, will be like that forever on out until it’s demise. And that demise will come. Who still wants to blow a 100 Grand in Sec Checks and FPRD to determine if you are worthy of the next OT level while having your pockets incessantly picked?
Unless your driveway is paved of gold, the Indie Zone is the only option to move up the bridge.
The first thing that is taught in Engineering School is
“If It’s Not Broken , Don’t Fix It”
D.M. screwed the Pooch in 1982 and it has been
a down hill slide ever after.
Scientology has flat lined on Life support,
smart money say’s PULL THE PLUG
“If It’s Not Broken , Don’t Fix It”
D.M. screwed the Pooch in 1982 and it has been a down hill slide ever after.
Spot-on, Jose. DM broke Scientology, now he wants the public to pay for his screw ups by having them ‘invest’ in a bunch of off base, unworkable solutions. In the meantime, his getaway jet stays gassed up and ready in case he needs to (*ahem*) suddenly depart.
Gotta check to see if TCs hanger door is open at Burbank like it was when the Debbie Cook fiasco was happening.
What? Can’t he just hop on his broom and “depart” like the other bitches, oops I mean witches?
If things ever become too hot and uncomfortable for DM and he decides its time to get out of Dodge, he will voluntarily step down amidst great fanfare, and the shore story will be that he has to go off of the world’s comm lines to an undisclosed location in order to do further research, probably on OT Levels 9, 10 and beyond, something only he is qualified to do, and therefore he must albeit reluctantly hand the reins over to someone else, etc. etc. His power-change will be a noble, historic and very long event in which he is praised and lauded by numerous people. This will be the show of shows, The Event of Events, and attendance by all will be mandatory, and there will be no trouble getting confirms as curiosity will be running very high.
Look, its impossible for me to imagine Him ever stepping down quietly. Personally, I would like to see his leave-taking consist of a brief perp-walk to jail, but that isn’t my picture.
Same fear here 🙁
He must be SP declared before he leaves!
Aquamarine, you’re probably right about how he’ll stage his getaway so that he gets to inflow tons of admiratin and kudos. BUT I am postulating for the perp walk. If we all postulate that, who knows what could happen?
Running like a scared rabbit, trying to stuff everything into one of his cars or the yacht or a borrowed plane from JT, with clothes and women’s shoes and bras flying through the air is the vision I smile at. Like Bugs Bunny’s friend, “Witch Hazel” on his broom, clothes flying around him as he leaves.
Here he is taking off from the base: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzX9iRKrVvU
And then him on the yacht, after blowing. Bwahahahahahahaaaa!
Ok, Jane Doe, my DM perp-walk postulate is conjoined with yours and I’m even fleshing it out, filling in the details…ooh, I am loving how His arresting officers are roughly pushing His head down as they shove Him into the back of their vehicle… Indie8million, that Sunset Boulevard shoop is brilliant. I’ve seen it on Tony O’s blog and it never fails to crack me up.
YOu said it Aquamarine! And if we apply that horrible squirrel reference that we all got in trouble for reading or seeing the DVD on, “The Secret”, we can envision Davie doing the perp walk right into prison. Let’s envision it and postulate it. Loved the shoop from Indie 8 Mill too.
Aqua!! Yes, I saw that this morning and I was nearly literally rolling on the floor laughing!!
My postulates are in agreement with you folks too. If THEY can intend the outcome, so can we…and who might be a little stronger now that we’re not PTS to the little dic-tater tot.
a great name for him: dic-tator-tot
Mike..I was touring in South Africa for many years and I can tell you is just fucking crazy idea they only one suck more money from more people. They know they have some few rich people in South Africa that they can suck more money until they died……
I know they always promote Ideal Org so they can clear the fucking planet….they should make an Ideal Org in Ecuador…..just guess why they dont make that type of promotion…here…because is not much people to suck..thats all.
Anyway…great post……
Seems to me that CofS is simply blowing in the wind, having lost any moral, ethical or spiritual footing. Sad really. Wasn’t always that way. At one time they had creeds, goals, aims and credos. These may have been too idealistic or star-high, but at least it provided a foundation by which the group could align its efforts. With that gone, or supplanted with MEST goals, they have lost any power or authority they once possessed. Now, all they can muster is begging or demands for money; or attempt to generate enthusiasm for the latest squirrelled version of a once powerful technology.
For many current members DM is now their stable datum. DM holds the keys to the kingdom and the fate of Scn, not LRH. And because he is now THE stable datum, he can get away with virtually anything. He can lie, cheat, threaten, abuse, squirrel with impunity.
I truly feel bad for all the auditors and PCs in non “Ideal Orgs” who every day go into session knowing the session will be substandard. You wouldn’t want to make DM wrong by delivering a perfect session in a non “Ideal Org” now would you?
“So why build another one?”
If I may Mike, because it’s more stuff, more MEST, more to have.
It like having a dozen lawyers in the courtroom- more has to be better. More quantity and matter is the equation the Miscavige world runs on.
The Org’s are empty so it’s clear that the answer is to buy more sheetrock, more chairs, more doors, conduit, copper pipe, roofing, paint and maybe most importantly shiny chrome fixtures.
The Org’s are empty but don’t be concerned about people or cognitions, wins, understanding, F/N’s, attendance, demand, VGI’s and most importantly don’t be concerned with what LRH would think or do.
I feel patriotic and I ain’t even Texan
If the church of scientology was a real business, they would have been out of business years ago through bad planning and gross incompetence.
Jo’burg is an Ideal Org.
150km away to the north is Pretoria, ALSO Ideal
So the brains’ trust believes another idle org between the two is the perfect solution.
As for an AO in Africa: there is a building,but it is the ultimate carrot on a stick ploy. The prerequisites for the opening keep changing.
It seems easier to extort money for buildings than it is to train and clear people.
3 ideal orgs and an AO building? Who the hell is still paying into these building fund raisers?
Do you know?
“It seems easier to extort money for buildings than it is to train and clear people”.
It is definitely easier. The reasons being, In my opinion, due to the failed tech delivery purposes of Class V org staffs, and the guilt of public Scientologists who did not or would not join staff or the Sea Org. So DM has given them a way to rekindle their failed purposes and expiate their guilt.
“Just give money or get people to give money. That’s ALL that you idiots need to do. Somehow you just couldn’t or wouldn’t do what LRH said to do in order to go Saint Hill Size, right? OK, so now, everything’s set up so that all we need from you is MONEY. Give money, and give it big, or get others to give big. You can do THAT, can’t you, ‘ya jerks, while COB and a few others work their guts out doing everything else?”
This is what I think IS “the think”.
ITS NOT 150Km its more like 60KM 150Km maybe round trip JHB North is <50Km from pretoria …..
the AO is in JHB Norh btw ….
Need, meet demand.
Is anyone there?
*cricket sounds*
Im going to pass on gag2. I will wait for the sequel, son of gag or revenge of gag!!
GAG2: Electric Boogaloo!
“.I will wait for the sequel, son of gag, or revenge of gag.” That’s funny !
This is my old org. I got this email which went on a bit longer and listed the “humanitarians” and the “new civilization builders” – of which there are about 13 – and which list left my name out. So I replied asking why my name was not on the list. Was it because of the rumors that there is an SP declare on me? I pointed out that no-one has told me about the declare, no-one has shown it to me, and that I heard about it on a via, and all of that is OFF POLICY. Apparently my money is good enough , but not my name.
(If they really think I am an SP, keeping my money is akin to them taking a donation from Big Pharma”, and akin to the US government taking a donation from al qaeda. It would just be WRONG) I suggested they give my donations back or put my name back on the list. I requested that my email be sent to OSA. No response in nearly a week by now.
The target they have is to make another 20 new civilization builders by the end of the month. Wow. Not going to happen.
Was also cleaning out a cupboard this week and found my humanitarian certificate which says on it “For outstanding contribution and dedication to making Johannesburg North Ideal Org a reality and setting the example of what it means to be OT”. Say what? My clear status is revoked, but I get to be OT because i donated money? I wonder what happened to that since I became an SP. On their terms I am an OT SP, who is not Clear. The Radical Church of Scientology is about as clear as mud on these issues.
As Judge Waldrip asked yesterday ” Is it really a church”. (“Ask us…. ask us, Judge, we’ll be happy to explain! Thousands of us will explain”)
Thanks for the background Wendy. As you said earlier, you are grateful to someone who sent you the Debbie Cooke letter. Well, thank yourself again for “coming off” the invention of master mind-controller extraordinaire midget miscavige– that imperceptible weapon of stealth and stupification, the biggest secret ever kept, the “DENY-ALL” chemical additive to the CO$ Kool-Aid. Let’s face it, Wendy, it just
flat out works, and goes on working! Because it has been totally unsuspected, for sooooo long, it has remained overlooked, and thus just “stays in the system.” LOOKING– is the ONLY working antidote!
“LOOKING – is the ONLY working antidote!”
True that.
Hey Wendy, If I were you I’d be happy they took your name off their list of Humanitarians. My name has been taken off the list I was on at my org. If they actually realized that it’s the biggest favor they can do you (instead they think it’s disrespecting you for leaving them) they wouldn’t do that. I say, “thank you for stopping the embarrassment of my name being on that list of complete and utter fools”. Of course, I’d like to take my money back any day of the week. That said I want to add: GOOD FOR YOU on writing to them and pointing out their criminal and fraudulent behavior. The principle DOES count here and they SHOULD keep their promises. You make a great lawyer and a TRUE Humanitarian!!
Buffy, I fully get what you say. I know that it will be a cold day in hell before they will put my name back on the list, and an even colder day in hell before they give me the money back. I am hoping that the person who opens the emails thinks about the logic of it – and the off policy that is going on. I have one eye on litigation, but want to give them an opportunity to respond. Let’s see what happens. If the African orgs would jump ship and go independent they can keep my money with the greatest of pleasure. I have no gripe with anyone locally, but the more I learn of int management, the more I think I should withdraw my earlier support. They use that money to harass and bully. They fair gamed Marty on the pretext of protecting trademarks. What rubbish. One of the trademarks is the double triangle – KRC and ARC. they don’t use either one responsibly.But you know all this 😉
DM has already taken money from Big Pharma. To settle a lawsuit with Eli Lilly in the mid 90s, he took a bit fat pay-off from the drug giant on the basis the Co$ never publicly criticise/attack them ever again. It is believed he admitted being very pleased with the sum during an MV event (if anyone can check and publish that would be awesome!)
Wow. I didn’t even think about that. No WONDER we stopped fighting pharmaceuticals and started busting psychs!
The light just went on. Thanks MWesten.
Wow. I did not know that. To take hush money from one’s stated enemy is even beneath prostitution. Disgusting.
Ouch, oh ouch, that bites! Judge Waldrip is up for some epiphanies as
this court case goes on.
Wow Wendy M. What an irrational mess. You nailed it. Let us know if you get a reply.
This is as twisted as it gets. A cert calling you OT for your complete generosity to their beggars while they work behind your back to unmock you in the group with a rumored declare. Not confronting YOU because they might be asked to return your investment into a parcel of real estate. It is a high crime to have an ARC broken field. Yet, look what has been created! The Orgs do not have to have an ARCxen field, these are created situations through lack of delivery and out ARC.
Hubbard said:
Income comes from:
1. Outflow.
2. Expert handling of people.
3. Book sales.
4. Good affinity, reality and communication with the world.
5. Good service.
David has alter ised this idea to:
Income comes from:
1. Establishing able beggar units.
2. Crushing any ARCXen members.
3. Shifting the burden of delivery onto the public.
4. Deny deny deny. And running Can’t Haves.
5. Getting members to cut their comm lines with the world.
Dead on, Oracle.
That’s exactly it!
Good one Wendy.
OSA should absolutely return your money or include you on the list. If you are in the mood you could open a case of fraud? Maybe? That would be interesting.
Wendy, yes this sounds like you could win a lawsuit, similar to the Garcias on that IAS fraud. Want to go for it?
Thinking about it………
I hope you do sue them. And maybe you’ll get a lawyer take it on contingency which means you don’t pay a dime until you win and then they get a cut of the winnings. I think many lawyers are more willing to go up against the church now that they can see the church and its entities are being sued right and left. You have my support and probably all of the support of the Indie world should you decide to sue. And you have a good case to win!
I just realised this whole GAT2 thing is like rolling out new software. Obviously it requires new hardware, as the old hardware (orgs) cannot run it. GAT2 is like an operating system (admin) with software packages/programs/apps (tech). What I’m wondering is, since this is essentially GAT 2.0, will it really require Ideal Org 2.0? Meaning, will the “old” Ideal Org 1.0 hardware be able to run it, too?
This is nearly as exciting as watching the latest in IT. New and improved around every corner, each one promising to be better than the last and a good reason to ditch the old and whip out your wallet.
My hat is off to DM. GAT 2.0 certainly seems like it includes a lot of bloatware, which obviously necessitates an expensive system to run it.
I think it is about as exciting as watching flies fuck.
I like your channel better, sets guy.
Is it me, or do all these Rcs people sound like they’re in a disassociative fugue state? I heard that on a Criminal Minds episode. It’s like they’re on meds or smoke pot or something. It’s the vague, wishy washy, slippery, mushy brained vibe, that you get from the comms. They’re illogical, contain generalities, connect things that are not connected, are emotionally vague and generally gooey and annoying.
Sort of like the Church’s and Miscavige’s lawyers over the last two days? 😉
Exactly! I rest my case.
I’ll donate! But first I want to know, where has David Miscavige’s family gone? Wife, father, niece, brother ….
The appeal letter to donate, donate, donate is actually just “a leaf blowing in the wind ,” here in the huge financial strain besieging South Africa at the moment. The asshole who parroted out another begging letter for Herr Miscaviccch!!!!! wont even be noticed in the CRATER-sized begging bowls outside practically every citizen’s front door here these days.
God it’s like watching Miscavige blindfoldly strike at a pinata atop a palm tree. Why is his need for money always “straight up and vertical”?? Why is/was he unable to sit tight on the billion dollar slush fund he’s already stolen from people?
Because he’s a complete idiot. I said this on another site, but it makes me aggro when stupidity such as his is met with any degree of success.
Miscavige is a SHITTY ASS criminal. He sucks.
Shit sorry:
*blindfoldedly (oy)
Tell it like it is girl!
Joburg sea org currently comprises of a handful of idiotic, chain-smoking, uneducated, 2nd generation children with no one to beg and reg from but their parents and family. I call that karma. Can only hope these young people wake up & start living a full life with real challenges and attainable happiness!
Delphine are you saying David Miscaviage is a poopy boy? Ha Ha….
From the Urban Dictionary-
1. Poop
Bodily waste of varying color, viscosity, shape, odor and texture. Usually exits the body through your pooper, speed, noise and degree of pain may vary depending on what you ate.
Example sentence…..” Even the soda at Taco Bell makes me poop.”
He acts like it, and crooks all want status. Respect
You don’t give the family business over to the 20-year old kid; ten out of ten he’ll trash it. After you steal it from the wife and kids of the founder. You make him go through a long process of paying dues, educate, fail, learn until they become human beings. It seems that this dude walked in with the help of someone that he goes into the valence of when he gets slap happy.
+1 Flexible Flyer
“It seems that this dude walked in with the help of someone that he goes into the valence of when he gets slap happy.”
It seems to have started with that trip to the hospital for him. “I realized that you aren’t given power, you assume it” is what he came out of the hospital saying, right? Who was with him? Who implanted this guy – or, was he always like this? Can you help us out with this, Ron Miscavige, Sr.?
Either way, he sure seems like a Manchurian Candidate type to me. I’d love to know more about that time period – 76 through 86. Anybody got any good references pertaining to that?
I’ve also seen him in person at events and, watching him, he almost seems resentful to have to spend time and to take pictures and all that with “these people” and can’t wait to get away from them. Smarmy.
I’ve also seen him in person at events and, watching him, he almost seems resentful to have to spend time and to take pictures and all that with “these people” and can’t wait to get away from them. Smarmy.
As someone who occasionally worked in close proximity to this guy for nearly ten years, I can tell you that’s a fact.
+1 Ronnie.
It permeates from his pores.
It reminds me of the faux pas that Howdy Doody did on the air. Rumor has it he thought the mic was off at the end of the show but the engineer hadn’t turned it off yet. He was heard live saying, “That oughtta hold the little bastards.” Bingo.
True story or not, that sounds like something DM would say.
Would love to hear what you were privy to, Ronnie.
Another great post Mike! Keep them rolling – hopefully, some lurkers will wake up and get out of this Organization before the ship sinks! When the Church of Scientology admits to their fair game in a Court of Law and justifies it with “we have a right to” and then proceeds to tell Monique Rathbun to SUE CSI not David Miscavige – well, you know the end is “imminent”!
How about a protest in front of the court house Monday with signs – “David Miscavige must take the stand”!
To all of you that are speaking out and exposing the truth about Scientology – THANK YOU! The truth will set everyone FREE! We love you all and appreciate everything you have done to bring this Cult to its knees!
I agree Stephanie, but why stop there? Once you’ve gotten the monster cult to its knees, let’s just FINISH the job!—- Cut off its HEAD!
I like this bit:
‘Cris sent a message to me after Flag Graduation that said “This is getting to an end…” I am still finding out what that really means!’
Poor sod. His buddy Cris is trying to tell him something here, I think, but the Joburg guy is too dim to hear it.
Well I I can also think of some words that are particularly appropriate to the subject of abandoning production-based Saint Hill sized orgs for this Ideal Org nonsense…
To the ED Joburg News Letter:
I just wanted to thank you for your thorough word-clearing of “Honor Roll”, “humanitarian”, “philanthropist”, and “generous”.
There’s just one other word I think you accidentally forgot to define. It’s from your first sentence: “So, Golden Age of Tech Phase II release is imminent.” Since this same sentence is now being used in ALL Church promo, I thought I’d make the word-clearer’s job a little easier…
Imminent– “likely to happen soon, especially danger, death, etc. It suggests hanging threateningly over a person and about to cause harm.”
[<Latin imminere to overhang < in (over) + minere hang, jut]. (World Book Dictionary)
So, to all those disaffecteds who say that David Miscavige never tells the truth, this will show them!
(The above is absolutely true, by the way. While a few quickie dictionaries shorten the definition to "about to happen", every synonym study and sentence example show it as a negative– ALWAYS. Imminent danger, imminent death, imminent tornadoes, etc.)
(Though personally I'd opt for any of those over the Golden Age of Tech Phase II. But that's just me.)
Off Topic Alert:
HOW am I going to last thru the weekend for Tony O’s amazing New Braunfels updates?
HOW am I going to do this?
Happy Weekend, Guys!
I am so on the same page with you, sister Aquamarine. I have to go out and buy some more popcorn this weekend. haha Those poor folks still in (who won’t be reading the blog) don’t know what they’re missing! Maybe we can share Tony Ortega’s link with them and put “Church of Scientology thrown Under the Bus in Court Case! How can you help??” in the subject line. ROTFL!
I may be wrong but I feel a sense of peace from the Marty/Mosey camp. I know they have a lot to do for the court but their restraining order is in place so they might be feeling peaceful, knowing they have done something about it.
What I would do, if I was Marty, is get out there in his yard and see if he can do any bird hunting in that vacant lot. You never know about a guy his age. Maybe he just can’t tell the difference between a bird and a high-tech, radio controlled, cellularly connected surveillance camera.
That’s what they WANT him to do.
What, Bob? Shoot out the cameras or throw CofS under the bus?
Idiot can’t spell ! it’s honour ROLL, and the guy says he just looked it up on an online dictionary….btw how is donating money “brave”?????
“btw how is donating money “brave”?????”
Because it hurts.
David Miscavige dragged into court in Texas on Friday the 13th. I’m sorry, but that IS a bad omen. Now he has some tent on the way to Clearwater to pitch during hurricane season with a hurricane spewing 60 miles a way. Two New Yorkers willing to fight back. And he requests in court that Mosey sues the Church of Scientology (blames it all on them) and leaves him alone and out of it. Throws the C of S under the bus in Texas. His lawyers INSIST Mosey sue the Church of Scientology! They flub by calling Marty a former employee with current duties to with hold, after claiming in California there are no employees, only volunteers. And meanwhile he is keeping the members busy with objectives, even if they are OT8.
Checkmate. I feel we are watching, his final season. The season of Ingrid, who is waiting, waiting……
Time to throw the book at DM: “The Sociopath Next Door” , by Martha Stout, PhD.
Me thinks “The Sociopath Next Door” , by Martha Stout, PhD. was written to specifically expose David Miscavige for who he is.
Today the witness’ rose up all over the world. The people’s court was in session! He has been judged by his peers.
Remember: ‘Power is assumed!’
What a great summary. Who needs Tony O! (Kidding – he’s doing a sterling job I believe).
Hi Oracle – I have been following Tony O’s account and it is riveting. What an amazing journalist he is! I gather that there is some disappointment about the continuance to October 18, and about the fact that the judge is being very careful. As a lawyer myself (in a different jurisdiction where the laws are different), I just want to say to those who may be feeling deflated, that I don’t see this as disappointing at all.
Firstly, the continuance – Mosey has less to lose than Miscavige – so who will be sweating out the next few weeks when he has the “biggest” event in the “biggest tent” to manage? Miscavige. And who will be wondering about what the public have heard in the press and the news? ….because this story is not going to sit on the “fringe of the internet”. Is he going to have a tent full of admirers? Anyone could cause a disruption anytime.
Secondly – the dismissal of Ray Jeffery as a lawyer. From what I have read on Tony O’s account, the motion brought was vague on what privileged information had been gotten. I don’t know how a judge could make a drastic adverse ruling, in the absence of specifics. But obviously, we don’t know the whole story – just what was reported, but it sounds a bit wishy washy from here. And then as Tony points out, they accuse Marty of saying something false and then revealing it – the judge asked “How is something “false” confidential?” Bwahahahahahaha.
Thirdly, on Miscavige as a defendant or not. He is going to have to sweat this out while we await the ruling. He has way more to lose than Mosey.
Fourthly, On the judge being careful and not giving judgment ex tempore. This is great! A judgment in Mosey’s favour is not NEARLY as good as an UNASSAILABLE (“unappealable”) judgment in her favour. The judge knows that there are many interested parties round the world watching. He has some of the best of the best arguing the case before him – on both sides. He must give a well reasoned, judgment – backed up by case law. This keeps the trial properly on its course and makes it hard to appeal the matter and drag it out further.
This will get dragged out. I agree with Oracle that we all need to be ready to stay the distance with Rathbuns and the Rinders, and to help where and in whatever manner we can. Even if though many may not have a personal interest in the outcome, we all have an interest in the truth coming out.
And to OSA who thinks I am an SP, I have this to say:”If you want to save the church, stop giving power to Miscavige. Re-organise the leadership. Strip back to basics before you wipe yourselves out. Take responsibility for what is happening, and stop blaming imagined SPs for the miserable situation you are in. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY”
Enormous thanks for the Independent legal input Wendy! Always great to read your take.
As this unfolds, and other stories, it is my hope (AND postulate) that we are witnessing the ever increasing dwindling spiral of the demise of the Church of Scientology Int, RTC and DM,
and that some day SOON the correct authorities understand and use the conflicting information regarding the structure of these entities,
so that one day we all witness on national TV the simultaneous raid of the Int base, LA base etc and see the release of the Hole detainees, the handcuffing and arrest of DM and his cronies.
Right behind you on that postulate, Bruce.
As I said before – Axiom 55; “Postulates and live communication, not being MEST and being senior to MEST…”
Sorry – AXIOM 51 not 55.
Excellent post Wendy! I agree with all you so eloquently said. And the fact that the judge has put a stay on it until Oct 18 is OK because during that time I’m sure he will be pouring over legal research so as to be able to uphold whatever he rules on this, so that it cannot be appealed. He is being extra careful because he sees the church has brought the best of the best attorneys that money can buy (15 of them!) and that Mosey also has brought a big heavy hitter in there and he knows the world is watching this case. So he is therefore dotting all his “i’s” and crossing all his “t;s” so that it will not be able to be overturned on appeal. I think this is a good judge who is sharp. I think Davie’s day of reckoning is coming faster than he ever thought possible. And yes we do as an Indie field need to support Mike and Marty with donations if they need it. I mean look at the Headleys. In a very short time, they raised over $40,000 from the Indie field in order to tell the church to stick it on the $40,000 “buy out” that they wanted to do to shut the Headleys up. We have power. Let’s wield it for the real good of our church and the real good of the planet and for real good to triumph over evil! The buck stops here and now. (except if you are donating to Mike and Marty, in which case click the “donate” button!)
Yes ma’am. So true.
We’ve all been working so hard to “Clear the Planet.” Let’s view this as “Clearing Scientology” of a big bad demon circuit. Demon + circuits + a healthy FPRD case + only one = DM
Contributing toward dethroning DM = Reverse IAS donations. 😀
Removing the vampire = priceless.
What your NEW donations buy.
Very spot on an funny Indie 8…. what your NEW donations buy indeed!
Well said Wendy! Thanks for the support! XXOO
+1 on OSA.
YOU guys will be the next that he throws under the bus if this court case keeps going and he actually feels that he will have to appear.
To the people I know in OSA – GET OUT. Get out however you can. Seriously.
On your next dinner break, take the battery out of your cell phone, get in a random cab and get them to take you to the airport. Pay for a ticket in cash. Go to Marty’s or Mike’s – I’m sure they’ll help you get out, stay out and be protected. It is so important that you get out now, before the wrath of DM comes back to California.
And, if you know anyone at the int base that you can trust, ask them to let the mice out of the cage (execs out of the hole) and get them somewhere safe too. They are sitting ducks and are friends of ours. Oh, and keep yourself out of the hole too. Debbie Cook wasn’t lying. You know Debbie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Htn1PauZUYs
You KNOW COB is mean and crazy. You’ve seen it.
Get out before you are sent there because of this current court case. Don’t YOU get thrown under the bus too. He’s already told Monique Rathbun to sue the Church of Scientology instead of him. That’s definitely NOT protecting the Church like he’s supposed to.
Why are you still sitting at the computer? Go! He’s at Flag and distracted. Go now. Yes, you. Go. Now.
How many OSAs have money for a plane ticket. They should maybe walk straight to the police station (so they cannot be as easily coerced to return), and call 1-800-XSEAORG for help?
That’s a good idea too though the police don’t usually have a clue how to keep them safe or the danger they are in for leaving.
A lot of SO guys make extra money from regging for the IAS and by selling books. Or, they could borrow the money from family who want them out of SCN.
Lots of ways to skin a cat, as they say. The bottom line is walking out and truly getting away as fast as possible. The cop shop closest to the Guarantee building is on Wilcox, south of Sunset, I believe.
This may seem a little off topic, but it does relate. There is a reality show on TV that I started watching called “Breaking Amish.” I started watching to find out how these people handle the disconnection, called “shunning” in their religion. So several of the young people left and came to LA where the show put themup in a nice house in Malibu and they filmed their adventures and misadventures. But then they all had to go back home when the lease was up. And they filmed them when they went home. It was heartbreaking because they did shun these young kids, teens and early 20’s. And one boy was such a good kid, so ethical and clean and he went home and his parents wouldn’t let him in and wrote a note an put the note to the window to leave the property. He kept trying to talk to them (he had nowhere else to go) and they called the cops on him and the cops came. It was heartbreaking. These kids don’t have the 1-800 number that the SO and OSA have to call for help. They don’t have a Marty or Mike or any Indies to offer shelter to them while they get on their feet. They don’t even have a high school diploma in many cases, and no skills to get a job with in some cases. I think the Indies and Mike, Marty, Karen, and many other Indies who have helped others escape, are a lifeline for those who will be wising up soon when they see GAT 2 fail and their leader on the witness stand and the truth coming out. I hope the reality show that filmed all this helps these abandoned kids find a safe haven.
Yes. Totally a safe haven Jane D. I’ve watched this evolution since the 80s and, back in that day, no one had anywhere to go or people to talk to much. There was the freezone but computers weren’t as available then so they were pretty much on their own.
It’s a new day. Thank God.
So awful about the Amish kids. I hope the company does help them. It’s weird, isn’t it? They treat the kids like they’re diseased and will infect their people.
Oh wait, that’s the same thing with Corporate Scientologists.
Yes so true. I hope those Amish kids find help. They didn’t even speak out against their church at all. Just wanted a different life and still practiced most of the Amish things and read the bible and kept their noses clean and still they were shunned. God help them.
”If you want to save the church, stop giving power to Miscavige…”
Well stated. I’m going to swipe that and post it at the bottom of my posts from time to time 🙂
I’m going to swipe that tag line and add this too: “if you want to stop DM’s crimes, stop giving energy in the form of money to him. Just stop the donations.”
As long as the hurrican leaves the dogs (who checks out the tent) alone before the event.
OK, that was bad! But you could do like Steve Martin when he broke up with a girl,
saying; “I break with thee, I break with thee” and throw dog poop on DM’s shoes.
“If we have, then we are able to do, but, waaaah, if we don’t have….we can’t do…..and its all up to YOU, so PULEEZ, give us money, so we can DO, PULEEZ, waaa, waaa”.
If I may, I’d like to repeat this off-topic comment once (and only once) only because I believe it is of interest to the community: Narconon International Senior Case Supervisor leaves Church of Scientology
HT – ESMB: http://www.forum.exscn.net/showthread.php?33106-NN-Int-Snr-CS-quot-retires-quot
Original post: http://www.mycandiopinion.com/2013/09/11/bye-bye-miss-scientology-pie/
Thanks a lot for that! Seems that I would know her, but that name is unfamiliar to me. She made a lot of accurate comments, but knows well the real potential benefit of the Narconon program when applied correctly.
“All that is embodied in an Ideal Org is geared towards standard and perfect delivery of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II.”
Did you notice that delivering ***LRH*** tech/training/auditing is being phased out? Now orgs are supposed to be delivering “Golden Age of Tech Phase II.”
It used to be Scientology orgs delivering LRH tech and playing the LRH Birthday Game.
Now it’s Religious Leader Dave’s Ideal Orgs delivering GAT tech (Dave’s invention) and playing the game “to collect money for Dave’s birthday present”.
“How can you help? (I heard you say that!) Donate, donate, donate, and help”
He already answered the question of how you help, which is of course, donate. Then adds “help” again.
He maybe went by MUs on his last night W/Cing he claims was done.