One year of production. It tells you how insulated these people are from the real world.
They put out these stats as if they are so monumentally, epically milestoney that they deserve their own poster.
Remember 200 SO Org members were imported into this org to take it over.
It is promoted throughout the scientology bubble as the “model” that everyone is striving for. The org that was awarded, by Dear Leader himself, the special status of “Double St Hill Size.”
This is the org that Andres Rodriguez toured around promoting — “700 new people starting on service each week.”
That was the hype.
Here is the reality.
Those 200 SO Members and 700 new public starting on service each week has translated into:
636 Purif Completions = an average of 12 per week (and remember how many of them are re-dos, likely including staff). Of course, this means that of the 700 in per week, there are a MAXIMUM of 12 per week that make it onto “the Bridge” (if we assume NONE of them are redos. That is a drop off rate of 98%.
408 Objectives = 8 per week, and again, a large majority of these are re-dos.
574 Courses completed = 10 per week. 10 Courses? These super fast courses only take 2 weeks according to Chairman of the Bored. And EVERYONE completes in checksheet time. At 10 per week that means they have 20 students in their Academy.
101 Clears = 2 per week. Clearing 100 people a year in LA should get the job done in about 100,000 YEARS.
And these guys constantly talk about how they are “making planetary clearing a reality” and this is the BEST THEY HAVE. What every org is striving to achieve (and none are even close by their own admission).
The “ideal org” program is a complete and utter failure. And even when they promote it themselves, the sheeple apparently don’t notice. Because if you showed this piece to one of them they would smile knowingly and assert that this is “proof” they are making huge strides and “now is the time.”
I can confirm that many of those “stats” are indeed of the staff redoing such as the Purif. I know because I still talk to some people at PAC who personally have re-done their Purif, etc. So no doubt they are inflating that with their own staff stats making it look like it’s a booming public scene.
I did services at LA Org in 2015 – 2016. Tons of out tech in HGC. Yeah , I did the Survival Rundown too. I was sitting in the HGC lounge watching the LRH Birthday Game while Miscaviage presented the Double Saint Hill Size award to Executive Director Wolff of LA Org. I had such bad indicators sitting there in the HGC lounge, I was in the brink of filing for bankruptcy. I eventually did file after I got ex-communicated. I did see tons of public in the Survival Rundown practicle room after Golden Age of Tech II Release (or whatever it’s called). I doubt that LA “Model Ideal” Org held the status of “Double St. Hill Size” for too long. Do you know any details of the stats after 2016 or in present time. The majority of their public when I was doing services were Scientologists who were not totally raw meat, they’ve been in Scn for awhile, I wonder what happened to all those people and if they also went off lines due to the suppressive regging cycles by the Sea Org members and being over run on the Survival Rundown.
“The majority of their public when I was doing services were Scientologists who were not totally raw meat, they’ve been in Scn for awhile…”
LA Org is PAC bases “reject” org. If you aren’t qualified to be onlines at ASHO or AOLA, you go to LA Org (if not outright an illegal PC). Kind of like Miami(?) and Flag.
At least that’s how it became after the SO moved in and the CL5 staff were mostly retired to Missions or offlined.
Some would differ, Espiando, but you are entitled to your opinion, as are others.
As is said, there are no absolutes.
Exactly, Richard! I thought that same thing! lol!
Leave it to the Stooges to nail today’s problem 70 years ago…AND in the same building! Kind of eerie, actually.
To make matters more interesting, Moe’s grandson, Michael Mauerer, is and has been dedicatedly in Scientology for years. I wish he would step his toe in the indie water. He might want to jump in, too.
C’mon in, Michael. The water’s fine and all of your old friends are out here, including me.
Mike, what you have done, and what you continue to do has made and is making a very big impact. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you and mentally salute you for the skill and effort you persistently apply to getting the truth out there about this ruthless cult. Thank you, sincerely, Mike, for your dedication in getting the facts out as you do, and thank you also for making your articles so readable and enjoyable. Your giftedness as a writer makes the medicine go down, in the most delightful way.
Let’s not be naive and remember that this kind of crap is not, nor has ever been material for the general public. It is for Church public who, for reasons that escape me, believe whatever management tells them. I wonder how long the Church can maintain their “Truman Show” facade before the fake set crumbles under the weight of reality. Even the most gullible among us have our limits of credulity. You can’t fool all of the people all of the time.
FAIL indeed
400+ Objectives completions and only 28 NED completions? What happened to the re-signs?
They all resigned.
Stat analyses used to be so boring, tedious, mind numbing and just a real drag. Now Mike has made them a total gas and super fun ! Thanks !
Dave’s right about one thing: “The blind have been leading the blind.” All the current staff and public need to do is discover who is the subject of the sentence.
The only straight up and vertical things these days seem to be Dave’s feelings for Tom.
Laughter! OH MY! Now that’s some REALLY funny shit!
What’s not to love about a Scientology course room? You pay for the course in full, then you must conform to a schedule that demands as much of your non-work hours as possible, then you are given a graph and pressured to get your ‘statistics up’, i.e. your student points, then at the end of every study period you must come up with a ‘win’ to share with the classroom. Geez, I do not miss those days!
Don’t forget giving a hand to LRH.
I kind of miss when I would finish a course and they wanted a “Success Story,” I would say, “The course was ok but nothing to write home about.” It was like I poked a hornet’s nest. Man, that was fun!
And the COS brags about fast delivery time! WTF! Do you wonder why people stay away in droves. Just take a simple Student Hat Course and feel the stress of meeting a target or staying late or making up the time or missing a break. Here’s the sup asking for MU’s every 15 minutes. Hubbard found ways to make anything unpleasant.
Some of study tech I have found very useful. Specifically the emphasis on using a dictionary to learn the meaning of words. However, the Student Hat course was painfully arduous. I think all of the useful bits could be taught to someone in a couple hours. But that wouldn’t generate much stats.
In elementary school, we had many dictionaries. My mom bought a HUGE dictionary that not only covered the English language, but measurements, countries, rivers, mountains, etc.
Using a dictionary is NOT revolutionary. It’s just common sense….
My God, you got that far ????
Once I paid,they got my money and then it all went to
bullshit stories about people in third world countries
needing books and way to happiness and Indian Tribes or Eskimos
in America.
The only stats that mean anything would be comparing their pathetic advances to birth rates in the geographical areas they claim to be making progress.
Since they are left in the dust, those are numbers they hope those inside Kool-Aid central will never look at.
Laughable failure.
And THAT, my friends, is how to polish a turd!
Damn, this is still the most impressive re do in the history of CL V Orgs ever, I believe.
Since COB did such an awesome job at The Los Angeles Org, I suggest we reinforce this successful action and start raising funds for a new campaign: David Miscavige for President! Let’s get all the damn SPs out of the Senate and House of Representatives, put in Standard Admin©®™ in the White House and institute massive fundraising to get this country back on its feet. What do you say America?
I guess I can part with a couple of bucks…..
David Miscavige is not the type ,
besides can you picture a Presidential Apple Box with a Presidential Seal
and dedicated Secret Service Guy to carry it around everywhere he goes.?
Yep, I sure can!
David Miscavige the Napoleon of Crime President ?
I don’t think so.
How long until the church runs out of redoers? And eventual stat crash as the next level becomes simply too expensive. Can’t get clam juice from just a shell, ya know. I’ve noticed some of my old friends from when I was a kid outside CC Hollywood. I’m guessing they’re redoing their objectives, etc. I think to myself, well, if I were still-in at least I blow at TRs and Objectives thus saving myself from having to redo everything above that! haha, I’d almost love to push that in their faces. I could see myself taking a smug attitude about how I knew “the tech” must have been “corrupted by SPs” because it wasn’t working ‘right.’ Of course, that would stop working when they release the gold age of redo, back to the start of the bridge part infinity! Wouldn’t trade SPness for the whole bridge 4 times over!
Hi MostEthicalPimp,Thank you for your post.”Wouldn’t trade SPness for the whole bridge 4 times over!” That made my day.Love,Ann.
Hi Mike,I want to thank you for all you continue to do and have done to tell the world what you went through and how much information you have given as regards Scientology.Giving a space for people as myself,has allowed me to feel the freedom and the joy that comes from the ability to tell my journey here.And I get so much from reading others posts and really finding kindred spirits and feeling the amazing love from so many as I continue to live with cancers.Plus y’all are good sweet caring kind and Funny Spirits you help me in more ways than I can post.Also Mike thank you for the list of those you posted and I do see as a spokesperson you may not have known all,all over the planet that went down with Intel.I have tried so hard to come up with names of those I had knowledge of there,but time steals some memories.Mr.Earles was one I could not forget however.Windy rainy here tonight spooks abound up from the marshes and foggy banks of the Missisippi.I wish David Miscavige a haunted evening as he contemplates his next folly with the bridge and all still in who are unable or unwilling to leave.May they gather courage to flee.The world and life and love await.Infinity is so much better when your body and soul aren’t chained to a sinking ship.Love and appreciation to you both.Ann.
Sending ❤❤❤ your way Ann. Hope you’re staying dry up there today. 🙂 Geaux Saints!!
Hi NOLAgirl, I swear the ducks are having a wonderful time playing in the rain! As you know,we really needed it,but so much came very fast,crazy! We did not flood,hope you are ok too!Those Saints are on right now and I get too nervous so hubby is watching in the family room and I have my own set up in the bedroom,so I can peek in on the games.Love your posts,love your hearts.Geaux Saints & LSU #7!???❤️Ann.
And since I’m a Drew Brees, I loved it when the Saints beat the Cowboys! Geaux Saints!
Mental illness comes to mind.
Hey Tony! Leave my family alone!!!
Approximately 50 million student points. What the hell does than translate to? Delusional is too mild a word for these Sciebots and Seaborgs. Sheesh!
The Himalayan hyperbole of Hubbard heaven.
Wow! You’re good, BlindersOff! I was going to go with sociopath.
Thanks OSD. By the way, an occupational disease is now rampant among staff and public from over exposure to mandatory Scientology events that spew the deadly Shermanspeak virus. It is transmitted live from the stage by the cob and can even be caught from watching it on video. The only known cure is a five year quarantine at a safe distance from any Org and associated personnel – preferably 1,000 miles away.
I’ve heard of this virus, BlindersOff. I’m told it can also cause extreme stupidity as well as insanity. I guess being a 1,000 away is ok, but, you should really be further away. The virus and spread due to the prevailing winds….
Although redo don’t really count I’m thinking clear that they made were probably clears before that they just did the clear certainty run down again the super duper one the newest version so that doesn’t really count either
They became a true three-needle-swings Clear at long last.
It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got three swings.
Sho bop,sho bop, sho bop…..
What if the midget bumps it up to 4 swings?
Then it swings the other way, and you can’t have that in Scientology.
Well, Espi, you did successfully. But, I have a feeling you do everything successfully…
Herewith enclosed Im sending you a newspaper piece with pictures regarding the grand opening of today grand opening of the new ideal org in Milano. From pictures you can see also the publics attending the event and I think that they are not many as they managed to have people coming from the other 10 Italian orgs and missions everywhere Italy as well as from Switzerland and Germany. Considering also that Milano Org is the biggest Class V Org in the planet.
Looks like about 300 – 400 people? About 10% of the home gate at any given Crawley Town FC home match.
Proof of re-dos on the Purif were Cathriona and her twin (Scilon twin). So there’s at least 2 re-dos.
Out of the 636 Purif completions, only 408 continued to Objectives. Hum, where are the other 228 people? Did the finally blow, or simply saw the truth of the scam?
Yes, dire statistics and amazing that they promote such a disaster.
In the meantime, in Milan, Scientolgy opening is claimed to be a success
From Corriere della Sera (main newspaper):
“Thousands of people, on Saturday morning, found themselves in the stand interchange Atm Bignami, for the inauguration of the Church of Scientology in Milan, Viale Fulvio Testi. At 15, it began the ceremony for members, 500 seats reserved. The entrance policy is strict: people are identified by name, city and organization of origin. Once registered, participants receive a sticker of blue, yellow or red with the words “Grand opening Milan.” Among the faithful waiting circulated a questionnaire with questions like: “Have you ever received psychiatric treatment?Do you have children? Did you ever take LSD?”. The area around the church is guarded and the stage is cordoned”
Cant post phots here, but I did in the Bunker, may be someone caunt the bodies in the most crowded one.
More Scios in Milan than in double St Hill? Amazing
Happy Halloween everybody! I hope that by this time, next year, the mask will come off and the world will see DM “as he is”. Maybe it will “as-is” him. *Poof*
Mike – does that mean that they are actually LETTING people attest to Clear now? Probably all of the ones he insisted WEREN’T Clear in the last few years.
That’s sort of like reno’ing an old building, calling it a “new org” and claiming it as expansion.
Sort of like this clip. Too close to the truth, actually. Check out which building is in the beginning! lol! I was looking for the Stooges but got the building bonus with it. 😀
Indie – Correction. It WAS the truth. Just substitute DM for Dr. Graves and it was a 30 second fast track induction into the sea org for the Stooges. lol Great clip.
I spent a week at St. Hill in 2004. Every time I walked past their Academy I saw the same lone student sitting there by himself. The HGC was quiet with an occasional pc. The Commanding Officer (John D.)
was personally on tour in Italy trying to round up some business. So let’s give LA Org some credit. If they have managed to get 20 students into their huge building, they aren’t just 2X St. Hill size, they are 20X!!!!!!!
Time to send Dave back in to cut an even BIGGER ribbon. Where is the hair dresser to puff up that hair?!?
Ann Marie Woodward used to be the ILO (FCB, FB, Data Bu) Stats Chief for a decade or more, she defected, quit, in the early 2000s, and she did some Clambake writeups of the stats she recalled.
Truly newly we need some Stats Branch personnel or at least some long term Programs Chiefs to defect and brief of the detailed inner stats breakdowns, like the ones that are done that show the detailed breakdown of income from the various sectors, and the myriad minor stats that make up the overall Gross Income internal figures that they DO keep weekly.
If Flag is still making 1-2 million a week, then sadly this whole charade fake religion can carry on, even as continually “small and failing” as the Ideal Orgs (dressed up, but still as “small and failing” as ever).
What’s important, if you do the weekly FBO weekly income breakdowns, are the “income sources.”
Scientology’s “income sources” have slightly evolved over the decades, particularly with the IAS income source being the major major new income source, and all the other big donation projects, like for the new LRH Hall building in CW.
If the Ideal Orgs funnel enough richer Scientologist dupes up to Flag, and at least keep them captive long enough to bilk them for the income larger donations, then even this new wave of “out of the doldrums” LA Org Sea Org staff to the rescue tiny project in the overall “small and failing” default setup, just is a blip slightly “up” from the recent even worse overall “small and failing.”
But at the CMO Int, at the WDC Chairman, “old” top level stat analysis of the whole Scientology hierarchical weekly stats building up, to the final sums made at Flag Service Org in auditing and training (even the constant massive Freeloader debts being dumped on all of the dupe Outer Org trainees suckered into their 5 year staff contracts and sent off to Flag to slave in work study serfdom to Flag Crew Org and rack up their massive Freeloader Debts to their orgs,) the intricacy of the “income sources” and to me the MORE important is the facade is so intricate, it keeps the suckers from realizing the big con they are playing along with.
(Con to me, since there are NO OTs, no soul astronauts flying at will out of their skulls after completing the Flag L Rundowns most of all which is where I believed “we” were making real spiritual soul astronauts, but we never were and never will create “OTs” as LRH says in the L rundown lying promo.)
We need fresh management defectors, to confirm the dismal facts which I think might still be the case.
This setup is duping enough idiots to plop down money and be suckered up quick, due to the nice digs of the Ideal Orgs and Flag, to come up and give away money for the OT levels and OT special Flag L Rundowns, and the Superpower rundowns, and so forth, and all the while IAS is just grabbing money off the most rich Scientologist suckers.
But if Flag Service Org is sucking in 1-2 million a week from this hierarchy of well intentioned dupes, then the charade, the “show can go on.”
Geezers, when I was sup mid 80s. 250K student points wk. I -2 levels auditors made a week usually. Co audits running with about 8 -12 pairs of PCs/auditors and the continual problem of finding PCs for quad grades and fighting with qual and their internship auditors all the time over PCs and auditing rooms. Often there was 30 maybe 50 or more students full time. Giving tech estimates was a problem too, I didn’t have the time to do them. And I was singly running things, had a course admin once and I got even busier. TRs was a hoot though, lots of noise and then Taiwan opened up and foreign language students arrived, heaps of ’em. Busy, geezers it seemed like Christmas came around every 6 months. Fdn was much the same. Lunch time saw the course room active too. From 9am to 10pm there was always students in there.
Then is all went to crap, miscavigism was fully implemented with a big stick. Your empty course rooms and HGCs are no accident. It’s all running to his satisfaction now.
Perfectly stated IYawnalot. Same for me as well. Deliberate sabotage. Plus students don’t particularly feel like going into the Org when they are going to be hounded for donations and Ideal Orgs.
Yeah, it’s disgusting hey?
Worst feeling I’ve ever felt in my life was when a student would come over sit at the sup’s desk and then ask very earnestly would I do something about the regges hounding them every them every time they left the academy. This happened more than you’d ever realise.
What do you say to that? All the while trying to think of how you would actually do something about it but if you did say something – aw boy! multiple KRs and ripped a new one. Problem was the SO recruiters hovered like flies just outside the door as well as the regges, execs and other wana be money leeches.
They only have themselves to blame for the predicament they are in. Problem was they had no idea what a good thing they had going on at the time, like the mission network in the US. That’s a problem in that the mere thought of making self-determined people pissed the SO right off, they don’t follow their orders and gave less money.
Dave and his RTC are assholes! They even bypassed the sups and wanted videos so they could pass the students. I hope they get jail time.
Wow. Hounding the students for donations…I know if they really try, they can go even lower! I Yawn, I guess you’re either from England, Canada, UK or Australia, by your use of the word, “realize.”
Scientology didn’t go to crap. It was always crap.
From the very first time Hubbard opened his fat mouth. It’s always been science fiction. Nothing more.
The flaw in your logic is the concept of who they are clearing in LA.
It’s the whales. No one else.
Scientology ceased being interested in delivering to the masses when Jeff Hawkins’ Dianetic campaign was scuttled.
In the clearing of the whales they are doing quite well. All the rest is window dressing to aid and abet the bleeding and stripping the flesh off their beached carcasses. Oh, occasionally one jumps off the whaler and swims away, spouting entheta on 20/20, but hey. Moby Tom is still on board.
Clearing of the whales, only, sounds about right. Ideal Orgs are spruced up front offices to dupe in the outer orgs’ richer self-blindered dupes whose money keeps this show going.
You are right. It is all about the whales. It is nothing to do with expansion. DM knows full well that they are not going to get new public joining and parting with their money. It is whale money that keeps the Church running and the whales want to be fooled out of their money. They like to see large Ideal Orgs opening and they like to pay for it. The show will go on, but the show is for them. There is no need to worry about Scientology suckering in new people. They sucker the long-term suckers – the whales who have been in for decades.
There is nothing anyone from outside the Church can do to speed up the process of destruction. It is all down to the whales parting with their money or not and the whales continue to want to be deceived so they can part with their money.
+1! Nice.
Cruise is not a whale, nor was Remini. They are celebutards. They are two distinct species. The only time the Venn diagram between the two meet is with NANCY CARTWRIGHT BART SIMPSON and her flensing for Valley Morgue.
Smoke and mirrors… smoke and mirrors.
What about auditors made and WDAHs? It is obvious ‘The Reason for Orgs’ has been rewritten to accommodate the intelligence of miscavige. Does his birthday game come with streamers, pretty party hats and cup cakes?
To create, recognise and then validate an expensive downstat is the only activity the group known as scientology understands. In that department they are truly expanding.
Straight up and vertical indeed…?
Scientology has created their own, “A Bridge too Far.”
The pretty fonts and the nice pictures aren’t going to cut it when you look at the hard numbers. It’s lie putting lipstick on a pig.
A polished turd is a polished turd no matter what the colour, glitz or glossy appearance hey?.
What makes it really sickening is every now and again the reality of the rip off as presented as scientology gets through. There are good people there who really believe they are doing the right and only thing.
Miscavige is a lot of bad things but at the end of the day he’s the meanest sob to ever draw breath, and what makes it worse he’s doing it on purpose. Tom Cruise is no better either, he’s had his chance to do the right thing. They are all a bunch of sick fucks, those who run or influence scientology!
“Our clock is right TWICE A DAY!”
Now that’s what I call super straight up and vertical! I mean, their clocks are RIGHT TWICE A DAY!!! I’m surprised they don’t have a seminar that touts the effectiveness of clocks being right twice a day.
“700 new people starting on service each week.”
That is just so funny! The violently insane criminal has at most some 30,000 surviving customers world wide, and the crooks are so being rooked and swindled that some of their business offices can’t afford toilet paper.
And the criminals want to pretend that 700 new suckers are walking in to this fraud at just that one business office every week. Highly amusing.
Can’t wait for Federal agents to start kicking in doors and ordering the ringleaders to the ground at gunpoint while Federal agents seize the documents, computers, and put the bastards in handcuffs.
And the IRS handing these bastards our money, forcing us to pay for their frauds. Unbelievable.
What really makes me happy is the idea that this “model” (1) is to be repeated elsewhere. I can imagine hundreds and hundreds of Damnation Navy victims being sent to interact with the general public. I’m looking forward to it.
(1) “Model: Small imitation of the real thing” Shoe, by Jeff MacNelly.
My family goes still with scientology stats .. now one in .. but they use it for wrong and right as factors ,, I have my own view to get that out of my mind .. yeah, you can not push it out .. if you are a scientiologist you will always feel superior to others .. although you should feel like an idiot when you handle BTs ..
I could never fully get rid of all of my BTs from 75 million years ago, so, I became friends with them. We hang out on weekends….
Well done on 20/20 last night, Mike!
Talking to you is like SLEEPING WITH SATAN!
It’s great that all you Int Base Escapees have created a safety net for people like Leah and Ron Sr and others to land on after Scientology, and to provide supportive information and resources to get things done like write globally best selling books, and to appear on global media outlets, and to be trained and available to do supportive interviews and media appearances.
Perhaps I haven’t been as consistently effusive about this area as I should have been.
I keep wanting to see more about how all the OSA and RTC dirty-tricks sausage-making was done – especially the criminal bits – and I have not appreciated this media handling enough.
I am continuing to look forward to the exposure of as much criminal activity as possible which led to deaths and other serious destruction of peoples’ lives, and to the exposure of ALL dirty tricks and fair game programs on past critics and squirrels by OSA and RTC.
So once again, thank you for all that you do.
Thank you Alanzo. Appreciate your kind words.
For you and others who have commented at various times about how much information there is that I have not been forthcoming about, I am sorry to disappoint.
Realize that because I was the head of OSA (or WDC OSA) for many years doesn’t mean I knew about everything that happened in detail. In fact, because I was a SPOKESPERSON I was NOT privy to a lot of things. The ones that I did know about, like following John Sweeney I have talked about. The information about the activities against Tory and Chuck Beatty I have made known. But I cannot talk about what I don’t have specifics about.
Those who strive for information about Intell actions are going to have to wait for Warren McShane, Linda Hamel, Neil O’Riley, Doug Jacobsen, Ben Shaw, Charlie Earle and a few others to speak up. There is enormous compartmentalization in scientology, and especially in the intelligence activities.
I have testified plenty of times about the general policies and practices that are followed. I have made all the secret OSA policies and documents known many times.
Just cannot do everything people wish I could do.
I also extensively debriefed to the FBI and gave them thousands of documents. Everything I could provide and every detail I could possibly recall.
I do what I can do and devote a lot of time and effort to it. I am not half hearted about it and have talked about everything I can think to talk about and keep doing so.
AS you posted such a nice comment, I wanted to take a few minutes to respond from my perspective as I know this is something that sits out there in the minds of some.
Thanks for this!
Sounds like you got information on a “need to know basis”. 🙂
Excellent, Mike.
Especially this part:
I’ve heard how compartmentalized you were, but listing those names out like that is a really great way to keep helping in this area – in addition to all you already have done, and continue to do.
I think that sometimes you can forget that even if you do not directly know what the specific criminal activity was, you can still help others to find out.
Just listing those names above, and telling us your understanding of the general orgs and activities those people were involved in, helps other people to put the pieces together.
For instance, which specific critics and squirrels would have been targeted by those people? Who were the “enemies” they were tasked with handling?
Also, what specific situations would they have been tasked to handle?
You may not know everything they did – but can you at least give an educated guess on some of the programs they would have run, and the individuals they would have targeted.
Sure, and it changed as time went by.
Early on it was the Flynn plaintiffs. Then it moved into the “squirrels” David Mayo and Robin Scott and others.
Then the “internet attackers” — Dennis Erlich, Keith Henson, Arnie Lerma and others.
Fishman. And Graham Berry and Vaughn and Stacy, morphing into Bob Minton and those associated with him.
Along with them Dave Touretsky, Ursula Caberta, Margaret Singer, Bruce Hines, Tory, Chuck etc.
And each of them had programs similar to the ones for Tory and Chuck. Whatever their “buttons” were determined to be, and “3 channels” designed to threaten what they held dear and their jobs.
That is what “the tech” says as contained in Intelligence Principles, Counter-Attack Tactics and other references that are now available all over the internet.
Damn Mike can throw it down, I love it! It is just spectacular that you can name the specific people that we need to have step into the light and give up the dirt!
For those of you who have never availed yyourself of a hilariously spoofy bit on the interwebs known as “Epic rap Battles of History”, please look it up, have a laugh (or many), and my vote is for Mike vs. Cobby!
“I do what I can do…”
Man, that says it all.
It is greatly appreciated, and is doing much to end the “world’s most sinister scam”.
It is said that all it takes for evil to triumph, is for “good” people to do nothing. (I always add the quotes to “good”)
You are doing something.
Can the same be said for those who think you can do more?
Thank you Alanzo and Mike. I wrote this on Alanzo Sblog and sharing … since I had missed it here…
Regarding my volunteer undercover operation in 1980 for 4 years. My target originally was Stamp Out Scientology group in Clearwater with Richard Tenney a city commissioner. I continued giving information about others also.
Ben Shaw was the head man and Neil O Riley was my contact after Chuck Uhl left after couple years. I never knew about changes in the Go, until late 2010 when I went back, after Ben talked with me, thinking it could all be cleared up, after my ex scientology husband passed away and the guilt came to front again.
Pertaining to Mike. When Debbie’s letter came out, I had seen it all to be true and started research on the net. I contacted Mike and was so surprised that he didn’t know of me and my husband (since they kept watch on us for many years) or what I had done back then for the GO. I was naive to the workings of GO/OSA. Through much research I got my answers and understand completely how everything is compartmentalized, need to know, secret and why. Plus found and understood my own role in it.
I went through my own hell and didn’t trust anyone anymore. The Bunker was my refuge and Tony Ortega helped me heal most when I was scared and down. Actually it was the highest happiest point when I was finally declared and he printed it with a story, altho I still had some fear. I made friends on the Bunker and derived good information and advice from reading other blogs as well. I gave some of my own truths to help others too.
After reading Wrights book and the Going Clear movie, which helped take care of that last fear, and I became brave and able to open up. Also when Mike flew over the Flag event, I knew the exposure was working and Mike became a hero to me and my friends.
My many hanks to all those who continue to support public education of this cult organization. I don’t dislike people for their beliefs, only the dangerous organization, some insane writings and it’s leader who perpetrates lies and hurts people.
Now I appreciate and support everyone (there are so many) and the ex’s who help expose this organization. Especially Mike Rinder,, Marty Rathbun, and the newest, Leah Remini.
Love U Alanzo!
W. Dee Johnson, Findlay
(aka) Deena Bruno from Miami, during the 70’s
Rev, you have nothing to apologize for and nothing to beat yourself up about. Regardless of what you did, you’re a good person at heart, and everyone here and at the Bunker knows that.
The only thing I would never forgive you for is if I found out that you wrote the letter that the SO1 Line responded to with “Mighty Miami”. Now that’s unforgivable.
Thank you Espiando. The beatings to myself have completely moved over to them.
There is no Mighty Miami ,except in their own fake lives.
Hi Alonzo,I read all your posts but felt you write so well and express yourself in the same vein,I listen and learn.However after reading one above,the reply button is whacky,I wanted to say I would love someday to know how and where and what and why started the rouge unit of Guardian’s Office Intel @ Asho D & F.I do not know if they were all lone crazy wolves or if Ron knew of their game.So the criminal aspect does give me great pause as I got rolled into it at least no hole, though tiny windowless sub basement rooms at Big Blue and the morgue really did a number on me.Mike did post a reply to you that made sense to me and in mine I thanked him too for all he does on many fronts all the time.Look forward to your future posts.Always,Ann.
I very much appreciate your efforts and your courage Mike.
When the truth occurs it’s always refreshing.
You’re a good man Mike, you got caught up just like the rest of us but you are indeed reversing the flow with your unique perspective and position you once held. All battles are messy affairs and misinformation is an end product of most of them. Your ability to square up a lot of that misinformation is appreciated.
Best of luck to you.
Thank you for all you do and for your relentless committment to bringing down a tyrannt and his tryanntical church
Mike, I love your comment about compartmentalization.
People say “you were in GO, you knew it all” or “I never heard about that from anyone in GO before” or “someone from the GO needs to come forward and tell all”.
The intelligence branch of cos is so compatprtmentalized that husbands and wives who are both in the intelligence branch are not even aware their spouses are part of it.
I know this from personal experience, it wasn’t until I completely left that I discovered that I was not hiding my GO affiliation from my husband, he knew, he had been told to keep track of me, that’s why we were married (and a tiny part of why we divorced).
Anyone saying Mike has not told all he knew has not been there and does not understand how little those who are on the front lines actually know.
Puppets on strings following orders is mostly what even the highest ranked executives are.
Hi Valerie, Thank you for your post.I agree with you and Mike’s comment on compartmentalizations.And your post regarding the GO I knew is spot on! It is amazing what we all went through and here we are!Love,Ann.
I second Alanzo’s comment, and I applaud the actions you have done. Many of never-in critics form expectations based on a desperately incomplete picture. I hope I can extend about as much understanding towards ex-members as I need in my incomplete understanding of who knew what at which time.
Besides, you and all ex-members are not my personal army (darnit!).
Jesse Prince mentioned in Toronto how he had been criticised (maybe only in private) for holding back information. That kind of surprised me, as I had assumed that being in the LMT would have shielded him from that particular criticism. So, this happens to more ex-members than I had expected. Me, I can only criticise Jesse for not getting his book out 😉 😉
Hi Jens TINGLEFF,Great to see your post! Oh yes a personal army we could all use us all for that! I cannot wait for Jesse Prince’s book.That book will be front and center in my ever expanding amazing collection of Ex SO,staff, members and all the wonderful books written and to be written.Love to you always,Ann.
I was in the GO during the days of ‘Snow White’. The GO ran ‘programs’ that targeted specific individuals and organizations. Unless you were directly involved in the program you did not have access to the information and in many cases did not even know the program existed.
The comment about ‘need to know’ is entirely correct.
Very much like the rule “you must not discuss your case with anyone but your auditor or C/S”. If it would expose the nastiness, it was verboten to talk about it.
Hi Zola,Your post is right on the money.Thank you so much. Love,Ann.
Zola, I too was in Snow White. Want to bet we didn’t know each other? Most people in LA did not even know I was still in LA or in scn. The compartmentalization WAS that great.
Sinister, Valerie.
Hi Valerie, In fact, Snow White could be described as a ‘Campaign’ that consisted of numerous ‘programs’ carried out by GO staff, private eyes, and GASs (a quaint term for Guardian Activities Scientologist). B1 was the bureau within GO that most often made use of GASs – it gave them a bit of arm’s length deniability.
I’m sure Walt Disney wouldn’t have appreciated the name.
Gee, thanks Zola. I hadn’t heard quite as you state. “GASs (a quaint term for Guardian Activities Scientologist)”. Yes, they could just deny if got caught. You know at the time, in my state of mind, I probably would’ve done it too and lied for the organization. I made sure I was always secure, what a rat I turned into and now I’m a rat to the organization and happy about it.
Yes Valerie. I found out there was at least one other in my tweedledee and tweedledum mission. Therefore, I did see at the time some of that happening then. I agree with “compartmentalization WAS that great.”
I have noticed a weird assumption from some quarters that anyone senior who leaves must know all about everything to do with dirty tricks and abuse – and must tell it all – NOW! Marty was especially subjected to a lot of this “tell us your crimes!” with the same gusto as a card-carrying Miscavite. I would suggest there isn’t a whole lot that isn’t known about in general terms. Some of the dirtier secrets have yet to be revealed no doubt, but it will all come out eventually. Truth always seems to prevail in the end. Currently the media is all excited about TC’s wedding and Leah’s part in it; fair enough as it all helps I suppose. But if people think that some juicy new revelation will bring about a change of heart by the FBI or the IRS I think they are overly optimistic or delusional. We just have to keep plugging away and appreciate and support the standard bearers such as Mike any way we can.
+1. Powerful!
Absolutely, Martin.
I got a chuckle last night after watching 20/20 (shown here at 9pm). The network news in SLC, UT (the closest ABC affiliate to us 180 miles away) went to Scientology and interviewed them “to see what all the fuss was about.” Actually, it was a commercial for cos.
*puff*. Not sure why Randall Carlyle didn’t twig to the fact that the person who was running it was speaking with an accent and alone in an empty building while talking to him claiming anyone is welcome anytime, nor question why they needed to expand to a new 43,000 ft building next year if that one was empty.
Of course, when he started speaking of the millions of members worldwide, I simply roared with laughter. Riiiiiiiiight.
Well done on your part in the segment, Mike. I hope the 5 active scientologists in SLC felt vindicated by the puff piece afterwards. It probably cost them hundreds of thousands in donations.
I fell asleep before it aired. Where can I find the segment, before I fall asleep again?
How is *this announcement itself* not entheta for revealing such non-expansion?
Out of 49 million points, how many auditors made?
I love the inner Perry Mason in you.
ed kette, you don”t have the RANK to ask a question like that! If Tommy “The Weasel” Davis was still around, you’d be heading off tot the slave labor/reeducation camp right about now!
Something tells me that eventually there will be an Ideal Holliday Season running 24-7 365 days a year for 2 billion years.
Just in time. New Sea Org contract extensions now available.
On Halloween, how appropriate.
David Miscaviges Zombie Org where the
only things alive are the 700 cockroaches
that counted as a stat .
49,721 Sessions. 136 per day. How many were Sec Checks? How many were actual bridge actions? From what I’ve been reading it takes about 75% of your “session” time to get ready to do a bridge action these days. So if we strip out the acceptable truths from that number and factor in the 101 clears, possibly 25-30 real sessions per day. That must have kept one or two auditing rooms busy.
50% were objectives co audit. 20% purif.
Oh gees I forgot a Purif counted as a “session”. Been out of the bubble too long.
“Been out of the bubble too long.” No, you’re just getting started being out long enough. You can never put enough space between you and that cult. I know I can’t….
Why do people on Hollywood Boulevard at your Test Center, and at the corner of Sunset and Vermont, AVOID your uniformed munchkins like the PLAGUE?
I’ll take a shot: The sidewalking people avoid the cult members because they don’t want the ‘stupid’ to rub off on them? That’s my best guess….
Actually, the local homeless contingent at that intersection are making a killing; on any other major intersection with homeless peeps in LA, pedestrians avoid them. At THIS corner, pedestrians GO TO THE HOMELESS peeps intentionally and even give them money JUST TO AVOID a comm cycle with the polyester cliche that are the only other choice there…
Hi Sneaky Little Phuq,Great post,back in my SO days pedestrians did not know what to think when the polyester crew hit Hollywood Blvd for personality tests.I led many poor souls right on into the reges! Glad now the foot traffic saw the light and avoid scam,Love U,Ann.
Hi Sneaky Little Phuq,I meant avoid the scam…coffee!XO Ann.
What are “student points”? Do they have any real world meaning. or just nonsense and puffery to trick the true believers?
Are you kidding, visitor??? Why student points are the heart and soul of scientology. I believe they’ve been elevated to OT stature. When you contribute your points, you’re actually becoming OT! Show some points, get automatically smarter!
So, yes, visitor, these points are vital to every man, woman & child in the cult…
Costs you about dollar a point doesn’t it for the privilege of sitting in a scientology course room?
And for that, you get a fucked up head. Similar to taking drugs really, scientology, short term buzz trading up for long term misery the longer you do it.
Yeah, but, you actually get to have a fucked up head! C’mon, I Yawn! A fucked up head is worth something, isn’t it?
Guess so Dude. I spent a fortune on mine… and it’s there every time I wake up.
Maybe if I prayed to the tooth fairies they could do something?
Hey, the Tooth Fairy and I are great friend! No need to pray, I’ll put in a good word in for you, I Yawn. The “T” Fairy and I have closed many a bar…
According to my ethics order (which I was never shown but I was told about by someone who read it 30 years after the fact) I was kicked out of Sea Org for giving sexual favors to students in order to raise student points.
That was news to me as that’s not what happened, but it shows the false value apparently put on student points even over 30 years ago. I don’t know why, didn’t then, and I was a Briefing Course Supervisor back when the Briefing Course still existed and had packed course rooms.
You don’t remember that one night in Paris? Really? Val…I just don’t know you anymore….
OSD that one night in Paris? I thought that one was for love, not student points, hangs head in dismay. Wait! I’ve never been to Paris.
Oh, Crap! My bad, Valerie. It was the other Valerie. The French Valerie. I could have sworn it was you, though. Another ‘senior moment.’
Now I’m hurt. I thought I was the only Valerie you loved. I’m going to have to have a talk with your wife about the other Valeries in your life. 😉
She’s cool with it….
Damn, almost 50,000,000 student points in a year!