The Queen of the Facebook Police has resurfaced after a period of relative obscurity.
Someone sent this in and it struck me as amusing. Clearly they DO care about what the fleas and lice say… Which is why she posted this on Facebook…
But not to worry as Flourishig and Prospering we are doing a lot of !!!
Her afflictions apparently aren’t limited to fleas and lice, but she also has the “exclamation tic” and the grammar weevils,
You are right JoJo, you should be careful about what you put on the internet.
Thanks for the link to your well written post.
Jo Jo’s mother Gerry and I were on the BC together when I did the so called “Certainty”.
She was pushing sub prime mortgages for some real-estate company back then selling tool sheds and dilapidated condos for a cool half million.
Don’t know what she’s doing now since the market took a dive.
Again you are so right.
Jo Jo seems to be on her own personal mission to put ethics in on this planet.
Poor girl had a total valance shift when she got back on lines. Before that she was just a nice Jewish girl.
Cappy Bill was quite a character.
Also he had a sense of humor self deprecating at times unlike you know who who’s face looks like it’s gonna shatter into a million pieces every time he smiles.
Cappy Bill huh.
Why am I not surprised Mike
Capt Bill when he was CO AOLA in the early 70s had the AO crew dress in outfits like those on the old edition of 0-8 or 8-80 or whatever it was.
Hot poppa suits?
With goggles and everything?
I love that look. It really takes me back to the old days…
Brian, I really get what you’re saying. I can get on board with it all being a dramatization. I’ve always had some trouble with is the whole fight against something thing.
I don’t think you need opposition to get something done. That is Reactive Mind type thinking. (terminal * opposition terminal, ect.)
Just to be clear Ken, I am not stating this dramatization thing is a reality based on Ron’s OT materials.
I am simply making the case that Scientology’s war against it’s real or imagined enemies are given meaning and dimension from Ron’s whole track stories.
Thus psyches need to be fought tooth and nail to “save this sector of the universe”.
Yes Scientology’s “war” is definitely fired by Ron’s descriptions of the Time-track.
Their made-up war.
Life ain’t necessarily so.
Exactly, flyonthewall. Just like images of Marty as a rodent (aka squirrel).
This was supposed to go after Mike’s reply to mine a few entries back. Somehow it ended up here in no mans land:-)
gorillavee, she’s probably saying that because she’s posting in a secret Facebook group — like this one is secret. But many “bad” people have sock FB accounts and post in her group, and then repost the Scientology posters’ Wheeeeee!!!!! wins in various places around the Internet.
I don’t know who you’re getting your data from but Sea Org Members never wore silver boots though they did carry daggers that they drove into the first desk they came to when they were sent on mission for dramatic effect.
Also the image that they were trying to create was that of the Galactic Federation not R6 per se. There was a lot of symbolism involved in their actions back then that were directed to inspiring awe.
Such as being “Fabian”.
Personally I think the biggest mistake Ron made was to give the Sea Org ultimate ethics authority ,the elimination of WW and co-opting the GO which later became OSA.
My opinion which seems to prove out by the actual result.
Capt Bill when he was CO AOLA in the early 70s had the AO crew dress in outfits like those on the old edition of 0-8 or 8-80 or whatever it was.
That was my point remote. This present culture, the planet and all were considered dramatizations by Ron.
The fight against the psyches is really the fight against these evil beings in the now. The war against SPs to a large degree is informed by these stories.
Joseph Campbell has a saying, I paraphrase, “if you want to know what makes a person tick, find the stories they live by.”
Scientologists have the OT and time track stories. These inform their purpose of saving the universe from becoming a black nothing: Ron’s version of eternal damnation.
Saving “this sector” means rehabing OT 3.
I always got the impression when going to Heber’s rah rah events at Lebonon Hall that we were fighting whole track SPs who are incarnated into bankers, governments, journalists and by all means the psyches.
It is Ron’s whole track story that informs the purpose in fighting SPs.
I am sure that with many “still ins” Marty, Mike and the rest have fit into the story of whole track evil as delineated by Ron’s fertile imaginitive powers.
That is my opinion of course.
Hey you’re entitled to your opinion.
Now in my opinion there are malicious groups and individuals at work and have been since the beginning of and they are not just figments of the Ol’man’s imagination.
Here in America there is such a thing as the Military Industrial Complex that Eisenhower warned us of.
Psychiatrists directly involved with the CIA and other Intelligence Agencies in mind control such as Artichoke, Mk Ultra etc.
Corruption in the Banking Industry such as the BCCI Scandal and the more recent melt down of our economy.
Again the CIA cozying up with Nazis after WW II, having links to organized crime and drug pushers.
I mean this is just a random list of actual conspiracies which have been documented to exist.
Not to mention such things as CoIntelPro and Mh/Chaos covered in the Church Committee Report.
Personally I think Ron was years ahead of his time in pointing many of these things out while many of the American public were still slumbering and deluded by their civics lessons.
My opinion.
Remoteviewed wrote:
“Here in America there is such a thing as the Military Industrial Complex that Eisenhower warned us of.”
Excellent point!
And I very much understand what you are saying. I myself have written about Eisenhower’s last address to the American people, where he warned us of this particular conspiracy which is definitely a threat to our civil rights and to our democracy in the United States.
It’s here:
If you study the history of Ancient Greece, for a great example of the first democracy, you’ll see that democracies throughout history have been corrupted by leaders who have learned to scare the shit out of voters and to get them to vote for more appropriations for the companies that contribute to their candidacies, and which create their government’s weapons of war.
The Military Industrial Complex is a very real thing. It arises as a result of an Earth Democracy.
There is no need to go “off-planet” and to get into unreal explanations for what we are seeing right here and now.
Ron’s implant – that everything we are looking at around us is a whole track dramatization of an earlier alien civilization – takes a person out of the real world and into an ideological fantasy-land that Ron could control.
Don’t do that.
Stay right here on Earth with the rest of us.
We need you here.
With respect,
The rat came out of her hole.
My X wife told me in the 60s early seventies, the Sea Org uniforms in Scotland had silver boots and space type clothes. This was to reveal the Sea Org as incarnation of loyal officers.
This entire planet with customs and religions are dramitizations of R6.
Big pharma are the psyches! The whole track psyches.
This is all happening now, fueled by the myths of R6. All now, not 75 million years ago.
Irony Alert:
Because of the internet, society in general is becoming more and more open, tolerant, increasingly aware of other viewpoints and ways of doing things in general, while, concurrent with this, because of the internet, The Church of Scientology is becoming more and more secretive and walled off, a closed group which is becoming increasingly suspicious of, and unwillingness to communicate with, non-Scientologists. And this would not be a big deal except that this is the group that has as its purpose clearing the planet.
Such a cliche but it really blows your mind, y’know?
Thank you Dodo JoJo,
For informing people on the internet that my wife was declared an SP.
You did this in such a crazy way and so off-line and off-policy and as the first ethics gradient (a Facebook declare?) that I had to start taking all these entheta blogs seriously.
Really enlightening. Thank you again for making it clear to me. Keep up the good work !
Please continue demonstrating so clearly through your actions that the Scientology Ethics System has left the building.
Thank you, Dodo JoJo.
The layers of irony are deep in Scientology.
I was out for several years, and then one day I was re-reading KSW 1 to reappraise LRH’s bold superiority/totalitarianism and anti democracy, and I refiled in my brain his bold challenge to let newbies “quit fast” if newbies can’t be shell shocked into good dedicated members!
Hubbard is just so over the top assured he is right, and that the world all through human history has been wrong, that members are pressed to accept Hubbard’s illogical gamesmanship with the world, and carry forth Hubbard’s traditional mental deficiency on each other and the world.
Mike wrote:
She was in the SO back in the 70′s. Was a Commodore’s Messenger for a little. Didnt make the grade, left the SO and has been a but kisser ever since.
I hope you are just engaging in a little button-pushing and J&D here.
Because the Sea Org is where the worst of Hubbard’s brainwashing techniques are applied to Scientologists, and anyone getting out of that operand conditioning Skinner Box – for any reason – is a good thing.
I would think.
But I also think that someone who leaves the SO and then carries on as if they were still IN the SO is about the worst of all worlds….
Yes. That’s true! (:>)
“Don’t post anything … you wouldn’t mind the whole world knowing”
Really JoJo? Are you dealing with absolute morons that you feel the need to say this, or do you just think they are all morons?
Can you imagine hiding from the internet? It is like running from air at this point in our culture.
Scientology has it’s own hands around it’s own throat and blaming SPs.
This “church” is building up such walls to separate from the world it claims to be saving.
One word: insanity
The SP doctrine can take the singular prize for this situation.
Enemies: gave Ron a zing in his step and a swagger in his myth.
I think two realities plague this church:
1) crimes, fraud that it is hiding from the public that goes back to LRH as well, and his need to run and hide.
2) the cosmology of the evil space cabal that fights the loyal officers and the “only hope for man.”
The need to hide and the need to war against imaginary space people.
This church will be the study of how cults work for years to come.
It is on top of the cult food chain.
Not really accurate, the “war” is with psychiatrists and the government and bankers and big pharma, not with imaginary space people. The loyal officers and evil space cabal was 75 million years ago…
Somewhat off topic, but in a random way I discovered that the New York Morgue has a Facebook page now, “New York Ideal Org”, and I’m wondering if this Command Intention.
Whatever completions they’ve got are trumpeted on there. I didn’t notice any mention of Clears made.
Correction: they do have a Clear completion posted up there. They are billing themselves as a Saint Hill Sized org. There’s a picture of Day and Foundation staff standing together, captioned, “Founding Staff”. I counted a total of 47 people. I guess the rest of the non-founding staff don’t rate being on Facebook? Or just maybe, 47 is r all there actually is?
I can tell you that the NY Org, in the old Hotel Martinique, was a hell of a lot bigger back in the 60s than it is now. Sad.
Good to see you here Danny!
Hmmm. The obvious question is: “What in the world wouldn’t you want people to know about?!”
Where your money goes?
Go ahead. Flourish and prosper. You don’t even need a reason.
JoJo, you need to understand the “wog world” has its own version of Fair Game, and that is – if you post a communication on a public forum, it is now in the public domain. It WILL be scrutinized, inspected, dissected, applauded, derided, ridiculed, etc. This is something the church still does not understand. They issue a press release which contains lies, then are appalled that someone has the audacity to expose their deceit. Time to grow up or get out. If the comm level of the internet is just too high for ya, maybe you could find an old Telex machine.
“They issue a press release which contains lies, then are appalled that someone has the audacity to expose their deceit.”
Beautiful, Statpush!
It took 3 hours for anyone to comment on her post, and in those 3 hours there were only 46 likes.
Oh yeah … they’re really flourishing.
“It took 3 hours for anyone to comment on her post, and in those 3 hours there were only 46 likes.
Oh yeah … they’re really flourishing.” And how many of the mere 46 likes are just fake liking it for their own personal PR boost? How many are trying to look “onboard and rabid” to “go along to get along” but are secretly disgusted with what the church is doing? My guess is many. And the fact that out of the thousands of Scns on FB and on that site in particular, only 46 responded. The silence speaks volumes.
At least her mother loves her. I think.
She has a face only a mother could love.
Fleas and lice and beans and rice!
Oh, such gains to be had!
Don’t think twice, it’s all right.
I guess JoJo was referring to Hubbard’s reference where he said ”Even heroes can have lice”.
I guess heroes can have fleas too, you never know. I just hope it’s not bed bugs.
Bedbugs are tough, and persistent.
Apparently from what people have been saying, JoJo, you used to be a nice, theta person at one time before you got hooked on the DM cool aid and started betraying LRH’s tech and your fellow Scientologists.
Anyhow, JoJo, I happen to be on a Beatles video kick this week and this one’s made to order for you:…….
Any relation to Zooey Zawawi?
These people are so close to freedom – just one click away from knowledge. Smack it down, Jojo! It’s “us against them” and dehumanizing your perceived enemies will reinforce your militant zero-sum mentality.
Good Job…..Jo Jo
Ok Jojo, so cut communication, hide and shrink your game because the “bad people” might get you. Sounds like a plan. Since my last comment was well over the 50,000th, and oh my, there are other sites than this one, where people are actually communicating, soooooooo……I think your math is a little bit off. Our 2D is unsuppressed and healthy so as fleas and lice, we tend to multiply rapidly.
Jojo is the primary moderator for the Facebook group “Scientologists”, which was created by David Diaz.
They operate this group with direct permission from OSA. The use the Trademark with permission. As such, in order for the group to stay open they have to not constantly be a pain in OSA’s ass and a source of out-security.
Of note is the fact that it’s the main SCN group on FB and there are only a few thousand people in it.
And yes, Jojo and her mother are two of the best examples that Scientology clearly doesn’t work for everyone.
Jojo uses the fact that she worked with LRH on the ship to somehow justify her irrational conviction of her own rightness in just about everything in life, and her mother Jerrye Albert is about as close to downright crazy as anyone I’ve ever met in Scietology.
Hi Danny. Nice to see you here!
Danny, you hit the nail on the head about JoJO and her mother, Jerrye. I know Jerrye and it is totally true, she’s pretty much crazy. I have not met Jo JO other than received her gestapo emails to me to unfriend someone on FB. If you didn’t unfriend them immediately, you would get at TR 3.
Once just to play with her I asked, “Did you personally read the goldenrod on so and so?” “No” was the answer. I asked how she could ask people to shun someone when she hadn’t even read the goldenrod? I said, “LRH says if it isn’t written it isn’t true, so I won’t be disconnecting if there is no goldenrod.” She said, “Well you can call your local MAA and they can verify it over the phone.” That is such a scam and against the LRH references on how to handle it. When I called, I was just told yes they are on the list of not in good standing. I asked if there was an SP Declare and goldenrod? He didn’t know. Or another on a different person answered my request to read the goldenrod, “There is no Declare out yet.” And he emphasized “yet” to make me comply.
Cindy, why take chances? If a golderod lags behind, what really counts is the INTENTION! And people, especially those higher on the tone scale, recognise intention right away. Often far in advance of the actual declare! Don’t take chances, disconnect immediately.
Besides, if it turns out to be a mistake, you just reconnect and say it was a joke or a mix-up.
But what if it turns out the person is a real honest-to-goodness SP, and you stubbornly refused to disconnect from them, and thus objectively aided their SP intentions and postulates?
Play it safe, Cindy, and be ready to drop anybody at any time. Better safe than sorry.
Yes, and being safe means dropping everything and running for the hills with your ears covered and averting your eyes so that you don’t even look at the dreaded and feared “SP.” So much for the Course, “How to Handle and Shatter Suppression.” Their handle is to run and hide from it and to instill hysteria in all others so that they run in fear too. kind of like spooking a heard of sheep and they all run in fear.
+1 Been there, heard exactly that.
Yes it is one and the same.
Life is hard. It’s even harder if you’re stupid.
JoJo’s such a dingbat. This is her big cause in life now, policing facebook for a stupid cult. Poor girl.
It’s time for another little reminder that no auditing room in the Church of Scientology is totally secure. Whatever is spoken in those rooms will wind up recorded on audio and video and stored in a folder lorded over by a tiny handful of folks with intentions rather different than the person saying them. The solution, of course, is to get the hell out of there, which a lot of people have been doing, and not give a damn about the Church of Scientology, which a lot of people don’t. By virtue of saving thousands of dollars in services you will flourish and prosper.
Should you, for any reason, be a lurker or under the radar or disaffected, just keep in mind not to say anything in those auditing rooms you wouldn’t want David Miscavige knowing, should it come to that.
Indeed, and evidence of such attitudes and beliefs in the church gave legal justification to the Office for the Protection of the Constitution (OPC) to keep the C of S in Germany under surveillance for many years. At the same time, it is highly ironic that, in the 90’s especially, the C of S accused the Germans of actions towards Scientologists that were similar to those taken in the 30’s and 40’s against the Jews and other minorities. So we have the C of S on the one hand claiming to be the victim of such actions, while on the other hand, this is exactly the kind of actions and propaganda it launches against its ex members.
This is priceless! JoJo’s Ass = Grass.
Yes, its true. Our group has intentions different from yours. Thank God.
But, “a tiny handful”? OUR group? Sorry, no. One day you’ll be amazed at how many people out here are postulating the demise of your greedy, conscienceless cult.
Much love,
Cootie Cadet
BlackRob’s thetan in the mirror thread at WWP is really pissing JoJo off.
Yeah, that’s one of the websites run by a “tiny handful of folks” she’s talking about.
They made several attempts to find his socks, all hilariously inadequate.
I guess they finally gave up.
Wait, what happened to the fringe of the internet? Are we mainstream now? (Actually, I’ve always suspected that the entheta sites weren’t the “fringe” of the internet based in part on the glaring lack of midget fetish porn).
Bullseye, Flyonthewall. Think how many levels she
has to transcend to one day realize that one.
Sorry to hear about your fleas and lice, Jojo. Quassia bark is a good old-fashioned herbal cure, it’s natural, organic, green and everything. Or try filling your mattress with wormwood (any Artemisia species).
Jo Jo, just get through your 12 step anger management program
the COB sent you.
No, no, no Jose……she needs to purify and do three hundred something objectives. That’ll fix her.
So… In JoJo’s analogy, if critics are the fleas and lice, is the Church of Scientology some sort of animal or is it an unhygienic human being? Scratchin my head tryina figger this out.
(Please post this rather than my previous comment. Without this part, of course. Thank you.)
That is priceless to see it here. I noticed that the poor woman Rena, who could feel the bacteria on her skin and spiders in her hair is one of her companions.
But I don’t know if I’m a flea or a louse. Maybe I’m a flouse.
Mike, is this the Jojo who plays piano and used to be on the Apollo and her mom is named Jerry Albert or something like that?
Yes, MJ. Exactly.
Jojo, go back to practicing your piano, dig deep into your soul and give us what’s truly yours.
You can scratch all you want Jojo, we will still be here long after your reality implodes.
i seem to remember another group, Germany 1930-40’s, referring to another group of human beings as fleas and lice. I don’t like being called a flea or a louse. It feels like an attempt to dehumanize me thus making it easier to eliminate me quietly and without sorrow. Didn’t this same group also think of themselves as supermen, the next, higher evolution of man? Hmm, kind of like a homo novis right? So JoJo and co, you are the homo novi and we are just lice and fleas huh? Well, why don’t you open up a history book and read about what happened to the last group of people with a similar worldview as yourselves?
Brilliant comment flyonthewall!
Exactly, flyonthewal. I have a personal believe that little Davey has studied the techniques of the Nazis and the Illuminati to figure out how to suppress people. Maybe even Caligula. Same MO.
Dave The Manipulator.
Tiny handful is a good one:)
LOL. I don’t care to know how good, but tiny for sure.
This is too funny.
Jojo…if it’s such a tiny handful of folks, then why even bother announcing it to everyone? Apparently you DO give a damn!
Who the devil IS this person?
She was in the SO back in the 70’s. Was a Commodore’s Messenger for a little. Didnt make the grade, left the SO and has been a but kisser ever since. Her name then was JoJo Albert. She has a brother, Peter, who was at Gold for some time, also left the SO but apparently butt kissing isn’t genetic in the Albert family.
Oh yes I knew her, we used to hang out – a sweet girl. Too bad she’s drowning in the kool-aid. Get back Jojo!
Her mother, recent OT VII completion, is a butt kisser KA drinker with fake over the top Great indicators that she puts on all the time.
Thanks, Mike, for the explanation. Even back in the 70s I’d never heard of her. Only the internet made that possible.
Her stated claim to fame is that she was on the ship when she was 14. Apparently, according to her, at that time, Ron made some very positive comments about how she was one of the best auditors on the ship.
I guess that’s why she thinks she has special privileges. She is the Queen Bee OSAbot. Too stupid and egotistical to realize that OSA doesn’t want anyone to say that they are DOING something FOR OSA so she’s always bragging on people’s newsline that she’s doing something because she is condoned by OSA.
People think she’s really nice, but she’s not. She is definitely a facebook Nazi. If you don’t do what she says, you’re OUT!
She’ll never get out because, being an OSA informant defines her and gives her overweight carcass an elevated status. Giving her the benefit of the doubt, surely she thinks that she is defending the “old Scientology” in loyalty to Ron. If she had any clue what COB is actually doing, she’d unleash her Nazi on him. But she’ll never listen. Maybe SHE is the tick or flea?
Read the comments here. Use Ctrl plus F to find her name in the comments.
Scratch, scratch scratch.
they definitely read the post about spider lady.
What about the big fat blood-sucking tics?
Well I’m just happy as a tick Jo Jo. Get back Jo Jo, back to what you were doing before your lice showed up.
Jojo was a bot who thought she was in ethics
Worshipped Dave on bended knee
Jojo was at home wherever duty called her
Just to help the Facebook police
Get back, get back
Get back to where you once belonged
Get back, get back
Get back to where you once belonged
Get back Jojo
Go home
Thanks Jojo.
But if $cientology is the ONLY answer. ….. Shouldn’t they be PROUD to announce it to the world?
Regardless of any joking and degrading some other sites may do
Fleas and lice and exclamation ticks, oh my!
Mirror mirror on the wall
who is the rabidest of them all?
Answer: JoJo and her mother.
Jojo, you left out bacteria.
And most importantly, virus.
This just cuts their comm. lines and will keep their reality inhibited to the existent world; more enclosed, more individuation, more unreality. Maybe that is why they don’t like or have affinity for the lice.
Thanks Jojo.