While they keep the pressure on Ideal Org begging to hand out humanitarianisms, the IAS vultures circle offering up patronisms and the Planetary Dissemination hyenas are trying to scrape together some crumbs in exchange for heroisms, the old reliable vampires at the Mecca of Technical Imperfection are reviving the heat on the L. Ron Hubbard Hall.
The old hands who sucked so much out of Flag’s public for their SP building are patterning their new pitch on another superhero concept, but instead of the Legion of Doom they have the Legion of Honor. No longer will cornerstones suffice.
And rather than certifying the members as “Lex Luthor” or “Giganta” from the Legion of Doom they have taken their own path with a brand new title that is going to be coveted by the status junkies inside the scientology bubble: L. Ron Hubbard Envoy Extraordinaire.
Now that is something worth turning over some big bucks for. Who in their right mind wouldn’t want to be known as an Envoy Extraordinaire for the long-since deceased L. Ron Hubbard?
Can you imagine the gaudy trophy, pleather jacket and gold lettered certificate hanging on your office wall for everyone to see and ask you “WTF is that?”
It seems alliteration is Hubbard Hall’s paramount criteria for selecting statuses.
But even funnier is the first sentence of Laurie’s letter.
This hall is vital to swiftly bring about planetary clearing.
I would love to hear Ms. Webster explain this. Why this hall will accomplish anything more than Ruth Eckerd Hall for planetary clearing? Or given the shrinking number of attendees at the milestone events, why it will accomplish anything beyond the Ft Harrison auditorium?
And how does it rate with ideal orgs — also vital for planetary clearing; the scientology media productions which is an urgent necessity for planetary clearing; and the IAS which are guaranteeing planetary clearing with your donations?
Scientology is like a bloodmobile that keeps recycling the same few shriveling donors until they are completely sucked dry. Every day they tell them their blood is absolutely vital to save someone dying from a different disease. The blood that is collected is being stored in a massive tank under the bloodmobile and never going anywhere.
Riiiiight. Only the fact that the “L Ron Hubbard” hall becoming a separate building and needing to be so much bigger was the *big explanation” as to why the SP building trebled in price and thus needed so many more contributions to build. This scam is the pinnacle of all Ponzi schemes!
It just keeps going and going. Poor bastards.
Over at the Bunker today, aquaclara wondered where CST Archives gets the titanium for its underground vaults. She found a surprise!
Out of 15 suppliers in the US, guess what? There is one in Clearwater! Its Director, Vice President and Registered Agent is one Angela Blankenship. Weita Wayne Chin is President, Director, Secretary and Treasurer.
Sunrui Titanium Precision Products, Inc, 1058 Cephas Rd, Clearwater, FL, filed as a Domestic for Profit Corporation in the State of Florida on Friday, December 12, 2014.
In 2010 Wayne Chin incorporated Sunrui Titanium Precision Products in California, at 2540 Corporate Pl, Monterey Park, CA.
Legit business, or Scientology front?
Interesting, Grundoon. Angie Blankenship was, at one time, one of Miscavige’s favorites and then quietly left the Sea Organization. Given her former close relationship with COB and his disdain for those who fail to live up to his sociopathic standards, it is surprising that she now profits from the Co$.
Anyone else know how Angie transitioned to her current situation?
She forgot to feed Dave’s dog?
Cynical me says Mis Angie “transitioned her relationship” by virtue of all that she knows about David Let Him Die Miscavige and the vicissitudes of Life at Int Base, which would make one terrific book. Angie on Anderson, Oprah and Barbara, oh my…In other words, now that she’s no longer getting her food, clothing and shelter from the Sea Org (such as it was) he helps her live, OR, she lets him die.
Oh, by the way CCHR should just invade some of these criminal organizations and start rescuing all these poor bastards from prison. I’m quite sure management (David Dick Wad) could be taken out if the people with Stockholm syndrome would just lighten up a little and not protect him.Sorry I must have been having a delusional fantastic wet dream. I’m ok now.It is still not a bad idea though.
Oracle –
You wrote in satire: “Over the last decades I have made more money per week than a West End Avenue call girl, all in the name of LOVE for L. Ron Hubberd! Or was it Hubbard? Anyway.”
“L. Ron Hubberd! Or was it Hubbard?”
Pretty much sums up the Co$.
I propose that Man in his lack of certainty of truth, has a propensity to feel comfortable by substituting agreements for truth. Unfortunately, since certainty is lacking, many of those agreements are either false, or outright lies.
In my personal experience, energy is also lacking. It’s much easier to flip on the TV (look how popular remotes are, to save the trouble of having to actually move to the set to change channels), than it is to brush up on chemistry. I very recently asked a practicing dentist, a licensed doctor, what the difference between a nitrate, nitrous, nitride, and nitric was. You also have sulfates, sulfurous, sulfide, and sulfuric. hat make for the change in suffixes? He did not know. I finally found the answers on the net, under “naming compounds” or some similar “naming” search results. It has to do with the valence the atom (nitrogen or sulfur, or whatever) assumes or behaves like, in a compound. The naming convention has been changed, and is now represented numerically in chemical equations, the superscript denoting the effective valence of the atom. I’m debating whether or not I want to tell him.
Energy is a matter, it would seem, of interest, or curiosity. One balances very complicated estimations of effort (axioms of Dianetics) against eliminations of counter-efforts, I guess. “Is i worth it?” When my hypothesis here is apllied to TV remotes, it doesn’t say a whole lot about the value of TV programming – but I don;t think that’s any secret, that TV is “trash” for the most part. But it gives one an excuse, I guess, of some sort, and judging from the money involved in that industry, it is widely agreed upon.
Do we think TV is “truth?” (I doubt it.) But is it agreed on? Well, there is some evidence that some people do watch TV.
Obviously, time spent searching for truth is better spent than time spent being entertained. There must be some aberration there, that motivates people to be entertained, before motivation to search for truth. I mean, even when the truth is presented, Man can choose to ignore it
I’ll go “popular.” Not that I take my philosophy from The Beatles, but there’s a line in George Harrison’s piece – “With every mistake, we must surely be learning” that has stuck with me. One continues to hope.
Sorry about being lazy about typos.
What makes for the change in suffixes.
“Is it worth it?”
(it’s late at night, har in the Nawth..)
Also, it’s not in a compound, but in a molecular structure. A compound is more at a mix of things, salt and pepper together for a crude example, while a molecular structure is a bonding of atoms.
I bet Yoav paid a lot to get on OTVII. Now he has “ethics protection”. He was 11 month at Flag going from Clear. That’s a long time and a lot of “greasing the lines”. Soprano did the same thing to belong the exclusive club of “environmental services”. I can’t believe how a smart guy like Yoav, could fall for that. But he fell for the Status. Probably to cover other things….
If everything is urgent then the whole idea of urgency is entirely redundant.
And on the subject of redundancy there are so few CoS members now that surely most people have a status of some kind. Is being a LRH envoy extraordinaire now most important? Or platinum humanitarian? Or OT Valley Rockstar Governess from Mars? Or clear itself? Or all of them?
In an ideal world this practice would only drive people to apathy and disillusionment, but I suspect it might help reinforce denial for many.
I really hope that current members can start realizing that COB is the only status that matters in the church anymore.
Given COP’s extreme paranoia I would be vetting these letters very carefully, only a matter of time before they start covertly numbering them to find out who the leak is.
Steve C., no worries. Mike Rinder has always been aware of that trick.
OMG!!!!!!!!! Who’s the Brilliant Con Artist cooking up these new extraordinary statuses (cons) to get Suckers money? Does Miscavige have a think tank made up of Highly Trained OT Highway Robbers working 24/7 figuring out how to get more money for nothing? Unbelievable!
I’d donate to get the rolls of toilet paper if they had a image of Demented Maniacs face ( preferably with his mouth open) on each sheet. It would be great to rub his face in it.
“…of Man, the rapid funding and creation…” should read “…of Man, the rabid funding and creation…”
Dear Prospect if you can still see your breath on the mirror,
My name is Laurie Webster and I am on this post to beg from you because of my history abusing staff. I was busted down to deal with public only. Which is good because I, want commissions. Did you know I put my whole bridge on credit cards and then harassed public at the Sandcastle to pay them off for me because I, I was joining the Sea org and they weren’t?
I made those bloody, ” friend’s of L. Ron Hubbard’s” feel like cheap pond scum until they whacked down my debt!
I was then posted as Supercargo of the Freewinds until they couldn’t stomach my habitual lying and I was beached to the Freewinds Relay Office as Commanding Officer.
For some reason, RPF and other minor solutions I employed to empty out the place, I gobbled up 40 % of the staff within months until the place looked like a ghost town.
I may have been a little hard on those people but honestly, none were up to my standards.
You may have heard of my husband Donnie? I snagged him at the Sandcastle and got him to toss his wife and toddler daughter under the bus, so he could come with ME into the Sea Org. So, you can see we are both highly on holy purpose. He smacks some of the elderly around at the base but they they need a wake up call.
Well, I begged and begged and coerced and bullied people for years to buy David Miscavige a new building because you know and I know we have to have before we can do. Can’t begin to tell you how much moola I socked away during this time from my commissions, but let’s just say I moved into such a high income bracket, I myself became a cornerstone member!
Over the last decades I have made more money per week than a West End Avenue call girl, all in the name of LOVE for L. Ron Hubberd! Or was it Hubbard? Anyway…
Super Power opened and that shot my personal finances all to hell. I’m parked on the mean streets of L.A. and I am being pimped by David for a new building. because as you know, the way we see it, if you don’t pay him to show he is a good manager, you don’t love Ron.
I need you to get your rickety sponged asses over here with every financial document connected to you to show the love.
$$, Laurie
One of the brothers I presume?
One of the staff under her, had already been in the Sea org for years and had been working 110 hour shifts PLUS all nighters. This staff member finally got awarded a stripe for Sea Org Day. The ONLY stripe or reward every ever offered to that staff member.
Mr. Laurie Webster “Sir” flew into a RAGE that this staff member got that one stripe as reward, because the staff member had had a comm ev earlier in the year. But had been excused from wrong doing. Can you believe that witch went on a war like rampage to try to get that that stupid stripe revoked off a shirt sleeve? To make that staff member give it up?
Once, at a staff meeting she ordered an elderly man, I mean he was in his 70’s or late 60’s, up to the front of staff meeting. he was a simple letter reg. She read off an RPF order sending him to the RPF for “substandard letter writing”. And had security guards rush in and drag him away with force. he was so stricken with shock he needed medical attention.
Hi The Oracle,As a simple letter reg as I once was,even in my 70s I would not have put up with that.A lot has changed since letter regs were the front line in one of Ron’s Policy Letters.Always Ann.
That’s the Laurie we’ve all grown to love.
Hi Anne, When I wrote “Simple letter reg” I did not mean to devalue that labor and love. I meant to illustrate the INJUSTICE, of trying to lay it on someone who is ONLY communicating with others that they are so destructive they need to be separated from the rest of the group and put in a labor camp!
If I am correct this is the only known case in history of a letter reg being sent to the RPF for “substandard letters”.
Hi The Oracle,You are sweet and I am old.Thank you for your post.I would get in hot water if my letters in stat was down as also letters out,but not for substandard letters or I would not have been promoted from Chief letter stuffer.I now understand your post about the letter reg.You know I’m a little protective of my fellow letter regs.I want them all out & free.XO Ann.
I love it when you go into Tear A New Asshole Mode, Oracle.
I with held a lot. But since you encouraged me, I will have another, “slip”.
Laurie was such a “dedicated” Scientologist that while doing her auditing internship in Boston, she actually convinced her P.C. to false attest to the state of Clear so she could graduate and receive her cert!
Which proves an auditor is senior to a clear, I guess.
That was while she was dating two guys at the same time, unbeknownst to both, and they were, drum roll,…………………..BROTHERS!
She deserves a special entry in Webster’s dictionary.
Come to think of it, after Laurie joined the Sea Org, in the six years I was there, I did not see one person from Boston arrive at the base for service. A few arrived as Sea org recruits STILL traumatized from their experience of knowing her. One, when loudly complaining about being coerced to make a false clear attest, was conveniently dispatched to the RPF. Out of sight, out of mind.
That’s all I’m going to spill. She ain’t no Honey Child.
Gotta appreciate the C of S for keeping her penned up in there and off the streets.
How abusive was Laurie Webster to staff? Laurie Webster was so abusive to staff that Jenny Linson DeVoght came down on her ass for being abusive to staff! I kid you NOT!
Oracle, I live for when you’re in the mood to dish.
Did I say she was only “dating” the two brothers? Well, you know what I mean.
Hi The Oracle, I now know all about Lori or Laurie Webster, I need too. Thank you.Ann.
Lauri Webster did pay for her Bridge with Credit Cards,
She told me to my face. Then asked for all my credit card numbers.
In fact, Flag public paid for her bridge as they paid off her credit card debt so she could go into the Sea Org. And she cunningly did this. She went to the Sandcastle where the OTVll’s were, and made them aware that she was going to be a top executive on the Freewinds. And if they wanted to do OT8 or get through OT8, they were going to be put in the position to deal with her. She had half a mile of credit cards as she continued to obtain new ones to make payments on the old ones. She used plastic to get up the bridge. Not only hers, but other people’s too. Donnie, her husband, had no debt because the wife he dumped for Laurie and the mother of his daughter, had paid for his bridge.
Between the two of them, using “I’m going to join the Sea Org therefore you owe me in advance as I am on a higher purpose”..managed to snag hundreds of thousands of dollars off the public to wipe out her debt, and Donnie managed to offload his kid and escape fifteen years of child support payments.
The strange thing about this, is that Laurie was a hustler. And Donnie’s wife was this stunningly beautiful, brilliant, gracious, competent, highly responsible and respected professional attorney.
Donnie was country boy from a Texas tailor park. He looked like DM from the back except he had blackish hair. But he had this little short buffed up body and a HUGE head on top of it. he looked like a doll that someone switched heads on.
He was also very effeminate. But he could get mean very fast with a lady and had a history of bullying women. One person leaving the base, a class 8, elderly female, described him on one blog as the senior that threw furniture at her.
Before they joined the Sea Org as “Freewinds elite staff” and “newly minted OTVll’s” and put in charge of other people’s lives, these people had never held a steady job or produced any real income! They had never been executives in any organization, or even been trsutsed with any real responsibility.
Hi The Oracle,Wow great info from a great poster!XO Ann.
Is this the same Laurie Webster who was on staff at the NY Org in the late ’60s, an ex LSD user, was seldom on post, blew staff in NY apparently with no repercussions , and later joined the SO before the LSD ban ??
No. She was not a New Yorker. She was from the Boston area and quite a bit younger than someone who would have been on staff in the 60’s.
Hi Oracle. I don’t know you or who you are but I do know two things about you from reading your posts over the past couple of years. 1. You have a heart of gold – so if you feel poorly about someone – then wow! Got it! 2. You should write to publish. I was having a pretty crap day until I read ‘Dear prospect, if you can still see your breath on the mirror…” I so got the whole picture in less than a dozen words. Masterful!
Laughter! You made me forget about that witch! Thanks! XXOO
Hi Mike,How did you know? I just had to give blood as in the pix because I store too much iron in my body so each year,I do the drill.No fun At least cos can’t store my blood because of cancer it goes down the drain.Wish that could happen to all the ridiculous ideal org & status prizes.That is so strange to me still.Always Ann.
I personally like the term “Mecca of Technical Perversion.”
Does anybody know if raw public will be allowed to freely enter this hall once it’s done? Or is it only for cult members? If it’s open to the public I wonder if they’ll check ID’s to prevent SPs from entering. I’d definitely want to go in there for the pure entertainment value.
Great quote, MM
The begging and the titles have gone beyond being absurd. Then I wondered, what is “beyond being absurd”? I couldn’t think of what that would be so I had to content myself with a string of synonyms to explain what it could possibly mean – crazy, foolish, goofy, illogical, irrational, laughable, ludicrous, nonsensical, preposterous, silly, stupid, wacky and loopy. Yep. that’s where they’ve gone.
In other words, Michael, the usual inside of scientology. Insanity has a friend with the cult…
Yes, Michael. But then watching an entertainment hypnotist on stage, putting his ‘game’ subjects through hilarlty in role play, those same synonyms would apply. Except for the last one. That’s reserved for ALL the unwittingly hypnotized COBfodder!
You can have your plaque and eat cake only with CSRT approval.
Mike (or anyone else able or knowledgeable about the topic to respond) – any idea what the approximate ratio/percentage (I’m not looking for anything exact just a rough idea) of communications sent, to the average Scientologist from the combined entities of CoS, are fundraising attempts as opposed to non fundraising communications?
I’m venturing a guess, as a never-in, that they are probably almost entirely fishing for fundraising even if cloaked in the laungage/guise of something else.
I know, via this board, others like it and former member’s stories, that members are under ever increasing pressure to donate via communications by way of e-mail, phone calls, snail mail and while attending events etc. I’m trying to get my head around how this relates to the other aspects of their belief system by the path this organization is putting on display for their members to see via fundraising begging. (As in actions speak louder than words.)
Braveblogger, you are right in your guess that “they are probably almost entirely fishing for fundraising even if cloaked in the laungage/guise of something else.”
Money is a prime target in Scientology. The purpose to “make money and more money” is cloaked in religious symbolism, humanitarian work and the belief that Scientology needs to grow and expand in order to ‘reverse the dwindling spiral’ and salvage planet earth, thus mankind. Scientologists believe that only Scientology is an effective solution to the problems of Man, or is at least the very best one available. Money is obviously needed to make this happen and the church needs every penny it can get to achieve this purpose. This is one rationalization that many Scientologists use in order to make sense out of the dichotomy between ‘total spiritual freedom’ and ‘salvaging planet Earth’ versus draining their bank accounts.
The church is also very good at propaganda and uses it to convince members that their money is being put to proper, relevant use for the public benefit.
As for the ratio you’re looking for, I can’t honestly answer that. I can only tell you by my own experience that I’ve seen it ebb and flow. At times, the sales-pitch is to come in and do the latest, upgraded service and other times it was heavy on the fundrasing. The promotions tend to be faddish but asking for money for one thing or another is generally always there. Especially when you’re on the premises. It’s one of the reasons why the public keeps getting driven away; they are sick to death of it and see that nothing is really changing or being done as promised, and really has nothing to do with ‘freeing man.’
Thank you for taking the time to respond. As a never-in, it is constantly difficult for me to attempt the mind set of a member as I have (or appear to have) much more of the available information. This results in a I can’t fathom how 1+1=2 for them frame of mind.
I try and step back to look at it from every avenue of approach to ensure I’m making an informed a rational decision on my opinion of this organization’s tactics.
The more information I receive (particularly from multiple sources) that match up, further cement my opinions.
Once again, thank you for providing your insight. Have a great day. ?
I still receive emails from a number of organizations around the world. As a rough guess I would say 1 out of 10 is promoting an actual service (mainly SRD and Purif), the others are straight donations. Rough estimate.
Thank you for replying. That is frightful.
While the organizations are different, I belonged to a certain political party (which is the closest point of reference I can think of that I experienced, though I know it is different but as it deals with beliefs and furthering a personal goal/hope for the world/community I live in it does share some very minor similarities) and after donating several times I stopped as the only time they wanted to deal with me was to gain my donation. They call, mail, e-mail relentlessly.
Any other communication with them was completely pointless.
From what I’ve read, they are a slice of heaven compared to the fundraising push of CoS.
Again, thank you. Have a great day. ?
Remember when YOU were IN?
The poor WOGS out there in the cruel, psych-invested, drugged up, clueless, ignorant world!
We needed to hurry up and clear the planet! There wasn’t enough time in a day to contribute my hard work chicken-picking the dirt out of the carpet in the Fort Harrison hallways on our hands and knees (couldn’t run a vacuum because we might disturb the auditing session). Day after day, week after week.
I feel less and less sorry for them EVERY DAY.
I feel more and more angry that King Rat is allowed to get away with it.
Is King Rat stashing money/investments secretly to make a get away leaving the flock flat footed and dumbfounded?
Toot asked, “Is King Rat stashing money/investments secretly to make a get away leaving the flock flat footed and dumbfounded?”
Of course he is. Same thing El Con did. Millions of illegally obtained dollars had been stashed by Flubbard. DM has his own millions that was legally, if not unethically, obtained but El Con ordered the top management in the church to stash profits (from non-profit activities LMAO) in untouched bank accounts. As its absolute TOP priority. There is probably a couple billion in total assets by now.
Well no surprise but do you know this factually? I was at CMOI when the Int Finance Director blew and took a lot of money with him (that’s what they told us anyway) – I think he was from South Africa. He wore glasses, dark hair, tan skin – nice and humble guy.
Then I think Tom Ashworth took over.
I wonder if he was ever caught.
Factually that what? El Con had millions in illegal funds? Yes.
That between SOR, Int Reserves & IAS there is probably 8 figures in assets? That part is educated guess based on amounts raised and assets purchased plus what was in there in the early 90’s.
No one stole much money. Maybe a few thousand but not more than that.
Hi Toot TO OT,Interesting posts.I think King Rat is amassing funds for the big move to some remote spot on the globe where he will say he is working on OT11&OT12.He will really be working on his bank account & how to keep it flush.Where he goes will have no extradition to anywhere.Some of the most hard bitten KoolAiders might go with him,but they will all pass from similar ends to Ron.Ann this is getting good,let’s put them on their own private island & call it David’s Scamgra-la.Always Ann.Also surrounded by the roar of the sea 24/7.
John, your comments about LRH’s behavior when responding to descriptions of the subject of Scientology have always seemed non-sequitur to me. When someone makes any comment regarding the subject of Scientology or Miscavige’s abuses, you immediately change the subject to LRH’s behavior or alleged behavior. And then you proceed to denigrate anyone who finds value in the subject of Scientology as a “believers” or infer that they are “conned” or irrational in some way, painting anyone who finds value in the subject with the same broad brush.
I do appreciate Espiando boldly coming clean with your posse’s true intention: “We’re not just going after CoS. We’re out to destroy the whole enchilada.”
However, I do not appreciate your personal accusation that I or anyone who disagrees with you that the whole subject of Scientology is bullshit has been duped.
You certainly have the right to express that opinion of me, just as I have a right to express my opinion of you. Here is my opinion of your comments:
LRH’s behavior or alleged behavior is not a part of the subject of Scientology.
For example LRH most likely got drunk sometimes at points in his life just as many people have. That does not mean that getting drunk is part of the subject of Scientology. It has nothing to do with the subject.
However, as soon as anyone mentions the words “Scientology” or “LRH” you reactively launch into one of your sneering tirades about your opinions on LRH’s behavior.
When you do this, you are behaving just like the lunatic in Abbot and Costello’s “Niagra Falls” routine where every time the words “Niagra Falls” are spoken, the lunatic tries to strangle Costello even though those words have nothing to do with what is actually being discussed.
Also, John, have you never in your life ever done something that was wrong or violated your own principles? Would you like it if the worse things you have done in your life were equated with what you truly believe ? Think about that.
John, you need to first look in the mirror before you complain about anyone else “trashing good people” as you did in a previous post.
Wasting staff time on chicken-picking dirt piece by piece is insanely stupid, says all you need to know about scn. I remember when the local org moved premises I was helping out as were some sea org people, one suggested we should chicken pick the carpet as the vacuum hadn’t been delivered yet, I refused and pointed out it was probably the most stupid waste of everyone’s time he could have possibly thought of. He went ahead with the plan, it was amusing to watch and as I was not staff all he could do was glare at me.
“However, as soon as anyone mentions the words “Scientology” or “LRH” you reactively launch into one of your sneering tirades about your opinions on LRH’s behavior.
When you do this, you are behaving just like the lunatic in Abbot and Costello’s “Niagra Falls” routine where every time the words “Niagra Falls” are spoken, the lunatic tries to strangle Costello even though those words have nothing to do with what is actually being discussed. ”
Good points, Espiritu! I have also thought that John Locke’s posts were non-sequitur in that they didn’t address what was actually said, but instead were reactive knee-jerk reactions to hijack and divert the attention over to LRH. Thank you for your voice of reason post, Espiritu.
Cindy, why not tell John what you have to say to him? This is the equivalent of dishing the dirt on somebody while their sitting in the same room with you. If I don’t like the tone somebody takes with me I simply say “I don’t like the tone you’re taking with me” but that’s only if I’m in a good mood. Otherwise I say it more colorfully.
Do members of the Sea Org really believe planetary clearing is a realistic goal? Are they secretly rolling their eyes or are they thinking “man, we are so close to achieving this someday soon!”
I would say for the Kool Aid drinkers this target is taken seriously. You have to understand Scnists, in general, believe in fantastic, magical things, such as The Theta Universe, The State of OT (cause over matter, energy, space and time), Body Thetans, and so on.
They believe they are dis-enturbulating the planet and its inhabitants. People on Solo NOTs are “handling” their environment, turning entheta into theta. As the theory goes, they are tipping the theta/entheta ratio in favor of theta, thereby raising the overall tone level of the planet. And as this occurs, wogs apparently will recognize the super-awesomeness that is Scn and jump on the bandwagon.
Seems they have a ways to go…that, or maybe the theory is wrong…nahhhhh.
Their degree of belief probably varies roughly as an inverse ratio to the length of time they have worked in the SO/been involved in Scientology and/or degree of exposure to the real scene in Scientology vs. the lies they are told.
In my opinion, long-term Class V org staff definitely know. I could name 5 people in my old org who cannot NOT know. As to why they go on supporting David Miscavige in violation of LRH (at least, in violation of what LRH WROTE in HCOPLs, if not what he actually practiced), how they justify or explain the actual scene to themselves as opposed to the PR hype they are fed and that they themselves feed the public, is not the issue. They justify, explain, defend and perpetuate the scam, whatever their reasons for doing so. The point I’m making, the only point, is that I know that these staff KNOW, because they’ve each been in Scientology for going on 3 and for one of them, 4 decades. The newer Class V org staff who came in around 2005 or so don’t know any better but the long term staff know. Depending upon my mood, I feel sad for them, or despise them for their lack of confront.
Actually, that’s not true. I don’t despise them. They’re nice people. I resent them for their lack of confront. I had these people on a pedestal and now I can’t admire them anymore. Its had to explain so I’ll stop.
Kevin, the longer they are in the SO, the less they believe and they can secretly roll the eyes when nobody can see. Otherwise they get a KR. They get numb to most feelings that surround the glee and just dream of sleep and time off. But the game must go on, especially if you are recruiting. Very sad scene.
So, less than a year after they shit all over the Aussies and Kiwis with their ANZAC status, now they’ve decided to do it to the French with this. Considering the utter hostility the French hold toward the cult, I really, really, REALLY want to see them go after these pieces of shit. It’ll be lulzy as hell.
Someone remind me, L. Ron Hubbard, isn’t he that idiot founder of Dianetics and Scientology who invented the tech and didn’t notice that a bunch of SPs had messed it up to the extent that it took Saviour and Most Wonderful COB Leader, decades to sort out the mess to finally deliver to mankind the Tech that works?
I guess that depends on your definition of works.
Yes clearly speaking, L Ron Hubbard is the guilty party for having only contributed a “half-done” product or “overt product” and his condition has been downgraded by COB to Treason. In hindsight it appears that L Ron Hubbard blew his post (rather than moved on to higher states of existence) and he is hereby ordered to report back to the Sea Org for handling and routing into the RPF.
Can you commenters stop your observations & complaining AND get out your check books? We (?) are trying to clear the planet here………
Sorry, Roger! Let me see if I can find my checkbook. My wife usually hides it from me…
Too.. nauseous.. to comment… Will.. try.. later.
Dear *Big Being* With MONEY,
*Expansion* of Scientology resolve problems of Man rapid funding for *planetary clearing!* WANT YOUR MONEY FAST!
URGENT need money *stellar* Legion of Honor! WANT YOUR MONEY!
Give money now *STRONG DRIVE!* Make a difference *ADMIRATION* L. Ron Hubbard. Move up in *status*. WANT YOUR MONEY!
Ml, (I can’t say the actual words or I’ll crack like plaster)
Lauri Webster
Email below indicating the FWT is coming to SNC to show a brand new video about Flag and its services and its incredible production. So adding the hall must be valuable for some sort of production or purpose, right!!!!!!
Yep, the FWT will be at Stevens Creek Org on Aug 8th! Promo will be coming shortly which confirms the time.
There will be a brand new video about FLAG and its services, and its incredible production! FLAG is just this HUGE theta-producing machine churning out Clears and OTs. Just as a side note, 2 weeks before I arrived to FLAG, they had made 17 staff Clears in one week! 17 STAFF CLEARS! These are the Clears and OTs that service us when we go to FLAG.
The event – video and speaker – will only be about 1 hour long. Then its fantastic food and company, and Bridge de-bugging and planning with the staff and public!
Please confirm with me that you will be there!!! Donna
The suckers that donated set ‘an excellent example of their respect and admiration for LRH”
That is why you land in ethics as a counter intention, irresponsible, out ethics, full of evil purposes particle if you DO NOT give them the money.
good point. and you can also land in the office for inspection and reports of thought crime (“ethics”) by expressing any DISAGREEMENT with the above, and also for having any counter-intention that your own child shouldn’t join staff or the SO.
“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”
Nice! +1! And that, folks, IS scientology in a nut shell…
Goethe was obviously correct in this. Hubbard banked on that datum, quite literally, when he concocted the scam that was/is scientology.
+ 1! Right on the (cough, cough) money!
“they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation.”
And that, ladies and gentlemen, was Adolf Hitler writing in Mein Kampf…he is explaining the importance of telling huge great whoppers of a lie, since no-one will believe you have the cojones to tell such a big lie. It is easier for them to believe the lie, than to believe the lie is a lie. This is why it is so important for Scientologists to be indoctrinated to believe that Hubbard was an incredible man, with extraordinary abilities, who wanted to save mankind. Then, when he tells big lies it is easier to believe the lie. If, on the other hand, he was an inveterate liar who rarely told the truth, then the big lies becomes obvious.
Hitler also stressed the importance of repeating a big lie, over and over again.
Promising freedom, when you’re actually delivering slavery, must be one of the biggest lies you can tell, and requires a very special liar to pull it off.
Sid S, thanks for the quote and the comment on the quote. That was edifying and I enjoyed reading it.
Hi Sid S, Good to meet you.Your post got me to think that for me, Ron was an inveterate liar who never told the real truth.And it took me only a few months ago to totally realize this 100%.I gave up so much to join the SO,& no it was not the Mest I cared about.It was a siren call,I never understood those ladies on the rocks when I had to read The Odessey in school,now I do.He was a shape & condition shifter & one never knew which would come out when.Reminds me of David Miscavige & his traveling circus cult.Ann.
Thank you Sid S., for the quote and your insight into it.
I noticed the ad for Freedom magazine no longer appears when I google Mike Rinders blog.
With the myriad of fundraisings going on and
despite applications of LRH’s incredible admin
Tech plus in spite of a thorough use of the Incom
computers things got crossed up and someone
plainly forgot to continue to raise the funds
for that ad.
I spoke to soon, the ad is back now.
I remember listening to Lauri Webster years ago, going on about ideal org fund raising, she was completely ruthless in her methods back then and has probably gotten worse as desperation sets in, in fact a real blood sucker!
The arrogant assumption that scn can solve mans’ problems if they expand quick enough, in reality they create far more problems than they ever solve. A world run by scientology does not bear thinking about – something along the lines of George Orwell’s 1984 or even Animal Farm comes to mind.
Animal farm is Nicer than Scientology and Scientology is worse than 1984.
Hi OSD, I love that about Ron curing himself of his injuries And I know if I were still SO I would have been told to take massive doses of vitamins & niacin, sweat baths & cure myself of cancer myself.I seem to recall Ron having several heart attacks & having to be in hospital.I do not think I would have seen the inside of a hospital if I had stayed.Only the view from above.Always Ann.
As Lauri Webster herself bilked people out of tens of millions of dollars for the SP building, she made the promise that this building now known as the Flag Building, (not SP for super powers), was going to ‘handle governments.’ Scientology through Super Powers, was supposed to reach the highest levels of government, straighten these individuals up, salvage the planet and make it safe, in a nutshell. Having only the most impressive building would be able to serve this purpose.
Where is the evidence of any of this remotely happening? No-one seems to notice that ‘government’ wants nothing to do with the Super Powers or even Scientology for that matter. Perhaps the FBI or possibly the CIA takes a bland interest every now and then. Even the IRS doesn’t care!
Lauri has moved on to CST’s next confidence trick, the LRH Hall. This Hall has nothing to do with planetary clearing. No more so than the Flag Building (SP) is ‘handling governments.’ The public are being taken for a ride yet again.
Hi Pepper, When you have a moment,can you give me a short bit about Lauri Webster & the SP building.After my time,is she public?Always Ann.
“…as desperation sets in…” Gimpy, I do believe the desperation will grow exponentially from here on. With NO ONE coming in & ‘Going Clear’ circling the planet, they don’t stand a chance. Or sure, they have a lot of money, but, very few customers…
“With … scientology so needed to solve the problems of Man”
LMAO! Scamology cannot even solve its own problems. ANYONE who looks at its criminal founder ( a guy who threatened to kill his own infant child) and the subjects track record and STILL believes in it is absolutely insane.
If you break it down, Miscavige is Scientology right now. The only problem Miscavige has right now is how does he bring in more money. Miscavige is the source of insanity in Scn. right now. It is interesting how you choose to attack a dead man and never really say many similar things about Miscavige. It would be better to attack the current source of insanity….David Miscavige. Going after Hubbard, a dead man, does nothing to go after your ultimate goal of no more Scn. Attack and name call the one in present time that needs attacking….David Miscavige.
You have made your point on Hubbard.
Have you ever heard the phrase, “kill the head and the body dies”? Well, that’s what a bunch of us here are doing. We’re killing the head, the cult of personality surrounding L. Fraud Flunk-Out. Destroy that, and Scientology is also destroyed. We’re not just going after CoS. We’re out to destroy the whole enchilada. And we know the history of the enchilada.
Espi, Potpie doesn’t WANT the criminal scam to be stopped. Otherwise he/she wouldn’t Hubbard cult member. DM, Big P, or some other power hungry cult member, we know it will always turn out the same. So does Potpie…
In answer to your comment Johnny, I do want the scam stopped. But this is what I’m saying to you guys….you need to use Scn. to destroy and get rid of Scn. It is obvious you fellows feel that Scn is an engram that needs to be erased. And of course the basic on that engram chain is LRH. Your approach to go straight to the basic won’t work until you have blown any locks on the chain. A big fat juicy lock on this chain is David Miscavige. You have to blow that lock before you can actually blow the whole enchilada….the basic….into total destruction.
It is not my goal to end Scn. That will take care of itself. I’m here for the J&D, and Hubbard is the fattest, juiciest target.
Too funny Potpie. Scn tek is BS. How to destroy crim cults has been known for a LONG time. Once you “clear” your mind of the Scn BS it’ll become obvious.
Normally I object to throwing the baby out with the bathwater but in this case it’s Rosemary’s Baby.
Comment of the day goes to you Roger!
Truly, John, the Kool-Aid is strong in these people. And…don’t forget he kidnapped his own daughter and took her to Cuba to force his wife to retract all the bad stuff she said about fatso. As each day passes, the insanity ramps up a little more…
Correct OSD. Fellow criminals always flock to these forums to defend and deflect attention from El Con, the Cult’s founder and Ciminal-in-Chief. Everyone here knows DM is a criminal following criminal Cult policy and intention. The criminals here KNOW that if Hubbard is exposed, the future of the criminal org (with or without DM is doomed. Thus they fight on.
True that, John. Many forget it was fatso that set everything into motion. This group has been criminal from the start. Just like fatso was a war hero. Funny, because he never, ever saw combat. He was never blinded and crippled nor “raked across the back with machine gun fire.” Tommy Davis once said, “If it’s true he wasn’t wounded, then Dianetics and scientology were based on lies.” No truer statement has come out of Tommy’s mouth. However, he add, “But we think he was wounded and cured himself if his injuries.”
To set the record straight I’m not a kool-aid drinker, I do not support what is going on in the church and Johnny I’m most certainly not a criminal. I’m not defending or trying to deflect attention away from Hubbard. That would be hard to do. I just said you would do better to get rid of Miscavige first. Scn as a business will probably do itself in sooner than your methods of attack anyway. But Johnny I know you think you are doing the right thing so keep up the good work kid.
Potpie, there is no point in taking these guys on. They are just dramatizing the same logic system that the churchies use (although the other extreme of the pendulum). They are not capable of really listening.
You are right in that your solution would be more efficient, and would help more people extricate themselves.
If someone told you that your only fate was to be eliminated, quietly and without sorrow, how would you take it? For me, the destruction of Scientology is a pro-survival action. L. Fraud would approve.
Right on, Espi! I agree wholeheartedly! “…to be eliminated, quietly and without sorrow…” Kind of reminds me of the Third Reich where they really did kill gays. This cult is fucked up beyond anything I’ve seen, save for Jonestown.
I believe they are going to fashion the new Hubbard Hall after Alistair Crowley’s old digs. The Oatee VIIIs will all hold a seance to invoke the spirit of Ron and ask him the most important question in the universe.
“Ron, why don’t they like us?????”
Hi LDW, Clever post,No nightmares for me about Hubbard Hall shape changing into Alistair Crowley’s old digs! I have enough trouble with St Hill & Artist On The Whole Track.Ann.
A fool and his money are soon parted: Giving money to a worthless organization and receiving “look at me awards.” Think about what their money could do if given to the Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, etc. They could actually help shelter, clothe, and feed people. Instead, they are contributing money to an organization who will construct a building that houses no one. These people have more money than sense.
Yes – who knows what the true “Opportunity Cost” of Scientology is? Not just the money that is ‘donated’, but the hard work, time and effort that good people could otherwise have been giving to real organisations who are making a real difference in the world.
When you think of the problems faced by mankind today, it’s quite criminal to be claiming to be the complete and total solution, when you’re just offering lies.
I’m surprised that they haven’t started fleeceraising for the toilets inside Blubber Hall! “It is essential to raise money for the toilets to insure planetary clearing! These toilets will, of course, be Ideal! Everyone will have an Ideal experience, either sitting or standing! So you can see how essential it is to get yourself to Patron Carpitorius! You’ll also get 5 rolls of premium toilet paper as we still don’t have the money to purchase it ourselves to stock the Blubber Hall. Is this THE most exciting news you’ve heard recently? If not, it certainly should be! Find out how you too can become Patron Carpitorius of the Blubber Hall!”
I don’t know about the rest of you posters, but, for me, this is the most exciting news I’ve heard in a long, long time!
Our toilets flush to 11.
I don’t get it. But that’s not unusual for me…
Spinal Tap, OSD. You may have missed it since you were just getting out of the cult at the time it was released.
I can help with that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOO5S4vxi0o
Thanks, guys! Hey, I’m not the brightest light in the drawer…
Well, the toilet paper was exciting, but that was your idea. The rest is the same ol’ fundraising to fundraise, to hit the goal of fundraising. Come to think of it…your TP idea serves two practical purposes. #1- Obvious #2- Wipe away the fundraising, er, ideas.
Hi OSD, Yet you are the brightest light on the beach! Always Ann.
“For your donation, we will stock 5 rolls of toilet paper with your name printed on each and every sheet!“
Sign me up, Grace!
Grace, out of the kind of respect I have for Mr. Miscavige and Mr. Cruise, I would donate for toilet paper with that great picture of them together on their Ducatis on each and every sheet. Talk about Ideal Crap Paper…
HUGE laughter! Now that’s some funny shit! Way to go, Aqua!
And if your 1 &2 isn’t clear in the potty, you get sec checked! You’ll receive your bill prior to flushing! ?
It’s the same Ole “Cross for sale” scam.
Tell me what religion sells warehouses full
of trinkets,pens,badges, fake trendy jackets,
mountains of assorted cheap goodies to spiritually salvage
it’s true believers.
Like when do the glow in the dark 8 pointed crosses
hit the market with silver framed photos
of the COB and Tom on Ducatis.
(Better than Jesus on a Harley Davidson)
The look on their face does not appear to be joy, more like shell shock. Even the sparse audience shot (hard to shoop a crowd when less than 10 people show up) shows people looking like they are applauding politely. Not much of a celebration, which is exactly what this not much of an achievement merited.
I would see this time and time again (Flag AO/Sandcastle) during my final days, Valerie. Banner goes up! Posters made of some poor couple who just donated a kajillion. Gather whoever they could out of the courserooms of waiting areas. Announce! Applause! The couple feigns their thrill. The audience of staff/SO, “I wonder if they’re buying this shit; I sure hope so; I’d like to get some sleep tonight.” The audience of parishioners thinking, ” I can’t wait to get out of here.”
You left out the part where the poor shills onstage thinking “I hope they leave us alone next week.”
The serious point to ponder on your post is the desire to leave Flag. I have never felt so elated (multiple times) than being on the shuttle heading to the airport. I know I wasn’t alone with that emotion. That’s a fine state of affairs for the friendliest place on the planet – the greatest relief is when you leave.
Exactly, I Yawnalot, and the same with the ride to the airport after leaving the ship.
Miscavige just doesn’t get this. And those SO that are just trying to meet HIS quotas or make it to the next day, don’t care.
I Yawnalot and McCarran,
Since this was brought up I’m compelled to tell you a story about ‘The Friendliest Place on Earth.’
On my first trip to Flag, I wasn’t feeling all warm and fuzzy about ‘The Friendliest Place on Earth.’ It didn’t seem friendly to me at all and in fact, rather antagonistic. I got yelled at by the receptionist, lit into by an IAS reg and harassed by who I believe it was the Tech Sec because I was mostly going in session all day and not on course, and my student points had dropped. He actually marched me over to my graph in the course room and made me look at it in front of other students. It was a ridiculous environment to me.
One day during a break I decided to do an ‘Obnosis Drill’ where I walked through the hallway and looked at people’s faces and counted how many people were smiling and looked happy. I figured that ‘The Friendliest Place on Earth’ would have happy, smiling people in it, so this was what I was looking for. The first time I did this was during the afternoon break – 15 minutes. I walked up and down the hallway between my course room and the Sandcastle restaurant and looked at every single person who passed me. Here is what I saw: Monotony and boredom primarily. Most people were carrying their briefcases with their confidential materials in them (I suppose). Not one person was smiling. Maybe only one or two people actually looked at me and when I smiled at them, one smiled back and the other looked away, preoccupied.
I concluded that probably most of these people were experiencing the exact same thing that I was. Flag is not a fun place to be, not matter what people say when they come home, how Great! Awesome! Blown Out! they say they are.
Urghhh. Make it stop. I wish someone could just wave a magic wand and save these poor people from themselves and their C of S delusions.
Mareka you crack me up!!! Make it stop!!!!! my thoughts exactly!!!
More halls and crap storefronts hoping to trap unsuspecting passers.I am trapped here in Clearwater amongst the loose roaming endless BT cast offs.Make it stop! The people of Clearwater are so tired of the Co$.The missions are now bulk mailing to residents in general.My hairdresser has stacks of Freedumb Mags hidden under the counter that have been dropped off.He only showed one to me and tossed the rest.The PR is not fixable give it up.
Once again, while I was trying to decide what to do with all of this inspiration the church puts out – laugh? – cry? – laugh? – cry? I read your line, “Can you imagine the gaudy trophy, pleather jacket and gold lettered certificate hanging on your office wall for everyone to see and ask you “WTF is that?” So funny, Mike.
Gag maggots!