I was forwarded this “LRH quote” being handed out by scientology as a source of wisdom and inspiration.
It did inspire me to wonder how this squares with scientology spending tens of millions of dollars to advertise on TV and even starting up their own TV station with the SuMP?
Isn’t scientology in direct violation of the word of Source? Aren’t they, according to Him, actively participating in putting kids “in the middle of Hiroshima”?
If they DON’T believe these words are true, why are they putting out something like this for all scientologists to ingest these gems handed down from the front porch to infinity?
If they do believe they are true, why then are they committing such evil acts pushing TV?
It would be like if L. Ron Hubbard said abortions were criminal and the elite corps of scientology coerced people into having abortions…
Scientologists become “Hubbard-blind.” It’s an affliction that is very difficult to cure. They take any word that L. Ron Hubbard utters and parrot it, proclaiming its great wisdom. Often they appear not to understand what he said, or they elect to ignore the insanity and pretend it is perfectly normal and that if anyone doesn’t see it their way “they have M/U’s.” Either way, this is the end product of a system that erodes critical thinking ability and replaces it with the words of Source (always with a capital “s”) which are invariably and unalterably true. no matter how at odds they are with reality or common sense.
Rachael says
Sump ?? like sump pumps for sewage. Who 2as responsible for that name?
peterl says
Also the container that holds your old engine oil in your car , I can see the resemblance .
Rachael says
HAHA no kidding!
Richard says
Someone on the blogs did an investigation into Hubbard’s studies of rhetoric which got me interested.
Compare this statement to what Hubbard says.
“So you see the social life of a country busting up under the impact of TV.”
I can take this as a writer’s observation or speculation and agree or disagree to whatever extent.
Here’s what Hubbard says.
So you see the social life of a country busting up “and so forth”, under “this sort of thing.”
The idea is thrown into a generality.
rhetoric – 6. the art of making persuasive speeches; oratory.
7. (in classical oratory) the art of influencing the thought and conduct of an audience.
Richard says
I think Hubbard’s mastery of rhetoric is a piece of the puzzle on how I/we came to accept various tenets of scn. I don’t think Elron ever said this, but how about . . .
“As thetans continued to create universes and so forth . . . ”
I certainly believe people can and do create things from time to time – haha
I Yawnalot says
Oh boy! 1954 electronics and references to TV? Get the fuck out-a-here Hubbard!
I can’t believe I bought that shit back when I listened to that sort of dribble. Hubbard also says, ‘electronics has once again come to Earth, every time previously it resulted in disaster.’
That quote above pissed me off. Hubbard burns the candle at both ends all too often, in fact that’s all he ever did. If he was such a guru at “whole track,” how come he never saw the internet coming or personal computers owned by just about everyone of substance on the planet and their ability and power as a communication device? What… he never read Dick Tracy comics or ever heard of him? He also says, “get on the comm lines of the world and make a difference.” He’s just about as contradictory as you can get.
MEST… Hubbard truly did devise a master plan of deceit with a description of life that would make Ripley’s, “believe it or not,” quite jealous He used your very beingness (beingness is space = space is part of MEST) as a mental/spiritual adversary (The Factors) yet promoted people to know you by your MEST.
Fuck Scientology is a sick joke!
ElCon wisely developed that cure-all, the Purif, so how could he have been wrong about radiation? Mega doses of niacin, hours in the sauna, and smoking plenty have resulted in miraculous ridding bodies of drug residue, stored in fatty tissue, and expelling radiation. What’s wrong with you doubters? You can’t argue with documented results.
Aquamarine says
Forget the gamma rays, that’s nonsense. Having said that I do think that people who watch a great deal of television instead of reading, or getting outside, or workiing, socializing or engaging in some kind of purposeful activity outside the home or within it, are misinformed and kind of out of it. I know several people who watch an extraordinary amount of TV and I find them frequently angry and rather phobic. I do think that a lot of TV watching makes people kind of dumb and suggestible and very easily push-buttoned one way or another. There’s excellent stuff on TV but most of it is mental junk food and like the physical junk food, if its in the house, you’re going to eat it. That’s what I think and you can pile on to me about it or or whatever because that’s what I think and I don’t care if it sounds snobbish or elistist, etc. And there’s this caveat: , if someone is infirm and home bound or in a nursing home or something, and doesn’t like to read, there’s nothing else except television. But anyone in decent health who just sits in front of a TV all day – good luck with that.
Mike Rinder says
I 100% agree with you. And it’s not just TV these days. It’s “screen time” in general. Watching stuff or playing games (as opposed to typing/writing or reading more than captions) is we limit our boys on. They have to go outside or read a book or play a game. Endless hours watching tv/YouTube etc DOES make them ornery.
I don’t think you are elitist in the slightest. But then again, maybe I am too! 🙂
Aquamarine says
Thanks, Mike. Glad I’m not alone on this. And, as one elitist to another, you’ll be pleased to know that the tuna fish salad I prepared for today’s lunch was made with Miracle Whip. Certain standards need to be maintained…
Wynski says
Good rules. Our boys were limited to one hour on the computer or computer games after homework. Unless it was school work. TV was 1/2 hour on weekdays and one hour week ends. Otherwise, playing outside or other activities.
They complained at the time but were very thankful as adults.
Aquamarine says
That’s amazing! And encouraging to hear, Wynski, from you and Mike.
Terra Cognita says
One of the characteristics of all cults is their need to minimize members’ contact with the outside world. Telling people that watching TV is dangerous, newspapers just report bad news, and that the Internet is full is full of “entheta,” are more ways of controlling the flock.
The more that Scientology makes outside sources of data appear dangerous, the fewer chances there are for members to discover the real truth.
whatareyourcrimes says
Please SUMP, release content.
Please SUMP, release content.
Please SUMP, release content.
I can not wait for the gold mine of source material for endless ridicule of scientology.
peterl says
Gamma Rays from TV eh ? , Well welcome to the 21st century Scamology , todays tv,s are either plasma or like mine LED not cathode ray tubes as was in the past .
The NCBI in Feb 2004 published an article on radioactivity from cathode ray tubes which said that the radiation which was produced by these tubes was contained within them and that there was no contamination to any surrounding areas .
And in fact you would literary have to have your face welded to the screen to receive anything more than normal background radiation from them .
LED and Plasma tv,s emit very small amounts of electromagnetic radiation in pluses but still far less that a cathode ray tube ever did or could , you would have to weld your face to the screen again receive any kind of dose which is to say insignificant .
It has to be total hypocrisy that Scamology persist along this line since they are into making videos and ads at Gold Base which are shown to prospective cash bags ( people ) to suck them in while watching it themselves alongside the prospective cash bag .
Maybe this is the reason that they refused to be interviewed on Mike and Leah,s excellent doco ” Scientology and the Aftermath ” they feared the mythological tv screen , …… Yeah right !
PeaceMaker says
Sitting in front of a TV is the same as Hiroshima? You always have to love Hubbard’s wacky ideas about radiation! (though, technically, by 1955 the levels of radiation in Hiroshima were down to little more than background). Hubbard was, typically, playing into an unsubstantiated pseudo-scientific fear or urban myth of the time, that TV sets emitted enough radiation to be harmful (except for a few problem models, levels were insignificant); and has the science and physics wrong, as what CRT tubes do emit is X-ray, not gamma, radiation, which wouldn’t register on a Geiger counter.
And in his usual form, Hubbard manages to sound wise, but is only reformulating ideas that were already in the popular sphere, or at in least intellectual circles, such as the media critiques of Marshall McLuhan:
“The ordinary person senses the greatness of the odds against him even without thought or analysis, and he adapts his attitudes unconsciously. A huge passivity has settled on industrial society. For people carried about in mechanical vehicles, earning their living by waiting on machines, listening much of the waking day to canned music, watching packaged movie entertainment and capsulated news, for such people it would require an exceptional degree of awareness and an especial heroism of effort to be anything but supine consumers of processed goods.” The Mechanical Bride (1951), p. 21″
nomnom says
When computers first started to be used in orgs, they were required to have these thick glass filters in front of the screens to shield the operators from ‘radiation’.
Finally Free says
You are right! I babysat a Scieno and whenever her mother was on the computer, she wore one of those thick bibs they put on you when you get x-rays! It was HILARIOUS! It still makes me laugh
Mike Rinder says
When INCOMM first started, they had a screen in front of the screen that was some sort of “protection” from something never really explained….
lostlunagirl says
I do now have a rather funny image of “hysterical geiger counters” in my head now though….dashing all about on little geiger legs. LOL.
Deanoftruth says
Wow! Right up there with tin foil hats. LOL!
Secretfornow says
I saw that at an applied scholastics school as well. The BS spread to the fringe groups too.
Angry Gay Pope says
I like the photo of the sculptor making a bust of LRH out of … body thetans???
Golden Era Parachute says
When I was ‘in’, I think my first questioning of the authority of the materials ‘workability’ was when I was asked by the Sup to go look up the word using standard procedure (whatever), and then after doing so, I verbally gave the definition, and the Sup didn’t like it. Well, this whole process was looped over and over again until I gave the definition that was wanted regardless of my consideration.
I know there can be incorrect people in any religion(priest scandals, etc.), but this seemed to be ‘Modus-Operendi’ in scn. Anytime you were ‘out of agreement’ with consensus groupthink in the Org, M/U time. You had a MU, must word clear until you are ‘in agreement’ with consensus groupthink. Still can’t believe I didn’t walk away sooner.
Secretfornow says
You’re so right, Mike.
I had one certainty that was the bedrock of my life: everything Hubbard wrote or said was 100 percent accurate and anything that didn’t make sense or seemed incorrect was my inability to understand.
The comfort of this certainly probably feels similar to an unshakable faith in God.
As I progress I see and understand more and more how this came to be. I’m always surprised by the posters who describe how they had had doubts or reservations.
Someday I’d like to understand how my conviction was complete and how others escaped that.
I’m so often amazed that it could shatter for me. It has been so very worth the precipitating trauma. And I’m always grateful.
Thanks again for your presence and work.
Cat W. says
“I had one certainty that was the bedrock of my life: everything Hubbard wrote or said was 100 percent accurate and anything that didn’t make sense or seemed incorrect was my inability to understand.
The comfort of this certainly probably feels similar to an unshakable faith in God.”
Hi Secretfornow. I was wondering if you could explain this a little more. I have had similar (false) certainties that eventually toppled, including an unshakable faith in God. So I have some inkling. But I have a hard time understanding how people could believe this about someone who was clearly an ordinary human and clearly had many flaws, including a blatant lack of understanding of the subjects on which he professed absolute knowledge (except hypnosis, which was the one skill he denied using). Do you think it was the hypnotic effect of all the times you were asked if you were withholding bad thoughts about him? Or the power of peer pressure, since all these people you knew believed that? Did you actually find his writing insightful and superior to other books? Did you meet him and come away impressed? He seems to me so like Trump — so blatantly, outrageously narcissistic and delusional. Did you have moments where you saw through it and suppressed them? I’m just curious how such total devotion could work — how it could get set up in the first place and how it could hold in the face of so much counter-evidence.
secretfornow says
Hi, thanks for asking. Inspecting and reflecting and speaking with others is helpful to me. I take every “safe” opportunity to do so. I’m UTR due to spouse, family, friends. income, still tied to it.
I got in as a teen from a non-religious home with some abusive type situations, I was searching, mildly doing drugs, and wanted answers. So I was young and dumb and open. I was introduced by my best friend who had found scn and stopped drugs – this was powerful.
I went in and did a personality test and was then love bombed. I found a group who had this weird and interesting language, many were 3- 8 years older than I, so they were to be looked up to. They were all so certain and eager, and it was exciting. I moved to a new big city to become involved. All of this played a part.
So I didn’t know any better. I didn’t actually study anything else. This was very early for me, and I was old enough to want answers but young enough to not know the vast and many areas that could possibly hold answers.
I joined staff right away and was sent for “full time training”. This basically indoctrinated me into scn very forcefully. Full time training is very stressful and intense, and I believe it was the key to the brainwashing. I don’t know you, but it sounds like you are a “never in”. There is a thing called Method 9 word clearing. I don’t want to over-explain, so I won’t go into that, but I M9ed KSW 1 (keeping scientology working) several times, and did “chinese school” memorization of many many “tenets” of scn.
For me, all of scn evaporated pretty much in an instant, (fairly recently) I’m not one of these who took time to slowly back away, for me it was a very traumatic instant and wrenching thing – since this has happened I first took time to just recover, and now I’m reflecting. (quietly) so I believe it was this full time training and the methods, the stress of it, the authoritarian aspect of the supervisors, the goals, the expectation, and my own hopes and dreams of everlasting knowledge and happiness that brainwashed me so thoroughly right out of the gate.
I was told Hubbard knew all and that all the answers were here and had it laid out for me, I accepted it gladly and went from there.
So to try to answer your questions…..I didn’t go to college, I didn’t study anything or anyone else, I read Hubbard and novels only. No outside factual information. Scn teaches that everything is garbage or suspect other than hubbard – so I didn’t study anything else, didn’t have or watch TV, didn’t listen to news or have any other exposure except staff, hubbard, scn teachings, for decades.
I hung out with other scios, I worked with scios, I was staff, and my friends were other scios. I kept in touch with family but knew they were uninformed “wogs”. I come from a lower middle class family with no education. I had always been, “the smart one”. (hahahhaha!!!)
I never met hubbard, but with the full time training so early on, he became the certainty. Over time I saw people being flawed, doing things wrongly, having bad ideas, acting like assholes, and so on. None of this mattered to me because I knew that LRH was right about everything and he was the certainty. Scios could be off the mark but LRH KNEW.
I really think it was like believing in God infallible. At the time I never thought of him as god, just as the smartest one around who rose above everything and found a way out. found the truth and shared it, “the best friend mankind ever knew”.
Now….I’m just amazed I could have been SO taken in and SO certain for SO long. It boggles me.
I went though a big trauma and was very suicidal. I’m working on that part. I don’t want scn to win and can’t let my family down. But it’s pretty hard.
Hope this helps. Pretty much everything here helps me. I’m always trying.
Cat W. says
Thanks for sharing that. I imagine it is risky. I admire your courage to come here and even post when you have so much of your community and life dependent on people who are still truly “in.”
Yes, I’m a never in. I have friends who are baffled by my fascination with Scientology. For one thing, as I mentioned, I was gullible in following *other* ideologies as well as in tolerating other types of abuse and abusive organizations. For another, Scientology seems to typify and encapsulate so many core illnesses. To me it’s this unbelievable case study of what’s wrong in the world. I often shake my head or feel outraged.
But your story is believable to me. I can see how it happened. I can see how in similar circumstances I might have taken a similar path. (That’s a little disturbing; I’m always looking for ways to better immunize myself and others.) Yet your story also offers clues for how to reduce risk. I often focus on education, especially science education. Your path in — and that of many — seems to have depended a great deal on being deprived of facts and the knowledge of how to evaluate the credibility of conflicting claims. I can imagine a time machine bringing you a small paperback on the latter early in your life and it changing the whole course of your life. (I long for the day when every child on earth has access to the equivalent of such a paperback.) Your path also seems to have depended a lot on “milieu control.” I think the possibility of that control being maintained is reduced every time another piece of the Scientology story comes out and every time another former Scientologist breaks their mind free. So that is hopeful (as is your sudden awakening, despite how painful that was).
Thanks again for taking the time and risk to share your story. I hope your family also finds their way out to join you.
Secretfornow says
I just saw this answer – perhaps latent posting of it –
Thanks for all of this. Wow, “milieu control.” – what a great term. I just looked it up, this is so helpful. I love finding out bits of things that describe what scn does in real world terms. It’s like,….pulling the blankets off and exposing it, it brings it into the sunlight, deconstructs it. It’s SO helpful, makes it seem less mystical, magical and powerful.
🙂 yay.
I was a cult magnet in other ways too, but I don’t go into detail as I never know who is reading these blogs. I would so like to hear more of your story and the ways you were wooed by Sirens and Snakes.
I’m not too worried about scn luring in lots of young people as it did in the 60’s and 70’s. With the internet, Mike and Leah and all the heroes who speak out with faces shown and all of the books, – you’re right – these and also the mindset and difference in culture and awareness help protect young questioning people from Scn’s trap.
But also Miscav is doing a bang-up job too. I didn’t get in due to flashy buildings, people in uniforms and a room full of screens showing happy shiny people solving problems.
The words of a trusted friend got me in the door, I sat down in front of a skilled and charming man, older than me just enough to set me up to look up to him and listen, yet young enough to flatter me with his attention. He got me talking about my worries and fears, he gave me kudos and credit for being smart enough to seek answers and then provided hope. Hell, color TV was still pretty new…there wasn’t a whiff of internet.
I DO worry that someone else could come along and deconstruct the scn playbook and come up with a NEW vicious cult that could lure folks in.
I understand your fascination with Scn. As I pull back, as I shake the goo from my eyes and look about, I’m surprised and stunned at the mechanisms of the trap, how it got me in, how it kept me so VERY blind …I’m pretty much in a constant state of gobsmacked-ness 🙂 as I look at what I spent my life doing and believing.
Scn’s demise is happening as we sip our tea. We who were in had no clue, as of practically yesterday I believed all the hype of our greatness and power. Old scios are dying off and they didn’t make enough children to keep it going much longer.
Scn is a little piece of poop swirling in a toilet that’s already been flushed.
Watch it go!
Cat W. says
Hi SecretForNow. I’ve been meaning to come back to respond to your posts for several days, but I was sick and then trying to catch up with things. (I think one of your responses must have “crossed in the mail” with mine – both approved in the same batch.)
‘Wow, “milieu control.” – what a great term. I just looked it up, this is so helpful. I love finding out bits of things that describe what scn does in real world terms.’
Glad it was useful. I picked it up from one of the regulars (forget who exactly) at the Underground Bunker, who got it from Steven Hassan (Combatting Cult Mind Control), who got it from Robert Jay Lifton (Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism), if I recall correctly. I think having words and concepts is an essential part of being able to formulate thoughts freely. That’s why cult leaders like Hubbard invariably control the use of language. I find that part infuriating, especially a few concepts that I got elsewhere and now discover are essentially tainted by how Scientology uses them. (“Postulates” is the one I brought up at the Bunker once.)
“I DO worry that someone else could come along and deconstruct the scn playbook and come up with a NEW vicious cult that could lure folks in.”
I worry about that, too, even of myself. Not that I would ever deliberately start a cult, but I’m extremely good at imagining this sort of woo stuff and finding weird ways to reconcile paradoxes around it. Back in the day when I more believed such things, I spread those kind of beliefs around. And I sometimes will go off on little fantasy jaunts I consider jokes (as Hubbard seems to have done, except he DID deliberately start a cult with it). I have several times been tempted to write up a sample OT IX and X just to prove how easy it is to do. I haven’t, because I’m afraid that stuff like that might get used by someone else to hook people. I’m afraid that ideas I helped spread might have a longer life than my own. Consequently, I can be a bit of a nebbish about such ideas in person. I HAVE TO bring up the counter-example to offset people’s willingness to believe rubbish like Hubbard’s jokes (and mine). It’s a good thing I don’t want to start or be part of a cult, because I’m afraid I would be quite good at creating ideology for one. I even wonder, supposing there was an actual flesh-and-blood person on whom Jesus of the New Testament was based, whether he would be similarly horrified to see what has been espoused in his name (as I would be if my fantasies ended up being the foundation of a cult).
You watch, a century from now there will be true believers in the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Mark my words. Hehe.
Secretfornow says
..Hi..I came back this morning and want to add some thoughts on this part of your questions:
“Do you think it was the hypnotic effect of all the times you were asked if you were withholding bad thoughts about him?”
I’ll try to be brief. Staff are exposed to scn in a different way than public, it’s so much more immersive than simply showing up for course 3-5 days a week or getting some auditing here and there. You are expected to do your job and each week your “stats should be up”. When they dip you take corrective actions and part of this is “doing ethics conditions”. Each week you apply these and when the stats dip sharply you are in “danger”. Part of the danger formula is to write your overts and withholds. You inspect your actions and thoughts, you search for misdeeds that you can confront writing down, and you do so. You have to write the exact time, place, form and event of any misdeed. You don’t just write that you jerked off, you describe it in detail. You don’t just write that you were late to post, you write that you stayed up late reading a worthless novel and knew you should go to bed but decided not to and then had sex and shrugged off the idea that you would be tired on post… you get the idea? You write up the misdeeds in such a way as to show that you are taking full responsibility for every aspect.
If you are a true believer you really do search your soul for the full truth, because hubbard says o/ws make you ill, stupid, forgetful, damn you to oblivion, there is NO road to OT with dirty hands.
Staff don’t get much auditing and most of it is “clean up” when you’re doing badly on post or your grandma dies or something. All auditing starts with asking for upsets, problems, and o/ws. (“getting your ruds flown”) So if you jerked off last night you’re going to be telling the auditor about that first off. 🙂 (pro tip, never jerk off the night before session – it can wait) (and try not to pick your nose right before session too)
Early on I crashed and burned and got, “life repair” auditing. This action pulls o/ws from your whole life in all areas. So I talked about everything bad I ever did or ever thought of doing. There is great relief in confession, this is a well known fact, right? So in Scn you REALLY confess in detail. So there is more relief I think, and also more of stuff that is probably described well in Psychology training. – your deepest darkest thoughts and deeds told to a kind and listening ear who doesn’t curl their lip or shake their head or give you shit. They just ask for ALLLLL the detail and say, “thank you for telling me that” or something. You feel great thankfulness to your auditor and feel cleaner, and proud that you could face the truth and tell someone. You feel bigger and cleaner and also………. this glues you right in. You admire and respect your auditor, people fall in love with their auditors – some sort of transference or something? I usually tried to get auditors of same sex so I wouldn’t develop a crush on my auditor. Don’t want to have fantasies that I’m then confessing to the same auditor next session. (this happened to me) *cringe.
I pissed some people off early on while on staff and I ended up in ethics and had to “write lifetime o/ws on the first 3 dynamics” This meant I had to write up everything I ever did that I might be ashamed of or that was illegal or morally wrong or something – I was writing for days and days. Everything you did as a kid, hid from your parents, teachers, police, siblings, every sex thing you ever did or hid, it’s amazing…what one writes up.
You don’t really get asked for O/Ws against LRH, Mary Sue, and SCN until you are on “sec checks”, either at Grade 2 of the bridge or when you are getting set up for OT levels. Leaving staff you get a sec check, if you’ve done very very badly on post and have been ordered to sec checks as the result of an ethics action… stuff like that.
The set up for OT level sec checks are no fun – it’s not even the thorough roto-rooter questions, by the time you’re getting onto the levels you’ve learned to police yourself so you don’t have a ton of o/ws you’re sitting on… these sec checks are awful because of the way they are done – too long to describe but they’re a mind fuck, you just want to scream out loud, “READ OR FN!!!!!” to the questions. Basically they ask you the questions a million ways over and over until your needle floats – you’re searching for an answer to the question but nothing is coming up and nothing you say seems to do the trick and still they don’t have the FN! (I get jumpy just thinking about that torture)
and worst of all sec checks is when you say you read stuff on the internet. Then you get some ‘truth rundown’ style stuff that WILL drive you to want to drink bleach.
So..(not so brief after all) …. I was never really asked too much about having bad deeds or bad thoughts about LRH. Nothing ever came up about that, I could be asked about him and have a floating needle easily. I loved LRH. I loved his Tech. LRH wasn’t the problem. In fact if they nosed about that at all, I could relax and be quite cheery about it and babble a bit about how much I loved the great kind man and the next couple questions would be even easier to just get through as I was riding a bit of the high of the happiness I had about the whole area of LRH and SCN.
I had a stash of the letters from LRH, answers to my letters to him throughout my early years. I used to even believe that they were from him and not some poor SO member sitting at desk in a stuffy room. They were my most cherished things, along with my clear bracelet and my OT certs.
These letters were the first thing fed to the fire I built.
Cece says
SFN your story is familiar and runs parallel to mine except my mind got so f**ked up I actually plotted and carried out moving into my van and leaving town. By then I only had one child still living with me and a husband of 23 years still in the SO.
Dang the next 10 years were horrible with plenty near death experiences and of course loss of husband, children, job and friends.
But something I figured out finally was that the TRs is what trained my brain to not question. And person is expected to remain calm while bull-baited. While doing TRO I learned to not only not respond to emotion but to not have it! I think we all did.
That is stimulus response training and is destructive. I learned to bury emotions even when my oldest son killed himself.
Wonderful thing is with that I realized I could re-train my mind which opened up for me the way to get $ out of my system. Best of luck to you in your travels and its wonderful you’ve kept your loved ones even through all that 🙂
Secretfornow says
I’m so sorry for your experiences. The loss of your son is beyond heartbreaking. I didn’t have enough children, I purposefully held off on more than I had because I “needed to go up the bridge”.
As I’ve come to my senses, this is what I condemn scn for in a great fashion. It convinced me that it was more important than the glorious experience of having more children. Fuck them and LRH.
I’m sorry, wish I could offer more than my deepest sorrow and sympathy for you. Best of luck to you as well. We deserve all the nice things now.
Cece says
We deserve all the nice things now”
We have honestly earned them :). Hugs and there will be plenty of children coming your way 🙂
Secretfornow says
BTW: where do you live? I drive.
Cece says
I’m at 4700 Crown Valley. Never secret. My phone is 213-880-3661 always open 🙂
secretfornow says
Thank you so much. CA is not in driving distance…. for now. 🙂 Someday when I’m brave enough I may call you. I feel a kinship with every Ex and your stories touch me.
Ms.P says
This is because as always scientologists pick and choose which ever words of wisdom LRH spewed that would benefit their agenda at that moment. The following week another “piece of tech” would be chosen to nullify last weeks agenda for the new agenda.
Cavalier says
Hubbard never had a clue about Science despite the fact that he claimed to be one of the first nuclear physicists.
When I was first on course, in the early days I used to meticulously word clear all of his utterings on this subject since they didn’t make any sense to me, and asked questions of the supervisors (who just referred me back to the materials, naturally.)
Later on, I abandoned this since every word-clearing exercise left me with the conclusion that Hubbard was just plain wrong. and came out with nonsense that would embarrass a half-way decent tenth grader.
In the original version of “All About Radiation” Hubbard claimed that radiation was easily contained and even holding a newspaper in front of you could prevent you from getting burned by it.
This came up when I got sec-checked at Flag and the MAA (Ethics Officer) insisted that Hubbard had said no such thing and that I obviously had misunderstood words.
Fortunately, I was able to find the original bulletin in the Tech Volumes.
Their response was to reassign me to a heavy-duty MAA who specialized in handling entheta???
whatareyourcrimes says
I wouldn’t trust LRH’s science knowledge with a pair of probes and a tomato plant… oh wait a minute.
Old Surfer Dude says
As Hubbard said, ‘When cutting a tomato, you can hear it scream.’
whatareyourcrimes says
Many of my siblings fell to the knife of LRH.
At St. Hill, when he was done ripping wings off flies, LRH would start on the tomatoes. Slicing and dicing, all the while cackling madly.
lostlunagirl says
oh good lord…did he really say that? I’m a ‘never in’, I’m just trying to learn to help a friend who’s been horribly damaged by this appalling organization.
tomatoes screaming…..I can’t stop shaking my head.
Alcoboy says
Let’s not be too hard on LRH. I mean, a lot of people had wrong ideas about radiation at that time period. I remember watching a commercial from 1962 that told farmers to stack bales of hay against one wall of a barn to protect the animals from heat, blast, and radiation.
A Civil Defense commercial actually told people to do this!
So if LRH was wrong, so were a lot of people.
Fortunately we’ve learned a lot since then.
Cavalier says
This was just an example.
Every time Hubbard opened his mouth about physics, he promptly inserted his foot into it.
He talked about that wretched chart (The Periodic Table of the Elements) that is fortunately used now only in metallurgy. (The Periodic Table is the basis for all Modern Chemistry.)
He thought that light could only travel through the vacuum of space because it attached itself to ions.
He said that the speed of light is not a universal constant because, after all, in air or a prism light travels slightly slower. (There is a very simple and compelling reason for this given in physics.)
The list just goes on. Every time I hit a section in my studies where LRH pontificated on physics I gave a sigh, because I was fairly certain I was about to encounter some rubbish.
whatareyourcrimes says
Two good rules to follow in life…
1. If LRH said it, it must be wrong.
2. If LRH advised to do something, it would be wise to do the exact opposite.
Wynski says
NO Alcoboy. NO ONE who studied the field as El Con claimed he did had those types of wrong ideas. NO ONE.
He blatantly lied about putting a Geiger counter in front of one and getting the readings.
The Gov recommended bales of hay because it DOES reduce radiation from blast and fall out enough to save farm animals from certain death AND it is available material for the farmers.
WAKE THE FUCK UP about Hubtard! He was a pathological liar and serial felon.
Alcoboy says
Hi, Wynski. Good to see you being your usual jovial self.
Your comment simply tells me you’ve never been out to the country.
Having been around barns, I can tell you that putting hay bales up against a barn wall is the WORST thing that you can do during a nuclear blast! The heat would cause the structure to go up in flames like a tinderbox, killing all the animals inside.
Best to you and yours.
Wynski says
LMAO! I’ve lived in 5 different countries. AND, grew up (and worked) surrounded by cattle ranches. I have moved and stacked more bales of hay & straw using just hay hooks than you have ever seen. So, much for your analytical abilities.
pinklegs says
Posted a comment earlier. It’s disappeared?
Old Surfer Dude says
Did you pay the ‘posted’ fee? You gotta pay to play.
I Yawnalot says
Sorry, I pinched it to prop up one of the coffee table legs – it wobbles.
Finally Free says
Omg! This is why many Scientologists don’t have TV’s! I can’t tell you how boring it was to babysit those kids! Should’ve charged double!!!
Old Surfer Dude says
They are not allowed to see ANYTHING online. God forbid they come across entheta! They’d be sec checked to an inch of their lives.
Doug Parent says
I’m thinking it was actually Hubbard hitting on women at cocktail parties. Didn’t Hubbard also watch TV? I read that while at La Quinta there would be regular programs he would watch. So he was down on TV, but watched it, he was down on drugs but used them on himself, confined others to the RPF’s RPF but never did the program himself, and was never forced to disconnect from anyone by anyone else. And he didn’t apply his own policies to himself. “TV would be an interesting way to break down a society”…. and how about breaking apart the family unit? Thats the “building block of society”! He pitched the “greatest good” yet penned horrible policies that reduced the effectiveness and strength of anyone’s family who stood in his way. Sound familiar David Miscavige?
Alcoboy says
Do as I say, not as I do.
L. Ron Hubbard.
Aquamarine says
Yes, for sure, he was a “Do as I say, not as I do” kinda guy, when it came to drugs, marital fidelity, TV watching and keeping in his TRs! But then, good advice is good advice, and bad advice is bad advice. If someone gives me sensible advice and I discover later that he or she doesn’t actually follow it, that doesn’t make the advice unworkable, it makes him or her a hypocrite for not practicing what he or she preaches, that’s all.
Doug Parent says
agreed makes perfect sense.
nomnom says
Actually, how does that square with Miscavige’s reinvention of Div 6, the Public Divisions, to just have video screens to indoctrine new public. No more lecturerrs, no more human beings, no more personal touch.
It seems that being on staff or just a Scientologist now requires allegiance to Miscavige above all and screw Hubbard.
freebeeing says
Part of the “Ron the Physicist” series? The complete scientific exactitude is mind-boggling. I recall as a child being treated continuously for radiation sickness from binge watching Road Runner, Popeye and The Little Rascals. Hiroshima indeed!
I guess they don’t know the big cheese spent a lot of time watching soaps at Creston. Screaming during commercial breaks about how stupid and evil those damn bitches are that misplace his slippers.
Todd Cray says
Whether it’s TV’s “Hiroshima Effect,” “All about Radiation,” the mass of thoughts or our fat tissues waiting to pounce with a flashback, Dr Hubbard surely had a firm grip on science.
Amber says
Wait so LRH declared TV to be bad for various reasons and something Scientologists should avoid but they actively recruit both TV and movie actors and actresses to be the face (and pocketbook) of the organization? Talk about trying to have your cake and eat it too!
Finally Free says
Bahaha! Great point!!!
Old Surfer Dude says
I had cake once, but, they wouldn’t let me eat it.
I Yawnalot says
You’re not meant to eat soap silly.
pinklegs says
As an aside:
Met a friend in Europe. She walked up the driveway of Coert Steynberg’s house in Pretoria once. On the way, passed beautiful sculptures lurking in a magnificent garden. Antelope, birds.
The interior was just as artistically inspiring, including choice of floor carpets, up-the-wall runners, breathtaking artifacts of all kinds, as one would expect from a talented artist.
Her task was to ‘recover’ him to the bridge, get him back on lines, or connected. He declined respectfully, offered her tea, and bid her adieu.
He is the man in the picture above, who created the LRH bust seen in most orgs.
On the main article, the ‘TV is bad’ theme, is so typical. His bridge is supposed to return you to full self determinism. And if so, I reserve the right to watch Homeland any time I like despite being gamma-rayed, just because I want to.
jim says
Thanks, Pinklegs
Informative and a fun read.
Mary Kahn says
Most scientologists let their kids and themselves watch TV. I do think there are “reasons” such datums are pulled out by an Ethics Officer or david miscavige or whoever or put on promotional pieces as above. The above quote was probably published because the powers that be or “command intention” wants them to get into their local orgs, missions, Flag, etc., to do services instead of staying home and watching “A Handmaid’s Tale” or some other fascinating series like Aftermath.
zemooo says
All Hubbard quotes are golden, until they are not. Miscavige just hides the original texts and goes on doing whatever he wants to do.
Lron saw radiation everywhere. And old color TVs did put out a few mili-rems if you sat with your face pressed up to the screen. Thank Xenu Lucky Strike smokes {non-filtered of course} could fix that.
I’ll make up my mind about SuMP when they put out some content. I just can’t see them becoming anything but a punch line for every comedian. Never let the marks know what is in the mystery sandwich. Lron probably wrote that down somewhere.
Old Surfer Dude says
You expected content? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
jim says
As you write Mike, this does leave one scratching their head and wondering WTF!
Hubbard’s message in 1954, when just 55% of homes even had a TV, is certainly out of step with present time and Americans watching TV over 4 hours a day. When you add in iphones and tablets/computers the under 25 age group watches nearly 10 hours a day viewing ‘shadows on the screen’. If Hubbard then, and the RTC in 2018, are trying to tell people to NOT be distracted by the boob tube they have failed, and dismally at that.
I thought SuMP was their admission that TV is here to stay and that Hubbard had a 60+ year comm lag in utilizing this ‘via’. Why they now select this piece from SOURCE, and how it has anything to do with anything leaves me perplexed. Maybe it is just another example of the COS craziness, and trying to understand it will make you crazy too.
PS: Hubbard showed his science and nuclear physics ignorance once more in this handout. Old TVs were cathode ray tubes (CRTs) and emitted low energy X-rays, not gamma rays as stated. Dilettante!
Brian says
L Ron Hubbard made us all guilty for being human, wanting MEST and being part of civilization.
He was a lying hypno manipulator.
He told Mayo and Sarge that he’d rather gaslight people and cause them to become crazed self hating creatures than loose control.
Hubbard loosing control really translates to loosing money and power over others.
So here he is denigrating people for watching TV and blaming them for being lowly MEST beings while he gaslights his students and instills a kind of insanity in them for financial gain.
Oren E says
“He told Mayo and Sarge that he’d rather gaslight people and cause them to become crazed self hating creatures than loose control.”
Are you talking about how Hubbard privately confessed that in his opinion people blow not because they have overts, but rather due to experiencing ARC breaks? If so I think you’re confusing Sarge with Bill Franks. Bill Franks claimed that Hubbard had secretly told him and Mayo about what he believed to be the real reason for blowing, but I don’t recall that Hubbard conveyed this information to Sarge as well.
For those of you who are interested, here’s the interview in which Franks talks about Hubbard’s secret confession:
Doug Parent says
Thanks for bringing up one of my favorite hobby horses. This interview was the first time the subject came up. It’s with Tom Smith on “the Edge”. HUBBARD INTENTIONALLY LIED ON AN IMPORTANT TECH POINT. Big ramifications. If Bill Franks was telling the truth, then Scientologists should be demanding their money back for courses and auditing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2r2Nd6OJT4&t=1167s
Brian says
Yes, sorry, wrong dude. It was a pre coffee post. Thanks Oren.
Old Surfer Dude says
Scientology is all an illusion. There’s no magical Super Powers. None. As I’ve said before, IT IS ALL MAKE BELIEVE.
Alcoboy says
And just how do you know that?
Old Surfer Dude says
I’ve never seen any Scientologist demonstrate something from the paranormal. Take a look at the faces of SO workers. Not happy campers.
But, mainly, the cult is shrinking constantly. Just walk into any Idle Morgue.
Alcoboy says
Good point.
Old Surfer Dude says
Alcoboy, I really do feel for those trapped inside the cult. But, until they get their minds right, they are wards of Scientology.
BKmole says
I’m sorry, publishing that shows just how literal and STUPID scientologists have become.
When Hubbard wrote that, TV technology worked with a cathode tube shooting lines on a screen that did put out some radiation and an EMF.
When plasma and LED TVs came in that all went away.
Scientologists are stuck in the 50’s and 60’s. What fools.
Wynski says
WRONG BK. TVs NEVER put out harmful Gamma rays. That is a SPECIFIC type of VERY dangerous & powerful ionizing radiation. As measured for TV’s, the lower level ionizing radiation (put out by older TVs) for a person sitting in front of them was about the same as background radiation.
hgc10 says
In those couple of short quotes, I see one “and so forth” and one “and so on.” Now that Miscavige has dealt with the crisis of the semicolons, I suggest in his next edit of the great man’s gibberish that he take out all the so forths and so ons. It would actually be a useful set of changes.
jim says
If Dinky Miscmash were to edit out all of Hubbard’s gibberish then what we would be left with would be the basics from earlier religions, philosophies, and (of course) the occult.
Aquamarine says
🙂 hgc10.
Glenn says
Gamma rays emanating from TVs. I seem to remember this claim when TVs first came out in my childhood so can kind of get where Blubbard was coming from. But now in the days of the internet and instant answers I learn the FDA says this; “It should be emphasized that most TV sets have not been found to give off any measurable level of radiation, and there is no evidence that radiation from TV sets has resulted in human injury.” So, once again the sham-man is shown as the idiot he was.
It is a fact the cult doesn’t always follow “Blubbard’s” dictates. In my time I witnessed many such cases and some which were truly endangering the org and individual members. Even when written policy forbid such actions. Violations of law are justifiable when “for the greater good, blah, blah, blah.”
WhatWall says
As usual, Scientology is behind the times as streaming devices are becoming the new norm. Perhaps in another 10 years, if Scientology lasts that long, they’ll have their own streaming app.
Old Surfer Dude says
And they still won’t get it right…
hohotai says
I remember some time back that the ED of my org passed out the word that flat-screen TVs were OK. It was the radiation from older cathode ray tube TVs that LRH was complaining about. Everyone was happy as they now had the blessing to watch TV.
Mike Rinder says
Well, apparently the ED had MU’s because the first para of this quote doesnt relate to gamma ray or Hiroshima. It is all about confronting MEST instead of people…
Joe Pendleton says
Scientologists consider the words of LRH, “source”, to be revealed truth to be followed at all times … uhm … except when they don’t.
All the word clearing and false data stripping in the world ain’t gonna get the sheeple to actually DO “Senior Policy” (We always deliver what we promise) and First Policy (Maintain friendly relations with the environment) or the LRH policy on refunds, and HCO PL Service … Do I really need to go on?
Follow LRH? … Yeah … Sometimes …
Wynski says
Correct Joe. “Deliver what we promise” will NEVER happen because Hubtard lied about what the “tek” delivers. Thus the people trying to implement it are always playing a losing game.
Idle Morgue says
I am cringing really hard at the thought of “worshiping Ron” … a crazy, criminal, nut job!
Someone needs to add to the Scientological Library Brown Vols:
“Ron the Hypnotist”
“Ron the Thelemite”
“Ron the Nut”
“Ron the Con”
“Ron the Crim”
“Ron the Bigamist”
“Ron the Liar”
“Ron the Extortionist”
“Ron the Money-Launderer”
“Ron the Mad Man”
The hip hip hooray’s are clearly an implant from the ole turd himself! CRINGE CRINGE CRINGE! He implanted the idea to Worship Ron and just think of all the worshipping he gets from the poor, degraded beings…whose lives are ruined by this mad man.
L Ron Hubbard was a master hypnotist. This was one of the most difficult truths to confront when I got out of Scientology – that he used mind control and hypnosis coupled with propaganda to dupe us beyond belief.
After researching the TRUTH about Ron – He was all of that and worse.
Wynski says
El Wrong was a f/cking uneducated criminal. TVs do NOT spew gamma rays.
BTW, Hubtard spent endless hours watching TV programs after he left the Apollo…