Typical of STAND League, they have a headline intended to create the impression they are fighting for human rights.
But read what they say and it is clear that “free speech” only applies when the speech is something they approve of.
And their “responsibility” level for truth and honesty in their “journalism” is dictated entirely by what is good for scientology.
Jim Kalergis is very long-term koolaid drinker. One of the most well-known scientology FSMs and “Field Auditors” in Los Angeles.
He proclaims, with the assume moral superiority so common to fundamentalist scientologists:
I don’t believe those in our press corps are one-for-one malicious by nature, although no doubt some few are. I do believe many in the news and information business have betrayed their responsibility to their audience, and the betrayal has made them unable to see clearly.
No college kid wakes up one morning and decides he wants to be a dishonest reporter. I’m quite sure most that set out on that career path do so with noble intentions. So where do they go “bad”? I believe it’s when they do bad things in a misguided effort to solve problems.
Of course, no college kid wakes up one morning and decides he wants to join a cult and practice Fair Game on those the cult deems “enemies.”
Some groups and their members are seen by editors as “safe targets.” Exposés and the rants of professional haters are passed off as news and commentary. Too often, people of faith have found themselves targeted by such programming.
Personally, I’ve had it with the ongoing mischaracterizations of my religion, Scientology.
So, he now comes to the real point. Scientology is a “safe target” for “rants of professional haters.” Without citing a single example, he asserts that scientology is being maligned by lies. It’s no wonder he cites nothing to support his contention — the vast majority of things said about scientology he doesn’t like are the words of former scientologists who recount their personal experiences. Hardly “professional haters.”
The only people I know who are professional haters are scientologists who are told that anyone the organization deems to be a suppressive person is to be destroyed. They can be tricked, lied to or even shot with a .45 caliber pistol. They have NO rights. And every good scientologist is 100% on board with this policy.
I call Scientology a hate group. It’s what they truly are. That is probably the most accurate description of what they really are.
The hate websites, Freedom mag, STAND and all the policies etc is what woke me up and finally enable me to break free from the hypnosis in the end.
A remarkable difference between Scientology and Mormonism is shown by how Mormons deal with public critics like the Tanners, who could still make a living in Salt Lake City despite their rejection and refutation of Mormonism, even being given some (grudging) respect:
That alone is sufficient evidence that not all religions or even “cults” are the same.
Jim Kalergis, OT 8 has long since been a long term OSA operative.
For some years he posted as
He was outed and might have dropped that ID subsequently.
Jim Kalergis: Screenwriter? Yeah, sure…
Known for: Imagine That.
No cast. Nothing. In development, which could mean that it has been lingering for years and will continue that way for years and years and…
He’s another nothing and nobody outside of $camology.
I was listening to the podcast on spotify then suddenly it stopped playing. Tried a podcast from someone else and it played. Tried your podcast on other platforms and it is not working. What is happening? Is it still possible to listen to it?
Professional haters? Nah, more like, professional debaters!
I had it with Scientology’s mischaracterization too. Hubbard was inadequate, and he made rules not to properly allow the secret exorcism (surplus souls without bodies but with damaged soul minds, and these surplus souls infest all humans today) be explained simply.
Scientology is a karma repair multi lifetimes therapy/exorcism practice.
Were Hubbard’s administrative and theory rules for membership not so controversial and abusive, and if Scientology were to just tell it like their soul beliefs are, then they’d get better reception.
No one in Scientology, all my years in it, and all my years out, has been able to give a better neutral definition that is descriptive and understandable and relatable to other soul beliefs, than what I worked out for myself.
Scientology is a therapy for our multi lives karma trauma, and then there is the whole 5 levels of exorcism to rid each of us of our surplus souls infestations, and supposedly we lose all the trauma our surplus souls were leaking into us, even after we each were “Clear” of our own personal karma trauma past life soul baggage.
Xenu dumped the surplus souls onto earth that infest all humans, and these surplus souls supposedly leak the R6 implants into everyone’s minds, so even when we each get Clear, we still need to do the Hubbard OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism steps to rid ourselves of our “body-thetans” (the surplus souls Xenu implanted with the R6 implants and which infest all who haven’t done the OT levels 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7).
If Scientology stopped all their controversial and abusive practices on their followers and their “enemies” and if Scientology just told their beliefs straight, they’d at least stop being feared and hated.
Professional haters, that’s so rich.
An obvious slam on you all, Tony, the bloggers etc, supposedly making a living slamming the cult….
When all that’s left of said cult is a dwindling circle of old people regging each other for donos to get commissions and gaudy statues and buildings.
“Come to my seminar and I’ll tell you how to apply LRH to boom your org and make a grand living like me!”.
Eat your friends.
Sharks gotta shark.
scientology has no concept of true ethics and decency, and even logic has taken a ride down the rabbit hole. Ethics has been redefined as “following orders” and each action, above all, must benefit scientology since it’s “for the greater good”. It’s so sad that we all fell for that load of manure, made it “our own”, even. That doesn’t mean that I now accept it as true or that I won’t protest it when I notice it. I wish I could help re-introduce numbers of scns to the real world and out of the bubble of unreality which is scientology. I “get” that it’s scary at first, but as I sloughed off layer after layer of the bovine-derived fertilizer, life got amazingly more rewarding and happy for me. Some of the special sea Org rules were particularly valuable to “as-is” and banish. Oh MY, as I mentally review the “stuff” in Mary Sue’s instructions for wives in the “Marriage” booklet in light of Ron’s statements on a “woman’s place”. You won’t see MY wife being so subservient unless she’s feeling like role-playing it playfully in that moment moment, and I work hard to ensure that every day, not just during our “annual honeymoons”, she feels a bit like a cherished bride because she IS. We’re in the midst of our 30th honeymoon this weekend and it’s great. At a minimum, there are NO “stats”, and no snitching culture which always had me feeling a bit guilty about SOMEthing or other! maybe it was something I did or didn’t do, or enjoying something “too much”. I now know I was often on the edge of a panic attack, which is yet ANOTHER common mental problem Ron refused to directly address like depression. It’s strange he didn’t address depression since he suffered from it so much. So WHAT if you have a PTP of a bout of depression or nervousness? Pull yourself up and ignore it. Can’t even talk to anyone about it out of session even though getting it off your chest to a friendly ear is SO common and so useful in the real world. Naaawh! It’s gotta be official, “on the clock” so you can be billed for it later when you graduate to the real world again.
This is ironic because for years Jim Kalergis was disaffected from the church. He was sick of being ordered back onto OT VII over and over again. He was the first OT VII completion in the world. I went to his speech about that. But as the years and decades went on, Miscavige would order (yes order) completed OT VIII’s and OTS VII’s back onto the level. It was oh, we found this in LRH’s notes when cleaning out his space or we found this in his pc folders, on and on. In reality it was a way to generate more GI for Flag and DM. Get them auditing and paying for it and paying for six months checks and paying to sit in front of the IAS registrars to get more donations out of them. Jim would have none of it. But they must have recovered him cuz here he is picking up the gauntlet.
Happy Memorial Day to Mike and all the commenters on this blog. Remember especially our military and first responder deceased who gave their lives to keep us safe and free! Let us…
Hold on. Comm particle coming in.
Ah, no. Not HIM!
To: Alcoboy
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: observing Memorial Day.
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: ding dong the witch is dead
That’s the song we’ll be singing on the Memorial Day after you take off for Target Two!
How about them apples?,
No love at all,
I’m afraid I have to agree with Alcoboy. (Maybe I’m just being a former member of the Armed Forces.)
As a veteran myself, I welcome your agreement and thank you for your service.
That’s right, Mike. The noodle-ly pretzel trap of being in Scientology is that one is simultaneously fed “A) YOU ARE IN THE GREATEST GOOD IN THE WORLD!” and “B) YOU WILL BE PUNISHED, POSSIBLY PERMANENTLY KICKED OUT, IF YOU VIEW ANY INFORMATION CONTRARY TO POINT A!”
Getting out is humbling because to remain “in” one had to steadily concede to Point B, so then you are MISSING what is and has been truly going on.
This poor, misguided gentleman—if he is like most any of us while we were in, he does not comprehend, nor does he allow space for the existence of realities contrary to Point A.
Man, this is so sad. I admire the many times throughout the “Aftermath” series where Leah and you state, “Scientology officials, you have a place here. Come on the program, tell your side.” They were steadily invited to discuss and/or counter the factual accounts covered in “Aftermath” episodes, but they just can’t seem to find their way to a fully honest dialogue.
Funny, like you sometimes point out, Mike: Their “confront” is pretty low, despite the multiple times one is pushed to learn and drill the material of the Potential Trouble Source/Suppression Person: How to Confront & Shatter Suppression course.
One day, Jim Kalergis’s chickens will come home to roost, and this community will be here to support him. The path out, while bloody alarming, is worth it. Jim, it’s time for a head out of your ass extraction, for anybody doing these goofy “STAND League” posts. The entire effort smells. It is victim-y and whiney, which based on Scientology’s own teachings is LOW-toned. If they bought into The Tone Scale, they would know operating low on The Tone Scale is key to non-success.
As you sow, so shall you reap.
I guess they have to “protect themselves” at any cost.
Me thinks they are getting desperate.
Scientology could write a checksheet on how best to say only what the group approves of you to say, how best to see, read or hear only what the group approves of you to see, read or hear and how best to build barriers around your own mind and thoughts so as not to stray off the beaten path of scientology’s philosophy.
Oh wait! They did write the checksheet(s) for that. It starts the day one receives the “Welcome Aboard” letter which they will usually get the day they start their first service. Yes! Welcome Aboard their ship into Hell.
An honest member of the STAND League?
That would be amazing.