John Oliver consistently focuses his unique brand of comedy/satire/social commentary on David Miscavige and scientology.
Last week he threw another barb, which you can watch below at the 2 minute mark of his opening segment.
All of last season he included “Where’s Shelly” (in Spanish) in the opening montage of the show, and included numerous references to all things scientology.
In season 5, he did a piece in his final episode that wrapped up his year long secret “advertising campaign” for scientology that he demanded they pay him $650,000… and then ultimately $700,000 for.
For no good reason timing wise other than another recent jab, I wanted to take a moment to recognize and thank John Oliver and his team of writers and producers for staying the course and always keeping David Miscavige and scientology in their thoughts.
If you don’t yet watch the show, please do so.
This sort of exposure and constant reminders of the dangers of scientology would never have happened a decade ago. Scientology is routine fodder today for comedians from Stephen Colbert and Billy Eichner to Chelsea Handler and SNL. Scientology has in this regard, become “mainstream” but I don’t think this is quite what David Miscavige has been striving for all these years.
In 1991 a single anti-sci joke in a John Candy comedy movie script got the director’s house broken into! How times have changed for the better!
Shelley as unfindable as D.B. Cooper, only without the money.
Even I as a “never in” can’t fathom or understand WHY the so called “legal authorities” would take the word of mouth that Shelly M “doesn’t want to be seen or spoken with by those same legal authorities”.
OMG, we could ALL get away with crimes like murder & human captivity if the REST of us were to “hold someone against their will” & be permitted to get away with it by simply stating that the person who is MIA is simply not “wanting to be seen or spoken to”.
There are dozens of people in prison who’ve done the same damn thing & those same people are paying the price by prison confinement.
WHY can’t someone once again at least TRY to file a Missing Person’s Report to find out where Shelly is, or if she is safe from harm or captivity?
YEARS have gone by, & no trace or sight of Shelly M?? NO ONE CONFIRM OR DENY SHELLY IS OK? seriously something is truly rotten here.
Are we to take the word that Shelly is a HERMIT & does not want to been seen or spoke with to confirmation that it is HER DECISION to remain HIDDEN?
We all have heard, read, or possibly seen what happens to people who, well, you know what I mean…disagree, might speak out, stand up against “them”. Followed, tailed, blackballed, photographed, had bad things said about them., , all of those nasty things “they” can come up with.
I get it, maybe she’s off zooming around with XENU on an inter or outer planetary Mission to Save the Universe….or Clear more than our planet.
Is Miscavagie likely to see this? Or does OSA try to keep this type of negative press away from his awareness?
Is religion a comedy or a tragedy?
LRH pops up from a box saying “Smile yoy’re scientology” but too late.
Some laugh and others regard it as the most serious in the world.
Failures exist.
Loved this post.
John Oliver is priceless.
Dynamite new video
Angie Blankenship now lives in Clearwater.
David Miscavige attack dog for years and the I/C of SP Hole.
She knows the crimes. She knows the lies in court.
She says nothing.
Some great Mike Rinder insights.
Go Aaron Go !
Although I cannot reveal my source I have a little story here.
Angie Blankenship working in cahoots with David Miscavige was fed data from Debbie Cook’s personal pc folder. (confesional folder)
Using this very private data, Angie Blankenship wrote a diabolical Email to Debbie Cook which caved Debbie in. It had threats. It had revelations.
Debbie became violently ill on receipt of this and shortly after settled.
Karen de la Carriere: Thank you for your sharing here. To think this is how the top leadership in this “most ethical group on the planet” would treat one of its own top producing, tech and admin trained senior leaders commanding—for at least 17 years—its prize jewel, the Flag Service Organization. No other group pummels and penalizes top producers so well. Debbie Cook is one of the many who has earned a good and peaceful life. Such a damn irony that she, like other execs in the Sea Org, got brought to Int Mgt operations thinking it was a promotion and a reward for long-time outstanding service and meaningful contribution to “the aims of Scientology.” But, no matter, welcome (instead) to a dark malevolent base of operating in a zone (instead) of betrayal most profound. And this practice of extracting things from a person’s preclear folders to use against them—an understandably severe impact, such a violation.
Thank you Peridot.
Well received.
Given what is known about David Miscaviage and the circumstances of his wife’s disappearance, I believe it would be possible to have a court appoint a guardian for Shelley Miscaviage. The guardian would be given the authority to find Shelley and have her mental status evaluated.
It is a simple process that anyone could do without a lawyer. I can’t understand why no one has bothered to do this.
John Oliver actually did a show about guardianship and how easy it is to become one.
Because cannot just become a legal guarding of an adult you have no connection to nor real knowledge of, DESPITE what others may tell you.
I watch John Oliver every Sunday night and have been for years. He is funny AF and very clever. He usually covers whatever absurd or tragic things that have gone on the week before and does it with class. There are also some funny ongoing pieces and then the main story which covers relevant issues to our society (the environment, social justice etc). I highly recommend.
I saw that he was asking “Where’s Shelly” on a recent show. Love it.
On that subject- the police allegedly made contact with Shelly after Leah filed a missing person report. Here is my question though …do the police know for sure that the person that they allegedly made contact with is Shelly? Did the woman that they made contact with show a valid ID to prove she was Shelly? We know people around DM lie for him…so who is to say it wasn’t a woman other than Shelly (pretending to be Shelly and saying she was fine at DM’s direction ) and those present when the police allegedly interviewed her said that was Shelly but maybe it wasn’t.
I am with Leah – I am not convinced Shelly is necessarily OK. I mean if Shelly really was alive and not being held against her will wouldn’t it make sense for Shelly to contact Leah and verify her identity and then tell Leah to leave her alone if that’s what she wants. It doesn’t add up. I agree with John Oliver – where IS Shelly??
Okay. Now I’m laughing. Hilarious.
Xenu next week!
Love Last Week Tonight. Besides screwing Scientology over every so often, he takes on a lot of other horrible social issues.
I’ve watched him mainly on YouTube for awhile and I love how he really puts it to the CO$. The great thing is that he seems to really know what’s going on and isn’t just paying lip service to a controversy like some other outfits in Hollywood who jump on the bandwagon for five seconds then you never hear them mention it again. He’s consistently mentioned “Where’s Shelley?” and he uses terms like “SP” and “Superpower” so he’s fairly well researched the subject. Probably not as much as all of us here but I have a feeling either he or his writers read Mike’s and Ortega’s blogs and have most likely seen ‘Aftermath’ and some of the other docs.
I have long been a fan of John Oliver and have enjoyed his short segments on Scientology.
He also delivered a good kick to the groin of Televangelists.
He founded his own church “Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption”, the purpose being to show us how easy it is to start a church, and some of the highly unethical behavior that a church can lawfully engage in while protected by the First Amendment.
Love it!
That was incredible!
Yes, exactly. He and Rachel Dratch of SNL founded that Church. If he uses the tactics of COS if anyone questions the legitimacy of his religion he can just accuse them of being Nazis and scream “religious persecution!!”
John Oliver, Steve Colbert, Bill Mahar and many others have reduced $cientology to a joke, a punch line and to something to avoid. I love them for it and I really enjoy how the worm has turned. Keeping the ‘Where’s Shelly’ meme going is very important. And all the rest cause great mirth at the cost of $cientology’s ‘reputation’.
Avast, ye OSA minions, to your desks, there to gird your loins with Co$ briefs and dispatch law enforcement forthwith to “handle” this celebrity PTS “menace to society!”
CoB demands retribution or it’s The Hole for the lot o’ you!
O/T. The Carlos Watson Show video and podcast, and related OZY story about Leah Remini and Scientology.
Video — Leah Remini: How I Fought My Way Out of the ‘Cult’ of Scientology to Hollywood Stardom (17 minutes):
The Carlos Watson Show
71.8K subscribers
Premiered 17 hours ago
Actress Leah Remini takes us behind the scenes of her 35 years as a member of what she calls the “cult” of Scientology. Find out what the ‘King of Queens’ star had on her checklist for a husband — and why she asked him about marriage the first time they met. Plus, what does she think the current political climate has in common with life in a cult?
To listen to the full, unedited conversation between Carlos and #LeahRemini, subscribe to the podcast version of the show here:
Full Podcast (58 minutes) — Leah Remini:
OZY story: The Meaning of Leah Remini
Leah Remini: Our divided politics remind me of Scientology.
O/T. Scientology Patron Meritorious Joy Villa appears as a Q Anon supporter in the HBO docuseries “Q: Into the Storm.”
The Michigan Daily: ‘Q: Into the Storm’ uncovers a conspiracy theory like no other
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
“Q: Into the Storm” succeeds in including a wide range of QAnon supporters from parents to celebrities, such as singer Joy Villa.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Villa’s appearance in the docuseries as a Q Anon supporter is also reflected on her IMDb profile under the heading Archive Footage.
That idiot will do ANYTHING and say ANYTHING to get her z-list face in front of a camera. She’s really living by the PT Barnum edicts for life:
“There’s no such things as bad publicity.” (attributed)
“There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.”
I want to add that (as usual) I memorialized the above, including a screenshot, on ESMBR as:
Scientology Patron Meritorious Joy Villa appears as a QAnon supporter in the HBO docuseries “Q: Into the Storm”
The ESMBR thread includes some additional information.
Wow. Yeah I think when miscavige saw it, he reached for another scotch.
Probably also those who donated tons of money for a ‘future amazing dissemination’ when they have seen it as the result and as PR control, went for a double drink.
I’ll take mine tonight to toast this brilliant comedian.What else to say?
Xenu next week!
OMG! I never before realized that John Oliver consistently focuses his unique brand of comedy/satire/social commentary on David Miscavige and scientology. I sure do wish I would have known this. I enjoy his humor and I’m quite certain he would have done a wonderful job on THE TWERP.
Thanks ever so much for telling us, Mike.
Absolutely brilliant!