L. Ron Hubbard had a very jaundiced view of the medical profession and healing of disease and illness. He announced to the world that he had discovered the real causes and cures for virtually everything with Dianetics and proceeded to expand on his assertions from there all the way through the years in scientology and ultimately with the “New Era Dianetics for OT’s.” Never one to understate his accomplishments, Hubbard made numerous false claims about his “research” and “discoveries” which still form the “technology” of scientology used today. He proclaimed himself to have accomplished more than everyone in history in solving mankind’s ills. Of course, were that true, dianetics and scientology would be unstoppably popular and would have literally taken the world by storm…
I recently commented on the death of Kirstie Alley and referred to a couple of earlier posts concerning Hubbard’s views on curing cancer:
I have also done some other relevant posts on the subject of Hubbard and medicine:
Hubbard on Doctors — Not a Fan
Dianetics The Modern Science of Mental Health
Mockingbird posted a comment in response to the Kirstie Alley post and referred to an excellent article on his blog titled Mass Murder in Scientology: Standard Tech
I asked for permission to republish it here as this is an extensive compilation of statements from Hubbard and the more widely and easily available it is the better.
Following is the Mockingbird post, reformatted for my blog:
I have since leaving Scientology found an inescapable conclusion – Scientology as part of a massive fraud has convinced hundreds, perhaps over decades thousands, of people to skip conventional medical treatment and instead pursue Scientology and Dianetics for healing. This has included treatable deadly illnesses such as cancer. One might call this slow motion mass murder.
I don’t know the exact number of deaths this has led to, but cannot fathom it being less than hundreds and possibly even thousands of people.
Below is a collection of quotes to begin exploring this theme.
Imagine believing this wholeheartedly:
This [Scientology] is useful knowledge. With it the blind again see, the lame walk, the ill recover, the insane become sane and the sane become saner. By its use the thousand abilities Man has sought to recover become his once more.
Of all the ills of man which can be successfully processed by Scientology, arthritis ranks near the top. In skilled hands, this ailment, though misunderstood and dreaded in the past, already has begun to become history. Twenty-five hours of Scientology by an auditor who fairly understands how to process arthritis can be said to produce an invariable alleviation of the condition. Some cases, even severe ones, have responded in as little as two hours of processing, according to reports from auditors in the field.
Ron Hubbard, “Journal of Scientology,” Issue 1-G, 1952
Leukaemia is evidently psychosomatic in origin and at least eight cases of leukaemia had been treated successfully by Dianetics after medicine had traditionally given up. The source of leukaemia has been reported to be an engram containing the phrase ‘It turns my blood to water.’
Ron Hubbard, “Journal of Scientology,” Issue 15-G, 1953
Arthritis vanishes, myopia gets better, heart illness decreases, asthma disappears, stomachs function properly and the whole catalogue of illnesses goes away and stays away.
Scientology is the only specific (cure) for radiation (atomic bomb) burns.
Ron Hubbard, ALL ABOUT RADIATION, p. 109
You are only three or four hours from taking your glasses off for keeps.
Ron Hubbard, “Eyesight and glasses,” “Dianetic Auditor’s Bulletin,” Vol. 2, No. 7, January 1952
The alleviation of the condition of insanity has also been accomplished now
Ron Hubbard, Hubbard Communications Office Bulletin, November 1970, “Psychosis”
Additionally I found several applicable quotes in an article by Jeff Jacobsen.
Cure goiter – Dianetics Today (1975 Ed.), p. 280
I’ve seen a goiter the size of a baseball visibly shrink and disappear in the space of one-half hour right after an engram was run.
Cure polio– Dianetics Today (1975 Ed.), p. 353
A girl crippled by polio was able to throw away her crutches after my first session.
Cure arthritis – History of Man, p. 7
Today, Eleanor has arthritis. She is audited… tonight she doesn’t have arthritis.
Speed broken bone healing – Dianetics Today (1975 Ed), p.110
A broken limb will heal (by X-ray evidence) in two instead of six weeks.
Cure effects of drugs – Dianetics Today, (1975 Ed.), p.481
ONLY processing by Dianetics and Scientology can handle the effects of drugs fully.
Raise the dead – Magazine Articles on Level 0, Checksheet 1968, “Dissemination of Material” p.75
A child had died, was dead, had been pronounced dead by a doctor, and the auditor, by calling the thetan back and ordering him to take over the body again brought the child to life.
Cure migraines – Dianetics Today (1975 Ed.), p.125; also see HCOB 15 Jan. ’79 “Handling with Auditing”
Cure cancer – The History Of Man (1961), p. 20
Cancer has been eradicated by auditing out conception and mitosis.
Cure skin cancer – All About Radiation (1979 Ed.), p.114
Cure radiation sickness – All About Radiation (1979 Ed.), p.109; also PAB no. 82
Scientology is the only specific (cure) for radiation (atomic bomb) burns.
Improve eyesight – PAB no. 111 “Eyesight and glasses”; also Dianetic Auditor’s Bulletin vol. 2 no. 7 January 1952 “An afternoon with Ron”
You are only three or four hours from taking your glasses off for keeps.
Cure insanity – HCOB 28 Nov. ’70 “Psychosis”
The alleviation of the condition of insanity has also been accomplished now…
Cure bronchitis – HCOB 14 Dec. ’63 “Case analysis Health Research”
12 days after this auditing the coughing was still in abeyance.
Cure brainwashing – HCOB No. 19 Dec. ’55 “The turn of the Tide”
… in Dianetics in particular, we have the total antidote for the eradication of brainwashing.
Miscellaneous claims:
– DIANETICS (1987 ED.) p.72: arthritis vanishes, myopia gets better, heart illness decreases, asthma disappears, stomachs function properly and the whole catalogue of illnesses goes away and stays away.
– HISTORY OF MAN P.13: The GE has the record of past deaths. Auditing it alters physical structure, eradicates physical malformations.
– HISTORY OF MAN P.14: Paralysis, anxiety stomachs, arthritis and many ills and aberrations have been relieved by auditing them.
Hubbard wrote that Scientologists taking courses were barred from visiting a doctor without express permission from the church “except in cases of severe emergency.” (HCOPL 26 July 1965 “Release Declaration Restrictions, Healing Amendments)
I have reviewed the NOTs material posted to the internet and assume that it is the real thing, because 1) the church legally went after those who posted the NOTs for copyright violations, 2) former members vouched for the authenticity of the material, and 3) it is consistent with other church writings.
Basically, the NOTs series are auditing methods that use an e-meter purportedly designed to rid the Scientologist of a multitude of unwanted spiritual beings attached to his/her soul. These unwanted beings, called “Body Thetans” or “BTs”, can allegedly cause physical problems for humans.
For example:
NOTs Series 2
Being a Clear but not having completed OT levels “doesn’t necessarily affect the person himself, but it does affect the body – severely.” Series 2 seeks to motivate Scientologists to take the next courses by stating that “Clears should be told they are at risk until OTIII” of “illness, possibly worse.”
NOTs Series 12
This series deals with mis-auditing problems. NOTs mis-auditing can hurt the physical body “dangerously so” by stirring up dormant BTs.
NOTs Series 22
A cluster of BTs can shut off nerve channels which can cause deafness or blindness – “when a cluster suddenly mocks up mass, it shuts off nerve channels.” Extrapolating from this, one could imagine many other illnesses caused by such a phenomenon, such as blockage of the urinary tract.
NOTs Series 27
BTs and clusters can effect a person’s perception.
BTs are acting as various illnesses. Once audited away the illness supposedly is gone.
“BTs or clusters being ‘negative’… probably are the root of sickness.”
NOTs Series 32
“You can run into a cluster causing damage to the body.”
There are several quotes within the series which clearly state that auditing can cure illnesses:
NOTs Series 2
“Clears should be told they are at risk (of illness) until OTIII.”
NOTs Series 3
“If a guy has a bad secondary, or a bad injury, you handle that with Date/Locate [an auditing procedure using the e-meter].”
NOTs Series 26R
“If ill or injured handle [w]ith an Assist (NOTs 3)”
NOTs Series 27
“Body distortions” are cleared up.
NOTs Series 34
“The above are the full steps and sequences for handling a physical condition.” [this is the series that Keith Henson posted, claiming it teaches medical fraud]
NOTs Series 48
If the person is sick as well as being subjected to a dangerous environment, there would be no hope of recovery without auditing.
This cluster… was the underlying cause of the stomach pain and the stomach condition.” “…a full recovery to health was accomplished.”
“Most people are sick due to some out-rudiment scene.”
NOTs Series 50
“He started recovering physically. Articulation handled and walking improved.” “This case was… considered incurable by the medicos.”
Hubbard wanted to impress people with a scientific background, and he inflated his training and experiences by vast proportions. Despite the fact that Hubbard only had 2 miserable years of college level courses at George Washington University, the church’s books make the following claims:
Ron Hubbard, one of America’s first nuclear physicists, … [inside jacket of All About Radiation].
…Ron Hubbard was trained in mathematics, science and engineering at George Washington University, in government at Princeton and has a Doctor of Philosophy degree. [inside jacket of A History of Man]
I was a Ph.D., Sequoia’s University and therefore a perfectly valid doctor under the laws of the State of California. [HCOPL 14 Feb. 1966 “Doctor Title Abolished”]. Sequoia University was a diploma mill where anyone for a small fee could obtain a diploma.
In Professional Auditor’s Bulletin #82, “Scientology, Translator’s Edition” 1 May, 1956, by ” Ron Hubbard, Ph.D. C.E.” we have the statement that Scientology was organized by Ron Hubbard, an American, who has many degrees (Tech. Bulletins, vol. 2, p.406).
Hubbard stated: That was the first and only time the government offered me a post as a nuclear physicist. ( Ron Hubbard Creating A New Civilization Tape Series Tape A Postulate Out Of A Golden Age December 6 1956).
Hubbard also stated “I happen to be a nuclear physicist; I am not a psychologist nor a psychiatrist nor a medical doctor” (“Dianetics: The Modern Miracle”. February 6, 1952).
Obviously, Hubbard was puffing his academic background toward the scientific end. He wanted people to see him as a master of the physical sciences.
Hubbard claimed that his auditing process was scientifically valid. Ron Hubbard constantly makes the claim that dianetics is a “scientific fact.” In fact, he makes that claim 35 times in Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. For example, All our facts are functional and these facts are scientific facts, supported wholly and completely by laboratory evidence. (DIANETICS, (1987 edition) p. 96).
Both Dianetics and Scientology are declared to be precise sciences by Hubbard:
In the Scientology book All About Radiation is the statement: Scientology has been called that branch of atomic science which deals with human ability. (p. 46, 1979 edition).
Hubbard wrote that Scientology is… more exact than what are called the physical sciences (Scientology 8-8008 p. 13).
Scientology is the only workable system man has (Introduction to Scientology Ethics, p.64 1976 reprint).
Scientology is, indeed, the most validated science of mind Earth has ever known (Journal of Scientology Issue 40-G, “Validation of Scientology”).
It is carefully observed here that the *science* of Scientology does not intrude into the Dynamic of the Supreme Being (Professional Auditor’s Bulletin No. 83).
Dianetics is a science; as such, it has no opinion about religion, for sciences are based on natural laws, not on opinions (Dianetics Auditor’s Bulletin Vol. 1 No. 4, October 1950).
Scientology, which includes Dianetics, is a workable system. The route is taped. The search is done. Now the route only needs to be walked. (Dianetics Today p.951).
I feel these quotes are accurate and worth understanding in the context they were actually used in. Hubbard clearly repeatedly stated Dianetics and Scientology healed people and did this in two distinct paths of information. The ideas he spread from Dianetics publication through Scientology auditing up to the level of clear and promoting the OT levels, particularly OT III and above to Scientologists had broadly distributed claims that virtually all Scientologists are exposed to. Certainly in Dianetics and basic books and courses.
Additionally the NOTS courses are part of materials that are hidden from the majority of Scientologists and definitely were hidden from the government and general public as long as Scientology could hide them. Only leaks online have changed that.
I feel Jeff Jacobsen demonstrated several points with Hubbard’s own words that support my claims. Hubbard certainly claimed Scientology and Dianetics were sciences far superior to any others created by humanity. That is very exact: he left no room for seeing Scientology and Dianetics as faith based with the terms he used.
Hubbard claimed Scientology and Dianetics are literally capable of raising the dead and can heal a wide variety of illnesses and injuries including specific fatal diseases such as cancer.
Hubbard claimed he himself had credentials which he clearly never achieved. To establish a false air of authority. Scientific authority to be precise.
The cumulative results of all these claims in the context of decades of being presented to hundreds and hundreds of thousands of Scientologists is important. Scientology despite claims of millions of members by the sixties actually likely never had more than about a hundred thousand members at any time. It certainly had far less than that between the Dianetics boom which fizzled once Dianetics was exposed as a fraud. From the fifties through much of the seventies hundreds of thousands of Scientologists came and went. From the late eighties through twenty fifteen the cult has had less than a hundred thousand members and likely fifty thousand or fewer members the majority of that time.
But in the heavy indoctrination Scientologists receive the ideas that Dianetics and Scientology heal far better than conventional medical technology is heavily promoted. The idea that Dianetics and Scientology are bona fide sciences is promoted. And probably most of all the idea that Hubbard was an authority on science of the highest possible level is a fundamental value in Scientology. In fact Hubbard is promoted as the greatest authority on the mind, science and life that has ever lived.
That is a core doctrine in Scientology.
All of these factors and claims by individual Scientologists of knowing others who got illnesses such as cancer and then due to being fooled by an elaborate fraud with actual lies – and not just statements within a faith – lead to one predictable result. Those victims of fraud failed to use conventional medicine and many died as a result. I believe the number must be in the hundreds or thousands.
That is murder via medical fraud. I cannot see how any other conclusion is correct. In many places causing death of a human being in the commission of another crime is called felony murder. It sometimes is called depraved indifference homicide. Either can apply in this circumstance.
Additionally worth noting is that Scientology claims religious protection for its activities in the United States. I object to that but understand it is a legal obstacle.
But citizens of many countries practice Scientology and abandon medical treatment and suffer consequences up to death as part of this fraud. Surely some of these people died whose countries of origin don’t recognize Scientology as a religion. They can pursue legal action against Scientology for fraud and murder, among other charges.
I hope this article helps to show how Scientology is not a harmless fad.
I am late to the game as usual but scientology (this cult does not warrant a capital letter because it is not something that deserves the recognition) has another quack in their midst Dr. Eric Berg. Here is a link. Read and roll your eyes at the utter drivel: https://drericbergscientology.com/ I just watched an interview by your friend Aaron Smith-Levin with his son which I see is a year old but this needs to become broader public knowledge somehow. Brave young man and well done to The Aftermath Foundation for helping him. Here is a link to it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsO_j9sSWXs&ab_channel=GrowingUpInScientology
In the late 1960’s 2 scieno friends/auditors got a Matheson e-meter , refurbished it and we played with it for a bit. Definitely subpar to the Mark 4. Mostly read reverse of the Mark 4.
And I’m out. 5yrs that took. I received a soft declare (they wouldn’t show it to me but I got a copy anyway) and then tried to have my wife leave me and take the kids. That was one step too far for me. So I’m out. Luckily my wife told them where to go with that idea, as did I.
Congratulations!!! Thank you (and your wife) for taking your family with you! Welcome to the rest of your life may it be long and happy!
This brings to mind –
I saw the exploding volcano commercial for Dianetics a few times. It was interesting enough that it stuck in my head.
Some weeks later I was in a bookstore and saw the Hubster’s book.
I picked it up. (With about a 95% chance of purchase.)
On the back(?) it talked about how it cured arthritis, eyesight and other things I can’t recall.
(In High School I had learned the word PANACEA. It means cure-all. And I also learned that things promoted as “cure-alls” were lying and generally trying to sell you something -Snake Oil, anyone?.)
The thought that this book was being promoted as a panacea and if it really worked everyone would be doing it and talking about it ran through my mind.
I put the book down. (No Sale.)
I must admit the book’s claims stayed in my head for a while but the news never covered how arthritis, poor eyesight, etc were being eradicated so eventually I passed through the wait-and-see mode. The bookstore event would become something to both laugh at myself about (I almost fell for it.) and congratulate myself on (I didn’t fall for it.).
The lies…………
The Church, its board and its management take no responsibility for statements or claims made by staff members regarding the workability of Dianetics spiritual healing technology or Scientology applied religious philosophy or any claims or promises made to public persons, the public or to Scientologists.
Any promise of “cures” or results are not authorized and will not be honored by the Church, its board of directors or management.
L. Ron Hubbard developed and founded the subjects of Dianetics and Scientology. The Church is privileged to have the use of his work.
At no time did L. Ron Hubbard promise people anything or claim anything for Dianetics and Scientology. His writings are a record of observations and research and are offered by him as such. What he researched and developed he reported and others have used it. One of his most common sayings is “what is true for you is real to you.” Others, a vast multitude of fully qualified observers, have found that what was true for them was very real in Dianetics and Scientology. It is they, not Ron, who make the claims for the subjects and who have heralded its breakthroughs.
But… scientology IS “unstoppably popular” and has “literally taken the world by storm.”
Just ask any scientologist!
Absolutely, Fred! Scientology IS unstoppingly popular! After all, 26 million Scientologists can’t be wrong!
Or is it 5 million?
Alcoboy Always Brightens My Day!
Bueller …………….?
Hubbard was pushing his ideas at a point when medicine and psychiatry were still becoming professional and scientific in the way we know now, though even then he was a decade if not more behind what was actually going on in the real world as far as those professions, and advancements in treatment such as antibiotics and psychopharmaceuticals.
His ideas of healing as spiritual are really throwbacks to the turn of the last century era of Christian Science, going back to days when people lived in fear of diseases like tuberculosis that doctors couldn’t cure and that were taking a terrible toll on increasingly urban populations, though by World War I even that situation was already improving between early medical treatments and science-based public health measures.
I think that even in Scientology’s heyday, Hubbard was able to sway and recruit people who didn’t fully appreciate how medicine and science had advanced and were continuing to do so. But that is mostly half a century past now, and those still susceptible to retrograde notions and doctrines are lured by different things these days.
I just have to comment here.
After the recent, needless – refused medical help death of a family member, the almost complete body and mind collapse of another (both OT8 btw) and a good friend of many decades who still believed in Scientology, this article/post is as truthful as it is serious.
“… I do solemnly swear to protect against all enemies both foreign and domestic,” should have a sub clause I believe, that should state something like, “and to bring into question all religious cults and mind control fanaticism.”
Mike you wrote in 6th paragraph, “I have since leaving Scientology found an inescapable conclusion – Scientology as part of a massive fraud has convinced hundreds, perhaps over decades thousands, of people to skip conventional medical treatment and instead pursue Scientology and Dianetics for healing.
This has included treatable deadly illnesses such as cancer.
One might call this slow motion mass murder.” that sums all need to be told to public.
Just north of the border, we consider Uncle Sam being hijacked by Cult Industry, a product of cold war era.
But due to internet , social media and covid 19 this industry days are numbered.
2025 , the Final Count Down.
Its not from me ,I just read what written on the wall .
Just FYI, I actually wrote that.
👌 excellent
Kirstie and Kelly were all over Flag AO during the times I was there. They were buds who hung out at mealtimes at the Sandcastle buffet, had their own area where they sat with friends and family. Over the years I saw a lot of them.
Kelly was on the scene at a lot of the VII announcements and Lunch time mini grads in the reception.
They were both SO involved.
How do you hold onto ANY belief that Auditing and PTS tech “proof you up” against dying of cancer and getting all the old age effects?
In the time of long ago, we used think that the celebs and wealthy had it made, they had money and could just go do all the bridge with no worries.
Average Scio might say, “Oh well they were probably not active and went PTS and hadn’t been on Service and and…
There are a lot of Flag AO public and staff who wouldn’t be able to dredge this up when they heard about these two.
“Average Scio might say, “Oh well they were probably not active and went PTS and hadn’t been on Service and and…”
Boy oh boy, how many times have I heard those EXACT excuses given for Scientologists who got sick and/or died before their time? Too many times, is the answer.
Forget being not active enough on the Bridge and all the rest.
When someone gets cancer or heart disease the questions to ask are:
* Did they smoke?
* Were they chronically malnourished?
* Did refined sugar, saturated fats and highly refined carbohydrates predominate in their diets?
* Did they eat fresh fruit, fresh vegetables and raw vegetables regularly?
* Were they obese?
* Did they exercise regularly and sleep well?
* Were they under continual, heavy, emotional stress, for years?
* Did they live near toxic carcinogenic waste so as to be breathing it in or drinking impure water?
Cancer and heart disease are the number one killer diseases of middle-aged people in developed countries today.
Just smoking cigarettes increases the chances of getting cancer a great deal.
Remind me; how many Scientologists are there in the world…maybe 20 thousand, optimistically?
What about all those who belong to other religions who die of cancer prematurely and have massive coronaries in their middle years – Catholics, Jews, Protestants, Evangelicals, Muslims, etc.?
Did they maybe not go to Mass enough, or to Synagogue, or pray to Allah enough, etc. etc.
Look, I’m not defending the Church of Scientology nor its whacko Creation Theory. Whacko Creation Theories abound in plenty of other religions! And how about atheists who get cancer and heart disease?
Lets get real: Xenu never clogged anyone’s arteries or gave him or her a cancerous tumor! Unhealthful living habits, year in and year out, do that.
Thank you for this valuable resource Mike & Mockingbird.
To be steeped in this for decades is to have a helluva long road out.
handling “the BTS who are PTS” and “The BTS who have/are dramatizing Cancer” adds to the false belief that one is “proofed up against” cancer.
So many parts of NOTS and SOLO NOTS feeds the fables and false promises and provide amazing secret answers to life.
Like BTs being the reason we have dreams.
it would be interesting to chat with a NOTS C/S.
Auditing BTs is like ritualistically induced schizophrenia.
Is a BT responsible for this dream?
“During the brief period in which I managed to get any sleep I had a weird dream.
It was kind of a stream of consciousness movie that could be titled JAY AND SILENT BOB GO TO GUATEMALA. But in this film I’m in the role of Silent Bob and I’m constantly yelling at Jay to stop messing with things, get away from potentially dangerous things like a massive steam locomotive (i could actually feel the heat radiating from it), and to stop bothering those soldiers.
It would be more accurate to call it JAY AND LOUD LES GO TO GUATEMALA.”
“Auditing BTs is like ritualistically induced schizophrenia.”
Thank you for articulating the result of riding the prison-of-belief train on the OT Levels. I remember feeling more unmoored from reality when I had more time to solo audit. I told myself, “I’m keyed out, it’s all good.” But really I lost emotion for those around me and focused on excess productivity to get my “morale” up.
Talk about your unusual solutions. If Scientology made me feel bad, Scientology had an answer for that. “You pulled it in.” “What did YOU do before: insert bad scientological result?” “You’ll handle that on the next level. Let’s have that credit card dearie.” Or a perennial fav, “You clearly have counter-intention.”
How about what your true friends in scientology say? “Nattering about bad things that happened on your last service only shows that you are a whiny, justifying, downstat, and I don’t want that on-my-lines.”
Then there was the self-talk when things went bad, “maybe I’m just a dog-PC.” “I’m sick of my stupid bank (reactive mind) sabotaging me.” Or “I need to up the gradient in being On Purpose.”
Wow, so many ways scientology taught me, the staff, and my friends, how to make me wrong for noticing that the OT Levels and other dreadful scientology services were bad news.
The self-policing self-indoctrinating aspect of SCN was a keystone for keeping me in. Others too, I’d assume. I was outer org trained early, very heavily indoctrinated.
I’m not a Victim
I’m Cause
anything else is Case.
If I’m upset about this, I must have done something similar or something to them before.
OT starts with BE.
Every Hubbardism that comes to mind can be dismissed.
The tricky part is to stop feeling it.
I concur. I think a lot of valuable information can be gained from the case supervisors at Flag. I would love to spend time with a class XII and go over references on hypnosis and cult indoctrination at length.
Excellent writing and compilation of information. I have no doubt that there are many exes who can corroborate with personal knowledge that people were brainwashed to believe that scientology will address physical maladies, only to be disappointed and left still suffering after paying huge sums to the cult for counseling.
I want to emphasize this part.
Hubbard wrote that Scientologists taking courses were barred from visiting a doctor without express permission from the church “except in cases of severe emergency.” (HCOPL 26 July 1965 “Release Declaration Restrictions, Healing Amendments)
While on OT2 in 1972 it came up that I was getting allergy shots twice weekly. The cram officer showed me the HCOB and said I had to stop. I replied that the shots were necessary for me to continue my job (the campus where I worked had 300+ olive trees) and if push came to shove (either/or) then I would turn in my materials until the fall blooming was over. He paused and said, ‘let’s just keep quiet about this. Sensible but out tech.
I have known people who got cancer and were heavy smokers. One woman I knew had finished OT V and her family was stunned when she died from cancer. I asked the Executive Director of my local org how this could happen and he said “she could be out ethics and had false attestation for being clear and ALL her OT levels!”
That’s not what you want to hear when your mother or wife dies! They blamed her for being an evil liar for dying of cancer!
Her husband and kids were on staff at the time.
I’ve shared that back in the late 80s an OTVII assured me that, heavy smoker that he was, he would never get cancer because…he was OTVII. Even his girlfriend, also a devout Scientologist, was continually pleading with him to give it up, or at least cut down. Nope. He was apparently convinced that OTVII effectively innoculated him against the danger of cancer from all of the toxins that are in cigarettes (forget even the nicotine – there are hundreds of toxic chemicals , a portion of them known carcinogens – in the cigarette paper alone).
I had an aunt by marriage who smoked her whole life. She was the matriarch of my mother’s side of the family. She did not get cancer. She died at 96 of natural causes. She was born a Catholic but was not devout. She was a nurse by profession. Smoked at least a pack a day.
BUT she ATE extraordinarily well. She never ate junk. Never. She ate plenty of fresh fruits, green vegetables, salad greens, hardly any refined sugar, a little olive oil, a little wine, a little pasta. Mediterranean diet, they call it today. She was a comfortably well off widow with no children, sisters with whom she was close, lots of nieces and nephews and their children with whom she was close. She retired from nursing, traveled extensively all over the world, pretty much did whatever she wanted. She very much had a comfortable, financially secure life even without a husband (she and my uncle had not been happily married anyway and he died leaving her plenty of money). In brief she lived from the age of 46 to 96 a very comfortable, interesting, stress free life including the best food and medical care for whatever small ailments she might have had now and then. So here’s someone who smoked for 70 odd years and refused to give it up and yet didn’t get cancer.
I’d say she was an exception, possibly one of the few smokers I’ve known who did not get cancer.
I think it’s helpful for us to share our personal experiences with Scientology and want to encourage you or anyone else who is comfortable and desires to do so to do it as much as you or they like.
I think it helps us to get the ideas out and even just figuring out how to say them helps our minds. Having the give and take of sharing ideas and getting feedback is frankly not allowed in Scientology but something we can benefit from outside of it.
You have added something to the many revealing statements on the subject and of course your own thoughts and life. Thank you.
Thank you, Mockingbird, That’s kind of you and appreciated. Sometimes when I’m puzzled by something, I can sometimes sort it out for myself just by sharing it here – hopefully not boring all of you senseless in the process 🙂
I believe in one of Ron’s journals he says he broke his back researching OT 3 and was inly one to ever make it through ‘wall of fire”. I have never seen anyone corroborate this or discuss if he actually had a broken back at any point. If he did have broken back, what was the true cause of that? Was the whole thing just made up?
Motorcycle accident, I believe, Mary.
I really appreciate the amount of work that went into culling all these references. This post is bookmark worthy.
Despite all the claims of cures, one has to sign 2 waivers/contracts stating they understand SCN does not promise to cure anything and also you can’t sue SCN when they don’t produce the results you are promised.
Not even Scientologist doctors Dr. Gene Denk or Dr. Megan Shields could cure their cancer. Yet they had DN & SCN and medical degrees.
Get your early screening.
I believe in one of Ron’s journals he says he broke his back researching OT 3 and was inly one to ever make it through ‘wall of fire”. I have never seen anyone corroborate this or discuss if he actually had a broken back at any point. If he did have broken back, what was the true cause of that? Was the whole thing just made up?
I recall someone saying he had fallen down while drunk and had a motorcycle accident and couldn’t admit to being fallible. He after all was supposed to be a great OT and above the flaws mortals have.
Right! Now I’m recalling that it was Kima Douglas who recounted how he fell off his Harley – broke some ribs, I think. He was biking on some island…came back to the ship but refused all medical help…and was in severe pain and impossible to live with on the ship for months afterwards. This story is coming back to me now. I suppose I could google it. Pretty sure it was Kima Douglas along with her husband, his name started with a D (Demulci? Something like that) who took care of him. Now I’m going to have to google it or it will bother me.
Jim Dincalci. The Medical Liaison Officer on the Apollo. I mention him in my book. He was banished to Madeira and we became good friends there. H3 took the photo of me that is in the cover…
That’s it! Thanks, Mike. And what a terrific shot of you, by the way. “Young Mike”.
Americans should consider ourselves fortunate that Hubbard didn’t go into politics.
Well, he did try to take over a country and get in the inner circle of at least one US president.
He was a little too early for that. In his day the cultish politicians like the Birchers didn’t get as much traction. He would be dangerous if he’d lived even twenty years later.
That is a very accurate and well written article regarding NOTs and the damage it causes. I audited hundred of hours on NOTs and I C/Sed and witnessed others audited on NOTs and I never saw it create any positive effects. I found the whole thing useless and a waste of time and money. I was surprised to see that the OT 8s that were sent to the Rehabilitation Project Force (RPF) just continued to spend hundreds of hours exorcising body thetans (BTs). Then I learned from the Steve Pfauth interview (Google it) that LRH was overwhelmed and fixated with the idea of BTs around him right up to his death. Steve was with LRH the final years, months, days and stated LRH had been both very physically and mentally ill. So much for having ALL the answers, the only workable technology and all the other BS he was literally selling.
When I was on OT VI prepping for VII, a lady ended up in the hospital after one of her first sessions. Ouch. It was whispered about. No one was like, “Hey let’s go to her room and bring flowers and cheer her up.” Nope, the vibe was, don’t be her, she didn’t duplicate Ron and could cause a flap. And you don’t want to cause a flap.
This article by Mockingbird is excellent. I agree that it deserves a spot in the bookmarks.
Mat, this statement of yours stood out for me, “I audited hundred of hours on NOTs and I C/Sed and witnessed others audited on NOTs and I never saw it create any positive effects.”
The first hand accounts of what emphasis was put on which actions were actually used in Scientology auditing and indoctrination at various times can be very informative regarding the priorities and even moods Hubbard had at different times.
We can compare them to the doctrine being released and his private correspondence to get a fuller picture of his inner world and particular focuses at different times.