This is a follow up to the earlier posting: Joy Villa Bridezilla
As you will likely recall, she published a list of requirements for her new partner, including the fact that he needed to make in excess of $100K US per year and be a prominent, well regarded scientologist (among many other things).
Now it seems, praise be, that she has found her ideal man. At least for now.
And Joy being the fame whore she is, had to splatter the news all over social media.
The post and images speak for themselves, but just a couple of comments.
Right out of the blocks, this woman who when it suited her claimed to be a devout follower of Jesus and a true Christian, is now saying that her success comes from “putting my Bridge first.” The people who sucked up to her because she claimed she was a true MAGA Christian Believer are probably not too impressed with your latest about face. But then again, she tries to suck up to her “fans” because concurrent with the above Tweet, she had another message to deliver on Twitter (which should land her in ethics at AO Africa, she claims to be a Classed Auditor now and knows that mixing practices like this is absolutely forbidden):
As for the “I hooked one and reeled him in” tweet….
Why, if she was SO successful, did she have to do a Danger formula on the 3rd Dynamic? (Once anyone sees the tweet above, she is going to be assigned a lower condition than Danger — lucky for her SO members are not allowed on Twitter)
What? At this ideal AO a training twinship “went awry”? What on earth does this mean? How is this sort of out tech possible? And are they ok that you are announcing it to the world? They have an image to try to maintain that their random “AO” out in the boonies of South Africa is an amazing haven of standard tech from where the next great civilization on earth is going to spring.
And finally, did you verify that Avi actually makes enough money?
We are all looking forward to the next installment of the hot mess soap opera that is the life of scientology celebrity Joy Villa.
Avi, I feel for you. Like her former MAGA pals and former husband, you will soon be forgotten as Joy seeks her next opportunity for fame and fortune. South Africa is a temporary convenience way too far from the paparazzo to keep someone like Joy there for long. She needs attention to survive.
I SHOULD feel guilty for picking on Joy. I was brought up to be charitable towards such as she.
Wasn’t it just a short time ago that women objected to being objectified?
Joy seems to WANT to be the ultimate “object”, primarily known for showing off that body as much as she can get away with, and perhaps a bit more.
Classic example of a gold digger and a nobody with delusions of celebrity.
In the past, such gold diggers at least usually had the looks to pull it off.
I ALMOST feel sorry for her when she wakes up to the fact that she just doesn’t have what it takes to succeed.
My earliest courting days were done pre-internet but I was single at to the dawn of internet dating and spent far too much time on dating sites analyzing profiles. My 59th perception (ability to detect dead-rabbit-in-the-mailbox level crazy in prose) is a little rusty but wow, that ‘win’ writeup rock slammed my analog cray-cray meter. I think the needle is bent but I can’t yet see through the smoke and cracked glass.
On the plus side for her most people that cheer the Jesus Love will be completely unable to divine the meaning of the Scn twaddle.
I actually feel bad – they are so young and cute together. They should be adopting a puppy or engaging in a slightly over the top PDA at a friend’s wedding and worrying less about regging others and whatever else was happening there.
It’s hard to make fun of Psychlos without feeling bad about myself and them afterward. 🙁
Right, PlanetshipT. We should feel at least a little remorse at the schadenfreude of an impending train wreck like that, but we just can’t help ourselves; if for no other reason than “At least it’s not US, this time.”
I met Joy at a Trump rally. She is very naive and has no clue about L RON’s …CON
She is really nice.
I feel bad for her.
The cognitive dissonance is going to hurt.
She’ll be taking lots of walks and guzzling cal-Mag
When they tell her she can’t practice Christianity.
Scientology does not work when you believe in a higher power.
Poor Joy Villa.
She is soon going to discover her very first…”RIDGE….ON THE BRIDGE”….
On her OT levels…
…when L RON Hubbard tells her there ain’t no real Jesus….and that he was an unsavory fella who took a liking to little boys.
Oh wait, DM altered the tech.
Still… Scientology will kill her Jesus.
Joy Villa is very…NAIVE?
This woman may be many things but “naive” isn’t one of them!
DN, respectfully, quite possibly it is you who are naive, or else simply uninformed.
You QUESTION whether Joy Villa is NAIVE?
She comes off as the very definition of naive: Knowing little or nothing of the real world, having no skills or drive to get any, yet DEMANDING the Moon and stars just because she wants them.
Jere, however she may be coming off, “knowing little or nothing of the real world and, having no skills or drive to get them” , is not Ms. Joy Villa.
Google is your friend; respectfully, I suggest you read put first impressions aside and read up on this individual and then we can discuss this.
Aqua…don’t get your panties in a bundle
Joy Villa IS NAIVE ABOUT CULTS, mind control, hypnosis and undue influence.
She is STILL IN Scientology and BELIEVES El Con Hubbards “tech”!
We were ALL naive until we were not and knew the truth!
Ok, I get it, now 🙂
Point taken; understood and agreed.
And then too, she’s also totally in the cult’s power.
Which she believes to be totally for her own good.
In front of her is a huge carrot, incentivizing her.
Behind her is the huge stick of what the cult knows about her, driving her to do their bidding.
But of course they only want what’s best for her.
Yes, I can see it now, thank you.
Dirty Needle opined: “Scientology does not work when you believe in a higher power.
In truth, you could have stopped with “Scientology does not work.”
In scientology, there is no higher power than ElCon.
Agree with you Jere lull
Well stated!
I met Joy Villa one dark and stormy night in LA. She was carrying an umbrella when I asked her for an autograph.
She smiled at me and asked, “Would you like my right-handed autograph or my left-handed autograph?
This happened three years ago and I’m still trying to figure out just what she could have meant.
It might have had something to do with the fact that I was wearing a Rolex on my right hand and after I left, the Rolex had disappeared.
I’m just thankful that Rolex was a cheap knock-off. I wonder what she could have done with it? I suppose it would have fit well on any of her future victims.
$100,000 in yearly income? Such a pittance is unreal to we in RTC. COB spends far more than that flying in fresh grass-fed lamb from New Zealand each year.
Joy Villa’s havingness has crashed. Her ex-2D Thurston Howell was a wealthy trust fund thetan.
$100,000 a year will not buy your way into US Presidential fundraisers. This little wad of money will not pay for anything in power circles that matter. $100,000 will not even buy you a medal from a former Colombian Police General.
Joy had to let her publicist go. Now she is in South Africa paying for low-cost training and Bridge.
Joy Villa needs to increase her necessity level by magnitudes. She needs to find an 80 year old gazillionaire.
COB has personally assigned Joy Villa the condition of CONFUSION. She needs to find out who she is.
COB did not take this step lightly. Rather, COB did it out of caring because he does not want Joy Villa to become the next Penny Atwell-Jones.
Thurston Howl!!!!!!!! Lol!!!!!!!
More laughter —and sad reflection.
What a trainwreck in the making.
Jeffrey —
You are hysterical! The satire and sarcasm is second to none. 😂😂
OSA is fuming over the J&D. I’m slightly disturbed that I know so many $cientology sayings, acronyms, etc., since I was never in the organization.
Thank Xenu and all my body thetans for that.
I feel SO sorry for any guy who she snares. At least she’s upfront about her demands; that’s one point in her favor: he should know what he’s in for from the outset. Agreeing to them is truly his fault/responsibility.
ANY pittance is unreal to the clams of RTC, since they don’t often get their supposed weekly stipend, since stats aren’t anywhere NEAR what Dwarfenführer® demands and those CICSs don’t DESERVE his largesse.
She’s obviously spending a whole pile of someone’s dough at the Castle. Not just in donations but she’s been in the org for months 12hrs a day. That means she’s staying somewhere close in one of the official Sci rental properties. So she’s running up quite the tab and as we all know there is no ‘tab’ in Scientology. Payment up front. I seriously doubt she would spend her own $ for all this training. Also why is she spending all this time and $ on becoming an auditor…why not go OT. That’s where all the other big names are. I don’t think she’s ever mentioned going OT. Maybe she can’t pass her OT preps. I can’t imagine her being one of DM’s darlings….
I’ve seen it speculated, that the CofS is milking her of her divorce settlement. That fits with the likely outcome of her breakup, and scientology’s history of going after any money members come in to (though the wealthy ‘whales’ are allowed to retain assets).
I agree, Peacemaker, and I’ll only add that the cult has major kompromat on her. MAJOR. I mean, talk about “Out -2D”. This is OUT, alright. WAY out. Gruesome. Horrifying. And one won’t have to search for it on the “dark” net either. I don’t know how to search that way. No, its the ordinary net. Just a few clicks away doing a normal search. Of course, no Scientologist in good standing would do an internet search of ANY kind on another Scientologist in good standing. But if she were no longer in good standing – uh oh.
IMO, the wealthy ‘whales’ are allowed to retain only sufficient assets to allow them to continue to PAY.
In scn, you establish your “tab” by paying WELL in advance of anything resembling service. You then spend it down. That’s because The “most ethical beings on the planet” don’t trust each other.🥵
From Avi Vatsa has done only 4 courses (basic shit not auditor training) in the period 2016-2017. Also not clear or OT
Facebook has a vid of the dude here; all about career counseling; nothing about the cult.
Last but not least here’s a link to him on Linkedin where it is disclosed he attended Delphian School and got a BA degree from Hubbard College of Administration. Also that he is the Chief of Marketing at a company named ThetaClicks.
All the concentration on sales and marketing makes him and Joy and great match.
Oh my goodness, I have been following Mike and Tony’s blogs daily for 6+ years now, and until today I had no idea there was a Hubbard College of Administration International website. Fifty-thousand for 4 semesters of Scientology ‘tech.’ Wow.
I would have said, “Wow! Ughh! and Blecchhh!”
I wouldn’t pay 50,000 peanuts for any of their bullshit courses.
I wouldn’t pay 50,000 pebbles.
I wouldn’t pay 50,000 Petunias.
I think you will get my message now.
Their courses are worthless. They are even less than worthless.
How can they be less than worthless?
If you take one of their courses, your idea might be to learn something valuable.
Their idea is to indoctrinate you into their mind-contol cult and then to get you to go bankrupt by cashing in all your assets and sending them all your money.
Even worse, they want to make you get as much credit as the banks will stand and then drive into huge credit card debts until you just cannot stand it anymore.
They will leave you broke and broken. Helpless and Hopeless. Very good idea to just stay away from those crooked bastards!
Roland —
I was never in $cientology (thank all mighty Xenu!), but after reading tons of blogs like this one and Tony’s for several years, it makes me sick, sad & SO angry what this cult does to people… especially children. 😢
You’re absolutely right about what you said. But you know that.
It’s a damn shame the US government is too chicken shit to go after this despicable and abusive mafia cult.
Apparently they’re too busy allowing Texas to ban women from terminating unwanted pregnancies.. even in the case of rape or incest, which is so vile I have no words to describe just how vile it is.
Katherine, I could go on for pages about the gaping hole of illogic which is Texas. That would be TL:DR and O/T, of course. “vile” is a good word to start with, though.
Jere —
Yep, vile is just one of a hundred adjectives.
I still can’t believe this nonsense has been passed. Xenu willing, all the protests & marches & outrage will overturn this bullshit.
A woman made a spot on video on TikTok. I’ll post it later to you if you’d like.
Knew a gal who did all you described and wound up living in her car after the bank took everything else away.
“Worse than useless” is appropriate since Hubfart’s drivel makes the able LESS able to operate in the real world. I’ve noticed that the ‘whales’ generally got their fortunes set up before scientology and are now liquidating those fortunes to finance Davey-Boy’s narcissistic excesses.
It doesn’t look like he meets her financial requirements unless he has rich parents.
And thanks for the background on him.
Yes, I agree.
Found 2 others with last name Vatsa on; Mukesh Vatsa and Preeti Vatsa. Preeti has done an L R/D and Mukesh the Havingness R/D.
Now these may be parents or possibly siblings. But for sure AVi aint the only one drinking the Kool-Aid.
He looks like a very nice, very young, “uptone”, sheltered, cult kid.
About what – 23? 24?
Delphian, then Hubbard College.
I’d say he knows nothing about the real world.
Steeped in the cult from infancy.
She’s 36 now.
Which of itself is no big deal.
First, she wanted (needed) a rich old man.
She went for the money, and got some.
Now she wants an innocent young boy.
Possibly his Scientology family has money.
This kid very likely has NO clue who this woman really is.
Hoo boy.
Yo Avi.
Good luck.
You’re gonna need it.
Sad to say, but poor Avi is ASKING for all that, and less.
Avi has a “BA” from a Hubbard ‘College’ with about the same validity as Hubfart’s //doctorate// some decades ago. It’s absolutely worthless (and worse) in the real world of industry. Tubby never did work a job that required actual production. He was all about the grift: selling people a piece of blue sky
For your Sunday enjoyment, check out this song by the late and great John Prine, “Take a look at my heart”. You’re wondering why I picked that one? No, you’re not!
I seen my old lady’s boyfriend.
He don’t look nothing like me,
‘Cept for a bit of confusion;
Same kind she laid on me.
You don’t know what you’re getting into;
She’s gonna tear you apart.
You’re going places I’ve been to;
Take a look at my heart.
Take a look at my heart.
You’re pro’bly sending her flowers
And talking to her on the phone.
You’re gonna get it together
And find yourself all alone.
Do you think you can be her lover
And not become her fool?
Do you think that you are the exception to the rule?
You’re gonna hate all her girlfriends [cult friends]
And everything that they say.
You ask me how do I know this?
They come around every day.
Thanks, Todd.
So she’s single-handedly “booming the org” now? The same way she became an “international star” and stormed the Billboard charts? Brought class, style and understated elegance to the GOP? Initiated a Christian revival (“In the nane (sic) of Jesus”) and put hubbarf first (sorry, Jesus).
I’m sure she will tell us soon in painstaking and cringeworthy detail whether Avi has manged to outlast her training twinship. Or maybe, he’ll even outlast Jesus? Fortunately for him, the bar for that is about as low as “booming” an org; any org. Poor bastard!
It was a typo, supposed to say “In the inane of Jesus”
“Inane” certainly describes Joy. I hope Avi is slightly smarter and figures her out before she does too much damage in his life.
“Hubbarf”! Good one. Intentional or not, it’s a keeper.
The only thing she singlehandedly does is out a bad odor on whatever she tries to leech “fame” from.
AFAICT, she first thought scientology was her ticket. Then they tried to milk HER for her ‘fame’ and the house of cards evaporated, leaving both in the drink. Scn/DM literally.
I’m surprised that DM has yet to beat it to Belgravia.
Jere, Joy Villa is their creature. What they have on her is information that if got out would be irreparably damaging to her AND the cult, which means that if she ever disobeys them or heaven forbid crosses them the cult will reveal ALL as regards her highly degrading “downstat” past activities for all the tabloid world to revel in. They will TOTALLY throw her under the bus and otherwise vilify her and distance themselves for her in every way and there will be a WEBSITE of “whoisjoyvilla” with all the pictures. And they are doozies, let me tell you. If you think I’m likening Joy Villa’s former activities earning a living to some sort of cult version of the Kashardians, think again. The Kim and Kyle & Co are Girl Scouts in comparison. Talk about hardcore “Pain and Sex” – well, Joy Villa is a posterwoman for THAT HCOB.
Mike you don’t give Joy the credit she deserves for finding that magic 2d that every girl wants. I’m certain that Joy can now go to her hope chest and finish that wedding gown she has been sewing for the last 40 years. Does this not show the power of positive postulates?
Ok Avi, now hide the great majority of you money and smile a lot. You have nothing else to look forward to.
Piker! That’s only 4 weeks in the SO.
O/T. Scientology Gold Meritorious Joy Villa officially endorses Larry Elder for Governor of California.
[Gold Meritorious = $1 million cumulative donation to Scientology.]
Archived with a screenshot and a photo on ESMBR, WWP and Instagram at:
With an endorsement like that, I would vote for Larry Elder’s opponent, sight unseen.
Poor Larry Elder, suffering under the load of Joy’s endorsement.
“Twinship went awry”. That’s Just a bit of hyperbole from someone who thinks she has to create BIG over-the-top statements for her to be noticed at all. She COULD be right; she’s got little else to recommend her to others. Most of us only notice things like the ski-fence “dress” which was little more than a shock-piece. Still, guys like me will look even though that body isn’t all that hot. If anything, I’m still looking to see if there’s something there I’ve missed all these years. So far, nada. I hope she got the 2D she deserves after all that whoring around.
Thinking a bit, she might well be getting better than she “deserves”. Hope at least the sex is great, if not fantastic. Everybody deserves one “fireworks and explosions” 2d in their lives. Its FUN!
He looks so young He’s a baby. I agree with one poster’s comment that he should hide his money. And that she won’t want to live in South Africa with him cuz there isn’t enough lime light and attention for her there. He better buckle up. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.
He probably HOPES it’ll be a “bumpy ride”. What I’ve seen of her indicates that bumping is likely to be a rare occurrence unless he’s got a LOT of what she really needs and wants, and can get past that façade of hers to the shallowness who is the real “Joy”.
Cindy, there MIGHT be enough limelight for her shallow needs there.
Avi has the look of someone who hasn’t yet figured out what hole he has put his feet in. Take lots of vitamins boy!
For some additional info on Joy just go to wikipedia to see everything she has done.
The fact that she professes herself a Christian, only for her convenience, really sucks.
I don’t think they will do anything to her for that. Scn and its frontgroups act in the exact same sneaky way of giving an idea that is never true just to be accepted (lies).
She disappeared off the MAGA scene a couple of months after the inauguration. Even her self-described “patriotism” was phony, obviously predicated on how much attention she could get out of it.
Mike, thanks for posting the “Joy Report”. More and more, the media hero’s who represent Scientology are shallow, empty headed, materialistic and tasteless automatons.
Let’s see now, Tom Cummins, Nancy Cartwright, Jim Bridgeforth, Doug Dohring, Trish Duggan, Kirsti Alley and the paragon of honesty David Gentile to name a few. Scientology’s true colors are shining through and through.
Especially since she fled the country she’s so proud of…
She WAS proud of it – – when it suited her immediate needs. So will it be for poor, clueless Avi. Normal people can’t conceive that people like her can exist. UNTIL they run afoul of them. He’s about to get quite a few wake-up calls. Hopefully, he will exit the experience stronger and wiser, without losing that adorable innocence he exudes.
Anonymous observed: “She disappeared off the MAGA scene a couple of months after the inauguration.”
Of COURSE she did. Once she thought she’d gotten what she wanted, she tossed that “cause” away like used TP. That’s what we were taught in scientology.
Pardon me for being partisan but Republicans should stay away from Joy Villa and Scientology.
Nah, they deserve one another.
That’s not partisan. otherles. It would be a true statement for ANYone she leeches onto.