This should be a treat!
They are making a movie about L. Ron Hubbard — no doubt to accompany a thorough drenching in Shermanspeak for the March 13 extravaganza.
And it appears that this latest hagiography is going to focus on making Mr. Hubbard “hip” (after all, scientology IS the coolest religion on earth – it says so right on the t-shirts) by associating him with Jack Kerouac and Alan Ginsberg. Whoever Ian McBean was doesn’t even rate a Wiki page — I seem to recall Hubbard talking about some guy who was a British spy in China or something who taught him all sorts of amazing things. But wait, the third name always mentioned with Kerouac and Ginsberg is William S Burroughs. Of course, he will not be mentioned because of his famous falling out with Hubbard. You can bet they will not mention Sara Northrup either – just like they erased her from the photo above.
These attempts at both sanitizing and hopelessly gilding Hubbard’s biography have been the cause of many problems for scientology — not just with individuals who become sorely disillusioned when they find the truth (most often reading Barefaced Messiah) but also with media (see the Lawrence Wright story and how he began his book Going Clear). But despite that, they persist.
But it is a little troubling that they are only paying $100 to $300 for “Ron” and everyone else starts at $200? Wow, that’s a cheap “Ron” they are doing….
And just for fun, here is another notice.
These guys are the big time. $500 per day.
They don’t want any ACTUAL Narconon or VM people, they want an actor so they won’t will not have to reshoot the film when they declare them. Virtually EVERY scientology film has had to be shot due to “SP’s” in the films. From Dan Koon and many others in TR 0-4, to Jason Beghe in many tech films and Larry Anderson in Orientation (and other tech films), this has been a terrible problem.
And that simple fact alone should tell you a great deal about scientology. It’s leading lights and public faces, sooner or later become persona non grata. It is not a matter of IF, only a matter of WHEN. A historical truth that stretches all the way back to Dr. Winter and Don Purcell, two of the original mainstays of Dianetics who became hated “enemies” when LRH decided they were no longer “for” him but were “agin.”
Very interesting. I enjoy your blog very much and read every one. Thank you for continuing to inform people and the other tidbits you post. You are doing a great thing!
Stealing someone else’s detective work here:
“The Great Impostor” meets “Plan 9 From Outer Space” to make the ‘cool’ scientology movie about Ron Hubbard. It’s a ‘docudrama’ where real actors play real people. The names haven’t been changed to protect the innocent but rather the events have been fabricated to protect the fictitious biography. It doesn’t matter to me so long as it’s entertaining and how could it not be? It’s got all the ingredients required to make so-bad-it’s-good film noir. Step aside, Battlefield Earth, Showgirls and The Room, and get the popcorn popping, here comes the WORST film of ETERNITY!
So who will play Mary Sue? The kids… of course not the first 3 just the last 4. Will they address the elephant in the room… the drugs, the little girls following him around, the fear and hiding? The wild parties after the lectures in DC and other places… I have heard first hand accounts about those. Turning his back on Mary Sue and the kids.. these things would make it a great mini-series. But no we will sanitize and white wash so many things…. I wonder if DM will be brought into it as the next fearless leader…. no who would believe THAT!
Horror flick.
In the past-maybe decades ago-they used only cherch members. I think l wasin some promo and films. Itssad they can’t do that now. I guess not enough actors are in now. What’s going to happen if some come to the shoot stoned, drunk or in other words, not acting like scns. Or if they do other outrageous acts that the cherch won’t like. I’d love to see someone here audition. Oh how sad! Wink,wink
Food for thought…”None are more enslaved than those who think they are free.”
How does SMP factor in all of this?
I didn’t think it was possible, but this nuttiness is getting nuttier by the day. Wonder if they’ll recruit a 30 year old war hero, blinded and crippled?
What is an authentic “America” accent?
Oh goody! I wonder if they will spend time on the Aleister Crowley/Jack Parsons/OTO years.
I imagine the pay is so low because they are spending big on the CGI (and they cleverly avoid SAG dues.) I have been expecting an Obi-Wan hologram of LRH for years – the Mao-esque pix in Clearwater look so dated. So yesterday.
Hey, they would have a much easier revenue stream (a golden shower of riches) if they could turn Clearwater into a virtual theme-park, where tourist WOGs can bump into busy jumpsuited Geek-Squad automatons and their merry buckets o’ tech – like smiling Disney Minion characters (Mormons are really good at this – you can see their flashing grins for blocks, they should take notes). That’s what they should spend money on. Hire a designer and update those dorky uniforms from stuff that looks like bad mall security, or a cross between a cheesy Coast Guard film on how to avoid venereal disease and a Delta airlines orientation film. Not to mention sprucing up those annual galas that look a lot like an Amway ceremony for celebrating Diamond and Sapphire types who have filled their downline marketing tubes with fresh recruits.
Also, it would be ever so much less creepy if they didn’t act so skulky and secret-y, even if it does make them feel tres Mission Impossible. Take a tip from their Floridian destination park competitors. Make it like Knott’s Berry Farm with happy little trams running around and kiosks full of kitsch Floridian tourist mementos. Or how the Mormons give tours of the Tabernacle and Museum. The Japanese do a beautiful job of making tourist attractions of Shinto shrines with interactive hikes and prizes for pilgrims and visitors alike. They really need to be better at being a tourist attraction. It’s not hard but you have to stop acting like everything is a copyright violation. Disney can get by with that autocratic nonsense, but it’s counterintuitive to religions that are “expanding” and need cash flow.
I could possibly get in to play a part.
After all, they knew that
I was all but dead 14 years ago. No, probably not, I have been posting on your blog, with data they know is accurate. I was in the recruit video, but I am sure they have reshot that long ago. Since they think that I am dead, I have another 7 years before I have to report back for duty.
I am sure the current organization will be dead before then. I have never seen my declare either; the last goldenrod I got from them reads like the greatest commendation imaginable.
May they rest in peace. (Which is better than what they wished for me).
Um a subject ripe for serialization, A and E proved that. And who says it has to be a good movie? Money can’t buy taste and Scientology can’t grow talent. A feature film would work, be sad if it brought “new interest” by making is sexy. It already has sex and violence and money, what more do you need. Might be an easier make in fifty years when all the main players are long gone. But I bet there will still be copyright and fair use and authorship limitations represented by third generation CofS legal teams. The players in the drama/tragedy will die, the money will go on…But as ever I hold out for the Thunderbird puppet version of the Greatest Story Ever Shilled. I want to see that David Miscavige puppet IN a tiny little Hermes Goat Shirt!
No goat shirt, No Movie!
I think you could make a really good movie or document yourself. You have enough information from various sources, books, etc.
I am not familiar with Hollywood casting calls but are descriptors such as “Chinese man” or “…kid” normal verbiage? rather than “Asian” or “child”?
Well, Asians do not all look alike. Perhaps they really mean Chinese?
Something I read online. “When Ron Hubbard was a teenager Ian McBean recruited him for British intelligence. They groomed Hubbard to be a front man for their subjects of Dianetics and Scientology. ”
This was apparently in relation to a few months tour with McBean through Asia including China.
I for one would like to know if the above is fully factual or dots connect with the use of conjecture or prevarication.
That’s conspiracy theory idiocy. They “groomed him to be a front man”… So laughable not even worthy of further commengt.
Dchoice, Mike is basically right, but this is an area where I think I can shed a bit more light if that helps.
To begin with, if you look at the early 1950s FBI reports on Hubbard after he sent them letters with bizarre claims, they considered him a mental case. He was not anyone reliable enough to be a “front man” for any real intelligence operation, and the early Dianetics organizations failed as they were mismanaged and Hubbard fell out with his original partners.
Since some of Hubbard’s claims did have to do with Russians and brainwashing techniques, and later on of the development of useful psychic powers, not to mention that he started mucking around in other countries, you would expect that intelligence agencies might have at least kept tabs on him.
There are general conspiracy theorists who have included Hubbard in some of their theories along with all sorts of other figures of the time, which is pretty much par for the course.
It looks like you’ve run across some of the former CofS members who are various sorts of Hubbard or Scientology loyalists, and for whom the government control conspiracy theories provide yet another convenient rationalization for how the supposed perfect light of early Scientology got extinquished. But if you want to know how Scientology really ended up going wrong, you only have to look to the unhinged Hubbard of the early 1950s, with all the wild claims and even lies starting with the first Dianetics book, plus the history of the disaster of early Dianetics, to see that the whole subject was flawed from the beginning and doomed to dysfunctional cycles of boom and bust.
I don’t mean to sound mean or anything, but anything at that blog needs to be taken with a grain of salt. Not that the McClaughrys are liars, but they both have a deep weakness for conspiracy theories of all kinds.
They’re sincere, and sometimes you can find useful information there, but I wouldn’t accept anything without corroborating it with a known reliable source. Such as Mike 🙂
More than likely a production would ask for a specific person, as in Chinese, rather than Asian, if they are looking for a specific nationality. Chinese, Korean, Japanese, etc. may all be Asian, but they don’t necessarily look alike.
“chinese man”, “WOG”, it’s all the same to the scilons. Far be it for them to learn tolerance of different cultures at this late date. It’s for sure that the old man never bothered to make any attempt.
Though Kerouac and Ginsburg are important figures in American 20th century literature and culture, let’s face it — not many people today under 40 know who they are. So, even this attempt to make Hubbard relevant is going to bear withered fruit. Find me evidence that Beyoncé once sat in the filthy old man’s lap, and then we can talk.
Why don’t they make a series of Hubbard colour cardboard cutouts with movable arms eyes, think life size ventriloquist dummies, and splice together sentences and words from his ad nauseam tapes.
What, no World War 2 hero Lron? No hagiography is complete with out Fearless Lron chasing Nazi and Japanese submarines. Oh, he didn’t chase any submarines? But he broke both his ankles when he was torpedoed. Robert Heinlein said so. Oh, Lron lied. Well, there goes my exciting script for war time Lron, Band of Clam Brothers. In reality, Lron was Private Snafu…
I really hope this one makes its way to rutube. I can’t wait to see 6 year Lron breaking broncos and hanging out with the Blackfeet.
I’m afraid that is another period of Elron’s life for which there’s been just too much objective documentation to be able to lie about in any sort of semi-believable way. Since Elron was supposedly healing himself of severely disabling injuries at the end of the war (instead of taking drugs and performing black magick sex rituals with his buddy Jack Parsons), to reveal all that as a set of huge whopping lies would undermine the credibility of $cn in exactly the same way that former cult spokeshole, tommy d., so succinctly described it.
Much better to stick with “alternative facts” that can never be checked. Still, you have to give these $cilons credit for trying! They just can’t seem to leave the subject alone, yet they can not bring themselves to create an official cherch biography of The Great Thetan either.
Now, it looks like we’re to be treated to the tale of Elron, Father of the Beat Generation, and personal friend of some its most noted icons. Although Jack would be spinning in his grave to hear me say it, Elron really WAS an original Dharma Bum; there’s just no argument about that one 😉
This will be the most epic performance since Max von Sydow played Jesus in “The Greatest Story Ever Told.” But what is really sick about this is that COS management will see it that way. They’ve taken the meaning of “cult” and taken it into a brand new dimension. I’m actually impressed in a perverse and sardonic sort of way.
After the shoot someone needs to get all the non-scamologists actors into scamology long enough to get declared so the film cannot be used….
I wonder if crew are told to not recruit the actors because …. What if? Its probably happened before.
They might have been. I cannot imagine the reason they would be given though as to why not to dissem to them.
This just gets better and better. There’ll be plenty to say after we’ve seen it, that’s for sure. In the real world one would have to say they must be pretty silly to open themselves up to further ridicule and fact checking by the countless enemies they have created, people they have lied to, cheated, ripped off and shattered the families and lives of innocent people by targeting their loved ones. But they aren’t in the “real word” – this proves it beyond any shadow of anyone’s doubt.
Bring on the fantasy! I’d even consider paying to see it – NOT (I thought that just for old times sake) It’d be worth the giggle and the replenishing of things to use against them when it arrives, it will be on utube soon enough. Patience is one of the finest of attributes learnt by any hunter. At least a hunter gets to live in freedom for the meanwhile, Scientologists don’t!
Sorry but this will be shown at the March 13 event ONLY. And unless you have been extensively better and given an OSA clearance u will not be allowed in. But perhaps we will see it one day…
Well, doesn’t that rip the icing off the cake? OSA & I do have some unfinished business though, “getting extensively better” is a term they’ll only ever apply to me when I’m dead. But I have faith in human treachery once someone realizes they have been lied to & abused. The Cof$ deserves the conscience of its members an outlet. Someone in the bubble will always want to or manage to communicate somehow to you Mike, now that you’ve left the door ajar. Sometimes it makes me sigh and reflect on the confront of what you have truly taken on but we’ll see what the future provides. Time is not a friendly thing for Scientology.
Oops – autocorrect changed vetted to better… Ah well. I make enough fun of the typos in scientology promo that I need to eat some humble pie every now and then….
I have no idea what you’re teaking about.
Surely that’s not too much of a surprise. Teak is a rain forest tree and makes great decking for yachts and such. It’s a vanish-able thing that shines back at ya. It’s all in the reflection mate!
Same difference really, but humble pie is one of my personal favorites. I always keep a piece in the fridge, goes great with egg on face salad.
Dear I Yawnalot,
No, I am afraid that being dead won’t get you back into good standing. I was considered irreplaceable until I was pronounced dead by the Captain Freewinds and others. Some of those who pronounced me dead are now dead themselves. I only got declared after they pronounced me dead.
Since the fact that they declared me dead nearly caused my actual death either they thought that I was better off dead or else it was wishful thinking on their part.
Been there before myself with someone else calling the shots (so to speak).
You know, the best way to make any of these assholes blow a blood vessel is to continue to be alive after you worked out they are so full of shit. Drives ’em nuts it does. Hang in there Bill, each breath you take is in salute for justice. Cheers buddy!
How about we ask Terra Incognita to record the event since she can get into the meetings as she is UTR and hasn’t been discovered yet.
There are plenty of people out there who can walk into events. I bet you could even do so if you wanted to. Go to Orange County or SD or Santa Barbara where nobody knows you.
The issue is whether you WANT to attend because it involves an effort and time and immersing yourself back into something you no longer want to be part of. Would you be willing to go?
I would love it if someone would attend this event and see what they end up showing.
Oh boy, to think on that is so… ahhhh… where’s the bottle?
Woah, there Spaceship! Where, or what type, of venue will be used to view this historical 1st contact epic? You are rapidly becoming my favorite blogger. Sort of a, Sgt. Friday of Dragnet, online. Just the facts ma’am , just the facts.
Maybe I should apply to play myself? Even though its 40 plus years later, I bet I could still take the Apollo prom deck to A deck stairs at a running leap and still only touch the middle step! Do you think they will let me be a consultant on the set? I’ll be reasonable in my pricing.
If they want to emulate Allen Ginsberg, they should learn that his name is spelled Allen, not Alan.
Oh Joy, A movie about Old Ron as Baby Ron, Teenage Ron, and best of all Admiral Ron! Sanitized won’t do this yawner justice. Have a listen toThe Sea Org Tapes, I still remember parts lol, and get a better feeling for the Great Being who conquered the seven seas.Old Ron knew he was the savior of the prison planet & to me those tapes were great theater back then. Not so now. Never mind Quentin,all his children, and the women he used and abused, Scientology is as white as newly fallen snow. The only thing is, their lies turn the snow to black ice. Thank you Mike.?
I love that their production skills are so limited that they need actual doppelgangers of each character.
Someone needs to get in touch with the estates of Kerouac and Ginsberg. I honestly had no idea that Hubbard played any part in their lives or vice versa. I recently read a massive Ginsberg biog and there was no mention of the man.
Relax guys, I have done it. Bless the internet!
Thank you pedrofcuk!
What about Jack Parsons and Aleister Crowley?
They were master and student. Crowley’ cross is identical to Scientology’s cross. Crowley considered himself to be the Beast. L. Ron Hubbard Jr. In an interview with Penthouse magazine, said, “You have to understand, My father didn’t worship Satan, he thought he was Satan.”
This is what I thought about the cross. It has bothered me for quite
a while now. I googled sunburst cross, and the first thing to pop up was a Nazi war medal!!
Then I saw Tony Ortega’s blog, searched for Satanic cross, and got an upside down sunburst cross.
Mike, Mike, Mike: I am not 100% certain that I should be included in your mention of the SPs that have necessitated Tech Film reshoots. I have never seen any declare order on me and how do I know that the two people I know who claim they have seen were not lying? I did not put them on the meter to verify and fly their end ruds. So, as far as I know, I am still a member in good standing. The fact that the reshot the TRs film using NON-SCIENTOLOGY actors probably means nothing because there are probably zero people on the Pro TRs Course these days.
After all those hours LRH put into getting you and Waldo to do correct TRs, DM thinks he knows TRs better than LRH by using actors?????
Not to be smart or anything but how can you be in good standing with the church and still be able to comment on this blog? Isn’t Mike’s blog monitored by Int Management or something? Again, just curious.
The point is that there is a scientology LAW – “If it isn’t written, it isn’t true.”
I have never seen a declare on me either. They will not even show it to me, let alone give me a copy (if such a thing even exists).
Scientology is composed of arbitraries. Though the LAW above is spouted repeatedly, it is not applied when it comes to SP’s. So, it is by rumor and hearsay that one is “declared” and thus no longer in “good standing.”
Believe me, Dan Koon has been on the scientology shit list for as many years as I have. But there is no formal pronouncement as such.
For being on their shit list for so many years, you’d think they would throw you two a party.
Do you think it’s because such “SPs” might still have cash value that couldn’t be collected if an actual declare were written?
No, I think they are afraid their silly declare orders will be published and everyone will see them for what they really are. They might also be concerned over being sued for libel.
Got it. Thanks, Mike!
People fault $cn all the time for being some sort of pseudo-science posing as the real deal. But how many of these “real” scientists can claim to understand and use the principles of quantum physics in the same way that $cn has been able to accomplish?
All $cn members exist in a quantum state of superposition in which they’re not really in good standing or out of it until they’re observed by lil davey himself. This is incredibly important for the cult because, on the one hand, they can be counted as contributing to the total number of active $cilons in the world, but on the other, they can be singled out individually as having lost their good standing status at whatever point in the past that serves the cult’s current purposes!
In other words, in $cn you can be like Schrodinger’s cat: Both alive as a member of the cult in good standing and dead to it at the same time!
They just copied the Nazis. There is no written order from Hitler for the extermination of the Jews and others. They just don’t want to be held responsible for their crimes.
Is Sara Northrup any relation to famed Defense Industry Giant Northrup-Grumman? I wonder if they’ll include the many connections of L. Ron Hubbard to the intelligence agencies in the U.S.A. at that time. Even Allen Ginsberg was connected in ways most people don’t know about.
How far down the rabbit hole is this film going to go?
How far down the rabbit hole is this film going to go?
It’s not going anywhere near any rabbit holes. Not even anything interesting. It will be a hagiography like everything else produced by scientology about Hubbard.
No doubt 90% pure Shermanspeak fiction as usual.
“Alternative facts” RCo$ style.
Oh Mike! Where’s your sense of the dramatic? I’m hopeful there’ll be foot bullet or two fired, Scientology will find a way, at least they’re good at something.
My coffee was extra strong this am.
I left my sense of the dramatic back home. I didn’t think I was going to need it…sorry.
Good morning OSA net nannies. Here’s today’s hot tip: You might seriously consider sec checking all those who are auditioning for these parts. With scientology critics blogs being so prolific these days there is a very good chance that some SP (declared or undeclared) might be trying for a part just to have a little fun at your expense. And definitely stick with your time tested tech of employing only non-union folks. That way when you decide not to pay them they won’t have one of those bothersome unions to back them up. Even though these scabs will be making sub-par wages, don’t let the good people working at Gold know how much they are making cuz it’s WAY more than any of them will ever make doing Ron’s work. Now back to your telex machines and go handle the latest flapping flap!
Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Kirstie Alley…..are you guys unavailable to make this ever-so-important film of the life of your personal savior? I mean, I know the amount this church is willing to pay its own workers is just a wee bit below your typical salary demands (you’re obviously at a much higher level than those little Sea Org peasants), but come on guys, it’s for an excellent cause! And would generate massive PR (although whether good or bad PR is kinda up in the air…..depending on whether this gets leaked out to Wog World or not). But be that as it may, you all just need to get with the program guys! Your eternity depends on this!
Ok…ok, Mick. I’ll play the part of Hubbard. It might be tough putting on 80 lbs, but, I’ll do it.
Awwwwww! Please,please, please, please, please let me play the part of the Dwarfenfuhrer! I’m just about the right size!
You got the job. Who’s going to play TC?
I wanna play Jenny! But how about Lou, who’s going to play her?
Looking for a short, asinine male actor to portray Tom Cruise in a movie about L Ron Hubbard. Only total jerkoffs need apply.
I can see the opening credits now… “and Tom Cruise as HImself”
TC, KA, JT, JE, AM could all “donate” their time/pay then write it off their taxes in the form of a “cherch donation” ….. why not? lol
This latest bit of fictitious Scientology “positioning” tech will be swallowed whole by Scientologists who, reeling from years of conditioning and indoctrination are prone accept any pronouncements, regardless of truth or historical accuracy.
I suspect OSA’s newfound ‘love’ of Ginsberg is primarily based on experiences of over 70 years ago. Involving himself, and his mother, Naomi, who had been lobotomized and spent 15 years in Psychiatric institutions. Ginsberg wrote, powerfully, about these, and other experiences.
But, in 2017 it is Scientology, not Psychiatry that is trapped in amber; frozen,incapable of change, even as the fields of Psychiatry, Neuroscience, Brain Science, and Psychopharmacology have made extraordinary advances and discoveries.
Dianetics, meanwhile, has become an anachronism; the “not-so-modern”-pseudo-science of mental health that would be a laughingstock, were it not for the devastated lives of the families left in its wake.
This 2007 LA Times piece by Scott Timberg brilliantly separates fact from fiction regarding Ginsberg and Psychiatry.
Bottom line is that Allen Ginsberg was the antithesis of everything that Scientology represents. Period.
I want to see the scene where toddler Ron busts a bronco and then gets initiated into the Blackfoot Indian nation.
Gee, I wonder if they’re going to make any remarks concerning Ginsberg’s sexuality, or if one of Allen’s many significant others will make an on-screen appearance. I guess that “cool” overrides “1.1” in Scientology World. Or will they have the balls to condemn Ginsberg for his attraction to other men? That might trigger a “howl” from the audience.
No ‘Steely Dan’ for the soundtrack then, considering where that band derived their name from….
But it is all just a ‘magical thinking, contact high kind of a superficiality’ to try to drum up interest. Stolen valor? Hey, we got stolen Hep…..They may as well put “Arbeit Macht Frei” signs up outside their buildings….
Tom, Arbeit Macht Frei is the motto of the R.P.F.
Exactly. Thanks for pointing that out. Scientology obviously wants to re-write history to suit its purposes, but the mind boggles at this seeming attempt to (re-)establish the Beats’ connection to Hubbard, especially “degraded beings” like sexual deviant Kerouac and known homosexual Allen Ginsberg. I guess when you’re grasping at straws you grasp the straws you can reach, no matter how tenuous.
As usual another spot on post Espiando. Really good to see you.❤️
So what is it with the Audition dates in January of 2017, but the Shoot Performance Dates the year before in January through March 2016? Is there something not obvious about how Hollywood production schedules work, or did Scientology really get the year wrong in one section of their dates?
I’m presuming that this will be one of the first uses of the “SuMP” studio in LA in order to justify the massive investment in that facility, though of course as others have previously pointed out they have long had the Golden Era Studios facilities with the same capabilities. Also, presumably, this production will really just end up as another piece of internal propaganda, perhaps positioned as an attempt to “out create” all the current unfavorable media and press, though I sense in it a bit of hope that they could somehow manage to make Scientology and Hubbard “cool” in the world at large.
Also, do they have any hope of making this less of an embarrassment than most of their clumsy film productions, or are they stuck directing it internally according to Hubbard’s guidelines for filmmaking that almost guarantee mediocrity or worse? Does Scientology have any members with something approaching successful directorial skills, and could such a person – or an outsider they hired – be given enough free reign to possibly succeed?
PeaceMaker, my guess is that this thing is probably already mostly shot and in editing. It is almost certainly for the March 13th “LRH Birthday” event and it is a bit too late in mid February to be doing primary shooting for a release in March even if it is just a ten minute puff piece. Maybe they are shooting a few last B roll scenes, like a young Hubbard talking to an native American, that will have no lines.
Mitch Brisker directed quite a few Technical Films, including ones with Jason Beghe, Isaac Hayes and others. He is a good professional director, but not Sea Org. Dave Miscaivige tried to direct some of the earlier Technical Training Films. Directors are famously dictatorial but Dave put even the worst-tempered Hollywood hacks to shame. I don’t think any of his work is still current.
There was a Sea Org Director in the early 80s, can’t remember his name. but I think he is out. None of his films survived, mainly because he was using International Base personnel (like me) as actors.
Despite the claim that “we have lived many lifetimes and were film directors in earlier lives” or whatever, it takes a lot of education and skill to direct a film. It also helps if you have worked with good directors in some other capacity. Nobody in the Sea Org has that background, so we are unlikely to see films directed by Sea Org directors.
Yes actually they do employ professional film directors (scientologists) BUT every minute detail has to be approved by COB hence everything comes out stilted, stale and crap.
They do have TC & JT, plus Alley as the damsel in distress. Maybe a version of Mission Impossible meets Pulp Fiction with Hubbard wearing the white hat rides in and saves the day? Johnny Depp (Cap’n Jack Sparrow) as Hubbard would be good.
Leah Temini could play herself!
That’s going to cost some points, Barbet!!!
Scientology scriptwriters, inclusive of Danny Sherman, are stupider that we think if they believe they can make Hubbard look hip in a movie through any association with the Beats. There is SO much research information available through the literary and academic world that shows how Kerouac and Ginsberg each had a mild and short-lived interest in scientology, and what that interest was, and how it dissipated after Burroughs swayed them away from it after his eexperiences with auditing and with the bureaucracy of Scientology organizations. One of the best books that covers this is The Bop Apocalypse by John Lardas (2001). There are plenty more. The info is so easy to find through academic research channels that I wrote papers on it in college. If they are dumb enough to make a movie claiming anything otherwise, they would really lose more face.
I guess Cruise and Travolta just give “lip service” to Scientology. Actually making videos for it,beneath them. Too embarrassed to “promote” their so-called religion?
Well, to Travolta’s credit, he did do the Battlefield Earth film. Perhaps Mike should have tried talking him out of that one instead of Pulp Fiction.
Worst movie EVER! A complete catastrophe! They’re the laughing stock of the film industry! And corn on the COB blamed Travolta. They should all get their collective heads out of their asses…
Yep, never expected a worst movie could be ever be made than “Attack of the Killer Tomatoes” but Miscavige & Travolta managed to pull it off (in more ways than one), break a leg…
Break a leg indeed…
I’m boycotting all films involving Scientologists. I used to love Kirstie Alley. I saw the promo where she says that after one auditing session, she never used drugs again. Obviously, she traded her drug addiction for food. Duh.
Don’t forget Tom Cruise did do a video intended only for the eyes of Scientologists. When it was released to a wider audience, we all know how well that went for his reputation.
I enjoyed his manical laughter! Nobody can look unhinged like the slightly bigger dwarf can. Dave & Tom are two peas from the same pod.
Split pea maybe?
I’m pretty sure.
“Split pea maybe?” Ooooohhh….that hurt! LOL
Ah, but that little bit involving jumping on a couch and scaring the shit out of Oprah WAS intended for a wider audience.
Ya gotta love it!
It would be comical if it weren’t so pathetic. A true Shakespearean tragedy in the works.
Diane, for me, it’s a comedy! Laughing at them is fun!
I finally saw Going Clear this week. LRH was an uneducated nobody, who apparently emotionally blackmailed his wife into marrying him. I don’t find anything appealing or redeeming about the man. I don’t get it. I guess he was just at the right place at the right time.
You’re absolutely right, Paula! There is nothing redeeming about the head cult leader. Absolutely nothing. Just heart ache & pain.
It would be different if there were empirical data backing up his claims about mental health, etc. But the truth is, he was nothing more than a struggling, dime store, paperback writer.
Paula, please remember that most of what we now know about him has come about only in the past 20 years or so. The internet has been an awesome force against scio, but even in its early days, it was not nearly as powerful. Early on, there was no truly personal kind of internet where folks could almost instantly post things which millions could easily find and read. From about 2000 on, however, scio has been experiencing ever steeper decline. Things that would have earlier caused them to bring lawsuits now have to be let go as it only backfires on them. Now, they get blogged to death. Count yourself as one of their executioners.
Now that’s an accomplishment. I’m rather obssessed with helping take down Scientology, FDLS, the Kingston group, and other polygamous cults. I feel like Scio is going to fall first.
I’m surprised more actors aren’t trying to infiltrate these and get hidden footage for their own gain.
I was going to post that! Don’t you know that Miscarriage is so paranoid at this point that it would be very difficult to do now?
Grant Cardone could play LRH. Miscavige will play himself.
That makes sense to have the dwarf play himself. I mean, he is the biggest asshole on the planet.
Could you see the Dorkenfuhrer settling for a couple of hundred dollars to portray himself?
He’s certainly narcissistic enough…
What would it take, realistically for someone to overthrow Miscarriage?
As much of a hypochondriac as he is an infestation of scabies at RTC and someone following him around coughing might get him physically out of the building..?
Lol. Not the answer I was expecting, but it figures that he would be self-obssessed.
Basically Lawschool, it isn’t within the realm of possibility. 1,000,000:1 odds
Ain’t gonna happen. Not as long as the sheeple see him as some sort of messiah.
I asked this question because it seemed from My Scientology Movie that Marty R didn’t want to throw the baby out with the bath water. I could see someone like him orchestrate a coup with like-minded others and reform the religion, but I’m glad it didn’t happen. Personally, I think they need to throw out the entire tub.
Lawschool. The CoS is a U.S. corporation. One cannot perform a coup to take one over. It would just result in trespassers being jailed.
Would union or SAG actors not work for Gold’s moviemaking slavery workplace style or something?
Why only “non-union/SAG” actors wanted?
“Slave Cult Sympathetic or Oblivious Actors Wanted for In House Cult Slanted History Movies for Our Cult Dupes”
SAG daily rate is currently $933/day. They’re looking for non-SAG actors so they can under-pay them.
I’m sure there are other “fees” the producer must pay as well. Like residuals, actor benefits, insurance. Under the benefits radar is the cherch’s MO.
This doesn’t surprise you, does it?
“Why only “non-union/SAG” actors wanted?” Then they don’t have to sign any SAG or AFTRA contracts and no residuals have to be paid. Just plain cheap, Chuck.