A report sent in by a Special Correspondent concerning the reports of LA Org SO members on a bodyrouting binge “bringing in 600 new people for an intro service each week.”
Surprisingly, that may be a bit of an exaggeration….
On a sunny Sunday afternoon we decided it was time to check out the hunting grounds for LA ORG . We wanted to see what is up with the claimed 600 bodies flooding the org every week. So we took a 40 minute observation sample.
A crew of 10-12 Sea Org body routers were strategically positioned on the four corners of the Sunset/Vermont intersection. In the upper right corner you see the Metro Subway Station Sunset/Vermont.
We took our observation post right in front of the entrance to the Metro Station. This caused that corner to be hastily abandoned by the body routers, they reinforced their efforts on the other street corners. (So much for the “How to confront and shatter suppression” course they have all done).
We gave them names, as they were moving around between the three corners.
The Three Hotties: a team of young women. They did not look too motivated and not too happy either……
…Wyatt Earp, Grandpa and the Valet….
…The Madam and her running boys…
….and the Upper Class Ladies:
This was Sunday afternoon. During the 40 minutes we watched the 11 man/woman crew was able to corral less than a handful of people and routed 2 towards LA Org. One was a woman with a small child and they were probably brought to the “Winter Wonderland” in the LA Org Parking lot. The best estimate was about 2 people body routed per hour. With maybe 70 hours per week feasible for body routing this extrapolates to about “140 bodies in the shop.” I think this estimate is high, as during workdays people will pass through this area at a far less leisurely pace and are much less willing to be distracted than on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
The operation was quite well organized. The 3 man/woman team worked using a pattern where 2 operatives blocked the path of the target, while the third held watch and was ready to catch any possible escapees of the ambush.
Here we see the two running boys blocking the way while the Madam has their back.
Grandpa and the Valet swoop in with the two pronged attack, while Wyatt Warp provides Air cover:
The vast majority of people did not talk to them or take any of the cards offering free personality tests they tried to hand out. It must be very frustrating for the most ethical group on this planet to experience this refusal. The reaction of the two upper class ladies, when a friendly elderly gentleman passed them by, was especially interesting and the looks on their faces spoke volumes. These photos were shot seconds apart.
The friendly elderly man approaches and greets the upper class ladies….
……clearly the gentleman’s choice of wardrobe was viewed as less than ideal…
………something tells me wogs are more perceptive than these upper ladies think……..
….but of course, LRH knew that nothing makes a psychotic feel better than when he can look down on another human being…..
…..and here we have it, the almost perfect contempt for a fellow human being. He greeted them in a friendly manner, but his cervical collar and wardrobe choices gave him away. To the seasoned SO Member, this guy is PTS, old, not rich — and thus not body routing material. Not even willing to engage him in a friendly conversation while he is standing waiting for the light to change. Guys like him don’t need their help.
I invite anybody to spend some time at the corner of Sunset and Vermont and watch these characters at work. It is fun, entertaining and revealing.
The funniest part was when several police entered the intersection on foot. Wyatt Earp and his crew made a hasty departure in the direction of LA Org. As soon as it became clear the police were heading for the entrance to the Kaiser Permanente building they calmed down and slowly worked themselves back into the intersection.
The worst images of the church is photos of SO members looking down at people.
To the OSA staff who read this blog every day, tell your body routers to study the video below, they may learn something:
Good video, but the likelihood of OSA folks watching it are about equal to a two year old winning the Indianapolis 500.
Oh how the mighty have fallen!
In 2008 OSA had PI’s hidden all over that intersection and down in the Metro to spy on, photograph, and follow members of Anonymous in hopes of identifying them, outing them, and sending their parents threatening letters.
Now FailCult Int’l has gone Hare Krishna on us in the same intersection. These body routers are practically nabbing people off the streets to force them into the ashram Org to watch a deceptive film about Scientology.
I wonder which job is harder: President of the United States or LA Org Body Router? I know which one is less appealing.
Lol the irony that their income is below poverty and they look down on the guy, he is smoking surprised they didn’t bum a cigarette off him aren’t cigarettes and toothpaste currency to these $50/wk sea ogres?
Any chance of anyone in the LA area disseminating information to the body routers on how to leave the SO immediately? Let them use cell phones to call their loved ones. Job opportunities should they leave. Support in the way of food and shelter so they can make a break. Just a thought. Body route the body routers.
Or give them some hiden camera to expose the atrocities of their life conditions.
The SO should probably be soon clasified as a very dangerous place in the world
Sometimes a picture is better than a thousand words. Good strategy Rinder.
By his actions, Dave has effectively changed the Sea Org motto to “We’ll never come back.”
Good one. Where do I sign up?
Next to the swampland for sale ad on Craigslist.
Re: Idle Morgue’s Post, Dec. 17, 2014, at 5:13 pm: “Slappy… in… an apron with BLOOD all over it…
“…had been left unsupervised… due to appearing to be able to handle it. When he started getting inspected by Int executives, he confessed…”
“Mr. Miscavige was always interested in our progress at Flag, extremely validating of the staff and constantly requesting that the crew were rewarded for their production…”
That’s a real hoot! Or, in teh vernacular of t0d@y’s Interwebz: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
From JLins: “I was there for a couple of months, under Mr. Miscavige’s direction—in communication with him every day, to establish that Church. Mike was there at the opening and he couldn’t have been less interested.”
Mike — That has got to be one of the nicest things ever said about you. Disinterest in a pointless new real estate shows appropriate prioritization.
Re: That really IS Jenny, at LAX!!! Oh, man. A celebrity is here. “Mark Marco…
… warm and effusive as ever and happy to see me!”
I have a Bright Idea for the COB. Replace the S.O. staff at LA Org with Kittens!
Public come inside to pet the Kittens get a coffee and eventually they will get some on course.
Save money on tacky vests, Seriously Dave make this order a Goldenrod and send the
S.O.back to Int. Base to shovel Mud.
Puppies would also work. Probably both to appeal to a wider demographic.
I think the gentleman with the neckbrace in the picture was practicing “head down” tech. My wife and I would use it at every event. Just put your head down, move quickly and deliberately, like you have somewhere very important to go and don’t stop for anything or anyone.
If someone were to put a hand on you to try and stop you, just gently wave them away and keep walking.
If you look at the sequence of the photos, he did an excellent job and successfully avoided the vulture ladies.
He won. They had to scoff because they knew they had been bested.
LDW – You’re ‘heads down’ technology made me laugh as me and my ex-wife would employ the same ‘tech’ as the event emptied out. This was before the advent of the cell phone. Now, you can just jam the thing into your ear, babble loudly, “what, what time did the ambulance arrive – OMG, I’ll git right over”….blah, blah, blah, til you’re out the door and safely in your locked car with the motor running. It never failed to work. The only time I squirrled the Heads Down tech was when the hosting org had a fabulous spread of food causing me to throw caution to the winds. As the body router chewed away on my ear I was chewing on some wonderful pastries.
LDW and Goodfellas. Too funny.
Pastries sound good. We mostly had sticky gunk I wouldn’t touch.
Heads down tech plus leave a bit early, just before the video ends.
The attitude of the “ladies” towards the gentlemen with the cervical collar was unforgivable. I would love to have walked up to him with a big smile and said, “Mr. Smith, how are you?!! How is is your son, Will and daughter-in-law, Jada? I am so sorry these people were so rude to you. Please come get a cup of coffee with me, and let’s catch up!”
Reminded me of how much fun body routing use to be. Very quickly all sorts of emergencies were invented and I went and hid in the academy to escape those ‘all hands body routing’ orders. I use to feel sorry for those that did it as a job and I could never quite view them the same again.
In todays PR world to body route for $cientology would have to qualify for hazard pay. This is another example of how much shielding from life those in bubble must experience.
It’s just getting so easy to set this people up that it should become a sport with scores, entertainment values, referees and stuff. Perhaps we should give it a name like, ‘World Series Gotcha,’ ‘I Spy’ or something like that. States, regions and Continents could go in competition with each other, season begins Jan 25, play offs begin March 13.
I’ve always been struck by the glaring contradiction/brazen lie with which idealistic young people are wooed into the cult. Namely the urgency that they must be “clearing the planet,” or even just their own backyard, as the world is desperate for the “tech” to overcome its problems with drugs, crime and general degeneracy.
Yet it is painfully obvious that being “cleared” is reserved for those willing/able to part with (at least) a six-figure amount (or accept indentured servitude). Or as DM put it in his rare TV interview 2 decades ago, the idea is “to make the able more able.”
ANY legitimate religion spends at least part of their time and treasure helping the less fortunate and serving communities. This is part of the reasons our society extends tax exemptions in return. In all fairness, CoS is giving back at least a few things to the community subsidizing its operations: Lawlessness, deceit, avarice and, obviously, contempt!
An SO or staff member has to be THOROUGHLY brain-washed not to notice how their ideals are being betrayed and exploited. I have news for the two uppity ladies: DM views you with ALL the contempt (and then some) that you are giving this elderly gentleman!
Main question here, why are there 12 Sea Org members available for a post such as body routing?
When I was in SO, we were the elite of the elite. I do realize that Scientology was always built on a Class System. That, incidentally was part of KSW. You kept the “unwashed masses” away from the more highly technically trained and auditing so they could get their training and auditing in peace without having to mingle with the newbies.
Body routing was for newbie mission staff before they became full-fledged staff and they would bring people in to the Comm Course in the missions, get them up the bridge to go to the Orgs for some more training, then when they got further trained and audited, send them to the Advanced Orgs where they had their first “vision” of a Sea Org Member (second only to Santa Claus or Jesus, I think). While at the Advanced Orgs, they could dream of Flag and the Ship for a lucky few.
Oh, wait, there aren’t body routers at non-existent missions any more, and the Comm Course is taught at the Advanced (pbbbllltt) Orgs, because now everything is all just one big mess of whatever you want to teach wherever because it doesn’t matter what you learn because we will just make you relearn it all over again or re-audit it again in the next Golden Age anyway.
If Sea Org members doing body routing doesn’t just SCREEEEEEEAM elite, I don’t know what does (where is that sarcasm font?)
Valerie. Every cool points made.
Interesting to see the collapse of their organizational structure.
LRH asks them to hold the form of their organization. Sea Org at top management level. Orgs, missions and groups below.
DM seems not to understand his own management tech. Collapse the networks and your structure at your peril.
What is DM left with, once this collapse occurs? He only has a “hey you” structure left, where he in fact is the only guy who can order or do anything.
Dictator at the top, staff below. That’s his structure.
LRH would be embarrassed to be associated with current management.
As Jefferson said earlier, DM does not understand any of this stuff.
Since money is the real end goal now in Dave’s church maybe it would be wiser for these staff members to just set up a large black kettle and start ringing a Christmas bell.
If all goes well the program can be extended to having a New Years kettle, an Easter kettle, a Valentine’s Day kettle, and maybe even a start of summer kettle …so many days and possibilities.
People are can be very generous and often even when they really need it for themselves so a another “free money” revenue stream could be created by 365 day, 24/7, world wide “Kettle and Bells” initiative. Auditing and Training is just so ……….mmm………….old.
Yes, and not enough good auditors left to audit a bunch of new people.
I imagine they are, since the whole non-SO staff was recently replaced by SO members at LA Org.
I once new someone that was bodyrouting and the routee spit right in her face.
Somewhere Ron said that psychiatry wouldn’t win people’s confidence because psychiatrists are “arrogant beyond belief.” He should have seen these two SO women. Talk about arrogance. The contempt these women show for a man (apparently because of his clothing and neck brace) is really disgusting. Is this an example of how the orgs are friendly islands?
Body routing has never been an efficient way of getting people into Scientology, with the possible exception of New York Org in the 1960s and 70s with their “Free Film Ticket” line (abandoned because it “wasn’t LRH”). For body routing to work, you have to locate the org in an area with a high volume of body traffic of your target demographic. High body traffic is not enough, it has to be your target demographic. Big retail chains spend a lot of time and money researching all of this out before locating their stores. Of course, Miscavige doesn’t understand the first thing about this.
Body routing is VERY labor-intensive and produces a public that is uninformed, tenuous and easy to blow off. That LA Org is investing eleven people on one street corner just speaks to their level of desperation and the emptiness of the org. Probably all staff are having to do body-routing duty because someone raked the execs over the coals for their low stats and told them to “get people out on the street!”
LA Org has never successfully done body routing. Their big boom in the late 1960s and early 70s was from the FSM program, back in the day when FSMs actually went out and did seminars and lectures in people’s homes and so forth. Used to be that any Scientologist could give an impromptu intro lecture. The boom of the late 1980s was from More Information Cards received from book buyers. Reges used to fight over these cards as they were known hot prospects.
Miscavige doesn’t understand any of this. He doesn’t understand marketing or demographics at all. He only understands force and control. No people? Send body routers out to force them in!! Doesn’t work. Wastes staff time. You can tell these guys are miserable out there in their black suits. With their black suits and white shirts, the public immediately identifies them as cult members, just as clearly as if they had a sign on them. Only culties would wear a formal black suit out on the streets of LA. So right away that’s a turnoff.
I remember LA Org’s “Love Sex and Marriage” talk given by Seaton Thomas. He was famous for it. Based off of the Know to Mystery scale and generally give to a room full of people in their late teens to early thirties, it offered very practical information: that being, basically, how to get laid!
That no Church is currently offering such a service today shows that the TRs of that period were better, at least at LA Org! The surveyor there had good enough TRs to cut through the social veneer and find out what people REALLY wanted.
Seton was worth millions. 200 people at a lecture was not unheard of. Don’t tell DM.
Realistically, what is the target demographic? I would guess young, smart, upwardly mobile with income/income potential. In other words, people likely to use the internet, with predictable results. Even if you narrow the scope to unfortunates who are in some sort of personal crisis (divorce, job loss, actors on any given day, etc.), they are still most likely internet users, self-help book (non-hubbard) readers, support group goers, etc.
Unless it is a narrow slice of society that is hopelessly screwed up with a bucket of inherited money, I honestly don’t know what demographic is a mix of desirable target and stupid enough to fall for it.
The whole thing is nuts.
Bystander. I think you have nailed the target demographic.
The ability to reach that demographic, now that’s a tractor with a different wheel.
They should put an Idle Org next to a Bank Of America as that is the public they are looking for. People with some cash to get the stats up for the day. Maybe they could set up a mobile course room along the lines of a food truck.
Mr. Hawkins, it is a delight to see you here.
I read Dianetics and walked myself into an Org, because it was near me, or else I would have sent in the More Information card or called on the phone. I would have never permitted anyone hanging out on a street corner to take me anywhere. I still wouldn’t.
Where’s the hearse??
Question: would these body routers likely all be recent imports from Flag base?
then…. pick em by the heels and shake them…
till ALL their cash falls out ! Make It Happen !!
Here’s an idea: stand on one of the corners with a sign “Sea Org Members–call this number if you need help to leave (and put Chuck’s 800 number on it)
That would be sure to make them scurry away, and maybe more than a few practice memorizing the number.
Thank you for capturing this! It’s good to have the proof of exactly what Scientogists think of the “lower class” or the “not wealthy.”
Where most churches find duty in helping all of mankind, the church of Scientology is concerned with only extracting donations.
Wyatt (tall guy) has a very sullen look. Methinks blowing is on his mind. That area is stuffed with medical offices and hospitals so the older gentleman is probably going for a check up in his comfy clothes. Very sensible.
I was body-routing for years with great success and fun, long time ago.I trained many staffs on it.
But when I see those pictures I just can’t believe it that they do such idiotic things. Their mood, their clothes, their body language, everything tells they do not want to be there, but are forced to be there.This creates more entheta and bad pr as anything else….
In the old times 1 body router alone was able to route about 50-100 people per day..
if they need 12 Body routers to route 600 bodies, it equal to 50 bodies per week per router and around 8 bodies per day for 1 body router= perhaps one body in 1 hour. this is a very bad performance.
2-3 well trained body routers would be enough. What a waste of resources.
In the ‘old days’ the con was new and the consumer was gullible. Nowadays, they would probably be more successful if they were selling buggy whips, hula hoops or betamax players. Those are modern inventions with more appeal than a tired old cult.
I wouldn’t be surprised if those Hollywood “See the Homes of the Stars” windshield tours don’t cruise by that way so tourists can see seaarrrgh people in their native environment.
off topic.
here’s an interesting story
8 Ways Facebook Is a Cult Just Like Scientology
If they studied up a bit on the psych based “science” of body
language and applied it on themselves they might up their
catch. They look bored, scared, introverted or in the case of
the older gentleman a bit out of valence upbeat.
The only way to do it is with a gamey attitude and really interested
in your fellow man.
Yeah, their TRs really suck. I guess the overrun of purifs and objectives isn’t helping.
Just noticed that in one of the photos The Valet appears to be talking with someone in a wheelchair. Over at Tony’s some of us with histories of disability were talking about the general disdain toward the disabled. Is any of this borne out in the unpublished photos? It may be that Valet was interested in a caregiver, and the person in the wheelchair was an afterthought.
Also, do have a copy of what they were handing out? I can see some volcano Orange maybe.
Interesting location as there is a Children’s hospital as well as other medical facilities located there apparently. This may be their logic get people while they are down and offer all the answers. 347 beds at the Children’s hospital & 434 at Hollywood Presbyterian. Nothing like targeting people at their weakest point to scam them out of money.
Just think who needs the hospital all the SO could just go do a bunch of touch assists and medicine would be out of business:(
What everyone above said. Thanks for some great laughs!
What a perfectly miserable way to spend an afternoon in Sunny Southern California. And golly gee Wally, those ladies wearing the ridiculous polyester, ill-fitting, cringe worthy, pant suits should be summoned to fashion court and be brought up on high charges of “crimes against humanity”.
And if, just If, that “high class” lady unpinned her ponytail, put on some shorts, or sun dress, wiped that nasty scowl off her face, ditched Momma Madam, maybe get a few hours sleep, eat a hearty meal, watch a Sponge Bob……….nawww never mind.
Back in the day at the Mission I got started at, they would send the Fox Patrol out to body route. The Fox Patrol was good looking young ladies, “foxes,” who used their looks and 2D flows to get people into the org. Worked like a charm and all the men came right in.
Works everywhere! I remember getting love-bombed by the Unification Church (Moonies) Fox Patrol on the Santa Monica Mall ages ago. Two hotties tried to get me to come to some thing or other. I didn’t go, but it was nice talking to (and looking at) them.
They look like the pallbearers from Scientologys funeral who are still in denial that a death has taken place.
(needing bodies anyone?)
Doug, I rolled on the floor laughing! Well said, “…look like the pallbearers from Scientology’s funeral who are still in denial that a death has taken place.”
Disgusting contempt of a fellow human being. They were probably thinking that he is a db. While they convince themselves that they are “better”. Wake up you two little arrogant assholes, you have a lot to learn.
By the way Mike, the cover picture with the spider and the fly along with the poem is probably THE most chilling representation of the RCS that I have seen to date.
Great comment Tony DePhillips. I sent you an email on FB. Check it out.
Chilling as it is accurate.
Nothing like bizarre clothing/uniforms to put people immediately on their guard.
Back in the day there was a Class V org terminal who pretty much got me to stay in Scientology by always listening to me, acking me and never making me wrong. I became very attached to this person. One day at the org she emerged from her office in Sea Org uniform – back then it was a below the knee length A-line skirt and jacket. I got a shock and was somehow, inside, feeling upset. I had no idea what the Sea Org was. “Why are you dressed like that?”, I asked her. She explained that she had just joined the SO and what it was. For some reason that I can’t explain, I had a bad reaction to that uniform and hated her wearing it, and I wasn’t then nor am I now someone who is anti-military. A few month’s later she left the org. She had been a good terminal for me and in the end had somehow understood (not from any explanation I could give) that that uniform disturbed me and I know she limited her wearing of it to those days when she knew I wouldn’t be in the org.
Now, if my reaction was in any way typical – probably not, but if so I can just imagine the reaction that these quasi-military get-ups on the body routers are having today on raw public on the streets of LA.
Back in 74-75 Kim Holt and I (Diana was CS-6) would travel to Div 6’s in West US to hat and train…much more fun than being in FOLO WUS (we were kind of like Starsky and Hutch…I was the better looking one)…we had good lookin’ girls and sometimes guys body route and it was a good way to introduce people to Scn (along with FSMing, etc,)….never would have used these staff…had to be enthused.. and one on one is much more effective…maybe the ‘Ace Team” could head out again to help ‘save the world’…..
Hey John — nice to see you commenting here.
Hey John, likewise, great to hear from you.
The only public you are going to get on Sunset and Vermont are people needing medical care, and they are too PTS for Dave. Also seeing these body routers in action, confirms to me at least they are desperate.
Ha! I was staff at the Portland Org from 1972 to 1979 and I remember you guys coming in to town. I don’t remember you body routing, but I am sure you did. You were both good looking fellows. Do I recall correctly that whoever was ED Int or D/Commodore (or whatever was the top post besides LRH) was saying you guys were going to be an SO Rock Band? I always wondered what happened with that.
You bring to mind the whole thing about how SO members were “the elite” of Scientology and the people who could handle the hell out of anything in a Class IV org. Perhaps you two were an exception. When I was at Portland, we had a few SO missions each year it seemed, and none of these guys could ever do anything better than anyone else in the org. Except, perhaps, reg a Div 2 public for more services than our reg (that was usually me!). But as far as talk to a new person about Scientology and get them in to the shop, paid and on service? I don’t believe these fellows ever tried.
It did not take long for me to realize that about 99 44/100ths of the Sea Org members never were on post in a Class IV org (or Class V org, these days)! And, if they had ever been on post in a Class V org, it was generally for about two weeks and not in the Public Div.
All that SO members ever did at the Portland Org was demand that the staff do things. Never did they lead by example.
When I came into the SO, I was very proud of my tenure as a Class IV org staff member.
Body routing was key to Div 6 stats back in the day. In order to pull it off, you truly had to be “OT” in the best sense of the word. Tone level would need to vacillate between strong interest and games, and the perfect attitude was a playful nonchalance: you had the world on a string. You had to have that even when you knew the ED or the Distrib Sec were going to give you a verbal licking if your stats weren’t up! Then, if the body router was also handsome or beautiful… oh my!
Body routers like that and a comm course that gave wins every day was basically “the secret” of the big booming missions back in the day.
So, realize that this LA Org attempt is the first real experience for the SO in the “real world” of new people. It’s far easier to keep a Scientologist going who has had some wins, such as the public have had in all the upper orgs where the SO members typically work. (The CCLA/Int phenomenon I think is a different story; a different system dreamed up by a charismatic visionary, Yvonne Gilham, who did what everyone should have done: treated people like they were gold and platinum and then had lots of things for people to do that made them excited members of the team. I don’t think CC staff ever body routed: there was so much validation and wins going on there that FSMs actually brought new people in. Something almost unheard of in most of the Class IV/V orgs.)
“Basketball Jane” gave me a bop on the head when I last brought this up, but I’ve remained nonchalant and none the smarter: so I’ll say it again: That little secret of success could still work even in today’s ridiculously screwed-up PR environment.
Oops! One more important ingredient: a generally happy org that pretty much shows they give a bit more importance to people than to statistics! If you don’t have that, the body router knows he’s setting people up for heart break and that takes a lot of wind out of the sails.
(I remember thinking as the years ticked by, about whether or not LRH was ever going to reincarnate and get back at the helm. Unless he learned a lot of new lessons, I don’t know if that would be too good a thing for the church. But if Yvonne were to come back? Hmm….)
Hey John. We have a person in common- BK. We were of the body routing era together. Good to see you here. I ran the test center. It was the solution to NOT being able to body route at the org! ha ha! I guess no one told them there IS no walk by traffic on Sunset and Vermont!!!
“Surprisingly, that may be a bit of an exaggeration”
ROFL. Yes. Also it’s amusing to watch these violently insane criminals flee when the cops show up, it shows that these scumbags are well aware that they are working as henchmen for organized crime.
It’s amusing. 600 new customers a week is laughable, but these crooks have at most some 15,000 remaining customers world wide, and survive only because literally a hand full of rich rubes, marks, and suckers keep handing the syndicate enough money to keep some of their business offices open.
One of the times I was in trouble with the cherch, 2004, I was sent to NY to sell books in the subway system. I only did it for 2 days and it wasn’t too bad. If I had to do it for a billion years I wouldn’t be too happy.
They may have done ok for the first month or so, but 2 things are bound to happen:
1. The majority of the travelers are the same people so the easy pickings are mostly picked.
2. People are bound to start complaining.
Body routing was a major staple in Tampa/Ybor City. The city made it illegal. It is also not allowed in Plant City or St Pete.
Sending this many teams out to body route will likely decimate the ranks.
Body routers will only be able to take so much of this kind of rejection for so long, and then to have Miscavige lie about the unparrelelled success in getting new people in will create unparalleled cognitive dissonance.
“Blown staff” – steep affluence ahead.
I’ve been on those exact street corners doing tone scale drills. Its a good two full blocks hike over to the org, the first impediment. Second impediment, loose those cheap suits and get some casual hip clothes. Third problem, how about a genuine friendly smile? Bigger problem, loose the anxiety of the RPF by week’s end when your stats are in the tank.
Why don’t they have a sign that says: Talk to me and find out about Scientology? Because no one would talk to them. Why don’t they say this is a Scientology personality test? Because no one would take the test.
This sort of body routing looks like the Sea Org’s last desperate attempt to get new people because nothing else seems to be working. It’s a PR world and their PR is in the toilet for good reason.
Sea Org members did not sign up for body routing (they are supposed to be saving the world by auditing and training), so it’s hard to image this going on for more than a few months. I am not sure which will be considered worse, going on the RPF or being a body router for LA Org? Take another photo in a couple months and if they are all new faces, then the RPF will be the preferred route.
Firing all LA Staff and replacing with Sea Org reeks of desperation.
Down Sizing ASHO to one Org reeks of desperation.
Being forced to open Stupid Power Building reeks.
Everything you see Scientology do is out of desperation. They have lost all real power and have only money to keep the “show on the road”.
I traveled around and looked at the Orgs.
There are only a few stragglers hanging on to their pipe dreams and hopeless hopes.
Scientology couldn’t help anyone. They have snapped terminals with their enemies “The Psychs” and are hurting minds not clearing them.
The wog public must be criminals if they are not flocking into that Org.
Funny that the wog criminals don’t feel the need to run when they see the cops coming
I did not realise that sidewalk vending was illegal in Los Angeles. Maybe somebody needs to put in a complaint to the police.
Running from the cops! That made me laugh. Now, there’s an instance where the question “what are your crimes” actually makes sense.
Using my OT powers, I am postulating a picture of Wyatt Earp (from above) standing next to COB. No matter how powerful my powers are, this photo op will never be allowed to happen. Talk about ‘looking down’ at someone…. Not that cob is able to physically do that…
All hands Body Routing is the last ditch “fix Bayonets” stand
against total collapse and overrun by everything evil in the COBS scrap book of horrors..
It’s when the S.O. declares the Hot Dog Vendor an S.P. at Vermont and Sunset because he gets more business at lunch time than Scientology survey takers.
COB should demand that those Sea Org Org staff go out and body route the wogs in so that the Org is packed with new customers. Put them on a rice and beans diet until that is achieved.
“total collapse” what a sweet chime
I never had
in the history of mine
hope it becomes true
what should I do
When set the world free
meant make them like me
and truth
was hidden in money
Wait! What? Do you mean that Scientology lied about how many people were actually body routed into the org?
OMG! Say it ain’t so, Dean! I thought they were experiencing a Renaissance! My life is now shattered….
It’s obvious that RCo$ is stuck in the last century, they are so out of touch with reality they will never succeeed. These photos are the perfect example of the “superior” attitude totally demanded in the SO, and of course the total non-acceptance by real people.
I notice that “Grandpa” is wearing a different uniform than Wyatt Earp and the Valet–he has a bronze knot on his tie. I’m pretty sure he is a guy that was training at Flag as a Div 6 supervisor from Pasadena back in 2010, during the revamped STCC/HAS/Life Improvement courses “evolution.” Interesting that they have a “civilian” from a non-SO org body routing for L.A. I guess he’s joined them to see how it’s done by the Real Pros and bring it back to Pasadena and boom their body routing stats.
It appears vests are making a comeback this season. Good to know…
I think the guy that came up with Wyatt Erp has a real future in marketing.
I hated body routing when I was in Div 6 back in the early 80’s. There was a hot (and wealthy) guy that was really interested in me (not a scn). One day he saw me body routing, and that was it. I never saw him again. Ah, such memories. I can just imagine how these sea org are thrilled to be body routing on the streets of LA. Just what they signed up for.
Interesting and amazing the reaction of the two ladies with the old nice guy – yes, “no good looking, poorly dressed=no money so why bother to talk to him?’
The religious most ethical group on the planet has shown his real colors for years: extortion, corruption and the devil is happily waiting for them in hell where they do belong.
Great report and great photos.
with a brace around his neck he likely has health care. probably eats and sleeps well and at his choosing and she’s looking down on him. the irony is overwhelming.
when she finds herself off loaded in a bus terminal she’s going to wish she was so lucky.
i spy a dylan song in her future.
ah you used to laugh about
everybody that was hanging out
now you don’t talk so loud
now you don’t seem so proud
about having to be scrounging
your next meal………how does it feel?
if for one minute i could be you and you could be me, you’d know what a drag it is to see you.
I started a joke
which started the whole world crying
oh why can’t I see
that the joke was on me
Good one, White Star. I just got a call from an Indie who devoted most of his adult life to the Sea Org. He’s out now, just turned 65 and cannot qualify to get Medicare or Social Security. He is having heart problems and needs a health insurance plan to pay for the expensive testing that will need to be done to diagnose the heart stuff. Yet it will be difficult if not impossible to get him health insurance because he has no money, he didn’t work enough quarters to pay into the system enough quarters to qualify for Medicare, and same for Social Security. This is the sacrifice he made to Clear the planet.
And in the correspondent’s pictures, we see a cervical collar on the old black man. That means he probably does have health care insurance, something these body routing SO members do NOT have. And once you turn 65, you are no longer eligible for Obamacare. So that option is also out. So actually, the man in the picture is one leg up on them because he does have insurance.
Almost every state has MEDICAID … which he can qualify for since it’s for the indigent without any assets.
There are avenues as well as county hospitals or not for profit hospitals.
Definitely sucks that this is what happened to him … but he need not just give up.
Thanks Wind Horse. I went over Medicaide (Medi-Cal) with him and he can’t get it cuz he has assets from an inheritance, just a little money, enough so that he can’t qual for Medicaide. He is between a rock and a hard spot. We’re exploring options such as buying in to make up for the quarters he is lacking of paying into the system.
If he does qualify for benefits won’t he have to give up the money to pay his Freeloader debt?
One of my all time favorites and perfect for this post.
This was an awesome update. I’m always curious about how it’s going in LA and this satisfied me immensely. Thank you to the brave correspondents who took time out of their day and put themselves at some risk to do this. It is important, necessary work and much appreciated.
Excellent report! I don’t see the Org keeping up this activity for too long. They sure don’t seem happy about what they are doing. Also, at some point someone will complain about them blocking foot traffic.
Those two SO ladies standing on the street corner, staring at someone with such an obvious “black and white” scope of vision leaves much room for pity upon them. For they have come to this in their quest for spiritual enlightenment. Talk about “Lower Conditions”. I wish them well.
Wow… many thanks to your special correspondent – this is very informative.
To me it looks like a poor part of town,in l.a. You need a car if you can afford one.public transportation in L.A. Means low income.maybe that’s how they got staff not paying public. Promising them a better life.
When I had several retal stores over the years, if it was slow I would go out front and body route in a fun way.it brought me lots of biz. But I had a great product and an upstat store.
I use to laugh to my self when I did it.
The neighborhood is in-between rich and poor–if one heads north on Vermont, within a couple of blocks you move into a very fashionable and moneyed area, Los Feliz (and few blocks further north, multi-million dollar houses in the hills). Move south on Vermont, and it’s lower income, more industrial and grittier. The main thing going on at the Sunset/Vermont intersection is medical care: there is a huge Kaiser-Permanente complex there, and a big children’s hospital down the block. (Big Blue was a hospital, too, before scientology got hold of it.)
By the way, public transportation in LA, especially the metrolink (as opposed to busses), has become much more commonly used by people who have choices, especially folks in their 20s and 30s. There was a recent series about gentrification on the NPR radio program “Marketplace”: there was some discussion that the “hot” neighborhood they singled out (a primarily Latino, working class enclave called Highland Park) had become so suddenly attractive to developers and moneyed “hipsters” because they have a metrolink stop there.
BeeTee – Correction…if I may?
Big Blue STILL is a hospital – BEDLAM with a religious twist to hide the crazies.
Special Correspondent sez: “To the seasoned SO Member, this guy is PTS, old, not rich — and thus not body routing material.”
This may well be true for LA, but where I live, I see plenty of guys about this age that are dressed perhaps even more ‘down stat’ that are multi-millionaires. Fashion is not their top priority, enjoying their life in whatever way they see fit is. With the disparaging looks these ladies are presenting when encountering a fellow human being it is no wonder that stats are down. Scientology was never about helping one’s fellow man, it was, and is, all about “helping the able (someone with money) to become more able (acquire more money so it can be “shared”)”.
This reminded me of a Vonnegut character, Mary Kathleen O’Looney from Jailbird.
something tells me these SO women wouldn’t want ‘to be in her shoes’ or would they? 🙂
Body routing .. what is that really .. once, years ago, I met a body router here in Munich near the org .. I said: I have done this personality test about 5 times and more .. what this guy did do, he cried like an idiot against me: that I was a liar and would be completely evil against him .. I mean, if you do not do what they want they degrade you like mad .. you go home and ask yourself: what was that .. nothing more .. but I am scientologist .. others are not ..
That second last medium shot of the two contemptuous SO members sent shivers of revulsion into my stomach. Very sadly, I recall having the same viewpoint toward those less exalted than I, many decades ago. I hated myself for having those feelings. They warped and distorted my relationship with most of humanity. If there is one thing I utterly despise about LRH and Scn is the ‘gift’ of contempt he tried to give his loyal followers. There were many who didn’t buy into it thereby maintaining some shred of their humanity and sense of self-worth. I was so envious of them.
On a happier note I clearly recall breaking free from this toxic outlook. I had just left the org after course and saw a homeless person walking toward me. Quickly, I fished out a $10 bill from my wallet and, with a big smile and friendly greeting, gave the guy the bill. I didn’t actually feel elated or ‘keyed out. I just felt I had begun to rejoin the human race.
Thank you so much for posting those wonderful documentary photos. They tell a story very well indeed.
PS I can’t believe they are so out of it as to assume those ridiculous uniforms wouldn’t repel any possible hunk of raw meat. They’d be better dressed in a butchers’ apron.
Enough! I may have to have my after dinner glass of wine in place of the usual glass of breakfast orange juice.
Re: They’d be better dressed in a butchers’ apron.
“That’s the truth!”
Hey, That really IS Jenny, at LAX!!! Oh, man. A celebrity is here. OMG OMG
What? …did you say? Nobody cares. My TRs are good, ok. But, NOBODY CARES, um, ???
40 Years Ago…
Scientology was fun, and i joined up with COSMOD
Church of Scientology Mission of Davis, Martin Samuels founder.
God, the fun we had, the bullbaiting, TR Zero.
I was maybe 19.
Mom was chronic paranoid schizophrenic type three, for all you wogs out there.
She wanted to send me to her favorite institution for emotionally upset boys ages 6-18.
“Mom! Just forget it! I’m NOT going.”
Well, I ran away from home that night, age 16, then fell head-over-heels in love next night, no kidding.
Broke up three or four months later and… one day, in the park, heartbroken and dejected, up comes a guy, student type, dressed much more practically than the cats above, and, yep, I am in the mission later that day, doing the Comm course. I was desperately broke. They must of gotten the $50 by teaching me how to squeeze cash out of stone. Try doing TRs hungry.
I was a tough guy, really. Actually pretty happy, relatively speaking. Laughing… came easily to me.
The church-founded Credit Union loaned me $1,400 for Life Repair.
I was declared Life Repair completion just after my auditor noticed my floating needle, upon mending my ARC break with Debbie, the loveliest creature on the planet, at the time, making me eligible to become a bona-fide Staff Member!!! Full-Time! What luck. Lucky, lucky boy.
Two Years Later
I had worked my ass into delirium,
wandering the halls of The Delphian Foundation, in the night, muttering echoes of my hat off the corridor walls, HCO Policy 10JAN67, (ficticious) and such… when some genuinely concerned thetan filed a Knowledge Report.
And, so, seeing the mental breakdown as they were and realizing the potential bad PR, I was sacked. Boom, presto.
Using confessional documents as evidence to collaborate my expulsion, my DIV One minion evenly explained to me that my processing was now to going to continue as a personal program, come back when you are level 4 or higher, at which point you again be eligible for Staff.
“What? Where… am supposed to go? Flag, maybe, LA?” It did seem nicer there, judging by the PR fliers. I bet their Ethics are pretty tight over there, this place lacks the rudiments, if you ask me.
And, to answer my question, they said,”Yeah. Sure. Wherever you like.”
I swear to god.
They could not care. Two years of slave labor, me, a guy who could not have had more heart, Jesus could not have had more heart, shoved right out the door with nothing but a bus ticket, good luck, boy. Good luck. No good bye from the ED, Alan Larson. No compensation except the ticket, no auditing that got me one step higher on The Bridge. Dam. Broke again.
They could not have cared less. This, in what I would call the Golden Age of Scientology.
“Scientology Is Here To Rescue You.” LRH
What a story Mark. Glad to hear you made it out. Thank you for your willingness to try and improve conditions for yourself and others. That is a great quality not owned by the cult!
I second that Coop. I’m glad Mark made it out! Thanks for all your service while in the SO
Yes Jenny – good idea – an apron with BLOOD all over it! It would speak volumes of what Scientology really is – without saying one word.
The cheesy mafia sleaze ball uniform does have “we are going to rip you off” all over it and “don’t trust us – we are not a religion but rather, hiding behind the religious cloak”.
But nontheless, I like the apron with the blood more.
It would attract what they NEED AND WANT – blood sucking parasites that would throw their own mothers under the bus, run over them, back up and do it all over again..and again…and again and somehow justify it that it was in the best interest of Slappy’s Command Intention.
Wow, Mark! I would like to say your story is NOT typical, but I can’t. Welcome back to sanity and freedom. Thanks for posting. I hope you post often. We’re all here to support each other! Welcome to our group!
Cool story Goodfella. 🙂
Thanks, HJ
That sequence of photos of the older gentleman with the neck brace says it all. This time of year should be about love for our fellow man and helping those less fortunate than ourselves, not looking down your nose at someone because they probably don’t have lots of money you can relieve them of.
“Not even willing to engage him in a friendly conversation while he is standing waiting for the light to change. Guys like him don’t need their help.”
I walk by the local less-than-ideal org regularly and on a few occasions have gone in with a plant question about something scientolical, But then I always lead to the same question – how come there is nobody here – this place was hopping a couple of decades ago? The conversations vary but are always delusional.
Cindy: People don’t come in any more because most of the people who walk by are drug riff raff. Me: I thought you were a religion. Is that any way to describe your fellow humans? Besides that is not true [it’s not in the best part of town but the number of visible drug addicts has declined considerably and it has always been safe walking]. Cindy: But they don’t realise we are the only ones that can cure their drug habits. Me: So why aren’t you out there helping them? Cindy: [stuck for an answer] Me: Why do you people hide in your building and show ho sign of being part of the community? Cindy: We do a lot of great work for the community. Me: Like? I don’t see you handing out sandwiches down the street for the homeless like the Catholic Charities do. Cindy: Silence. I hope she got the message.
In response to the “where is everybody?” question receptionist guy said “Oh it’s too early in the afternoon. We will be flooded with people when they get off work. Of course And by Sharon who identified herself as a minister “Oh the sunday service is delayed [already 20 min late] because we are waiting for a couple of people to come” and “Just because you don’t see people here in the lobby doesn’t mean we don’t have lots of people on courses in the building” Me: well do you? Sharon: [awkward silence] I think you are brainwashed probably by the internet. Me: No just observation. Brainwashed is not I term I use.
Cindy, receptionist guy and Sharon all wear cheesy wash’n wear black outfits like those sea ogres and all look miserable while trying to convince me that scientology is the way to happiness. So I suspect SO members are the front people here. To be fair there are a couple of people there that are friendly (a weekend receptionist with a heavy Latino accent) and a secretary-filing woman but neither will answer questions and they will use the phone to summon some POB (person in black) who arrives from the depths looking like they have been asleep. Not a way to attract new parishioners with milkable assets .
What are those uniforms? Reminds me of groomsmen in a low-rent wedding. SO workers used to just invade an org or mission and terrorize the staff. Seeing with their own eyes that absolutely no one wants to join the fastest shrinking cult won’t be good for morale.
They remind me of a flock of crows, circling around any potential food source. Perhaps “The Crows” or “The Blackbirds” is the simplest way of describing them.
Of course, that area is hardly the most upstat one might find. Hollywood long ago lost its magic and is now just a word which is a meaningless location. As soon as anyone in show biz gets some money, they immediately move to Westwood or, funds permitting, to the truly magical Beverly HIlls.
And then to Nashville or the surrounding areas.
Hey don’t knock crows and blackbirds. I have a pair of crows that hang out in my garden and they are so smart unlike these Sea ogres. Blackbirds too have a lovely song and can communicate well with their fellows. So don’t compare them with these peons-in-black.
Those uniforms are absurd and a complete hindrance , it only shows more of their disconnection with the outside world.
Yes! Groomsmen at a low rent wedding is the item!
Wow, doing the job of body routing for Scientology looks to be maximally not fun. Look at what they’re wearing — if those dumb costumes don’t drive away prospective customers, I don’t know what will. Lack of awareness of social norms seems to run rampant.
If some notable Scientology public wanted to really help out, here’s what they could do: Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Kirstie Alley — if you were to body route at the corner of Sunset and Vermont, there would be tremendous and immediate interest. Why aren’t they doing their part? You’re either in or you’re out, I once heard a crazy loon say.
Yea! What’s up with that anyway HGC10? Tom Cruise is the best Scientologist Dear Leader knows. He ought to show up drill those SO downstats on how it’s done. In fact the Demented One should show up as well and do some glad handing just to show the spirit of Christmas is alive and well in the Cult. He could try setting a good example ………………………….hmmmmm………….a new oxymoron for the moron.
Whadda ya say Dave?
Have you received the memo? Christmas has been postponed until January 25th. Some people will be doing a Sundance.
HE’s just surrounded by SP’s, Cooper, that’s the ONLY problem going on.
Yes McCarran, those damn SPs are certainly causing Him a lot of grief.
Yo Dave,
It’s time good buddy…………time to circle the wagons. Forward progress for your cult is OVER. What you are looking at from now forward is big time DAMAGE CONTROL. And you are looking at having to increase it by a factor of 47X at bare minimum.
Yes, there is a lot of damage to control and it will only be getting worse. Your legal costs for attorneys is likely 250K per week plus the PIs and misc travel expenses and those numbers will be skyrocketing from now on. Before you know it you are going to be into some real money.
If you don’t want to see the documentary on your Cult at Sundance (it’s showing on the 25th), I suggest you take in a showing of Titanic. That will give you some idea of what you are looking at having to handle. And it will be decision time shorty (I mean shortly) because You are going to have to decide whether to go down with this bitch of a Cult or simply bail out. What’s it gonna be good buddy?
Re: Tom Cruise, Cooper. “The Most Dedicated Scientologist I Know,” I dare DM to bring out his boy-toy. Double dog dare. He won’t. He won’t “Put Tom in that compromised position” of dealing with the public.
Um, hello! Who does Tom deal with day in and day out at premieres and walking down the flippin’ street? RAW PUBLIC.
You want to make all of us wrong on the outer fringes of the internet? Bring out the big guns and “save LA ORG” from the lowly, “wog” staff that you kicked out by bringing it on with Tom and JT. You can’t allow those Class V staff to laugh behind your back when you and your SO people find out how hard it really is to work against all of the bad PR you’ve created.
Oh, and by the way, why are they in threes? Someone’s got to be there in case one of the 3 SO people try to bolt and get on a bus or something, while they are, “out”.
“Much Love” an Old Div VI’er
I used to body route in Toronto back in the day… in the freezing cold and the hot summer sun.. I was really good! lol.. but it seemed fun at the time! And of course I was committed to the cause.. looking back maybe I should have been “committed” to an institution! lolol….These guys look like it’s “body route or bust” – ie: RPF
The uniform they wear, especially the women’s uniform is dorky. And that friendly old black guy with the neck brace collar, at one picture, behind his back, the older woman is giving such a look of contempt as if to say, “Crazy!” They look like they would have to wash their hands and bodies if they were to actually tough him in, say, a handshake. What arrogant, condescending contempt they show for him. THIS is Scientology! Someone once wrote that the real test of a man’s character is how does he treat people who can do nothing for him. We see here how the church views those who can do nothing for them.
That’s what I thought too! Pampas assholes that they are. We’re Homo Novis and you folks are just Mud People! Arrogancen beyond belief.
… or my personal favorite you are here “on the same terms as the rest of us”.
The only people with a “fixed dedicated glare” are the SP’s.
What? Leave the cult or die trying?
Right Yvonne. I guess that means that all the SO members get a pair of John Lobe shoes and a personal chef! SO cool!
Yes – HGC10 – the uniforms look so cheesy and weird…for a “church” to be wearing while standing around street corners. It is a beautiful thing and surely will scare off people – continue Miscavige – you sure know how to do the opposite of what would work.
Heh Miscavige – come to present time – the World does not want to be solicited for anything these days.
Scientology – The SPAM of all religions.
Scientology is the Amway of cults. All the money goes to those at the top.
I’m thinkin a few of us should show up and hang out with these body snatchers for awhile. We could show up and drill them on their comm cycle, arc and ability to deliver a command in a new unit of time. Here is the million dollar question….. how long before they packed it up and scurried back to the MAA to report on the ‘security breach’?
“Help, we’re being confronted by SPs!” It would be fun to see them scurry like cockroaches exposed to the light of day.
Maybe I should take a cruise down OSD and we could do some roach swatting while we catch up on old times. We need someone on the film crew too so we can record the event for Dave.
Idle, they are cheesy looking. They look polyester and right off the rack at Walmart or Kmart.
Poorly cut and ill-fitting. A severe, military style pantsuit like this needs to FIT.
A jacket like this needs to hang cleanly from the shoulders, and if a female needs more material in the chest area then the appropriate larger size needs to be purchased and the shoulders and/or sleeves taken in and possibly the darts on the sides as well so that she doesn’t look like she’s swimming in the thing. The pants length should allow no more that 2 inches of the shoe and smoothly fitting but not skin tight and sized down and hemmed as necessary to accommodate the waist and hips. There should be a clean, knife-like crease down the front of the leg.
Mr. Miscavige, If you want your people to project a severe, disciplined, no nonsense aura, for Cruise’ sake, go the distance, spend the money and get these SO uniforms decently tailored for your people.
May I say I have no idea why this bothers me so much but it does. For me, forcing these women to look like hell every day while they work so long and hard is anovert on a par with non-stop rice and beans and not enough sleep.
I’m right there with you, Coop! However, if any of the cultist saw a camera, they’d run across the street even if the light was red!
hgc: Those crazy costumes were good enough for the 70’s so why aren’t they good enough for now 😉
Because now HE is in charge ………… and when HE says JUMP……..there has been only one possible response which is……. HOW HIGH?
But now with the rabid SPs on hand …….. when HE says SHIT………….we say “how deep is this Daveshit anyway?”
I must comment about the “look” the two Sea Org Slave women are giving that man with the collar or scarf…behind his back….(THANK YOU FOR CAMERAS – this photo will stay on the internet forever) Please distribute far and wide!
To think they joined to “help” – signed a contract where they can’t leave, get no money in exchange for slave labor conditions, get no “enhancement of any value” and in most cases – have shattered their families to be part of this amazing (whistling in the air) group. No insurance, no 401K, no salary, no savings account, no driver’s license, no car, no house, no family, no MEST, no inheritance (automatically goes to Scientology upon receipt) etc.
And – then you see their REAL TONE LEVEL – LRH would describe it as 1.1 (covert hostility)
They are thinking to themselves – God, I am so glad I am in the Sea Org and don’t have to live amongst these degraded beings – I wonder what crimes that guy did ? (the reason they think he is not interested in Scientology)….
That photo really says it all – THAT is Scientology folks.
Idle: the real kicker is that the net worth of those two together, both spiritually (as can be seen by their faces) and financially, is probably less than half of that one man who gave them a cordial greeting. What was the goal of Scientology again? “A world without insanity, without criminals and without war.” If only they could start at home.
No time for home, there’s a world to be saved!!! The fate of every man, women and child on this miserable dirt clod!!! Get your ass moving, now now now!!!!
Idle – “That photo really says it all – THAT is Scientology folks.”, I just wanted to empathize your comment. TRULY, that IS scientology. Given an adequate context, the photo will echo the fraud of scientology as loudly as any photo found in the Bettman or Getty archives.
I’ve body routed in the 70’s. Did surveys on the streets of Houston. The whole nine yards. This was at a time when hardly anyone had heard of Scientology or Dianetics and people in general were more approachable. It might say something about my communication skills, I know, but it took me a week to get 11 people to come in for an Introductionary Course. Of those, two people signed up for the Communication Course.
Now, scientology’s PR is in the toilet. I Knew this 600/wk was a lie (unless they pay people to come in) without seeing these pics. Anybody in Div 6 that has a quota and has to do this for very long, won’t last long. This is a job from hell.
Let David Miscavige do this job, since he has to do everything anyway. I’d like to see him do this job for a week.
I’ve long said that if DM ever wants to see any kind of uptick in real stats again, he’ll have to actually pay people cash money to do Scientology. So, in other words, impossible.
He could flog them in droves into the org…
“Won’t you come into my parlour ?” said the spider to the fly.”
Well, that certainly does dispel the myth about all the people the body routers got into LA Org – fed from Miscavige’s propaganda machine. (Read about Adolph Hitler’s double life and his propaganda machine)
If these Sea Org Slaves managed to get anyone in to the building – we can count on the INTERNET to get them OUT! Thank you Mike Rinder, Karen D., Jeff A., Marty Rathbun and us – to make sure they get the truth of What IS Scientology.
Hip Hip Hooray! 🙂
Speer talked about how the machinery behind Hitler worked in one instance here.