Somehow this message doesn’t seem to have much impact on the world of scientologists.
How bizarre is this posting on Facebook?
A non-Sea Org member is trying to find someone to “replace” the prospective SO member as an attendant at a car impound lot, earning $535/week. In the real world, you give your notice and leave. In the scientology world (the only place where you are required to find a “replacement”) you would think they would be all in support of someone joining the Sea Org in order to being freedom to the people’s of earth. Apparently not. He can’t just leave! Wow.
And why isn’t Joni Bosserman in the Sea Org herself?
One more example of this low class cult exerting power and control by using fear.
Joni should know better.
It’s the same, even for Scientology staff members. When I signed my Sea Org contract, we worked out a ‘project prepare’ – things that need to happen in order for me to arrive in the SO at Flag. Getting an R-1 religious worker visa, for example, was considered one of the easier things, whereas convincing my non-Scientology parents I had made the right decision was a little more complex. I was on staff at London Org at the time and I was fully expected to recruit and train up a replacement before I’d be allowed to ‘leave my staff contract early’ even though I was doing so to join the Sea Org. Back then, Orgs were desperate to hang on to every staff member they could – and I can only imagine the situation is worse today. The replacement wasn’t allowed to be an existing staff member that could be re-assigned to cover my post.. it had to be a brand new recruit specifically hired to take my job, who was producing to the same standards – before I would be allowed to leave.
I remember way back when in Sydney org when Jan Eastgate’s replacement wanted to leave as her contract had finished (iirc was 2&1/2 years) and she was told she had to replace herself.
Several months later she wrote to ED Int and got a reply back that she didn’t have to as there was no policy for Cl V org staff having to replace themselves.
She bolted out the door very quickly.:)
As a Certified HR Professional, I can confirm that this person has no obligation to find a “replacement” for his or her job functions. Zero in fact.
That includes Scientology organizations.
Having been on staff and having been certified as Exec Status One I can also confirm that the policy is one of an ecclesiastical nature and not a lawful nature.
There is a difference between group rules and the law.
This person is free to do as he or she pleases.
Charles M., PHR
I knew Joni for years when she was an exec at LA Org in the 80s.
The only way this creepy ad makes sense to me is that the Impound is run by scienos. Otherwise it is simply an insane blurb destined for the shredder and then trash.
The rule that when a Scientology staff member at a Class V org joins the Sea Org, he or she has to be replaced on his post in the Class V org before he or she can actually go into the Sea Org – this rule saved my life. I was talked into signing a Sea Org contract and making the commitment to going into the Sea Org after a certain person would replace me on my post. And this person who was supposed to replace me kept on “making it go wrong”, and kept delaying replacing me for months and months, until I finally changed my mind, and that was the end of it. That is the only Scientology rule that I am grateful for.
Just think, you saved yourself from having to dine on untold courses of rice and beans!
Good point. I never thought about the rice & beans aspect of that before. I just thought about how it would have made my life miserable.
Ultimate bait and switch: Sign a billion year contract to help put ethics in on the planet. All too soon, you realize it’s an impossible goal, only to get comm ev’d and routed to the RPF to eat those legendary rice and beans and think to yourself, as you wait to use the communal toilet, ‘What the fuck have I done?!’
Hubbard essentially set himself up as God when he wrote Keeping Scientology Working. Sounds like he couldn’t stand the competition. Sorry Ron, you’re not “Source” by any stretch of the imagination.
The Sea Org is the ultimate extension of that line of thinking, if you can call it that. Anyone foolish enough to buy Hubbard’s bill of goods is one day in for a very rude awakening.
It is bizarre on so many levels. For one thing, the car job doesn’t pay a fortune, but sounds like it would leave much free time on working hours. Sure would beat a seven-day 16-hour-a-day working week for peanuts.
If working for a small business in the real world, one may try to find a replacement. It isn’t compulsory, but not unheard of. Although the one time in my experience that it was for skilled work, my suggested replacement turned out to have been a giant blow-hard, couldn’t do the work.
The Sea-Org recruiting poster has many points of comedy in itself. Her neck appears to be loose in the collar, but that is from photo-trimming. Face likewise, clearly trimmed on the sides.
Scan down below, under the stupid ‘medal’ ribbons, whoever is under the jacket is quite hefty, breasts go a long way down, she should really buy a bra, but by all accounts, that is beyond the means of a Sea Org member.
Cup size would be somewhere in the range D++ to G. Doesn’t at all match the carefully trimmed face and neck.
If you work for a scientologist company this is what will be expected of you if you’ve decided to save the planet.
Generally, if you don’t replace yourself, KRs (knowledge reports) will fly—first by your superior, stating that you’re acting off policy, and then by the recruiter, saying that your boss is stopping a Sea Org action.
If your boss is OT, it will cost him at least 2 intensives of sec check next time he goes to a SO org.
That’s is a rather bizarre twist. I would think it’s an attempt to apply Scientology policy when one leaves a “post”, but this is exactly the kind of story that shows how it doesn’t work in real life. Wow!
This is a new one on me!
I am very well aware of the policy of replacing oneself as a staff member before moving on.
There is policy. But I have never heard of having to replace oneself in a “wog” job, especially one as low grade as this.
When I wanted to leave staff at the end of my contract, I was immediately sent to ethics at the CLO for a very extended period, and I was told that I had to replace myself.
Of course, I could not even look for a replacement while I was in Ethics and away from my Org (I was put onto MEST work), and they would not send me back onto post until I had either replaced myself or signed a new contract.
After some time spent dealing with this nonsense, I left anyhow.
I wonder if it’s a business operating on scientology principles. WISE might not specify it, but I could imagine a business owner who was a CofS member, telling employees they have to go by the org policy that they can’t leave without replacing themselves. And if the boss was someone of high status at the local org, like an OT or the spouse of an executive, a member who was an employee would have to fall in line with what they were told or risk repercussions.