This is an expansion of an earlier post I did on this subject.
Hubbard always had a lot to say about psychiatry being the root of all evil in this universe, but towards the end of his days, he became increasingly obsessed with the topic. Just as he was trying to get rid of those pesky BT’s and clusters, so too he was trying to explain to the world the scourge of psychiatry.
Read his fiction from the time — Battlefield Earth and even more so, Mission Earth, and his fixation on psychiatry is remarkable. They are the source of all suppression of mankind. His unpublished writings are even more bizarre — his infamous secret rant about the planet Farsec has never been made public, but those who have read it (myself included) will tell you it is one of his most unhinged — Farsec was the planet where psychs originated and from which all the evil in the universe derives. The meanies from Farsec were sent to earth, originally originally as priests, to control the population and then eventually converted into their “real” profession as psychiatrists.
Hubbard focused on psychiatry in many of the last “tech” he announced (there are many bulletins that have been issued with dates later than these, but almost all of those are either old things that someone found and decided to publish or “compilations” of things he had said should be published and they stuck a later date on it when they got around to the compilation).
He became more and more convinced that his failures and the failures of scientology were a direct result of psychiatry and its influence on the governments of the world. Every cult has to have a boogeyman, and Hubbard made it very clear that the evil seeking to destroy scientology was psychiatry. They were a good choice. Plenty of barbaric practices in their past, and a lot of mystery surrounding their practices. Perfect raw material to convert into the ultimate “suppressives on the whole track.” Psychiatrists are scientology’s devil.
Hubbard issued little “tech” in the 80’s, but somehow had plenty to say about psychiatry.
In a 29 Nov 1981 bulletin titled DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY COMPARED TO 19TH CENTURY PRACTICES he said the following:
A comparison between Dianetics and Scientology and psychology and psychiatry is nonsense.
The two 19th century subjects, psychology and psychiatry, do not achieve ANY good results. On the contrary they are destructive beyond belief. They make crackpots, sexpots and vegetables when they do not outright kill.
The greatest crime of our times is the use of psychology and psychiatry to teach little children in schools with them and manufacture crime and a whole world of immorality and unhappiness.
The character of the Governments themselves is established by their tolerance and use of psychology and psychiatry. In no human race of any civilized repute has any law condoned broad mayhem and murder of their populations. Yet under modern governments psychology and psychiatry not only have carte blanche but also get insistence on their use.
Murderers flock to murderers according to old sages. The governments only smile at the brand of Cain upon their heads.
Is this a civilized world we’re living in?
I’m afraid it only will be when Dianetics and Scientology can bring wisdom enough to Man to blunt his furious efforts to do himself in.
So laugh in people’s faces if they compare Dianetics and Scientology to the “orthodox mental subjects.” They are insulting you.
It’s the classic good vs. evil. And scientology is the only hope to vanquish this scourge.
And the trend continued. This excerpt is from 26 APRIL 1982, THE CRIMINAL MIND AND THE PSYCHS:
So let us look at psychs again—what they call “treatment” is a suppression (by shocks, drugs, etc.) of the ability to think. They are not honest enough, these psychs, being just dramatizing psychotics themselves for the most part, to publish the fact that all their “treatments” (mayhem really when it is not murder) make people more stupid.
These actions of shock and crazy evaluative counselling etc. lower IQ like an express elevator going down to the basement.
They do not tell legislators this or put it in their books. This is why they say “no one can change IQ.” They are hiding the fact that they ruin it.
So the psych in prisons is engaging in an action (shocking or whatever) that makes people who are already criminal even stupider.
Although they obviously tell their victims to go out and commit more crimes (the psychoanalyst urged wives to commit adultery for instance), they would not have to do this at all to manufacture more crime.
Their “treatments” make the criminals more stupid. The stupid commit more crimes.
It is pretty simple, really, when you look at it.
Why does the state support psychiatrists and psychologists? Because the state is stupid? Or does it want more citizens robbed and killed? It’s one or the other. Take your choice.
A week or so later, on 6 May 1982, THE CAUSE OF CRIME (any guesses as to who is responsible?):
They say poverty makes crime. They say if one improved education there would be less crime. They say if one cured the lot of the underprivileged one would have solved crime.
All these “remedies” have proven blatantly false.
In very poor countries there is little crime. The «improving» education, it was tailored to «social reform,» not teaching skills. And it is a total failure. The fact that rewarding the underprivileged has simply wrecked schools and neighborhoods and cost billions is missing.
So who is “they”? The psychologist and psychiatrist of course. These were their crackpot remedies for crime. And it’s wrecked a civilization.
So what IS the cause of crime? The treatment of course! Electric shocks, behavior modification, abuse of the soul. These are the causes of crime. There would be no criminals at all if the psychs had not begun to oppress beings into vengeance against society.
There’s only one remedy for crime—get rid of the psychs! They are causing it!
Ah yes, it’s true on cases and cases of research on criminals. And what’s it all go back to? The psychs!
Their brutality and heartlessness is renowned.
The data is rolling in. Any more you pick up off a criminal or anyone, send it in.
On crime we have an epidemic running on this planet. The wrong causes psychs assign for crime plus their own “treatments” make them a deadly virus.
The psychs should not be let to get away with “treatment” which amounts to criminal acts, mayhem and murder. They are not above the law. In fact there are no laws at all which protect them for what sane society would sanction crime against its citizens even as science? They should be handled like any other criminals. They are at best dramatizing psychotics and dangerous, but more dangerous to society at large than the psychotics they keep in their offices and looney bins because they lie and are treacherous. Why the government funds them I do not know. They are the last ones that should be let loose to handle children.
And he wrapped it up with this one. Almost the last issue in the Tech Vols is HCO Bulletin of 26 AUGUST 1982 PAIN AND SEX which contains this “important discovery”:
Go into an asylum or a prison and look at the increasing institutional population and know what you are looking at. In the main, there are pain and sex addicts, decadent and degraded and no longer capable.
They were sent on that route down through the ages by the psychs and here they are still in the psych’s hands! And do they get well or go straight? Oh no. Whether in prisons or insane asylums they just get worse. And the psychs in both places rub their bloodied hands as they turn their products loose again upon the remaining population! It’s no accident. And the stocks- in-trade of psychs are PAIN and SEX.
They will even tell you it’s “natural” to steal!
To compound their felony—if that is possible—they tell you it’s the body doing it.
Another crashing big false datum on top of all their other lies. These are data which emerged from recent thorough research of the whole track. This is not theory or some strange opinion. It is provable electronic fact.
The waves are just synthesized. They are the most used tools in the campaign against beings in furthering the general goal of those creatures whose sole ambition is destruction. The universe does not happen to be either destructive or chaotic except as such obsessed creeps make it. Statements it is otherwise are just more false data from the same suspect “authorities”. It fits their purposes to make seem natural what they make artificially. The universe only seems that way to a being because such loathsome psychotics make it seem so. They destroyed every great civilization to date and are hard at work on this one.
Increasingly at the end of his life, Hubbard resorted to explaining his strange opinions: they “emerged” from “whole track research.” In this case, “provable electronic fact” (whatever that means). I wonder what provable electronic fact he is referring to? His claim that psychs say it is “natural to steal”? That insane asylums are full of “pain and sex addicts”?
It got to the point where this was his version of “God spoke to me.” Or the Angel Marconi appeared before me… His “whole track research” consisted of him coming up with “strange opinions” and then declaring “this is what really happened 64 quidzillion years ago” and hey presto, it’s “whole track research.”
If you doubt his obsession with psychiatry, pain and sex at the end of his life, all you need do is read a few pages of the 10 volumes of Mission Earth. It is absolutely off the charts lunacy. But no scientologist who wants to remain in good standing questions this out loud. Though every one of them when they read it, thought “OMG, what IS this?” They fobbed it off, like I did at the time, to Ron writing about his experiences from the whole track. He didn’t even need to say it…
In fact, it is Hubbard’s fevered imagination that came up with the kinky sex in nearly every chapter. It is his imagination to turn psychiatrists into the scientology devil.
What is hard to imagine not now being in the bubble, is how we went along with it.
Since Book One (where Hubbard first presented his pedophile proclivity) until his death he was consistently concerned/obsessed about sex. He alternatively praised and punished it as an actively.
Hubbard was TRULY insane.
The main thing (maybe the only thing) I remember from the orientation film is that he took Dianetics to the psychiatric association and they didn’t want it. I think his hate of psychiatry was sour grapes.
Yes. They also called him a quack. From then on it was all out war on psychiatry.
Mr. Rinder,
Do you think his hatred of psychiatry is because somewhere along his `line’, they called him out on his obsession with sex?… like during an evaluation in the navy?
Sure. Sour grapes combined with their not recognizing him as the most BRILLIANT thinker ever.
He is a clear case of Dunning-Kruger syndrome, ignorant folks claiming to be geniuses in fields where they have little understanding or experience. And the Tiny Tyrant™ is impossibly worse.
Wow, not only am I a suppressive person, I’m a criminal as well. No wonder my kids no longer speak to me.
I remember having to read some of these bulletins and having to turn myself inside out to rationalize why they made sense.
Ugg, that cognitive dissonance level was absurd.
Cognitive Dissonance wasn’t yet recognized and explained at the time, so all of us got the “It’s just YOUR misunderstood.” treatment and had no defense against his blather. I still think “Study Tech” was Ron’s vengeance against those of us who were able to read and understand more easily than he could. After 40 years “released” from that servitude, I still find myself having to actively combat the viruses he instilled in my thought processes. Even something as simple as running BOINC to help solve some real scientists’ computational problems: It has a “statistics” page and I am a bit OCD about getting them to keep rising. Among other things, it’s led me to keep our computers running full-time. My wife’s machine hasn’t been rebooted for 2 weeks since its last update. This one’s “only” been up 5 days straight, but its “stats” are beautiful: Highest evers for the last 3 days.
Jere Lull, I understand and love your description that we have to combat viruses LRH instilled or installed or however they got jammed into our meat brains.
Sometimes I pass a misunderstood word and get it from context and laugh inside as I refuse the itchy fingers their salve to find the right definition. Nope, I’m reading a story and I don’t care if I don’t fully understand that dashed-off word amidst all that I do understand.
The stats thing is a hard habit to break. It’s like if it goes up, we fixed it. Big Win! Yeah, no. Down girl. Don’t look at the stats. Look at life. Ah, I’ve calmed right back down again.
I knew an ex SO member who left the SO but stayed in the church drinking the Kool Aid. He told me that when the Pain and Sex bulletin came out, all SO wwere ordered to read and word clear it etc. He was married and he and his wife read the issue and they interpreted it to mean they should not have sex anymore. How he got that out of that bulletin is beyond me. So he and his wife vowed to never have sex again. And they didn’t. And then he couldn’t, as in “if you don’t use it you lose it.” What idiots.
Another win for LRH. If he couldn’t enjoy sex, neither should anyone else. Wow, I wonder how many other of LRH’s garbage posts caused that kind of decision-making.
Scientology, it’s always worse than you think.
Yep you got that right.
It was my understanding that Hubbard hated and feared psychiatry because he was terrified of being committed himself. Didn’t he force one of his ex-wives to attest that his state of mind was “normal” at some point Mike?
At any point of time one get the number of patients benefitted from psychiatric treatment while going through a mental health facility.
For general public its in numbers to maintain the confidentiality of patients.
Hospitals are funded by government through grants and through donations.
So there is transparency in judging performance on period to period, geographical location and even hospital basis.
Did LRH, even in his dreams, ever thought about , getting judged on the basis of performance?
No Cult can face truth as they live in Utopia (Truman show) , fear and guilt is its main weapons for the enslavement of its followers.
There is need of special psychiatric treatment for Cult followers so that they can realize the trap they are in.
“special psychiatric treatment”?
It begins with education and, in the case of scientology staff/crew, a few good meals and whatever sleep they require.
Hubbard NEVER allowed his work to be judged by anyone but HIM. Journalists and actual SCIENTISTS were forbidden to investigate DN or scn, I suppose because he KNEW that he couldn’t live up to an external, unbiased investigation and that no one could “duplicate” his announced claims. It’s for just that reason that KSW was in the first day’s reading of every course. KSW states without evidence many things that are untrue, but that new students must accept uncritically, nonetheless. ANY attempt at trying to discuss and thus evaluate the “tech” – techniques – was/is forbidden. NO ONE can judge the work. It must be accepted exactly as it is and it’s left as an exercise for the students to somehow make new proclamations fit with everything that was claimed as absolute truth previously. That the “tech” didn’t accomplish its stated goals was immaterial, of course. The great Hubs couldn’t be held to his own standard, could he?
– what they call “treatment” is a suppression (by shocks, drugs, etc.) of the ability to think.
KSW can pretty much be summed up as “Don’t think. Accept.” (The first few points are supposed to simply be known, not thought about.)
The trifecta of “real Whys” to suppressing thinking about any Scn tech is that any doubt or confusion or lack of case gain occurs because (1) you have a misunderstood, (2) you’re out-ethics, or (3) you’re either PTS and connected to an SP or are an SP.
Anyone trying to work up from lower conditions had better not actually try to get real data from the group. Thinking about whether Scn is actually working to better conditions is verboten. (“Inform oneself honestly of the actual intentions and activities of that group” and “Examine the statistics” – don’t you dare! Better to skip through to step 3 without thinking about it too hard, because the result of thinking will be an ethics wringer until you can lie that you’ve honestly informed yourself and examined statistics.)
Scn is absolutely terrified of individual members thinking. Can’t talk to anyone. Can’t access the internet unless it contains approved pro-Scn messages. Accept SP declares as absolute truth and disconnect without thinking about family bonds.
The moment a Scientologist is allowed to think, the house of cards trembles.
ExScnStaff: Thank you for bringing up Keeping Scientology Working policy, “KSW” that, as Scientologists, we were instructed on our check-sheets to read and study several times. I bet several of us visiting this blog did clay demonstrations of the key points of the KSW reference—possibly more than once in the same course.
I imagine, like people in other civilizations who come to believe there is a “big kahuna” in the sky knowing and seeing all, able to resolve whatever foulness is transpiring on Planet Earth…to mentally invest in the contents of KSW as “fact” provides comfort.
In my experience, it is a form of intoxication and cause for celebration to imagine there is this one someone who has—by some magic, karma, or unique cosmic gift—figured out the root cause(s) of all messes, mysteries, and troubles on Earth. KSW lays that in HARD.
The ‘sell’ here is profound RELIEF and COMFORT. I remember often thinking, “I just knew there was a reason for all the craziness, wars, violence and troubles here.” With KSW, in that state of mind, it’s like a gosh-darn pacifier. KSW provides relief, and so you subscribe to the “magic cosmic kahuna” theory as fact. As many here in this blog point out, you are also trained to think no further on it.
There is a similar conundrum in some Christian practices. When a follower gets too mired in trying to make sense of things here on Earth (wondering why this purported all-loving god does not step in and correct the scene), they are told – “There are mysteries here which we will only understand when we return to our God and join him in Heaven.”
Back to Scientology: I am with you, ExScnStaff, it now all makes sense (being out) why you are (while in) so vigorously prohibited from looking at anything anti-L. Ron Hubbard or anti-Scientology. The risk is too great that you will learn Hubbard is not the cosmically-conferred big kahuna in the sky. Even (for your own comfort) if you wish he was.
It depends on how deep the indoctrination and programming goes. Hubbard said he had studied Eastern philosophy and religion and synthesized it with Western science. That sounded reasonable to me and I wouldn’t have to read a bunch of books about Buddhism and Hinduism. A possible fast track to Nirvana.
I also had that idea that whatever questions I still had about life and living would eventually be answered as I continued in scn, maybe more to me within the subject as a whole rather than just Hubbard as the “Head Guru”, although at the time I didn’t have any idea what a guru was.
At some point after I split and looked back at the way scn was presented by Hubbard/Scn as, “We know everything about everything. We’re right and everyone else is wrong.” meant I had been in a cult.
To @Richard: Indeed—I would characterize myself as similar: “I also had that idea that whatever questions I still had about life and living would eventually be answered as I continued in scn…”
It also echoes with me, “…meant I had been in a cult.”
Thank U, Richard
The 4th “real why” is that you were out ‘ethics’ in a previous lifetime some uncountably long time ago. AND you weren’t allowed out of that interrogation session until you “found” or manufactured one which was horrendous enough.
Re: What is hard to imagine not now being in the bubble, is how we went along with it.
Or how we managed to get out of Scientology.
I got lured into Scientology in 1977, and spent the next 37 years looking at the world through an L. Ron Hubbard lens. Just imagine the gobbledygook of a madman forced down your throat as Truth, and that’s what it’s like in Scientology.
A scientologist can question nothing Hubbard has ever said or written. When you’re getting Scientology training, nothing can stand in the way of your relationship with Hubbard. He’s referred to as “Source,” and if you don’t understand something he’s written or said, nobody will ever clear that up for you. Granted, a Word Clearer or Course Supervisor can help guide you to full understanding of Source, but they can’t explain it to you. For as long as you’re in scientology, you’re trapped in the same elevator with Hubbard, and that elevator is going absolutely nowhere.
Due to circumstances beyond my control, I became homeless during my 35th year in Scientology. I asked for help from two Scientology Chaplains and the Executive Director of Los Angeles Org who used to be my boss, but found no help, guidance or advice. Luckily, I got accepted into a faith-based homeless shelter a few blocks from Big Blue, Scientology’s west coast headquarters in Los Angeles.
In order to stay at the shelter (which I did for almost 4 years), I had to meet, weekly, with a Case Manager, a Chaplin, and a Counselor.
A Counselor? Yes, I had to see a Psychologist once a week. Just imagine: you’re a Scientologist being forced to see a shrink. I cringed at the idea. I could only imagine just how many countless hours of Ethics Handling and Auditing I would have to do in the future just to fix my having seen a shrink.
Everything turned out fine. The shrink and I became very good friends. And I left scientology all by myself.
Scientology outside LA and Clearwater is dead!
Remember those events with the wild special effects about psychiatric hospitals shutting down?
Miscavige wanted to take credit for every institution closing, though in fact Scientology had almost nothing to do with it.
In truth, there were abuses in some of these institutions. Lots of them closed in the 80s. The idea was to create a new out-patient mental health system.
This didn’t work out too well and now lots of folks that would have been institutionalized in the 70s are just living in the streets. Self-medicating or just lost.
We could definitely use a modern science of mental health. That actually works.
Bruce, what CCHR doesn’t tell people is that the American Psychiatric Association has its own police force to prevent and stop abuse. They have no need of CCHR! I remember when I was on staff at Nashville Org and I was in a car with some Sea Org members. We drove past the psychiatric hospital at Vanderbilt University and one of the SO in the car said that she would love to throw a bomb through one of the windows and blow up the whole building. I was a bit shocked that she felt that way.
Alcoboy: That last bit about the Sea Org member stating out loud she would “love to throw a bomb through one of the windows and blow up the whole building,” Talk about someone trained to hate, and in a big generality-style way.
The other piece left dangling here, so important: What are the Sea Org members and the Church of Scientology going to do with mentally ill persons? They won’t be permitted onto any org property, so what is C of S practical, real-world solution when (if) they do succeed in outlawing psychiatry?
It’s a very flawed vision with no real plan.
What does the Sea Org plan on doing with patients from mental hospitals when psychiatry is banned?
Why, sell them Scientology, of course!
That would be your generic SO response. Never mind what LRH said about delivering tech to the insane. We are now in the era of David Miscavige and at the 2007 Basics event he stressed the need to get anyone and everyone onto the Bridge!
Yeah, but I’m willing to wager that a lot of these psych patients don’t have any money to speak of. Are you going to offer them processing for free? Wouldn’t that be delivering services to downstats?
I feel you can see where I am going with this.
It was Reagan who closed the psych hospitals, put all those mentally ill people out on the street.
The ‘de-institutionalization’ trend started long before Regan. It was one of Dr. Szasz talking points in the early ’60’s. The states jumped on it and by the mid ’70’s, more patients were out on the streets. Where a great many of them ended up in prison.
Exactly….I worked for DSS & then CPS for many years. Those “great minds in charge, i.e. the powers that be”….decided it was wrong to “warehouse” thousands of mental patients. THEY decided it would be better for them to be sent to Nursing Homes, SRO’s, Group or Adult Homes(like Assisted Living) etc where they could live a more normal life NOT behind bars.
Then the shit hit the fan. People like my own schizophrenic brother would have a nice roof over his head, three meals a day, a warm place to stay & comfortable bed AND he’d have to “line up every day for his Psyche meds. If he was a “good boy” they’d allow him to sign himself OUT for the day where he’d wander aimlessly around town & then if he FELT LIKE IT, return to the Group Home.
This was the huge problem, many of the patients would NOT return to the safety of the Group Home & when they had the same idea my brother did BACKWARDS LOGIC…..”he was fine, he wasn’t sick, he didn’t need to take medications.”…so he didn’t. This went on for decades since he himself refused his psyche meds & was wandering around away from the Group Home medically unsupervised…he’d have yet another Mental Breakdown , be picked up by the local Police Dept & be committed to a SECURED Psyche portion of the local hospital. INSERT EYE ROLL………this is still going on today & he’s 75.
Like many other mental patients who are NOT in need of being “confined” they wander off for days without medications & return when they are hungry, cold, wet or simply want a shower, & then need to check into a psyche ward & “reprogram their meds”.
Some did OK, but those were few & far in between….those are the ones who aren’t too far down the rabbit hole mentally….I’ve known MANY schizophrenics who do very well as long as they take their meds. People like my brother should NEVER have been sent to a Group or Adult Home…he cannot be trusted to take his meds UNLESS they are handed to him every single day & he is CHECKED to make sure he swallowed them & didn’t spit them out or throw them up immediately after swallowing them.
Back in the day CHILDEN with Schizophrenia were a huge curiosity to the Psychiatric Profession, those “learned people” had NO idea how to handle kids like this. One might want to look up the TV Show on Jani (January) Schofield was diagnosed with severe Schizophrenia at age SEVEN…her parents Michael & Susan have quite a long horrific story to reveal…they also had a SON a few years later “Bodi” & he also has some form of mental illness.
So many adults with mental health issues living on the streets, under bridges, in cardboard boxes either because they don’t want to live in a supervised home or they are too mentally ill to ask for help.
It’s all to sad that this ASSHAT TUBTARD was to afraid to be diagnosed himself……….instead a SCIENCE FICTION Writer wrote a STORY on the virtues of a ….a…a… not religion….a fantasy named COS.
I read all 10 volumes of mission Earth also, starting to think I’m the only person that actually found it entertaining, but yes definitely very bizarre. I agree his obsession with psychiatritry is evident in Mission Earth, and in my opinion his obsession with public relations is even more evident. Who was the pr guy, J Walter madison? If I recall correctly he slept with his mother? Pretty bizarre.
I recall one scene where Dr Crobe was giving a presentation to hundreds of psychiatrists. Dr Crobe said he was going to cure the patients insanity, he stabbed the patient in the scull with a knife, the patient died and the psychiatrists gave him a standing ovation
He was writing some really weird s*** when his followers were busy trying to save the planet.
You did better than me, I barely made it through The Invaders Plan. If it had not been a library book it would have joined the horrendous half read book Bowelmovement Excreta mouldering on the ground outside my bedroom after I threw it out the window. It took nearly 2.5 years to finally dissolve.
The Invaders plan was extremely long and boring. Starting with the second volume it started to get interesting, although I’m sure many others would not agree with that opinion.
But whether it was entertaining or not, I always wondered if it didn’t strike scientologists as odd that Hibbard said they were in a race to save the planet and he was taking time to write a 10 volume science fiction novel.
Pain and Sex Bulletin. Ah yes…
It occurred to me after reading today’s post, that had Hubbard lived an additional 10 years, the rest of the wheels would likely have come off his wagon and even more cray cray coming from the man might have hastened Scientology’s demise even quicker than has Miscavige’s mischief.
Thankfully, I had escaped the madness by the time of those lovely anti-social diatribes. NOT that what he’d written before on the subjects was any better or saner. NOTHING that he published improved ANYone’s condition other than HIS. AFAICT, everything scn and dn did to people hurt their survival abilities on every Dynamic other than the 3rd: The “group”, which devolved down to his personal comfort and survival. The orgs? The staff who brought in the cash? Treated worse than dogs, not even thrown scraps enough to live on.
Read his fiction from the time? I was under the impression that everything he wrote was fiction.
When members of Scientology put up with nonsense, and make believe it is something other than nonsense, and allow it to be repeated without question for decades, then that is just more evidence of the power of group-think, the power of the quasi-hypnotic early TRs, and the power of the fear of Ethics that they live under full time.
Sadly, I am beginning to think that most of the long-time Scilons who want to leave the cherch have already left. The remainder are stuck in their deluded prison of belief. in their fear of Disconnection, and in the fear of the outside world. Or maybe they have found a profitable niche in Scientology, and won’t give it up until the police arrive and take away their business records and computers.
Scientologists should be leaving in droves. There is a proliferation of public information available about the financial scams and human abuses that Scientology has been and continues to be involved with. Scientology was a scam from the very beginning. There should be a long line of Scientologists trying to get out the door and never look back.
But I do not see that happening. And that is sad.
There has never been a better time to quit Scientology forever. Let’s make it a campaign, with its own acronym: QSF – Quit Scientology Forever!
The same could be said about Mormonism. The evidence is clear that the Book of Mormon was a fabrication thus making Joseph Smith a false prophet. Yet most Mormons won’t look at this evidence. Why? In many cases for the same reason that most Scientologists won’t look at this blog.
“Scientologists should be leaving in droves.”. They have. There all almost none left in the cult. I just watched a video taken at the buildings in Clear Water. There are almost ZERO public at Flag. Just SO and outer org staff training. Same with PAC Base. Almost no public arriving for services at the times of day they should be. Class V orgs on average have one to five people taking services. So, in the USA it is all but completely dead.