Ken Cramer apparently thinks he is really cool. So proud of himself that he sent this out as an email to his “supporters” to prove how causative he is over psychs and their new “attack method” — being polite!
Someone with his cult mindset can turn ANYTHING into an “attack” by “the psychs.”
Honestly, Cramer is such a smarmy 1.1 Joker and Degrader he gives scientologists a bad name. And that’s not an easy task. He’s the driver of a broken down clown car of fools and he seems to think he is cruising down the autobahn at 200 mph behind the wheel of a Bugatti.
But that being said, I recall having the same mindset as Cramer. And I think any good scientologist does.
It’s just that he manifests it in a particularly distasteful way.
Here are his heroic exploits.
Date: August 21, 2020
Subject: Psychiatrists’ New Attack Method Against PsychSearch!
Psychiatrists’ New Attack Method Against PsychSearch!
We are constantly approached by psychiatrists to get their records removed from PsychSearch.
In the last week we’ve had two instances where their new attack method was revealed:
Well, we ain’t gonna fall for that trick! We’ll just be polite right back! Ha!
START at the far bottom:
To pull the rug out from under any Scientology front group that’s complaining and making noise, just calmly explain that Scientology’s highest “upper levels” OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are exorcism of Xenu’s earth dump of “body-thetans.”
Scientology/Hubbard believed that the Xenu earth dump of “body-thetans” was so significant to humans’ mental degradation, that Hubbard/Scientology has 5 expensive time consuming exorcism steps, and a whole lot exorcism, and that is Scientology’s solution vs psychiatry.
The Xenu story and the connection of Xenu’s earth dump of “body-thetans” onto earth and onto thus all human beings today, we all per Scientology/Hubbard theory are loaded with Xenu’s “body-thetans” which only OT 3, 4, 5 6, and 7 can un-infest ourselves using the standard Scientology exorcism OT levels.
So, that in a nutshell is the “pull the rug out” comeback, to all Scientology front groups, and even on the street, to all Scientology street dissemination activities.
Just simply tell the Scientologists and tell the Scientology front group people about Xenu’s earth dump of “body-thetans” (the 4th Dynamic engram is the Xenu story, aka the OT 3 story) and let the Scientologists try to dodge the info that of course they cannot even talk about, they aren’t even allowed to say the word Xenu publicly.
Sheesh, dealing with Scientology if you use Scientology’s secrets about the OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 theory, is the best comeback, at any time.
Hubbard made the Scientologists pros at dodging off of Hubbard’s ludicrous quackery exorcism (Xenu’s “body-thetans” exorcism OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7).
Psychiatry works better than exorcising Xenu’s earth dump of “body-thetans” (OT 3, 4, 5 6 and 7), to fix serious mental ill health, that’s for sure.
The word of mouth info of what the Scientology alternative “therapy” is, to psychiatry, is something psychs need to know.
If psychs targeted by Scientology just know about the Xenu story, and that OT 3, 4, 5 6 and 7 of Scientology’s “highest” spiritual replacements for psychiatry are exorcism of Xenu’s earth dump of “body-thetans” (exorcism of messed up souls from other planets, which Xenu sprinkled onto earth and which infest humans today), and if psychiatrists simple mention this info, when they are discussing Scientology’s various front groups’ attacks on the psychiatric field, then this is a public service.
It’s a public service in all cases, to mention that Scientology’s highest alternative spiritual practices which Scientology does in place of psychiatry, is Xenu’s “body-thetans” exorcism, then this informs the listener to psychiatrists, to know where this Scientology biased criticism is coming from.
All a psychiatrist needs to know is that Scientology engages in 5 expensive and time consuming exorcism steps, the OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 steps of “upper” Scientology, are all exorcism of Xenu’s earth dump of “body-thetans”, so the Scientologists secretly teach themselves.
So, hopefully, the word gets out to psychiatrists, this info, about what Scientology wishes for the world to instead do, to fix people’s mental problems, which is a whole lot of exorcism of Xenu’s “body-thetans” earth dump.
I’d go with psychiatry responsibly and humanely ministered, over Scientology’s exorcism of Xenu’s earth dump of “body-thetans” and this is about as much as psychs need to know about Scientology.
Scientology is a whole bunch of secret exorcism of Xenu’s earth dump of “body-thetans” and that’s relevant to know about Scientology’s front groups’ activities.
Scientologists attempt to incite hate against psychiatrists like the media incites it between political parties.
How does a thoughtful email get twisted into this?
I know there’s a scenario in a post-apocalyptic video game that has a group of cannibals who use politeness to trick members into a false sense of security before they attack and ultimately consume the victim. I think in the Ken Kramer universe, he is living in a post-civilization wasteland with zombies running around and cannibals on the lose about to pounce with their fake politeness. I am definitely not qualified to diagnose Ken’s mental affliction, but delusion comes to mind. Here’s a reality check for Ken: No, zombies are not real, there’s no covert cannibals going to eat you, and psychiatrists really do practice medicine that tries to help people.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this email exchange turned out to be phony. None of it makes any sense to me. I suppose that I may be mistaken. But both writers seem pretty stupid to me. Hardly what one would expect from a real Psychiatrist. But, on the other hand, one should expect almost any kind of insanity or inanity from a member of this criminal cult.
Dr. Yasinski mentions that a google search brings up his name with ‘Silly Psychiatrist’ attached. What the Dr. needs to know is that this nut at ‘psychsearch’ games the google system. He even sent out a message about how to do it. Mike posted about it on the 8th of Sept. Hopefully the Dr. will find his way here and read all about it.
I wouldn’t doubt that they installed an insider in the search engine company. Mike, comments on how ruthlessly the external affairs arm gets in infiltrating private corporations?
Ken Kramer appears to be in a state of gleeful insouciance, as if he had a recent release.
So “politeness” seems like an “attack method” to a sea orger? That’s a pretty sad commentary on the warped worldview within Scientology.
I get it. The affluenza things sounds an awful lot like a scam.
But body thetans, the mass of thought, drugs retained in fat cells, emeters, tomato auditing and Xenu, those don’t? Nor does the idea that something ought to be automatically discredited simply because it wears the label of “psychiatry?”
Perhaps the psychiatrist should go back on TV and this time comment on a mental affliction that is absolutely real: The cult mindset.
Brilliant comment!
It’s everything I wanted to comment, and more…but yours is worded far more concisely and clearly than I likely would’ve been able to accomplish myself.
That’s kind of scary. A young man gets out of school creates a profession gathers some clients supports his family. Along comes scn and tries to ruin him! Nice purpose in life Cramer!
Ken Cramer reminds me of the ad for “Say No to Drugs” with the frying pan and fried eggs.
In this case, the sizzling pan and eggs should have the caption, “This is your mind on Scientology”.
He’s a legend in his own mind
A hero in the computers light
slinging emails at the psychs
But a legend’s only a lonely boy
When he goes home alone
O/T. Kansas City: Planning Commission votes to deny Scientology dormitory.
September 15, 2020
HT – Harold on ESMBR.
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
The City Planning Commission on Monday night voted to deny a special use permit for a Church of Scientology dormitory and communal living space at 2220 Central Ave.
Maggie Kittinger of the Church of Scientology of Kansas City said at the meeting that the building would be used only for housing, with no classrooms. It would be only for staff, she said.
She said about 50 staff members would live there, mainly single persons. Only two have vehicles, and so there would not be a parking problem, according to Kittinger. The staff would travel in vans to the Church of Scientology building at 1805 Grand Blvd., Kansas City, Missouri. Their work would be out in the community, according to the planning staff report. They would leave the Central Avenue building in the morning and return at night, she said. They would be quiet, and would not make a lot of noise, she stated in the planning staff report.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
The fact that the Church of Scientology even requested to have a dormitory for staff is very significant. Kansas City Org is not a Sea Org Org – or at least it shouldn’t be. Providing a dormitory for Class 5 contracted staff is a major change in policy. It indicates that they are having even more trouble attracting and retaining such staff.
I’ previously heard of informal housing arrangements being made for Class 5 contracted staff when such an Org was manning up, but nothing so formal, official, and most importantly, public. Nothing like this dormitory. This is new.
Wow. Kansas City Org was a shit hole; a dead and empty place the entire time I was in Scientology. Too many years I wasted in that hell-hole cult. I worked at the St Louis Org. I can’t believe twin cities and KC Ideal Orgs opened before St Louis.
I stopped giving my money and time when the fundraising for St Louis Ideal Org became criminal. Chad Lane, ED, claimed in 2010 that construction was underway and the Ideal Org would be opening soon. Reverend Lane also said they only needed another $940,000.
They collected almost $18 million over 13 years
Why isn’t the FBI investigating this?
Every year the Reverend Lane would tell us that we needed more money for renovations. I could finally see this was nothing but a scam.
It has been 13 years since St Louis purchased the new building and fleeced about $17-$18 million out of the members. Scientology members pay around $60,000 a year in real estate taxes.
Talk about a con job.
Now they are selling the property – covertly.
Fac One glad you’re out! The ‘Ideal’ scam has cost Dear Leader many public who otherwise would probably still be in. On top of regging the hell out of people for years, after the building is built and Dear Leader yanks his ribbon, they take the building away from you and charge you rent! What the hell kind of church does that?
Thanks Linear. An evil church does that. Scientology is pure evil. Happy we all escaped the cult. It is horrendous for those hanging by a shred of doubt because they have not “As-Ised” Scientology with the truth.
Freedom is just a mouse click away.
I wonder if they plan KC as a test case to see if there is any way to salvage a SFO*. It also sounds new that the resident staff’s “work would be out in the community.”
The rest of the orgs left to go “ideal” are the smallest basket cases, that would require infusions of money and probably also of staff, so maybe DM has decided to test the waters and see if there is a way to rehabilitate them to the point where they would be self-sufficient. If not, we may see many of the remainder effectively abandoned, perhaps similar to St. Louis where they are selling the long-vacant target project building and floating a new and different plan.
The claim of only 2 cars doesn’t fit with 50 local staff, or even 50 members recruited from other cities as they have been attempting in conjunction with “ideal” facility openings, so I wonder if the real agenda is to bring in Sea Org.
* Small and Failing Org
Yeah 2 cars because that’s the only staff that can afford a car. Prob they have less than 10 staff and I am being very generous at 10 it’s probably much less. Like you say they’ll probably ship in SO and bus them around to make it look like they’re really hustling and bustling. Maybe I’m at a loss why do they want this eyesore for staff anyway? Since when do non-SO staff live on site of any Sci property.
Michael Yasinski doesn’t know that he is considered to be an evil psych from the planet Farsec.
4. Our continued imprisonment is assured by ‘psychs.’ ‘Psychs’ are defined as psychiatrists, psychologists, psycho-therapists, priests, ministers, and anyone else practicing in the field of the mind and spirit. Psychs were sent here from a planet called ‘Farsec.’ They are a special breed of being created and invested with the sole purpose of keeping humankind mentally imprisoned.
Pluvo very interesting. In all the entire universe (and by now we know it is really vast) we had Xenu choosing precisely planet Earth for a galactic genocide and earlier we got the psyches directly from Farsec.
This planet must have something to attract all kind of SPs in the universe.
It is like the cult – it seems that all SPs decided to meet there and DM had to go on since the 80s getting people declared or in RPF.
Coming as I do from a mostly Jewish family, your comment really drove home to me just how much the Co$’s ludicrous obsession with earth as the centre of some sort of unimaginably massive, insidious galactic psych conspiracy reminds me of the (equally implausible and improbable, if not downright impossible) obsession/fascination with the so-called “International Jewish Conspiracy” held by some people.
This equally imaginary malign conspiracy has, in the vivid imaginations of certain individuals, somehow managed to stealthily insinuate itself into every aspect of life on earth, for countless millennia…with apparently no more success than the “psychs,” despite supposedly similar access to near-infinite power.
It’s as though some people and/or groups just desperately NEED a scapegoat, which they imagine to be possessed of limitless power and cunning…but which in reality has little or no ability to influence anything on any scale, let alone the global or galactic scale claimed by their accusers. My hypothesis is that they need some excuse for their personal failures, and for why they feel so powerless and unable to achieve their goals? But that they also know enough to understand that making enemies of or attacking any GENUINELY powerful group would rapidly lead to ACTUAL “persecution” of the type which they imagine themselves to be suffering. So, they instead choose to attack tiny groups with no real power, numbers, willingness or ability to retaliate in kind?
Manecki, Scientology’s conspiracy theory cosmology is definitely a riff on anti-semitism, if not even a thinly veiled form of it. Many of the early psychiatrists were of course Jewish, and I’m virtually certain that association lingered, in ways sometimes considered negative, into Hubbard’s and Scientology’s formative years.
Hubbard also claimed that “Our enemies on this planet are less than 12 men. They are members of the Bank of England and other higher financial circles.” which echoes accusations and conspiracy theories about a cabal of Jewish bankers and financiers controlling the world.
And of course Scientology seems completely unbothered by the Nation of Islam’s blatant anti-Semitism.
Oh wow, I’d totally forgotten about the “less than 12 men” cabal conspiracy!
But that, combined with the bizarre marriage with NoI and the obsession with what Goebbels et al actually referred to as “the Jewish science,” always makes me SO very curious as to why (at least in the earlier days) there were so many Jews who joined up! And of course, Scn has evidently made what to me are quite shockingly good inroads into Israel, as well!
It’s just so hard to wrap my head around the idea that there are any jews out there who somehow don’t already know that the anti-psychiatry movement has been intensely fueled by blatant judenhass, dating back to literally the very genesis of psychiatry in the 19th century!
But then, I suppose the vast human capacity for denial is more than evident when one considers the fact that so many loyal NoI members would join up with a “religion” started not only by one of those white men who their leaders encourage them to so passionately hate, fear and revile…but a “religion” whose white founder was rather stunningly liberal with his vile stereotypes of both Africa and people with African heritage, as well as being equally liberal with his stomach-turning praise of such atrocities as the Bantu education model, apartheid, colonial rule, etc.
I suppose, though, that there couldn’t be a better example of “what’s true for you is true for you,” than the two bizarre examples listed above?
I’ve been trying to post a reply but it seems to not be going through!
If it doesn’t come through, suffice it to say I agree 100%!
” Michael Yasinski doesn’t know that he is considered to be an evil psych from the planet Farsec.”
My opinion is I’ll bet he does and he also understands the true nature of the individual(s) he is dealing with. No point in rising to the bait as the outcome is as predictable with the study of psychiatry as it is with the $cientology principal of fair game. Both apparently understand the attributes of a sociopath but psychiatry has better application in this case.
Poor old Ken trying to get a rise out of Michael in the Cults truly 1.1 methodology.
Yo Ken,
Better run on over and see Ed Parkin fer some drillin good buddy. You need to improve yer ability to agitate yer marks. It’s probably gonna take a round or too with Dave to git er straightened out though. Have a great day and don’t fergit to use Crest with extra whitener with that toothbrush Dave lent you.
Yeah, I’d have to agree.
Most psychiatrists in the USA at least are very much aware of the Co$ campaign to destroy them.
In fact, I once spoke to a psychiatrist who told me, with a great deal of emotion, that after attending his first few major medical conferences he finally felt he could empathize with Jews like me, as well as his minority patients’ experiences with racism & bigotry. He said that, as a white Christian man, he’d never before experienced such viciously overt hatred leveled against him, simply by virtue of who he was. It was the first time he’d experienced that helpless feeling of knowing that there are people who hate you, passionately, simply for existing, and that there’s literally nothing you can do to convince them you’re not malicious, subhuman scum.
It was apparently an incredibly affecting, memorable experience for him.
I think Ken Cramer is actually insane after reading this.
Yep. That would be the new normal for a cult member in good standing.
This guy is really embarrassing. Definitely he fits in my Puppets Show list with Eddy ‘Gonzo the Great’ and others.
Probably in the cult you can be accepted as a natural born 1.1 (covert hostility) until the flow is driven towards psychiatry and “wogs”.
Personally when I was in the cult I never felt superior to those not in.
Rather I had the idea we were there to help them.
Later I realized the main purpose of all of us was not to flow people up the bridge but MONEY to the SO reserves (Lloyd’s Bank, etc).
Googled Dr.Michael Yasinski. Seems he has been in some minor trouble. Reviews range from him being a compassionate lifesaver to being totally useless . Wonder if Scilons post any ?