What has happened to the “Justice 4 Mom” OSA campaign?
Not a peep from them since May 11th.
When my daughter Taryn, my ex-wife Cathy and their sidekick Sea Org minders from Gold, Maureen Labordique and Chris Maifield showed up at the Denim Day event in LA last year, they were confronted by Danny Masterson victims who called them on their fakery.
Tony Ortega wrote an excellent piece at his blog about it, including a video of some of the discussion that occurred.
Of course, Taryn and Maureen denied knowing anything about Danny Masterson, but had detailed false information about Paul Haggis, asserting that I supported an abuser of women. The basis for their information about Paul Haggis was that it was “in a lawsuit.”
Taryn, when cornered, said she was against “anyone who abuses women,” but she “didn’t have enough information” to comment about Masterson.
Since he has now been charged (and note, none of Paul Haggis’ alleged victims ever even went to the police, let alone him being charged), it seems the cat’s got her tongue…
Hey Taryn, right there in your own backyard, you have some serial abuse of women.
Why no statement of support for the victims? Why nothing decrying Masterson’s abuses? You don’t have a problem spouting off about allegations in a civil suit against Paul Haggis because he has spoken out about abuses and homophobia in scientology? You don’t have a problem inventing lies about me because I have spoken out about abuses in scientology.
Waiting to hear from you…
It will probably happen around the same time your partner in crime, Ed Parkin, criticizes the NOI for their vicious anti-semitism.
Hey Mike, I just clicked on a Youtube video called “The Truth about Tom Cruise’s “Arranged Marriages” by Scientology on the channel kyeluh and the Justice4Mom ad played at the beginning as well as showing a link to it on the side of the video. So, it’s baaaaa-aackkkk.
It seems to me, the wicked witch, Scientology, is melting and loosing power. Your poor daughter MIke, is a study of mind control and abuse. I’m sorry for you. It must be hell seeing your own daughter in that state.
May that interaction, with Masterson’s rape victims, crow bar it’s way into her reasoning capacity. They were powerful. And your poor daughter looked helpless before the cold light of reason.
May this demonic cult be destroyed by the truth of it’s diabolical nature.
I’ve mentioned a number of times in this blog and I’ll do it again here that I was in Scientology for 35 years, almost all of that time as an auditor , CS and Course Supe. I had what I considered great wins. While I still feel much of what LRH said was true about life, I now feel also that many things he said was crap.
Having said that, I have come to the point where I have absolutely no respect for the integrity of anyone now in Scientology. The BEST I might say of any of them is that they are woefully ignorant . But even the ones who have grown up in Scientology and are now adults like Taryn (she must be at least 30, is she close to 40?) have been around long enough to observe life. There is certainly no excuse for Cathy’s lies about Mike as she was there. She knows for a fact that she is a liar).
I do not see Taryn, Cathy, Grant Cardone, John Travolta or any of those people listed on the OTC rosters as victims anymore. They’ve had plenty of time . Yes, I guess you could excuse them somewhat by saying that as a result of “brainwashing” they have “postulated” themselves into degraded beings. Maybe that was the Germans’ excuse too in WW2.
But sorry to say that that is what current Scientologists are, DEGRADED BEINGS, who no longer have any individual powers of observation or any personal integrity whatsoever. I have ZERO respect, affinity or sorry to say even empathy for any of them (I like it when they are conned into giving more money). They are, to me, even worse than Miscavige. Like the lamented wreck of a being Heber (he did it to himself), they are Miscavige’s chief enablers . Their lies and lack of humanity no longer surprise me.
Of course if they break out of their stupor and leave the CoS, they certainly have a chance to reclaim their beingness and humanity . I am a believer in redemption (even my own).
Very realistic post. Thanks for sharing.
scientology: making the able less able since 1950….
You risk dehumanising them…which is, let’s face it, exactly what they do to their critics.
All systems of faith are built upon an illogic. If scientologists, as a group, are guilty of anything it’s the rejection of reason – something that all religious groups are just as guilty of. It is what gives rise to everything else.
Ideology binds individuals together…and only an ideologue would claim the group is all. But there is still a human being underneath it all. And they each have their own complexity. And threshold. Remember that people had similar rants about Mike and Leah, long before they became “exs”. Were they undeserving of compassion?
It’s far easier to write someone off and label them than it is to go through the often lengthy and uncomfortable process of understanding why they think as they do. People are becoming more and more cultic in their thinking and it’s terrifying, quite frankly. There are no shades of grey anymore. No appreciation for nuance. You only have to look at the quality of current US political discourse to see what a complete and utter shitshow such divisive attitudes inevitably result in.
As exs, we are in a position to understand the ideology that drives scientologists and their actions. It’s uncomfortable for many of us to put ourselves back in the shoes we once walked in, to understand the decisions we made, to have empathy for our former selves and with those who are behind us on the trajectory of ideological liberation. But we can. And we should.
Because if we don’t, who the hell will?
mwestern, respectfully, no one is writing these people off. Nor, actually, is anyone disagreeing with you. You’re arguing for us to have compassion for their human POTENTIAL. Their ESSENTIAL humanity, their basic personality. No one is disagreeing that underneath the synthetic “valences” there IS humanity there, decency, fairness, kindness – all the good stuff, yes, its all there in the basic personality, no argument!
But I submit to you that if someone doesn’t know, or via their own personal life choices has FORGOTTEN that he or she is a human being, and if you deal with this person EXCLUSIVELY out of what you perceive as their as yet untapped or unfortunately obfuscated human potential, without protecting yourself against WHAT they THINK they are, then YOU is gonna get clobbered. You are going to get seriously hurt and very likely destroyed.
Whatever they once were, whatever they could have been, is not what they are NOW.
And if you have one of these “beings” who don’t know or who have forgotten that they are human beings trying to destroy your life, you’d better protect yourself, that’s all.
Understand them, have compassion, don’t hate them – nobody’s advocating hate – but realize you’re dealing with an amoral being, a robot, a machine who obeys orders on command, no matter WHAT those orders are. And if its your son or your daughter or your mother/father/sister/brother/spouse/lover/friend/sibling it should make no difference TO YOU because to WHO YOU ARE MEANS NOTHING TO THEM.
Who you are, what you are, what you meant to them, your rights as a person, your feelings for them, mean NOTHING.
And they don’t even have to be Sea Org. They don’t even have to be staff. Look at the disgusting YouTube that Mary Kahn’s son did about her. Full of the most disgusting lies. He was ORDERED to do that.
What kind of a soul-less monster could lie like that about his mother, break her heart like that, and still sleep at night and look at himself in the mirror without cringing and wanting to kill himself?
I’ll give you a hint: its a “being”, alright. And its flesh and blood and it breathes and talks a good human game.
But its not human. Do you know why? Because it is denying its own humanity. THAT is what make it not human.
And its never going to be human, until ONE DAY, IT realizes that it ISN’T an “it”.
One day, something occurs, and “it” realizes that he or she is a human, and basically good.
Presto, there’s a human now.
Whatever it takes for that to happen. And this exact change HAS happened, many times, with many people. There’s no lack of hope, there’s no lack of possibility. With any of them, it can happen at any time.
But until it does, watch out!
One more thing: no one can “dehumanize” another. I can’t dehumanize you. You can’t dehumanize me.
We can only dehumanize ourselves. We can only agree that we are being dehumanized by others.
This is no great wisdom of MINE, btw. I just read a lot 🙂
Jesus Christ says it in the New Testament. Holocaust survivors surviving unspeakable abuse have had these realizations, that what makes us human cannot be taken from us by others
It isn’t what is done TO us that degrades us. Its what WE ourselves do to others and ourselves that degrade and dehumanize us. Ancient wisdom.
“Understand them, have compassion, don’t hate them – nobody’s advocating hate – but realize you’re dealing with an amoral being, a robot, a machine who obeys orders on command, no matter WHAT those orders are.”
The language you’re using – “robot”, “machine”, et al – is blatantly dehumanising; you are dismissing a group of people as if they are nothing more than objects, automatons, devoid of human emotion. It’s psychological reductivism, much like scientology itself. As enticing as it is to agree with the concept, I reject the idea that human complexity and the pathology of ideological possession can be reduced to such heuristic thought-stoppers.
“Who you are, what you are, what you meant to them, your rights as a person, your feelings for them, mean NOTHING.”
I don’t believe that. From my own experience – as someone who had previously disconnected from three family members – the reality is not always so black and white…
“What kind of a soul-less monster could lie like that about his mother, break her heart like that, and still sleep at night and look at himself in the mirror without cringing and wanting to kill himself?”
The same kind of person who bombs a kid’s pop concert in the name of Islam.
The Nuremberg doctors accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Someone who sees the world as a hierarchy of value.
Someone fueled by an absolutist, dehumanising ideology.
Some may think it’s harmless to label a group of people as “deplorables”, “rats”, “robots,”, “degraded beings”, etc., but if history has taught us anything it’s that the philosophy of othering that drives such utterances inevitably leads to division, hatred, cruelty and genocide.
“The Holocaust is the most thoroughly documented example of the ravages of dehumanization. Its hideousness strains the limits of imagination… It’s all too easy to imagine that the Third Reich was a bizarre aberration, a kind of mass insanity instigated by a small group of deranged ideologues who conspired to seize political power and bend a nation to their will. Alternatively, it’s tempting to imagine that the Germans were (or are) a uniquely cruel and bloodthirsty people. But these diagnoses are dangerously wrong. What’s most disturbing about the Nazi phenomenon is not that the Nazis were madmen or monsters. It’s that they were ordinary human beings.” — David Livingstone Smith, Less Than Human: The Psychology Of Cruelty. https://tinyurl.com/ybluaenj
I didn’t “dehumanize” these Scientologists who disconnected, who turned their backs on their loved ones on orders, who posted vicious lies about loved ones on orders, who have been and are ready, willing and able to follow further orders to destroy the lives, the incomes, the reputations of said loved ones ON ORDERS…I didn’t dehumanize them, by calling them “robots” or by calling them anything.
They dehumanized themselves.
By their own actions, by their own words, lies, by their own total willingness to follow any orders the cult gives them, they dehumanize themselves.
You’re pretty much preaching to the choir here, with me being the choir. Personally, I’ve travelled more than most people I know and met people from all over the world.
Both of my parents had travelled all over the world in their professions and met many different peoples; they raised me to have an awareness of and tolerance for differing cultures
I lived in a 3rd world country for 2 years with my father.
In my own business I deal with people from all over the world, people of every, nationality, race and color, religion, sexual orientation, etc.
My essential take away is that however they differ in appearance or otherwise, people are basically good and for a tremendous variety of reasons can act badly.
All of this being said, I believe your main point is that labeling someone because of their actions is dehumanizing TO THEM.
We disagree there.
By doing what they did, they already dehumanized themselves to some degree.
I don’t believe that anyone’s humanity can be taken FROM them, by any means.
I do believe that each of us is the custodian, or guardian of our own, individual humanity.
I called people who irrespective of their own inclinations disconnected ON ORDERS from the cult from their loved ones “robots”. I said they were “non human”.
You object to that. I’ve “dehumanized” them. OK.
If I murder your sister in cold blood, for no particular reason, just because I’m bored or something, am I not a cold-blooded murderer? A psychopath? But you can’t call me that…because that’s “dehumanizing”…?
If you rob my house, clean out everything of value in there while I’m away, are you not a thief? But I can’t call you that, because it makes you an “other”…I’ve dehumanized you. Is this how you think?
Extreme examples, I know. But just how far do you want to take your unwillingness to label a person who has performed some heinous action? Which by the way has nothing necessarily to do with the nationality or religion or skin color or socio-economic group to which the person belongs.
Respectfully, those were YOUR add-ins, and are irrelevant factors per se the determination of what a person IS via what a person DOES.
Edit: “…IN the determination of a what a person IS via what a person DOES.”
You appeared to be assigning scientologists, as a group, a subhuman status. If nothing else, this alligns with collectivist ideology that human value is measurable by one’s group identity. It denies the individual and all his complexity.
And so any individual scientologist is automatically subhuman, simply because of his group’s status.
The status was determined via your apparent absolutist morality.
I can make sense of your argument if, as you suggest, “individual inclinations” are discounted. To you, it’s black and white. There are no shades of grey.
Is a slave “non human” simply because he does his master’s bidding? (The slave master undoubtedly thinks so).
What of a soldier who kills on the command of his seniors? (Does it matter if he’s a goodie or a baddie? If so, why?)
You allow your government to spy on populations, meddle with foreign elections, arm terrorists and murder millions of innocent men, women and children in Africa and the Middle East – simply by paying your taxes. What kind of monster does that make you? 😨
It’s not black and white. You can’t reduce human psychology, morality and ideological possession to scientology-style heuristics. There are always shades of grey. If you’re not willing to dig deeper, and I say this with all due respect, it may be that you subscribe to an ideology not entirely dissimilar to those you are criticising.
I “appeared to be assigning Scientologists as a group subhuman status”.
Where did I say or even imply that?
Not sure how you extrapolated THAT from anything I wrote!
“And so any individual scientologist is automatically subhuman, simply because of his group’s status”.
Again, where did I say or even imply or infer that?
Seriously, I think you should re-read what I wrote.
You’re arguing points I never made.
Points I wouldn’t dream of even TRYING to make!
Seriously, if THIS is what communicated to you, out of what I wrote, then I don’t blame you for disagreeing, strenuously. 🙂
Wrong mwesten, Aqua is actually HUMANIZING them. You see what separates us from animals is that we are sentient, self aware. We know our actions have consequences beyond what is within arms reach when we do something. She is pointing out that they are in a group that is CLEARLY destructive and since they ARE human they HAVE to take responsibility. ALL those arguing otherwise are the ones dehumanizing the members and pushing them down to animal level of responsibility for actions and inaction’s.
“You’re arguing points I never made.”
You defended Joe’s “…current Scientologists are DEGRADED BEINGS” comment, claiming “no one is writing these people off.”
You then stated “…you’re dealing with an amoral being, a robot, a machine”, that scientologists are “non human” and “soulless” – which imho is dehumanising terminology based on absolutist morality and an obvious hierarchy of human worth.
“WHO YOU ARE MEANS NOTHING TO THEM” is further evidence of this, as it reduces the complexity of human psychology, individuality and ideological possession into a one-size-fits-all absolute. It is also untrue – from my own experience anyway. When I argued this point, you dismissed it as being irrelevant. 🤷♂️
In another comment you said that “none of any of this absolves them from their own personal responsibility for what they created and continue to create in their lives, whether knowingly or unknowingly.” Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe this is a multifactorial issue. Maybe there are shades of responsibility influenced by multiple variables. As I said before, you allow your government to spy on populations, meddle with foreign elections, arm terrorists and murder millions of innocent men, women and children in Africa and the Middle East. Where is your personal responsibility? Does it mean anything to you? Or are you also “non human?”
You may think I’m being pernickety but this is where your argument leads if you keep following it. 😣
What does that even mean? Take responsibility for what? One’s own brand of morality is not necessarily universal. It’s not one size fits all. Assuming it is shared by those clouded by ideology seems rather pointless, especially if one’s purpose is to reach them and “impinge.”
Keep in mind that the overwhelming majority of scientologists walk away only after suffering abuse, injustice or shitty service. When the threshold for their own discomfort is passed. When the placebo no longer has any effect. It’s rarely altruism. It’s not by “taking responsibility” for something they have yet to perceive.
The guilt, shame and amends come afterwards, when the ideological roots begin to unravel.
@ Wynski,
Thanks for making my essential point more cogently and than I did. You said it better, clearer and in much less time 🙂
You said, “One’s own brand of morality is not necessarily universal.”
I agree.
I have my own sense of what is right and ethical.
If I were ordered by Scientology or anyone to blog about my father with accusations that I KNEW were lies so as to get him fired from his job, so as to destroy his income and reputation and relationships, and if I obeyed, knowing that I was lying, then, yes, given my own sense of ethics, I would be dehumanizing myself. I would be utterly ashamed.
If I were ordered by Scientology to go on the Internet and lie about my mother, about how SHE disconnected from ME, when in fact I disconnected from her, to lie and weave a false narrative that my mother is a liar and has always been a liar, stating on the internet that she refuses to allow me to practice my religion in peace, that she is totally intolerant about my religion when in fact she had assured me that I could carry on with my beliefs and it would never be an issue us – I would not be able to look at myself in the mirrow. Lying like that, publicly about my mother would be a huge problem for me. If I followed my religion’s orders and disconnected from her knowing that she loved me, wanted a relationship with me more than anything, KNOWING that she would accept my adherence to my faith without nary a word from her IF ONLY she could please just remain in communication with me – not only disconnected from her but lied about how she was FORCING me to disconnect – if I could lie about her motives and break her heart knowing she was suffering and missing me, all so I could follow an order from my church..wow, I don’t know if I could look myself in the mirror. Even if I were angry with her about something, something personal between us, if I did this, it would…how do I say this…it would ruin me, as a person, as a human. As a HUMAN being. I would destroy myself, doing something like this.
So maybe I’m guilty of assuming that MOST people would feel as rotten and self-dehumanized as I would under circumstances.
If so, OK, guilty as charged,
But something tells me that MOST people would feel utterly awful and degraded and inhuman if they did what I described above.
Unless – and you’re going to hate this – unless, they don’t HAVE these feelings anymore. Unless their sensibilities have been programmed OUT of them, or suppressed to the point where they can’t even be experienced anymore – which makes them, effectively, robots.
“So maybe I’m guilty of assuming that MOST people would feel as rotten and self-dehumanized as I would under circumstances. If so, OK, guilty as charged.”
I get what you’re saying. But your moral judgement is detached from the complex, multifaceted reality of the individual – who’s ideological and ethical considerations, whilst seemingly unimaginable to the “other” – are influenced by multiple factors which imho should not be so easily dismissed.
You’ve also said that individual inclinations are irrelevant. So even if they do feel rotten and dehumanised, you choose not to care. Your judgement has already been made.
If you haven’t already, watch Derren Brown’s “The Push” (aka “Pushed To The Edge”). I’d really love to hear your thoughts on it.
“But something tells me that MOST people would feel utterly awful and degraded and inhuman if they did what I described above. Unless – and you’re going to hate this – unless, they don’t HAVE these feelings anymore.”
Again, you’ve already said their feelings don’t matter. Your judgement was based on an action, an absolute. So why do you care what they may or may not feel? All variables that led A to B are irrelevant. Propaganda. Suggestion. Conditioning. Social compliance. The only thing that matters to you is the end result. Well, that’s the exact same philosophy of those you are criticising/labelling. You risk becoming their reflection. A frankenstein arguing with his monster…over who’s who. And on and on it goes. What’s the point? Where does it get you?
You still haven’t answered my question regarding your government’s dark and dirty deeds. It is the same issue, only on a grander scale.
First, I wouldn’t want to be supporting what you’ve stated are “my government’s dark and dirty deeds”.
I have not seen any proof of what you’ve alleged but on the other hand if I knew for sure I’d be horrified and wouldn’t want to support such actions in any way! On the other hand, as an American citizen I am legally bound to pay taxes. What could I do, get thrown in jail for tax evasion? I do get the concept, I get how you believe you are making a viable equivalency here but what you’ve offered is indeed on a much grander scale. You’re driving a hard bargain in making your point.
You said, “So even if you feel rotten and dehumanized, you choose not to care.”
That’s not possible. You CAN do something DESPITE it making you feel rotten and dehumanized. But I don’t think its possible to “CHOOSE not to care” emphasis mine. One either CARES or one doesn’t; I don’t think “caring” falls under the heading of analytical CHOICE
But I wasn’t commenting on people who do what they know is wrong and dishonest and feel terrible.
I was commenting on people who do what they know is wrong and dishonest and feel NOTHING.
But perhaps that’s a misperception on my part. Perhaps, that they feel nothing, is only an apparency. Perhaps they in fact feel totally horrible and guilty about it, yet, because no communication from them indicates this, and there are otherwise no clues to their ACTUAL feelings, its an assumption on my part, a bad assumption, possibly, that they feel…NOTHING.
That COULD be a wholly bad assumption on my part, I grant you! And if you can believe this, I would LOVE to believe that these people are torn, are struggling, ripped apart with guilt for the pain they have caused and are causing those who love them. I don’t have an inside track into their minds and hearts. I commented on what LOOKS LIKE from their words and actions a complete WILLINGNESS to inflict pain. And maybe that is not true and they did it but feel TERRIBLE about it.
Which would make them NOT robots, but misguided humans. who have acted badly.
Look, I’ll watch Derren Brown’s “The Push”.
I’m interested; I’ll watch it and give you my thoughts on it afterwards. Ciao for now 🙂
Your welcome Aqua, I simply read and understood the points you were making and rewrote them into the known axioms that they are. 🙂
Let me know if you are ever told what “your government’s dark and dirty deeds.” are as opposed to mwesten’s government’s “dark and dirty deeds.”
“All systems spot faith are built on illogic”
That is not true, and an illogical statement.
it’s not only critics, but any who don’t fervently proclaim scientology as “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth”, even those who haven’t any real contact with scn and are “just looking around”, otherwise proclaimed to be “wogs” …. Thus, any who aren’t instilled with KSW are “less than” any scientologist; they’re hardly even living beings in the scns’ eyes, definitely not as good as the scns who are *FAR* above the level of mere human, just because they believe.
Very true. The hierarchy of human value scientologists subscribe to is particularly abhorrent.
Even when you’re on the ladder (as a believer) there’s always another rung to climb. A wee bit more rotten than the last one. Watch out for the rusty nail. And the guy above might try and step on your fingers. But you have to keep climbing.
Until you realise you don’t.
Joe P, I wanted to give you a thumbs up or a “like” for your excellent comment, but there was no icon to do that. So I’ll write it here: you hit the nail on the head.
Today’s rankings from Alexa dot com:
18377 US 99465 Global – Mikes Blog
24075 US 107243 Global – Scientology dot org
87758 US 267806 Global + Scientology tv
6048383 Global – JFMom (No US rank)
No rank – rtc dot org The Online KR website (yes you can KR someone virtually)
And here are some other big churches for comparison:
966 US 584 Global – JW dot org (Jehovah’s Witnesses)
36436 US 137337 Global – Catholic TV dot org
18151 US 39579 Global – Catholic dot org
I would guess the traffic that JFMom gets is just us SP’s checking it out now and again. That’s one reason I didn’t put any actual addresses I don’t want to link to their sites. I particularly like the RTC site where you can KR someone for any kind of small BS…the ultimate tattle culture. Watch your neighbors, watch your family, watch your back…
Linear 13. Exactly.
Classic STASI (east Germany secret services) behavior about control, where even relatives were invited to report or even spy other suspected family member (to not count neighbors) .
It was shown that almost everybody in his own life got spied and there were files made about each individual.
A disturbing similarity with the cult psychosis about controlling others.
LmR, the Stasi REQUIRED family to inform on family, AFAICT. If they didn’t tattle, they got accused of what they were protecting their family from: A direct similarity to the scn “ethics” system [Weren’t nothing ethical about it in my observation.] Being sent to ‘ethics’ was identical to being sent to the Principal’s office in school. It was a punishment that usually led to more punishment.
Jere. Really similar, this tells us the need of controlling others
Those “virtual” KRs have real-“world”(bubble) consequences for those reported upon. The report, alone, is sufficient to charge, try, and convict you — unless you’re Danny Masterson, or another high-level celebrity, of course
And WHY is Donkey Punch STILL ranked so high? Because they don’t have anyone else! Hasn’t he been out of work long enough-kicked off his last show ignominiously, for crissakes – that his luster has faded, even within the bubble of irrationality?
Yo Taryn,
Methinks its Time 4 Another Blog.
How about “Justice 4 Donkey Punch”?
Much love,
Both of them know EXACTLY what occurred in that parking lot ambush of Mike.
Both of them know EXACTLY the lies they are perpetrating and the popular sentiments they are explointing in order to destroy Mike Rinder’s life and livelihood.
Cathy “I know every inch of his body” Rinder Bernardini is an angry, embittered, indefatigably-lying Sea Org crone obsessed with her ex-husband. Someone should hook her up with a good dentist.
Taryn, brainwashed in the cult from babyhood but now a middle aged woman, is rapidly approaching the age when victims morph into perpetrators. Ten years from now she’ll be her mother all over again.
Sorry for them? No. They have withered hearts.
Sorry for the fact that they once WERE good people, yes.
Sorry that life in the cult shaped them into what they now are, yes.
But then, they could have left, and didn’t.
Mike left. Like he wasn’t brainwashed? But he still left.
Plenty of people saw the truth and left.
These didn’t.
Ok, now they live with their choices.
They live their lives as lying, soul-less machines, Frankenstein-like creatures of Miscavige. He built them, he shaped them. They exist to carry out his orders. They are amoral. Orders are orders. Orders are to be carried out. Ethics, morals, justice, do not enter into the equation. They’re not humans. They are machines. This is the life they chose.
SORRY for them? No way!
When I said, “They’re not humans”, I said that a little bit wrong. They are, of course, flesh and blood human beings, physically. What I meant to convey was the concept that being in the cult for so long has blunted their sensibilities to a point where they operate in a stimulus-response manner to orders as would trained attack dogs. I’m not being funny or sarcastic. I’m totally serious with this metaphor. A trained attack dog does not question an order from its master. There is no right or wrong, no fair or unfair. Of course, such an animal is ripping out someone’s throat on command. But these trained Sea Ogres will ruin someone’s life on command. That’s what I meant about their being machine-like, stimulus response creatures, not humans. And, yes, yes, they were and are brainwashed, victims themselves, and look what was done to them, and that’s the reason why they are the way they are today, etc. etc. I get it. Believe me, I get it. They were once warm, wonderful human beings. And its sad, tremendously sad, tragic. A terrible shame and a waste of their true natures. YES. But that was THEN. What about having to deal with one of these creatures as they are today? Dealing with one of them NOW? Problem is, if and/or when you yourself have one of these Frankensteins out to destroy YOUR life, YOUR job, YOUR relationships…this is a different reality! And while it may be interesting it doesn’t SOLVE anything to muse in a ivory tower about how or why this insane person came to be insane, and how once he or she WAS sane, but this is what happened and its not their fault, etc. etc. You have to deal with what IS. You have to deal with who that person really IS in present time. There’s not one Sea Ogre who would refuse to obey a Miscavige order to say or do anything against any family member or loved one. If they’re not doing it, its because they have not received their ORDER to do so – yet.
Well, I still like to think there is goodness in people and there’s always hope that eventually even a $ea bOrg member will wake up from the fog of cult and find their way out.
Of course! Many already have! There’s ALWAYS that possibility. But until they have their “cognition” or realization, one deals with what they ARE, in present time, and, as such, what they are capable of, in their present, as yet, “non-human” state. And I make no apology for that phrase. Until they recognize and reclaim their own essential humanity – and again, there is ALWAYS hope that they will because many already HAVE – but until, one by one, each of them DO recognize this, until that time, I would deal with each of them as one would a dangerous, amoral creature who operates on command. Someone with no heart and no soul. Capable of anything. PROVENLY capable of anything. Look at all the pain and suffering they cause! So, sure, they can change! Look at Mike Rinder! But UNTIL they display strong, unmuddied, ongoing EVIDENCE of that – uh uh! No one loves dogs more than I do, and I know what has to be done to a puppy to turn it into an effective attack dog, and its heartbreaking, what they do, but then, but then, if I’m encountering one, I’ll protect myself accordingly. Mike Rinder has 2 attack dogs who happen to be his ex-wife and his only daughter totally ready, willing and able to follow any orders they are given to totally destroy his life in any way they can. He knows their back story, he understands WHY, he KNOWS who their “master” is, but in real life and in real time he protects himself and his family, as any sane person would.
Aqua: You certainly do not need to apologize for anything. You stated the facts exactly as they are. They made their own bed even if helped by DM. I found as a Sea Org member that there were a number of things which were just plain wrong that I could no longer support. If, by no longer supporting them meant that my days were numbered, so be it. Better to take a bullet from someone else than have to do it to oneself. A person has to live with himself before he can live with others. I just realized that you made no apology for anything. Well Done.
Yes they all suffer from Robotism which is when you’re connected to an SP and have been suppressed for so long that you lose the ability to think for yourself or act for yourself and you become a robot to the SP. The irony is that LRH wrote this and now the SO are all robots to the biggest SP of all, David Miscavige. Who would have ever suspected that that LRH reference would point to David Miscavige? Truth is stranger than fiction.
Here’s some more LRH for you:
NONE of what you’ve said absolves ANY of them of their own, ultimately personal and individual responsibility for the damage and extreme pain they have caused and continue to cause. They can make excuses for themselves, they can blame their upbringing and how they’ve been indoctrinated from babyhood; they can protest that they didn’t know what they were doing: they can be excused and exonerated from blame and forgiven and loved by their victims, but none of any of this absolves them from their own personal responsibility for what they created and continue to create in their lives, whether knowingly or unknowingly, with good intentions or bad intentions.
They are responsible. We are each of us responsible for what we do, what we are and what we have. No exceptions.
That’s LRH too as you know.
Again, absolutely correct.
Jane Doe 2, The reference pointed to Hubtard! Which is why per his infallible policies it was forbidden to allow anyone to list Hubbard as a suppressive in a PTS handling. If a person were to point a finger at Hubtard they were to be labeled at best Type 2 PTS or Type 3.
Wynski, yes this is true. Also true is if you listed David Miscavage as your SP you’ll get declared. I actually know someone who was in session find the SP and she originated it was David Miscavage. It BD fned but they wouldn’t give her the item and sent her to ethics instead. She was then declared and kicked out of the church. There was more such as she was reading Marty’s blog too.
But she was either smart enough or dumb enough to actually name Miscavage as her SP.
Correct Cindy! I believe the policy stated Any Scientology Executive. Hubard knew that execs were going to suppress people based on his writings and orders so he wrote that.
Aqua. Great comment..
I’m afraid that I may see this event a little differently than does Mike.
No matter what the reason for this lack of “peeps”, I would tend to be happy about it. The silence is a million times better than all the inane, screeching chatter they often use to make us nauseous.
But maybe there is a real bright side to this. Maybe …
. These “peepless” peoples have been instructed by the Head Rat that the cult is about to fold and so everyone has been told to stay out of the limelight so the remaining members can figure out a good way to disappear without causing the Head Rat to get arrested and charged with all those serious crimes for which we expect he will eventually be sent to the penitentiary.
You know. Things like, False Imprisonment, Unlawful Confinement, Assault and Battery, Criminal Coercion, Criminal Extortion plus all kinds of Harassment charges and Sexual assaults of other members.
I admit this is not likely. But this absence of peeps could mean they have all finally drunk the poison Kool Aid and they are not feeling well (or not feeling alive), or they have all finally moved to some new jurisdiction where they are now hiding out in an effort to avoid criminal charges and civil law suits.
Wouldn’t that be nice? I think it would be. (not if they were dead – just if they stop making noisy peeps.
One last thing. This event gives me an idea. You know how Twitter was developed so that people could Tweet? Well … how’s about we develop something called “Pipper” to help people “peep”? Any future to that?
Sites that are run by people who deal in deal in lies and criminality almost NEVER have a way to respond openly as they cannot stand up to the light of day.
Let me say at the outset that the last thing I want is for anything I write here to be interpreted as support for this cult or any other. I wasn’t even familiar with your blog until a fellow writer and ex-Scientologist (a fact unbeknownst to me until about an hour ago!) told me about your mention of Paul Haggis.
Also, this is in no way a comparison of Danny Masterson to Paul. They are obviously very different people with very different circumstances.
That said… When I first started out in Hollywood as one of the few female comedy writers, I was often warned about the sexual depredations of the many male bosses for whom I worked. Of these, four stood out due to repeat warnings from other women… and at times, God bless them, from other men.
One was David Letterman; the second, Louis C.K.; the third, John Lasseter; and the fourth… Paul Haggis.
Now in all fairness, the fact that the first three are now acknowledged monsters proves less than nothing about the fourth. In fact, aside from one flirtatious and highly inappropriate comment by Paul, our dealings, while admittedly minimal, were always professional.
What does stick in my craw was the utter and complete conviction of the two women whose experiences, at least according to them, went far beyond inappropriate or flirtatious comments. And because one of them is no longer with us, and the other sequestered away on a ranch as far from Hollywood as she could get, the above constitutes all the subjective details I will probably ever have.
I welcome all input, of course, especially from any others who might be fellow denizens of our glorious industry.
Sharon, complete convictions of what?
September is behind the corner.
OSA should be full blast on the Masterson flap handling. It involves not just the cult but their great leader David.
Time 4 moms is an appendix. It is over.
They have some more tangible shit load to defuse:
DM could be called and appear before a judge!
I am just gonna sit back and listen and SEE how much COS is FINANCIALLY going to ‘put in to defend Danny Masterson”…….I am also anxious to see just WHO is going to defend him AND who will “speak up about his “good character”….
When the shit hits the fan, Danny may find himself ALONE….and abandoned by those who stood by his side…..so far…that is. Does anyone think that David Miscavige is going to “donate MILLIONS to defend Danny Masterson’….OH YEAH, ….maybe a few (?) million to keep Danny’s MOUTH SHUT.
When Danny begins to go down with the ever sinking ship…….all the RATS & ROACHES will scurry as far & as fast as they can away from him….”OH DANNY BOY>>>>You’re on your own buddy”.
Taryn….ah….she HAS to defend her mother, of course, Daddy ran off & abandoned her….Mike wanted OUT, the only way he COULD get OUT with his LIFE intact was to BLOW. Had Mike mentioned ANYHING to his former wife she would have REPORTED HIM & done a K.R………and we know that Mike would NEVER have seen his THEN family or light of day again. Mike would have been shipped off to the end of the Earth….AND to boot….his former wife would have DIVORCED him for failing his “mission to keep COS afloat”.
Now that Taryn has to be “hidden away” from the TRUTH about Danny Masterson…her mouth more or less ordered “taped shut”…she cannot defend or deny what Danny has done. EVERYONE IS A LIAR, RIGHT TARYN….EVERYONE WHO TELLS THEIR OWN HORRIFIC STORY IS LYING. These are RAPE VICTIMS Taryn….do you have ANY idea what that’s about. CHILDREN SEXUALLY TOO….WHAT IF ONE OF THOSE CHILDREN WERE YOURS…What if Danny had sexually assaulted YOU?
The Truth HURTS….Mike found that out when he HAD to ADMIT that this is NUTS…..he finally saw & understood the harm being done. I would HOPE one day Taryn & Benjamin are SHUNNED & HAVE to leave…what will happen then……maybe a reunion with Dad?
Wow…Mike you’re a lucky man…you not only ESCAPED with your life & Ass intact…BUT you’ve found love again & grew a lovely family & have FREEDOM to not ONLY speak out & give information with the Aftermath Series…BUT keeping the BLOG going for everyone who WAS in to tell their own horror stories of betray and abuse.
Mike, got to hand it to you….YOU are indeed a Prince among men…..best wishes & love!
Hello Balletlady. Allow me to make a guess how much money they will put up for the Bastardson?
This cult is a terrible curse upon the planet and they do incalculable harm. But when it comes to money, they generally take care of their money.
So, I would guess they know about throwing good money after bad and they won’t bother spending a nickel to help him. He is on his own now. They may try to get him a cell next to Cosby in order to try and get the Cos to join. But I doubt it.
From their perspective, there is just no future for Donkey man. And thanks to Mike & Leah, there is also little chance that any new celebs will come calling. I bet the Rat is really fuming about that. I wouldn’t be surprised if he tries to hire a hit man and winds up getting introduced to a cop instead. Wouldn’t that make for a great episode of Mike & Leah’s next show? If they are going to be realistic, and when it comes to money, they are usually pretty sharp, they will conclude there is just no reason to pony up any money. It is a losing proposition and so there is nothing to be gained and no reason to spend any money on Donkey man when there is so much good Scotch not yet drunk.
I would advise Donkey man to bend over and place his head between his legs so he can get a good view or his rear end and then ….
He can just kiss his ass goodbye. It’s time for him to contemplate life in a concrete cell. There will be no help forth coming for this crumb. At least that is my opinion.
Ballet Lady. Heck! I would say a passionate comment.
To get out from jail he had to pay 3 millions. He gave the 10% of that amount and he has still to pay 2.7 million I believe by september.
This is on top of all other expenses. I don’t know how much money this actor has (he got famous for his crimes more than for being a great actor) but I believe someone could have to borrow him some money.
The point is that borrowing money to him has 2 negative aspects:
1. One could be discovered and his name appear on newspapers etc. Too much collateral side effects to be predict.
2. Danny’s carrier is gone. Even in the extreme chance for him to not be condemned he would have hard time to makes an appearance in some advertisement where he is seen for a few seconds and only from behind.
How does he will pay back his debt?
Skyler & LMR!
I am loving it! I am wondering just how uncomfortable Danny Boy is feeling……as the vise tightens around him….squeezing him. But, heck hey oh boy….he’s thinking Davey Boy is going to rescue him from the pits of the Hell he created for himself.
Davey’s BIGGEST problem isn’t Danny…it might just be what DANNY KNOWS & is willing to spill…..he’s got to have access to SOME info…. He’s not been punished for his c rimes against women….so far….he’s managed to wriggle free each time.
Ahhhhh….how MUCH will Davey Boy be willing to shell out remains to be seen. All I know is I am gonna go make some popcorn, makes some veggie dip for my potato chips & maybe some homemade Buffalo Wing Sauce to have with our Tacos so my Hubby and I can sit back and continue to read & watch.
Sadly….it’s been noted Bill Cosby has ASKED FOR A PASS…he wants OUT of his cell……hmmmmm…interesting to know he’s way up there in years….so some might think at THIS time in his life….Bill isn’t going to “harm anyone”…..YEAH>>>right??? WRONG!
Dany Boy’s career….well, he wasn’t THAT great an actor…matter of fact…I’d never seen anything he’s “been in”. Yet, Cosby did well in the contiuance of HIS career despite all the “secret behind the back talks” that went on for decades about sweet Dr Huxtable being a female “well…annoyer”…ummm, ahhh…hmmm…molester…ahhh let’s see now…… RAPIST..!!!!!..
RAPIST….tag THAT on someone…let MORE THAN ONE WOMAN COME FORWARD despite numerous complaints….& it was ignored & shoved aside.
Danny Boy….YOU are going down…like a TURD in a toilet bowl…doesn’t matter if the water swirls to the left or right….YOU are going down like the nasty piece of crap you are.
Wow…Jackie L…..Bless her “little” heart…..finally the case will see the light of day……might not be so comfortable for Danny to sit ON THAT HOT SEAT!
I vividly recall the first day Cosby started serving his sentence. He told some reporters words to the effect, “I don’t mind this place at all. Everyone is treating me really good. I could stay here for the rest of my time and I would not mind one bit. This is no problem at all for me.”
I expected that he would be singing a different tune after just a day or two. I am very surprised it took him this long to start singing. What a two faced S.O.B! The longer he stays inside the more time Camille will have to think it over and I’m guessing she may not divorce him on advice from lawyers. But you can bet money their marriage is kaput-sky! It was only ever as strong as a bowl of Jello.
How do you think she is feeling to know that he was out there raping all these ladies and she now appears to be the biggest Stunz (word from The Sopranos which means “stupid”). I cannot imagine that any lady would want to stay married to him after these events. She has to be feeling like a first class fool.
But worse than that – much, much worse – if she tries to keep their marriage solid, she will have to stay in the same house as that monster. “America’s Dad – my ass!”.
No Loosing, one doesn’t have to pay the 90% After getting a Bond on 10% of the bail. The bond is set as a lien against his private p[property.
Winsky. Thanks a lot for the clarification. I always learn something new from you.
No prob. It stems from the 8th Amendment to the US Const.: “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.”
They cannot abandon Danny Masterson as it is, and will be known that they tried to prevent the victims from going to the police.
Their fates are intertwined.
And, as they have declared me a suppressive to stating facts about my cycle, I should wear the hat so assigned.
I hope they all burn in Hell.
Agreed 100%…….I can’t even imagine how difficult it was for you. My daughter was friends with two teen boys who were Hemophiliacs & they acquired the Aids Virus through Blood Transfusions. A family of three boys, with the two having developed AIDS through no fault of their own.
What SHOULD happen is that Masterson is locked up & the key thrown away…and that all of this falls at the feet of David M. Yet I fear there ARE those who would be perfectly willing to “fall on the sword” to protect their Head of The Church.
So glad you are OUT, that your are finding some peace deep within yourself. DO NOT LET THEM continue to destroy you…..as they’ve done to so many others. Know that on THIS blog you truly have made some GOOD FRIENDS!
Stay Well Bill……& YES….so funny!….I appreciate your comment! Wicked sense of humor….KEEP IT! I have a DRY SENSE of humor….sometimes “not appreciated” but it IS what it IS!
Guesses anyone?
The interesting thing to my mind is that he will now finally have to provide the public with some actual entertainment. His TV show was a kind of a conundrum because it both sucked and blew. It managed to do both these things at the same time. It was difficult to decide what that meant. If it only did one of those things, it would be easy to know the show was bad. But as long as it was doing both, it made it very hard to figure out just how bad it was.
But now, the jig is up. He will have to provide us with some real entertainment now. I believe we will all truly enjoy watching these rats squirm as they try to decide just who will eat the poison pill. They will eventually have to pick some one as the “victim”. But who will it be?
After so many years of ho-hum bogus TV entertainment, this goof will now be forced to provide us with some kind of entertainment. I think we really should thank him for that. I am having a real good laugh now. They all are now finally beginning to get their come-uppance. Ain’t that great? It is pretty great. Really fucking great to see any of these monsters get what they deserve.
Stupid asshole made millions of dollars from his lackluster TV show. He couldn’t afford to pay some sex-worker a couple of hundred to satisfy his earthly sex needs? Of course he could afford that. I guess it was just too much fun for him to see how far he could go.
Remember that episode of Game of Thrones where Circe has her enemy (the lady from Dorne) in the cell and she poisoned her and her daughter so that the mother would be kept alive for several days watching as her daughter died of hunger and her body would go through terrible convulsions in its death? She told the woman, “You must have felt really powerful when you poisoned my daughter. How are you feeling powerful now? Do you still feel powerful?
Circe may have been a horrible monster. But when it came to vengence, nobody did it better. She was truly an expert at vengence.
I am loving the feeling these days that the Poop of the Yucks posted all these web sites saying cruel and stupid lies about Mike and Leah.
But thanks to Mike and Leah, no new celeb will ever join this scam. Not ever!
Do you think he is still feeling powerful now?
Ahh …. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Enjoy your laughs. We have been waiting a very long time for them and we truly do deserve them.
Scientology = A prison without walls…………
Certain people are lying as usual.
I was lying once. And then I lied again. And it was fun!
Yeah but you were lying on the beach. That is a whole different kind of lying, OSD.
OSD. Understood. But now what you just said it was a lie? I mean you lie to have lied? I won’t lie to you.
Gosh, guys, I…I don’t know what to say. Of course I’m still going on lying. It’s just too much fun!!! But you, Skyler & LMR are my BEST FRIENDS! I promise. Come and get me now!
Me and Skyler are on the way. There is a a disco night at the beach bar. We pick you up and we go!
BTW, I love you guys! Really!!!
Hey OSD! You must know that you are not the only one. I feel better now. Much better.
Am I the only one who is getting the sense that the end of this dirty scam is just around the corner now?
I can feel it in my bones. I get the feeling that it is definitely Doom and Gloom time for this cult. I never thought I would live long enough to see that. But, it finally seems to me like they have finally run out of bullshit! Did you ever see this coming? Hard to imagine. But they found a way to use up all the bullshit on this planet and there is now none left. They managed to fuck themselves right out of the last bit of bullshit they had. So now, if they’re gonna sling any more bullshit, they will have to find it themselves. No one will be handing it out any more.
Dirty rotten fuckers! They have extinguished the once limitless supply of bullshit in this world. I never saw that thing coming. But, if true, I will be just delighted to wave goodbye to this filthy-ass scam. Goodbye to Scamatology! You finally did it! It would seem that you have finally run out of chances. It would seem that you are now just about done.
Somebody please stick a fork in this stupid scam. I can smell it and it smells like the end of the road to me. Of course, I could be wrong. I usually am wrong when it comes to predicting the end of the road for these creeps. But if I am actually correct, all I can say is that I want to be the first one to buy OSD a drink or whatever else he would like in its place. After all, someone has to offer. Don’t they?
Skyler: You said ” I usually am wrong when it comes to predicting the end of the road for these creeps”.
Don’t minimise yourself. You are right on the money.
Those fuckers (no pun intended) are dog meat.
1Skyler. Yes they are starting to fall apart from many sides. The water that comes in is more than what their buckets can get expelled. You may be quite right about your prediction.
When this happens I will send to you to OSD and Aquamarine (I don’t wish her to be jealous) excellent Italian wines.
Stop this at once. You’re not allowed to love all these people! We agreed; only me. You know how jealous I am. You know my temper. Please get that spontaneously friendly nature of yours under firm and permanent control or Gawd knows what will happen. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.
Directly related to this Tony Ortega’s “Bunker” story today further exposes Capt. Cory Palka’s ‘off lines’ e-mail communications and cozy relationship with $cientology. He’s the captain of the LAPD Hollywood division the Masterson rape cases were first reported to. And where nothing happened as a result. LAPD Internal Affairs needs to be looking real hard at this guy and his division.
I for one am very glad the OSA/Taryn lies are no longer being updated. I have no doubt it pains Taryn to some extent to be involved with the hugely exaggerated “wounds” claimed by OSA/Mom. When she was confronted in person, Taryn was initially at a loss for words, a sure sign that her words were not hers, but those of her OSA handler(s).
One day, one day, some day, Taryn and Benjamin will do something that incurs the wrath of the Tiny Tyrant, if only by accident. When they are shunned by the remaining Scientologists, will she and/or Benjamin turn to their father, Mike Rinder? Will they join the legion of e-members who speak out? It’s hard to say, but for their sake I hope they get the clarity of mind to break free, someday. They will then be perfectly free to become indies, or UTR, or whatever they desire, post-Miscavige.
That international criminal enterprise is lucky they can find & develop sufficient OSA operatives to start such a “campaign” as that. It’s sad that DM then forces your family into what must be an uncomfortable position if they find out what’s being perpetrated in their names, ALL in an effort to attempt to hurt you further. I find it hard to believe that they could have such venom if they met you in honest dialog now. You have to consider the source: scientology lies, must lie, can’t not lie, or the house of cards implodes and they’re out on their own without any marketable skills in the real world.
Of course the fake “justice” campaign has been abandoned. Given the short attention span of the sockpuppet-master, it’s a wonder that OSA has kept it rolling this long. I suppose his most recent “communicator” (What did she do to deserve THAT punishment?) gently reminds him of some things over what passes for pillow talk.
What happened to them is pretty simple.
Truth is like light and when it shines the cockaroaches all run away just like when I used to work in the NOTs HGCS at the FH. When I turned on the lights hundreds of cockaroaches ( actually Palmetto bugs) would run and hide. Except that these cockaroaches have no place to hide.
At this point in time, I really do believe that something can be done about it especially putting scientology out of business. These women have a great opportunity here to nail Masterson. For my own part I have been reading past issues of ADVANCE! magazines especially from the 1970’s-1980’s. In retrospect I am amazed at the ignorance and stupidity especially on the religious articles of which there are many. These articles are full of contradictions, speculation and outright lies. Does anyone know if Hubbard wrote these ADVANCE! articles personally? From reading them it looks like someone else wrote them but with his direct supervision. The policy letters of scientology contain Hubbard’s main insanity. These ADVANCE! articles seemed to give him a false sense of moral authority.
Yeah, George:
it’s time to put scientology out of our misery.
The lead religion articles in ADVANCE! were not written by Hubbard. Anything written by Hubbard, cobbled together from Hubbard’s notes, suggested to be written by Hubbard or imagined in Hubbard’s name has his signature firmly emblazoned upon it. He was never shy about taking all the credit for anything that he could.
At one point Jefferson Hawkins was the editor and he writes about the OT Phenomena articles here https://leavingscientology.wordpress.com/2011/03/13/ot-abilities/
But no mention of the lead articles.
I vaguely recall reading about someone from the PDO (Planetary Dissemination Office on the third floor of Building 36 at the Int Base). They apparently did some of the articles. in the 90s era. Maybe Kerry Francis? Not sure. Before that, it was probably someone at the Flag Land Base.
The articles all start out with something that reads like a plagiarized Encyclopedia Britannica entry and ends with the stupid paragraph about the “real deal” from Hubbard. Ranging from the ridiculous to the laughable, Hubbard was given credit for finding out the “real truth” about everything from the Gnostics to the Upanishads.
Bruce, Thank you very much for this information! It really helps in my research. The reason I asked the question is because I read an article on Buddhism which was full of errors and exactly what you describe. The MIND BLOWING comment was that Buddha practiced exteriorization and the proof was a book titled “OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES” by Celia Green a dedicated PSYCH still alive at 86. I have ordered the book and cannot wait to fry Scientology for using a PSYCH.
Hey Bruce, yes the “Religious History” articles were always written by the magazine editor, but they were based on a lecture Hubbard gave where he laid out in great detail how to write one of those articles, always ending with a statement about “if they had only had Scientology…” Every Advance editor has to listen to that lecture and then write the articles in exactly that format.
Thank you, Jeff! It makes sense. I noticed that was the case. The articles on Buddhism were especially numerous. It seems like they wanted to make L Ron the future Buddha at any price.
A few years ago I was visiting with Jeff Hawkins and his brother. I brought up the outrageous “OT stories” that were published in the Advance magazines in the mid 70’s. To my surprise they said that they were creating the Advance magazines at that time and that LRH was specifically calling for those kinds of “OT stories”. Jeff would be able to answer any questions you have regarding the magazine during that time period.
George Annie Allcock at Flag was the longest reigning Editor of Advance! Mag. Up until late 80’s. Those articles were not from El Ron. Mostly Annie.
Thank you very much!!! Can she be reached? It could help the research effort.
Last I heard several years ago from old childhood friend and escaped Cine Messenger, DM pulled her to Int for years of punishment.
Sicko Miscavige
When the blinders are on nice and tight, you can’t see anything you’re not supposed to see. The duplicity of the CO$ in Masterson’s case is astounding, as is the duplicity of the LAPD’s Hollywood Division. A Federal civil rights investigation into that PD duplicity is warranted. And guaranteed to produce some criminal charges.
Right, Moo: ANY honest investigation into DM’s cult’s actions would result in far-reaching criminal charges.
Well, at least as far-reaching as Dwarfenführer’s® stature allows.
Zee Moo opined:
“When the blinders are on nice and tight, you can’t see anything you’re not supposed to see.”
PARTICULARLY when the blinders are self-adjusted to exclude any bit of truth.
Ed Parkin is about as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike.
Sparkay observed:
“Ed Parkin is about as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike.”
(as I mop up some coffee I really had been enjoying and didn’t want to waste like that.)
Sparkay. Laughing. Also the classic bucket with holes could fit.
Poor Taryn & Cathy: forced to attack Mike over an event which is provably fake — with supporting evidence from impeachable witnesses, the Police and EMS attendants’ written reports of the incident in question.
Actually, it’s NOT in question to anyone who is honest about reading the evidence; Mike was ambushed andphysically assaulted. Some of the perpetrators then claimed horrific wounds far in excess to what the first-responders reported, which were incidental abrasions caused more by their own clumsiness than Mike’s actions.
I should have said: They’re forced to APPEAR to attack their own family. I suspect they have had nothing to do with what’s been published in their names by scientology OSA operatives.
Disagree; they’ve had PLENTY to do with it.
Both of them know EXACTLY what occurred in that parking lot ambush of Mike.
Both of them know EXACTLY the lies they are perpetrating and the popular sentiments they are explointing in order to destroy Mike Rinder’s life and livelihood.
Cathy “I know every inch of his body” Rinder Bernardini is an angry, embittered, indefatigably-lying Sea Org crone obsessed with her ex-husband. Someone should hook her up with a good dentist.
Taryn, brainwashed in the cult from babyhood but now a middle aged woman, is rapidly approaching the age when victims morph into perpetrators. Ten years from now she’ll be her mother all over again.
Sorry for them? No. They have withered hearts.
Sorry for the fact that they once WERE good people, yes.
Sorry that life in the cult shaped them into what they now are, yes.
But then, they could have left, and didn’t.
Mike left. Like he wasn’t brainwashed? But he still left.
Plenty of people saw the truth and left.
These didn’t.
Ok, now they live with their choices.
They live their lives as lying, soul-less machines, Frankenstein-like creatures of Miscavige. He built them, he shaped them. They carry out his will. They are amoral. Orders are orders. That’s what they chose.
SORRY for them? No way!
Aquamarine: I agree 100% with every word you wrote.
Those two are as guilty as the Nazis tried at Nuremburg. They know what they did and knew it was wrong and just because they may well have been “following orders” is no defense.
They deserve no sympathy from us.
They should be charged with filing false Police Reports.
Oh I’m sure it’s just a coincidence (yeah, right) However it may just be that when you go out in public there is a chance that you may be asked some uncomfortable questions for which you have no pre-programed answer and there’s no one there to protect you from the ugly truth.
Peggy L,
The coincidence is that DM’s attention was attracted somewhere else for an instant and nothing caused him to think of it since. That’s common in ADD/ADHD cases who refuse to get it properly treated.