It’s hard to fathom the insanity of Mappin that is apparent in his social media posts (see earlier post about him here).
Is there anyone other than a died-in-the-wool Nazi who would put this on social media? Purebloods???? WTF?
And now he is raving about the fools who have “bought the war narrative lock stock and three smoking brain cells.”
I wonder if he is using the “False Flag Operation” explanation like Alex Jones trotted out after Sandy Hook to explain the video footage that is undeniable of the war being raged in Ukraine?
And another one — the “COVID narrative” has finally been “overthrown,” but everyone has “gone back to sleep” (except Candace Owens) and is buying the bullshit that there is a war in Ukraine.
You have to have an unbelievable level of certainty in your (mistaken) rightness to spew forth this kind on nuttiness.
Unfortunately, this IS something that is characteristic of scientologists. Certainty is cherished in scientology. Hubbard spoke about it often. Scientologists announce it proudly as something they have gained. For the most part, certainty in scientology is nothing of the sort, but instead it’s an instilled conviction that you are right and the “wogs” are all wrong. About anything and everything. You have the only valuable knowledge in the universe and it all comes from L. Ron Hubbard.
This is a recipe for insanity.
John Mappin is the proof in the pudding baked according to the Hubbard recipe.
Pure blood crap was espoused in the USA in the early 20th century by the KKK, Margaret Sanger; eugenicist & Planned Parenthood Founder and others of their ilk. I’ve heard this from Russian fascist types online for a decade or more now.
Not surprised Miss Cabbage & Co. have picked up this banner.
Oh boy, John Mappin.
I have had my own run in with this fellow.
I think it’s relevant to point out the ideas in Scientology doctrine that are parallel or similar to the “pureblood” ideas that various people are spouting off right now.
I admittedly am not an expert on Q Anon or the protocols of the elders of Zion or the claims of Alex Jones and David Icke.
I have at best a slight familiarity with them, so bear with me.
To me it’s important to point out that Scientology HAS doctrine we have likely all seen AFTER we left Scientology but only a very few of us saw while in Scientology.
I am of course talking about the OT VIII Anti Christ Edition.
Here are some of my thoughts on it, taken from a blog post on that reference.
Here is a reported copy of part of one of the at least three versions of OT VIII that have been released. ( some claim a few more but who can say ? )
This is known as the anti Christ version as Hubbard assumes the role he has been subtly building up to at least since Dianetics with this quote about the fictitious reactive mind he himself created as a lie –
This quote is worth noting because Hubbard repeatedly referred to the devil. “If the devil ever existed, then it was none other than he who created the reactive mind”
Ron Hubbard Dianetics
He is covertly boasting and once one has studied his extensive occult (some say Satanic ) background, his subtle lie of saying the devil designed the reactive mind coupled with finding it to be a lie to control and confuse people makes perfect sense. HE assumes the role of devil and creator of the reactive mind !!! both of which are purely his lies and/or delusions !!
“They pick a pc off the street, you see, and they start running them, and this pc gets the idea that he is practically the Prince of Darkness or something of the sort and that it’s all a big plot. They just start asking this person this. This person up to this moment has appeared perfectly a Homo sapiens. And they’re the Prince of Darkness from Venus or someplace, you see, and that there’s a terrible plot out against everybody in Scientology. And everybody had better be very, very careful to put up force screens so that nothing like this can get in. And so I’m going to send him back a letter, “So you say you have some connection with the Prince of Darkness out there and you’re very worried about this. Who do you think I am?”” Ron Hubbard Philadelphia Doctorate Course lectures first tape 1952
Further in OT VIII the antichrist version the following quotes are present:
No doubt you are familiar with the Revelations section of the Bible where various events are predicted. Also mentioned is a brief period of time in which an arch-enemy of Christ, referred to as the anti-Christ, will reign and his opinions will have sway. All this makes for very fantastic, entertaining reading but there is truth in it. This anti-Christ represents the forces of Lucifer (literally, the “light bearers” or “light bringer”), Lucifer being a mythical representation of the forces of enlightenment, the Galactic Confederacy. My mission could be said to fulfill the Biblical promise represented by this brief anti-Christ period. Ron Hubbard OT VIII Series I HCO BULLETIN OF 5 MAY 1980
It is a good joke that the Galactic Confederacy is associated with the Serpent in the Garden, the beast and other emissaries of the “Prince of Darkness”. Yet in certain passages and esoteric interpretations of the Bible (much of which has been taken out and effectively suppressed for centuries) as well as the Cabbalah, the truth reveals itself quite nicely for the clever and the ungullible.
Ron Hubbard OT VIII Series I HCO BULLETIN OF 5 MAY 1980
Hubbard had a long affair with the occult and this is apparent in his affirmations as well. He placed himself as the devil covertly in the book Dianetics in 1950 and then slyly in ambiguous terms as the Prince of Darkness in 1952 then finally overtly as the Prince of Darkness and antichrist figure in 1980. Very interesting and far from the face Scientology shows new members and the outside world.
He is covertly boasting and once one has studied his extensive occult (some say Satanic ) background, his subtle lie of saying the devil designed the reactive mind coupled with finding it to be a lie to control and confuse people makes perfect sense. HE assumes the role of devil and creator of the reactive mind !!! both of which are purely his lies and/or delusions !!
“Some eighty-odd million years ago Earth time (it actually dates at 78,395,042 but dates are a bit superfluous with this material) plans were drawn by a group outside the MEST universe for the eventual takeover of a good portion of this universe. Not a particularly large nor imaginative crew, their exterior perspective, however, gives them considerable advantage over the time-bound beings of the MEST universe. Borrowing from earlier operations such as Helatrobus, they conceived an ongoing implant, some portions of which have been fairly faithfully rendered in parts of the Bible. This implant, laid in by carefully controlled genetic mutation at Incident Two of OT III and periodically reinforced by controlled historic events since then, makes it effectively impossible for beings on the more heavily affected planets such as Earth to become free. It causes progressive genetic “evolution” that gives the subject population greater and greater susceptibility to the telepathic impingement and direction of the controllers. In its final stage the progression becomes almost geometric, and it is this final stage that we are rapidly approaching.
Another aspect of this GE-line implant is that the body becomes in effect a sort of theta trap that kicks in heavily on the being should he attempt to expand his horizons beyond that of pure physical universe reality. There can be temporary key-outs which we have all experienced in varying degrees, but until this area is handled it can honestly be said that there is no hope for continued expansion. The good news is that once this is run out, expansion becomes rather effortless and almost automatic.”
“Without the biogenetic meddling of those who stand outside time (who cannot yet directly influence our world and must work through others) the dwindling spiral is not nearly as automatic and self-perpetuating as it appears. There are regions even in isolated parts of the Milky Way where poets are free to poet and magicians can paint reality with their magic wands and exteriorize without body kickback. But these areas unfortunately are fewer and fewer.”
Ronald Hubbard OT VII
We can see that this reference has the idea of genetic tampering to increase susceptibility to control which I think we can easily see has similar parallels among the ideas of Q Anon and Alex Jones and David Icke.
Many conspiracy theorists are prone to accepting some variation of a claim of genetic engineering to make people more docile and submissive. To my knowledge this is entirely fiction, but that doesn’t stop people who are Scientologists or conspiracy theorists in general from accepting and spreading these ideas.
I have found a sort of Venn diagram of overlapping groups that includes Scientologists, squirrel Scientologists (members of Scientology in good standing who mix in ideas of their own but remain in Scientology, often to get the euphoric experience of auditing or because they hold out hope that if they study enough and get enough auditing they will eventually get the powers promised in Scientology but they mix in whatever appeals to them, including ideas from the occult, other cults, psychics and religions), Freezoners and people who are not Scientologists that includes conspiracy theorists of all stripes.
These groups include people who are followers of Alex Jones, Q Anon, some Trump supporters, flat earthers, holocaust deniers, 911 truthers, the people who use the idea that we like in a matrix somehow (I don’t deny that governments use propaganda and media companies certainly are not scrupulously honest and ethical, but that’s quite far from believing in a worldwide eons long conspiracy to control all our minds with miraculous technology, that is quite a different idea.)
In the middle of the Venn diagram is an overlap and no matter how they got there and what doctrine they follow somehow many of these people end up with a shared belief to a degree that the world is not genuinely as it seems and somehow a hidden knowledge waits to be found. We might call it a mystical knowledge or a hidden scientific truth but in either case the beliefs include a need for an infallible and esoteric hidden knowledge to be revealed and somehow this can for some of these people include an idea that somehow in his taped lectures and writings Ronald Hubbard stumbled upon this subject and tried to plumb its depths and reveal the hidden truth to humanity.
You might say this idea is Scientology 101 and it is a basic belief in Scientology that most Scientologists probably share.
That’s true, Scientologists quite usually believe that Hubbard found a world of people he described as implanted and under a deep hypnosis for eons as they live life after life, forget them thanks to the hypnosis and follow implanted commands to inhabit new baby bodied over and over again without remembering each life, on a sort of eternal repeated cycle.
But the thing to emphasize here is that people who either add other things to Scientology and supplement it extensively integrate their Scientology beliefs with information from other groups like Q Anon and act on this new combination of beliefs or people who never were in Scientology somehow find bits and pieces from Scientology , even the upper levels, and believe this is amazing.
It fits a niche they have pre made for these kind of revelations in their estimation.
Sometimes Freezoners try to get new recruits or frankly customers for their services or even just new peers and friends to have as people to share their ideas with or merely to help them deliver training and auditing among themselves. Lots of auditing requires a partner and can be done for free on a turnabout basis, but you need the partner.
Honestly some people are just lonely and enjoy getting a chance to talk about themselves and auditing can fulfill this for some people. I don’t recommend it personally, as I have a lot of experience in seeing people suffer mental harm from auditing.
So, as Freezoners and even critics of Scientology share Scientology tapes and writings online we get an unintended consequence of conspiracy theorists grabbing onto little snatches of Scientology and seeing it as complimenting their own ideas or filling gaps for them. There is a kind of method of seeing connections where they are not really there in conspiracy theory and a belief that if you find two people who are in agreement that that proves they are both right (if you agree with them).
This involves for example finding pyramids and pyramid like structures around the world and believing this proves aliens made pyramids around the world and disregarding the alternative explanation that people figure out that it is easier to build strong, stable, structures that last with a large base and progressively less wide and deep higher layers and having them centered on the same point.
I used to prepare pallets of products to be shipped out and found that a Christmas tree pattern, wide bottom and progressively smaller higher layers was more stable than the reverse Christmas tree, having narrow objects at the bottom with wider objects stacked higher and higher. In my experience the Christmas tree pattern held up far better than the reverse Christmas tree, which routinely fell over when it was moved or in a truck and on its way.
You might see the idea of a wider lower base in building as one that lots of people in lots of places would discover and that pyramids being built around the world is no proof of alien visitation. Many conspiracy theorists brush aside this simple explanation and see the people who believe it as foolish.
I went through this long example so it is clear how a person, whether a Scientologist or not, could have a mindset that is open to taking a single idea or a few from Hubbard and latching onto it if it fits their assumptions.
You can see how these different people grab on and think they have this right as a common point of wisdom and they may disagree on other details.
I think that the people who believe in different ideas and conspiracy theories feel vindicated by finding others who share any of their beliefs, as if people from different backgrounds sharing their beliefs validates those beliefs.
A textbook example of someone who would normally receive help from the medical profession for mental illness but will not allow himself to do so. As a result, the drift from sanity just grows ever wider……
It is the birds of a feather, flock together, adage.
It is a deserving condemnatory observation about some “prominent” Scientologists. If one catalogued all the rich second gen or third gen Scientologists who were finding their way into the world and who got interested in all sorts of non traditional groups, that would be frightening.
Some people never grow out of their prejudices they ought to have adult educated themselves out of.
I’d say they lacked continued adult education, a person simply has to self educate more and hopefully grow wiser in age.
Some have lives that don’t let them uncondition themselves from their bad ideas.
Rich settled lives of persons who don’t need to more wisely educate themselves is the problem.
I doubt it has anything to do with race as he seems firmly anti-nazi/pro-Putin when it comes to the situation in Ukraine. Like it or not, Ukraine does have a very serious nazi problem. But Mappin is extremely naive to take Putin at his word. As is the guy or gal for taking Zelensky’s. Or Biden’s. Or Johnson’s. There are no good faith actors here. Not by a long shot.
I’ve seen the term “pureblood” used to mean “unjabbed” in some of the more extreme circles. An odd choice of word…but in the context of Hub’s OT8.0 Student Briefing, perhaps not so much. Hub warned of a series of events designed to corrupt human genes, making successive generations increasingly more susceptible to control by our interdimensional captors. If Mappin subscribes to this version of OT8, then it would be safe to assume he believes mRNA vaccines are a part of this sinister plot. He follows Gareth Icke on Twitter, whose father shares a similar belief.
“Pureblood” is a term Qanons use for the unvaccinated. Though it also harkens back to the ugly ideas in which the Qanon movement is based, such a the blood libel claims against Jews in the infamous forged (by Putin’s predecessors) Protocols of the Elders of Zion, or is adjacent to like white supremacism.
I was unfamiliar with the “Protocols . . . ” so I did a search and here’s a brief definition:
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion or The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion is a fabricated antisemitic text purporting to describe a Jewish plan for global domination. The hoax was plagiarized from several earlier sources, some not antisemitic in nature. Wikipedia
Originally published: 1903
Author: Unknown; plagiarised from various authors
Richard, also, the Protocols reflect a history of making charges of blood libel against Jews, or the sacrifice of children; and that in turn is reflected in the contemporary Qanon charge that Hollywood elites (a covert way of referencing Jews, who are believed to predominate) are killing children for their blood products (adenochrome) and satanic purposes.
“Blood libel or ritual murder libel (also blood accusation)[1][2] is an antisemitic canard[3][4][5] which falsely accuses Jews of murdering Christian boys (or other gentiles) in order to use their blood in the performance of religious rituals.[1][2][6] ”
A bit more looking and I came across this short readable article about Zionism, Zion from a Hebrew name for a hill in Jerusalem. (I prefer short summaries)
“Pureblood” is a term Qanons use for the unvaccinated.”
Just wondering if this term used by Qanons would apply solely to the those unvaccinated for Covid.
Or does it apply as well to those unvaccinated for other diseases, i.e, polio, small pox, typhoid fever, yellow fever, scarlet fever, malaria, tetanus – just off the top of my head.
For example, a person who has never received the Covid vaccine but got let’s say, a polio vaccine and a booster back in the day, and then later went into the armed forces where he/she was deployed to various countries for which other vaccines were mandated – but no Covid – would this person still be considered a “Pureblood” in Qanonland?
Aqua, expecting logical consistency from the likes of Qanons is too much. However, from what I can tell their particular bugaboo is the newest vaccines because of the use of DNA technology in creating them, and then the misunderstanding of how that works which in the paranoid and conspiratorial mindset leads to fears of of things like having their own DNA somehow altered.
Aha! Thanks so much for sharing this possible explanation! It makes more sense to me now. Yes, I’ve heard that datum about the Covid vaccine altering DNA. OK, so its the use of (new?) DNA technology in the development of the Covid vaccine that is mistrusted and feared and objected to. The government is using Covid as an excuse to mandate that the population get a vaccine which is purposely designed to alter our DNA! Presumably the purpose of this would be to control us more and better? Never mind, that’s another issue. Ok, got it! Thank you, Peacemaker!
And, Peacemaker, I actually CAN understand the concept of people having this fear and operating on it. When I was much younger I lived for several years in an extremely poor 3rd world country. My father had a business there. The majority of the population were poor, quite poor, uneducated and ignorant. Not unintelligent, just ignorant. They were, and are, very good people. But they were highly suggestible, pretty much marinating in and operating on their own superstitions! What they didn’t know, they invented for themselves. I saw up close how a large mass of people were being manipulated. I saw how vulnerable they were because of their ignorance and superstitions. Appearances possibly to the contrary I am not equating Qanons with the 3rd worlders I knew and observed. There are huge cultural differences. But albeit for different reasons, both groups are highly superstitious and paranoid, taking their information only from a few trusted sources and mistrusting information from anywhere other than these sources. Thanks for reading this Peacemaker and allowing me to work this thru in my head. I appreciate it 🙂
Just a bit of random speculation here, after listening to a bit of Mozart. It occurred to me – non-sequitur – that there is a button on “self-rightness” or “ego” or maybe more accurately, “assertion”. So many composers stumble and make mistakes that Mozart easily corrected, and made music out of confusion. Yet those corrected composers may have walked away “wounded”. And of course, there are overts which none of us have ever committed in which “I am right!!” dominates. It gets interesting running it on others-to-self flows, too.
But there is such a thing as “right”. Or there would be no such thing as “truth” and none of us would even exist. Right or wrong, God Good or God Bad or God Messed Up a Bit, there is an integrity to Creation, and finding it, call it truth or rightness or whatever, brings integrity with Creation, and really, that’s pretty much a lot if not all of what we have, isn’t it? Trying to find out how to live life correctly, believing that there is such, and that it is better than living life incorrectly.
The thing is, it’s often a bit difficult to realize one was “wrong”. Except for me, of course. I have no problem at all with that one. I’ve never been wrong. There may be many variations to rightness, but at the core of it, there is truth, an integrity with Creation.
And all that blather has what to do with John Mappin?
That was Professor Irwin Corey’s message from beyond …
OK. Bye guys. Stay in your own little bubble of delusion with your eyes and ears shut. In your cases, that’s probably a good thing.
You disappoint me. You made some snide remarks and then ran away rather than answering a simple question about what your comment had to do with Mappin.
I would have thought it would have been obvious.
Mr. Miscaviage – you remember him? He is the COB. He controls most of what we say and how we say it. We are not exactly his puppets. But he is the leading voice for the Church and we just try to get what he says straight for all of you Wogs. We just try to translate his speech patterns so that you can understand it most easily. I’m sure you understand the need for that. Don’t you?.
If you have any quesitons, I suggest you ask him directly. I’m sure he will be hapy to answer your questions. He is not terribly shy, you know.
By the way, it is not at all clear to whom you are adressing your remarks. It would be best if you prefaced your remarks with the name of the person to whom you are addressing. In that way, you would be most likely to receive a response from the correct person.
Know what I mean?
Cus – Laughter! Straight got his/her feelings hurt and went away. Thanks for picking up the slack. laughter
C. the G.,
“Mr. Miscaviage”? I nearly choked on my coffee from laughing when I saw that, so the least I can do is thank you for brightening up my morning. As for the rest of the drivel, all I can say is you must be trying for the family size can of beans or you are just an idiot.
Mr. MISCAVIGE (take note of the spelling) will not be pleased with you. So it’s no beans and only half a serving of rice for you.
Come to think of it, I don’t believe you are a $camologist at all, everything you have written does not lend itself to being $camology speak in any way shape or form. You are a cellar dweller troll who pretends, and does it very badly, to be what you aren’t. Now it’s up to you to convince me (and others who comment here) otherwise.
Oh yes, after your egregious spelling error of the pompadoured pickled peanut you compound your mistakes: It’s “happy” and not “hapy”, better go and do a couple of word clearing courses.
As to me not putting a name at the top of my question: Look carefully and you will see a border around his comment and within that border is my comment (also in a box) which means to anyone with more than two brain cells that I am replying to him. Here’s the bit that will excite you no end, when I post this comment it should appear as a box within your comment border. Isn’t that thrilling? So to make you feel super important I will use a shortened version of your current idiotic nom de plume at the the start of my reply. Just in case you have a problem figuring it out –
C = Cus.
the = the.
G = Gog.
I have a different opinion. Cus is a creative troll practicing his/her creative writing skills and kind of funny. In a million years I would never expect someone offer to translate COB’s “speech patterns” so I can understand it most easily. Lol
That’s the internet. No big deal.
I LIKE my bubble of delusion. So there . . .
(fun grade school stuff)
the trolls are breeding………………or mabye its just 1 little troll pretending to be 2 little trolls…….how cute
I, too, hope no one’s buying any of his bullshit. Fool, scientologist, whatever else. I wonder that he can accomplish many of life’s essential chores. I don’t wish him ill, just that he gets what he deserves after promulgating all that BS.
Straight, I believe most people posting here are open to a wide variety of viewpoints. That said, I’ve had trouble understanding your basic points.
Respectfully, may I suggest the Hemingway App?
Hi, Aqua. Since you civilly asked for clarification:
Most people insist on being right. It’s a button, and I think it’s why people get offended (angry) when insulted.
As an example, Mozart could take another composer’s piece, correct mistakes, and improve it without losing the theme. That apparently offended some composers who thought that they were right, the way they wrote it.
Music, as in the rules of harmonies or whatever, is not entirely a matter of “art” nor “taste”. There is a rightness to it, as esoteric as that notion may seem to the non-musician. You don’t just slap a note in because you think it sounds “new and creative”. It has to “work”, something like a replacement part in an engine has to “work”. It has to fit.
In my view of things, there is a rightness to life, regardless of personal opinion. “Everyone knows” the phrase sometimes used to describe a very lucky person, “He must live right!” There is also the long-standing notion of karma. People talk about personal integrity, but isn’t that integrity with Creation? As with knowing music, isn’t there something to know about life?
Some prefer to assert their own rightness, often at the expense of others. That often goes “us / them” even when the issues are foggy at best.
The only cards on the table I saw in the above comments was a reference to the essentials of living. No critic puts forth their personal philosophy, and everything else was just your basic grade school insult (as Richard quipped). I almost asked, “What are the essentials of living?” but I don’t have your tolerance. And I didn’t want to hear “Like … going to the toilet by yourself?!”
There is a button on being made wrong. On the prep-check, there is the item “asserted”. But that’s Scientology, and no one here, apparently, wants to even consider that Scn might be right, because “it’s just wrong!”
Maybe I’m closer to Joyce than to Hemingway, but I hope the above clarifies my thoughts for you.
Straight – This is a daily blog which mostly reiterates the stupidities and lies coming from the CoS and really doesn’t support in depth back and forth conversation.
You might look at this site
(Ex Scientologist Message Board Redux)
It’s mostly anti scn but there are still a few people there who continue pursue parts of scn or at least discuss it in a non hostile manner. Browse the topics or “threads” as they are called and you might find some in which you want to participate. It’s not difficult to sign up and become a “member”.
Now I know why the squirrels have not been able to find nuts for winter storage. Moronic Mappin the Maniacal Mad Hatter has been using them to replace his decreasing suppy of brain cells.
Oh my Gosh!
It is just the height of ignorance to lash out at someone without understanding the meaning of the words they have used.
I suggest you get a dictionary or encyclopedia and look up the term
“Pure Blood”.
Thank you.
Since Mappin literally flies the Qanon flag the definition is likely not a dictionary one, but the one popularly used by that ideological group — just as scientologists use variant definitions unique to that particular in-group.
“Oddly, and with more than a nod to fascism, some anti-vaxxers refer to themselves as ‘pure bloods.’”
and the most prominent recent historical use of the term:
“the Indian caste system, which [the exponent of what has since become known as Esoteric Hitlerism] regarded as the archetype of racial laws intended to govern the segregation of different races and to maintain the pure blood of the fair-complexioned Aryans”
After going down that rabbit-hole, I’ve discovered that “pure blood” is a meaningless term used to demonize anyone different than you. AS IF you’re someone to be emulated rather than pitied.
Mappin is nucking futs and you are a sad ineffectual little troll.
While you’re at it show us the empirical evidence to back up this hilarious bullshit claim –
The Real John Mappin says
March 5, 2022 at 2:06 pm
Mr. Mappin wants you to know that “Pure Blood” refers to Scientologists who have achieved the state of Clear.
Once you achieve Clear, your blood begins a transformation and you become a “Pure Blood”.
Please keep on regailing us with your attempts at being serious.
The narrative sure has moved off the Hubbardian spiritual aspect of life. What ever happened to all those bad little thetans with all that nasty counter intention and wicked motivators? You know that golden time when Dianetics was king and training was 100% of the gains. Just had a chuckle, Solo NOTS – the ‘NOTS’ is actually a transitive, plural verb! Save yourself a stack of cash, your family & friends and many decades of life with that definition.
Has anyone ever sent this creep a WTH? It’s the regges solution to all of man’s immediate problems, so it’s got to be good – well… right?? (Wonder when the bullet proof, kevlar jacketed version is coming out?)
Hubbard’s “spiritual” aspect was basically: “Worship LRH with all your heart, soul, and money.”
When Scientology Certainty replaces your three smoking brain cells, all sanity has left the room. There’s no room to contemplate, and critically think, when your fixed idea mindset is made up.
When that immovably Certain mind loves conspiracies, forget data, forget research, forget educated experts who spend their life on their specialties.
We’ve got Mr. Tonedeaf, PureBlood here. If only he were just a deranged Harry Potter fan. But alas, that wouldn’t account for this level of brain damage.
This Kool-Aid drinking bubble dweller has sunk into the muck and stained the human body politic with shame.
Well said.
And I’ve found yet another Hubbard-induced thought-bomb I need to expel: Absolutely no compassion for those who are debilitated by accepting Hubbards words as “gospel” or are otherwise handicapped by buying into such pseudo-intelligence.
My son-in-law is Ukrainian and came in Italy at the age of 9. He and my daughter and the little girl were there in Ukraine little less than two months ago to visit relatives who are in the west of the country.
The latest phone calls received from those relatives in these two weeks confirm what the media are reporting.
There is an attack from several fronts and there is a war going on for the conquest of the country and civilians are dying.
SCN and Scientologists, instead of collecting donations for books that no one will read while trying to escape the bombs, could either shut up or maybe send that money in humanitarian aid (food and medicine).
No more time for bullshit.
Mr. Mappin wants you to know that “Pure Blood” refers to Scientologists who have achieved the state of Clear.
Once you achieve Clear, your blood begins a transformation and you become a “Pure Blood”.
It has nothing to do with any political affiliation and certainly nothing to do with Nazis.
Shame on you.
I find it highly ridiculous to take a words like pure blood which is associated with nazis, torture, and concentration camps, and plunk it down as a new shiny wonderful title for people who have achieved the state of clear in Scientology.
If I was still in and saw you use this title, I would totally call your a** out for massive tone deafness in not representing me.
But I am no longer in. Yay!
Oh look, Angus McTavish Cus Gox is back. Still unable to come up with an original name as well.
To: The Real John Mappin.
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: Defining ‘clear’.
Kudos to you, John Mappin, for disseminating true principles concerning our glorious tech! Upon attaining the state of Clear the new Clear undergoes a true purification of the bloodstream as all engrams and negative charge have been deleted. I would love to confer upon you the illustrious title of Kha Khan but since you used verbal tech a Freedom Medal will have to suffice.
To:David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: so-called glorious tech.
If the state of Clear is as you describe, how come you’re still a five foot tall midget?
No love at all,
how dare you, he’s 5ft2 😉
Real John Mappin: By that definition, I’m a “pureblood”, but have discovered that Hubbard’s viewpoint was antithetical to survival to the majority of people or other life forms. Its only purpose was to improve HIS survival and enjoyment, not that he could really enjoy life much, seeing as he had to hide continually for the majority of his life, once he got enough money amassed to afford it. Essentially ’59 (st Hill) through the Sea Project skipping from one port to another as needed, then Florida and California, ending up stuck in an old converted bus wasting away on an old ranch for some yearsI suppose the idea was to fire up the bus and skip around the continent whenever things got too hot, but did that old thing even RUN? I’m doubting it, towards the end, or he’d have skedaddled when Mary Sue went to jail for him.
Washington Post came up with an absolute bombshell
Leigh Dundas brought these people into helping finance the convoy
and a big reason why it’s imploding in her face.
and why Leigh was unceremoniously kicked to the curb
Dundas lined up a bunch of shady crooks to hide the money
Prom shore story
BTW her daughter is home-schooled.
her para-legal assistant Maureen Steele Is being billed as an INDEPENDENT organizer
Oh my! You choose to insult people without having any knowledge of what they mean by “Pure Blood”. Why don’t you learn or ask about the meaning before you insult people?
That is just the height of ignorance.
“Pure blood”? Last time that campaign was run, Hitler sought to “purify” humanity, or at least the Aryans by ridding the world of Jews.
Each day we must be thankful that he failed in that endeavor and work together to ensure that it doesn’t happen again.
I wonder what COB thinks of all the nice publicity?
“Show me the Money ” , a simple answer 🤣🤣😂
Zee Moo,
Methinks COB is getting a plate full of PR from scienos-in-good-standing showing the world just what kind of cultish behavior comes from associating with the most whacked out group around. There is Donkey Masterson, Joy Villa, Leigh Dumbass, Grant Cardone, John Mappin et al. For all we know COB is happy with them, their behavior, and their ties with scieno land.
IMO: They are striking evidence of the kind of aberrated behavior that is magnified by swimming in scieno cool-aid.
Purebloods?? Sriusly??? Sounds like Mappin has been reading too much Harry Potter. Next, he’ll be calling wogs “Mudboods”.
I honestly thought this exact thing lol #upthemuggles
I may be knowledgeable on some subjects, but I have to admit ignorance on others. Ignorance isn’t strength.
Les, knowing that you don’t know things, is better than thinking you do know things (or everything) when you don’t actually (and are likely wrong about). Being able to acknowledge ignorance is a strength of sorts, just as is being able to acknowledge being wrong.
Hear hear! Wasn’t it Socrates ( I think) who said that knowing what one does not know is the beginning of wisdom?
Dear Slappin’ Fappin’ Mappin:
Please take your meat-sack and all five of your brain cells to Belarus or Ukraine…and show the world “the truth”…PLEEEEEASE!
Popping popcorn and eagerly awaiting your thetanic comm,
The Arslykan Assassin
Irina Mappin was born and grew up in Kazakhstan
Borat says: stay away
Rick D,
Did Irina grow up on the Plains of Tarashenk?