Why do they even put this stuff out?
This is so weak it is almost like a parody.
Imagine The Onion doing a satire promoting the OT Committee. This is what they might come up with.
Why is it so good to join the OT Committee? Because no matter what you are able to do or are interested in doing you can fit right in…. Now isn’t that the definition of OT?
And the image of what an ideal OT Committee member looks like? It’s hard to be sure this isn’t a promotional piece for the knitting circle at a retirement community? Or the old ad “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.”
And those glasses… Dianetics claims it improves eyesight and there had to be buckets at the door for people to leave their glasses in.
The lack of awareness of these “OT’s” is pretty incredible….
I follow a variety of daily article blogs, one even uses the “D” word in their name…the authors of our primary two whistleblowing Co$ blogs almost without exception offer engaging, well written and timely articles day after day. I also tip my hat to our ex-sci authors, online and print, who have websites they diligently maintain less frequently, but consistently as well. The remaining few general news “dailies” I follow range from clickbait sensationalism to big MSM entities, but I think those in our Co$ truth niche hew to a pretty high standard.
When feeling critical, I say to myself, “OK, Mr. Twain, why don’t you create a blog and write a fresh, original post every day?!”
My keen judgement and razor sharp carping, condemning, and cavilling soon fade into appreciation.
I know Mary Lee. I believe she’s blind in one eye. Her eyesight is quite poor.
Fred G. Haseney
This piece really reminds me of the comparison to Christian Science Reading Rooms. The one nearest to where I spend most of the year now, all too stereotypically maintained by an aging woman, was on the decline with paper signs indicating hours reduced again and again, and finally gave up the ghost sometime in the last year or two.
Christian Science is generally an interesting comparison, as Hubbard’s teachings and doctrines are most space-age rehashes of ideas from the earlier era of New Thought and Theosophy, starting with the mis-use of the word ‘science’ in relation to a supposed spiritualist methodology. It also suffers from being hopelessly dated, wedded to an ideology from a time when medicine (and psychology/psychiatry) were not nearly as professionalized and advanced, and simply did not have the reliable treatments for many common ailments, as now. In 1880 a Christian Science practictioner could do about as much for then-dreaded tuberculosis as a physiclan could (nothing really, except recommending a better climate for those who could afford it), and in 1950 a Dianeticist was about as effective as a Freudian analyst* (the latter methodology alread starting to be superceded due to lack of effectiveness), but medical-based treatments have improved almost miraculously since then.
* Strict Freudian analysis, once popular – Woody Allen was, and maybe still is, a devotee – was actually so ineffective, that studies eventually showed that despite sometimes impresssive-seeming insights and moments of catharsis (similar to auditing), that patients didn’t actually improve any more than if they had no treatment at all; they may have gotten better over time in many cases, but they would have on their own anyway.
I think the best way to increase membership in the OT Committee would be by introducing bingo; also Tupperware parties couldn’t hurt. It would be right in line with that oft-neglected reference by Elron himself on the spirit of play. Hey, I’m just trying to help raise their stats!
yes they could have bingo where the winners would receive not some petty cash but a little slip of paper “You have won $5 and have donated it to the IAS” That should boost attendence
I don’t think it’s becoming to make fun of the person’s appearance.
Their absurd blindness to the fact that Scientology is shrinking, yes.
The fact that it’s a pathetic piece of promo, yes.
But that it’s an old lady, no.
I don’t believe Mike was “making fun” of her appearance. Seems he was just pointing out that $cientologists believe being “clear” includes improved or perfect eyesight, yet she (and so many others) requires glasses.
The $cientrickery OT Committees are one of the many clever and covert Scientological traps to exploit, manipulate, extort and bribe the doers and givers of each $ciendollatry Morgue.
“We went to a meeting and before I knew what was happening, I was recruited and given a hat.”
Mary Lee was “clear” by March 1979, so she should definitely have known what was happening at all times in 1985. Not much of a testament to her or any other scientologist’s abilities and mental clarity.
She may indeed be the true ‘face of scientology. Physically and mentally.
I have this question: Do OTC members have to have a minimum case level? Say, OT I or even ‘Clear’? I suspect it’s like the early Sea Org: If you’re part of the crew, you MUST act like an OT as you HAD to “make it go right” and achieve the desired goal no matter how faulty the planning was.
Yet another way that Tubby masked his failings.
Jere, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that OTCs will now take anyone – at least nowadays. With Scientology shrinking (and aging, as we see here) they probably don’t have much choice. Though we’ve also seen in a recent piece that OTs who want to go up the bridge, especially those on OTVII and undergoing semi-annual ‘sec checks’ (and loyalty tests) are expected to be active on a local OTC if they want to remain eligible to advance (requirements probably waived for celebs and major whales, of course).
You can be an OT wanna be in training and be on the OT committee. They want any warm body they can get. It’s a privilege to be around OTs.
No Jere Lull . OT Committee members are people manipulated and coerced and extorted into “helping” cuz ole Tubby Hubbturd knew how to exploit that help button.
O/T. Something that people may want to keep an eye on.
I first reported on ESMR that Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam (NOI) Minister Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad (aka Tony Muhammad) is the founder of Peacecoin, a precious metal and cryptocurrency (“Peacecoin”) business:
Significantly, Minister Abdul (Tony) is using the 501(c)(3) non-profit United in Peace (UIP) to promote the for-profit Peacecoin, Inc. and Peacecoin Jewelry, Inc.
UIP is a front of both: (a) the NOI; and (b) The Way To Happiness, which in turn is a front-group for the the Church of Scientology. UIP distributes The Way To Happiness booklets and the NOI Million Man March Pledge.
Jeff Augustine followed-up with excellent article analyzing Peacecoin as a busines:
The latest development is that a Peacecoin promotional video features Minister Abdul (Tony) speaking at a Church of Scientology. See video at 1:38:
Memorialized with screenshots on ESMBR at:
I worked a short time at a factory that produced plastic products for holding things like candy, etc. I only lasted a week. I worked on an assembly line where all I did for 12 hours a day was stack these things up as they came off the machine that made them. It was mind numbing! I can’t imagine signing up to do something like this woman is trying to make sound like something fulfilling for virtually no benefits or pay!
I have a win which exceeds the win she posted. Way back in 1985 I was 30 and working. I saved money and was a good little worker bee. Now I’m 66 and retired and I get to choose what I do when I do it and the only people I have to report to are my grandkids and my great grandkids. I look forward to many more years with these noisy little taskmasters. This win would be longer but I have to get to the splash park.
Life should be joyful. She has worked for the OT committee in stats, minutes and CF? That sounds dreary. How do any of those things contribute towards saving the planet?
It’s done one dust particle at a time!!
This is so very sad. She has been doing this for 35 years? And I assume the CF terminal job is as bad as it sounds – never being able to get the files in order and always being criticized for failing. Mary Lee should be retired and enjoying the beach or her knitting.
So sad that this women has wasted decades of her life in $ci. We see with so many OTs wearing glasses. L Ron had terrible eye sight.
“I’m a minor functionary and its oh so rewarding! Don’t you wanna be a minor functionary too? And not get paid for your work?”
Lame, lamer, lamest. ‘I like my bullshit job because I get to nag people about their stats’.
“We went to a meeting and before I knew what was happening, I was recruited and given a hat.”
Yeah, that sounds about right for scientology.
Mary’s new stat is number of license plates obtained from people who drive by the Org and look at the building based on the angle of their head.
Back in 1985 I was in the United States Army and stationed at Fort Benning. I’m now retired and wearing glasses.
I had in excess of 20/15 vision in ’85, according to the local flight surgeon. After I turned 40, my arms suddenly got too short and I needed reading glasses. Bodies, being MEST, sometimes break, darn it.
Can we get Thursday funnies back? Pleeeeeeez?
It was an early casualty of the global bullbaiting. As per tradition it was incinerated and dumped at sea.
I thought this was a Thursday funny.
Love Thursday funnies.
The cult is failing all over the world. That is a good thing. Thank you Mr. Rinder. You had a lot to do with that. Congratulations!
But week after week, you keep writing about how some individual mission is failing. Well, if the cult is failing worldwide, it’s obvious that all the individual missions will be failing too.
I’m very sorry to tell you this. But it’s just getting kind of old and boring.
We get the message. All of the missions are failing because the cult is failing.
That is good news. But to repeat this week after week?
I’m sorry Mike. But it’s just getting awful boring.
I have to agree with Monkey. But maybe even more generally.
Can we get something else? Pleeeeeeeze?
Don’t get impatient Skyler. Mike vowed to quit when the cherch quits. Meanwhile he and Leah are running point for all of us. Support it and add …… which is what you always do.
Maintaining a blog like this takes A LOOOOT of work and dedication. I read it regularly but I get lazy with posts. Meanwhile my daughter continues to work in the HGB on Sunset and Ivar. She is now 39. Haven’t seen her in 11 years.
Thanks Mike
Skyler, I find pieces like this of enough interest to be worthwhile . And I think we have to keep in mind that in a forum like this, they may also be fresh and interesting to new people joining, in this case particularly because of Mike and Leah’s podcast.
I noticed that a year or more ago, Mike seemed to have shifted to trying to put up a new piece almost every day, which I think keeps things fresh and helps maintain interest. I consider that a laudible effort and can understand how a lone apostate on the fringes of the internet – 🙂 – might sometimes have to post something a bit thin seeming, especially as Mike seems to have quite a life outside of blogging, like a real family. If people wanted to step up and help out with pieces, that would be great, but it only happens from time to time.
I’ve been following Scientology on and off for about 3 decades, and I find it interesting in this case to see an old-time member who’s been at the ongoing grind of OTC work for longer than that….
Skyler…why don’t you dress up in a disguise and infiltrate the Orgs….write to Mike and share with us Scientology watchers…the lack of terminals inside the Morgues.
Stir the pot!
Remember…Something Can Be Done About “It”
Skyler —
I’m sure you didn’t mean to be rude, but that was kinda, um… rude. Mike works his ass off to bring us $cientology news. Keeping a daily blog going is hard work and often thankless.
Every piece may not always be of the utmost interest to you, but he sure keeps us all informed, which is rather the point.
No hard feelings. Just sayin’.
It’s hard for Mike to create thur Funnies unless he has many people sending in what they receive from the various Orgs and missions. Be proactive and get those you know to send what they receive from the cult. It’s quick and easy to forward the dumb promotional emails to Mike. Then Thursday Funnies might come back. I don’t get many Scn emails any more. When I see something interesting or funny I immediately send it on to Mike.