More on the latest grand fail.
Pathetic stats that these people think are impressive — and by comparison to other orgs, I am sure they are.
But 34 Clears in 4 or 5 months (split the difference and call it 18 weeks) is less than 2 per week.
Just for ballpark let’s say LA is 10 million people. Clearing this area is going to take a LOOONG time, even if nobody else is born or moves in. 5 million weeks is about 100,000 YEARS.
And this is the model, ideal, fully manned with experienced SO members LA Org. The pattern that is now being exported around the world….
I guess these people have NO IDEA what they are saying? Because their expectations are so low, ANYTHING is “monumental news.”
BTW — you can be certain the vast majority of their 1200 hours are objectives.
PS: See Tony Ortega’s blog for a report on last night at the NY Times and after. His post includes a video recording of the entire panel discussion with Alex, Larry, Paul Haggis and me. Also the announcement of the theatrical run in NY, LA and SFO starting March 13.
At least we can assume that all the whales have woken up by now. They reg each other for money for an Ideal Org that they won’t own and instead they will have to pay rent for. They reg each other for the money to refurbish this Ideal Org that they don’t own. Then they reg each other to equip this Ideal Org that they don’t own. Then they are regged to pay the utility bills on these Ideal Orgs they don’t own because they are empty of new public and void of new money coming in. And the whales have no excuse for not knowing how their IAS donos are being spent: They can see that there is hardly any money coming in because these Ideal Orgs are empty, so they know it must be their IAS donos that are keeping the doors open and the lights on in these Ideal Orgs and to pay for the fake naval uniforms of 6000 or so members being flitted about the globe, consuming mounds of rice and beans while generally pissing people off and scaring the public away. So I hope there will be no more whales like the Garcias who will pretend they did not know how their money was being spent and ask for a refund. It must be absolutely clear to all the whales that their IAS donos are just keeping the Scientology show on the road until its inevitable collapse which will be any day soon. Sorry whales, but you knowingly GAVE your money away in the form of IAS donos with the intention of keeping your Church running, so don’t bother asking for it back either now or in the future. The money won’t be there in any case.
Numbers, numbers, numbers…
Back in November of 2013 you wrote about the Dror Center, and while you didn’t post exact stats, they did state that they’d produced six clears in the last couple of months at that time. I wonder if they are currently out producing LA Org?
The Association of Free Scientologists Israel reports that six was the total for 2013. They also link to your blog 🙂
There’s also a fascinating looking paper titled The Dwindling Spiral: The Dror Center Schism, the Cook Letter and Scientology’s Legitimation Crisis by James R. Lewis of the University of Tromsø which I found while looking for Dror Center statistics. Looks like an interesting read, and I wonder if he will update it to take into account Going Clear.
Also, great panel with the New York Times. I haven’t been able to finish listening to it, because I’m coming up against a deadline, but what I saw was very impressive.
Awesome presentation at NY Times. That was a panel of very smart people.
Thank you for all your hard work, it is finally coming through!
The Clears made will be reClears made, of course. Can you imagine Joe Public wanting to hang around to go Clear in the current money-grubbing, crush-regging environment that is the Church of Scientology? And what if they do hang around giving money to the IAS and Ideal Orgs and get the Clear Cognition and inadvertently state it? “Whatddya mean I’m Clear? All I said was that this stuf about Case and past lives is all crap made up by a lunatic school dropout and I don’t believe it any more and won’t let it affect my life!”.
Came across a quote that seems quite relevant to the operating basis of the RCS.
“If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.” – General George Patton
A truly masterful turn by Mike on the “Going Clear” panel. Especially lovely that Dan Luzadder, FREEDOM reporter, was present to hear his rag knowingly deconstructed. That must have been difficult to sit through but you’ll notice the manner in which he asks Lawrence Wright about his fact-checking rigor, was timid if it was anything at all. All the more demoralizing for Mr. Luzadder was Wright’s answer which OBLITERATED any notion that he played fast and loose with the facts as claimed by FREEDOM. Once a first-rate, legitimate journalist and now a scientology word-goon, you have to wonder if his commitment to his job, not to mention his self-respect, hasn’t taken a serious hit lately.
Many adulations to the Times panel on Going Clear on Mike’s blog – I just chose to add to the last one from Roger. Mike it was delightful to see this and how eloquent, happy and liberated you all were. Job well done. I compare you guys to the paranoid individuals filled with fear down at the local ORG and everytime I see scientologists videoed on the internet.
I’ve always found it strange that the couple of ex-scientologists I’ve met in person and others heard from on your site are otherwise well grounded smart people – once they leave.
COS is in death throws. To me now the question is handling the human debris left behind and easing their transition back into Wogland.
I LOVED how Wright or Mike or Paul invited everyone in the audience go out and read the Freedumb Magazine. !!! That hangs Scientology by its own rope. We’ve told you how vindictive and revengeful the church is… now go and see them play it out in action. Perfect!
Zana: I’ve always found that the most powerful way to fight what you think is wrong is to hurl their own words back against them to point out hypocrisy. Works every time and you probably can’t be successfuly sued for that.
Good point that the Freedumb Mag editor asked a question timidly and the answer just covered him in an avalanche. It’s not too late for that journalist to leave. Just walk away. Your self-respect is worth more than any stinking job, especially if that job is working for a morally bankrupt man and organization.
“34 Clears in 4 or 5 months” By contrast, there are at least a 1,000 Scientologists in LA leaving every 4-5 months, if not more. Obviously, it’s shrinking.
MIKE RINDER: What happened when an official scientology spokesperson decided to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Very nicely done, Mike.
Something yet unseen will start the Firesale of everything Scientology.
It’s getting close.
I agree Jose. It is in the air. I think it is stir fried cult!
I dibs the rights to All About Radiation. I want to publish it and get it into the Comedy section of bookstores, where it belongs.
Amazing, the gall of these con artists to post this LRH quote about the value of auditors. Could anything be more disgusting?
Sure, the COS cares about auditors! Sure, auditors are sooooo valuable – that’s why the cult continually changes the tech and forces auditors to retrain again and again, cancels their certs if they don’t comply; that’s why a tremendously lengthened runway has been created for anyone who wants to train as an auditor. Sure, they want and need auditors, that’s why it is so prohibitively expensive for the average Scientologist to train. That’s why Class 8s are being used as FSMs and IAS shills instead of auditing. That’s why LRH’s Saint Hill Special Briefing Course is no longer being delivered or even sold! That’s why Auditor’s Day is only a minor event now, if its even held at all.
The Church of Scientology, Friend of Auditors.
Too true Aquamarine.
Geezer’s I only did 25 hrs in the chair a week plus hold two other posts, using Fdn hours as well.
Yeah, I deserved to be declared along with so many others, we made people happy with their service and that’s a big NO NO in miscavige’s world.
Imagine trying to FES a modern Scientologist’s folder? You’d never get through all the sec checks without nausea.
Just watched the panel discussion at Tony Ortega’s. Everyone on that panel interviews really well. Thanks so much Mike!
These so called “auditors” can’t clear anyone anyway because what they are running on their pcs is NOT scientology but Miscavology, and the inventor of such travesty, David Miscavige ,wouldn’t dare use that shit on himself!
If all the Orgs on the planet made 10,000 Clears per week each, they would not even keep up with the growth of population.
Perhaps Miscavige should take 99.99999% of the world’s population, cart them off to volcanoes and blow them up with H-Bombs. Then he would have a chance of clearing the tiny remainder with his ideal orgs.
Mike – awesome job on the panel. You looked very nice and so did the others. Paul Haggis was great too.
I just love the fact that HB fricken O is doing this documentary and the Scientology Cult attracted the talent of Alex Gibney. Lawrence Wright is one hell of a guy too! All very credible people that Wog’s will listen to.
Scientology is now disseminating the film and doing a very good job on that – please, David MIscavige, do continue!! VWD Sir!! (LOL)
Anyone care to define a “Clear”?
If there were such a state as “Clear” – Hubbard’s own tech would not make one Clear in Scientology under all of that suppression, invalidation and nullification.
What it really means is that 34 people finally realized they were mocking up their own reactive minds but can stop it and control it.
It is a far cry from “getting rid of your reactive mind” as $old and promised in the fraudulent claims of what a Clear would eventually be in Scientology.
Hubbard changed the definition many times to create confusion on the subject as he hypnotized us into believing in “a Bridge to total spiritual freedom”. This is all documented.
I hope I “cleared” a few lurkers and saved them all some money and time.
The Panel discussion was great fun. It’s good to see you all so relaxed, saying what you have to say and having a good time. Thanks a lot for the good works Mike
The panel discussion on Tony Ortega’s was excellent. Thank you Mike!
Interesting to note that the c/s says delivery team consists of several auditors trained at Flag. My guess is that as the team came from Flag, that includes all of the auditors – several. To me several is 3 or 4 – not more than 5. Even if it were 5 and they worked them to death – 50 hours in the chair per week – that 1200 would consist of about 250 hours plus objectives and purif hours. 50% of the time spent in the sauna counts toward the WDAH – well done auditing hours.
Mike – you guys were really fantastic on the NY Times panel. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing. The moderator was perfect and the group communicated extremely well together.
The last question from the Freedom Mag writer was a perfect set-up for Larry Wright. His answer shut that guy down 100%.
I would say that Tony is correct in his assessment that the cherch’s PR is beyond the point of no-return. And its about to get a whole lot worse.
All of the kool-aid drinkers that think DM is so brilliant for fixing all of the semi-colons in the basic books, continually re-doing the tech and hosing them down for ideal orgs and IAS, should really take a look at what a moron he is in the world of public PR.
” And its about to get a whole lot worse.”
I agree Sheldon. I think any public $cientologist is going to face a line in the sand. Join staff to get away from public scrutiny or leave the cult. Certainly the pressure on John, Tom and Kirsty is going to severely wratchet up. My bet is that John will break the fold first, then Kirsty because of John and then Tom …..maybe. He could have too much in common with His Ecclesiasticalness to separate out.
In any case, the pressure cooker is rattling big time!
The problem with JT going first is KP. She’s the big Kool-Aid drinker in the family, and if JT breaks, she will disconnect. No matter what else is said about him and how he gets his carnal kicks, he loves his kids. They’re as much of a hold on him as what’s in his PC folders.
Out of those three, I’m putting my money on KA to leave first. She’s moved down to C- List after her TV show flopped like a fat guy off the high dive, and she’s now getting used by Imperial Command to rah-rah the clubbed seals (viz. her little talk at Saint Hell). She’ll break soon.
I predict the church will have a big love fest pow wow with as many celebs the church can get to attend. In that meeting, these celebs will be given their talking points. As free beings on the outside of this church, we all know what those talking points are. Here’s my talking-point suggestion to celebs that don’t want the scrutiny: “I will no longer be making any comments good or bad regarding the church of scientology. I am no longer a member of the church of scientology.”
Personally I wish they’d all grow a pair and find out and speak out against the abuses of this church and the far-reaching consequences of getting involved in it.
I can’t imagine why Dan Luzadder would ask such a softball question, unless Freedom is planing to use the question, cut the answer, and imply that it was never answered.
That could be quite a backfire even with the blinkered sheep who normally don’t double-check.
Well, no worries! Everything is plus good, double-plus good!
Scientology: Making a mountain out of a mole hill since 1954.
The panel discussion brought real tears of gratitude to my eyes. I can’t begin to express how happy I am to see the attention and humanity being brought to this subject. Half a world away, this is helping so much.
Thank you Mike, and all the other panelists.
My lady commented that she was impressed with the humanity of all the guests on the panel. There was no name calling or attack language. Simply explaining what is going on, and making it understandable to a non-scio audience. It was done with intelligence, logic, rationality, humour and a lot of very solid answers. The moderator, too, was superb and brought out the best in the panel. Mike, you handled yourself extremely well and your answers were clear, concise with no holds barred. We’re having a party to watch the event on the 29th. Can hardly wait.
I loved how they explained how intelligent and thoughtful people could become enmeshed in this web and then not be able to get out. It was profound.
Thank you, Mike. You totally held your own. The four of you up there had equal power. Really extraordinary.
Can you imagine what it will be like for the LA or Pasadena Org body routers once the Gibney documentary has gone national. not fun
I disagree, jonsty! I think we’ll all be celebrating! Ding dong the cult is dead….
Two clears per week is indeed monumental compared to what most other orgs have been producing. I’m sure the ignorant still-in sheeple will be impressed, as in all likelihood their own orgs haven’t produced a clear in years.
I think the care and importance of the State of Clear to the cult is indicative of a remark that scnafrica and others have made at the South African blog: no org in Africa can make a Clear, because there’s no one there who is qualified to audit and/or C/S the Clear Certainty Rundown. If someone wants to attest to Clear, they have to go to an AO on another “continent”, Scientology-defined or otherwise.
In other words, they’ve left an entire continent high and dry regarding the most important “step on the Bridge” for any Scientologist. I wonder how many orgs on the real North American continent are that way? Well, at least it’s a cheap flight to LA or Tampa from most anywhere in the US. The real expense, of course, comes when you get there and it’s time for wallet lipo.
Medically, the procedure is not “wallet lipo,” where they artfully remove small parts of your wallet in order to make it a sleeker, more streamlined whole. It’s a “wallet-ectomy,” where your wallet is removed completely.
Just popping in to say it’s good to see you, Espi!
No JPC … the wallet itself is not extracted … just the contents.
And eventually they own your butt with their assectomy.
“But 34 Clears in 4 or 5 months…”
Actually these violently insane criminals have produced 0 “clears” in some 60 years now.
“… Oh! There’s a bunch more nuts in here for me to hang out with.” Lol! Are you coming to the SF screening Mike?
I would also bet that Purif delivery makes up a large number of those hours of delivery. No auditor required there.
scientology is caught in a Chinese Finger Trap. the more it struggles the tighter is gets.
Great panel discussion Mike. Looking forward to seeing the film in LA on the 13th.
Hey Michael, can you get a hold of me so I can meet you there?
How much do you weigh?
Mike can give you my email.
LA Org probably “made” most of those clears by finally allowing some people to attest after they had been trying to for months or years.
And then reg em for their next service and count that stat too. What is the next step after Clear in the GAG II lineup? Isn’t it Life Repair? God knows they will need it!
Usually when a change like this gets done in a org the first few weeks the stats ‘go highest ever never in history’ because backlogs get taken care of.
Once the stage of trying to get new people in sets in, that is when we will see an unprecedented, monumental, never in history disaster. Oops, forgot the quotation marks !!!!!!!!!!!
What is that cliche about the last laugh?
March 13th is fast approaching: theaters will have a gift for you and Ron. It will be here before you are scheduled to step on stage to address the sheeple on the 14th. Have you ever had the inkling that you have been upstaged or that Ron has snookered you?
You need to get yourself ahead of the curve (downward spiral). Have you started to lobby the mayor of Hollywood under your pen name of Karin Pouw, for your own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in front of your ASI building, for being a major player in the documentary “Going Clear”? Have you told Tom to start lobbying The Academy for your Oscar as a major contirbutor to the content and accuracy of the documentary?
That imaginary Oscar will look really nice on the mantle right next to the pretend Emmy that Miscavige thought he deserved for how well he did on the Nightline interview back in 1992.
Apparently, according to this OCMB post from Pooks, a credible source, they actually made up a fake Emmy and presented it to DM:
Wow. This gets more bizarre with each day’s new reveal. A fake Emmy. And, yes, it looks like now they WILL get their Academy Award — just not the way that they thought they would. LOL.
Thanks for your great comments, John P. Capitalist. They bring such clarity from such a stable business point of view.
A fake Emmy for David Miscavige. Awww…that is so cute. This is like something you’d do for your 12 year old son to show him how much you love him and to cheer him up after a big disappointment. Oh, wait…
That Emmy should look great next to his Mickey Mouse watch with his face superimposed over Mickey’s.
Not to beat this to death, but I would think anyone over the age of 14 would be embarrassed to receive a fake Emmy, or any award, unless it was an intentional gag gift. However, something tells me that this was not a gag gift to David Miscavige. I’ll bet he displays it someplace. Jesus.
As I recall, his tightest inner circle also gave him a bronzed and gold plated pair of boxing gloves for his work with Ted Koppel on live TV (Nightline, 1992).
Yo Dave,
As Mike said in the interview, in the cult it’s all mind over matter. “We mind, You don’t matter.”
Well I’m not much of a betting man but if I were, I’d be putting my money down on the
“IT REALLY FUCKING MATTERS!” square of your chessboard come March 13th good buddy.
In fact I’m going ALL IN on seeing your new documentary on Scientology the day BEFORE your party for El Con on the 14th. You can bet there will be scilons all over the place trying to get tickets!
And you know Dave, if you weren’t such a loser you would have produced your own documentary on the Greatest Ecclesiastical Leader since Budda or who the fuck ever it is you think you are better than…..I guess it’s “all of em” knowing your propensity for wanting to insert the smallest round item in the largest orofice on the planet. Better get Dan working on the script for your obituary good buddy.
“Mind over matter”, that was a good one, I had to pause the video as my husband couldn’t stop laughing.
Watching these four intelligent people discuss the problem made me realize how good the movie probably is. Showing the general public that we are not crazy , calling on Cruise to stand up, the general empathy of their comments and great sense of humor , all this and more give a pretty good sense of what it is going to tell us.
I thoroughly enjoyed the panel discussion that you were a member of. Just fantastic. Having 90 minutes ensured everyone could answer the questions with lots of detail and thoughtfulness. Great job, thank you Mike.
Mike, the panel discussion was brilliant! I watched the whole thing twice. And you were in excellent form, the perfect explicator of “life on the inside.” Bravo! Toasts to you and the others raised in my house!
I concur, Mike. Great discussion. Some very great points made. Thank you!
Think about it: for every scientologisy declared or who just left quietly disaffected and for every ex staff member ex scientologist, there are probably at least 25 people that were also adversely affected by extension. Just me and my sole declare, the lives of at least 25 people (and I have a small family and a low estimate) were affected and have a bad opinion of scientology as a result. No wonder Sundance was filled and with a standing O. Not only the press wants this church down but all SP’s and exes and the people they are connected to them as well as several people that are still IN. Do the math. That’s hundreds of thousands that are rooting for this church to fail and David Miscavige brought down.
Elementary logic for Dave:
1. Look at the track you’re traveling on
2. Realize that to get off it would invalidate all you’ve created
3. Observe that distant freight train barreling towards you in a direct collision course
4. Know that this will not end well for you
for sure, scientology is far from doing any cleared planet or universe. Why? Because the od man was insanely after money rather than after humanity betterment. Like many gurus, he was suffering of a power search rather than after love for others.
Totally agree. Wishing you all the best Mike. Hoisting a hearty cup of PG Tips.
Pay attention Pasadena. This is your future.
Mike, just watched the panel commentary over at Tony’s bunker. You looked and sounded great! Here’s to your continued success! (I am raising a cup of tea, much too early for the harder stuff!)
Auditors are among the upper tenth of the upper twentieth … really? … is that what the church of Scientology thinks? … REALLY? … then why the FUCK have so many of us been kicked out of the CoS as “suppressive persons” … the truth is that VERY few people who run the CoS have any fucking respect for auditors at all. If they did, I’d be getting daily emails begging me to return as I have decades of experience of being an EXCELLENT auditor. But … they keep kicking out experienced tech people and then claim they want to CLEAR people! Without auditors? While making the runway to becoming a new auditor almost endless. (think they made any pro Class Vs at the LA class V org last year?) Honestly, I don’t believe Ms. Zapata, I think she’s lying. And if she’s not lying? Then the LA Org, like the FSO did for decades, is simply stealing public from other orgs who as a result have less or no public in them at all. So out of those alleged 34, I’m guessing 4 or 5 MIGHT be Angelenos. So, you’re gonna have to revise your time estimate upwards Mik for the clearing of LA.
Short answer Joe …………… it is not the truth! Typical $cientology !!
I agree Joe, in fact from the current COS perspective it is really auditors are the lower tenth of the lower twentieth and
only really used for window dressing. It sure doesn’t take an experienced interned auditor to deliver objectives.
They have NO respect for auditors. The only auditors they want are GATBOTS, who will double as sleazy sales personnel when they have no pcs – which is most of the time.
Joe, the purpose of davie and company is to kill the church and the whole subject. He is doing very well at this, and is getting lots of help, from all over.
(A secondary goal is to acquire money.)
Just look at all the evidence.
You’re making it sound as if killing the cult and the whole subject is a bad thing.
1984 – It’s the age-old story about the battle between good and evil in all its many forms over the course of history. No one could explain how the world could have truth presented in so many ways, periods in which truth was accepted and revered, then declines of civilizations and cultures. If one looks at mankind as an organism, how could it be that a living thing would poison its own wells, after working so hard to find water and dig them? How could a living things chop pieces of itself off? How could a man see a truth, and be killed for seeing it? This was a puzzle that went unsolved for ages, until Freud drew attention to the subconscious mind. Then the remaining problem was to determine the composition of that subconscious, and determine if that was indeed the answer to the riddle. But that did not eliminate the reactive mind. It simply provided a way to erase it and free a man and mankind from the “eternal conflict” between good and evil. The reactive mind is huge, and it agrees with itself at times, fights with itself at others – that’s a personification of it, really, but there are many conflicting intentions within a reactive mind. One can see it within an individual, and one can see it on the face of mankind. There are things which lurk in the dark. Some are imaginary. Some are facsimiles of real things. Some surface.
Yes I agree, the evidence is a nutty as the leader of $cn himself.
Trying to understand and justify something to another what is insane to begin with is quite the pastime and goes around and around and around.
For example – if Scientology never worked in the first place, why would miscavige have to alter it? But alter he did, time and time again and that was even before the GAT series. The number of his wacky internal technical alterations, such as off policy co-audits, metering and TR courses, checksheet rewrites (the SHSBC a prime example) and RTC TR, metering video passes are to name but a few. He really got stuck into Solo NOTs stuff too early on and personally wrote a number of issues himself “fixing it up” and he himself was a failed CL4 auditor! And the book and package rewrites over and over again. Yet he tries to convince everyone he’d trying to get the tech pure LRH. Hubbard must have been both blind and stupid when he delivered the SHSBC and set the precedent of Saint Hill size statistics and a financial viability formula for Orgs, having so much altered technology under his very nose and delivering it at the same time with those suppressively written textbooks and checksheets.
It would seem logical if Hubbard did make all that shit up, and it failed to produce results just leave it be, the money was flowing anyway and the organisation was relatively big and stable. But now however, miscavige has painted himself into a corner of which I don’t think he quite envisioned he’d ever end up. He underestimated the internet badly and the legal people both for and against miscavige/scientology are circling like sharks, they smell blood in the water and a payday they could only dream about is just around the corner. They are the real winners in this Scientology scenario.
It does seem evidential however that miscavige had in for Hubbard in a big way. Destroying Scientology as it was when he stole it became rather obviously an obsession with him – just look at what he did to the executive strata! That’s some pretty serious damage in anyone’s terms. He declared nearly all of Hubbard’s previous Saint Hill staff and not one Hubbard trained CLXII exists today in the church – he declared the lot of them! Pretty damning evidence of what miscavige thought of Hubbard and his technology.
There’s never been a saving of nor reform of Scientology – it doesn’t work in a group format no matter what you do with it. That can be for better or worse rather easily provable. Take todays posting on the latest from the biggest and best in LA and the last many months on Mike’s site – it’s all a death roll of miscavige’s organisation and its lies. And Flag is a joke.
Whether the tech works for individuals has been and will be debated from here on out – but really who gives a shit? So what if someone says I feel better because I read a book or got auditing from someone. Heavens sake, some people feel spiritually fulfilled sitting on a mountain top for 30 years or others jumping out of aircraft.
But I think we can comfortably observe and agree that the fact Scientology as a group activity is dead in the water and if its technology was ever workable, well… what does it matter now. However, geezers didn’t some money change hands over this subject, and the carnage of broken lives and shattered dreams left in its wake is enough to turn the stomach of even the most hardened critic of Hubbard.
I suppose it could be argued miscavige may have better off leaving the technology alone and just counting the money – then he could really blame Hubbard if went wrong. But as I said earlier trying to understand and explain something that is insane just goes around and around and around.
Esp, cult no. Philosophy, yes. (My opinion.) They are two different things, pretty much 180 degrees apart.
Intention to destroy is coming from all around. Davie and company are definitely trying to lead the way, but there is also knee-jerk reactions from the field.
The intention seems to be against using the philosophy to help.
My point was to look at all the data and form your own conclusions.
Nickname, it comes down to intention and intelligence. If the intention is to do good, apply intelligence to applicable tools to arrive at specific solutions.
And as you seem to be saying, willingness to confront is a plus.
1984, why should I support the survival of a philosophy that’s stated it wants to eliminate me, quietly and without sorrow, and which bases a key Lower Bridge action on a bastardization of the subject I have my degree in, promulgated by a vainglorious liar that makes Colonel Blimp look like Uriah Heep (not the rock group, the literary character)?
Let’s work together to destroy the cult, then we’ll hash out the whole philosophy thing afterward. I’m open to reform if you are.
Yes 1984 – the intention behind the action truly makes a philosophical difference but intelligence is a finely tuned instrument often waylaid under the weight of public opinion. It will take some time for that to be realised if ever now that the HBO spotlight is well and truly brought to bear on $cientology and hurls it into in the broad public arena. It is already recognised and is gathering momentum that Scientology is a corrupt organisation and a societal failure.
It could be realised with some accuracy that miscavige has pulled it in. He rode the gravy train for a long, long time and corrupted completely as power all too often does. Interesting year or two ahead as it all unravels. I just feel for the hypnotised rank & file, it’s going to be rough for them. IMO the Sea Org was Hubbard’s greatest social miscalculation/error.
Esp, The philosophy evolved / devolved over time, with a lot of assumptions about it. If you have decided that you already know all about it, fine, do without it. But I do not appreciate the ad hominem attacks on Ron. It is not needed.
You could also attack Machiavelli, but his book “the Prince” can be quite useful (depending on what you are looking for). Of course Sun Tzu’s “Art of War” is nicer to read.
The philosophy is a whole bunch of tools. How or not a tool is used depends on intention and intelligence.
And if “history repeats itself if one doesn’t learn from it”, then it is a good idea to keep it available, anyway.
Destroy the cult? It is destroying itself quite efficiently. There might still be survivors worth salvaging, though.
I Yawnalot, yes, it won’t be long now.
Yawn, In the mean time, here is a video of davie’s SO honor guard doing Ideal drill:
@ I Yawnalot — “if Scientology never worked in the first place, why would miscavige have to alter it?”
My thought: it’s never made a single documented Clear or OT as Hubbard originally promised them.
McSavage knew this — knew that the ultimate product was an undeliverable lie. So he had to rewrite it all, repackage it, and resell it to keep money flowing in. Heck, maybe he even had some slim hope that if he revised everything it would work — though I doubt it. I do think he knew he could sell this to the throngs: “It’s clean tech now. The SP errors are edited out. Now watch your results!”
The true ability gained in Scientology is self-deception. That’s why the dwindling masses deceive themselves with Alice in Wonderland graphs of non-existent success while they manically applaud the fine clothes of the naked Commodore.
I Yawnalot – “… intelligence is a finely tuned instrument often waylaid under the weight of public opinion.” Nice.
It was s elf serving statement to begin with. Just my opinion.
Auditors cut into the profit margin by taking $$$. That is why they are being cut out of the pie. Auditors used to make good money, they were the lynch pin in getting new meat into $cientology. It takes a lot of skill to get the pc to buy in to auditing, a skill that seems to be waning. Everything is ‘donations’ to the IAS now, pure profit, unless the reg gets that 10%. With so many staff positions be taken by Sea Org, does anyone get a chance at commissions now?
Of these 34 ‘clears’, how many are doing it for the 2nd and 3rd time? The toll booths on this bridge are very expensive and the bridge only takes you back to your starting point. Escher designed this bridge.