25 years already?
It highlights just how long it has been since Ron causatively departed his body on 24 January 1986 to continue his “OT research” unencumbered by the MEST Universe.
It’s 36 YEARS ago now, 15 years overdue on his return to active duty in the Sea Org. I think the motto of the Sea Org at this point should be “We Never Come Back” as nobody, including the Commodore ever has.
The other thing of note is that Miscavige has been running scientology for longer than Hubbard did — even if you begin his tenure before scientology existed in May 1950 and end the day he died, it was less than 36 years from start to finish.
Scientology today has expanded its real estate holdings and increased its cash. But its impact on the world, and the number of active scientologists has been in a steady decline sine the 90’s when it was at its peak. Then again, accumulation of material wealth IS the measure of scientology and the stat of the COB.
This celebration begs the question: When will there be a David Miscavige Way in Clearwater? It’s the only place in the world it could happen — given the proclivity of the city to kowtow to his desires. Perhaps it will come to pass after he has causatively departed his body to continue working on the latest Golden Age of Whatever unhindered by a meat sack. You can be sure there are sheeple who have thought about this…
I think the theory you propound here is right on the money!
Its true that belief and positive thinking DO work sometimes when it comes to medical problems. I myself have had a few such experiences. But then, as you say, not ALWAYS.
A sensible person cannot rely on “glowing things right” ALL the time.
It would have to have been EXTREME narcissism which would allow him to believe that he could “cure” himself SOLELY via his changing his own personal considerations ALL THE TIME.
Now, while I DO believe that one MUST change one’s considerations BEFORE one can personally effect any real changes in the physical universe (which would include healing one’s body) it must be acknowledged that “changing one’s considerations” ALONE do not necessarily accomplish this – however necessary it is as a fundamental.
Frequently, a change of consideration about an unwanted condition is the foundation, the springboard or whatever for OBTAINING HELP with that unwanted condition – a realization that one must obtain the right sort of help to handle it.
In brief, I think the theory of Hubbard’s narcissism in your post here as the Real Why for his avoidance of taking reasonable care of himself medically is the correct one. His considerations alone had sufficient power to cure his body. That’s the consideration upon which he was operating!
Now, if Hubbard were evaluating OTHERS’ similar behavior he would chalk these unsuccessful actions up to their “No Confront” and “Not Is ing” of the problems, whereas him doing it was a demonstration of his ability to “As Is” his own body problems! Except that he FAILED to demonstrate this ability! Yet he kept trying. Delusion; narcissism. He had to hold onto the belief that he could “disappear” any unwanted body condition in himself.
Yes, this indicates to me, indicates far more than some pedestrian fear of dentists and doctors. Pride motivated him. Embarrassment at even HAVING any body problems motivated him. Yes, this indicates to me about him. Maybe he HAD disappeared some of his body problems solely with his considerations at one time, but driven by narcissism he had to believe that he could do it by his considerations alone ALWAYS. Consequently, what is non-actions in seeking medical help constituted were non-confronts and (in Scientology lingo) “not-isings”.
Thanks, mwestern.
Spot on, Aqua! People who deal with their physical maladies solely through self help( Visualize it and it is so. I call upon God to make me whole) usually end up doing more harm than good. It’s so funny that LRH taught that a preclear was unable to audit themself and so needed another person to run out the engram yet believed that he could will his own body into health. While I believe in God’s power to heal me, I also accept that he will at times work his healing by way of modern medicine. Who’s to say that God didn’t inspire the researchers who discovered the germ theory, sepsis, sterile technique and many of the medical miracles that have helped us so much?
What? No comm particle from Dave?
“Who’s to say that God didn’t inspire the researchers who discovered the germ theory, sepsis, sterile technique and many of the medical miracles that have helped us so much?”
“I also accept that he will at times work his healing by way of modern medicine.”
Quite right, Alco!
And your post has reminded me of that old adage that was told to me when I was a little kid: “God helps those who help themselves”.
I mean, we have brains, don’t we? If they were God-given, why not use them if/as necessary!
We agree. One also has to remember, in my belief, that God always answers our prayers. He can answer in one of three ways:
Not now
All valid answers. Heck, maybe what I am asking for in not what is best for me.
But that is just me.
“…constituted non-confronts and not-isings.”
And likely rooted in O/Ws. It’s pretty clear to me that he was incredibly insecure about his looks and despised his body. Perhaps his efforts to reduce its significance was simply justification for all the punishment he kept putting it through.
It’s interesting to think that scientology was likely born from this insecurity (whether in whole or in part). A guy with such a desperate need for re/assurance and approval that even his own cult couldn’t satisfy.
Perhaps if Hub had been a looker, his life would have been very different…
“Perhaps if Hub had been a looker, his life would have been very different…:) ”
Funny you saying this, mwestern – reducing the body’s significance because he was insecure about his looks and despised his body.
Years ago it occurred to me – while I was STILL IN mind you, so it was a “disloyal” thought – it occurred to me that the reason LRH was always so “down” on the Genetic Entity, and human bodies in general was because he didn’t like HIS body. You see, I just thought it curious that he would be so disparaging of the human body, almost as if he had contempt for it. To me the human body and its various systems and how they operate, and how cells operate, etc. are endlessly amazing, awe-inspiring, so when I’d read something of his that disparaged the body it would disturb me a little.
He was also quite denigrating of sex – heterosexual sex! Here was a guy who had (I thought at the time) 4 children (actually 7 but I didn’t know there were 7 back then) and from everything he wrote that I read, a happy marriage – why was he so down on sex? And then it occurred to me, a sneaky little thought – perhaps
he was merely resentful because possibly HE could no longer…you get the picture. Possibly some jealousy and resentment there because he was out of the game so to speak? This possibility did occur to me.
But back then, these were “disloyal” thoughts about LRH, the Founder, mankind’s greatest friend, etc., and I suppressed them.
Absolutely! Indeed, the only way HCOB Pain & Sex makes sense is when it’s read “in the valence” of an old, grumpy bastard; an elderly, embittered sci-fi nerd, with aches, pains and a lifeless pecker.
OMG…omg…LOL! Talk about “Too Gruesome”mwestern. Thanks for the laugh. I really needed it. Still laughing, actually!
Look, I’ve shared that I didn’t understand LRH’s vilification of sex. Because all sex is is duplication of the human body. Obviously it would have to be pleasurable or who would bother doing it? The human race would have died out a long time ago if sex were not a driving force.
Of course what’s tricky is we’re NOT just animals although we have “animal” bodies, and sexual impulses and drives, etc., are or can be purely animal-like…and at times at variance with our mental and emotional needs – at least I know as a woman this sort of thing occurs. But that doesn’t make it of itself wrong or bad or on a level with physical pain.
Hubbard putting sex on the same level as pain is to me a HUGE generality. He might as well have equated EATING with pain. Made eating a degraded action.
Of course, sex CAN be degraded and so can eating, if they’re overdone or abused, etc., certainly there’s gluttony and there’s selfish and exploitive promiscuity etc. but we’re not talking about these extremes.
Point being I strongly disagree on Hubbard’s saying ALL sex is degraded and on a level with pain. Its not true.
And I’m still laughing. You do have a knack for amusing pith.
Aqua, your mention of food reminded me of a speech the lovely Stephen Fry gave a few years back. It’s from a debate on the catholic church but this particular quote easily applies to scientology also.
“It’s the strange thing about this church: it is obsessed with sex. Absolutely obsessed! Now they will say we, with our permissive society and our rude jokes, are obsessed. No! We have a healthy attitude. We like it. It’s fun. It’s jolly. Because it’s a primary impulse, it can be dangerous and dark and difficult – it’s a bit like food in that respect, only even more exciting. The only people who are obsessed with food are anorexics and the morbidly obese. And that, in erotic terms, is the Catholic Church in a nutshell.”
From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZRcYaAYWg4
Stephen’s portion starts at around 47:30 – but the whole thing is worth a watch.
Thanks, mwestern. Even though 10 years have passed since I’m out I’m still on my own “inward” journey out of Scientology …no doubt many long term Still Ins can relate…and info like this and much of what you and others in various ways share can be very helpful in gaining another perspective, another viewpoint from which to look so as to really understand, and with understanding if not agreement, let go.
I’ll say this: the cherch in a number of ways is REALLY suppressive to “the 2nd Dynamic” but nowadays they sure do their bit to entice and induce public to attend events using food. Pictures of food, descriptions of food, etc. Exes like me missed out because at most events I attended the food was cheap carb crap – maybe they wised up?
Like, “Sex is pain and degraded, engage in it if you absolutely must, although we’d rather you didn’t, but look, we’re offering you this wonderful food, go ahead, stuff yourself, we want you to…”
Thanks again
I’ll watch this asap and get back to you to you about it.
Yes, if he can’t have it nobody can have it!
Hasn’t L Ron Hubbard Way been there longer than 25 years? I was at Big Blue in 1989 and I remember L. Ron Hubbard Boulevard. Apparently L. Ron Hubbard way is something different?
Thousands will be there…
Thousands of what? BTs? Thetans minus their bodies?
Because I guarantee there won’t be thousands of actual human bodies showing up for this thing.
To: Aquamarine
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: discrediting Scientology.
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: you making things happen.
Okay, first, how can you cram millions of people into L. Ron Hubbard Way? I’ve been down it and it’s no bigger than a back alley. Second, I hope that Angry Gay Pope and Nasty Nathaniel show up! That would put egg all over your face! And third, if you have such control over the MEST universe how come Scientology orgs are failing at a phenomenal rate? Yes, they are! Don’t lie! You know I’m telling the truth!
No love at all,
Alcoboy, what would I do without you? What would I do without my personal Prince Valiant? For merely making a few innocent and truthful observations on this blog I get regularly and virulently attacked by maniacal David Miscavige. But I’m not scared because always, always, when I come to the blog, there you are, leaping to my defense, defending my honor. Thank you, Alcoboy. You are my sword and my shield, kind Sir! I shall surely ask my husband to use his influence with the King to have you Knighted. And now, if you’ll excuse me, I shall return to my spinning *
*As in cloth, like those chicks in the Middle Ages
While you’re at it, can you knit a jacket for the mighty midget? Size 3 toddler should be about right.
Size 3 toddler will give him room to grow into it for a few years.
Isn’t it time for Ellie Blankenship to return? She died in the 90’s – she was a big time scientologist.
Does TC actually live at his Clearwater mega buck address?
Surely as the third biggest being this universe has ever known he’s worthy of a least a lane way named after him. May be there’s some internal fractional bickering going on as to who’s the actual Top Gun of Clearwater. (Even the name suggests the water has been audited).
I may not believe in Santa Claus anymore, but I sure do in Puff the Magic Dragon, he lives by the sea too, he’d know.
To: I Yawnalot
From: Tom Cruise, mega superstar and Freedom Medal with Valor winner.
Re: my address.
To: Tom Cruise
From: Alcoboy
Re: recent comm particle
Why don’t you go and rebuild your stalled career?
No love at all,
It must be maddeningly boring for him to live in Clearwater. No offense intended to anyone who lives there and loves it, but it isn’t Hollywood, it isn’t Beverly Hills or the 90210 area code with that whole happening scene reserved for silver screen’s A-listers. I can’t imagine what Tom Cruise would find interesting to DO in Clearwater. In fact, the way the cult has taken over the place I can’t imagine what ANYONE would find interesting to do in Clearwater. Seriously – he’s a HUGE movie star – where does he go to eat? To shop? To hang out? I mean, he can’t hole up in his penthouse ALL the time … can he? And there’s just so often that he can visit BFF Dave…and he’s certainly not going to appear on a public beach…seriously, what does he DO in his downtime? Curious minds want to know. Or maybe he works it so he HAS no downtime…maybe I should subscribe to the National Enquirer or the Star…maybe THEY know…”Tom Cruise eats ice cream…just like us!…Tom picks up his laundry…just like us…”
To: Aquamarine
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: Tom Cruise’s personal life.
To: David Miscavige COB RTC and Tom Cruise, purported superstar.
Re: your personal activities.
I have an idea what you two do together but I’m too devout a Christian to openly say it.
No love at all,
Like all BFFs, Big Being #2 and #3 depend upon one another. They praise, support and comfort one other. They commiserate with one another’s huge responsibilities and weighty obligations to LRH’s legacy and mankind. Each of them knows that it is solely THEIR combined theta power that is keeping the planet from being blown apart. Together they muse about what will happen when they each decide – for the greatest good – to to drop their bodies. Who will take their places? Indeed, who even could? This is of paramount concern. Who will carry on after them? Who in this wide universe will be able to wear Tom’s size 8’s; to step into Dave’s little John Loeb’s?
Here’s my take on this, Aqua. What about Suri? Doesn’t TC love or care about his daughter? How many years has it been since he’s seen her? I did enjoy TCs performance in ‘Risky Business ‘ and ‘The Outsiders’. He was at that time a great actor. Then along came Scientology, Miscavige and PHHBBBBBTT! There it all went. Now he’s a laughingstock (just like you, Dave) who isn’t taken seriously anymore.
Alcoboy, my take is that yes, he loves and cares about his daughter, and probably misses her, possibly misses her acutely at times, and would in his heart of hearts love to reconnect with her. All of the above – except…just not enough. My take is that STRONGER than any of the above emotions is his adherence to making decisions based upon “The Greatest Good For the Greatest Number of Dynamics”. He’s not a monster. Being in the cult for decades has made him into a kind of circuit, a thought stopping, emotion-blotting out circuit. He’s a cult creature now, a kind of “thing” that looks human but who doesn’t (or shouldn’t) think, does not (or should not ) feel, and mustn’t (or should never) act in any way that would not “further” the interests of the cult.
Again, I don’t know him and this is purely my opinion. What happened to him, how being in the cult transformed him is what has happened, I believe to many long term Scientologists who make decisions about their families (and everything in their lives) based on “Greatest Good”. The greatest good is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS what will most benefit/protect/expand the cult, and if that is acceptable and comfortable to the individual Scientologist or staff or Sea Org member, fine, but if its not, well, that’s just too bad; the cult’s best interest comes first, always, and the individual Scientologist does not get to decide what the cult’s best interest is. No, the Scientologist is TOLD via Scientology Ethics what the “Greatest Good” IS, and that is that, and what his or her decision MUST be, and that is THAT! AND they are told – it is carefully explained – that this “Greatest Good” decision will benefit even those who are being disconnected from (if its a disconnection issue). No matter what havoc a greatest good decision wreaks upon the lives of Scientologists, their families, their businesses, they are told, they are assured, they are CONVINCED by Ethics that eventually ALL will benefit.
Right. I agree. Tom Cruise is probably a pretty decent guy apart from the cult. There are times that I wonder if he has had enough of the Church, Miscavige and everything associated with it. What would it take for him to make that break? I sometimes envision him coming to me and asking me to help him leave the church and reconnect with Katie and Suri. And I see myself doing it.
Boy, that’s a SMALL bubble you’re describing, Aqua; Just Top Gun and Dwarfenführer® trading admiration back and forth.
Truly the blind admiring the blind and at the same time trying to shoulder each other away from some imaginary finish line. A race of two which has no end except by death, disconnection doesn’t or can’t apply in that micro bubble. For if it did, that is the end of Scientology. Deep down they both know it and their lawyers do too! Therein lies the insanity they created, & they can’t buy their way out of it. Money is only a pedestal for them, not a solution.
Hard to fathom just how nutty it is, yet there it is…
(Like everything else discussed regarding Scientology, one can satire it and have a chuckle, but the insane brutality and sadness seeps through every time upon reflection). Scientology is a different type of war, but war none the less.
Yes, its a small bubble but frankly, what else can they do? Many years ago in the early 80s (before I got into Scientology or even knew anything about it) I visited friends in Holiday, Florida. They took us to Clearwater Beach (gorgeous). Afterwards we drove thru downtown CW. From what I could see there wasn’t much happening, and that was THEN before the cult took over downtown. Not that we were disappointed; we weren’t there to shop or to go to clubs! We were visiting family friends who had retired, they had a cute house with a pool, we wanted to relax and unwind and drink orange juice and swim. I was enthralled with CW Beach – the pure white sand, that refreshing clean salt water. But then, for Tom Cruise, movie star – I don’t know, I can’t see him there for some reason, unless he thinks of it purely as a “bedroom” community home, a place where he pit stops between acting jobs in other locations and every so often appears at Flag Graduations or other events to give the cultees a thrill.
I’ve known and do know a few minor celebrities, mainly in the sports/fly fishing world. Great people, but to the way I see them, part of their lives is beyond their control because of social media. They have to be extremely careful of what they say or do.
Apparently the more famous you become, the less of a real life you have, or privacy can become a real issue. Bob Dylan went totally affect of the massive attention he got.
TC made his own bed, and now he has to lie in it. His involvement in the cult is pretty much complete. Just the recorded crap he dribbled on about for the world to see & hear and his close association with Miscaivge is as good a life sentence.
You can’t fix stupid. I really don’t think he a very bright individual anyway and for way too long has relied on others to do his thinking for him.
He means nothing to me personally except for the damage he does promoting the cult. If there was a formula for him to get out of it, it would have to be involved with the downfall of Miscavige of which he could not be connected with.
Funny, but it just made me think of Stalin when the Nazis invaded Russia. He believed the lies of Hitler and when he realized he was betrayed he locked himself away for a week or two. In his case he was a sociopath anyway but when he came out he was twice as ruthless.
TC could play the sympathy card if Miscavige goes down, probably his only way out. But he still has to live with himself and his stupidity.
The event flyer claims you’ll hear from “dignitaries who were there with us 25 years ago.” Does that mean Heber Jentzsch will be brought out of hiding? After all, he was there for the grand opening, alongside John Travolta and, yes, David Miscavige.
See for yourself, and laugh at how Scientology referred to LRH Way as an “ideal” street: https://www.freedommag.org/english/canada/400m/page20.htm
Just read the article and here’s what gets me. Notice that Miscavige is just a side note in this article. John Travolta takes center stage along with Heber Jentsch. At this point Miscavige hadn’t started knocking people out of his way left and right like he would do years later. Also not featured is the poor Catholic lady across the street from ASHO LA who years later would be pressured to vacate her home so Scientology could grab it up.
Considering what a misogynistic racist Hubbard was, I’m surprised LA has left LRH Way in place this long.
They’ve left it as is this long because NO ONE is paying attention to the enterprise calling itself scientology any more. If it disappeared tomorrow, the world would would little notice or mourn. Only those who went down with the ship and their families.
Frankly, I am surprised that there is still an LRH Way in LA. In a time where manger scenes are verboten and Christmas is neutered to “Holiday”, how can this be OK? Imagine a Jesus Freeway, an Allah Alley, or Moses Plaza. Or for that matter commemorations to hubbard peers like Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, Warren Jeffrey, David Koresh, Jim Jones, or Keith Raniere. Or former scientologist Charles Manson.
What’s up with this? Of all the religions, “religions” (wink, wink) or simply charlatans to endorse, why this one? Really, LA?
I’d like to see a Revelations Expressway. We’re all gonna crash, we’re all gonna die, but Christ will appear in front of every vehicle just before the Last Exit.
“… with commemorating speeches from dignitaries who were there with us 25 years ago…”
In light of how many “dignitaries” have been tricked into appearing to endorse the cult only to distance themselves furiously after the fact, I doubt that they will have much to draw upon.
So many levels of problems with L. Ron Hubbard and his Scientology creation.
If the beliefs were valid, then not only Ron, but others, would be making their return lives on earth way way way more noticeable and really real to the rest of humanity, and that truly would transform human society. But the beliefs in past and future lives, and the concept that we are this soul that transmigrates, just hasn’t held water all human history, to date.
It’d be great, I guess, if it were true, I don’t know, it might end up being a bigger mess on earth than already to have souls really disconnected from bodies all interacting with humanity, etc, etc, and humanity clamoring and setting up laws to protect their belongings and capital (piggy bank stuff) they wish to keep into their future life, it would just be a new order of chaos I think, if the soul transmigration concepts were really true.
Second, it would totally bring Hubbard down to size, and his archives CST massive waste of money upkeeping all his past lifetime goodies and “original manuscripts” in pristine condition in the expensive underground vaults, is beyond egotistical.
Scientology “tech” (the pseudo-therapy and exorcism) is supposed to help make everyone OT and soul powerful, and surely, if this “tech” (the quackery is what it amounts to) were working, there’d be way more superpowerfully rejuvenated souls coming back, by now, not just Ron.
It’s double whammy against Hubbard and his Scientology creation.
If you cut through to the real basics of the subject, and the lack of results, Scientology does not deserve praise. It is meritless.
People’s money and time are not well spent in Scientology “tech” since no one is demonstrably turning into OT super soulful souls.
No OTs. That song was a great one, I can’t find it anymore, it used to be on YouTube.
Another thing I can’t find on the internet, is the old Andy Dick comedy short movie on the Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes wedding. That was hilarious.
In OT8.0, Hubbard blamed his lack of results on a missed implant laid in during Incident II that corrupted human genetic lines, leaving successive generations more susceptible to extraterrestrial conditioning.
He claimed that unless it was run out, scientology can only ever deliver “temporary key-outs.”
Combined with HCOB Pain & Sex, it’s clear that for all the illusive/delusive placebo effects his tech could induce, this was a man with all the aches, pains and failing anatomy of every elderly run-of-the-mill, garden-variety humanoid that ever lived.
And he could do nothing about it.
After spending decades blaming his failures on his critics, psychiatrists, SMERSH, as well as the ghostly victims of an ancient galactic holocaust, it turns out that the real barrier to total freedom was the “meat body” all along.
Great summary. His brief failure superficial admission was a good as it gets.
Superb comment, mwestern.
As Source, LRH should have presented himself as a high quality “product” of Scientology tech, a physical specimen in excellent good health and shape for his age – a physical “upstat” for his chronological age. Instead, despite all his money he was clinically obese with visibly rotting teeth and skin cancer. What was he thinking, I wonder? Certainly there must have existed doctors and dentists who, for the right amounts of money, would have been more than glad to safely and effectively treat him in the utmost confidence. Certainly there must have been people who could have cooked him delicious, nutritious meals. Certainly he must have known that the human body needs some regular exercise in order to be healthy and stay healthy. I’m not advocating obsessive care of the body, just the normal – healthy food, sleep, exercise – just the basics. LRH MUST have known these basics and yet he chose to ignore them, let himself go, become ill and look like hell. I don’t get it, I really don’t.
I think it’s fair to say that behind the image he projected was a deeply troubled man with an inherent self-loathing. His preferred methods of rehabilitation (as evidenced by both his “affirmations” and his “tech”) never involved validating the existence of his problems and confronting them…but bypassing them via ego expansion and self-image modification.
Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn’t. The therapeutic nature of the placebo effect is well established, including its impact on neurobiological processes. So there is some value in it.
But even though he eventually caught on to the significance of the physical body, he still clung to the delusion that he could “believe” his way out of the problem by addressing theta.
“The freedom of an individual depends upon that individual’s freedom to alter his considerations of space, energy, time, and forms of life and his roles in it. If he cannot change his mind about these, he is then fixed and enslaved midst barriers such as those of the physical universe, and barriers of his own creation.” – LRH, Creation of Human Ability.
“Changing your mind about it” can be an effective process. But it can also lead to the denial of reality. Scientology in a nutshell.
See also:
Kowalchyk, et al. (2021), Narcissism through the lens of performative self-elevation. Personality and Individual Differences, Volume 177, 2021, 110780, ISSN 0191-8869, doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2021.110780.
mwestern, I responded to your comment but I’m not sure if it got posted. It seems like it disappeared into the ether. I’ll check back tomorrow and if its not up I’ll repost it. I’m not sure what I do wrong that makes postings disappear after I’ve seen them up and while they are being moderated. I must be doing something wrong sometimes because it doesn’t always happen.
But, but but as “Source” wasn’t he suppose to be ultimately in total control of how his body was and total control of his health? To do what you suggest, as most competent humans try to do, he would have to submit his self to doctors. Wouldn’t that have gone against what he was teaching? That one could become in total control of one’s body and health by applying the tech of scientology? Wouldn’t that force him to admit that what he was teaching was wrong and therefore he was wrong?
Not having been ‘in” I don’t know, intimately, all the teaching but I have read a good bit. Seems that he was caught between a rock and a hard place on that subject. He told people he was in control of his health and every other part of his life and if he had to use doctors he was admitting he was not.
We all know the truth about this but it seems he couldn’t handle the truth. He had his own truth and that was he was in total control. We do know how that worked out for him though don’t we? He faced the truth that we all will face someday. Our life will come to an end no matter how we take care of ourselves.
Hi safetyguy,
Thanks for your response. Sensible questions, certainly. I was in for 27 years. I didn’t reach the upper levels of OT so I can’t say whether as “Source” Hubbard ever claimed to be in total control of his health. Nothing to that effect was ever in the numerous courses or auditing actions I did on what was called “the Lower Bridge”. But its possible that on the OT levels he made those claims about himself.
My points were made from the viewpoint of any reasonably aware person, Scientologist or not, let alone “Source”. One need not be a Scientologist to be aware of fairly standard practices with regard to ensuring bodily health and maintaining it into one’s senior years in most cases. The garden variety non medical, non Scientologist humanoid is aware that the avoidance of excessive sugar and saturated fats and of overeating altogether along with not smoking and not overindulging in alcohol while at the same time engaging in moderate exercise are the basics as one’s body ages!
And of course our lives will end no matter how we take care of ourselves.
But if one enjoys being alive and has a meaningful purpose for being alive it makes sense to take reasonable care of the body. It is what other people see. I mean, this is just me, just my opinion.
I am perplexed that Hubbard would neglect this very important “Public Relations” point with regard to his own physical person. How did looking like a diseased slob further what he claimed was his most vital purpose? Would he have tolerated other Scientologists walking around looking like hell and doing nothing about serious disease? Somehow I don’t think so. Then why did he tolerate it in himself? Why did he not have the discipline with regard to his own health and appearance that he would very likely object to in his staff people or Scientology public?
You know, I’m a big detective fiction fan. When there’s a puzzle I tend to refer to Sherlock Holmes and Miss Marple and others who are my favorite fiction detectives. Each of them say that when attempting to solve a puzzle, FIRST go for the obvious reasons because the answers are almost always the obvious ones.
Ergo, if I’m wondering why Hubbard didn’t get his broken rib handled, instead letting it heal on its own with crude help from his staff, instead of getting help immediately for the skin cancer on his forehead and instead letting it grow with the possibility of it metasticizing and spreading throughout his body, and getting his God-awful rotting teeth with what was no doubt the accompanying disgusting pyrrhea and trenchmouth breath cleaned out and handled – instead of doing what any ordinary non-Scientologist humanoid with the money to do so would do – he ignored these physical conditions and let them get even worse. Why?
Well the OBVIOUS reasons would be that he was afraid of dentists and doctors. Many people are. But then, he is SOURCE for the only hope that Mankind has to clear the planet. It beggars belief that he would be afraid to go to the dentist or a doctor to tape up his ribs. This is difficult to believe indeed. But yet in solving this puzzle, this possibility cannot be discounted and must be given due consideration.
I wonder if he thought so highly of himself that he really didn’t realize he was in that condition or refused to accept he was in that condition so he didn’t seek that help. I have read that he talked about all the health issues were cured or whatever by the proper application of his tech and just couldn’t bring himself to admit that he was either not as far along on own journey in scientology or admit he was flat wrong about it.
I venture to say it was the latter though. The guy at the top now? Who knows with him.
Interesting food for thought. I didn’t know him but I would agree with you that it was the latter – that he knew what was wrong with him but could not admit being “flat wrong” about his ability to cure himself without medical help. He might have also feared that those closest to him might “leak” his doctor or dental visits or if they didn’t leak them then at least they would lose their awe of him. His visiting doctors and dentists would take away his omnipotence, or I should say his AURA of omnipotence which he most intentionally created and furthered when he relayed anecdotes about himself in his various speeches and other writings. Maybe he was afraid of dispelling that myth about himself as an all powerful OT who “didn’t do magic tricks” because it would only upset people…THAT bit of BS
Its very interesting to speculate about this, I must say. One thing is for sure: His standards for OTHER Scientologists were WAY higher than his actual, for real standards for his own behavior, speech and condition! For the former they were impossibly high and I must say for himself they were incredibly LOW.
safetyguy, this comment belongs below my post below. I ran out of time editing and could post no further.
As for Miscavige, its safe to opine that his considerations about his physical health and appearance are 180 degrees opposite of the Founder’s. I mean, talk about Night and Day!
I’d say that Miscavige not only cares a great deal about his health and appearance but quite possibly is obsessed with both.
His careful, highly nutritious diet with the finest and most expensive organic meat, fish and produce; his weight, his tan, his sleeping until noon, his HAIR (OMG his formerly brown now blond hair) the expensive clothes and handmade shoes; regular chiropractic adjustments, bringing his chiropractor WITH him when he travels – its safe to opine that here is someone OUTRAGEOUSLY interested in his appearance and every aspect of his physical health.
I’ll venture to say that he probably freaked during Covid and was (and possibly still is) totally paranoid about catching it. Someone with asthma at any age would be at high risk and at 62 Miscavige is no chicken
HIs way seems to be the way to h e double hockey sticks not the way to happiness. But that is just me.
“David Miscavige Way” is a Down escalator in a near-dead 80s mall.
Every day it scoops up unsuspecting riders and spills them at a one-way exit.
To: Ammo Alamo
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: David Miscavige Way in a shopping mall.
To: David Miscavige COB RTC.
From.: Alcoboy.
Re: naming things.
Top that?
Okay, in my hometown there is this sleazy corner bar that I can have named after you.
The Drunken Missed Cabbage.
How’s that?
No love at all,
Ah, bar names that salute the Diminutive Dastardly Dingus:
The Potemkin Puncher Pub
The Bitch Slapper Bar
The Tiny Terror Tavern
The Arsebustin’ Ale House
The Dreck and Drivel Dive
Cult Cuck Craft Beers
The Marcab Martini House
And more creative names…
Assets and Asses
Trail Of Tears
Insane Thetan Posse
The Happy Implant Station
Galloping Glee
Worldwide Whine
R6 Roundtable
Serfac Surf Bar
Meat ‘n’ MEST
The Obscene Dog
The Lucky Luciferian
The Remote View Lodge
The Inn At Arselykus
Wow! Quite a list to choose from! Maybe we could get every bar owner in Clearwater to adopt one of these names!
Sure would piss the mighty midget off!
“Shelley’s Hideaway”
“K. R. Daily”
“Disconnection Destination”
“Ron’s Rundown”

Good ones!
Let me try it:
The Inebriated COB
The Way to Bankruptcy
And my favorite:
The Brick Pile.
(Go to the nearest brick pile and pound sand…..)
Very Well Done!

Inn with a Smile, Out with a Thud.

As I’ve said, mental chains are stonger than Steel.
Sadly true.
In the promo itself: Why the repeat of “a cast of inner city kids” when the name of the performing arts organization, Inner City Performing Arts, clearly conveys the geographical area on which the organization directs energy and focus.
Readers who visit this blog know, it looks like another C of S PR move to show, “We are a real church that gives attention to the downtrodden.” When as readers we know, when it comes to a person who is honestly down-and-out and lacking in resources, this “church” will not factually be there for them. Such a person is labeled a “down-statistic,” a non-producer, or worse “a degraded being.” Truly sad.
I wonder if Angry Gay Pope is going down there on April 9 and try to enturbulate things?
That would be fun to watch!
He should take Nasty Nathanial along as well!
Talk about shaking things up!