I tend to check on my daughter “Taryn’s” website occasionally and people send me things of note. Of course, it is her name and image that are being used, it is not “her” website. And there is no proof clearer than the fact they are now paying to advertise on this site. On her Sea Org pay she couldn’t afford to buy posterboard to make a sign to hold up on Hollywood Blvd, let alone pay for advertising on a popular web page.
Jezebel is a female oriented site that used to be part of the Gawker stable (Gawker was NOT friendly to scientology — they posted the infamous Tom Cruise IAS Freedom Medal video). But I suspect they assume the female skewed audience will be more inclined to buy into the message.
I wonder if anyone at Jezebel has a clue what they are supporting? A scam trying to jump on the “#MeToo” bandwagon with a campaign to “cost me my job” based on readily provable falsehoods that grow more outrageous with every telling.
And just for good measure, here are some of the latest claims.
This one says: “My mother had to recover from surgery from the damage… inflicted on her. It took months and years.”
This one says: “He mauled her flesh. And all of this resulted in a broken shoulder and permanently damaged nerves. My mother will never ever recover…”
Which is it — never recover or months and years to recover?
And here is her message posted on my birthday (love the image…)
This one is also a “damaged her for life” but now adds a few other things, “adultery” and child abuse as “death is looming into view.”
Seriously, what sort of organization would do something like this?
There’s only one answer: Scientology.
For anyone who still doesn’t know the real story behind these absurd claims, I refer you to this earlier posting We Did It! and it in turn has links to documents and evidence that prove this is nothing but lies.
This smear campaign is truly bizarre. I have never seen anything quite like it. They have professional caricatures and nicknames. I realized when I saw the ad on youtube of a woman Taryn speaking against her father that it was s a highly orchestrated well-financed smear campaign. It was not the work of that one person.
This is not some feminist MeToo thing either – it’s just meant to appear that way.
A few minutes of searching out of curiosity, and I saw that it had something to do with Scientology. Mike Rinder must have been a critic of them, in order to provoke this attack on him. To be honest, it tells me more about Scientology than the man they attack. It makes the Church of Scientology look bad.
It’s obviously meant to punish people who were critical of them and to scare others into silence. To be honest, I know very little about Scientology, though I heard they were litigious. But this goes too far. It’s clearly defamatory – not just against Rinder, but several people, using the same format.
Valeska Paris, ValeskaParis.com
Marc Headley, WhoIsMarcHeadley.com
Mike Rinder, WhoIsMichaelRinder.com
Amy Scobee, WhoIsAmyScobee.com
Tom DeVocht, WhoIsTomDeVocht.com
Jeff Hawkins, WhoIsJeffHawkins.com
Aaron Smith-Levin, AaronSmithLevin.com
Michelle LeClair, MichelleLeClairPerfectlyClear.com
I’m willing to bet that what all these people have in common is criticism of Scientology, so they’re being smeared rather viciously. All these people have grounds for a defamation case, but as someone noted above, maybe the strategy is to tie them up in litigation for years? I don’t know.
There is a discussion board on all this craziness here:
I do know this: Youtube should not have taken these advertising dollars to do personal attacks. Where are their so-called “community guidelines”? They’ll censor physicians who go up against Big Pharma, but they allow really nasty personal attack advertising?
All I can add is hang in there Mike. This too will pass.
To Thomas: Sounds like you have summarized this correctly. It is a most bizarre practice and done guided by policies laid out by founder L. Ron Hubbard: Scientology engages in what they call “fair game.” If you criticize us, we are not going gently into that good night, no. It’s open season ON YOU.
I only learned of this policy and practice when I left ended my membership in the Church of Scientology. I don’t think it is widely advertised within. Instead, any wide-scale battering-style PR attack the Church levels at someone is presented to members as based on facts and a proper investigation of the person. That not only warrants the smear campaign, it constitutes (to members) the C of S performing a useful public service of warning others. (Yup: Bizarre.)
Thomas, I agree with you: To the regular person (non current active member of the C of S), these attacks say far more about the Church of Scientology than about the targets of their attacks. And what it says is NOT GOOD.
Ironically, such may be the C of S unwittingly performing an act of public service.
Ya’ gotta give her high marks on her “steely gaze” in that pic, there. Tubby would be proud ….
— of her trying to destroy what little family the Sea Org afforded her…. AND her parents. By this time, after studying his actions vs. his words, I’m surprised he included the 2nd Dynamic in his utilitarianist calculations, as little as he supported his own over the decades.
I checked out some of the videos. I know they have to hurt. She sounds like a robot parroting the party line. I wouldn’t worry too much the view numbers on them are so low. One had only 14 views and most of them were probably her checking on the video herself. The commenting has been turned off so no one can dispute her lies.
When people cannot attack the person face to face they try every means possible to attack their character from far off. Remember you need to forgive her to help you, but you need not forget.
I wonder if she can be sued for libel…
Libel, slander, defamation of character…..
She should really reconsider her “mission” because her claims are “provable bullshit” to borrow a phrase.
Though that might be the goal – bait Mike into suing and then swallow him up in litigation
The funny thing is, people won’t just go to her links. If they are truly interested, they will Google ‘Mike Rinder’.
And, after watching some enjoyable ‘Judge Rinder’ clips, they will eventually make it to this site
Very likely this latest viciousness being thrown at you courtesy of the cult and via Taryn is due to your having communicated your interest in doing a podcast, Mike.
You and Leah again …Uh Oh!
What’s that British expression…very possibly that’s what’s gotten DM’s “knickers in a twist” 🙂
Aqua, DM’s got nothing to get twisted up in his knickers. Time after time, we are shown demonstrations of his not having ever “grown a pair”, mostly in his own self-aggrandizing PR pieces. Will he ever learn? No, as he’s the POPE of scientology and can’t change even if he felt a need/want to do so.
Not to mention, he’s PTS to himself.
If by some incredible miracle Taryn were ever to wake up and get to be reacquainted with Mike, she would see, as we all do, what a kind, loving and incredible human being he is. The work he puts in every day to expose the lies and pure evil this “church” promotes can only come from one who is true of heart and an altruism that is a rare trait.
I feel bad for Taryn, in that she is missing out on the gift of knowing her own father. A man that many of us will never have the pleasure of meeting in real life. Yet we feel so blessed to part of his generous spirit and positive influence on humanity.
Mike, I know you understand that she would be a completley different person outside of the influence of this toxic organization.
We all are so happy you are now experiencing a life full of love and joy with your beautiful wife and the boys.
A life those trapped in the cult could only dream of.
Mike, it is too bad that you have to go through this shit. I wish that I could say that I am surprised at their behaviour, but I cannot. But one good thing to know is that if they failed to kill me when they had it almost wrapped up then they are pussies and cannot do much to you since you understand their game. Of course, that would not make it any less painful to have your daughter turn on you.
I do not have that problem as children were verboten when I was in the SO.
Heil Miscaviage!
Tu hat picture of Mike is so obviously doctored that it’s embarrassing!! I can’t listen to her. The rhetoric is embarrassing. The writing is childish with juvenile attempts to sound emotionally involved. Blatant disregard of facts is obvious to the most casual observer. They don’t seem to know this or they would improve at some point one might hope. Or not!!! Lol. The people who are important know the truth and can perceive deception easily enough. I know you know this Mike We love you 😘
Yes, Mike, we absolutely thank you for what you do.
Hubbard’s wool he’s pulled over the organized staff members, particularly OSA (which I hope you find the time to write a book on OSA someday Mike), the wordsmiths who craft the attack invective are wholesale dismissed by public with any bit of regular education.
No sensible person who listens to enough information could agree with Taryn’s (OSA wordsmith’s) L. Ron Hubbard infused “enemies” attack wordage.
A chapter in your OSA book Mike, ought be on the history of the propaganda/trolls/wordsmiths in OSA history. Those that did the ongoing misdeeds of this wordsmithing.
Does Monique Yingling or other lawyers have to sidecheck this OSA wordsmithing “….destroy them utterly….” invective?
What’s Moxon and the other OSA Sea Org lawyers up to these days?
Oh, Mike, sometimes I want to reach out to you and give you a big hug. So sorry the cult is putting you through this. You are bearing up with such dignity. I agree with the comment above that you should maybe email this website and let them know this ad is slanderous. If they do not take it down, I would get a lawyer involved.
I read Heber Jentzsch. He as a president of the church of scientology told scientologists that psychs do things to people. What psychs do to people is nothing compared with what crazy do to them. Crazy make old-agers to run around a pole.
I read Jezebel pretty regularly and think this is a case of the advertising department not recognizing what this ad really is.
Jezebel are normally very critical of Scientology, they even had Tony Ortega and Chris Shelton on their podcast once. Maybe just write them an email and let them know what the situation is. They might just take the ad down. And who knows, maybe they’ll even write an article about it. They have written about problematic people co opting metoo before.
Sounds like a good idea, Nannyogg. But I imagine that that is what the Church does; demand their 1st Amendment rights while denying others of theirs. Mike may not want to lower himself to their level.
But, if he chose to do so and take legal action, I would support him all the way.
Nice job of the smear story, but it does smack of a radical’s write up. Certain of essential data is missing.
If things were so serious, I wonder if anyone made a police report.
Nah. That might mean someone would have to investigate the truth.
In the Cof$, we couldn’t have that, could we?
As for you, Mike, could not think of much worse than your own family using this kind of vitriol against you.
The irony of this is that I called the police (Sheriff) when they came to harass me and they did make a report. It completely contradicts what they claim.
Dear Taryn,
I am indeed sorry to read that the skin abrasion your mother experiences those years ago has festered into such a physical and mental level of disability that she may soon be confined to wheelchair or a bed in the SeaOrg convalescent home. I find it to be a sad commentary that after years of scientology medical care and auditing they have not made her condition better. The fact that your poor mother worsens as the days go by suggests that you, as a responsible daughter, should take the poor woman somewhere and find someone who can actually help her. You owe it to your own mother after all.
Exactly. Scientology supposedly saves lives. Even if Mike had torn her arm clean off, I would have expected that by now it would have been handled. So they are denigrating the tech as well as lying though their teeth. Scn supposedly increases I Q and I believe it does. They must not believe in their own tech if they think that any Scnist is stupid enough to believe their lies.
Well, I guess the “saving gtace”, such as it is with these sites, is that only a teeny tiny amount of people ever see this trash and virtually no on this entire planet cares about what any scientologist says about anyone. Yes, many of us on this site have had our reputations within our tiny group attacked with vicious lies and have suffered the loss of family, friends and jobs. But thankfully outside of a handful of people , again, virtually no one on Earth cares about it even or is even aware of what this miniscule group of fascists soldiers say.
I’m surprised any sane woman would open a website or whatever it is. Jezebel was a horrible woman who introduced baby sacrifice by fire when she was married to a king in Israel. God often referred to really evil women as a Jezebel.
So sorry you are having too go thru this. Seems like your children can break your heart easier than anyone else.
There’s a theme in feminism of using villains from traditional myth or religion as icons. Traditional culture, especially traditional Christian culture, is often cast as misogynistic and oppressive, so anybody who opposed that can therefore be cited as a freedom fighter against those attitudes. It’s also a bit of a jab at anyone who might believe in that traditional culture. I’ve seen a cast of characters, from Susan Pevensie from the Narnia books to Lucifer, used in this way by feminists. It’s not so much a statement of religious belief as it is a statement of separation from those beliefs. IE a way of saying “we disagree with that cultural worldview.”
I’m not trying to get political or say who is right or wrong. It’s just something that some people in that movement do. This might not even be an overt statement of any kind, just something that the website founders thought was funny, because of a philosophical bent.
It’s actually quite an interesting thing, especially when you consider some of the quasi-religious movements and attitudes that feminism has both fed into and grown out of. The spiritualism movement, for example, was tied closely with 1800s radical feminism. But that’s another discussion entirely.
(As interested as I am in Scientology as a never-in, I do find a lot of the late Victorian to mid century alternative religion movements to be really interesting. My apologies if this is off topic. Was just trying to answer the question!.)
Oh and to add, I doubt the Jezebel staff knows the real story here. I’m sure they’d be as horrified as we all are at the smear campaign and dirty tricks the Co$ is using against Mike Rinder.
Scientology is always talking “outpoints.” Spotting the outpoint. Here’s Taryn talking about your birthday like it getting to the end of your life. Meanwhile, those of us on fb see pix of you living your wonderful life with Christie and the kids and you look fantastic. That is the reality in real time vs what is in her head. The picture of you where you looked really unhealthy was when you were still in the SO. Probably when they brought you out of The Hole for something. I’m sure you know the picture. I was reading the blogs when the ambush happened at the Doctor’s Office. YOU were the one under attack. She got hurt in the skirmish and I can’t imagine it was bad at all. People stay in until they hit their tipping point. I’m hoping for that miracle for you with your children. Like everyone else, I am sooo sorry you have to read stuff like this. Although I am not a Christian, I do like this phrase from Jesus ” Forgive them, as they know not what they do.” You have a big heart, Mike and we all see it.
You’re healthy, fit, handsome, in good spirits, intelligent and productive, with a beautiful wife, 2 healthy, happy young sons and plans for an ethical and profitable future.
You’re miserable.
So is your mother.
Much love,
Whoo hoo!
Edit button back!
Me so happy 🙂
Thank you, Mike!
Yes, I agree, One of Those that See. Forgive them, because they are going to need it. I may forgive them before the make amends for what they do to my wife and I; but if I forgive them now they will just keep fucking people over.
Back in the mid 70s I used to work with Cathy Rinder in the same office where the Evaluation Unit used to be at the Flag Land Base in Clearwater Fla. Our job as evaluators was to evaluate Orgs performance and find why some were not doing well.
I got to know Cathy Rinder well in terms of her style and I remember clearly she was always looking for the SP (suppressive persond) who was holding the statistics down.
She would disregard evidence of other reasons for a decline and usually come up with a “who” instead of a “why”. Once, while Flag was already under the control of WDC, which was now being run by David Miscavige, I did an evaluation on the Plymouth (Uk) Org and found the reason for their decline, which did not call for anyone to be punished. While I was on mission to handle the problem, Cathy Rinder, backed by DM, overrode my mission and sent orders to remove the Executive Director and declare her Suppressive Person, though the reason for the problem was not her.
Cathy Rinder, as I remember from working along her for at least 6 years , was a ladder climber, always trying to impress her seniors and be in good terms with the powers that be.
When I saw her attack on Mike I was not surprised. She was never someone who you could be friends with. Always her aim was to find the “bad guys who were “suppressing” Scientology.
Cathy Rinder, in spite of the truth that was staring at her, ignored the facts and vengefully poisoned her siblings (aided by David Miscavige, her boss) to help attack Mike Rinder because he spoke out. They all know the truth but I doubt they will ever
admit it. For Mike it’s a hard pill to swallow, I’m sure.
A mean, miserable, indefatigably- lying cult hag.*
If I were Mike I’d be giving thanks every day for being rid of her.
*There’s also a negative side.
One of the most basic offerings of the scientology scam is that they will help you communicate more effectively. From there, you will gain power over your life, career and earnings (Full disclosure: If you work the program of the “religion” correctly, THEY will control those earnings and that life mentioned). But it all goes back to “communication.”
Even to those who don’t know anything about the cult, the “Happy birthday, Dad” missive is a full-on failure of communication.
Who would start out a post wishing everyone “health,” (unless they set foot into an org where their health WILL be jeopardized for the sake of profit!), applauding the “heartwarming activity” on the net and be all into “so much kindness”–and then publish THIS! If kindness were your thing, WHY would you go out of your way to accuse–slander, as it turns out–your own father on his birthday? Even if your father WERE the ogre you describe that doesn’t keep YOU from responding with, well, kindness. Imagine how “heartwarming” that would be!
With all the overpriced self-improvement tools that the cult allegedly conveys, you can’t rise above your “ruin” and wish your own father well on his birthday? Or at least remain silent? And your finely tuned communications skills don’t allow you to see how tone deaf your own vitriol-filled “kindness” post is? Seems to me that the tech is dreck after all!
Thanks for this Mike. Particularly like how you emphasized the intention to “cost me my job”. It will be helpful in the future to reference the specific LRH GO/OSA policy for reference, showing that scientology “scripture” is in many cases mandates for criminal behavior and terrorism.
My heart hurts for you Mike. It also hurts for Taryn. It is she who is wasting her life. Scientology is not assisting her to become a better person or achieve spiritual freedom. Instead it encourages,assists and demands that she remains in a perpetual state of anger and hate. Every line of her rant was filled with venom . Not only does it take a deeply bitter and disturbed person to continue to wallow in hate, it also requires a support system to hold one down in that state. Unfortunately it will be Taryn at age 60 looking back on a life of no accomplishments other than pleasing Scientology and Miscavage by spewing lies ,hate and continuing to exist in a state of anger and bitterness . No happiness , overcoming of obstacles or movement to a higher spiritual state.. For her lifelong dedication to Scientology there is NO sign a mighty Thetan exists in Taryn. That is the true and sad advertisement of what Scientology offers. Buyers beware.
She’ll go just the way her mother did.
She’s well on her way already.
The Church and Taryn are in reality dishonoring and exploiting the suffering of women who really are victims of abuse. Typical. Contrast to Church treatment of women who complained re: Danny Masterson.
You can almost take it to the bank that the opposite of what the Church says is what will be found to be true.
I think Mike still looks pretty good in that fake picture of him they posted. If they wanted to post a picture of him when he looked REALLY rough they should have posted a picture of him when he was still IN scientology.
The one where he was emaciated, when he was sent to attack John Sweeney, then snapped and escaped. That one is haunting.
Imaberrated – Yep, he was gaunt and bug-eyed back then. If they used a picture of him back then they could accuse him of being a serial killer or an alien. Flunk on OSA for choosing the wrong picture and wasting advertising dollars.
Mr. Rinder has aged well.
Yes, he was so thin, and you could almost feel the pain that showed in his eyes. He’s a different man now. He looks younger now than he did a decade ago! And I’m not just saying that, its true!
We love you Mike!
Your ex and daughter appear to be brain damaged. That has nothing to do with incidental contact and was apparently a pre-existing condition!
Mike, I spent almost 50 years in the cult. I have some insight regarding being seriously brainwashed. As you know I lost both my children to the toxic doctrine of Scientology.
With my children it’s a double edged sword. I am disappointed in them and sad to see them squanderd their young live on the fraud and yet I’m the one who lectured them and pushed them to embrace Hubbards teachings.
On the other hand I am working my tail off to produce a full length film that will expose the truth of how children and young adults are easily indoctrinated. I lived it. And I recruited many of my peers when I was a young.
With all that said, I applaud all the children and young adults who were exposed to the cult and did not buy into it or left when they could. And Mike I applaud you for continuing to keep us informed about the psychopathic group. I will not rest till the organization can no longer destroy people’s lives.
That’s great Geoff. Can’t wait to see your film!
Thanks Mary. It’s a long process. It will be worth it.
When I see things like this it makes me so glad I never got my family involved in this “church”.
You can only hope that one day they sta rt to think for themselves, question the material or go onto the internet like I did.
It woke me up big time,
I have been following Scientology since your show on A&E aired called “Scientology and the Aftermath”.
I was so captivated with you and Leah Remini. I am fascinated that this so called church gets to operate in this country after all that has been exposed by you in the show. I am baffled why David Miscavige is not in prison.
What is glaring out to me like a beacon in a lighthouse over the the rough seas, is the fact that you and your family like your daughter Taryn and your ex wife etc, were all in Scientology together. So if you were abusing your wife and family like Taryn says, that means Scientology allowed it to happen and Scientology does not work. It does not help people. If it did, you would have never done anything so horrible to your daughter and her mother. Scientology must hide criminals, wife beaters, child abusers and cons within the church. (We know you are not one Mike and this is the Scientology Fair Gaming they do to defectors of this cult. You spoke out and they are applying the policies from L Ron Hubbard.
Your daughter’s identity is no longer hers. She is obviously a victim of stock holm syndrome trapped in the Sea Org Cult of Scientology).
Here are two questions for anyone:
When does cooperating with the cult’s lies and viciousness STOP being “Stockholm Syndrome” and START being plain old-fashioned, self-intentioned evil doing?
Or, are they ALL victims of Stockholm Syndrome – even DM?
Good questions, eh?
Mike – I’m sorry you have to endure this type of internet abuse from discreditable sources. Take comfort in the fact that your blog gets vastly more traffic than those sites that are trying to slander you. You speak the truth, and that truth gets seen much more than the lies. Your truth is exposing the vicious predatory practices that Scientology has become. You are denying them new members. You are denying them cash flow. You are dangerous to them, so they attack. I urge you to do a podcast as well. Talk to Chris Shelton! I bet he would be happy to provide advice!
I wouldn’t worry about it, Mike. As of this writing, Justice4mom has an overall Alexa rank of 5,847,952, with no local ranking whatsoever. A 150 year old ghost town in some far-flung corner of Arizona would get more attention. When I was in the business, we called this sort of practice “click pimping.”
Here are the latest Alexa rankings (lowest numbers get the most web traffic):
mikerindersblog.org US #15,313 Global #100,490
tonyortega.org US #22.183 Global #100,800
scientology.org US #46,901 Global #160,430
scientology.tv US #153,439 Global #230.089
justice4mom.org US (too low to register) Global #5,847,952
Someone is clearly winning the race here. I think I’ll stick with the winners.
Mike I honestly feel sorry that this keeps going on.
Without offense but the girl seems a little boring. It’s always the same story. The only thing that changes from one time to another are the form of the descriptions.
But it’s always the same thing chopped and chopped.
It is also full of generality.
And then the photo. They always look for the worst frame. Typical. Fair games never end. How disgusting.
PS. Domestic violence?!?
It happen in a parking place in specific circumstances and police and paramedics have all evidences of the real facts.
Furthermore she talks like if it happened last week.
Hey OSA guys….common with these lies.
False memory syndrome and related phenomenon can result in people believing in things that didn’t actually happen. The infamous cases of false accusations of satanic ritual child abuse are an example of that – therapists used improperly directive techniques, including hypnotic ones, very similar to what Scientology does in auditing. In the case of Scientology they come into play especially when trying to get individuals to regress into very early supposed memories as far back as the womb – and then, of course, past lives as well.
Such phenomenon can be insidious, because research shows that the false memories often seem more vivid and real, than actual memories. Also in Scientology, they produce supposed “past life” recollections – which, because of the suggestive environment, often fall along the lines of space opera villany in line with Hubbard’s doctrines and narratives, which then gives Scientology the power to make people feel guilty and use that to manipulate them.
Sadly, I think it’s even possible that Taryn has been so worked over in in deliberately directive auditing sessions, plus also going through the sort of reinforcement that can occur when lies are told over and over again to the point where truth and fiction start to merge, that she actually now might believe – and believe she remembers – the version of events being recounted. Scientology techniques can essentially cause individuals to create a false personal history, which influences or drives them to behave and believe in ways that can be to their own detriment but which serve the ends of the organization, making them the most insidious thought reform short of what brainwashing would actually be.
Excellent post.
Scientology lies. That is what it does. There is no lie to big to tell. It’s founder was a habitual liar and a vile human being. Mike, sorry you have to endure this.
I could comment on the credibility of Scientology, but it would require barracks language.
Oh My God! The church of scientology goes as low as it can go. I think. I’m sure they can prove me wrong – again.
I’d be curious to know if you, Mike Rinder, have any legal recourse. This is horrific.
Is that a picture of you after DM beat you up?
Seriously, all those claims are so easy to debunk. I suppose because it’s your daughter they don’t worry about getting sued.
So sorry Mike, Have to say though that it’s Taryn who looks like a hostage. Do you think she has any idea that she’s being used or does the cult, including her mother, consider her being used as a prop for the greater good, whatever the heck that’s supposed to mean? That she’s really nothing more to them (including her mother).
Hey Mike. So sorry you have to endure this barrage of BS.
Do you think she’s even vaguely aware of what “they” (meaning the midgit) are publishing her name?
YEs, she is aware of this. The problem is that she has been raised since birth to be a true believer. What Hubbard says is the only thing she knows. Unfortunately, I put her in the position where she had no choice but to be indoctrinated in this way. It’s why I continue to fight to expose the lies.
What legal recourse do you have? It would be nice to get legal help to have those horrible and slanderous lies taken down and maybe slap her (I mean the church) with a fine.
One phrase made me chuckle. “He mauled her flesh…” No one talks like that. Except maybe the Shermanator or Davey.
Unless there is a hospital report & photographs & a police report CONFIRMING GRIEVOUS & PERMANENT injury to Cathy on record……that Taryn’s constant bloviating & blathering is true……..this seems SLANDEROUS to me.
Sadly for Mike, no matter how hard you try to make amends to your daughter Taryn there will never be a “comes to her senses time” in Taryn’s life. The constant harping on what “Mike did to her mother” when Cathy was the one who pushed the entire incident goaded on by her cohorts….is a set up.
This needs to be put to a stop & sometimes, even though this is “your child”, (now an adult) Taryn needs to be held ACCOUNTABLE for her actions, accusations & statements. .
A line needs to be drawn in the sand…Taryn needs to know that this is no longer acceptable behavior & will NOT be tolerated….& if that means suing her for SLANDER than so be it. Sorry if this offends anyone….but the TRUTH is the truth.
Well, of course I am aware that this is slanderous.
The issue is whether it is worth engaging scientology in a legal battle — the arena where they have the advantage of unlimited money. Being right does not guarantee a successful outcome in court. Having money is a better guarantee of success.
It’s a question I have thought long and hard about. Fortunately, they continue to extend any statute of limitations, so there is no rush.
Thank you for your reply Mike. It breaks my heart to see you have to endure this continued bashing by your own flesh & blood.
Absolutely & completely understandable that there are and always will be no guarantees on much of anything in life, including what goes on in a court room.
They have unlimited financial resources & could drag this out for decades. It’s hard to have to keep deflecting this garbage Taryn spews forth.
As you know I AM a “never in”…I don’t know you personally, but seeing and reading everything…other than a possible scratch on her arm Cathy received….that’s about all the “damage done” I was able to see.
Taryn is so brainwashed & her loyalty to her mother & “them” is insurmountable She will believe what she choses to believe because she is of the ONE mindset that obviously keeps getting fed. Much to her detriment, she continues to make herself look so foolish.
Dearest Mike & Chris…I truly wish you continued joy & happiness. Stay strong & happy, kiss that lovely wife & darling boys from me….. Sadly Karma is a bitch, what you give OUT you sometimes get back in Spades…YOU my friend, have paid your dues….many times over. Take care of you & yours.
Enjoying your life & the happiness it brings is the BEST REVENGE!
There is a police report saying she refused medical care and the paramedics said she had “incidental contact” when SHE tried to hold his door open when he tried to close it. There is that report. That is the only report. They are banking on the people reading that site (scientologists) not being aware of that).
ValR. Exact precise point.
Anyhow people aren’t stupid. And I wonder how many are gonna read her stuff and also believe it.
Wow the story mushrooms into bigger and worse injuries every time I hear it. Next iteration will be “leaving her paralyzed from the neck down…” or “has been in a coma for the past 10 years…”. Taryn’s constantly devolving story is a somewhat scary insight into how far off the beam Scientology propaganda against it’s perceived opponents actually is.
YEs, you are of course spot on.
My heart goes out to you Mike.
At least if this was an honest web site with real information you could discern something about the whereabouts and activities of your daughter.
Looks more like a set in the Cine Studio to me, or maybe at SMP. Certainly if she is still in the Sea Org it is not where she really lives!
If she is still in the Sea Org she is not allowed to even watch TV, let alone idle away browsing youtube videos all day.
Certainly no matter what her real situation looks like, she has to show up for Makeup and Costumes to do these videos once in a while. So it is certain she is thinking of you. Despite the words they put in her mouth and the lies she certainly buys into, she was present at the incident they are lying about.
Deep in her heart she knows the truth. Some day, we can only hope and pray, the truth will set her free.
Thanks Bruce.
Unfortunately, “deep in her heart” is buried under an enormous amount of inculcated “facts” that scientologists believe. “Anyone who attacks scientology is a suppressive bent on the destruction of mankind and the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics, including my own personal eternity, is to wipe them off the face of the earth. And in any case, I am a thetan. MY genetic father is nothing more than a meat body connection that is meaningless.”
A lot of other things you are very familiar with.
As I told Les, I feel responsible for putting her in this mind prison, and it is why I persist in trying to expose it.