Word just in: the handful of people who were planning to show up to the Greatest Event In History tonight in order to participate in the food and babysitting services have been told the event is cancelled.
Instead, Graduation starts an hour earlier next week….
I would say Miscavige and His Minions are making the Keystone Kops look like a well-drilled machine.
Cancel the Maiden Voyage after promoting it and selling people on attending and replace it with the “Summer OT/IAS” event that is “The Biggest Breakthrough Ever In The History Of Mankind” and then when not enough people confirm — opting instead for the 7pm showing of Despicable Me 2 — CANCEL the event a couple of hours beforehand.
What, the projector broke? Come on, why CANCEL the whole thing? You just needed to turn on the video? Guarantee you no other event was taking place in the auditorium tonight. It was booked already….
Clearly the concern was that information about the sinking of the Titanic leaks out as fast as its taking on water and Miscavige was afraid of being embarrassed by reports of a half empty auditorium of nobody showing up to pay homage to Him. So, simple solution. Just cancel it with some lame story about how great the NEXT graduation is going to be “incredible” (“because its going to start an hour early”).
Believe me, the bombs that have been landing on Miscavige’s bunker in the last couple of weeks have been shaking his little kingdom. And there is another one coming on Monday.
The indicators of panic are everywhere — from this event fiasco to the PI’s once again following me to the supermarket and from the astonishingly lame responses to Leah Remini stories all over the world about what he did with his wife to renewed smear tactics of whistleblowers on the internet.
The old saying: “It sucks to be Miscavige” has never been more true.
I wish them PI’s would follow me.
Mat Pesch, Several people want to implement your idea to buy billboard space and ads in papers asking “Where’s Shelley” and putting light on Davey’s banished or dead wife. Can you tell us where to send money and we can set this up?
My theory is that soon DM will fake his own death and disappear…that he has got his exit well planned and everything prepared for YEARS! including new identity(s),very fat bank accounts and A very safe home somewhere.I personally am sure of it.
Last One to Leave Scientology, Turn Out the Lights.
Possibly a day of reckoning is coming for the cities of Los Angeles along with downtown Clearwater. Imagine all that real estate vacant I think Clearwater will have the hardest time.
All of those disillusioned minds of the young SO along with the elderly no income, skills, medical, no SSI etc.
Cannot wait for Monday for more information sorry that they are doing overt or covert (attempted) ops on you Mike you do not deserve it.
I think there needs to be a picture of Shelly on billboards, public buses, public notice boards, penny saver newspapers, etc in Clearwater asking that if anyone sees her, they are to call the phone number of the Fort Harrison reception. That should help brighten Dave’s day. I’ll donate for that public service.
I’ll donate for that too. We really should get pictures of Shelley and pay for billboards, public buses, milk cartons, public notice boards, facebook,penny saver newspapers in Clearwater asking if anyone sees Shelly they are to call the phone number we give (Fort Harrison reception). That way the spotlight is on Davey, and I don’t mean an event spotlight. More like a police interrogation light: “what have you done with your wife Davey?!” Let’s take up a collection to start this process. It will be extra effective following the Leah Remini story of the same. We can’t let this opportunity die.Let’s do it for real!
Matt and Jane,
I’m in. Where do I send my donation?
…and milk cartons…
Dear Mike,
You are spot on, completely correct. Love the last thumbnail photo of Voldemort.
Cancel a Flag Graduation ? by “Him” this has never happened until now WTF.
Looks to me like a scene from the “Hurt Locker” when things go terribly wrong.
There’s D.M. sweating bullets mumbling do I cut the Red wire or the Blue wire to get public to complete courses ? Duuuuuuuuh.
Wow! That is big news. I’m still in shock. Maybe the war really is over. I’ve long thought the way it will end will be with a whimper and not a bang. I won’t under estimate DM’s willingness to fight on but perhaps even he has his limits. Some remote island with all the scotch he can consume maybe looking better and better to him. Leah’s timing was very effective.
Besides that fact that “The Out-ethics” Call-in and Events Unit Staff, and “Off-Purpose and PTS” OT Ambassadors can’t fill up these “damn events” with all “The Out-Ethics, Other-Fish-To-Fry, Middle Class PTS” Public who watch TV, maybe there’s a whole new strategy of disconnection policy at play here: Cancel these events to effectively DISCONNECT these Out-Ethics Public from each other, so they can’t whisper amongst each other at the event about any of these recent Highest –Ever and Straight-Up and Vertical number of PR flaps – in hopes against misplaced hope that maybe this will ALL BLOW OVER.
God, Steve, you really nailed it! Yes he hopes all this will blow over, but I see it as the beginning of the end. They cancelled Maiden Voyage this year for the first time ever, and then after touting this event as the biggest, bestest, and most must be there event ever, (and let’s not forget the food and babysitting), they cancel it because not enough clubbed seals confirmed to come and he doesn’t want them and the world to see that they can’t even get enough people to show up at a graduation, even if HE Who Wants To Be Named is there as the keynote speaker!
Jane, “…even if HE Who Wants To Be Named is there as the keynote speaker!” – didn’t you mean Keystone Speaker?
Yes Steve, I meant “Keystone speaker”! lol
AND THE HITS JUST KEEP COMING! just when it can’t possibly be any suckier to be miscavige, IT JUST DID! – can Monday’s news really make it even more Suckieerer?
Perhaps dm´s body is sick. PTS to Him.
And remember what LRH said, “If the pc gives the PTS item as “me” or “myself”, we always accept it as a correct item!” DM is PTS to himself! But he will never get the right item because Suppressives can never conceive of themselves as being or doing anything wrong or bad. And as Yvonne said, maybe it will end on a whimper instead of a bang. The end is near.
LRH posited that an SP was PTS to himself in HCO B 17 July 1971 R OUT OF VALENCE.
Let’s PRAY the day that we can TAKE BACK OUR CHURCH is closer than we think.
Imagine our new game – amnesty for all the stupid SP declares; removing all the squirrel tech; getting Miscabbage to take proper responsibility for his Hole crimes; restoring the roles of WDC and any other LRH bodies that have been hijacked (CMO?); getting call-in done for going on course or into HGC and not for buying frickin empty properties; getting all our lost public back; making orgs safe for new public again – which it has not been for 20 years at least, by the way – it has always been a money grabbing institution rather than a Church – hard sell is needed to get the guy up his Bridge, not for 45 collections of Basic books that should have been on eBooks since 2000, etc etc.
Imagine all the wins, the PR it will create, the effect of using the IAS billions to improve society, etc etc; actually getting media on the good works and parking our “bad” history and Miscarriage in a place far away from our actual reality of being better, becoming better and helping others the LRH WAY!
“Let’s PRAY the day that we can TAKE BACK OUR CHURCH is closer than we think.”
The ‘Church of Scientology’ as we and the planet know it is toast! Their is nothing to take back as regards a CHURCH. It has and will continue to be an example of how good people can be corralled into a mind control cult for the purpose of wealth extraction.
There is workable technology that IMHO can and will continue in some form as long as it produces results. Just my opinion though.
Your humble opinion about this is right on Coop!
Seriously? Seriously?
‘Believe me, the bombs that have been landing on Miscavige’s bunker in the last couple of weeks have been shaking his little kingdom. And there is another one coming on Monday.”
Everyone should take note that Sunday, July 14, 2013 will be the longest day in history! Come on Monday.
Fine. Ok. Alright, you arseholes: GLOAT! It is *my* way — or the highway. Everybody knows that. I’m COB for keereist’s sake. I’ve got control of $1 billion cash. So don’t cry for me Argentina! In fact, the growth in the past 5 years has so far eclipsed the growth of the first 50 years that there is now, no longer, any venue large enough to handle the overflow crowds. (Just take a look at the aerial photos from Portland: an entire city block flooded with people.) So- read my lips, arseholes – what the Church is planning is huge. Of a magnitude your puny pea brains could never grasp. Get ready: the biggest communication cycle from the Church to worldwide public and parishioners starts sooner than you can fathom. I didn’t want to announce this now, but I will. BULLETIN: From Studio A at the brand new CoS STUDIOS (the old KCET, in L.A.), I will deliver the yearly Events, each, by satellite broadcast, to the millions of parishioners, and the scores of millions of public, who will flood the Church the world over, with new recruits to the Faith. Orgs will boom! Stats will go to the moon! Straight up and vertical you haven’t even seen yet!! Go ahead, GLOAT! – and see Command Intention IN ACTION, you arseholes.
There’s one difference between the Keystone Kops and the Toxic Dwarf: Ford Sterling, who played the chief of the Kops, was considered one of the comic geniuses of his era and had incredible talent, something forgotten today as he was overshadowed by Chaplin. DM…well, the only “funny” part of him can be categorized as gallows humor, and “genius” certainly doesn’t describe him. We can only hope that he will be as forgotten as Ford Sterling.
And you really need to do something with that website that was registered for you. Do something like the Jesse’s Diets sketches from The Fast Show. It didn’t hurt Mark Williams any. He went on to father six wizards.
Wow this is a HUGE indicator all right!!!!! I feel bad for all those S.O. members who have cut all ties with their family and friends and received enough Truth Rundown to be convinced that this debacle is somehow their fault. . . No one at the Base is sleeping, smiling will be considered an outpoint to investigate on the meter and bags under their eyes will be addressed as “counter-intention” being dramatized…
Mike, the Publix down at Turner and Ft. Harrison have particularly fresh produce. I highly recommend it. Then of course stop by Nature’s Food Patch for some of their bulk spices and then to top of your shopping would be an iced coffee at the favorite Starbuck’s yes?
Thankyou mike,you have my,our full support,THANKYOU ,And I’m sorry about you been followed to the supermarket O.M.G
Brisbane ,Australia
I predict he goes mad, and this could be the beginnings of it, no control. And the more we take away from him the better.
Well who would really be enthused about being demanded to see such an overblown and boring narcissistic piece of self-indulgence that they already saw 20 years ago, and probably multiple times since. Things really are looking pretty grim in there.
Ah…the event was cancelled because the “bus’ miles stat” went down and that, believe me, is unacceptable!!!
Hey Mike,
You entheta SP! Saturday night is Laphroaig Scotch night for COB and it’s his command intention to never validate the downstats who would attend and waste his time. Just remember, while we on-source, on-policy Sea Org members are going up, squirrels like you are going down in a boiling cauldron of evil intentions. Time for you to get straight and honest, you out-ethics cat!
You forgot to capitalise “His”. Enjoy your next decade in the RPF….
I was checking out the church statistics at the church site:
Un F***in believable! NO grade chart completions or Div 6 stats of new public etc. Sad – real sad …. and all those nice buildings & sq. footage. I certainly hope my kids and friends still in are waking up with all our postulates to find ‘home’.
And this is a stat? I can’t even figure out what it means??? (from the site stats):
Over 32 million visitors have viewed more than 70 million videos in 17 languages on the Scientology website in the last 12 months.”
I’m clueless. Is there really more then 70M videos to be viewed on the church website? I could not find them. If there are 32M visitors to their site and there are 0 bodies in the shop then what good is it? Who are the ‘web site creators’ trying to empress? Who goes looking for help and answers to life and wants to see these stats? May as well simply post Gross Income.
And they keep stats of hours of event film footage ?!??! For 6 years back? Sad sad sad. Course me sitting here on a Saturday reading this is sad too 🙂
While I would doubt their stats, let’s say 32 million visitors actually came to the site. A video plays at that opening page, so they will count that as a video view–even if they don’t stay to watch the whole video. So there is 32 million video views. If you click on to another page at the website, usually another video pops up. If every initial visitor did that, you now would have 64 million video views as they apprear to be counting them.
Regarding the 70 million videos…if you go to scientology.org landing page a video trailer is played automatically, and will continue to play trailers without user interaction. I suspect this is where the number comes from. ANY visitor to the site with rack-up the video stat.
This is SOP for RCS and is a total misrepresentation of truth and reality. While one could argue what they are saying is “technically correct”, what this means to the public is something different. Specific data is purposely withheld so the public is forced to “assume” what it means – and that assumption is wrong and does not accurately describe the reality.
In my opinion much of the official PR released by the church is at a 1.1 Tone Level. And I think anyone slightly spiritually aware senses this and is repelled by it. So, nowadays, the only new people drawn to Scn are those either too stupid to see this (e.g. cut-off from the fruits of observation) or simply find this stylized brand attractive or desirable.
No need to make a big deal out of a cancelled event.
The projector did in fact break.
We in RTC had Flag order a new one from Staples. The new projector is on backorder. That’s all that happened.
And no, the Leah Remini story is no big deal either: http://otviiiisgrrr8.com/2013/07/11/leah-remini-attacks-the-church-of-scientology/
Baghdad Bob, good to that you got a new job as a spokesman.
I can’t help but wonder what is in the OSA program that is designed in corroboration with Scn legal team that would be designed to entice and trap,or obtain information on the members the Babbit team and the pertinent judicial establishment. I think I will invest in cufflink stock. And perhaps DM should call in Leah Remini to have an off the record pep talk with the local judges. LOL
Secondarily I wonder how many Debbie Cook like departures this will contribute to.
Poor Davey, just as he is planning to get clear of this planet, he gets pulled back in to fix all the dev’t
Another step in the right direction: Cancel the IAS altogether, as well as every other piece of out-exchange dono machinery.
>>> …. the PI’s once again following me to the supermarket …..
and afterwards:
>>> …. the handful of people who were planning to show up to the Greatest Event In History tonight …. have been told the event is cancelled.
Mike, I think its time to confess: What did you buy in the supermarket ?
Yea! No fair they get to know and we don’t! 🙂
When you sow the wind, you reap the whirlwind.
Mike, sorry to sound like a boring, gushing, broken record, but I just can’t thank you enough for your continual vital data, your wit, insight and your wisdom. My thanks also to the posters. I learn from and laugh with all of you. This is a great group!
Yes it is.
Panic, fiasco, embarrassed, bombs, bunker, lame = Miscavige, the new byword.
Not laughing now, are you Dave? LOL!
Hey Dave, Time to head to the Freewinds, slip on a thong and open a bottle of scotch.
Hilarious. Just another piece of evidence that what scares DM more than anything else is the rank and file discovering just how much the church has been shrinking.
DM is terrified of empty events. Just watch- the days of events at the Sports Arena have been over a long time, and the days of events at the Shrine and Eckerd Hall will be over soon (if they aren’t already). I’m sure DM will have a nice excuse like “the church is so widespread, it doesn’t make sense to have large events… we will devote energy and time to services, have events in the Flag auditorium, and ship DVDs out to all of our growing and expanding orgs.”
Then soon, “going to the trouble of setting up the Flag auditorium for events is dev-t. COB will speak from his office and ship DVDs out to all of our growing and expanding orgs.”
No wonder COB has stopped started fundraising for the new auditorium next door to the “Mecca.”
No venue is large enoughto acomodate 8,000,000 Scientolgists in good standing? Good one.
Yes and maybe he will photoshop all future events by having artists paint in thousands of people in the audience, when he is actually filming in front of a green screen and the backgrounds will be put in later by techies. Oh and don’t forget laugh tracks and clapping tracks that come on at the push of a button. Who needs parishoners at these Davey Fireside Chats? They are all out ethics cats and Dev T anyway. Besides, it costs too much money to buy that many extras to sit in the audience. He’ll just have his own Greek-God-like face recorded with all the photoshopped people and will ship the DVD to all the orgs to play nonstop in their reception area and at OTC meetings and have parishoners ordered to watch it as punishment when sent to ethics. Yes, that’s the ticket!
Wow, guess we shouldn’t be surprised but I must say I had a little thought
there of feeling sorry for DM. Can’t he just throw in the towel now before
the embarrassment becomes even worse. And the astronomically bad PR.
Well, I guess karma dictates that he will stay on until he is pummelled
completely bloodied and down on the count.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall…
No fun. Those staff gotta be having serious ‘what the fuck’ moments.
I suppose Tom has now been informed that Leah is a SP? I’m hoping this is the eye opener Tom needs and he is now busy fixing the effects he has (miss) created. Tom will not do it quietly I don’t think.
To all you in Florida and LA, I know you will have your doors open to help the staff as they exit.
Looking forward to Monday – Thanks Mike
Tom is the top Scientologist on the planet, right next to Him. As such he will go down with the ship. Tom has way too many crimes and has failed to act way too often. He was offered a seat in the lifeboat and not only did he not take it, he did not help anyone else into the space either. He and HE will both go down with the ship.
I’d say they both end up on the Slavewinds as royalty BFFers.
…the bombs that have been landing on Miscavige’s bunker in the last couple of weeks have been shaking his little kingdom. And there is another one coming on Monday.
Wicked cliff hanger there, Rinder. I swear this is becoming like one of those old radio serials:
“Tune in next time, when Flub Base Follies continues!
Will Dr. DeMented really pull the wool over his congregation’s eyes yet again – or will the sheeples finally all cognite en masse, that he’s a rat bastard who’s destroyed their religion??”
Me thinks that those remaining in the cult these days (staffers) do not require anyone to pull the wool over their eyes. They are well trained robots who shear themselves and pull their own wool. Most public are not far behind.
And Leahs move could well be Dr. Dementeds 100th monkey. No matter what He does, He hath not near enough fingers to plug the dyke holding back the shitstorm of truth.
It does suck to be HE.
So did they get to see Despicable Me 2 I wonder? It’s a good film. I’m sure most would have preferred that to 3+ hours of Top Man crapping on and on with the bs and hyperbole. Reminds me actually when jerry McGuire came out TC sent an advance copy to aosh as a Thank You for hosting him there. The screening was well attended, so much so that the captain SHF was spitting feathers afterwards because so few public went to the Command Intention events by comparison.
wasnt that t shirt night
Maybe they will pass the Armani Tees out at graduation!
Oh yes new surprises await the anointed one. Its been a long time coming. Experiencing the workability of tech is something new to him.
Ok men now you’ve got me REEEEaaly smiling.
It is completely amazing that the IAS event next to the one in October at St Hill has been cancelled.
Perhaps having served all those meals as counted by Dave as his stats has used up all the BBQ sauce for the FH free dinner. These cancellations and no Int events since March are most telling, especially after the very loud noises of Celeb leaving and asserting the truths about DM. Then again, perhaps Dave at the moment has no acceptable truth about Shelly, if he’s confronted by IAS Donos and whales asking about it if he has to preen for photos. “It sucks to be Miscavige” indeed.
As a non scientolgist, could you please video tape these PI’s who follow you Mike? The squirrel busters are what first got me informed on how the cult works. I then went to you tube, and saw all these videos of PI’s harassing critics and ex members of the so called church. It was fascinating. One of those was the camera at the end of your street. As a resident of Clearwater, this was the first time I understood how evil the church is. . Would love to see them leave Clearwater, so we would could revitalize downtown like St Pete has done with local business.
Hey, Mr. Miscavige! Are your bags packed? Don’t forget your meds, scotch and cigars. Fortunately, you’ve now got a lifetime supply of Armani teeshirts — good timing. 🙂
DM is in charge!!! Lol!!
Looking forward to whatever the heck is happening on Monday. The guy’s evil and the sooner everyone figures that out, the world will be a better place. I hope he’s forced to let his wife out of prison or show the cops where her body is buried. I bet it’s a barrel of laughs to be a senior staff close to Miscavige now.
Well at least it may be a small relief for the few left at Int that He isn’t in the building. I was wondering in fact if the real reason he isn’t at Int much recently is he’s having some new tanning beds installed there.
Early on, Shelly was always a different person (in her own social valence) when HE was off the Base, and out of town.
You mean that there was showing of DMs crowning glory and no-one wanted to come? DM with everyone else edited out, just him strutting up and down crowing- and no-one came? What is the world coming to? Probably the few remaining local Scientologists are all hunkered down waiting for the next bomb to drop. Don’t worry folks, sounds like you will not have long to wait!
Thank goodness David Miscavige has the solution! Get PI’s to follow Mike Rinder while he gets groceries! Yah team! Donate to the IAS now and support your local PI team!
They’re planing a new web site and need info: WhatIsMikeRinderHavingForSupper.com
“WhatisMideRinderHavingForSupper.com”…Very funny!!
I just bought the domain for you. I will host it for you for free. You have my email from this comment. Just say the word. This could be fun.
Maybe I’m way wrong, but doesn’t Mike get a free security service? Some people pay to have PI’s follow them around. I’d just tell them my itinerary for the day, make it easy for them. Haircut, deli, supermarket, home, dinner, party at eight, home by eleven. That gives them time to get lunch and something for dinner, Ancient Chinese proverb: one enemy requires two people. If it’s a hot day, ask them if they’d like some iced tea (canned or bottled).
This is hysterical!
With graduation he has a guaranteed number in the audience, being that the outer Org trainees are marched over there during course time. So while HE is losing control of call-in to public and people waking up to the BS, the trainees and FSO public there that evening have no choice.
They cannot afford to hold events that have poor attendance (well worse than it has been lately), because those in attendance will really notice how the numbers are shrinking. I think Leah Remini may have delivered a TKO (technical knock-out). Even those who never look on the internet must have heard in mainstream media about Leah’s departure and must now be wondering about Shelly.
Sorry to hear that you are being harassed again by PI’s. In an obscure way it is a compliment – they cannot defend themselves from you (who is armed with the truth and credibility) so they go on the attack again. They shoot bows and arrows to counter your missiles. Their smear campaigns are so ridiculous – they only serve to make themselves look nuts.
If they are following him at the supermarket, they want to know in advance when he is stocking up on popcorn so they know how has a new scoop.
It is also possible that Shelly will be pulled out of the cage and paraded but first she needs to be fed well and get some sun and get a makeover?Anything is possible…….
Thalia, Shelly will not be paraded. As a proper 2 1/2 percenter, DM never has his arm twisted – he’s the one who twists the arms. if Shelly ever leaves, and I hope she does, then telling her story will provide at least a little income to start a new life. There will be arms open wide everywhere she goes. That would crush DM, and he’ll never give her the chance.
I would have to respectfully disagree. Actually, he’s definitely had his arm twisted before, and recently, too. See: Heber Jenztsch, and the successful efforts that Karen de la Carriere, Mike, Marty, Tony Ortega, and others made to publicize his situation. Then, Heber was allowed to attend the church’s memorial service for his son.
Shelly I’m sure is about 10 levels beyond Heber in the “DM would like to keep this person disappeared” department… but it’s very possible that DM’s hand could be forced if the mainstream media keeps it up on the Leah Remini story. There’s no way OSA and MAAs can stop public from watching CNN or Fox or news shows. Plus, there’s an extensive “underground railroad” in the church right now, with many people under the radar who are slowly working their way out, and who are making their fellow members aware of the outpoints they see and hear. If the noise keeps up, it’d be surprising to me if DM DOESN’T bring Shelly out into the open, just to try to quiet things down.
He is that desperate. He has to be. He is on the verge of releasing Super Power and opening his massive morgue of a building, and he still can’t turn around the massive decline that is happening in front of his eyes.
Finally, if there’s one thing I could say about Miscavige, it is that he is perpetually in a state of reaction. I can’t see any sign that this man knows how to put together a logical plan and see it through to completion. The only evidence you need is that any significant project he undertakes takes many years, even sometimes decades to complete. In fact, his most significant projects are still incomplete… OT IX, Super Power, the Mark VIII, etc. He hasn’t even finished his Ideal Org program after more than 10 years now… he is still slowly funding it inch by inch. And most damning of all- in almost 30 years of being in charge, he hasn’t found a way to turn around the church’s steep membership decline.
By saying his arm can’t be twisted, I think you are giving him far too much credit.
But I am totally in agreement with most of your post. I hope Shelly leaves and tells her story as well. I’m sure many people would want to hear from her, and many would welcome her and support her if she did.
Dick said, “The only evidence you need is that any significant project he undertakes takes many years, even sometimes decades to complete. In fact, his most significant projects are still incomplete… OT IX, Super Power, the Mark VIII, etc. He hasn’t even finished his Ideal Org program after more than 10 years now… he is still slowly funding it inch by inch. And most damning of all- in almost 30 years of being in charge, he hasn’t found a way to turn around the church’s steep membership decline.” Excellent post. I would like to add that he has been trying to get 10,000 on Solo Nots for 14 years and we are further from it now than ever. Chalk that up as yet another incomplete action of his. Let’s see, where else have I heard about “cannot complete a cycle of action…” Oh yes! it is one of the characteristics of a Suppressive Person!
Even David Mayo says Miscabbage is the real SP!
With the current pressure on Miscavige, I believe he would have already shown Shelly if he could. Just letting some public see her, if only for a minute, would solve the problem. The fact that he hasn’t, likely means Shelly is in no condition to be exhibited.
Good Point Thalia. I was thinking the same thing.
More on Monday? Please can you give us more warning?! Popcorn stocks getting really low again. Think I’ll hang my protest sign in the closet and put my feet up. Why waste energy trying to rain on Miscavige’s grand parade while he is already busy pissing all over it?
As you know, Miscavige subscribes to the philosophy of “It’s better to be pissed off than pissed on.”
He just can’t see which way the wind is blowin’!
He’s in the middle of a hurricane!
Not the eye of the hurricane…the part where all the winds are at full speed!
He’s in the middle of a tornado…the part where it really sucks!
Love it Sam!! So true! Here’s to these shock waves breaking open the closed minds of the staff and other clubbed seals in the rest of the world.
Ohhh this is too rich! I love how you can predict this bad actor Miscavige and flip him on and off like a lightswitch.
The iceberg is YOU, Dave. No way to avoid it. Figure it out.