You likely saw the videos on Tony Ortega’s site of the 2 guys (“Reckless Ben”) who went into LA Org with hidden cameras. In that last video towards the end you witness the desperation of the regges to get $15 from them. It is really pretty pathetic. This is the “largest Class V org and ‘model’ ideal org” and they are spending time to try to convince this kid to get $15 right now with every sleazy tactic there is.
I didn’t think it could get more pathetically desperate than that until this recent Facebook posting was sent to me:
First, I assume “Betsy” is an org staff member who is not allowed on Facebook.
For those of you unfamiliar with LA — here is a map that shows you where Hawthorne is relative to LA Org and relative to Inglewood “Ideal” org:
And if you are unfamiliar with LA you may not know that the one mile hop from Hawthorne to Inglewood on surface streets may take 10 minutes and the 10 mile trip to LA Org, depending on the time of day, will take between 40 minutes and an hour (though as she says, with LA’s famously inept public transport system it’s 2 hours).
So, here is the simple question. If as she says, this is all about “getting someone up the Bridge” then why not tell this elderly lady to do her SRD in her “local” org in Inglewood?
Logic dictates that as the sensible solution.
Of course, the truth is that they are so desperate for “stats” — getting a “Start” and “SRD Hours” that they will come up with insane “solutions” to make it happen. That is the only thing that really matters to them.
If, as they claim, scientology is expanding like never before and “curious” people are flooding in, wouldn’t LA Org have such an abundance of people they wouldn’t even notice if one old lady did her SRD at Inglewood instead of LA Org?
They are literally starving for anyone who will start anything in the biggest org on earth in the hotbed ground zero of scientology.
This IS the state of scientology today.
Despite the Miscavige hype at the events, the reality is things are desperate inside the bubble.
I always have to keep in mind that folks in this sea org who haven’t known anything else are terrified of having to live on their own. It’s just a sick and twisted scam on the part of people like david miscavaige and tom cruise to further their own agendas at the expense of mentally enslaved human beings. There’s a special place in hell for the perpetrators.
“…folks in this sea org…are terrified of having to live on their own.” And the older they get, the less likely they are to leave on their own. And if they joined young having never been on their own the likelihood that they’ll leave is even less.
And THESE are the people who are going to get OUR ethics in.
Not up to the level of the most unenlightened working wog stiff, can’t even partially support themselves, insufficient confront to even venture out into the world on their own, yet the PLANET will survive based upon what THEY do? The future of Mankind is wholly reliant on…THEM?
Too ridiculous for words.
I always thought so.
In the late 70’s LA Org was bustling. The Div 6 course room was often nearly full. The parking lot was almost full. That was probably the zenith of Scientology growth. It’s been a steady down hill slide since then.
20+ just go because the most is ahead of them. 60+ think,because the most is behind them. A cult reaching 70 years should be wise but it’s dumb.
When a reg wants to see me, I demand “Suppressive Reasonableness”.
REG: You’ve finished your course. Would like to sign up for another one?
ME: Nah, I’ll go bowling for awhile …
REG: That’s great. Say, can I and my husband Elmer tag along for a game of two?
ME: Yeah. Sure, why not …
REG: And whenever you want to start another course, come see me.
ME: Maybe. We’ll see …
I insist on “Suppressive Reasonableness”. I won’t settle for anything less.
I wonder if it might be possible for someone to contact this “elderly lady” and asked her if she really wants to go “up the bridge” or if she would instead like to escape the “insanity and greed of The Scam”, just what she would say?
Maybe this might be an opportunity for someone to rescue her and thereby help her to protect her life savings so the reges can’t get their greedy hands on it and force her to “donate” it all before she knows what hit her?
After all, every dollar saved from the rapacious hands of The Scam is a dollar that can serve the people who really deserve it.
I thought the staff looked really desperate when he was running Ben through a very cursory version of the sort of sec check intended to ask and try to find out if people are there to investigate the org. He obviously wanted to skip through that part and move on, rather than risk turning off or disqualifying a customer.
I’m sure heads must be rolling at the org after this. But beating up on the few people left they can even get to staff the place, is probably just going to make things worse – if they tighten up procedures, it will probably just crash stats. We can only hope that it causes a few people, especially the older woman who is someone’s disconnected mother, to blow.
Peacemaker, I believe none of us would wish punishment on the Still In staff. I believe none of us here would want pain inflicted on anyone, even, when it would come right down to it, on David Miscavige. My impression of this group here is that we’re a civilized group of fundamentally kind, fair and considerate people. That said, I do also believe that CL V staff and Sea Org won’t route out or blow unless their threshold of abuse is reached – personally, each one of them. I think that personally experiencing injustice and abuse will be the only way that each of them decides to leave. Injustice and/or punishment and/or abuse, up close, and personally experienced in sufficient volume will slam the truth about the cult home. The pressure of the punishment and abuse has to be greater than the pressure of their brainwashing. I wish I didn’t believe this and possibly I’m wrong. I’d like to be wrong about this. I’d like for them to “cognite” analytically with no suffering or pain. Maybe its possible, but I don’t think so. Therefore, the more they get screamed at and punished unfairly is, I believe, the faster they will leave. How much is too much? I guess that depends on the person.
We in RTC have to do all thinking because pie-faced staff members are robots. The answers is to begin FUNDRAISING IMMEDIATELY FOR A HAWTHORNE IDEAL ORG!!!!!
Betsy’s ordered is cancelled and she assigned to the RPF for defeatism in thinking small. Her answer should have BUILD A NEW HAWTHORNE IDEAL ORG!!!!!
We in RTC are in RTC because we THINK BIG.
Scientology is never to be used a pc’s personal taxi service. The right answer is always to build a new Ideal Org.
“Solve it with Ideal Orgs” is COB’s answer.
OTVIIIisGrrr8, LOL, and thank you. You are one very funny guy.
Dear Loosening,
Since you now know it is a business (the business of stats, which are money) why not just plan for a different employment? Perhaps you have been trained on Les Dane Hard Sell, that would give you experience in selling used cars, or household appliances. At any rate, once the gloss of religion is gone, I hope you choose a future that will suit your needs and desires as a human being best. If today that choice is Scientology, I respectfully request you continue to read here and at The Bunker, a site by Tony Ortega, for alternative experiences and viewpoints, because what is true is what is true for you.
No hurry, there will always be Thursdays at 2:00 p.m. to stimulate your thoughts.
Thanks ammo. Lol. Look I left 15 years ago with no regrets. I didn’t sold any car since then but I became a specialist in old historical houses renovations. I have a great expanding family cult-free. And now at Thursday 2:00 pm I am usually taking a good Italian coffee – espresso.
By the way I think that a will change nickname. Actually it gives the idea of something still happening.
Forgive this KTL grad for parsing the name. “Loosing”: “letting go, freeing”. You’re “letting your religion go”. That’s a clever play on words, and subverts the expectation.
But most likely it’s a very common English mistake, and you meant “Losing”. KTL made me a grammar/language pedant, and I love showing it off!
You could change the tense, and get “LostMyReligion”, but that’s a little clunky.
However, any way you came up with it, I actually like “LoosingMyReligion”. I suggest you keep it. Reading your post, I came to the reasonable conclusion that you were out. You might need to explain this from time to time, but it’s a good name.
Thank you imaberrated. When I choose it I had the REM on the radio and I thought was even funny. Let see.
Laughing……Running……..Hiding…..= LRH. The trap for ALL cults starts like this.” I wanna help” It must somehow be connected to the immortal soul, and bait and switched into a cult. Don’t throw good money after bad.
That map says it all, Mike. And don’t forget that traffic in rush hour both ways is horrible and can double the time. If they really cared about her spiritual enhancement, they would send her to Inglewood. But they don’t care a whit about her. They only care about their own stats and will do anything to get her to LA Org. The irony is that LA Org is the Model Org where all the other orgs send their people to train and observe how to make their orgs better. So it is ghost town empty org showing others how to be a ghost town also! Model of Ghost Town.
Pathetic is as pathetic does. The mOrgs has a long history of stealing from each others sales territory, but this is ridiculous. How deluded is this Grace not to see the closer mOrg? And why didn’t LA mOrg just send her there? Yeah, it is all about 2pm Thursday.
Yes, it is obvious, first the statistics and then, well, some slight concern for the person.
Yet, as a staff member an up trending statistic could mean a few more hours of sleep, not made wrong by ethics officer for being a downstat, some decent food or some such. Thus, desperation pervades her message.
If they will do all this just for an SRD start they would literally maim and kill to get a person for their grades.
This is arguably the busiest Class V Org on the planet people. Anyone who requires more proof than this that Scamology is empty of clients needs to see the Wizard about a brain.
They only give out brains to those who can really use them.
I’m going to violate a little Op. Sec. (Operational Security) here to reveal that recently, on a Sun., one of the traditionally busiest days of the week for an org, I was spying on the Sydney city org and I saw one public leave at the end of the Academy day. I assumed they wouldn’t have many people on lines, but damn! I was there for about 20 minutes, certainly long enough to see if anyone else came out.
Probably by design, you can’t see far into the org from the front. Div 6 has walls of promotion that block the view. Public on lines wouldn’t be on the ground floor. Div 4 was always upstairs. The most activity I see is the ever-present receptionist. Hell knows what they do most of the time.
🙂 Wynski.
Last time I was in the PAC area it was a ghost town. And rightly so. Mike you and your cohorts have been so effective in exposing the truth about Scientology. Many thanks.
I’ve seen the ghost town and it’s a sorry mess. FACE IT, cult members, you are a dying breed. Wouldn’t want to be in your shoes.
Old surfer dude you are to hard on the cultohollics. They just need an LA chapter of CA.
Cultohollics Anonymous.
Hello I am a new entry. Hope you will forgive me if I make some mistakes with the english. Sad to say it but one can promote any big change happening in the church that now finally is not as it was before etc etc but at the end of the week better you have your stats up. Stats talk BS walks. I have been in the SO for almost 15 years. On real to the ground production. I know the business. The entire institution exist just for the stats. Helping is an empty word especially when you come down to Thursday 2:00 pm and you are still behind. Wow… I got back for one sec that bad feeling…. And I still wonder after all these years if did I helped someone for real.
Welcome, LMR!
Thank you!
Welcome! Don’t worry about your English. You get your message to us – that is the important part of communication.
Thanks. Appreciated.
Yeah, don’t worry about your English! We end up getting hammered.
Absolutely right, JVB!
Mr. Loosing,
A few words of encouragement from a never-in “educated” about Co$ courtesy of Mssrs. Rinder, Ortega, Atack, Ms. Remini and many, many other Heroes of the Heart who’ve escaped as you have (or are headed thataway).
So, keep reading/watching/listening to the truth, learning, and most importantly, recovering!
Peace and Blessings to you and yours.
Mr Wryturman thank you. I am already since sometime doing it and getting a bigger and clear picture. Great admiration to Mike and Leah.
LoosingMyReligion, I wish you a speedy and full recovery. I was once in a Catholic religious community akin to the Sea Org. I believe it was nowhere nearly as bad as being a Scientologist, but it still had detrimental effects on my thinking, some of which I am only realizing many years later. I applaud you for getting out of it.
I’m surprised that Valley Org isn’t offering to charter a helicopter to get her THERE every day … But probably the SO would pull tank anyway …
*though I do have to say that in my very busy org in the 70s, Day and Fdn would sometimes battle over students …
Pull “tank”???? Of course, I meant “pull RANK” …
I pulled a tank once. I was never the same again.
Did you mean pulled, and yanked? 🙂
Yeah! How did you know? I’m getting ready to get yanked.
Even better than sending this unfortunate woman to the Inglewood Ideal Org in an effort to get her up ‘the bridge’, why not send her to the closest mission? Since each ‘Ideal Org’ is supported by at least 10 missions there must surely be one of these burgeoning outposts within easy walking distance of nearly everyone in Southern California!!!
Or send her to a bank so she can prevent the greedy slime balls from stealing all her money.