One of our regular contributors, Brian, provided this comment in response to the post about scientology comparing a Hollywood Reporter writer to Goebbels.
I thought it deserved a wider audience.
As they say, sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander….
Well now, since we are discussing people influenced by Nazis and follow his Hitler’s philosophies — I present to you….
“But the most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly and with unflagging attention. It must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over. Here, as so often in this world, persistence is the first and most important requirement for success.” Adolf Hitler
“A consistent, repeated effort is the key to any success with this technique of propaganda.” L Ron Hubbard
“The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belonged to one category.” Adolf Hitler
“The art of leadership… consists in consolidating the attention of the people against a single adversary and taking care that nothing will split up that attention. Adolf Hitler
“Now, get this as a technical fact, not a hopeful idea. Every time we have investigated the background of a critic of Scientology, we have found crimes for which that person or group could be imprisoned under existing law. We do not find critics of Scientology who do not have criminal pasts.” L Ron Hubbard
“Strength lies not in defence but in attack.”Adolf Hitler
“Don’t ever defend. Always attack.” L Ron Hubbard
“I do not see why man should not be just as cruel as nature” Adolf Hitler
“It is a frightening level of bravery to use men you know can be cruel, vicious and incompetent.” L Ron Hubbard
“Great liars are also great magicians.”Adolf Hitler
‘If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” Adolf Hitler
“THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN CONTROL PEOPLE IS TO LIE TO THEM. You can write that down in your book in great big letters. The only way you can control anybody is to lie to them.” L Ron Hubbard
Could it be that Ron actually studied Hitler? These sentiments betray that possibility now don’t they?
I don’t think L. Ron Hubbard was emulating Hitler. But I found this an amusing retort to the incredible ridiculousness of comparing a THR writer to Goebbels.
In the wacky world of L. Ron Hubbard, who knows? He didn’t seem to discriminate much as to where he took his thoughts and ideas from. After all, the chief anti-psych admitted he owed a huge debt to Freud and others (before it was edited out of the books) and he has cited Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great…
Perhaps the real truth is that all who would be dictators/authoritarians come to similar conclusions about how to go about it…
After watching ”Aftermath” I can’t help but to draw parallels between David Miscavige and Joseph Stalin’s behavior when it comes to paranoia and physical/mental violence.
Dear Mike,
I think that is a false comparison.
While Hubbard was psychological ill, he is far away from Hitler. Adolf Hitler not only is responsible for the Holocaust, he is also responsible for Millions of dead German soldiers and civilians plus all the allied that had been killed in WW II.
Further more he is is responsible for what Germany had reached before 1933/1939 in science, technique and other parts of international business.
To give you just one example. Germany was a worldwide leader in aviation at that time. Hugo Junkers had developed the first civil airlines worldwide and amazing airplanes.
The same had Dornier, Focke Wulff and others.
With the second World war, all of the knowledge went directly to the US and Russia.
None of those leading companies did ever come back.
There might be common things that occur on leaders behavior and surly David Miscavige seems to like the visual approach on a stage, looking exactly styled like one of the third reich, but that is very very small comparing to what Hitler did.
I am also not comparing you with Albert Speer, even when you occur on the Lea Show and act like you are surprised by learning about things that went on Scientology, even when the fact is the opposite.
What is in common with Hitler is, that until today not every story is open to public and uncovered.
The documents of L`Oradur Sur Glane will stay locked away like many other things.
This is exactly the same with Scientology.
You can help first to change that.
Kindest Regards,
Germany – Berlin
Thanks Markus. Really, this comparison was very tongue in cheek in response to scientology comparing a journalist for the Hollywood Reporter to Goebbels. That was a ridiculous comparison. The writer of this article was simply making the point that if you want to play that game then it’s easy to do with Hubbard too. Sorry you were offended.
Most ar maybe all of the “salade” on L Ron Hubbards chest is not earned by him
Brian: Wow. So fascinating! For me, your last sentence sums it up perfectly. Thanks.
Mike, I love your blog! I am sitting here drinking coffee reading your blog and actually spit my coffee out at some of the comments! I am so glad you were able to escape this cult and are helping expose it. My heart goes out to everyone who was tricked into this awful “religion”. Keep up the wonderful work and take my money!!
I see scamologists (the not quite bright) attacking Brian for something that was a parody of what scamology was doing in real life.
Also people, invoking “Godwin’s law” simply shows that you are undereducated and NOT trained in logic as doing so violates ACTUAL logical fallacies
The title, alone, was sufficient to have me scurrying to reacquaint myself with Godwin’s Law, but upon reading the post, Godwin isn’t applicable. Instead of a quick-and-dirty appeal to emotion rather than logic, The post details what Tubby said and quoted Hitler where he said much the same, if not the identical thing. Some might say “great minds think alike, but they both were closer to paranoid totalitarians than “great minds”, IMO. I expect that both of them stole the concepts from others and used them without attribution, making it sound like they’d invented the ideas. I’m coming to believe that Ron just wasn’t a particularly inventive guy; He primarily was a storyteller and such don’t let the truth get in the way of their stories. Considering how scrambled his neurons had to be after all those mind-altering drugs and practices which have been documented, I’m surprised he could keep his stories so relatively consistant through the web of lies he built up over the years. Perhaps, expert hypnotist that he was, he convinced himself that the altered reality of his stories WAS truth. Certainly, he seemed to WANT some of those alternate realities to be real.
I have dealt with refugees from Africa as well as the Killing Fields. You can’t draw comparisons in a literal sense but there are definite patterns of behavior all of these “despots” possess. They are in varying degrees but are not apple to apples. I think we try to reconcile the patterns but by doing so inadvertently insult the victims. My friend from the Killing Fields experience was far worse than mine – but the similarities are astonishing. Even he was amazed at my story. Not apples to apples but no less disturbing. This I think is important to put in perspective.
You should have posted that picture of GO staff picketing in Clearwater in the Nazi uniforms. The bubble is nothing new.
IMHO, Brian’s been unfairly thrashed here, by a lot of emotive, mis-placed false equivalencies, for simply offering a valid comparison of ideological narratives. More importantly, it’s not even so much about the individuals in question, but more so about the sinister ideals, motivations, and unprecedented outcomes of their respective demagoguery. You can use language and the public record as a means to both define and categorize any despot, be they apolitical, theocratic, fascist, or simply the proponent of a nihilistic cult of personality. However, at the end of the day, Brian’s quotes in this example, simply illustrate the essential totalitarian mindset of AH and LRH; ironically, in illustrating Brian’s point, Stalin may have the last word here in a sense, having said “a single death’s a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic”. With this in mind, “evil” then becomes not so much a question of scale; more so, as in Brian’s examples, evil as a construct, becomes one of perception as much as one of action or intent, and I think this semantic nuance is where some may be rashly invalidating his comparison.
So while Hubbard was no mass murderer, his cult of control was/is just as insidious as Nazism in many ways. Just because you haven’t physically killed someone, it doesn’t necessarily mean you haven’t murdered them in other ways: by killing their self-esteem, or their intrinsic sense of self-worth and identify; indeed, their essential humanity. Much of what Brian quoted comes from “Mein Kampf”, AH’s turgid, racially-focused polemic and roadmap to world domination, as well as his many speeches wherein he simply reiterated as much; paradoxically, in regards to documenting one’s intent, an argument can be made that Hubbard was even more prolific in peddling his own particularly vile theories of not only Scientology’s spiritual supremacy, but also white racial supremacy as well. His unabashed support of apartheid, his forays into Rhodesia, and widely documented pronouncements on white superiority would make Himmler or Heydrich jolly company. In this regard, there’s no difference between “a new Aryan man” and “homo novis”; thus I would argue there’s no hyperbole here, just an appropriate metaphorical analysis of similar control systems. I’ve always found Brian’s posts and research, for instance, regarding comparative religion or other emotive, often controversial and highly subjective topics, to be articulate, well-reasoned, and refreshingly free of the usual ad hominem humbug that can accompany such discussions. It’s the toxicity of ideals that are in play here, not some simplistic, IAS-like run-off for most evil dude of the epoch!
Good reply, Doc.
CO$ Money Doc – +1000000
The responses to today’s blog post are highly revealing about the nature of blogs in general – one of the best ever at Rinder’s blog. On display are modern modes of communication unimaginable 20 years ago, specifically in the number of people who check out this site or others daily. Whether or not one likes a perceived “tone” or “agenda” here, or at other blogs, one cannot deny that this blog draws people in droves. MANY people read this blog, MANY! Anyone saying otherwise is full of it. Angrily insisting that only a few zealots take part in any given blog, Rinder’s or others, is a typical, convenient, and “go-to” slur against bloggers, especially when a reader gets pissed off. Look at how many lurkers poke heads in consistently. I congratulate Mike on this. It’s fucked how many visit this site and I mean that in the best way. It is evident when the content is unpleasant and for that I congratulate Mike and all contributors. Keep it up!
Hi mike -in watching an episode of aftermath I learned that the cloths the children at the ranch were made 2 wear were different colored armbands – very similar 2 the jews having 2 wear the star of David around their arm – horrifying !! Also just saying – sorry for the abuse u had 2 suffer/endure. I hope u r healing I really do & thanks 4 continuing the fight against the cult of scientology & the fight for victims & humanity…
You are correct about the arm bands. Each of the lower “Conditions of human existence” comes with the obligatory arm band. Liability was the “dirty gray rag”. So when Tara talked about being identified in liability, no doubt she was having to wear the dirty gray rag while she did her hard labor “amends project”.
Its far more likely, that both Hitler and Hubbard were listening to the same liar – Satan. Hitler destroyed countless lives, while Hubbard corrupted them…and Miscavige has continued that in the present. I think it takes a lot more conscious effort to reject all possibility of God or the devil from square one, than to allow for both in your thinking and conclusions. How any truly “open-minded” person could see all the evil going on in this world, and honestly believe there’s no source beyond our own fallibility…I just don’t get that. High divorce rates, child and spousal abuse, illegal drugs, human and sex trafficking, rape, pornography, mass countless murders every day, plus cults like Scientology – you can’t brush them all aside as a mental disorder or “social injustice”. This world has been severely broken for a very long time, and there’s some very corrupt people in it. How much sense does it make, to assume they became that way all by themselves?
Brilliant post, Brian. Repeating the same simple thing over and over until it is believed is a basic advertising principle which can be used tor lies or truth, good or evil. This principle has been used for ages to promote people and to sell,goods and, services, to get people elected or keep them in power, and to sell various religions…on an on. Its chilling, the similarities between what LRH wrote and what Hitler wrote, but the essential principle is ageless and ubiquitous.
may I invoke Godwin’s Law?
in my experience, those without a rational argument fall back on the lazy “logic “of attacking their opponent’s character with ad hominem attack, one of the laziest being comparison of the enemy to Nazi Germany or any of the principal players; Goebbels and Hitler being fairly easy as no more need be said: The reader is expected to connect the dots rather than the author. That’s super-lazy — and, IMHO, dishonest intellectually.
In these particular cases, I tend toward “A pox on both their houses.” I enjoy good, lively debate of issues including religion and politics.
That both sides of the debate broke my rules doesn’t make either side right, Not even the one I more agree with.
That said, the post comparing “Source” against WWII Germany’s writings was marginally more persuasive, less lazy, and if I recall correctly, allowed for Tubbard” having read and copied Germany’s “mad dog” school of defense: attacking anyone or anything that _looks_ like it could attack “us”.
! on >
Note that I Intentionally broke my own rule twice for specific effect: using emotionally-loaded words or phrases as a shortcut to logic, so please don’t slam me for them, guys.)(determining what those violations were is left for the student;-)
! off for the evening.
“People who use these comparisons are generally looking for the fastest route to incite hate, and want to relieve themselves and their readers of the inconvenience of actually understanding the rationale or motives of the person or group being talked about.” Thank you for this, Dan.
The question is:
Is Hitler reborn as Miscarriage?
No, Joseph Goebbels is reborn as David Miscavige: Look at the pictures and read/ see their life-stories. It shows amazing similarities.
Depends on how tall Hitler was!
Hitler is usually classified as being 5’8″ and Goebbels at around 5’3″, roughly the same height as guess who.
(Formerly Good People) Informative comparison Brian. I enjoyed it and found much accord as I usually do with your comments. My take on in it was a little different than most of the comments I read. I couldn’t help but notice lately how right wing all my old Scientology cohorts are. When I was in my piers were mostly unaffiliated politically speaking. But the ones I knew best seem now to be very involved with the Trump/neo-nazi movement.
“Trump/neo-nazi movement” I’m very curious as to what, specifically, connects Trump, in your mind, to any semblance of neo-nazi??? I would say the rabble rousing and hate spouting has been coming predominantly from the Trump opposition. Or perhaps you actually know little of the full history of the Nazi movement which covered almost 30 years. So far, I’ve seen no scenes of thuggery from the Trump supporters anywhere. Quite the opposite. As an aside, I believe you meant “peers”, not something one ties a ship to. 🙂
Problem is Peter, aside from the current haranguing, that alleged passes for “reasoned debate” these days, most people wouldn’t know a fascist from a southern blue dog democrat or a small “c” conservative or La Roucheian nutter, if one bit ’em on the ass, such is the current crap state of introductory political science education in this country. Everyone’s so concerned with applying the appropriate “label,” yet no one takes the time to properly educate themselves as to what a particular label actually defines, construes, or identifies! The whole “ANTIFA” nonsense is a microcosm of the problem, as is the sound bite nature of what passes for the fourth estate these days…
Peter Norton, the young man who allegedly plowed his car thru a crowd in Charlottesvilee, killing a young woman and injuring a number of others is alleged to have been a Nazi sympathizer by those who knew him. There were others filmed carrying Nazi flags and wearing swastika arm bands and signs saying “Jews won’t have our blood”…one presumes that these are Americans sympathetic to the Nazi cause. They marched with together with others carrying Confederate flags and pro-Trump signs. This is all on tape.
Thank you.
Jake, Trump is a person who is forming a National Socialist workers party? Rent an IQ. That’s like saying Hillary is a Bastiat Libertarian. If you are going to dive into politics, at LEAST learn about the subject so you don’t look like a complete idiot.
Wynski, I never said Trump was forming a Nazi party. That’s not what “/” means. So I’d appreciate it if you read more carefully before passing judgement on me.
P.S. Chill the fuck out.
But you did refer to the Trump/neo-nazi movement which to me says that you’re suggesting something along those lines. Besides, Trump couldn’t form such a thing if he wanted to as it would violate the Constitution and no doubt that the House of Representatives would vote for impeachment proceedings.
Shame! No other words I can find.
as Son of parents who survived the Holocaust, this comparison and this post is vile.
And even for just anybody, say one who chooses to practices FREELY parts of the Tech, and becomes a better and more tolerant human being, it is even worse. Because now he is a Nazi adherent if anybody takes your post seriously…
This subject and this comparison should NOT TO BE USED LIGHTLY.
All these (totally) out of context quotes exposing lies and propaganda are doing that same thing.
You hate the CoS use of such methods and comparisons (reporter-Goebbels) to spread hate. And rightly so!
Why are you doing the same?? Criticize the CoS, criticize Ron, sure. I do it regularly too. But this?
Some moron can hang your own picture next to Hitler’s saying: “He keeps confining himself to a few points and repeat them over and over” (your CoS criticism), the same as Hitler says…”.
Yes, it would be stupid. So why do anything similar?
Hemi, unfortunately your support of scamology shows that you lack an IQ >50. Thus you are dead in the water before you start.
Breathe, Hemi. Repeating a simple slogan of brief datum over and over until it is believed have been going on for thousands of years.. Good people use it, evil people use it. Its a simple ploy that pretty much always workds. People hear the same thing constantly and begin to believe it. Brian is not equating the horrors of the Holocaust with what is occurring in Scientology. Read what he wrote until you understand it and relax.
Hemi, as a grandchild of a man who was recruited heavily by the Nazi party and escaped to the U.S. in the 30’s because he saw the writing on the wall…I will tell you what my grandfather told my mother, his daughter when my father pulled our family into SCN. Scientology is an evil cult. He shared his observation of its similarity to the rise of the Nazi party. He warned us of the dangers. It broke his heart that he left his beloved country only to have a Nazi-like group steal the mind of his daughter and grandchildren. He did not live long enough to see my family fully leave SCN. He would have been pleased, but he would have said “I told you so”. Thankfully, my grandmother, his wife, did live to see our family freed from the cult.
Thanks for your story #1 Son. Thank you very much.
Oh gawd!
Hubbard does NOT rate as bad as a human being in human history to try to compare Hubbard’s even worst ideas to today’s blog’s comparison.
This is horrible exaggerating Hubbard’s narcissism megalomania though.
I can see how for the last couple decades Germany became alarmed at the Hubbard Scientology effects in their country, since their German current constitutional legal laws tell them to watch out for totalitarian groups, and Scientology’s Hubbard’s is prickly full of some bad totalitarian world domination writings.
The problems Scientology is facing in Russia, that takes some heavier duty mental discussion that ought to occur, but I think this is slighly above the pay grade of ex Scientologists, or else it’s a drudgery and lotta hard thinking.
But gawd! I agree with those that think cheap comparisons to the worst modern evil persons in human history is way too much credence Hubbard does NOT rate at all.
I wish to heck all readers of this blog do take a moment to read some of the exemplary OLD media.
Older media gave some exemplary base line arguments, that still stand, and are far better to review and consider.
Chuck. This comparison by Brian was in response to Scientology accusing a Hollywood Reporter writer of being like Goebbels. It was not something just plucked out of thin air to try to make Hubbard seem worse than he was. The real comparison is not Hubbard and Hitler but how nuts the “PR” Scientology tries to foist off on the world. That was really the point of this.
Exactly Mike. I’m very cognizant of Godwin’s Law and the cheap shot of calling every one who disagrees with you as a Nazi.
It’s evident, in most cases, as a failure to have an intelligent argument and a bankruptcy of ideas.
My bringing up these comparisons, which are real, is in response to the attack on that journalist.
The only time I have ever read that all diverse enemies need to be defined as one catagory, is from Hitler and Hubbard.
They try to make a comparison between Goebbels and a journalist who is on board with revealing Scientology abuse? Critics = criminals.
Sorry, I had to apply Godwin’s Law to that affront on that decent journalist from the Hollywood Reporter.
The reason I brought about these associations is because the other day I was searching the net for Hitler quotes.
I was actually stunned, blown away when I read them. Some of them were Ron’s ideas to a tee.
It is no moral or intellectual crime to find and communicate similarities between to authoritarian individuals.
Granted, Hubbard did not kill millions, but he has destroyed, through his sick twisted doctrines, some of which are Hitlarian, many families and lives.
I have no regrets showing these similarities.
Of course there is a distinction in terms of magnitude of evil. No doubt.
That being said, L Ron Hubbard’s doctrines are the source of much evil and destruction of the family.
Your Ron quote:
“THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN CONTROL PEOPLE IS TO LIE TO THEM. You can write that down in your book in great big letters. The only way you can control anybody is to lie to them.” L Ron Hubbard
Is from “PURPOSE BEHIND A LIE” from Ron’s lecture of 25 June 1952).
Any 10 year old reading or listening to it would clearly see Ron was exposing how liars control people and how those who tell the truth frees them. This is an enlightening piece of information, that if understood and applied WOULD PTOTECT THE READER from being effect of lies and liars. Including lies by Ron if and when… 🙂
So, your use of that quote and the conclusion, IS obviously a LIE. Can you see that?
And indeed this LIE does a great job in controlling and inciting so many here who buy that lie, instead of noticing the liar. And the control is towards hate for hate’s sake, so it seems, and that is a pity.
I know you Brian, you are a good man and a great guy. Your criticism is totally valid, when based on truth, and many times it is so. Better keep it this way. IMHO.
Labeling unrelated groups as Nazis, vermin and other extremes, serves nothing but rendering one closer to those very things.
May be it is time to hate less, love more, this works much better.
Ah, and before you protest, sure, CRITICIZE ALL YOU SEE, ALWAYS, after real good looking!
Because Ron was a congenital liar, now considered a historic fact, his relating this quote on lying — to me, reveals not him warning us about being controlled by an outside force; it is a confession of his personal MO. It’s how Ron is: a liar who controls.
Hemi, did you get upset the other day about the Geobberls association with the reporter?
I see that you did not. What I can conclude is that you are not really upset that Hitler is being used as a comparison, but that Hitler is being compared to Ron, your hero.
If you would have posted the other day, an outrage, regarding associating the journalist with Geobbells; I would take your outrage as valid and unbiased. An intellectual consistency.
But because you are only outraged that Ron was given this association, your argument now becomes insincere and biased.
You read Mike’s blog? That’s how you read this blog on Hitler and Hubbard? But you are revealingly absent from the affront from Scientology on the journalist.
You are here to protect Ron more that you are outraged about any Hitler association.
Those who still are running BTs, or who aspire to running BTs, are the most adamant defenders of Ron. This could be the common denominator of apologists.
And Hemi, love, is not ignorant to realities.
To love, is not at the same time blind or in denial of uncomfortable objectivity.
Love is not sentimental mindless affection that cannot be fierce when upholding and defending a principle.
None of my texts have hate in them. I hate no one. Not even Hubbard. We are all children of God and my value and practice is to see that in all.
Love can be fierce like a warrior where principles are concerned.
Communication about the similarities of authoritarian tyrants is not anti love.
My views may offend your mind as we have different interpretations of Hubbard. It has nothing to do with love or lack of it. It’s a difference in perception.
Hey Brian! All I can say is “no illegitimi carborundum”… Keep up the thoughtful work!
Hey Money Doc!
Thanks for flying wingman. You deflected those incomings with pizazz!
Warm Regards to all❤️
May be that was the point intended, but not the point shown! The PICTURE, the quotes, doing exactly the same nutty thing the church has done with the reporter/Goebbels. And most comments take on and relate to the comparison and “develope” it, NOT the point intended. sorry.
Hemi. Did you protest this vehemently when the church created that meme for the journalist?
Brian, please learn to accept criticism too.
What the CoS do in their smear sites is vile beyond words! I’ve written enough on it. (Thousands of words). It is obviously psychotic.
I am just suggesting to good people who are overcome with (justified) anger not to do the same or similar.
About my commenting or not…I am very busy Brian, running 4 huge projects in life and cannot comment much. ALSO MY FRIEND, after exposing and condemning all I found negative and destructive in there I let go and moved on to what is positive and constructive elsewhere. Remember Nelson Mandela’s:
“Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies…” ?
Getting angry is fine, even important. Holding on…not so.
And by the way Ron for me has no more importance, and no less than you, Mike, Marty, Lao Tzu, Chick Corea or Marco Polo. I take from each what is true and beneficial to me and what’s not…Adios.
Thanks for your thoughtful reply :-). I get it.
Yes, I’ve made that mistake, and have to apologize to you, since I stated that same horribly cheap false equivalency when I stated to some online media a couple years ago that your leaving Scientology was comparable to Goebels leaving Nazism, which got printed in some online news smaller article a couple years ago.
It’s so hard to discuss the worst of what Hubbard’s Scientology writes today.
Scientology’s continuing sickening smearing tactics is so hard to discuss, I appreciate any who try explain it.
I feel quoting Hubbard’s policies, like is admirably done on the Aftermath, is the way to go!
Why Scientology does this abominable false equivalency is explained, best, I feel, by OSA Network Order 15 I think it is.
Oh that makes sense. I didn’t get that before . Thanks for clearing that up Mike.
Chuck —
Hitler was a bad guy, for sure. But his terror and evil pales in comparison to Pol Pot, the Chinese, and Stalin and his successors. Those were the REALLY bad people. Hitler was to Stalin as Mussolini was to Hitler, a mere pretender of a dictator, one who made a lot of waves and killed a lot of people, sure, but a shadow of what the Communists were for decades (and would still be if it weren’t for the Internet and more open communication).
I submit that had Hubbard been in the same position as Adolf Hitler, he may very well have turned out very similarly. The policies he enacted, his ideas and his labeling of people, all are very much in the same vein. The only difference, as far as I can see, is that Hubbard started a cult, and wasn’t able to take over entire nations, though he did try — can you imagine what it would have been like had he been able to convince one of the nations he tried to “write constitutions for” to allow him to take such control?
Hubbard just didn’t have the rigid self-control to rise to such a level — his lunacy and cruelty went in a more personal and individualized direction.
Excellent point, Kimo. Everyone hates Hitler, but Stalin and Mao, even today, often get a free pass. Old left and Old New Leftist types always seemed to squirm a bit when the evil deeds of Stalin and Mao were brought up. It was much more comfortable to refer to Hitler as an example of evil incarnate. As I’ve mentioned previously, Hubbard’s personality resembled Stalin’s much more than it did Hitler’s.
And remember guys, Mike always qualifies my essays with the word “provocative.”
I’m simply trying my damnedest to not make Mike wrong 🙂
Not yet, leave them unrepressed and they will be more than capable of giving Hitler a run for his money. Never, Ever, underestimate the damage and destruction to human kind that this group is capable of, if left to there own devices, it will be the worlds undoing.
Good comparison here. Reading all of these quotes I also couldn’t help but also bring into comparison the actions of none other than tRump.
The Orange prez is destroying our country. Even most republicans think so. He’s not fit to be in the office he now holds. Keep in mind, everyone…he has the nuclear codes.
45% approval
That’s a pretty twisted way of thinking. Some will do ANYTHING to make cracks about our President.
You may want to just stand back from the echo chamber and watch the apoplectic extravaganza.
Yep; he’s fair gaime.
Yes, just another slam at our hardworking president. Poor Donald Trump. That man is so maligned. Shame on the media for continually quoting him, as they sometimes do, out of context, or, even worse for Trump, in context.
OSDude: And you don’t think all the rioting and BLM attacks on individuals are not a source of “ruin” for our country? And the deaths directly caused by Obama and Hillary? As for approval ratings,ThreeFeetBack, I hardly rely on left wing media for their numbers. They’re the ones who assured you that Hillary coould’t lose. And why are you so eager to use this blog to voice your political discontents? Can’t find any political blogs to vent your unhappiness? Sheesh!
Thank you, Peter. Also I thought Mike a long time ago said no political comments on the blog? I’m sure there are other blogs where you can bash the president and have lots of support in it.
Uh, oh, the Speech Police have arrived. KMBTTF. “Keeping Mike’s Blog Totally Trump-Free” Well,, no worries. We feel the Trumpistas’ pain. We understand what you’re going thru now and the least we can do to help you is not mention his name here.
I don’t recall anyone here nor did I read anyone condoning threats against conservative views or BLM attacks. I certainly don’t. Of course it’s always convenient to blame “left wing media” for anything they don’t like while ignoring lies propagated by Fox and the more pernicious Breitbart and their ilk. never said Hillary couldn’t lose. In fact, they presented the very scenario that actually occurred as a very real possibility. Main stream media just chose to ignore this possibility. Might not have been considered new. Media certainly has its shortcomings. However, without it, there goes a strong pillar of the U.S. democracy.
Finally, my original comment was in noticing parallels between comments I’ve read by the current U.S. president and LRH and AH. You can read it as political or not. I was sharing what I observed.
“So eager to talk politics”…. Says the man who has commented on all trump posts. I
If you don’t like it, ignore it. It’s not hard, rigjt.
Minds will not be changed, the sides have been chosen. The destruction is afoot. Want some popcorn?
Interesting comparison. These Hitler and Nazi comparisons are always at risk of violating Godwin’s law, but valid nonetheless.
I was impressed with a similar comparison in Lawrence Wright’s “Going Clear” (the book). One would think LRH had stolen the playbook of one of the Soviet Union’s sickest bastards, Beria, head of Soviet security and secret police. The comparison of scientology policies to Beria’s policies in mind control and fear as a tool is frightening.
Stalin called Beria “our Himmler”.
These monsters that emerge and rise to positions of power… where the hell do they come from? Yet they are always found out, they usually go down in a flame of misery, and history paints them as despicable cretins. So why do they bother trying to push their evil on as many people as possible? I often wonder what might have happened if Hitler had been accepted into that Vienna art school instead of rejected. Sigh.
Art schools always make mistakes.
That was a great post WhatAreYourCrimes.!
It would be short sighted to think that an avid reader like Hubbard (a stack of books placed at his bedside each evening) did not study Hitler. A friend of Annie B. to the last days, claimed that Hubbard had a fling with Hitler’s photographer but cut it off ; ‘the bad PR that it would create’.!topic/alt.religion.scientology/A5DDCnc2etY
[from a Gerry Armostrong posting on alt.religion.scientology ]
From a translation by Joe Cisar of Peter Reichelt’s book _Helnwein and
Leni Riefenstahl meets L. Ron Hubbard – 1960 We visited Leni
Riefenstahl at her house in Poecking on Starnberger Lake in summer
1990. The meeting, also over coffee and cookies, was very reserved on
both sides. This time it was turned around. Helnwein was very solemn
and Leni Riefenstahl resolutely stated her standpoints.
The following episode is unknown in Scientology circles, and it shows
that what goes around in life comes around, in this case as pertains
to the relationship between Riefenstahl, Hubbard and his young
disciple Helnwein. In summer 1960, Leni Riefenstahl was working on the
new production of her film classic, “Das blaue Licht”/[“The Blue
Light”]. For her project, she obtained a prominent American script
writer, L. Ron Hubbard. Leni Riefenstahl described this in her
memoirs, which appeared in 1987 from Knaus publishing: “… Good
reports came from England. Philip, my producer, reported almost daily
on the progress of his work. To be sure, Somerset Maughem [sic] had
withdrawn after the newspaper attacks on me, but, as Philip wrote, he
had been able to gain a gifted American author for work on the film.
‘This American,’ he wrote enthusiastically, ‘is a brilliant and gifted
script writer who wrote many scripts for Columbia Films in Hollywood.
He is also head of a large international organization which is spread
over the entire planet and has over a million members. His name is Dr.
L. Ron Hubbard, he is a psychologist and a Scientologist.’ At that
time, I had no idea who Ron Hubbard was, but I soon became aware that
he must have been gifted. The first part of his work was surprisingly
good. Mr. Hubbard sent me the following effusive telegram: ‘We can
win several Oscars with the wonderful story of Blue Light – forget the
trial and the reporters and let’s work together – it will be a great,
record-breaking film…’ A fanaticizer … Dr. Ron Hubbard put an
apartment at my disposal in London where I was to interpret the newly
prepared manuscript into theatrical script. He was unexpectedly called
to South Africa, where he also had a company. Despite that, I could go
in his house, which was occupied in his absence by a housekeeper … I
also hoped to begin filming soon after the prepared script for Blue
Light had been so magnificently managed by Dr. Hubbard …” This
post-war project by Leni Riefenstahl failed shortly before filming was
to have begun.
At this time of great despair in summer 1961 came from Dr. Hubbard in
South Africa a letter which, at first glance, aroused hope in me. He
invited me to Johannesburg to make a documentary film on South Africa.
He said money was no problem. He also hoped to gain my cooperation
by establishing modern film and recording studios there. I was so
excited, my heart was pounding at the very thought of being able to
work again, and in Africa at that.” This overblown project from
Hubbard also burst like a soap bubble. Hubbard fulfilled his big dream
of his own film studio almost two decades later, at the end of the
1970s, with his Golden Era Film Productions in Gilman Hot Springs.
Leni Riefenstahl, just turned 89 years old, stood patiently for more
than two hours for Gottfried Helnwein in her nice house. We left her
house with the nice garden contently. Our luggage included several
personally signed Riefenstahl photos. Helnwein was very satisfied and
thrilled that it had finally worked out. Unfortunately, Leni
Riefenstahl was not exactly enthused by the final prints. When she was
able to take assessment of her black and white portrait several years
later, she hit the roof. “You can see every single one of my
wrinkles!” she screamed, horrified, and wanted her photo to be taken
down immediately. The friendship she had begun with Helnwein was
immediately ended after that experience.
[End Quote] (Link appears to be broken)
New York Times obituary says about “The Blue Light.”
These films gave her the image of a romantic heroine in the Wagnerian
cast, in harmony with nature and bent on fighting evil. Her often
dangerous roles – she climbed rock faces barefoot and was once almost
swept away by an avalanche provoked by Fanck – also showed her to be
fearless. In 1932, she directed her first movie, “The Blue Light,”
another mountain film, in which she appeared as a warm-hearted peasant
girl. (The names of her Jewish co-writer, Bela Balázs, and the film’s
Jewish producer, Harry Sokal, were removed from the credits when “The
Blue Light” was reissued in 1938.)
It was also around this time, a year before Hitler’s rise to power,
that she first heard the Nazi leader speak at a rally. “I heard his
voice: `Fellow Germans’,” she recalled in her autobiography. “That
very same instant I had an almost apocalyptic vision that I was never
able to forget. It seemed as if the earth’s surface were spreading out
before me, like a hemisphere that suddenly splits apart in the middle,
spewing out an enormous jet of water, so powerful that it touched the
sky and shook the earth. I felt paralyzed.”
She subsequently wrote to Hitler, noting that “I must confess that I
was so impressed by you and by the enthusiasm of the spectators that I
would like to meet you personally.” Her popularity as an actress made
the request seem reasonable; Hitler’s appreciation of her role in “The
Blue Light” made the encounter possible.
[End Quote]
Riefenstahl’s memory of the Hubbard encounter is almost certainly
correct, although the picture of him conveyed by her producer Philip
is certainly BS. The telegram Riefenstahl said she got from Hubbard
sounds exactly like him: ‘We can win several Oscars with the
wonderful story of Blue Light – forget the trial and the reporters and
let’s work together – it will be a great, record-breaking film…’
There was a typed manuscript of “The Blue Light,” in English, and
there was some correspondence from Hubbard to Riefenstahl about the
project, in the Hubbard archive when I was working with it in 1980-81.
Hubbard didn’t win those several Oscars with his wonderful “Blue
Light” story, but that didn’t stop him, because four decades later he
pulled in perhaps a record number of Razzies with “Battlefield Mirth.”
Š Gerry Armstrong
Is this the origin of ASI’s ‘Bolt From the Blue’?
Then scroll to the Leni Riefenstaht parts mentioning Hubbard.
Thoughtful post Brian. I’ve enjoyed your take on things generally with your comments, don’t always agree but we align pretty much on Scientology’s true agenda of control and the obvious nefarious consequences. Thanks for this obvious comparison, frightening as well as educational to have it brought to this blog’s attention.
I guess the human race follows along certain patterns of behaviour and is susceptible to being controlled along those patterns. Geezers, our history is littered with control freaks and their manipulated and purposefully generated conflicts. Sorrow seems to follow along all to often with man’s pursuit for the control of the minds of others.
I occasionally look at Australian parliamentary debate on the TV and to be honest I am often embarrassed that these “people” run the country. I also see these same “people” allowing themselves to sell the country and its assets to financial interests ahead of acting for the common good, and then these same “people” debate about sending troops to foreign lands with live ammunition. Scary to comprehend how easily some really shitty scenarios develop for the rank and file humanoids, the ones that ultimately have to “pay”. The ruling elite have their own agendas, always have, always will, but when conditions are right and one of them rises above the others by manipulating a force such as the military or police, ouch! Comparing Hitler to Hubbard, (both idiots wrote instructional books on how to go about dominating others) is easy to do but nevertheless presents a few uncertainties as to how it is going to understood across a broad range of intelligences. Not everyone is at the same degree of experience with life and sanity generally has to be gained the hard way if at all. By the time you work it all out, if your survive long enough caring that is, it is generally too late to do anything about it. I’m from an older generation which sure had some doozies of fuck ups and I don’t play “world” much anymore. However, both Hitler and Hubbard be damned!
I was suckered into Scientology thinking I was genuinely helping mankind. I wonder what really went though the mind of the son of a German farmer that walked through the recruiting office doors in1938?
What went through the mind of the son of a German farmer that walked through the recruiting office doors in 1938?
It depends on which doors he walked through.
If the recruiter was Wehrmacht, he was reasoning: serve the fatherland.
If the recruiter was Waffen SS, he was reasoning: eliminate all undesirables.
This post makes me physically ill. The courts, the minds of conscious free members in thier Seats, the LRH family lawyer fabricating false charges against me during my divorce from a Season, that slandered me forever. I will never forgive Catherine, the Helping Hands satelite surveillance systems used to spy on Seashells, my life has been nothing but crawling from that seawreck.
It is estimated that Hitler murdered possibly up to 17,000,000 people.
LRH definitely had his faults,but I think comparing him to Hitler is a huge stretch.
See other comment to Chuck.
Got it.
Excellent Post Mike and thank you for pointing these similarity out. I found the comparisons to be spot on.
Great comparison. Imagine a world ruled by the TubHubb and his disciple, Miscavage. With no restraints on their ability to punish their “enemies”, what kind of gulags would they have created? As the Fairgame policy outlined, murder would be perfectly acceptable — it was simply socially unacceptable in the modern society. But under a TubHubb dictatorship it would be perfectly acceptable. Terrifying.
Brian, let’s do one for David Miscavige – “The blind was leading the blind!” (famous tag line in his speeches about the Golden Age of Tech drills)
Full quote:
Oops, that is from Jesus! (Matthew 15:14 KJV) Too bad he left out the best part, that applies to him and Hubbard:
Let’s just say that neither Hubbard nor Miscavige were particularly original or cogent and leave it at that.
Mike, when I opened your homepage and saw the tittle and pictures all I could do was roll my eyes.
Reading the article was equally disappointing.
You can’t please all the people all the time I guess…
I can be pleased all the time…
Even with a flat surf?
I go out &I just paddle.
Why KFrancis? It is true.
KFrancis, what are the thoughts that fuel being disappointed?
Not going to spend an afternoon going back and forth with you about LRH Brian. I get that you are one of the “cool kids” here at Mike’s sponsored LRH beat down center.
You and about twenty other main characters make up a core group that own the direction this blog takes. Oftenit’s a circle jerk party with the main players congratulating and patting each other on the back after a good LRH smack down. No one is going to tell you guys anything. You already know it all and therefore are here to instruct the crowd and deliver the repeating narrative ( LRH is a bum ) day after day.
Let’s be honest, this is ESMB in a slightly different form.
Ok, thanks KFrancis, I respect your decision to not engage in dialog.
I’ll go find the nearest tall building and throw myself off it. The world would be better off without my certainty gained from finally understanding the decades of abuse, financial ruin and the resultant family of mine in tatters. So glad of your honesty KF.
First I’ll write a will leaving all my valuables to… any suggestions who could use the cash best KF? CCHR maybe?
LMAO Another troll running the same line (lie) that Mike doesn’t control this blog. A few other criminal types ran that line until they decided to go elsewhere and defend child rapists in the Church of scamaology… Hmm…
“ criminal types “ …..ha ha ha ….over react much Wynski?
Have a current security clearance from The Office of Homeland Security…will that work for you?
No KFrancis that is irrelevant. Murderers and rapists get top security clearance in the US Gov.
You are SUCH a stupid troll.
Damn….I was really trying to lay low but you saw right through me and now my horrific past is out in the open for all to see…..ha ha ha.
Later Wynski….?
I don’t think anyone seriously thinks comparing the social tactics employed by leaders indicates that assholes like Hitler had sole monopoly of there use and hence all others who do the same type of thing are therefore mass murders in waiting. It is that sort of think that is silly in the extreme.
Geezers, I’m very efficient with automatic weapons and have my classification as a marksman. Does that mean I should be locked up as I might just go crazy. No, I was simply a trained soldier protecting my country at the time of my service. Any idiot can squeeze a trigger.
Hubbard’s comparison to Hitler – as my comment above suggests, will impinge differently across a broad section of intelligences. We seriously don’t trust each other to think do we?
Whoa! It looks like fatso was channeling Hitler! It certainly makes sense…
It just all boils down to a shared philosophy that all dictators adhere to…right out the same dictator handbook. You see one dictator…you them all. Put them all in a line-up and it would be difficult to distinguish one from the other. Great post..
I haven’t seen the recent trend of vilifying people or groups by comparing them to hitler or naziism (won’t signify either with capital letters) as contributing to any greater understanding of the person or group. Only a tiny percentage of people who make these associations have studied hitler or naziism at all. Their “understanding” of both is at best a caricature of who and what they were or are. People who use these comparisons are generally looking for the fastest route to incite hate, and want to relieve themselves and their readers of the inconvenience of actually understanding the rationale or motives of the person or group being talked about.
Mike, I’d appreciate it if you would ask your webmaster to look for and install a word press plug-in that would allow your commoners to edit their posts after their original submission. There’s a couple of mistakes in my last submission here. There are, perhaps a dozen plug-ins that are available and they are free and only take a few seconds to install.
Thanks for mentioning that Dan as I have had the same wish myelf. Hope you’re listening Mike…
Here, here! I triple that! I write and edit off-site, and then copy and paste the final draft for that very reason. Every post involves a little trepidation ? A WP-editing plug-in would be so appreciated Mike! Thanks for hearing us out!
Your point is abundantly clear!
What I see, these days (but it has probably been around as long as humanity), is the consequences of “following your heart” whilst being too lazy to undergo any kind or resemblances of critical analysis.
I find myself becoming weary of shrill emotions leveraged by Internet…and mebee the disinformation campaigns of the Russian FSB!
In general, I agree with you. However the comparison here is apt on many levels and has been discussed previously at length on this blog & Tony’s. It is clearMike DOES have an in-depth understanding of Hitler and the rise of the Nazi party.
Previously he discussed how & why Hitler became so popular, reasons many people found he and his ideals so attractive and the consensus (at the time) that he was charismatic. Mike (& many commenters here) discussed his rise to power, the information control and the numerous consistencies between how both were able to project a specific persona and how the people who supported/followed weren’t unintelligent or intentionally blind…
I could go on, but essentially, Mike & many people here have far more than a cursory understanding. On the contrary, he was commenting on how that comparison is often made and providing examples on how LRH perhaps borrowed ideas/comments from Hitler.
I won’t talk about all the quotes that are given here as examples, but let’s look at just a few sets of these and consider it and see if my criticism of them might fit one or more of the others as well:
“But the most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly and with unflagging attention. It must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over. Here, as so often in this world, persistence is the first and most important requirement for success.” Adolf Hitler
“A consistent, repeated effort is the key to any success with this technique of propaganda.” L Ron Hubbard
I think that just might be the strategy of just about every marketer in regards to their products and in regards to most politicians and their campaigns. Are there nazi PR people infiltrating the marketing world and is virtually every politician a nazi?
“The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belonged to one category.” Adolf Hitler
“The art of leadership… consists in consolidating the attention of the people against a single adversary and taking care that nothing will split up that attention. Adolf Hitler
Again, a strategy of lots and lots of people and campaigns. The current lumping together by the democrat party of any conservative or republican with the “alt-right” and the american nazi party and branding all conservative persons as “racist” is going on with a fury right now.
I’ve got criticisms of the other comparisons as well. If you want to compare Ron Hubbard with Adolf Hitler, you’ve got a LOT more work than this to do. If I wanted to compare quotes of Hitler with about any politician or business person before or after Hitler, I’ll bet that I could find them. This is not an exercise for thoughtful people. This comparison is nonsensical.
Is it more or less nonsensical than comparing a THR reporter to Goebbels? They didnt provide ANY quotes from the reporter to make a comparison. That was sort of the point of this.
Mike, Brian,
So, vile and psychotic people make nonsensical, mad comparisons. (reporter Goebbels). Is that a justification to do similar actions?? Beats me. Shouldn’t sane intelligent people do the opposite, instead of being lured into same mad game?
This is playing right into their hand! That’s what they really wish: to spread madness, fanaticism, and BEING TOTALLY holier than thou!!
To sum up what I mean here’s 2 important quotes: They Do need to be linked:
“All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing”.
“All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men TO DO LIKEWISE”.
This is not to judge or insinuate or ad hominem anyone. Just to make a simple point.
Hemi, you’ve stated before, above, that you did not have time to protest the churches association of Geobbels with the Hollywood Reporter.
You said you were busy and have many projects and don’t have time to get involved in negativivity.
Yet you keep posting here and you posted nothing on the original blog Mike posted regarding Goebbels and the reporter.
Because you stated you haven’t time for the Geobbels/reporter association, and that’s why you did not post there, but continue to use your time to post in protest of the Hubbard/Hitler association………….
I am led to assume that the “no time to be involved in the negative” is simply not true.
Your own actions reveal your true motive, not your words.
You are offended because the association is about Hubbard.
You have more time than you say. You just use it to stand up for Hubbard. Actions speak louder than words.
This is now not an opinion. It’s observable fact that you have created by your actions on this blog and absence of outrage from the Geobbels/reporter association.
My last comment to you.
The Ronbots continue in the face of proven evidence that Hubbard was a sociopath and criminal…
Well said.. I read it as a comparison of common “philosophies” between the two and how these personal philosophies were foundational to their “rise” in power through their ideology.
Spot on! This wasn’t “The Third Reich” 101:.a lower div history requirement! It was a comparison of ideals with a supporting narrative, the first first step in a more thorough semiotic examination of forms of totalitarian or nihilistic thought control. Eye yiyi! What don’t people get? Pretty sharp for a “teen”!
Hubbard was a dictator, no argument there. He was a mix of Hitler and Stalin.
The incredible temper of a madman and the paranoia to form his own KGB.
And Hubbard was an avid researcher and compiler. No way he did not study the propaganda machine of the third Reich.
And now His organization has morphed into a third rate dictatorship. Substitute little Davey for Charlie Chaplin and Ex-Scientologist for Jew.
As I recall, the great Elron did admire and study Hitler’s speech delivery, with respect to technique only I’m sure.
Maybe LRH was a Nazi sympathizer. He like most who want control over other would look up to Hitler and his ideas of rule. Of course Scientology isn’t a whole country.
I won’t comment on any relation to Hitler and LRH in their later life. But I can’t help but remember a book I read about LRH’s early life (don’t remember the name of it, but I am sure others do).
This may explain the power hunger ego of both people and partially how it developed.
Generally unsuccessful in the military.
Hitler – low level enlisted guy in WW2. From his perspective, never recognized as anything special.
LRH – Navy Guy with VERY questionable service in WW2. Not really wounded in action. Phony military record by Scientology, but really no heroism metals. Tried to convince the Navy his mine sweeper detected two Enemy submarines while off Seattle. But Navy says not true. Navy sends him to psychiatric evaluation (may explain his hate of Psychiatry). Claims he was wounded in action. More like trying to get money from the Navy in a retirement settlement.
Since the Navy didn’t recognize his supreme contribution to the war effort (his view), he goes off and gets a boat of his own, and becomes not only the Captain of his own boat, but the 4 Star Admiral of an entire organization (Sea Org – come on now).
Both Hitler and LRH shows signs of extreme ego gratification, power hungry, and for Ron, money hungry, to fill their void of inadequacy.
As I remember – the rumor on Hitler was he had only one huevo. Maybe Ron had the same problem.
Meant WW1 for Hilter. Hit the wrong key.
Of all the bullets fired in WW1, you’d hope one would have taken out an asshole by the name of Hitler hey?
The same book I read described LRH’s last days. Wish I could remember the book’s name. But, I guess Hitler’s last days, and Ron’s last days were certainly similar. From Super-Race/Maximum OT level, where they controlled their own fate, and others, to hiding in a bunker waiting for his ultimate fate/hiding in a trailer out in the desert, afraid to appear in public to show his miserable condition before death.
I find the most amazing thing about this Scientology thing, is how people can’t connect “Science Fiction Writer”, and disconnect from the “Religion/Theology Writer”.
Captain Kirk in Star Trek would have made a much better religious leader than Captain LRH. At least it would be more fun. The Hitler comparison might be a little too extreme. Being stuck on the Enterprise in deep space would be more fun than being stuck in an erupting Volcano.
My sense of Hubbard is that he was a very envious, covetous person. He wanted what he wanted, but did not want to work for it. So, he lied. He lied about his military service in an era of hero worship for soldiers. He used Jack Parsons for a place to stay, for the magick orgies, and the Hollywood scene. I think he wanted to be Jack Parsons, good looking, girl getting, actually a physicist, actually a rocket scientist, actually a student and acquaintance of Crowley, who studied Blovatsky. Crowley wrote about controlling people. (I’ll have to look around for that)
Hubbard stole Parsons resume, his girl his money, his ship.
Hubbard lied about his injuries to promote Dianetics. In promoting Dianetics, he got lots of attention and praise. He used Celebrities as chum.
He self aggrandised, but I doubt it ever filled his hollow core.
What he said ^^*
I’ve also visited twice to Auschwitz & Bikenau, Bergan-Belson, Kazimierz & “Schindler’s List” house in Krakow, three times to Anne Franks house, the holocaust museums in NY, LA & DC, the tolerance museum in LA, have a trip scheduled to Yad Vashem in Israel this year, have heard multiple people who were still alive and lived during the Holocaust speak–hell, live near the same town as the German died hours before he was was sent back to face his war crimes ( and have many friends who are descendants of holocaust family members both killed and survived in various parts of Europe…In my opinion, as someone who was also in TV News Broadcasting on a US stateside and European International level, LRH & DM (and yes, there are others!) is one of those who can be considered as an American form of “Hitler”.
@mikerinder you and countless more have been violently attacked, punched and choked by this “messiah” of the CoS–you’ve been on the front lines. You’ve lied and hurt many people yourself because of that-and following LRH’s rules and code of “ethics”. It is only NOW, away from Scientology, that you are FINALLY CHANGING THE PLANET-by giving a voice to those who wouldn’t have otherwise been heard. You’ve rallied allies as strong as the ones in WW2 … and as a widow to a US Navy Vet, I salute you. My husband informed me about Scientology because he couldn’t believe people bought it. He died in 2011.
I’ve read all your posts for months now — DON’T. STOP. WRITING. (You know you’re doing something right when you’ve pissed people off. 🙂
Go get ’em Tiger!
Hitler was a twice-wounded and once-gassed front line messenger/runner in WWI, and was awarded the Iron Cross for bravery under fire, during one particularly hellish barrage on the Western Front. Hitler often wore the award early in his days as Fuhrer, and it can be seen in many period photos. In that regard, old LRH’s “stolen valor” naval career pales to that of AH; must really suck to be a runner-up to Hitler in Anything!
When Nazis or Hitler are mentioned, people often cite “Godwin’s Law” and grant it an authority it does not deserve. While it is true that many references to Nazis/Hitler are highly inappropriate, in those cases where the reference is relevant in context, the use of Godwin’s law to shut down a conversation constitutes:
An instance of the logical fallacy, appeal to authority, and
A thought-stopping practice.
All references to Nazis’Hitler should be considered in context, and not dismissed by the logical fallacy/thought-stopping use of Godwin’s law.
Excellent post!! There is a frightening similarity to Scn policy and the potent, negative aspects of propaganda. Neuroscientist David Eagleman showed thru experiments that the brain will elevate or de-elevate other “groups” based on propaganda. Scn policy seems full of it.
Great article, Brian; thanks. Apart from the ideas that Hubbard may have taken from Hitler, I’ve always thought that his personality was much more like Stalin’s: vindictive, suspicious, vengeful, and taking great joy in making those around him quiver with fear.
This is so freaky – I watched a few documentaries of the Nuremberg trials yesterday. It stunned me how much of Hitler’s orders/phrases/quotes sounded eerily like LRH. I wanted so much to talk about it to another anti Scientology “wog” (as useless as gypsies, the disabled, the homosexual, the Jew, etc etc). I thought i was just being paranoid. THANK YOU for sharing this.
“Perhaps the real truth is that all who would be dictators/authoritarians come to similar conclusions about how to go about it…”
I believe that to be the case here. Whomever wants an empire filled with willing slaves must use similar recipes perhaps.
Totally agree! I thought that last sentence was perfectly accurate.
Thanks Lisa 🙂
I have to give that one to my Dad (an engineer) who told me that there are a finite number of ways to do something right but an infinite number of ways to do it wrongly.
I know someone else who was close to LRH, who, after self auditing, stated himself to have been Hitler (other info purposely omitted here). But, he was also Jesus Christ too. ?
Ah….. the time track as defined by Hubbard:
A delusional dream of unverified make believe, organized into a “religion”, and marketed for maxim cash inflow………………for the “greater good” of course!
“THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN CONTROL PEOPLE IS TO LIE TO THEM. You can write that down in your book in great big letters. The only way you can control anybody is to lie to them.” L Ron Hubbard
This quote sent a chill down my spine. How true and that defines the past 14 unfortunate years of my life in the Sea Org.
We often got told the strangest explanations as to the rules we lived under.
A good example of this is the rules they had set in place basically to make it hard for people to blow:
1. Sea Org members could not bring in cars. Well not unless they were senior members. The reason given was that this addressed the town of Clearwater’s “concern with parking”. The reason that this doesn’t hold water is that downtown Clearwater is a ghost town. And also the fact that next to the Flag Building we have our own gigantic and mostly empty parking structure…
2. They would not allow male members to bring in bags to the base. They wrote that the bag could damage the uniforms that we wear through chafing. Absolutely ridiculous. They had security guards stand by the buses every morning to make sure no members were bringing in bags.
God, I’m very glad I left when I did (1976)! Had my own crappy car, too. It got me to Flagstaff Arizona. Took a plane the rest of the way (but that’s another story…)
Good for you, Spike! I got out in ’82. Which makes you 6 years smarter than I was.
OSD, I think we’re even, as I went back to do the SHSBC (incomplete). Around ’82 or so some of us attended a briefing by David Mayo who had been summarily kicked out … that was pretty much the end.
Wow, the rules about bags and no cars is even worst than I thought. Also the rule of no cell phones, no computers or ipads, no fraternizing with public Scns. (Cuz they may offer you quarter if you blew was the real reason.) What a totalitarian prison.
Wow….mind blown:((((
Me too!
Like Hitler, LRH was trying to take over the world, so I am sure LRH studied Hitler’s work for some tips on taking over the world… hehehe
What about cults? Scientology is the epitome of a cult. So, do you think LRH studied how to start and maintain a cult? Yeah, right, I do.
I have been reading “Combating Cult Mind Control: The #1 Best-selling Guide to Protection, Rescue, and Recovery from Destructive Cults” and I have no doubt LRH studied this subject which was available in the mid 50’s.. and by the mid 60’s we got KSW, Co$ cult handbook.
Wow Mike, you can really come up with some interesting comparisons, I’ve studied Hitler and the third Reich, I’d been doing research for a novel I’m writing, I tell you it brought me to a dark place in my life,not anti-Semitic but I was fascinated by how one man could control an entire country and they stayed loyal to him even the children would tell on the parents if they weren’t loyal party members,such a comparison to LRH knowledge reports and so called ethics, million’s aren’t being murdered by this but D.M. and Scientology are killing people’s souls and spirits, I believe that’s just as bad,as for my dark side, I literally had to put the novel I was writing down, I’m all sunshine again lol you can’t escape it here in Florida,Hot Hot Hot , it’s October I’m taking a little girl to the water park today! Thanks Mike have a great day?
Glad you put that book down Shelly. It’s a very, very dark place to go. Throw verbal rocks and spit at DM instead.
Yes, live with and contribute to child’s world, a lot better option I reckon. Sunshine is good!
There are certainly links from Hitler to Hubbard. In the broader picture, the Nazi’s are reported to have been into the occult. Many went to Tibet in search of the “Vril” or the powerful force of nature. The stories get complex including Nazi ventures to the frozen south pole. The influence of the occult literature of the 19th century was underestimated after WWII when science took over. This is, IMO, one of the primary reasons Scientology took hold. Hub was able to meld the occult into Freud. Hubbard was nothing more than a son of Blavatsky. Hitler was influenced by Blavatsky through German authors. Even the Aryan superiority concept is traced to Blavatsky. But Blavatsky was not racist. The Germans mistranslated the Eastern Aryan concept to fit their needs for superiority. It reduces in the end to Western impulse for control as manifested in Hitler and Hubbard. Hubbard went to the dark side of the occult.
Hey George, you are so right!
The Nazis found the swastika in India or Tibet. The word swastika comes from Sanskrit. It’s a symbol used in Buddhism and Hinduism for millenia.
The prefix “swa” is the same root as Swami. Swa means self.
The Nazis reversed the swastika which originally mean something positive and made it forever as infamous.
Thanks Bro, Keep the data flowing.
That’s interesting, Brian, i.e., the etymology of the word “swastika”. I had no idea it started as Sanskriit. Amazing that the Nazis co-opted an ancient, peaceful symbol and made it a bloody symbol of brute force and death. On the other hand, the early Christians did the opposite; they turned a fearul, bloody symbol, the crucifix, into a loving and peaceful one. Before Jesus Christ the cross was a symbol of the most gruesome and painful death sentence for the most heinous criminals. The comedian Lenny Bruce once said, “If Jesus had lived in the 20th century we’d all be wearing little electric chairs around our necks”.
i go with you on this. One cannot get into the spiritual band without immersing themselves in magic. White magic is done in the open and with the recipient’s permission: Black magic is done covertly and unbeknownst to the recipient.
Hubbard certainly did nothing uplifting after creating the SO. And the rest is ………..sturm und drang.
agree. This also explains why Hubbard never gave credit to Blavatsky.
Mike, there is a strong likeness of ideas! In both case, pure egomaniacal psychological abuse.
This is why I call it a cult and not a church. And their reputation is just a shade above Jonestown…and falling.