At last, a measure of justice for the victims of Danny Masterson. It has been too long coming. And these women have had to endure WAY too much to get to this point.
Each of them are strong beyond comprehension to have survived the ordeal they were put through: first by Masterson, then by scientology, then by law enforcement and finally having to relive the horrendous events in not just one, but two trials. If you think you have any idea the emotional, mental and physical toll this sort of experience exacts, unless you have endured it personally, you cannot know.
I hope these 3 victims, and the others who were abused by Masterson, sleep peacefully tonight, knowing this monster is off the streets and they have made the world a safer place by their heroism.
An excellent piece by Associated Press covers the events of the day.
A final thought — this is catastrophic for scientology. They have harbored and protected a convicted rapist. Their sordid dirty laundry has only begun to be aired in this matter, the civil suit will now proceed and that will open the door to enormous amounts of discovery into scientology’s role in this that was not available in a criminal case.
David Miscavige and his minions will NOT be sleeping well tonight. They have to decide whether they are going to do as they have so often done in the past and lie that Masterson was “unable to live up to the ethical standards of scientology and so we threw him out long ago but did not say so publicly because we did not want to jeopardize his legal defense,” or now sit mum for fear that if they do throw him under the bus, he will turn on them in the civil case.
One thing is for sure, scientology will come out waving the victim card, claiming they have been “persecuted” and “the catholic church isn’t blamed when a mafiosi is convicted.” It’s as predictable as day follows night. The obvious difference is that the Catholic church doesn’t have written policies to not go to law enforcement or protect celebrities or intimidate witnesses.
I’m a long time lurker here, but I wanted to express my thanks to Mike and all of you on this momentous day. I had only the briefest brush with Scientology in college back in the 90s — and a brief but terrifying experience of fair game when I tried to extract a friend who had been drawn in — but I’ve despised this vile cult ever since. Over the years, I’ve tried to do my part to help educate people about cult tactics and to promote critical thinking. I can’t begin to imagine what so many of you here have endured, and I hope this verdict brings you all at least a bit of peace. Hopefully this will truly be the beginning of the end. Thank you all for your tireless fight against this evil organization.
Maybe one day we can all get compensated for having been tricked, deceived, bankrupted, traumatized by this cult. Yes, I’m looking at you Sea ORg.
Great news!! Personally I think that Davy read your post Mike and will use the , “Masterson was unable to live up to the ethical standards of scientology and so we threw him out long ago but did not say so publicly because we did not want to jeopardize his legal defense,”
I sincerely hope Mike Rinder gets to craft a response to the statement from Scientology regarding the claim that Scientology doctrine and practices strongly discourage the reporting of crimes by Scientology members about other members, particularly the rich and famous and of course staff and Sea Org members.
I recall the policies from my training as a staff member and the same material appears in the line up of courses for new Sea Org members and for public via the Introduction to Scientology Ethics course and book.
As a staff member in a local org (AKA a class V org) and a Sea Org recruit and a public I studied the exact same policy over and over and over.
Nearly all Scientologists are indoctrinated in these doctrine at some point.
I hope this is made abundantly clear, so some of the under the radar types can see for themselves that David Miscavige has only lies as his defense for the indefensible.
“…Danny Masterson…is led from the court in handcuffs.”
Thanks for the red meat, Mike 🙂
From what I recall someone mentioned in the media. Upon the conviction being announced, there were some burley males officers behind and ready to detain Masterson but they stepped aside as a female officer stepped up and slapped the cuffs on him. That’s a great gesture for poetic justice.
Yes, I read that too, Yawn! Well done to the court officers! Poetic justice, legal justice, moral, ethical – a panorama of types of justice was served to this “disgrazia” (miserable wretch) as my Italian relatives would call him 🙂
Oh what a beautiful morning waking in my comfy bed knowing a violent predator is squirming on a jail cot.
Trying to think along with DM (which is hard since I’m not a sociopath/psychopath).
Since “they” caused these problems “they” must be punished.
Anyone in $ci. (Danny, his family, family of the Jane Does, etc) must be humbled and humbled HARD and expensively.
Everyone (Judge, jurors, DA’s, Jane Does, witnesses, media, spectators, the court custodians, window washers, floor waxers, etc, and their pets) must be investigated.
– [We’ll call this the Private Investigator Full Employment edict]
Everyone in $ci. will be given a new level of donation to make and will pretend that nothing else is going on.
And finally – Let the name of Danny Masterson be stricken from every book and tablet, stricken from all pylons and obelisks, stricken from every monument of $ci. Let the name of Danny Masterson be unheard and unspoken, erased from the memory of men for all time.
I admit I felt relief and joy when I heard he was convicted on 2 out of the 3 charges. The jury was taking so long I was afraid it would be another mistrial.
I read on the comments that they thought there were more victims. I can guarantee you that there are. I took this trial way too personally. I literally can’t even say the word rape. (it took me 10minutes and crying just to type it) It happened to me at 13 and again at 16. At 13 I was threatened that if I told anyone he would kill my family starting with my little sister. At 16 I was convinced it was my fault as the person was a friend of my fathers and he said I had been flirting with him. He was 50.
So I stayed silent. I put it all in a closet in the back of my mind. As an adult I know my father would have most likely beat the crap out of them and my brother probably would have finished the job.
When Masterson walked after the first trial I was 13 again, seeing him walk away after kicking me in the gut laughing.
When I read this morning that he had been convicted, I actually screamed “YES” so loud my husband came running from the other room to see what it was.
Most rapes go unreported because the victim is so scared that they won’t be believed or will be blamed. These women are my hero’s. They weren’t believed, they were blamed but it never stopped them from speaking their truth. If I ever get to meet them I hope they won’t mind if I hug them. What they went through and the fact that 12 people believed them is amazing. I know I’m not the only silent victim that screamed “YES”
God bless you and thank you! And thank you Mike for continuing the fight against the demon called Scientology
I am nearly certain that at least one victim was a girl I knew in LA. Bright, bubbly girl who was in and out of staff and SO. Social butterfly type.
She was so excited to go to a “big Hollywood party with Scn actors” at a house in the Hills. She didn’t mention any names.
A week later, I ran into her (we frequently had coffee together) and she was a shell of her former self. Hollowed eyes, haunted look, jumped when someone touched her. She was on Ethics lines at CCI for months. Then she vanished from org lines.
She died of an OD some time after this.
I highly suspected Danny was the person who broke this girl; I’d met him via circles at CCI. He had one of the shittiest attitudes toward women, consistently calling them sluts, other horrible things. Talking derogatorily about how this girl was in bed, so forth. Amongst my circle, it was sort of unspoken that you did not want to get caught up with him or his friends.
I’m glad the unspoken part is out loud now. Sadly for A.P. she couldn’t stand with the others. I’m certain she would have if she were still alive.
Time for celebration. Great post, great comments.
My husband Jeffrey Augustine was at the courthouse and he voiced this nice little
anecdote on his video of the taking into custody~~
LA Sheriffs male deputies were behind Masterson as Guilty verdict read.
4 big burly males.
But they stepped aside and let a WOMAN deputy handcuff him.
Symbolic that he raped women and it was a woman officer who did the clamps.
LA Sheriffs metaphor.
As a big being can’t Danny Masterson just apply the right ethics condition formula and overcome the dim thoughts of the “wog” justice system?
Can’t he just use tone 40 intention? After all, he knows he is a big being and upstat!
He’d need to handle his PTS condition which will be extremely difficult; he can’t disconnect from the SPs who have imprisoned him as he’s being constantly restimulated by their very presence. I believe there’s an LRH reference for those who get embroiled in such dire straits contained in either OT IX or OT X. Maybe when he’s served his sentence, these levels will be available, but that seems about as likely as the Pope converting to Islam.
I got on an emotional high listening to Jeffrey Augustine’s rendition of the courtroom the day of the verdict announcement (youtube Scientology Money Project). It was so good!!!!
I have a question for anybody reading this who has an answer, especially Mike, but anybody who feels they know:
What did Miscavige and the C of S think that they had to gain or benefit from Danny Masterson not being convicted of these rape charges? In other words, why did they think that they should harass the victims and come up with legal loopholes to make the trial invalid so that you would not be convicted?
Yes, I understand that it hurts Scientology’s reputation (even more that how their reputation has been stained over the years) if a Scientologist would be convicted of rape, so they would prefer that the conviction would not happen. But from the beginning of these rape charges, all they had to do was to say that if it would turn out that Danny Masterson actually did rape these women, that they would withdraw their support of him, expel him from the church, and speak out against him.
They would have covered themselves if they would have done that.
But because there is all this evidence that they desperately tried to stop this conviction from happening, without working to establish the truth, it will show the world that they would rather have some women be raped and abused by a Scientologist than to let the world know that a Scientologist would ever be convicted of such a crime.
In other words, they would have been better off, reputation-wise, if they would have said that they want the truth to come out and that anybody who would commit such a crime is not worthy of their support.
Of course, that would have been a lie if they would have said that, because they don’t really feel that way about it. Either way, they would be lying. But what I am asking has to do with the choice of which lie to choose. If all they wanted to do was to make themselves look better no matter what the results of the trial would have been, they could have just said that.
Instead, now that Masterson has been convicted, their unjust, cruel actions that they committed in an attempt to stop the trial from happening makes them look much worse than they would have looked if they would have just gone with the other alternative.
So, why were they so desperate to stop this conviction from happening when they could have reduced the magnitude of the new black mark on their reputation so easily? Does anyone know?
If anything it will reflect more on the mini monstrosity that runs $camology. He doesn’t really give a damn about anything but the cash and real estate AND his image. Being the sociopath he is and having a giant dose of narcissistic personality disorder as an added bonus this will be a huge blow to his ego. Things are not going to be pleasant in $camology for some time to come.
@Dave Fagen,
Interesting question you posed. I can only think that Danny Masterson has leverage on THEM. He could spill to the public full details about all of his “ethics handlings” with regard to the Jane Does, disclosing how he was effectively shielded from law enforcement by the cult. All the data in his “confessionals” on the meter (one assumes) wherein he TOLD them exactly what he had done…look, I don’t really know but its possible his coming clean with the cherch about what happened with those girls if revealed would be more even devastating to the Co$ than to him. Also they might hit him up for amends? Financial amends, Major dough? Liability Formula, “strike an effective blow” via a few handsome donations to the IAS or paying for someone in his family to go Clear or OT; “suffer up the conditions”, etc. etc. Again, I don’t know how they handled him but I strongly suspect MONEY was involved as the way he made up the damage, etc. etc. Of course he could have lied to the cult about what he did but I don’t think so. my hunch says he admitted everything and they covered for him. I could be quite wrong.
Interesting points, GL & Aquamarine. Thanks.
Typo correction: I meant to say, “Also they might have hit him up for amends”, meaning, when his overts on the Janes came to light the cult let him buy his way out of ethics trouble. So to further clarify, its possible that he bought his way out of ethics trouble with large donations – nothing unusual about that, right? Pretty much Cult SOP -if he would spill the beans to the general public about THAT, whoa the cult would be TOAST. THAT would be HUGE news and I do believe it would finish them off, once and for all, for good. Some clever ghost writer could make him appear to be QUITE THE VICTIM, or, at least just another victim of Scientology. Also if his family is going to dump him because he threatens their eternity and is no longer a provider and pretty much useless to the cherch as beached whale; if his own eternity is pretty much shot to shit, and if he’s broke and washed up as an actor, what would he have to lose by spilling every single darned bean about Co$ to the general publci? At least he’d get a book deal out of it. Everyone would read it. He’d at least make SOME money. I’m just thinking out loud, trying to look from HIS viewpoint, given his situation and the options he has or would have.
It is simple. Scientology like any human predator uses rules and systems when it benefits them and ignores them when it does not.
Example: Scientologists routinely act like psychs are not legitimate experts on anything but when it benefits them they act like they are! Margaret Singer opposed Scientology and described them quite accurately both in court as an expert witness and in her book Cults In Our Midst.
So, Scientology had a campaign to ruin her career and got several organizations to withdraw their support of her and her work. These are psych organizations.
Today when I recommend her work or quote her Scientology agents, like OSA, try to discredit her by saying psych organizations stopped recognizing her as an expert. The very same psychs that Scientology is trying to shut down!
Never mind that they are using an appeal to authority with an authority they do not recognize! They are also using the genetic fallacy, judging a claimant rather than a claim.
Similarly, when courts rule against Scientology the leader claims to be a victim of suppression but when courts rule in favor of Scientology then the ruling is treated as rock solid proof that Scientology is right!
If Danny Masterson was found not guilty then David Miscavige could say these women lied about being raped AND they lied about Scientology!
Dave maybe it’s as simple as the scientology datum that if one is being critical/nattery then he is the one with the overts.
Perhaps no one in charge could look past that and see the true picture.
To @Dave Fagen: “Why did they [C of S] think that they should harass the victims and come up with legal loopholes to make the trial invalid so that you would not be convicted?”
Dave, I am right there with you. If D. Masterson was a rank-and-file public, he would have been sidelined at first report of criminality. He would have been put on some type of “Not Allowed in the Org—Your Resource is the International Justice Chief” until he demonstrated a full sort out, possibly by working with a Field Ethics Specialist. If you are “PTS Type B Criminal” you are not eligible for auditing, but you can do Ethics handlings in the field, maybe even under the direction of a trained Case Supervisor, possibly through OSA. (I was part of these one time as a field auditor.)
Lesser offense: A few times over the years, I experienced a Scientologist reporting to the org for owing back taxes. As a crime of “out-exchange” with one’s government, back taxes are taken seriously by the C of S. In each instance, the person was swiftly denied access to the org, any services or events, UNTIL they got their taxes handled in full; then could route back in via Ethics’ lines, make Amends to the group, etc.
With D. Masterson, however, he was afforded a different C of S status. We see this, how management repeatedly chose to back him up and protect him, and attack his accusers.
Mike and others from CC Int, back in the day, would know that D. Masterson was not a model Scientologist. It appears from a young age, within CC Int in Los Angeles, he was identified as a problematic, prone-to-out-ethics individual.
If that is true, then how C of S management elected to address [not] violates an LRH principle of “That which you fail to handle will handle you.” If D. Masterson showed up in either auditing or Ethics lines as a teen with assault proclivities, maybe he could have been helped and handled. From an outside perspective (speculation here), it appears, as he grew into adulthood, his proclivities got worse and bigger.
Another thought on the poor strategy employed concerning this matter is the C of S appears increasingly “motivator hungry” against the non-Scientology world. The C of S keeps metaphorically shooting itself in the foot, coming off as self-involved, out of touch, and ridiculous. The “strategy” with the D. Masterson troubles feels like more of that blind spot-laden, over-inflated ego approach.
Bravo to women who courageously pushed forward who “made it go right.” They yielded to no force attempting to take them off course—they passed “The Supreme Test.” They succeeded in achieving “a greatest good for the greatest number” outcome and applied The Way to Happiness “Set a Good Example” precept well.
Well said!!
Look at it this way: It’s another fundraising opportunity.
Thanks to all, for your answers. These reponses make some good clarifications.
Great question.
Short answer: don’t look for logical, sane behavior to emanate from a Crowleyian criminal cult run by an illiterate sociopathic bully.
Yes, I agree with that too. I was just wondering if there was some reason why they actually did this that I didn’t think of myself. But in line with what you just said, maybe it was just compulsive stupidity.
“Compulsive stupidity”. Yes, exactly!
Mark, also, I’ve been wondering: Do you know Andrew Coates, and if you do know him, do you think there’s any chance of him ever leaving the C of S?
Oh yeah, I worked with him in the HGC in Washington, DC. But…I wasn’t close to him.
I don’t know how deeply invested he is in the cult whackness these days, as I have not seen or interacted with him or any other staff members there since leaving in 2011. He was a charming, egotistical, lying manipulator. When I was in the cult, I was in awe of him, though. He audited some high profile N.O.I. guys(e.g.Alim Muhammad). He probably knew and/or audited some of the other high-profile scientology “house negroes”: Alfrauddie, Tony Muhammad, et al. I use that epithet quite intentionally. I hope all of those fools woke up, though…
I understand. I ask questions like that about people I have known, in hopes that they might leave someday and I may be able to reconnect with them. I didn’t know Andrew all that well, but I remember him as being an interesting guy.
OSA-bot KEN LONG had me put in SOLITARY for slapping his BUTT in public (felony sexual battery) and I spent days in SOLITARY over nothing. To see this scum get away with 1000% worse repeatedly without spending a day in the clink really made me angry! And “Angry” is my first name!
I assure you that, after a few days in a cage, you begin to hallucinate. I saw cracks in the wall crawling like ants. And I’m a tough guy. Masterson is a spoiled Hwd actor wimp.
Let’s see how he likes his first 24 hours in lockdown.
Also, I was in the Gay section of the mental health ward as I take Effexor XR for anxiety. They gay halls are much less dangerous. He will go in the hetero section full of Latino gangbangers (very dangerous).
Welcome to Inmate Reception Danny! Have a name tag and a glass of champagne!
I do not think it is a day for jubilant celebration, but maybe more for quiet gratitude and thanks that the victims of Danny Masterson have finally received some degree of justice for his crimes.
I can’t help but think there are perhaps more victims out there that we do not know about.
It is also a sad day, that the wheels of justice turned so slowly for these poor women.
It is a sad day for Danny Masterson, for sure, that, in his likely narcissistic state of mind (which scientology “tech” obviously did NOT improve), an entity calling itself at church could continually bolster his ego to such a degree that he felt entitled to do as he pleased, smugly, taking the name DJ donkey punch as he smirked his way through life, with barely a waggling finger directed his way from his “church”.
It is my wish for justice to continue, that the policies of the church, and how they were and are acted upon, will be dragged out into the light of day for all to see, and that the same justice the Catholic Church has had to suffer for their cover-ups and crimes is felt by the church of Scientology as it comes tumbling down.
Wow! Great AP article with your comm ents. Love the comments too. Newcomer you are both hilarious and I feel your past sadness. But life is good now. 😀🙏
How will the verdict in California effect the possibility of the same lawsuit in Canada?
Will he need to do his time here first, then go on trial in Canada?
Finally, Closure. The visual of Danny Masterson with his hands behind his back, handcuffed by the LA Sheriffs in the courtroom, walked through those courtroom doors, no longer free. The wails and sobs of unbelieving family in the courtroom who have enjoyed the protection and entitlement from Scientology and particularly Celebrity Centre all these years, now shattered. As an observer of the trial reports all this time, I feel so much relief, but my relief is incomparable, minuscule compared to the relief and closure the Jane Does must be feeling. Those women are heroes. Their courage and resilience in the worst of circumstances is finally being rewarded. Many thanks to Leah and Mike for unrelenting support and exposure of the cult’s criminal operations. My next three biggest hopes are: 1) that the upcoming civil case brings Justice to the victims and exposes the cult’s routine obstruction of Justice and silencing victims; 2) investigation by the FBI into the LAPD and Hollywood PD who have been covering up Scientology’s crimes; and 3) that all this leads to loss of the cult’s tax exemption.
I can’t stop checking the Twitterverse which is providing a landslide of articles and videos about the crashing down of Danny Masterson’s defense.
The cherch of scientology is getting its stock response printed in many media outlets, saying that stopping scientologists from reporting other scientologists to law enforcement is absolutely not a thing in the cherch. Well clearly it is. I’ve read the policy in hardback.
I believe Claire Headley brought up these policies during her expert witness testimony. Mike do you have a thought on why no article writers flat-out quote LRH’s policy on not reporting to law enforcement? Is it considered biased to follow showing the cherch’s lies with LRH quotes showing the policy they deny exists?
It sticks in my craw that some readers might believe the cherch’s denials about forbidding parishioners from reporting other parishioners.
Other than my little picky media comment, I have to say how happy I am that justice for the brave and persistent Jane’s has come to pass. I’m impressed with the jury, the prosecutors, the judge, the ex-community keeping this trial front and center, Leah Remini showing up, and the large community of exes and never-ins who blow up the likes and comments and show compassion and support for the victims of scientology’s corrosive policies. That the cherch denies.
Just the first few words of the AP piece were soooooo satisfying: “That ’70s Show” star Danny Masterson was led out in handcuffs from a Los Angeles courtroom …”
I’ve been waiting for a very long time to see Justice meeted out to Danny Boy. I am still waiting for Justice to be given to several other creep-o’s in similar situations – like Bill Cosby, Weinstein. Here is one recent headline:
Harvey Weinstein Sentenced to 23 Years in Prison
But, I’m puzzled as to why I feel rectified in one way – but yet – I feel there is still so much work to be done. It seems to me we are not even half way there in meeting out justice to these creeps.
Sending some of them to prison for a long time has one good effect. It means that other creeps with the same tendencies will think twice before they rape anyone again.
And yet …. I just don’t understand what is missing.
It seems that something is truly missing and I can’t understand what that may be or what to do about it.
But all of those rapists can just get fucked as far as I’m concerned.
Oh Danny boy, the cell, the cell is calling…
To all Scientologists in good standing:
You must now FIND OUT WHERE YOU ARE and work your way up from there.
Those in good standing are not standing for good.
Oh, well said.
When I read the story about this in today’s paper it was on the obit page. I just thought that was appropriate.
D.A. Mueller:
They were raped, they were punished for it, and they were retaliated against by a billion dollar organization. Scientology told them there’s no justice for them. You have the opportunity show them there is justice for them. It does exist.
Count 1: Guilty (plus TRUE on multiple)
Count 2: Guilty (plus TRUE on multiple)
Count 3: 8 to 4. Eight for guilty.
Judge Olmeda:
Based on allegations and the sentence he’s facing, court finds Mr. Masterson to be a flight risk.
Danny Masterson is being handcuffed and taken away by the deputies.
Take that fucker away. Save me the Dev-T of having to come out there and blow that MFer’s head clean off.
Sorry, Carol. You were the D of P AO 2 when I was the Board I/C. I was in the S.O. for 23 years and no-one, I mean no-one ever accused me of out 2D. The sec-checker for my mellenium LOA asked me (on the cans) if there was any Out 2D and all I could say was “No such luck. I hope that you, Carol, brings him a good supply of K/Y. He’s gonna need it for sure.
This is how it ends: With neither a whimper or a bang, but with a degradation of the network
A cascading failure is a failure in a system of interconnected parts in which the failure of one or few parts leads to the failure of other parts, growing progressively as a result of positive feedback. This can occur when a single part fails, increasing the probability that other portions of the system fail.[1][2] Such a failure may happen in many types of systems, including power transmission, computer networking, finance, transportation systems, organisms, the human body, and ecosystems.
I suspect the Club will double down on the coverup and claim that Masterson is a victim of a miscarriage of justice. They can NEVER admit that they’re wrong or take responsibility.
But, yes, it will be really interesting to see what happens in the discovery phase of the civil suit.
100%! They’re so predictable!
Well, the Catholic Church has learned the hard way about shielding clergy from accountability. Civil suits have practically bankrupted dioceses all over the globe.
Scientology chose to insert itself into these allegations. That was a choice they made. Hopefully a choice they will decide they can no longer afford to make.
Phew, what an immense relief! I have nothing but the highest admiration for those women and those that supported them. They deserve love, not Scientology’s torment.
Justice takes time to sink in, best wishes to everyone opposed to Scientology’s abuses and Draconian polices, a new chapter in life is beginning.
Good bye Masterson, your punishment has only just began and it will involve being physical and very, very scary where you’re going.
I really look forward to any investigations into Scientology & its cover ups. Hopefully that house of cards will start to come crashing down.
As you said! Such good news!
Generally I wish that prisons weren’t a place where abuse by inmates (and guards) on inmates happens so regularly, but in Danny’s case I’ll make an exception, and wish for him to have at least charming and horny cell mates, lest he feel lonely… As a rule of thumb, sexual offenders tend to be very low in the “pecking order” in any prison. By what Danny has done repeatedly, he strikes me as lacking conscience or empathy at least when he’s horny; perhaps he will learn something when experiencing just the same from the other perspective… again and again. Sounds like a good definition of hell.
The name and welfare of Masterson will begin to fade or evaporate rapidly now that he is incarcerated. Appealed or not, he’s screwed. What happens to the likes of him inside a prison is justice being served. He’s truly on the way to being an absolute nobody. I do hope they initially put a suicide or safety watch on him though. The bonus, if there is such a thing in all this is that he was caught and prosecuted while on Scientology’s watch as a member under the auspices the church. The real implications of that, especially in the upcoming civil case and other matters are yet to be fully realized. How Scientology, ie Miscavige responds invites the strong response of revenge from the countless people he has harmed and are after him. His every move will be under the microscope. I didn’t think the Cof$ reputation could get all that much worse, but this conviction has made the major news worldwide. Some great questions about Scientology’s egregious behavior are being openly asked. The shock that such a criminal organisation has tax exemption, while old news to us, is brand new, eye opening info for people who previously couldn’t care less.
Try to sleep well Davey in your whisky haze, everyday is a new day for you buddy. Maybe, you’ll end up sharing the same type of accommodations as Masterson in the not too distant future. That’s a nice thought…
First, Judge Olmedo needs to find out how $cino got hold of the discovery files from this trial and make sure that defense team is disbarred. THEN the civil trial can proceed — including the discovery leak and all the fair game as further proof that Mickeywitz is Source for this evil. If what’s-her-unpronounceable-name horseyface is suddenly removed from being able to shill for the cult, things will get really, really interesting.
Yes, spot on Kimo. Complex but delicious. Scientology has walked into it’s own minefield & forgot where the mines are.
To add a couple of wisdom’s:
“Haste makes waste”, (their almost immediate press release on the court case defines stupidity) & something I learnt in the army – “the 4 P’s” –
Piss Poor Planning and Preparation,
Scientology will eventually come undone by its own arrogance and wealth.
This dumb as 2 planks, sexual predator Masterson character just might be the catalyst.
Spot on Kimo, complex but delicious and indeed interesting.
To add a couple of well used wisdom’s,
“Haste makes waste,” the speed of their ridiculous unsigned press release is stupidity of the highest order. They seem to think they are only ever writing to their own sheeple!
Then something I learnt in the army, the ‘4 Ps’. “Piss Poor Planning & Preparation.” They have walked into their own minefield and never recorded were the mines are buried. This discovery is going to be more than interesting. Here’s hoping…
This dipshit of a sexual predator Masterson just might be the catalyst that brings them undone.
Computer screw up, sorry about 2 replies. The first deleted itself but reappeared much later ??? Damn things!
Within the last half hour, Danny Masterson’s Wikipedia entry has been updated to reflect the fact that he is a former American actor.
That’s hilarious! 🤗
…Does is reflect he is a convicted raptist?
Hi, Mary —
His Wikipedia entry has changed since my earier post:
“Daniel Peter Masterson (born March 13, 1976) is an American actor… In May 2023 he was convicted of two out of three counts of forcible rape, the third being deadlocked due to a hung jury.”
Wow. They are on it!
Danny is not very high on the acting pecking order. I have been channel surfing all the news stations in LA to see what kind of coverage the news is giving this verdict. I never saw any news story. What I did see was a the bottom of the TV screen in small letters, the feed that moves from left to right and it mentioned briefly that he was found guilty or the two counts of rape. So he didn’t even rate an actual news story showing his picture. Danny must be below even a B grade actor. Bill Cosby got way more news coverage and his picture up. Danny is just a small blip on the radar and will soon be forgotten as he rots in prison.
That’s probably not entirely true, I’m sure his cell mates will, for years to come, gush about Danny being “SUCH a good boi”, and remember him fondly, for decades to come. 😜
Poor Danny (who, incidentally, shares a birthday with L. Ron Hubbard) didn’t rate any coverage on the local radio. But there are a couple of librarians who will be eager to share the news.
Oh, I am happy! I’m so glad. This past week I was actually steeling myself for another Not Guilty verdict. Each day I’d peek at over at Tony’s dreading bad news, and now – JUSTICE! How delightful!
Not complete justice of course because of the deadlock as re Ms. Bixler’s charges, but still, a good measure of justice has been meted out and like the other 2 Janes she will get what’s coming to her in the civil trial, no doubt. Can’t wait for that! June 7th.
And in the meantime, Donkey Punch is behind bars facing a maximum of 30 years in the slammer. Sure it probably won’t be 30 years, more like 10 or 12, but still!
Way to go, Janes and Los Angeles DA! Well done Claire Hedley and Leah Remini!
Talk about confronting and shattering suppression, eh cult? You sure got it in the face this time, didn’t you? This is what you get for harboring a criminal.
The sentence for these two convictions is 15 years to life for each verdict. At the sentencing in August the judge will decide if they will be served concurrently (at the same time) or consecutively (one after the other). If she decides on the latter he will be serving 30 years to life.
Thank you for clarifying this for me! I was confused about it 🙂
I read in the comments over at Tony Ortega’s site that due to CA’s one strike law the sentences must be served consecutively. I didn’t have time to verify that but the poster seemed sure of his facts; so there’s hope anyway.
I hear you. Wow! Wow x 100 if that’s true!
Yo Dave,
One more tidbit for grins. It was around 2010 I recall that you sent yer A Team up fer a visit. Mike, Marion and Hansuli arrived to serve me with a severe reality adjustment and make sure the line I was towing was the same one You thought I should be on. Turns out it wasn’t, so then the threats of ESS PEE Declare, family disconnection issues, shut the fuck up requests and all the other fun things about the cult that the cult of course does not do began in earnest.
Three years later Julian finally got the declare written and you invited my ex down to give her the good news. By the end of 2013 yer fine group managed to convince my ex and my two kids that the best possible action was to disconnect from the stupid ESS PEE until he ‘came to his senses and repented’. And yes, I totally understand that this was a decision that was made by my wife and kids alone and totally unencumbered by any pressure at all from yer cult.
So, good buddy, you have now had 10 years to streamline yer superlative Ethics tech, Admin Tech and Technical Tech and I want to commend you for a job that is so well done.
Here is some evidence!
I received a message on my home phone from the IAS a couple days ago. The gal was gushing about thanking me for the very nice IAS donation by Lori Daniells. Here is the irony! Lori is my Ex sister in law who stayed at my home when she bailed out of the See Org for the second time in 2006. So, 17 years later the IAS calls a known Ess Pee to deliver a message to a person that has not been at that number for 17 fricken years. Now that is some superlative admin tech Dave. One might think that having access to a current working phone number for a person donating money to them in ‘present time’ would be a ‘no brainer’ so to speak. You, good buddy are a real ‘NO BRAINER’!
Its no wonder that you now have yer elite movie star cherch members goin to jail for rape. Shit Dave, do you even have a clue who is on first base????
Pass the Scotch!
Newcomer, I just read thru your comment twice, and as is usual with many of your posts, I shuttled between laughing out loud after one sentence and thinking I might need a kleenex to catch tears at the next, back and forth. That’s a gift, you know, being able to create this kind of an effect thru writing. Applause and thanks for the LOLs, and hugs to you for the tragic loss which was the result of Co$’s vicious and relentless targeting of a decent guy who refused to betray his own integrity. You do sound boyant though and if I may opine without knowing either you or your wife, I suspect that this is due in no small measure to the happiness you have gotten for yourself with a real woman and partner who loves you and who is her own person with her own strong mind and faithful heart – no mental and emotional slave to the Church of Scientology.
Thanks Aqua. Glad you can see the irony and enjoy some laughter as well. That is what got me through it.
And that is also in no small way how I ended up meeting another ‘non-slave’ and falling in love! So in the end I was kind of rewarded for speaking out. Just like the Jane Does who I cannot thank enough for standing their ground.
Another fine day it is!
And your suspicions are correct by the way!!!!!!!! 🙂
Ditto. You and I got our Ess PEE declares the same year. Did you get yours the week of Thanksgiving? I and others did. Dave likes doing that; gets a kick out of destroying a family the week when families celebrate being grateful for families and loved ones. TEN Years ago this month I walked out for the last time. and dave reined terror and impending doom down on me for the next couple of years. He likes to do that too.
Black souls are few and far between in this world but you and I managed to get too close to a black hole of a black soul.
One day Cooper, One day justice and goodness will prevail.
Today I am more hopeful for that.
I suspect that my daughter ( who was the Dir I & R for CMO-INT and worked on the fifth floor of the HGB at the time, conspired with Julian to deliver the goldenrod to my wife a few days before my birthday. That way she would be able to deliver the news ON my birthday ……………. which is how it went down. So, Feb. 22,2013 was the day.
I’m sure my suspicions are just wild speculation coming from a flaming Ess Pee !!!!
Geesch, just when I had almost forgotten about all that stuff, here it is again. Looking back it seems even more ridiculous now.
But I know it is real for my family that is still inside the cult and my heart goes out to them every day. I cannot even imagine what it must be like these days to be working for Dave. No sleep, bad food, always the stat push, dealing with fear, anxiety, no money, no where to go, everything wrong is their fault, buck up and make it go right ………..what a fucked up existence.
Alright, enough of that. They know where home is and the door is always open. Anyone can decide to change their condition. Let’s hope it happens.
I always enjoy reading your posts. But sorry to hear what you have been through.
I thank these brave women and all involved who endured so much to get justice. This is healing to all victims of the abuses of Scientology. Going forward, things will change. Scientology is over.
Feds need to start looking real hard at $cientology’s meddling across state lines in criminal cases involving $cientologists because their “scriptures” say to do so. And obstructing justice isn’t what a tax exemption is supposed to support IRS.
Yo Dave,
Thought I’d check in and see howz things are goin fer ya taday good buddy! I guess the bigger question is whether yer poundin the scotch in celebration of justice bein done or cryin cause of all the pain yet to arrive at yer doorstep.
Shit Dave, I’d say it about time to get serious on yer Plan B. Yer cherch is bathing in toilet water, nobody but nobody can be found anywhere near one of those ideally planned org thingys, staff are all totally incompetent. Yer ethics guys can’t tell a rapist from a school marm and You, the apparent leader of this shithole cannot be seen in public! What the fuck Dave???? You can always fall on yer sword good buddy but really, that otta be Plan A!
You’re the best Cooper. Thinking of you today too. This is a bite of justice; one day I am more hopeful than ever that you and I and so many others will receive justice too.
Hope you and yours are doing well.
We are doing great Mary. We had a really good winter with lots of rain, then Spring and tons of flowers and now the garden is in and growing like mad.
It’s kinda like peas and carrots around here!
Best to you and your family. Remember, we always have a spare bedroom if you are out this way!
Thanks Cooper💖💫
Well said Coop! I second the motion.
Hey, you know that the pimping scientology pontiff is slappin’ slaves and slurping scotch like a true OT universe saver! And now, after scrupulously arranging his high hair, he will most certainly unleash a can of esspee whoop-ass on all of the degraded beings exposing the actual practices and policies of his international crime syndicate…from a secret, secure location of course!
Inquiring minds want to know: will he send DJ Donkeypunch a gift pack of Gwyneth Paltrow’s vagina eggs and coochy-scented candles while he is in jail? Has Dear Leader fueled the private jet and decided on a destination without an extradition treaty with the U.S. ? Is IJC Mike Ellis currently s*cking c*ck on Hollywood Boulevard? Are all of the Celebrity Center staff members connected to the Masterson shit-show currently on the RPF’S RPF in a remote location in New Mexico’s high desert? Will Blinky bring Danny freshly-baked muffins(by Sea Org human-trafficked minors)?
Stay tuned for another exciting episode of The Cult Cuck Chronicles!
Episode too of CCC
He better fogit about those muffins and get serious with a gallon of petroleum jelly and a pack of preparation H.
That was really good
It’s all in the whack, flubbardly, mcsavagely sociopathic source material…
A criminal organization masquerading as a religion is still a criminal organization. To say more would pushing Objectivism.
Thank you Mike and Leah for your role in making this happen. I believe the Aftermath series allowed so many to reach out to you guys with their own stories of abuse. One bad guy down, one more big bad guy to go.
Much love and gratitude.
Make it three!! I think Julian ought to be added to that list.
Oh Yes. For sure. I wonder what country Julian will be (if he hasn’t already) been shipped to.
I’d recommend Ukraine and he needs to be sure to take a big load of those TWTH booklets with him.
Yo Dave,
Perhaps yer feelin a bit off the mark taday good buddy but why doncha pull out the stops and flood Ukraine with a new TWTH booklet. Actually same booklet but new cover. Maybe put yer favorite pic of DM (No, not YOU, the other DM) on the cover and git yer buddy Zelensky to pay for em with newly printed thin air dollars that we sent over to cover gov’t. operating costs!!!
I’ll bet a guy like Julian might even get ole Volodomir on the cans and give him a severe reality adjustment. Think of it, he has big wins from Julian conducting an ethics interview, has a bognition about doing his lowers and opening up a new Idle Morgue in Kiev, the booklet thingys calm everyone down and YOU git a pile of new cash. And think of the Planetary Ethics Presence for Scamology Dave!
Heck, ole Volodomir might even pay you in Stinger missiles which I imaging you will be needing shortly!
Now, where’s the scotch goddammit?
It’s wholly and solely up to Davey, when he’s at least partially sober, to make any decisions regarding Masterson. At the moment he’ll be incandescent with drunken rage and the sheepbots will be trying to steer clear of the screaming and tiny waving fists.
Personally, because he doesn’t love Danny like he loves Tommy he’ll most likely throw him under the DC8 and try and run away from the situation.
Betcha no Dwarf lawyers are sleeping well tonite, if they’re sleeping at all. Ha ha! It is indeed something of a tangle, PR-wise! What to do? I can’t say the cult has any choice other than to throw the damned Degraded Being under the bus with something like, “Oh, he hasn’t been active in Scientology for 20 years…” Hang him out to dry like that and take their usual phony ethics high road.
But then what would the cornered rat Donkey Punch do to them in return?
Think of what he could actually TELL about the cult. And it would all be true. Talk about leverage! He’s got enormous leverage on the Church of Scientology if he thinks they’re not treating him right!
And he’s going to jail so what does he have to lose?
And after jail he’ll never get work again so he’ll be broke and as such useless to the cult in EVERY way.
Danny Masterson really is a man with nothing left to lose, so if the cult forsakes him he can and just might burn it all down, and wow, what a book that would be! A huge best seller for him. it would be hot stuff. He could spin HIMSELF into being a cult victim, (which in a way he actually is) and the Church of Scientology would come a’tumblin’ down.
That’s by far the most likeable outcome, let’s hope for the worst! 😂👍
You nailed it Aqua! I’m going out to stock up on popcorn for this next spectacle.
And I suspect that when Mr. 70’s Show arrives at his new home their will be a redefinition of Donkey Punch!
Please allow me to say to you and everyone here that DP’s conviction was in my opinion a HUGE win. A panoramic win, meting out justice not only for the well deserving Does but just as importantly, I think for all the others against whom the Church of Scientology has severely transgressed.
Decent, honest, well intentioned people like you and Mary Kahn and Cindy Temps and Mike Rinder and the OMG countless others whose lives were torn asunder, good people whose loving relationships were made instantly null,…no. No no no no no! it is too much.
The injustice perpetrated against each of you is monstrous and not to be born, and yet you bear it.
The kind of pain that comes from the kind of loss from which there is no closure is impossible to deal with, and yet you deal with it.
I’m saying a prayer of thanks that this measure of justice just given to the Does is pumping life and hope back into each of your minds and hearts, energy to sustain you while the universe rights the wrongs, and brings justice and peace to each of you.
PS: I’m something of a Taoist – you know, energies that balance each other out, etc., that sort of thing.
He still has one thing to lose.
He’ll be terrified when he sees a bar of soap on the floor in the showers and the looks on the faces of the other prisoners as they wait for him to pick it up. He’ll be stark white with fear when the giant con in the front row, Ben Dover, says, “Well, pick it up.”
His family? If so, that’s a point. They’re all Scientologists. They just might well decide he’s not worth it any more, too much of a liability and threat to their own eterniites, etc., and therefore if he refuses to go quietly, side with the cherch and disconnect from him. That could happen.
His willingness to breathe.
Yawn, sorry for being dumb, but this is sarcasm, right?
No, not really. His life as he knew it is gone forever and his guilt, if he feels it at all, will be overwhelming. He’ll come to realize this at some point, he’s been put in a cage for the rest of his life.
Don’t get me wrong, I certainly don’t feel sorry for him. I don’t think anyone should. He created his own mess and committed heinous crimes. Either way society is in a lot safer position with him gone. Justice is what it is, prison systems are well acquainted with inmates reactions.
That veteran inquiry I was involved in intimately discovered this sort of thing occurs at times when you don’t know the truth of what some people have done, seen or been involved in.
It’s life, but what Scientology does in harboring such crimes and criminals is similar to other religions, especially the Catholic Church, certain Govt institutions etc. It is unbelievably despicable in its consequences. They all need to cleaned up and the criminals like Miscavige and others in the ‘know’ need to be handed over to the people via the courts to answer for their crimes.
It’s a ‘soberingly’ serious concept to implement, but oh, so necessary. Masterson caught and convicted is of immense relief. I really feel for his victims, and I sure hope it leads to some degree in the downfall of the Scientology organisation and the way it operates.
“…what Scientology does in harboring such crimes and criminals is similar to other religions…”
Under the law it would constitute being an accessory to the crime. “Aiding and abetting” I think is the legal phrase.
Thanks for your response which is below, Yawn, with mine here above instead of below yours because Mike is telling us in a nice way that we’ve overstayed our welcome as regards these points 🙂
Thank you Mike, and especially thank you to Tony Ortega, who sat in the courtroom and shared multiple live reports every day through both trials!
Yes, I wanted to thank Tony and commend him highly for being in that courtroom all day every day and giving us multiple updates and facts. Wow, such good reporting. And to the Jane Does, thank you all so much for gathering up the courage to tell your story at least 3 times and to have to endure the pain of retelling it. Now you can rest easy knowing the serial rapist Danny Donkeypunch Masterson can’t rape another woman again for oh, about 30 years. Well done to each of you!