Aaron Smith-Levin found this FB post from Joy Villa and released it to the world. Jeffrey Augustine then put it on his blog.
Both made the point that until the end of the Trump Presidency, Joy was seeking to curry favor with the MAGA crowd by proclaiming herself a Christian, and downplaying any involvement in scientology.
Now that wave has passed, and she is apparently refocusing her energies to climbing the scientology social ladder again as a “born-again” true believer in the power of Source rather than Jesus. Her marriage to wealthy scientologist Thorsten von Overgaard ended almost as fast as it got going, but not before she had gotten him to buy her some IAS statuses and some scientology auditing it seems.
I want to focus on the list of things Joy offers for her “Ideal 2D.” She is a wingnut. And obviously an opportunist who has never seen anything that mentions her name that she doesn’t like. But her list is something that a lot of scientologists would agree with and understand and it is some interesting insight into the world of scientology.
First item on the list is classic scientology. Has the strong intention to Clear the Planet.
Nothing is more important in a marriage than this for the good scientologist. Forget compatibility or shared interests. Love. Scientology dominates any relationship and she is making that clear from the outset.
Makes over 100k per year. Totally brazen. She needs a sugar-daddy. Every scientologists, in order to continue to rise in statuses must have a source of money to spend on scientology. Her grand claims of musical talent and celebrity were based exclusively on the fact she wore a pro-Trump dress. It made her a darling of the MAGA crowd and she knew how to ride that. But without the exposure of right-wing media and Trump family shout-outs, she is a nobody. And she adds to this: takes pride in becoming a husband and provider. No equal footing here. You want to snag me as your trophy wife, I expect you to be providing for me.
And finally, the Ideal Husband needs to be highly respected and regarded as upstat in our group. She would not want to be attached to anyone who hinders her social climbing abilities within scientology. Yuk.
Pity the next man she draws into her web. Maybe a South African seeking to leave the country? She forgot to make it clear on her list that she is an American citizen…
Just in case anyone was wondering about her Billboard Chart claims, here is what Billboard has to say. Her second album didn’t register on anything anywhere:
PS: Maybe someone can alert Joy to this post. She blocked me on Twitter. Seems to be the go-to move for scientologists even when they have done the How to Confront and Shatter Suppression course one or more times.
The Tech is working Joy! You’re at 714 Spotify subscribers!!
But this is the complete opposite of a Non E formula.
Also, her “About Me” refers only to her multiple church statuses. It says nothing about her whatsoever other than her love of social hierarchy (a trait linked to sociopathy and authoritarianism – ref social dominance theory/SDO).
I wonder if entertainment media will pick up on the story. There could be some interesting headlines and clickbait.
does Scientology have its own tinder now hahahahaha this is too much (and that list of expectations, good luck with that haha)
They did actually have a dating site a while back. I think it was called http://www.ThetaDating.com. It’s not active now. And, of course, you could only choose ‘man seeking woman’ or ‘woman seeking man’, not ‘woman seeking woman’ or ‘man seeking man’.
lol I remember way back in the pre-www days there was a dating classified ad service called The Affinity Exchange. It made for some very funny and clammy reading, with stuff like “NO OUT-2D!!!!!” “UPSTAT ONLY!!!!” and crazy shit like that.
Joy Villa…..COS version of Kim Kardashian……look at ME…..look at ME….look at ME…….
Why else dress so inappropriately & outlandishly…………..she is an embarrassment to herself & COS, but she’s a ” Celebrity in her own mind”…………….
I’ve never heard of her until pretty much a year ago…..she looks like she’s wearing Halloween Costumes & enjoys flaunting her body as does Kim Kardashian.
So sad that she truly thinks ……………………well…..you get my drift
A wingnut? I don’t think so. That is far too easy and simplistic.
After looking at her unbelievable ugly, stupid and crazy shit, I would use the word “unhinged” to describe her.
But she really is the female version of a “dingbat” member of this cult. She will sell her body and soul to the highest bidder and in return ….
She will give the winner the biggest headache and the most misery he has ever imagined. I would prefer to “life partner” with a big bag of garbage than this wingding dingbat douchebag. The only decision would be which one would smell worse.
Dear Joy,
Here is my 2D Non E:
I am looking for a woman who is seeking an ethical 2D. She must have the ability to shag like a rabbit until midnight, then turn into a 4 pack and a corned beef sandwich.
Do you qualify?
Sounds about all I need these days
I just literally laughed out loud at this!!
All I can say is this: when you find that person, could you please ask if they have a brother?
That is funny . I loved it . Thanks for a good laugh.
She requires that her “soulmate” only earn $100k a year!!!
Honey you’re selling yourself short, start raising your price!!!
I was shocked by that 100K figure also. No self respecting upstat female Scientologist would settle for a man with 100K.
But then I realized: brave bold demands aside, this is a desperate woman. She MUST marry a Scientologist and MOST Scientologists are broke. So she’s casting a WIDE net. I’d say her REAL requirements are far more limited and modest.
If she were honest, her most important requirement of a man with whom she’s having a relationship would be:
* “Able to actually stand me 50% of the time.”
Dear Joy: In response to your non-E for the 2-D, I regret to inform you that you will not find any man in the Scientology Organization that will duplicate that very upstat and high tone list of requirements. Scientology disables the able. They ALL smoke cuz El RON told em it restimulated a volcano hence the image on the Dianetics book.
You know the Xenu story. Oh, and Smoking cures cancer according to RON.
The majority of Scientologists are “low toners”. Robots who can’t think for themselves.
99.999999% are financially ruined and in deep, deep debt.
Unethical, out of shape zealots who eat ramen noodles and sleep in flop houses, sell rugs and bed sheets on street corners. Losers.
Behind there social facade are beings who are 1.1 or lower on the tone scale.
Regraded and Degraded beings who can’t think for themselves.
May we suggest the Mormon Cult to find your 2-D.
The members don’t get canabilized by the Mormon Organization. Many are allowed to prosper and flourish. Many have excellent singing and dancing talents. More suited for you, lovely Joy Villa.
May you open your eyes, go down the rabbit hole and LOOK.
I met you at a Trump rally.
You are a lovely person whose life in grave danger. I hope you get out.
Marie Osmond is still “hot”.
And always will be.
I’m not on Twitter. Do I need to join in order to propose?
Probably a good idea. But get in quick before she blocks you….
Thanks. I’ll get right on it. Joy will appreciate a public proposal.
It could turn into a new Twitter phenomenon similar to one of those “Bachelor” type tv shows with people like myself competing to be chosen. Wow! I hope I stay on the list.
Joy Villa’s list posts every mental, emotional, physical and spiritual need a woman might ever seek from a man/woman marital relationship.
I’m not a man so those who are here, correct me if I’m wrong, please:
I’ve been told that men are highly visual and as such decide pretty much right away what, if anything, they want from a woman, and that this decision, if they don’t know her, is highly influenced by what they immediately see.
Now, its obvious from what she writes that Joy Villa seeks a highly fulfilling, lasting relationship in the form of marriage and life commitment to an upstat, wealthy, highly aware and evolved male scientologist – a long term relationship satisfying not only on the physical but on the mental, emotional and spiritual planes. Effectively, with her long list, this is what she is SAYING she wants.
But then, with those photos in those cut out dresses, she’s making an altogether different statement, isn’t she? And not at all the statement of a woman seeking to be the beloved and cherished partner of a man who is looking for the perfect wife.
Again, I’m not a man, and I’ve never considered myself a prude, but those photos she’s put out there if you’ll pardon the pun – to me they communicate a woman who is not promoting herself as a lifelong, stable partner but instead saying – shouting, actually, “Hey! Here I am! Your piece of ass for the nite!”
Its interesting to me.
Scientologist or no, would a single, looking to settle down, comfortably off, decent, highly evolved and sensitive man – the kind of man Joy Villa says she very much needs and wants, the kind of man she’s actually insisting upon – would such a man who would make a loving, faithful husband and father look at these photos of her and say, “Yes! I’ve found her! THIS is my future wife!”…?
Or, more likely, would such a male Scientologist read her bio and be so impressed and then see the cut out dress photos and say, “Wow, she’s so upstat Scientologically and at the same time look at THIS…a hot ticket”…etc.,etc.
Dear Aqua,
I’m male and sorta meet a few of the attributes you and joy wrote. I did not coin the term but; Joy Villa is a weaponized vagina
OMG…laughter! Thank you for this laugh – I really needed it.
That is what she is alright!
OMG, I’ll have to steal this phrase
Kind of scary, in a way. But then, maybe some men like that. I wouldn’t know
Aqua. You are correct. She is talking about that kind of weird and grotesque relationships one can find only in scn. Nothing you usually find outside.
Now lets say she gets 10 answers. Then they will be called in for a selection? So romantic, isnt?
Normally 2 persons meet, they start knowing each other and so on. They dont show up to the first date with a damned checklist.
As a man I would run away as fast as I can from that kind of woman. Unless one isn’t looking for some romantic rough experience.
“They don’t show up to the first date with a damned checklist”.
I know! Their 2D Admin Scales!
When I was in I was encouraged CONSTANTLY to spell out EVERYTHING I could POSSIBLY want or conceive of wanting in a relationship. Over and over I was told, “If you don’t postulate it, if you don’t put it OUT THERE, what you want, you’ll never get.”
The way staff and others would talk it kind of went like a flow line:
Want/Need….Describe in minute detail….Postulate that you’ll get it…Receive it.
Sort like an assembly line. And you didn’t want to leave out anything on that line, or else you’d have a “stuck flow”. Your 2D postulate would get “parked” on route, and never reach you
Aqua. Yes 2D admin scale, 2D postulates. Looking at it from outside now, one just sees that is a madhouse and how much was crazy and useless all that crap.
Stay well.
It’s another of those rote mantras one is inculcated with as a staff member – name, want and get – that she’s applying here. Part of what was called the Establishment Series of policies IIRC.
Reminds me of the one that talks about the need to ‘bait and badger’ someone until they’re being productive and ends with the line, ‘Sad but true…’
It was the first time I recall calling out the bs with some confidence, albeit to myself. One of the first chinks.
(Can you believe autocorrect attempted to correct that last word to ‘Chinese’?!)
Sod it – now I’m probably having one of those super weird dreams again tonight…..
I cringe….as I recall my bat shit crazy 2-D list I put out there on Affinity Exchange. Marcia Powell told me to tone it down or I would scare away the all of the super theta and wealthy eligible bachelor Scientologists, also experiencing that 1st devastating side effect of doing Scientology; divorce.
I thought Oat Tea Ate’s were abundant on this planet
After all, Scientology has been clearing the planet for 60 plus years
My bad. I should have looked!
I allowed L Ron Hubbards tech to self-hypnotize me where I BELIEVED, High toned, upstat Scientologists existed due to the raving success stories fed via the glossy propaganda and videos put out by the cult daily.
This was way back in the beginning, when I obtained the first devastating side effect myself of doing Scientology; DIVORCE, because my 2-D knew L Ron Hubbard was a con and Scientology, a CULT, and he had the balls to tell me.
Dirty Needle I so relate to your post. I had the same delusions that there were lots of “high up single men on the Bridge” who were available for the taking. The lie on the line is that these men were all just shy of broke cuz all their money went to pay for the Bridge. And of course, there actually weren’t that many OT VII’s VIII’s. The pool from which to fish was very small despite the hype otherwise.
Here is the ironic and tragic truth about finding a 2D in the Church fishing pond: All the people, both male and female were each one looking for a sugar daddy or a sugar mama so as to pay for their Bridges. One guy put the full court press on me because he was in the middle of a Sec Check and out of money and they wouldn’t let him leave Flag until he bought more intensives to finish the Sec Check. So he decided I was the solution to his problem and he tried every which way to get money out of me to pay for his Sec Check. He even tried to marry me and, “we can pool our Scn accounts and take turns paying for Bridge, and my turn is first (his turn).” The other irony was his Sec Checks were because of his bad deeds on the Second Dynamic and he was trying to use the 2nd D to pay for more Sec Checks on this.
Another guy tried to get money from me as his sugar mama because he thought I was loaded. I wasn’t. He said, “but you got that divorce settlement money…” I said yes and it is gone due to having to pay for staying on OT VII. So it wasn’t just women looking for sugar daddy men, it was the other way too. Scn teaches people to become out ethics to find more and more money and to use people because the Bridge and IAS demand more and more money.
You nailed it Cindy. Scientologists hurting Scientologists is all Scientology really is. A Bridge to no where….carrot on a stick.
I am so grateful I am out. I never met so many weird people and saw so much DEATH in such a small amount of time as I did in Scientology.
It ought to be banned and banished from this planet.
Yes, well said Dirty Needle!
Don’t cringe. Don’t be embarrassed. I wrote shit like that, back in the day. 2D Admin Scales. I wrote a few of them. I think many of us in Scientology did.
You should have seen the list of things I said I wanted, DN.
I believed what they told me – that I had to declare what I wanted in a relationship, because if I didn’t, I’d never get it! And so a few times I wrote down everything I could think of! They were doosies, believe me. Don’t be embarrassed. You should have read mine. Talk about cringe-worthy
Let me put it this way:
A guy would had to have been a combination of Clint Eastwood, Alan Alda, Lenny Bruce and Pope Francis
I’m sure many us women who were single at the time wrote up stuff like this when we were in.
Except that back then it didn’t go on the internet!
And not to sound priggish but we didn’t post pictures of ourselves like – well, let me put it this way – if. in order to attract an “upstat” man, a woman is so insecure that she truly believes that she’s got to show him – before he even dates her, before he even asks her out – EVERYTHING she’s physically got – if this is how she’s operating, then why even bother wearing a dress? If the man she wants has to see EVERYTHING before even meeting her in person, why be coy? Show him what he requires to first see with a string Brazilian bikini – from all angles. That’ll show him.
There’ll be nothing left for him to wonder about. He’ll know exactly how she looks naked. And then he can ask her out for coffee and they can compare Admin Scales
You see, I feel sorry for women like her, who believe what she does. She’s quite attractive and at the same time, quite morbidly insecure. She doesn’t realize it but she’s begging. Never mind her lofty demands of what “he” has to be, do and have, with those photos she’s begging for a guy – literally begging. Its sad.
Oh, and last but not least 100K per year? C’mon, Joy.
Who is this woman??????? Never heard of her. But she thinks she’s something!
She just isn’t big enough a celeb for them to do a casting call for Greg Wilhere to summon videos like the Tom Cruise dating RTC saga.
That’s a fact. Ho Villain is a NOBODY! Y’all already know!
Karen, thanks for being awesome!
Thanks Taffy.
What an Ambassador she is !
Someone needs to tell that girl that just because you are showing teeth, doesn’t mean you are smiling.
I would say very theta 2D choice for those of you who don’t think you’ll ever do the joburg.
I’m curious to know who her fashion designer is. I think from the materials she wears to recognize those nets used in the construction sites – those orange.
The MAGA dress was a brilliant publicity stunt which got her nationwide attention. Credit where credit is due. I thought it looked nice and fit her well or I guess “wore it well” in the fashion vernacular.
Richard. Right she has been promoting herself as a walking promo for trump.
As I live in Italy and we have the pleasure to haven’t know about her yet, I checked on wikipedia.
The portrait that comes out isn’t really good. Even worst of what I though.
We in RTC need to step in here and R-Factor Joy Villa on what surely must have been a typo:
“Makes over $100K USD a year.”
Joy: You need to increase your necessity level on a 2D’s income.
* $100K won’t even come close to paying for postage on one IAS bulk mailer.
* $100K won’t get you even a small IAS bowling trophy.
* COB spends more than $100K a year on hair pomade, hair plug maintenance, and custom elevator shoes.
$100K is a pathetic amount. Any Flag reg who accepts a paltry $100K dono immediately gets put into TREASON and sent to the decks to scrub toilets with a toothbrush.
Joy, you need a 2D who pulls down at least $50 million USD a year and has gigantic assets.
As no single men inside the Church fit this description, you are hereby ordered to look for a 2D outside the Church.
Specifically, COB wants you looking for an insanely wealthy 80+ year old man with serious health conditions. Surveys shows there are some rich old GOP men out there.
You’re pushing 40 Joy. It’s not like age matters anymore. Age is just a MEST arithmetic thing whereas money is the real thing.
You are hilarious OTIIIisGrr8! I love your website and Karen’s videos. You two have done a lot to help educate the world. Thank you. You too Mike! Leah too! Just awesome work!
Very very funny. Still laughing.
There you go
She needed this SRA for sure
Maybe she can bag an insanely wealthy 80 year old and right after the honeymoon take him to a cult party with all her anti vaxxer pals…bye, honey…time to get a new body…see’ya next lifetime, maybe.
The problem with a gung-ho scientologist trying to assess the place and value of a book is that this generally works best if the reviewer reads widely. Or maybe at least a few authors? The idea that all the wisdom the world ever needed emanated from a single writer (in contrast to the entire rest of them, unenlightened wogs every single one of them) doesn’t help.
Joy the book reviewer: “The book Dianetics, a best-selling book on mental health by L. Ron Hubbard…” Describing dianutics as having any kind of authority on “mental health” is about as helpful as describing Jeffrey Dahmer’s eating habits as a high-protein diet.
Scientologist OTVIII Jay Spina could use a pen pal now that he is serving 9 years in prison for his $80 million Medicare fraud.
Could Joy have a 2D with downstat Scientology felon?
The glue that binds their 2D would be KSW.
Spina certainly has the money and the scientologically-warped sense of ‘ethics’.
I believe he’s married. But maybe the cult will make her dump him.
I would love to give Joy a 2D downstat with my shoe up her ass. She is just that annoying.
But lately, I have come to the opinion the best course of action with all these punks is just to ignore them. They must thrive on publicity and notoriety.
There is a photo with this guy on stage next to the Tiny Leader and a caption that reads, “The Dear Leader praises this douchebag for his fine service to the criminal cult.
Well, it’s not about service. The only way the Tiny Leader will take a photo with one of these idiots is after they have given him a number of million dollars.
How badly can any one idiot crave attention if they have to buy it for millions of dollars?
P.S. Yes Richard – I mean you, Imbecile!
Here’s hoping
Xenu, make it go right!!! (Tone 40)
Great article, Mike!
Maybe Thom Crooze can audition Ho Villain to be his next 2D. Hey, she’s a “celebrity,” so auditions (& auditing) are right up her alley!!
Right Up her WHAT!?
Right up her Kirstie Alley

Mike — I alerted Villa to this story by tagging her — @JoyVilla — on my Instagram post of the story.
She’ll ignore it as mere “entheta”, ANYthing different than her worldview. She can’t self-analyse by scn’s rules.
One wonders what ethics officer at Celebrity Centre International or Flag or the CC Int President’s Office is approving Ms. Villa’s publicity-seeking wardrobe choices? Looks like below “Body Death 0.0” on the LRH Tone Scale…. “Owning Bodies” or “Protecting Bodies” or similar. Does not appear to be someone out in the world seeking to convert all the “enturbulated theta” she encounters into “free theta” (discussed in the LRH classic, “The Science of Survival”).
For this and other reasons, “The Cognitive Dissonance runs deep with this One.”
Cognitive Dissonance doesn’t happen when reasoning is spurned as illegal.
O/T. VIDEO: Three people in matching clothes walking in circles for a long time on the Scientology Religious Retreat MV Freewinds while two officers watch.
Memorialized with two screenshots on ESMBR and WWP at:
“Rondown” or run around/Ron around?
They are squirreling; Walking around the Pool instead of Running around the Pole.
Having seen these before, you can see where she is/isn’t on the bridge.
If a guy was through otvii or close, he wouldn’t dismiss this write-up depending on the factor “is she pretty” or some such theta related thing. (No surprise) In other words, she has been a scamatologist for ten years and is clear but not on the upper bridge yet that we can see. Would she make a safe 2D? I think that any potential candidate would be wondering what the fuck she was doing saying she was a Christian, all the while doing all that she has done in scamatology? She’s like that stupid ass Ray Cassano saying “most scientologists are Christian,” all the while knowing that is a lie.
What’s a “Major FSM”??? Has she gotten her hairdresser or someone from the tattoo parlor to do a course or something? Hundreds on to the bridge??? I bet not. Where are they now?
She is at South Africa, so maybe making some progress on something for her eligibility perhaps? Training is because of getting back into good graces? 500 hours of volunteering at Joberg? Sounds like she is doing elig or some amends or both.
AFAICT, she’d be about the worst 2D evah; a gold-digging publicity whore.
Its worse. Much, much worse.
Something about this woman interested me. The contrary facts on her 2D thingy intrigued me. So I pulled the thread, googled her.
Check out Joy Villa on a website called Urban Bombshells. For bondage fetishists, people like that.
There’s a photo of her, near naked, lying on her side, crouched, and wrapped in some sort of rope, covered with blood.
Blood all over her face, her body. Gruesome, but then this is a bondage website.
She was twenty or so at the time. Sad. The cult has kompromat on her, big time.
O/T. Church of Scientology National Affairs Office Joins Letter Calling on the State Department to Redesignate Nigeria as a Country of Particular Concern.
Please note that this letter was coordinated by the International Religious Freedom Roundtable, which was founded and is co-chaired by Scientologist and Scientology lobbyist Greg Mitchell.
Memorialized with a screenshot on ESMBR at:
Church of Scientology National Affairs Office joins letter urging support for amendment to rein in the Pentagon’s military surplus equipment transfer to civilian law enforcement program, known as the 1033 Program.
Memorialized with a screenshot on ESMBR at:
*Another Facepalm*
Hope you have good calluses on that palm – – and face, otherles.
This reminds me of the old joke: Would YOU date yourself? “NO! I deserve better!” I saw the “over $100K per year” and thought to myself that was a very low number for the social circles she hangs or aspires to associate with- not to mention the bridge/COS $ vacuum. Besides that, the whole MAGA shtick was nauseating. Such a cheeky choice on posting her pic with Steve Bannon
ho villain can’t afford any self-awareness, Nada. None. Not a speck.
Now I’ll may you “listen” to my old joke:
I have a perfect sex life! Now I just need someone to share it with.
Sorry about the embarrassing typo; ‘may’ should have been ‘make’. Damn!
Actually, she could try for Steve Bannon. He’s divorced again. Single and dateable. Something of a pig in his personal hygiene but auditing would clean him up. Way To Happiness…get those teeth brushed…she could do worse. And what a feather in the Dwarf’s cap Bannon would be! And the politics are right if you’ll pardon the pun.
They could get married in cut out clothes. She in a pure white strategically cutout wedding gown. He could wear a cut out tuxedo. Class all the way! Talk about upstat!
Go for it, Joy! We out here on the fringes of the internet are rootin’ for ‘ya.
Thanks for a great laugh; that brightened my day.

O/T. Church of Scientology National Affairs Office Joins Letter Calling on the State Department to Redesignate Nigeria as a Country of Particular Concern.
Please note that this letter was coordinated by the International Religious Freedom Roundtable, which was founded and is co-chaired by Scientologist and Scientology lobbyist Greg Mitchell.
Memorialized with a screenshot on ESMBR at:
Poor Joy! She obviously doesn’t realize that a true high roller Scientology guy doesn’t want to have to commit to delivering those TWENTY needs!!!! Geez! Talk about a full day!
Joy needs to just play to her strengths … Snag another rich Scientology guy, be his eye candy girlfriend and his bed candy chick. Give him a good time for as long as he can stand you and get as much out of him as you can. She’s still sexy.
I don’t see a rich dude MARRYING this woman for heaven’s sakes!
*Davey’s chick on the side ? C’mon Joy, go for the gold!
Now the SECRET 2D Non-E of the single very rich Scientology dude is much much shorter than the “ideal scene” fantasy …
The real fantasy is much more to the point for the above guy …
1. Very hot young chick who will do anything I ask her to do to make me happy. And ask for little in return, being seen with me is enough.
You know, the kind of thing Danny Masterson might want in a 2D.
You nailed it.
Totally, coldly transactional.
“Buy me some intensives and you can tap this ass for a hot minute…”
I was thinking Tom Cruise. He’s looking for a new woman. Almost constantly
She’d crush him. This is a big girl. Great body, but she’s not petite.
Okay, we know what Joy’s public requirements are. What about HIS??? She probably doesn’t meet them, since she’s SO self-centered. Nothing exists outside of her concerns.
Funny you should say that, jere. I was thinking the same thing. Is SHE ready, willing and able to do her own long list for HIM? I mean, what exactly IS she prepared to do in return for this male paragon? In fairness, will she do for him all that she requires he do for her? That’s no small list she’s got there. Frankly, I got exhausted just reading it. My guy is gonna be lucky if I open a can of tuna for him tonite
Absolutely not. Once again the lack of self awareness is astounding. I have some conservative family and I actually warned them about her. They had no idea. This lady seems to have no actually skills or core values of her own she just jumps on whatever bandwagon she thinks will benefit her the most.
Brazen money grubbing hussy seeks rich husband for sex and perhaps family making. What, no ‘Democrats need not apply’ clause?? Putz….
Her bio also suffers Hubbard-style inflation and misrepresentation, if not delusion. Who would want to get into a relationship with someone playing dishonest PR-style games in personal relationships?
The supposed Grammy achievement is something very stretched, like that technically her brief Billboard charting would qualify her for ‘consideration’ for an award in some obscure category.
And “toured” I think means traveled to with her sugar daddy ex, though she puts it right after her music and writing as if it was related to going on tour for those, in a typically scientological attempt to create a false conflation without quite resorting to outright lying.
Expecting “truth” from such a scn media whore is useless.
I had a silly thought. Crossing the intersection in an ornate carriage is someone who looks like Frederick the Great, following the carriage on wagons is an orchestra playing the Brandenburg Concerto.
Totally equal, but you have to be her “provider.”
Sounds “adventurous.”
No mention of her association with a growing number of traitorous criminals. She MAGA’d herself all the way to hiding in South Africa.
Aargh! We finally got Joy Whatshername really close to almost banished over on ‘The Bunker’, and now you’re giving her exactly what she wants over here. She’s a self centered narcissist who doesn’t care where it is, or whether it’s good or bad news about her, as long as her name is showing up somewhere.
“There’s a sucker born every minute” so good luck, Ms. Villa. I think you’ll need a boatload of it.
As a humble lifelong wog, I’ll never have Super High Havingness. I guess I’ll just have. That’s not so bad, is it? Time for one of my favorite sayings:
“If you haven’t got all the things you want, be grateful for all the things you don’t have that you don’t want.” And not being married to Joy Villa is indeed something to be grateful for.
“not being married to Joy Villa is indeed something to be grateful for.”
not being connected to or concerned about Joy Villa is indeed something to be grateful for. She’s a leech, a vampire, with nothing valuable of herself to bring to a relationship.
David Miscaviage or Tom Cruise are your perfect matches.
Except for the cats. I haven’t seen any marketing or promotion including cats so you’ll have to bend there.
In 2020, Joy Villa published a book, Kickass Conservative. In the book Villa subtly introduces the conservative and MAGA communities to Scientology.
As reported by Tony Ortega (second item):
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * *
The book is 196 pages long on Kindle. Scientology, Dianetics, Hubbard or a Scientology front-group are mentioned in four paragraphs, once on the Recommended Reading List For Conservatives, and in two entries on the list of Websites and Resources as follows.
On page 138, Villa praises Dianetics: “The book Dianetics, a best-selling book on mental health by L. Ron Hubbard (who founded Scientology), has helped me a great deal, along with the course that goes with it. It helped me wade through a lot of mental garbage in my life that came up from the past. It has worked wonders for me, and it will help you, too.”
On page 141, Villa praises the Admin Scale and WISE: “With the help of a site called http://www.wise.org and a tool called the Admin Scale, I’ve been able to articulate my purpose, goals, and desires—and plan exactly how to turn those into something actual. (“Wise” in that URL stands for World Institute of Scientology Enterprises, but it’s used by businesses and individuals from all walks of life.)”
On page 177, Villa states that she raised over $1 million for the Foundation for a Drug Free World: “Having had experiences myself with drugs, I know how critical this work is and how much our children need our help. And I’ve been blessed to have raised over $1 million for the Foundation for a Drug-Free World. ”
On page 178, Villa says that she is an ambassador for the Way to Happiness Foundation, and that it works with [Tony Muhammad’s] United in Peace Foundation: “Another charity that I support, and for which I’m an ambassador, is the Way to Happiness Foundation. It works with the United in Peace Foundation to deliver peace-focused educational materials to rival gangs in the inner cities of Compton and Los Angeles. The charities help elicit conversation as well. This work is so important, as I get to help stop violence in the inner cities of Black America. During the “peace rides,” we pray and travel with the grieving mothers of children lost to gang violence.”
On page 189, the Recommended Reading List For Conservatives recommends “Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health by L. Ron Hubbard.”
On page 191, the list of Websites and Resources includes http://www.thewaytohappiness.org and http://www.unitedinpeace.org
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * *
I made a comment on Joys Twitter account to check out your article at your blog. Maybe she will see it.
Thanks Geoff!
It’s unlikely she’ll see much of anything as she can’t / WON’T “handle” the truth.
Joy’s list is consistent with the partners list of almost every scientologist I’ve known and that is hundreds and hundreds of members from all over the world. The fact that she publicly posted it shows just how brainwashed and clueless she is.
As a member of the recording academy I was disgusted with Joy’s conduct at the Grammys. What was more disgusting was foisting herself off as a recording artist. I’m not sure she was raised in the cult. Whether she was or wasn’t she represents all that is dangerous and destructive about Scientology.
The fact that the cherch does not censor her shows just how f—ked up the current executives that run the cherch are. They condone her narcissistic, air headed conduct. I think she is a perfect representative of the current state of Scientology. Classless, money hungry, superficial, false, publicity hogs and status seeker describes her and her “religion”. Keep it up Joy, you are doing a great job of representing Scientology for what it is.
Geoff is on point!
Joy “Auto-Tune” Villa, a legend in the prison of her own cult mind!
Thanks Mark.
Geoff, that she describes herself as being a scn “only” for 10 years indicates she wasn’t raised in the organization. 10 years is certainly long enough to doom yourself, I’m finding. 41 years after they threw me away as useless, I’m still having trouble ridding myself of all the baggage that comes with believing in that stuff.
Well, looks like she has followed step 2 of the Non Existence Formula very well, Make Yourself Known. She has exposed her vampire motives quite well.
But why hasn’t she included Step 3? Find Out What Is Needed and Wanted. This lacking seems to expose her true motivation. It is all about her and only her.
Run Forest, run!!!
Joy doesn’t CARE what’s needed and wanted. Only HER needs and wants matter and she’ll do WHATEVER it takes to achieve her goals; other than learn a marketable skill, of course. To someone in the bubble, the only thing you need is scientology studies and the will to do something. Sorry girl, but it takes training and PRACTICE and determination to make it in the real world of performance.
Wow! This woman is an incredible dip stick!
Scientologists love their acronyms, so I rather think of Joy Villa not as a PTS, but as a POS.
bixntram quipped:
“I rather think of Joy Villa not as a PTS, but as a POS.”
So true. That Girl couldn’t hold a note properly if it was nailed to a wall. That’s such a common failure that I rarely can stand most local bands’ singers. And karaoke! I’m saddened that talentless folks can believe their voices suddenly get acceptable after they’ve gotten totally blotto in some bar. Friends brought one of them machines to a raft-up we were at. I had to sail a half-mile away before I stopped getting physically ill. Joy’s ‘work’ on YT affected me similarly.
Good comment, Jere. I’m a trumpet player and a not-great singer, BUT my intonation is very good because I work at it. You have to put the time in, and too many would be singers won’t do it. Plus, they sing insipid triadic, electrified things that don’t make you stretch your intonation. I even had a vocal coach tell me once I was being TOO fussy about my intonation. She was dead wrong, but I didn’t want to argue. Thanks for sharing your opinions; I think we’re on the same page.
A few thoughts:
* 100k? Won’t get her too far, especially with inflation and any kind of spend and spare not Scientology lifestyle.
* She points out she is a “Celebrity Artist”. Note the capitals. Typical self-important thing from a ladder climber who has been fed extra koolaid by the Celebrity Center Presidents Office. Mike you should do a post on them if you haven’t already.
* Super high havingness. Another way of saying being rich. This is something you only hear from Scientologists who are already rich, didn’t make the money themselves (i.e. parents or marriage) and don’t understand why other people aren’t rich (“he’s not high havingness — his car was like 10 years old”). Or from Scientologists talking somewhat enviously about someone else who is rich “Oh David Gentile is a super high havingness guy”
Good luck Joy. I hope you find what you’re looking for, but be prepared for some compromises.
Thats what happens, when you are in Utopia and find refuge in some thing like Truman show.
“super high havingness means “has lots of sh**t. Money is required to acquire same, but it’s somewhat secondary, the means to the end.
Gentile is rapidly descending in the scn world since he got CAUGHT AND His scam’s been (temporarily, I’m sure) shut down.
Maybe I’m Italian but this is the kind of woman to AVOID as top priority.
Problems and troubles insured.
Making a non ex on 2D is the worst of the worst of the wogs that they usually criticize.
Then all those requests she lists, help!!
LmR, those aren’t requests, they’re DEMANDS.
And would she really like a guy who responded favorably to that insane “Non-E formula”? I doubt she could stand such a guy. Among other things, he’d likely be a “barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen” kinda guy.
If she were to be serious about it, I’d call it the WORST Non-E I’ve ever seen/heard of. It’s completely backwards.
Jere. Right the word DEMANDS is more appropriate. I dont think she is gonna get answers. I can imagine she saying:
“Hey man as I created this 2D it must be crystal clear that I’m the I/C here!!!”