This “campaign” to stuff mailboxes in LA with copies of The Way to Happiness continues full speed ahead.
The level of delusion on display here is mind-boggling.
These people have been convinced to believe, in violation of everything observable to them, that putting a booklet in someone’s mailbox is going to have miraculous effects: “just imagine the sanity spreading to beings who need theta and direction in their lives!”
I get tons of “mail” like this — pamphlets, leaflets, booklets, fliers, magazines etc etc in my mailbox every day. It all goes straight into the garbage without a second glance.
If anyone actually opened it and read it, or even part of it, would this suddenly make them sane? Increase their “theta”? They pretend they believe this is true.
This is an “unbelievably vital and successful campaign.” The “success” is measured by? How much money has been collected? How much commission has been made on the purchase of the booklets?
If this REALLY was such a vital and successful campaign, why doesn’t scientology just pay for it to be done. It’s not like they can’t afford it…
Scientology just has too many impediments to be taken seriously.
L. Ron Hubbard has too many downsides publicly known about now, to be taken seriously.
Hubbard’s Xenu word, the crossover between science fiction and reality, with Xenu dumping the body-thetans onto earth needing Hubbard’s OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 the Scientology exorcism procedures, kind of overwhelms anything positive.
Hubbard didn’t leave a way to develop a moderating strategy to non followers, Hubbard only left Scientology a presumption all persons would eventually become Scientologists.
Way to Happiness isn’t tied into a sane overall strategy for letting non followers never become Scientologists.
When Hubbard admitted failure to Sarge, as explained in the end of “Going Clear….” book by Lawrence Wright, I keep wondering what fully Hubbard meant.
Sarge says LRH said it meant all of it. All of it means all of the LRH presumptions about how to get the “tech” (Hubbard’s quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism) to everyone on earth.
Way to Happiness to Hubbard if you take his published words about Way to Happiness at face value, then when Hubbard admitted failure to Sarge, this included his Way to Happiness strategy too.
The biggest omission at the end of Hubbard’s life, was not expanding and really pulling the plug on everything, after having those momentary moments of full doubt and feeling of failure about everything. He ought to have done a full Doubt Formula workout to pull the plug on the movement.
I kind of liked Precept 20 of Way to Happiness, all said, it’s about the only thing, besides Joy of Creation, and a few other pablum Hubbard ideas, that I liked.
There’s just too many horrible bad stuff Hubbard stitched into everything, tying it all together in a package, making Scientology as a subject an impossible sell overall.
The Xenu word just is a key one of those impossible sellable aspects repelling long range allegiance to Scientology when it’s explained.
OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 wouldn’t even be needed, were it not theoretically for Xenu. That’s a hard sell, if you tell people this upfront.
And all the “routes onto the Bridge” (the strategic passages to get people up the Hubbard quackery stepladder to to eventually doing OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7) would end a person learning finally Xenu’s earth dumping of body-thetans.
Way to Happiness today, and Hubbard would wish everyone eventually get up through the upper OT levels, finish all their exorcism and strip off all the body-thetans Xenu dumped onto earth and onto everyone.
You just can’t prevent people from finding this out anymore.
Hubbard was ALWAYS about the cons. NOTHING he promised was ever delivered โ or deliverable.
I like what the Way To Happiness advises. I think this booklet has its uses. To my mind it is a common sense, applicable version of the Ten Commandments.
Having said that I believe WTH has its uses, I also think that this booklet is being imbued with mystical powers it doesn’t have.
Simply handing a stressed, overwhelmed, possibly physically ill, or hungry or otherwise physically, mentally and/or emotionally stirred up or grief stricken person the Way To Happiness is not going to change that person’s life around and give him or her brilliant, life-changing realizations.
There are people who believe that giving a deeply unhappy or problem ridden person a Bible will create miracles in that person’s life. Miracles, salvation – yes, just hand them the Holy Bible and have them read it. They believe that the Word of God (or whatever) in the Bible has that power to reach through and effect these changes.
Of course, its not impossible that someone very troubled could read the St James version of the Bible and have realizations or cognitions as Scientology calls them. Again its not IMpossible. But is is likely? No.
Despite there being a lot of wisdom in the Bible (along with the Christian magic in the New Testament and the Jewish Magic in the Old Testament) the fact that someone is reading it does not guarantee life changing for the better effects.
And its the same way with the WTH. Its true that one cannot go WRONG doing one’s best to adhere to its principles. I am not a mother but if I had children I would certainly let children of mine read it and encourage them to follow its precepts. But that’s not the point!
If a child of mine or a neighbor or friend or family member of mine were wracked with emotional pain over some loss, or suffering due to some natural disaster like a hurricane or flood, I wouldn’t shove a Way To Happiness into their hands and expect them to read it so as to be calm and content and healed. I mean, that’s just ridiculous!
Like the Bible and its nuggets of wisdom, the data contained within WTHwill mean nothing unless the person reading it is in some degree open to it. The way that CO$ carries on so fatuously about the mysterious “power” of this booklet “in peoples’ hands” simply absurd.
And that is a shame because the booklet has its uses, I think.
To: Aquamarine
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: The Way to Happiness booklet.
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: recent comm particle.
How can you send Shanaynay Muhammad to Aquamarine’s house when she’s still in the slammer and Calypso Louis Farrakhan won’t bail her out?
You have been owned!
No love at all,
Dear Alcoboy,
Once more do I express my heartfelt thanks to you for my defense in the face of COB’s unremitting attacks on my character.
That said, I’m concerned that you may have put yourself at RISK!
I am therefore going to attempt to turn the thermostat down on COB’s anger with the following apology:
“Dear Captain Miscavige, Ecclesiastical Leader Extraordinaire of the Scientology Religion and Tutti Di Capo Tutti of Planetary and Inter-Stellular Constellationary Clearing:
Please accept my apology, dear, kind, compassionate Sir!
ANY words of wisdom in my previous post were WHOLLY unintentional, I assure you!
From time to time when I blather on, something sane or useful, something containing a grain or two of common sense, MIGHT slip out.
Believe me when I say that I do fully understand and embrace that ALL wisdom, sanity, intelligence, analytical ability and common sense emanate only from L Ron Hubbard and from you, sir. Any pretensions to the contrary are laughable at best.
Please believe me, I didn’t mean to say anything sensible.
Now, I know this just sounds like I’m justifying and being reasonable and so forth, therefore I’ll conclude by acknowledging my offense and promising never again to offend thee and LRH in this manner.
And now if you’ll kindly excuse me, Sir, I need to launder and iron my chicken costume, as well as my boyfriend’s pirate costume, in that we will be attending an Ideal M’Org Fundraiser tomorrow evening. We’re so excited to have the opportunity to donate all we have in the bank and from our 2nd mortgage so as to satisfy, at least temporarily, our avid craving for the crumbs of your approval!
To: Aquamarine
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: softsoaping
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: Shanaynay Muhammad.
No love at all,
to: David Miscavige COB RTC
from: ME.
re: Threats to aquamarine and alcoboy
You should learn from Russia’s attempts to intimidate the world.
Empty threats don’t scare ANYone, no matter how many times they’re repeated. Putin’s threatened to hit the “big red button” SO many times that Finland and Sweden just went and applied to join NATO. NO one believes that Putin/Russia would commit suicide by nuke. So much for Russia’s paranoia about NATO expansion.
To: Jere Lull
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: recent comm particle.
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: recent comm particle.
I think Jere was comparing you to Putin.
Most theta being in the MEST universe my ass!
No love at all,
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: safetyguy
Handling People
Anytime you think you want to handle me come right ahead. I’ll stomp a mudhole in you.
Get ya some o dat,
Alcoboy/Prince Valiant,
Looks like self-abnegation, immolating myself, have failed, Alas, I remain a target of Darth David’s terrible wrath. My safety and peace of mind are back in your hands now. Be careful out there.
Yours in boundless gratitude,
I can handle myself when it comes to the demented midget. I will do anything for the Alco and Aqua Lee Show!
You know, its really not a bad name!
Granted, its absurd, but then so many names are nowadays.
Hey, I know! Why don’t we broadcast LIVE from Sea World?
This way we can give Scientology Media AND Flag some competition in the form of The False Porpoise Rundown… “Delivered Only At Sea World”.
Howdya like them apples, Dwarf?
But since Scientology is handing it out, it raises conflicting reactions especially to persons who know of Scientology’s hypocrisy, them not following their own Way to Happiness guidelines to their Scientology followers.
So, it’s a messy sell, to the public, since the public eventually learn of the backlash downsides that Scientology’s other rules and regulations dish out.
Scientology does not dish out Way to Happiness guidelines themselves, making it a hard sell to informed public who know that Scientology isn’t a role model Way to Happiness group to its own membership.
I wish the booklet had been used to reform, and strip out all of the nasty Hubbard policies and totally rework the Scientology operation. That was always a back of my mind thought, until I quit Scientology myself.
The Precept 20 has a number of later paragraphs that profess to help a person develop their “virtues” personally and that truly is how I saw Scientology might strategically reform itself.
Have the top two councils of Scientology (Watchdog Committee and Exec Strata) do the review of the policies in their sectors and their “points of business” and work out better more virtuous direction and eliminate all nasty Hubbard existing policies.
But that misses the bottom level fraud of the Hubbard false promises that the “tech” (the quackery pseudo-therapy and the quackery exorcism, which ARE the core practices of the whole Hubbard “Bridge to Total Freedom” which is the syllabus unshakeable stepladder of progress all Scientologists are directed to follow.
It’s a losing proposition due to the offering of Scientology being this pseudo-therapy and exorcism, all Scientologists are directed to practice and partake of thoroughly “standardly” per the Hubbard thoroughness rules.
Scientology even if administratively and followership rules were all made virtuous and the nasty horrible rules eliminated, still is delivering quackery that doesn’t deliver the false promises of Hubbard.
It’s just a long stretched out losing proposition any way you turn trying to fix Scientology quackery movement.
But if all I knew of Scientology was Precept 20 Way to Happiness, it’s a positive guideline, and isn’t really what the rest of Scientology is though.
But if Scientology future leaders wish to reform Scientology a bit, I’d use Precept 20, and grade everything Hubbard versus the virtues. And dump all the Hubbard hasty unvirtuous.
(Hubbard at the end of his life, best to read and really think a lot about the final pages in Lawrence Wright’s “Going Clear…” book, where Sarge tells Wright that Hubbard admitted to Sarge that Hubbard had failed at all of it. Point being, Hubbard ought to have manned up, and fully pulled the plug on the movement, but admittng his “tech” was quackery and a failure, I guess isn’t something that people who dream up quackery practices and think they are what the world needs, and who build movements to deliver their quackery, when they realize they’ve failed, they need to go fuller whole hog and methodically pull the full plug on their quackery empire. Society, word of mouth, media, the word gets out, and society pulls the plug slowly on quackery groups it seems.).
Chuck Beatty
ex Team Xenu 75 to 03
“I wish the booklet had been used to reform, and strip out all of the nasty Hubbard policies and totally rework the Scientology operation”.
Bravo! I could not agree more, Chuck. If they had done that, they WOULD have expanded – expanded for real.
Maybe the measure of their success will be to send someone to the landfill a week later and count how many roll off the garbage trucks.
This shows panic and frustration , Age of Paranoia.
Only way out is change, do some thing new ,innovative like Harry Porter series as new tech.
Magical wand ,flying broom , black cloak as new artifacts.
Otherwise move to mid west and start poultry and dairy farming and remain isolated from Wog world for next 50 years.
It’s not me , it’s written on the wall.
Most people perform a “sanity check” when a proposition is made to them, especially one that casts them time and/or money. This one certainly deserves the same:
1. It is not unusual for a church (or any organization) to do mass mailings. It may also engage volunteers in the labor aspect of it, such as putting mailings into envelopes. What IS highly unusual, especially for an exceedingly well-heeled “church” claiming to be on a tremendous growth run and raising funds perpetually, to expect volunteers to pay for the campaign as well. Even more unusual is that the “church” expects volunteers not only to cover costs of a campaign but to insure that the “church” profits financially and significantly from every single piece of mail sent out.
2. The response to indiscriminate mass mailings is well known to be extremely low, somewhere in the vicinity of a fraction of 1% (and that is for a product enjoying a positive reputation). In turn, the “conversion rate” (i.e. those acting on momentary interest) is much, much lower still.
3. Given these facts, it is extremely irresponsible from a cost perspective to send something as costly–at least to the donors–as WTH. A church may send out a glossy advertisement for an event. It will not blanket entire neighborhoods indiscriminately with Bibles.
4. A few may actually take a moment to read an advertisement for a practical product, such as a promise to lower their mortgage rates. Even if a person knows nothing about this “church” and considers them just another marginal organization, it is extremely unlikely that they will read through even a fraction of this pamphlet to the point where this may have been a worthwhile effort. Let alone where it changes the reader’s approach to life and positively affects their neighborhood.
5. If WTH had this amazing, life-transforming power for entire neighborhoods why bother with “services” priced at nose-bleedingly high costs? Why go to a fancy org and be subjected to a high-pressure sales pitch? Why pay fealty to “captain” dave who didn’t even come up with this brilliant life-changer? Why submit to an authoritarian organization?
This whole campaign is a lot like a white-collar criminal engaging in big dollar fraud who just can’t help themselves and has to go out and do some recreational pickpocketing on the side.
Along those lines, I’d bet if money launderers had worked out a way to launder their money through Scientology’s strategies, or even through other church’s strategies, that would have happened by now.
One thing that’s happened in my life, is working the old “numbers racket” into US states’ lotteries. Legalizing what used to be illegal “numbers racket” activity.
Likewise, if the illegal international money laundering that goes on, if that could be shifted to a government or state by state legalized money laundering method, that’d be a big shift.
Like was that shift of the illegal “numbers racket” into state lotteries. (I have neglected to read up on this, but I presume the hype that state lotteries profits “help” various social betterment activities for states who have lotteries).
The only redeeming Precept to me, is Precept 20, and only when you read deep into the final paragraphs of Precept 20 going into how to develop the virtues.
I presumed, when i studied Way to Happiness, and I did thoroughly the Way to Happiness quackery pseudo-therapy “rundown” when it came out, that developing the virtues was going to extend into how to reform Scientology itself.
Never happened. And as you point out in point number 4 above, no one in my whole time in Sea Org, and I closely watched our strategic thinking thinkers at Int Base, later ASI, none of our leaders in the top councils even for an instant had any thoughts of developing the virtues strategically.
Hubbard’s other policies and orders swamped out developing the virtues to wash away the nasty stuff Hubbard left the movement.
Precept 20’s details would have been the way to tackle the bad in SCientology. But that was wishful thinking even to me, since also the quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism steps of Scientology are futile bogus bunk in the end of the day, so even if the movement became virtuous methodically dropping all of it’s nastiness, in the end, it is selling quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism which is bunk.
So it’s all just futile wishful thinking, trying to make something of Hubbard’s quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism practices. Which he even admitted failure, briefly, superficially at it all, in the end of his life.
Wait, way to happiness rundown?
What the f*** is that?
Worse weeds to know, is that David Mayo, then Senior Case Supervisor (top quackery man for Hubbard) did the research and piloting for making this Hubbard “Way to Happiness” quackery pseudo-therapy procedures. Mayo, deceased and briefly a respected splinter Scientology operation, later disassociated himself entirely and repeatedly completely distanced himself from the Scientology quackery subject by the time he’d passed.
But the weed bad news, is L. Ron Hubbard wrote a special award commendation to Mayo’s work researching and piloting the Way to Happiness quackery rundown.
I did the version Mayo oversaw being made of this rundown. The only part I even liked, was the virtues study part, where you study actually ideas different from the Hubbard ideas.
Virtue is a word you won’t find elsewhere in Scientology, Hubbard did not in other Scientology writings push becoming virtuous and focusing on the virtues.
For all the things I today even think about “useful” they are things clearly Hubbard borrowed from elsewhere, and stuck them in almost as an afterthought, into his Scientology syllabus.
yea, even “wogs” can go to orgs and pay and receive the Way to Happiness Rundown, but most orgs don’t have quackery specialists to do the quackery for you, which is to your benefit the Scientology orgs don’t deliver their quackery, which you shouldn’t seek out and not waste your time and money on it.
I was going to ask you to be more specific but, okay, I get it.
It’s transgressions you’ve committed against all of the precepts in the Way to Happiness booklet.
And you study thoroughly the precept, then run transgressions and clear up instances of violating that precept (the 24 or so total precepts in the booklet).
It’s done using the Emeter to all make sure you are happy about each of the precepts and see how doing that precept will be positive for your life.
it’s more half ways like a Grade 2, transgressions without all the frills of “time place form event” just looser transgression q and a.
To read the Hubbard quackery lineup of “processes” for the whole Hubbard Scientology syllabus (the “Bridge”) go to WikiLeaks, poke around, there’s several places the process commands are listed out.
Wow. Looks like the CofS will do anything to take in the cash! Thanks for the info!
Let’s go with point 5. If DMSMH did all that it claimed, what’s the point of Scientology? Why the Bridge? This is where critics of Mormonism hit the LDS church. The Book of Mormon is supposed to contain the fullness of the gospel yet there is nothing in there about marriage for time and eternity, becoming a god over your own universe, etc. So it is with WTH. If this book is the cure all for everything, then why do we need Scientology?
Desperate times for SoC!
Would be great if the mailbox deliveries coincided with some more negative Scientology news such as the Danny Masterson case or sea orgs slave labour legal case.
And the rave reviews are already coming in!
โWaste of postage!โ
โWTF is this?โ
โI thought bulk mail went out with leisure suits and earth shoes.โ
โWho are these people, and why are they sending this to me?โ
โNow that they have my address, Iโll have to keep my door locked.โ
โIs this another one of those Scientology scams?โ
A booklet explaining Xenu’s dumping of body-thetans onto earth, with pictures, and how OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 work to uninfest all humans of their body-thetans would be helpful.
Then the public would at least know what the Scientology syllabus is really all about.
But do you really think that Scientology is going to spill the beans to wogs?
Perish the thought!
Right, exactly, and fundamentally, if you believe in the factual beneficial results of the ARC triangle, in that transparency and communication result in general human improvement, then it would fundamentally “work” to improve Scientology’s relationship to the world, honestly, I feel, to tell the truth simply clearly, what their beliefs are, and what their syllabus is.
Per ARC triangle, yes, it would “work” to tell the truth. Despite LRH’s draconian rules not to tell the Xenu story in full.
LRH did tell the Xenu story in partial, and an unappreciated paper by the ill thought of new religion academic, none the less, Lewis did notice the fine points of what LRH was trying to do when LRH did write “Revolt In The Stars” film treatment.
LRH was willing, in his own outlined and never executed “Revolt In The Stars” (see the article on Wikipedia), he does at least define Xenu as perpetrating the 4th Dynamic Engram and Wall of Fire.
But “Revolt In The Stars” by LRH doesn’t explain that body-thetans shot off the mass murdered humanoids’ bodies, and today these surplus bodiless souls from these mass murdered humanoids now are clustered and infest all humans on earth, resulting in why Scientology “church” sells (requires fixed donations) for the five exorcism steps, OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, to un-infest an upper Scientologist of their Xenu dumped “body-thetans” surplus souls, and the “case” those souls have with them (the body-thetans’ case is the same R6 implanting we all got by Xenu during the 4th Dynamic Engram).
Dumbing this down, simplifying what Scientology is supposedly spiritually doing to improve a human on earth today, is something another more transparent and “in ARC” group, would do.
And doing this simplifying and sharing publicly the bigger picture like this, would end the mystery and nagging unsatisfying verbiage that Scientology instead puts out about their activities.
Chuck Beatty
I wasted a lot of years working Sea Org, thinking about this long nagging unsatisfying predicament the followers and staffs are stuck with, due to Hubbard’s layers of rules and theory to not be transparent 1975-2003, and to today as an ex member.
PS: You can download James Lewis’ paper on Xenu, body-thetans, Revolt In The Stars,'s_Secret_Mythology
“Just imagine the sanity spreading to beings who need theta and direction in their lives!โ
I agree with the cult: Sanity is a wonderful thing. But I would also add the obvious: “Sanity begins at home.” A campaign for “sanity” based on magical thinking? How does that even work?
WTH? Oh, no! WTF!
I assume they are related to trevor simington:
Same as handing out “Watchtowers”. Just extra garbage to throw away. And the way that book is written is very condescending. Reads like it was written for a 5 year old. Don’t forget, Brush your teeth.
I once lived out of town and had a very big German Shepard. Friendliest dog I ever had. Loved everybody. But loved to bark when someone came into the yard. No one dropped any literature off at my house. And really never seemed to come back the second time. She would come around the house barking and they wouldnโt see her tail wagging. One even backed up so fast they ran into the ditch. I think I got on their no visit list. No watchtower for me.
Recently an old ‘expansion’ video was posted that mentioned 7 missions in an area* – all of which have since vanished. Their irrationally optimistic ‘postulates’, and even magical thinking, are getting very old and worn.
If anything like this actually worked, the LA area would be covered with completely new “churches”, not to mention an expanding network of missions, to start with. But the diehards remaining inside the bubble must have become inured to the obvious.
* The San Francisco Bay area, as of the opening of their “idea” org facility in 2004 – second video at
outlfow equals inflow. I guess.
Especially if the outflow is effluvium.
* This is an โunbelievably vital and successful campaign.โ The โsuccessโ is measured by?
Depends on how closely they’re applying their fanciful tech. If they were, it would be measured by the rise (or fall) of such stats as NNCF (new names to CF, raw people who made the mistake of providing an address so they can added to every possible mailing list).
I remember doing letters out, and success was considered to be letters in about three weeks later. (Whether there was a direct correlation didn’t really matter. There was an assumed one.)
However, given the much greater likelihood they’re not using “tech” and are, instead, basing success on meeting a program target, it’s more in line with claiming square feet is group expansion rather than the number of active members.
Sounds like a liability condition caper. I sho nuff handed out a bunch of promo in that area. What a waste. I also M9’d about every dumb shit on lowers going through the lines at AOLA. I can say that with a large dose of scn certainty since I was a dumb shit going through lowers at AOLA.
Out of the closet now officially with this. well actually, I’m already on the Trevanon’s Big list. But I no longer give a shit.
Hey, we are so broke we canโt even pay to advertise our scam. Only you can help us.๐
Should be renamed The Way to Poverty and Mind Control.
Old Meatloaf song.
Highway to Hell comes to mind.
Highway to Hell was ACDC
Opps. Getting a bit old here.
You were thinking of “Bat out of Hell”, dear sir. The “getting out” idea is always good when it comes to this organization. And as a fan of Meatloaf you have excellent taste.
Maybe I’m wrong but isn’t putting stuff in someone’s mailbox illegal unless you’re a postal worker?
They need money for postage, so apparently the pamphlets are being mailed.
I dunno. Mike doesn’t indicate in the blog whether the booklets are being mailed or hand delivered.
Third paragraph of the request for donations says the money is to pay for postage and a mail house service.
Whoops! Didn’t see that! Good eye catching that!
Yes. When the postal workers report them, Scientology will be forced to pay first class postage and penalties on what they delivered to mailboxes without paying for postage.
Or maybe it is their intention to mail them, in which case they may qualify for third class presorted postage.
I was just going to comment on that Alcoboy. I do think it’s illegal. I don’t think the post office looks kindly on something that doesn’t have postage on it or anyone looking into a mailbox who doesn’t own that mailbox or isn’t a postal employee.
The only people who should put things in or take something out of someoneโs mailbox are the mailbox owner(s) and postal employees. It is illegal to put anything other than mail in a mailbox.
Therefore, it is illegal for a non-postal employee to place something in someoneโs mailbox. Scientology, however, does not know how to use google to come up with answers like this – and probably does not care if what they do is legal or not as long as they think the penalty is minor.
I know. Wog laws, right?
They’re doing this through the post office’s direct mail program. (That’s the thing that lands stuff like grocery store ads in every mail box in a neighboorhood, basically junk mail you can’t refuse.
Yes it is. They had better be paying for USPS bulk mail rates & delivery or they will probably be prosecuted.
This is their own backyard, do they never ask themselves why this will work when nothing in the past has worked?
“It all goes straight into the garbage without a second glance.”
Please put it in the recycle instead. Then maybe it will get turned into something useful.
You mean like paper that will be used to print more copies of Tony Ortega’s “The Unbreakable Miss Lovely”?
That would be too funny!
Or used to make toilet paper, the use of which would be truly appropriate.
True that!
Common scam: Public Scientologist gets sent to Ethics for any of a million stupid reasons. The Ethics Officer tells the person they need to pay for $5,000 worth of WTH booklets as part of their amends. The Ethics Officer gets the book commission. Scientology gets $5,000 for the little booklets that they print out on the cheapest paper possible for a total cost of $200. Scientology banks the huge profit and everyone is “happy”.
Such palpable delusion, such a thweetie-weetie milksop as WTH — it’s amazing that ANYONE believes that that sophomoric pamphlet could convince anyone to do anything. Not even the dwarfenfรผhrerยฎ believes the propaganda, it seems. But at least he’s not making TOO much on the things. By the 85,000 target addresses and only $4200, that’s about 5 cents each: a BARGAIN!
Cha ching.
Thatโs all itโs about
Some folks just refuse to see what works and what doesn’t. This approach has never worked and never will.
It works if all they want is work to keep their victim’s minds and hands busy. ๐
PS can’t wait for another podcast episode!
If people barely glance at the Watchtower pamphlets, why would they waste the time to read this re-hashed drivel?
To a Scientologist, this isn’t drivel; it’s Source.
My mind has ceased to be boggled.
Get your mind a tune up because I have this feeling that the best is yet to come.
I’ll keep that in mind.