Scientology often tries to reach out to real churches and human rights organizations in an attempt to generate goodwill for itself and create “PR Area Control.”
Here are some of L. Ron Hubbard’s writings on the subject to provide some insight into what is really going on in these efforts to ingratiate themselves with other groups. Hubbard had a lot to say about how to present scientology and make it acceptable in society. Most of which has nothing to do with scientology as a subject. But instead revolves putting forth an IMAGE of what scientology is to make it “acceptable.” And making bold (false) claims about what scientology is and accomplishes.
Hubbard literally proclaims scientology as the only answer to any and all conditions that ail man. And yet his entreaties are not to spread the word about what scientology actually is, but rather to create an image of what scientology stands for.
These are excerpts from the Public Image policy letter — the emphasis is mine:
For a long while we have not had an exactly stated policy on building a public image.
But the time has come to also build a public image as an outflow publicity action.
The image is:
We are the only ones in it who have clean hands and effective technology… By uniting with other civic, humanitarian, and civil- and human-rights groups we can make an organized progress.
He [scientologist] also gets support from allied organizations (different than human-rights attacks) like churches, and gets a crusade going for handling all the mental healing problems, not just using Scientology.”
In both instances you have to go civic, go outside Scientology, get support, organize committees, plot out campaigns, work for outside finance, etc.
The policy is expressed in community action, well press covered, not just in statements. Committee meetings, deputations, picketing, big names, events.
You figure out the story that will be written, then do it, seeing it gets covered by having the press to hand.
Make all issues hot, exciting, brutal or sensational. Go strictly circus in the type of message.
You can and must ally with real humanitarian and civil-rights groups (getting press coverage for every such contact).
You can and must approach governors, parliamentary committees, big names, big activities and get press coverage for every contact.
You can and must seize the attention of the press in your area, not to defend Scientology, but to hammer home the above public image by forwarding crusades and campaigns that carry the message. Then providing events of your own manufacture. Then seeing they get reported in the press, on radio and TV.
Don’t defend Scientology; attack bad conditions and bad hats.
In handling the above public image policy, you don’t announce the policy. You use it for a guide to keep pounding variations of the same message.
These are excerpts from HCOB “Dissemination of Material”
The way to handle an individual minister of some other church is as follows:…get him to agree that religious freedom is desirable…and that you would do anything to defend his right to believe that.
A friendly attitude toward other ministry in general, and fellow ministers in particular, is necessary.
Scientology was selflessly created and composed. It would have been easy to have made millions or even billions from its creation.”
“Scientology could only have been conceived if one had no desire for personal gain or aggrandizement.”
“This science is formed … Scientology is a Gnostic faith in that it knows it knows.
“It could be said that with Scientology we have entered The Second Age of Miracles.”
“ Scientologist would ever consent to take a position on a panel or on, a stage engaging in a debate of Scientology versus some other subject…and that any such debate engaged upon demeaned and degraded Scientology by permitting it to be talked about contemptuously before a group—a thing which SHOULD NEVER BE PERMITTED.”
He should also punch home the fact that Scientology believes in the three things Christ intended for man: wisdom, good health, and immortality. In other words, he should make it his business to use such an opportunity of addressing a group to pound home what we think the general public should say to the general public about Scientology.”
He could add a great deal of descriptive material to this, but he should not go further into the field of data. In other words, he should talk in generalities.”
In other words, do not let the matter of skill fall into question, and overtly represent that both the Founder of this Science and those who are truly practicing this science are the best trained people in the field of the spirit and the mind in the world today.”
From HCOPL “Scientology is a Religion”
“Scientology is a religion in the oldest sense of the word, a study of wisdom. Scientology is a study of man as a spirit, in his relationship to life and the physical universe. It is non-denominational. By that is meant that Scientology is open to people of all religions and beliefs and in no way tries to persuade a person from his religion, but assists him to better understand that he is a spiritual being… .”
From PAB #32 Why Doctor of Divinity?
“a Scientologist has a better right to call himself a priest, a minister, a missionary, a doctor of divinity, a faith healer or a preacher than any other man who bears the insignia of religion of the Western world. And remember that it is precedent which masters the opinion of multitudes and nations.
Why should Scientology ally itself with religion or use the word religion in connection with its philosophy?
There are many, many reasons. Amongst them is that a society accords to men of the church an access not given to others. Prisons, hospitals, and institutions, and those who manage them, cannot do otherwise than welcome men of the church.
In another time, in another place, those men (the Buddhas) responsible for what Western culture calls their religion, called themselves priests. I do not see, then, any inconsistency of any kind in the issuance to those well-schooled and well-skilled in Scientology the degree of Doctor of Divinity as a passport into those areas where they are needed. Only a barbaric minister is a “Man of God.” In all enlightened religions such men are called “Men of Wisdom.”
Let me ask something about the finding of the Xenu story. How found LRH out about? Okay, he said then, that you are under influence of death beings… killed some million years ago… but which is a very critical statement – because it excludes havingness… if these guys have real influence – they would have some havingness… and would rehab themselves step by step… and, but you can and have to clear them with telling him abeout accident 1 and 2… also fast clearing for him… also in short – I have no being connected to me who responded… means, there is nobody around who wants to know from me what his case is… per tech from LRH would it also never work… it would be Out Tech…
The basic sense of Dianetics and Scientology is not “Make Money”… okay, in some way it drifted into such an idiotic direction… but it is done from others – remember the Finance Police… whatever… it was an pure and simple attempt to supress good guys… and the real good guys did then leave the church… including myself… and the intention became “Make Money”… must make money… the stats at Thursday 2:00 pm… but it goes always about intention… the basic sense of all is to handle intentions… so were the old OT levels directed – and then came some quickydashmarked Balderdash…
“…pound home what we think the general public should say to the general public about Scientology.”
Huh? What the general public should say to the general public? What does that even mean?
This grabbed me “…You can and must ally with *real* humanitarian and civil-rights groups…”
He’s not even trying to pretend that Scientologists are humanitarians.
A couple of lines that really grabbed my attention:
“Go strictly circus in the type of message.”
There is no bigger dog and pony show than scientology. Just have a look at the Thursday Funnies!
“Scientology was selflessly created and composed. It would have been easy to have made millions or even billions from its creation.”
“Scientology could only have been conceived if one had no desire for personal gain or aggrandizement.”
The ONLY point of scientology is being a huge con. It is only about money and nothing else. Anyone who has ever been on staff at any level from the lowliest mission to the highest echelons of the sea org gets this reinforced every Thursday at 2:00pm.