I recently sat down with Daniel Jones for an episode of his Koncrete Podcast series. It was just uploaded so I am sharing it here.
We cover a WIDE range of topics.
It’s a lengthy chat – over 2 hours.
I hope you enjoy it, and find it informative.
Something Can Be Done About It
Such a insightful and interesting chat. Mike is very well spoken and i found myself drawn in extremely quickly. Thoroughly enjoyed this podcast – i dont know why but i find this subject fascinating, its so bizarre yet so interesting – cant get enough.
I could listen to Mike Rinder talk all day!
You are a great story teller Mike , can’t wait to read your book.
Asking about the condition of Shelly Miscavige is a perfectly reasonable question that nobody SHOULD BE punished for asking.
I have another question. When you said there are no more spokespeople for this scam, do you think that is all on Tommy Davis? Was his telling Leah, “You don’t have the fucking rank to ask that question.” …
Is that why he is gone? Do you think he was told, “You are really stupid for saying that. Do you have any idea how much harm you have caused us?”
Was the fact that his mother is a celeb altered the way he was treated? I’m just curious.
What Tommy Davis said to Leah very likely didn’t get him in any trouble at all.
What he said to The New Yorker about LRH was probably what did him in.
He was obviously nervous and misspoke but what he said actually had huge Scientological ramifications.
The general consensus of opinion is that this interaction with the staff of the New Yorker magazine about Lawrence Wright’s book got him removed as the “voice” of Scientology.
But he’s Ann Archer’s kid, and his father, Archer’s first husband, is very wealthy, and his then wife was Jessica Feshbach, herself from a very rich prominent Scientology family, so Tommy Davis got a soft landing out of the Sea Org.
In the cult, money isn’t everything; its the only thing.
Wow! I can’t believe I sat still for two hours and watched that entire video.
But it was worth it. It was really interesting and informative. I kept hoping that someone in that story would have assassinated DM. But then I realized that would have been impossible – because that never happened.
All kidding aside, it was really excellent and it can easily be watched at 1.5 speed. Watching it at 2.0 speed makes Mike sound like Daffy Duck and so I wouldn’t recommend that. But there is nothing wrong with watching it at 1.5 times.
One question though. In all seriousness, when Mike talked about how he is the number one threat to these creeps, I would have expected DM to have paid someone to have him assassinated. Why has he never done that? He is certainly a big enough of a sociopath to have done that.
If you watch the podcast on youtube you can use the settings tool to speed up the playback speed and it’s perfectly intelligible at 2.0 speed.
One question. Mike says most of the income comes from people buying “services” at Flag. I thought that a comparable or perhaps bigger money maker is scientologists giving outright monetary “donations” to the cult through the IAS, International Association of Scientologists.
You are direct. If I said that and omitted IAS/Ideal Orgs that was an error. I r3call saying Flag is the biggest revenue generator, but Flag revenue includes both services and “donations”
Okay – thanks. At 1:50 you mention Clearwater is the biggest source of revenue which I assumed was people buying services but didn’t mention the mandatory IAS donations which is no big deal since the public is already well aware of the ridiculously high cost of scientology.
That was a great interview Mike. You spoke so well, and were so natural.
You’re always good, but this interview was exceptional. The 2 hours went
by so quickly. Thanks!
This is a knockout interview which I have had a the pleasure of cross posting to multiple forums.
The reference of the book is excellent coaching.
Martha Stout’s “The Sociopath Next Door”
Watched most of the podcast. Thanks for the share.
Great video.
Every bit as powerful as any Aftermath episode.
Mike and Leah, So impressed with your determination and dedication to exposing the truth. Know that you have an army of support. Thank you!
Loved the interview. It was so good to see you after all the years since our SO years.
You are so good at communicating all the shit from the past and present. I’d hire you in a minute.
Next time you talk about the Hubbard family don’t forget to mention Roane. Hubbard’s granddaughter is no longer in despite her mother remaining. Wonder if the two are disconnected.
Look forward to more.
I could tell Mike was trying hard not to go into detail on a lot of crazier stuff. Like mentioning the reincarnation interview questions of the return of LRH. (I was put through this and interviewed and know the secret questions).
I enjoyed this thoroughly. It is a bit sad that this religion is in such a low state of apathy with it’s ex-members. We could get past some of these issues that were brought up if they truly had a former parishioner/SO outreach to get concerns rectified, a lot of bad PR like this would go away for them… And I read in one of the former members books that LRH would have amnesty rulings at time, but Violent Dave has no such desire. A progressive religion might be worth salvaging if it could end it’s abuses. Anyway, it was great to hear (and see) these ongoing topics discussed again.
You mean you were interviewed because you were born in or after ’86? What are the secret q’s? This is fascinating , hoping it is to others.
No, that’s the weird thing. I wasn’t born after ’86. They flew the SO guy in from WDC, which I assume is the Org that is required to do the interview. I would rather not confide publicly, as Mike said it doesn’t matter (it’s just a distraction from the abuse narrative). Let’s just say it was an interesting interview, I am sure it was recorded by those microphones on the wall, and I can say that I talked about reading the book Lords of Finance about international bankers. Most of the questions were about historical things, time and place specific events. Also for some reason he tried to impress me saying how many times self-auditing was mentioned in some book (self auditing basics book?). There was also something very political that is also controversial and would be embarrassing to Scientology if mentioned which was odd to say to me (a PC), to say the least.
There also had to be two people in the room besides me, which I think comes from a policy requirement, and one person was from the local Org. I assume that’s for a witness.
Very interesting and informative show. I can rarely sit for that long but I actually was wishing for more. Made me happy to be a Wog.
PS nice shirt.
I think my favorite part was Mike saying that DM was in hiding to avoid getting served – just like his mentor. Karma is a beautiful thing.
I have to say I’m speechless.
Very good interview mike.At 40min you are correct and I’ve read the advices on that. Crazy stuff to look back on.
Watched the whole video. Though I knew about these things before, I thoroughly enjoyed Mike’s recounting of all these events and subjects. He is simply a wonderful communicator, interesting, engaging and informative . Highly recommend y’all tune in.
Good interview, enjoyed watching it
Mike, is it possible that the appearance of FBI not doing anything about the abuses of Scientology is a smokescreen and the FBI has had someone undercover for years and gathering up enough evidence to give Scientology its death blow? Because it seems unimaginable that all these stories and knowledge of past Scientology operatives are being ignored.
Dear all
Are FBI People being trained at Scientology?
Could this be a reason?
Looking forward to it. Also, I am really loving your podcast with Leah. And you are listed as “trending” now, so on the upswing. It must drive Miscavige nuts, always a good thing, so keep it up!
Mike great interview. A lot of informations. And an historical view that helps to have more understanding about the cult. You know a lot and these things should be recorded and made available.