It’s a Disney dream from the deluded bubble-dwellers in Kansas.
This is absolutely bonkers. Walt Disney spent time in Kansas City, so you should join org staff to make an ideal dream come true.
What’s next — “the Kansas City Chiefs were good last year, but they need to be pushed over the top to make it all way. So join org staff.”
Or, “We are famous for our corn here in Kansas, so join the corniest team on earth?”
Meanwhile, in Los Angeles the STAAD League are protesting outside Disney HQ because they are such “bigots”…
Scientology has a hard time keeping their stories straight.
I would comment, but I’ve no time. I was just persuaded to join Kansas City staff because Walt Disney once lived in Kansas. I’m nowhere near Kansas, have never visited, and always considered it just one of the square states on the map.
So, I’m kind of lost right now. I see the ocean. Is kansas on the coast?
Rizza Islam posted awhile back video that started on a Rant about R.Kelly being unfairly treated that segued into Bob Iger of Disney being secretly a convicted pedophile-and that the amusement ride “its a small world” had images of pedophilia hidden in it.. when he was slandering Bob Iger.. the funny part was he had a freudian slip and out of Rizza’s lips came L Ron Hubbard’s name..
I can see that Scientology is working very well for Rizzo. He has reached those oat tea levels of delusion. Awesome sauce.
In keeping with the Disney theme, I give you this: (It’s easy for me to imagine David Miscavige as an incorrigible version of Pinocchio).
When you wish upon a con
Makes no difference if it’s Ron
Anything the Org requires will bankrupt you
If you’ve bought into his dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a con
You’re broke and screwed
That is really good, Scribe!
Oh, MY! “Maggie” could sure use a stint in an “effective writing” course; for instance choosing ONE topic for the piece, a specific POINT that everything adds and leads to, not throwing the main point in as an afterthought”JOIN STAFF”
I love the duality of this multi armed cult- they keep just enough distance from each other so that if you don’t know any better, you would believe STAAD (separate entity) when they picketed Disney and say they are bigoted. BUT Scientology can say- Disney’s great & was once in Kansas, so that’s a great reason to join!!! The people inside this Through the Looking Glass cult must be so confused! How do they keep track of which lie they are supposed to push on public? That Disney is great and awesome, or that it’s a bigoted corporation out to get them…. don’t get me started on Volunteer ministries and drug free world!
There are entirely too many J
there are entirely too many J&Ds here, today. Doncha know that having FUN is entheta?
Yeah,yeah, but is person sighing up for STAFF?
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-dave
My, oh, my, what a PTS day
Plenty of PR headin’ my way
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-dave!
Mister Hubbard’s on my shoulder
All his tech ain’t “actch’ll”
Wouldn’t say it’s “satisfactch’ll”
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-dave
Horrible feeling, leavin’ today!
Yes, sir
GOOD one, Scribe!
Thanks Jere. Once we had Sam and Dave, but alas, now we’re stuck with Ron and Dave.
As long as they join staff!
You did it again! Thanks for this laugh, I needed it.
Oh, wait…SCRIBE. Its you!. I know you
You were “Scribe” a few years ago as I recall.
You keep changing your name, appearing and disappearing, but sooner or later there’s a clue…
I guess a moving target can’t get hit, right?
Wow. I remember being that confused . I tried to make sense out of nonsense. Lol. Just like she’s doing. Very weird promo piece I must say.
That’s after joining staff, right? RIGHT??? What? That’s better!
Walt Disney did it FOR the kids.. not to Disconnect from them.
As long as the kids join staff.
If Disney had joined Scientology….no Disneyland, No Disney World, Epcot, you name it! Because instead of investing money in those business ventures, he would have been regged to give it to the IAS and go up the bridge.
They can add an animatronics L. Ron Hubbard in the office of LRH, and he can be mouthing all of
his great quotes. Walt would be proud.
Overun in California: That’s a mental image I just can’t un-see: An animatronics of Ron mouthing all his GREAT quotes… I pity anyone working within earshot.
That’s insanely bizarre!!
In other words Scientology is not needed at all, just follow Walt Disney’s lead, which at least his product makes people happy and smile – Scientology sure doesn’t!
Disneyland is the antithesis of Scientology
*Disneyland is a happy place. The cult is not.
*Disneyland makes people happy (I should know as I have a yearly pass)
*Disneyland is fun! The cult is not.
*People have smiles on their faces! There’s no smiling in the cult.
*Kids LOVE Disneyland! Cult members wish for an extra hotdog, not knowing they’ll never get it.
Bwahahahahahahahahahahah!!! No Disneyland for ALL of you cult members! A curse on you all.
OSD: Add, Disney DELIVERS on his promises.
And he always has.
Disney DELIVERES on his promises. Truer words were never spoken.
But…shouldn’t they join staff?!
Mother Theresa once used our toilet so y’all should come and take turns cleaning it each week.
When do you want me to start?
OMG, funny!
Kansas City area just had some devastating weather. Where were the VM’s for their photo op?
Shouldn’t they be joining staff?
OSD:”Shouldn’t they be joining staff?”
I thought the ‘volunteer’ ‘ministers’ WERE staff. Am I wrong?
Nope. You’re absolutely right!
No, you don’t have to be staff to be a Volunteer Minister. So, the answer is “They SHOULD be joining staff!”
Their thoughts have been so strongly implanted by cult techniques that, using LRH’s sacrosanct words, they act as False Data, even Fixed Ideas.
When you have such you literally can not see, nor accept anything else. Your fixed ideas block any other information that does not align with your false data/fixed ideas.
This denies you the ability to compare and make a choice. And this is exactly what makes you a slave of someone else’s beliefs.
Disney’s first cartoon did feature Micky Mouse as ‘Steamboat Willie’. That original cartoon really sucked. However he was a perfect corporate spokes rodent.
I see a common theme in use here. Just try to piggy back on any other success and try to attach your name to their reputation. I really hope that the Clampire is stupid enough to pick a fight with Disney. That mouse is one nastyrodent.
“Walt Disney spent time in Kansas City, so you should join org staff to make an ideal dream come true.”
Hilarity aside (once again my assistant is asking me what’s so funny, saying ” Hey, I want to laugh too”) this is Desperation Speak”.
As regards Scientology in Kansas City and this org, what’s happening is – nothing.
Nothing is happening.
But LRH says that a being or an organization is as alive as he/she/it can communicate, so they jolly well better outflow SOMETHING
So, poor Maggie here does her best. Kansas is beautiful and was home for a while to Walt Disney who was a highly creative person as well as a very social personality who dropped out of high school at 16 refused to let Nikita Krushchev visit Disneyland in Hollywood…his influence on society was profound, and it all started in Kansas City…so join staff!
Well, gosh, who wouldn’t want to live in Kansas City and work a minimum of 60 hours a week for the Church of Scientology and earn maybe $30 a week if anything, now that I know that Walt Disney got his start there? Where do I sign, Maggie?
You’ll notice that John Gourley of the perishing HAPI org uses this concept too. He too is all over the map, to get people in, to join staff, to do anything, “communicating” by filling page after page with irrelevant data and pictures of lovely scenery. Scotland is beautiful, its history is ancient, interesting and lively – so join staff!
Looking at their KC Facebook page they have 162 followers and 155 likes. The only thing they have posted over the last 1.5 years are $ci videos that have anywhere from 5 to 1 likes. There is not a single picture of the KC $ci activity. I wonder how they compare to the St Louis mission on the other side of the state?
The KC metro area is actually about 20% smaller than St. Louis, so the org there can’t be doing much better – and we have some pretty devastating insider reports of just how bad it is in St. Louis:
St. Louis actually has about 4 times as many followers and likes on Facebook, and after over a year’s hiatus is even currently posting about some events at the org as well – though that’s the sort of thing that seems to come and go depending on pressure from above or local staffing, and it’s typical nowadays that the orgs’ Facebook accounts mostly just post those scientology videos, if anything at all.
And speaking of directives from above, looking at a couple of orgs’ accounts recently, it appears that many have been purged of locally-taken photographs – the sort of things that provide evidence of how few people there are in the orgs – though I see a few on St. Louis’ account.
Scientology = rack·et·eer·ing
dishonest and fraudulent business dealings.
I was a sciobot in St Louis for many years. It was dead back in the mid 90’s and has dwindled away to only a handful of members today. It takes a bit to confront the whole truth regarding the Ideal Org Money Making Extortion Ring Racket for Scientology / David Miscavge but I believe that mystery was solved when Luis Garcia and his lovely wife sued the cult of Scientology for the fraudulent fundraising where he had to donate $$$,$$$ for the cross on the Super Power building now, now, now. Luis discovered that several members from his Org – Orange County, also had been extorted to purchase the cross now, now, now. A little scheme that worked for the Registrars. Luis sued Scientology. It forced Miscavige to open Super Power.
David Miscavige had masterminded a the get rich using other people’s money buying real estate scam with Super Power and extorted over $220,000,000 from the fine folks in the cult. Seeing that real estate was big money for his luxurious lifestyle, he launched the Ideal Org Scam putting pressure on members to give all until it hurts.
All you do – convince the clubbed seals that in order to clear the planet with the epic expansion of Scientology – open big, fancy buildings. Then – have grand openings for fanfare. It is part of the “shill”. The Ideal Orgs are big and empty – I went to several. Then sell some of the buildings and pocket the “donations”. After all, the clubbed seals signed legal dox where they can’t have the donation back.
St Louis is selling their Ideal Org building now. It is a big secret. The real estate company is not allowed to discuss the price. They have suppressive language on the brochure. They are using Suppressive Marketing techniques. Google: 2345 Lafayette “The Das Haus” for sale. St Louis Scientology Ideal Org raised over $15,000,000 for the building they had to have now, now, now in 2007. 11 years later – they don’t need it after all.
Surely the US Government can see through this and shut the cult down.
What is it going to take – a mass suicide like Jim Jones outfit?
“Walt Disney spent time in Kansas City, so you should join staff to make an ideal dream come true”. Hey, this sounds pretty good!
I’ve got a severe cold. So I need to join staff!
I have 6 months to live. So I need to join staff!
My girlfriend left me. So I need to join staff!
I woke up late today for work. So I need to join staff!
I have a headache. So I need to join staff!
I found out that my ex is pregnant. So I need to join staff!
My parents died today. So I need to join staff!
My best friend died. So I need to join staff!
Someone mentioned Scientology to me. So I need to join staff!
Add on to it if you want. So I need to join staff!
Oh boy, OSD, do I have the perfect opportunity for you! And I’ll tell you why!!
Growing up, I lived close to Raging Waters, where a few scenes from that dorky movie Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure was filmed!!!
Aaaannd… the grocery store scene in the movie Twins was shot at our local Vons!!!!
But wait, there’s more!!! Muhammad Ali lived about four streets north of me & my family!!!!!
In conclusion, you can clearly see why joining staff at an org near my hometown is the only wise and sane thing to do!! I mean, come on now, the town is so theta and uptone that a few movie stars passed through from time to time!!!!!!! And a legendary boxer made that town his home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Please excuse my excessive use of exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just get SO excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!&)?’£?¥!>%!!!!!!)
I live in a state called Queensland in Australia. Just now, I,ve realised that my home state has ‘Queen’ in it’s name, well that’s enough for me. I,m dropping tools and joining staff!!!!!!
Melbourne is the only city I’ve been to. And it was beautiful! But right now I’ve got to join staff.
Uh oh OSD you said Melbourne! I live in Melbourne! That means I have to join staff!!!
Damn right you do! Now get you ass up and, JOIN STAFF right the fuck now!
OSD you haven’t used enough !!!!!!!!!!!
Now that makes sense…
The sun came up today. So I need to join staff!
Damn right you do! NOW! RIGHT NOW! Put down what ever you’re doing and join staff.
I spent time in Kansas City so people should give me money.
Oh, absolutely! So now you need to join staff! See how fun this is!?
Thanks for the thought OSD. To do my share in planetary clearing, I’ve instructed one of my BTs to join the Sea Org. Admittedly he’s kind of flighty. Hopefully the MAA can get him pointed in the right direction as he was a bit too much for me to handle.
I’m as corny as Kansas in August,
High from the hype that Miscavige provides
If you’ll excuse an expression I use,
I’m in love, I’m in love,
I’m in love, I’m in love,
I’m in love with that COB guy!
We could take this on the road. Hey, Scribe! Pack your bags! We’re headed for the big times!
No,I can’t go OSD, I’ve gotta join staff!!!!
That’s what I wanted to hear, Scott!
Too funny OSD!!
You do the dancing and I’ll tackle the singing. We could call ourselves Surfer & Scribe.
I love it, Scribe!
Great parody, Scribe, but I’d prefer to see Lou scrubbing her head with lice shampoo while prancing around the stage and singing how she’s gonna wash that man right out of her hair and send him on his way.
It is a brilliant integration strategy.
By now only the last Scientology nutcases left are getting compatible with the NOI nutcases.
Tell them they HAVE to join staff. Case closed.
Hmmm …. I wouldn’t be surprised if the problem was really about trying to keep the STAAD people on the same STORY as the STILLIN people.
After all, as one leading expert once said, “Without any Scamatology organization, things are not going to change on this planet.”
But recent history keeps demonstrating that the more this scam tries to use their own tech, the more they just keep on fucking it all up!
Maybe they should try to apply something that really works instead of their bogus Scamatology bullshit? You think?
Monday June 3RD………..AT 9 pm Investigation Discovery
I watched this episode and it was extremely informative. Thanks very much for posting this.
I also started watching some other related series including:
A&E Investigates Cults and Extreme Beliefs
People Magazine Investigates Cults
Both of these examine several cults we all have heard about including;
Jehovahs Witnesses
World Peace and Unification Sanctuary
Twelve Tribes
LDS (Latter Day Saints)
I would think that many people who visit this blog will find some of these episodes to be highly informative and worthwhile. The rest of the episodes are just regularly informative.
I hope that any of you who decide to investigate these shows will be happy you did and we should all say thank you to BalletLady for posting about this show. I had no idea it was being broadcast.
I’ve watched as many of these as possible and you can see there is more than one common thread among cults…..mind control, separation from those who disagree with the religion, the money issues…..complete obedience including being a sex partner as a child and or adult despite one’s own internal disgust with it.
My internet provider no longer offers this Investigation Discovery channel…I had to find other means to watch it I find it totally disgusting & appalling that children were subjected to be partners for sex with adults as in Lron’s COS statement “adults in little bodies & a child should not feel uncomfortable about being kissed by an adult (on the mouth?)….
To try to get OUT of some of these Cults is like being in a maximum security prison where armed guards prevent one from leaving…like the FLDS whose “God Squad” continually drive back and forth on the “main escape route” to prevent the young girls from running off in a break for freedom from being “forced” to marry someone they don’t love.
To know that River Phoenix family was involved in this…Wow…so many hurt deeply wounded by all of this. I knew a girl whose “hippie parents” went down the road of the this Children Of God…..she was 11 and began getting molested…shortly thereafter continually raped. Luckily for her she never got pregnant or caught any STD’s…but she DOES still to this day have PTSD…..night terrors, not trusting anyone, jumpy, etc.
I’ve watched the A & E series as well….some fellow high students as I mentioned got involved with some of these cults in the late 1960’s & into the 1970’s…..they rejected their families, i.e. cut them off entirely…most of these same fellow high school students had severe problems because of their involvement with these cults, including stealing, drugs, alcoholism, promiscuous behavior….& a host of other issues.
Very few “reconnected” with their families…too much damage was done. So very sad.