I have not been posting OT Committee Minutes for a few weeks as they are just too boring. I have a collection of them that have come in and I will probably do a “data dump” and throw them all into one post so there is a record of them in case anyone is ever interested.
But I got these newest minutes from CC Int and they contain some stuff that is just too astonishing to not comment on.
I have highlighted the most important points:
Date: Thu, 22 May 2014
From: CC Int OT Committee
Subject: CCI Int OT Committee Meeting Minutes – 2014 05 16
Carol Espinoza led the meeting and recited the purpose of the OT Committee from the OT Ambassador Program.
Carol is representing the OT Committee on the Maiden Voyage in June. Carol stated that our OT Committee is going to reorganize its finances so that one person from the OT Committee can be sent to attend the Maiden Voyage each year.
Carol stated that this is a big year for CC, with temporarily moving the org and renovations which are anticipated to begin after the annual Gala!
Carol also gave a brief rundown of the recent event for Valley Org – plans are finalized; the buildings will connect to each other; the cathedral will be used for international events; and it is anticipated that 600 staff will be needed to fully man the org! Currently, the largest org on the planet is the internet in terms of number of persons doing courses, so Valley Org is very important for those persons flowing onto and up the Bridge.
Trish Crandell arrived and let us know the following:
Maiden Voyage replay local events (location to be announced):
June 28 – Opening night
uly 5 – Management night
July 12 – Author Services night
July 19 – IAS night
June 27 – CC Int will be hosting a fundraiser for Valley Org in the Renaissance Restaurant to meet CC Int’s target! Fundraising for Valley Org will also be the fundraising focus the first two nights of Maiden Voyage event replays.
Trish noted that our OT Committee needs to establish events and thrusts that can be created on and in which everyone is interested. Carol will be sending around questionnaires to communicate on this, as well as when is the best time for our OT Committee meetings to maximize attendance.
Carol said we will have a kickoff party/event after Maiden Voyage to go over our next OT Ambassador Program – date and time to be announced.
Discussion on the above ensued. Carol then read an LRH quote, and the meeting was adjourned.
Persons attending:
Carol Espinoza
Dawn Green
Sunny Jensen
Linda Nielsen
Barbara Taylor
Albertina Mejias-Harvey
Marlene Wortzman
You can bet THIS is going to be a flap.
The LARGEST org is the internet?
This raises SO MANY questions:
I wonder if the internet is ideal?
Why do we need buildings at all, let alone “ideal” ones, if the internet “org” is bigger than any of them?
Is this the “training boom” from GAG II — extension courses on the internet?
Is this a new method of avoiding the orgs altogether? Long term scientologists sign up for an “internet extension course” and it keeps the call-in and regges at bay “I am already enrolled on a course”?
How are they keeping their students away from all the entheta that permeates their largest org?
There must be more of their students visiting this blog and Tony Ortega’s site than visit the Scientology.org as we both have volumes more visitors than the church.
What a sorry state of affairs this is.
And Valley Org “planning is done”? After fundraising for 10 years they actually have a plan?
And this org needs 600 staff? They will be on post, as the old saying goes, when pigs fly.
But it is good to see that CC Int “OT Committee” is attended by a grand total of SEVEN people — none of them celebs (other than in their own minds maybe). That is probably because CC Int is not ideal and is thus a hotbed of out-KSW squirreling….
It was nice of Carol Espinoza to inform us that “the largest org on the planet is the internet in terms of number of persons doing courses”. Oh great!
Extension course exams are better than nothing, but are a poor substitute for having a standard checkout from a good coach or “study twin” asking questions, listening to the answer, and asking for examples and applications to see that the materiel being studied is understood and can be applied.
What’s next? Skype TRs?
off topic. but just got the email about the summer Maiden Voyage events. Scientologists are supposed to come to events on: Sat. june 21 Flag world tour, June 28-opening night, Jul 5-expansion briefing, July 12-Source Night & July 19-IAS Night. They don’t mention the time yet. Let’s all take a big win that we don’t’ need to work on these events, we don’t need to do call in and we DON’T NEED TO GO! Smile, Smile, Smile.
I call them prevents.
Yes, I did particularly loathe the MV events, 4 in a row in the middle of summer.
I gladly missed them all Aquamarine but I feel your pain.
Edit: “…fill up ON koolaid, baked clams and bologna”. Bon appetit!
Mike, I’m leaving this comment here after reading only the first sentence of your article, and with not yet reading any of the blog comments either. I want to get something off my chest which was triggered off by the snide criticism of you by MsBhaven yesterday. So this is addressed to you and to her/him.
In the first place, you are not an entertainer. You are a man on a mission to expose the human rights abuses, abolish the injustices and help right the wrongs of a cruel, malevolent cult. You give us DATA. You give us INTEL. This is valuable stuff, whether its leaked OTC minutes, or leaked RCS promo- this is a big deal.
The people still in this cult are being lied to, tricked, scammed, defrauded by a slick ruthless cult that still gets away with being a religion in the eyes of our ostensible “liberty and justice for all” government. What was done to us when we were still in, before we woke up and LOOKED is STILL being done to them. This is no small thing.
The fact that you give us your facts with laughs is a BONUS to what you are doing. You’re a skilled wordsmith with a flair for the satirical, and the RCS has an endless supply of grist for a satirical mill. You’re a funny guy. That said, to amuse and entertain us is NOT the goal but merely one of the purposes which assist in the achievement of that goal. And, from an invest/intel point of view, I would think that the QUANTITY of leaks to you is just as significant as the actual content of these communications. Just the fact that they ARE being leaked is quite important!
And now, MsBhaven, whether you’re an OSA troll or an just an Ex Scn who hates Mike Rinder, let me address your demand for “red meat”. Be assured that the main course is on its way, with enough red meat to satisfy the most voracious carnivore. In the meantime, you’ll have to fill up koolaid, baked clams and bologna.
Well said, Aquamarine!
These OT committees seem more and more like Japanese soldiers holding out on islands in the Pacific disbelieving the war was over. The GAT II re-do of the bottom of the Bridge is an atomic bomb dropped on the entire population of Scientologists. It has taken the will and drive out of the populace.
Can’t wait for GAT 3!
These committees are now almost exclusively hen parties. Anybody have any theories on that?
They’re waiting for the big cock.
The LARGEST org is the internet…WTF?
Is the Co$ going to explain the reason the Ideal Orgs are EMPTY is because the public are doing courses online?
Exactly right, aegerprimo, which is why even more and better buildings are needed.
See, the only reason that people are doing their courses on the internet instead of in the orgs is because every org on the planet is not yet Ideal.
The Scientologists know that the over-all quality isn’t up to snuff, and there isn’t enough space for them anyway, so they are biding their time and keeping their hand in via the internet.
However, once word gets around that every org is Ideal, all of these extension course people will drop the internet and flood into their orgs for their courses. As will raw public.
They won’t be able to help it. You see, Ideal Orgs have magnetic properties. The more of them there are, the stronger the pull.
I hope I’ve been able to shed some light on this for you.
A power QSH stat at last!!
A real Org if memory serves is 2 Admin to One Tech. So that’s 400 Tech and 200 Admin.
But no public LOL.
Mike, please publish the OT Committee Minutes some time in full so we can have a permanent record of the dwindling spiral of missapplication of Tech and Admin that lead to the dwarf’s downfall.
Mike, won’t this committee be sec- checked till the mole is found??? 7 people?
The internet extension course stats are now the new “VSD” stat.
VSD used to show how pitiful the orgs were in terms of delivery.
Now the internet extension course fence sitting public, excuse for not doing the too expensive courses and “going to Flag” which is out of reach for most Scientologists, the extension courses on the internet are sort of the last life rope of participation.
Yes, thanks for posting the raw internal rah rah which relays so much good ongoing history.
Since summer of 1975, I’ve been org watching (27 years in the Sea Org, 75-03) and all the recent decade of leaking and mags, and really, this whole operation is running on LRH’s hype postulates. It’s a postulate movement, just like the old postulate checks.
JETHRO, To answer your first question, have you ever met Jasmine, the really swell MAA at the Sandcastle? I think that’s where. (I’m sorry. That was tasteless, unnecessary and below the belt. The devil must have made me say that.)
“Keep going McCarran” – ML, Satan
Jasmine is a fine piece of work. Knew her well back in the day before I regained total freedom. I have stories but they are old and boring!
Whose ass did they pull the “600” number out of? Because, that must be a pretty big ass…
And when will all these staff be needed for Valley Org? In the year 2550??? If Valley Org is as empty as the other idle morgues, well, do they even have ANY public on anything other than purif/objectives/basics????
Soon there will be only one staff member needed at the new Ideal Morgues ….. to turn out the lights and lock the door.
Yo Dave, I know you’re still singin the blues but in case you haven’t noticed……the party is over.
I find it funny, that the OT Committee is going to reorganize its finances, so that one person from the OT Committee can be sent to attend the Maiden Voyage each year. I thought, it would be a honor for those upstat OTs, to attend those very special events, see dear leader, being the first onces, to hear about the new upcoming expansion projects, and being the ones, who are entrusted, to carry out command intention as OT ambassadors. However, letting others pay for the trip, indicates, that I am wrong. Apparently no one seems to be anxious to have their face ripped on the Freewinds and their wallets emptied. Is this a sign of disaffection? 🙂
You are right about no one being anxious to go. A few years ago, it was communicated to our field that it was mandatory to have at least one representative go from each org. Even at that time, the only way someone would go from our area was if the OTC would pay for it. No one was signing up for the trip. Finally they got the agreement of someone who was already at the ship to extend their stay thru to the end of maiden voyage events and the OTC paid for the additional expense for accommodations.
Yea, I noticed that too. Gotta fill up the Freewinds for MV. Damn. All I gotta say, “To the OT Committee Member that draws that straw, Run!!!”
The Largest, and soon to be, the ONLY Org On The Planet Is…
When I first revisited Flag in 2011, I only would accept the internet courses to do at home. One, because they were cheap enough (10-20 dollars) and you had to buy the materials. Two because I thought would be easier to stop when wanted and do at my own pace. Three, it’s the only way to get me at that time. Well, they made the checksheet easy enough, that you finished each in days or a week and then on to the next. I was told how big this was and in every country. I finally got a map with totals and was so surprised they had only about 250 playing their games. They started converting all Congresses and ACC lectures to this system. So they may have more now, but really it’s another hook just to make money and keep you hooked into the system. Btw, they bug you by phone and emails constantly. Nothing free!
Let’s keep it all on the internet and see what happens.
Give your members good paying jobs by converting all the ideal orgs to sports bars and do TV spots on low priced Internet intro courses. Keep running those ads – you’ve got the money. There, I just told you how to expand Dave.
Church of the Ongoing Sports? You’re singin’ my song, MJ!
Jeez, Mike I already said I give, I give…put you just keep pouring it on with new bizarre emanations from the Church in ever increasing volume. 600 staff for Valley org? These guys are really outdoing themselves now. I can’t believe this statement is something that came from Miscavige or Management, its just too very weird. And, holy cow, CC Int is being renovated yet again. They ought to move the whole operation into some other property the they can indulge in their endless lust for endless renovation endlessly, by taking the manor property and just doing nothing but renovating it over and over and over. As soon as one set of renos is completed, start tearing it out and doing it all over again. Now that would be a real Ideal Org.
Stevens Creek should move to the Winchester Mystery House. Sarah Winchester = COB. Renovations for all eternity.
In all of CCI’s renos they never put enough parking there. (This was in the old days when lots of people actually attended courses and auditing there). The parking situation was so bad that at every seminar they gave, the speaker would have to joke about the no parking sit as a first order of business to try to blow charge from all the upset and high TA people who stomped in there late because of trying to find parking.
Re parking at CCI, nowadays they have added parking valets to park your car for you since there was never enough parking. But I cogged on the real reason for the “valets”. I went there to see my kids perform on stage at CCI and I got the 3rd degree interrogation as to who was I and why was I there? They made me wait while they called someone on their ear pieces to get whether I was OK to enter the parking lot or not. Finally after waiting several minutes, I got the OK to park. The “valets” are security posing as a nice warm and fuzzy help flow when their real purpose is to stop. They are so paranoid and scared that some infidel will enter their midst that they put security gaurds there to keep the Special People out. Paranoia to the max which reflects Davie’s state of mine.
If Carol Espinoza used the word “Cathedral,” it probably means that the Feds are closing in.
Since when has Scientology given a rat’s ass about a Cathedral??
Religious cloaking is a strategic imperative for the Scientology Syndicate.
I think she meant catheter.
+1. LOL!
The biggest Org on the planet: Where all the courses are free 😀 ‘Free service free what now?’
The Truth Rundown was one of the best free courses I did 😉
Yea, me too, scientology 411.
Will the Internet Org win the next Birthday Game?
Mike already did.
I left the C of $ six years ago after 34 yrs. I now consider that although I learned many useful things, I was basically cultified into making LRH Source and myself an “aberee”, who one day hoped to duplicate the truth (as espoused by Ron) well enough to finally be Source myself. An interesting trick, no?
It always made sense to me that Ron wasn’t telling me much I didn’t know already – I had just forgotten that I knew. (Never did OT levels.) So when I’d read something like the Comm Formula it made perfect sense and I could use it.
Now looking at the website Sam notes, I have to say it is impressive what they are doing. If I view it “in a new unit of time” as if I’d never heard of Scn before (OK that’s probably not exactly realistic nowadays), it looks pretty interesting. The click-ons for the Flag buildings may be a bit over the top, but the photography is great and the overall impression is of growth and stability. The buttons are real to me as things people DO want to handle or get better at. And the price is right :o).
I suppose the beautiful promo is part of the problem. It’s very convincing and then the basic tools one can learn ARE useful, but what comes next…..? “We’d rather have you dead than incapable,”etc, etc. When do the newbies first encounter the REAL Scn?
I DO see how someone inside the bubble looking at a sanctioned website such as the one noted, would think “Wow! This is so cool and we are impinging!”
This is absolutely brilliant – pure comedy gold. I honestly haven’t laughed so much in ages. The biggest Org in the World is the Internet??? That thing His Holiness thinks is just a hotbed of lies and entheta and he “doesn’t like”? THAT Internet? Not to mention all the online courses on scientology.org are free. That’ll do wonders for the Paid Comps then. Maybe he thinks he can pave it over end erect 30 foot phallic symbols onto it. I think I’ll enroll onto the “Handling Conflicts” course and see if for my practical exercise I can get DM and The Internet to sit down and resolve their differences.
As a side note…has anyone seen any recent promo claiming that church has 1,000,000 Golden Age of Knowledge completions? I don’t remember which publication it was and I have since thrown it away. Anyway, I thought it was a pretty bold claim, which generally equates to a LIE.
But I thought the internet was the world’s reactive mind? Now it’s an org? I’m so confused… Perhaps I should move up in status and it will all make sense then.
Call up your local IAS reg and I’m sure they’ll help you out. You’re welcome.
Good thinking, I’m going to move up to Aluminum Maximadness with Honors!!!
Wow, I’m impressed. I’m only at Arseanus Rectitudinus.
Sadly, this post brings another issue into question. Most of us know what the “current” clear cog is (no, it isn’t that your reactive mind is completely gone) and that it has to do with responsibility, that is to say, the election of being cause point in a certain area. What is really coming into focus for me is that there is something TERRIBLY WRONG with most Scientologists ….. and I mean, MENTALLY (and/or spiritually) wrong. Have Scientologists made postulates to be delusional? (and I’m not trying to joke about this here) We heard about the super duper stratospheric hype about GATII for months, and then ….. WHAT HAPPENED? I’ve read all the posts and I’m still not actually sure WHAT GATII ACTUALLY IS. I mean, some grades processes were re-arranged, the Student Hat was tweaked, there’s a new meter that really (REALLY) is now accurate, there’s a running program and people have to re-do their Purif and Objectives …. again. That’s it?????? (ok, super power is a new program, but that was a particular set of rundowns promised for 35 years) So, again … what the heck was all this GATII constant promo about? But here’s the thing …… I don’t think Scientologists NOTICED what I just said. I don’t think they notice or let’s say, are FULLY cognizant that they are not training auditors anymore and haven’t for decades now in any numbers. I don’t think they are aware that missions stopped getting tons of new people into Scientology THIRTY TWO FREAKING YEARS AGO!
I think Scientologists have generally made postulates to start ACTIVELY creating stupidity within themselves as beings. I don’t think that (as long as they stay on lines with these postulates) that they are even capable of really observing the world around them in any significant way or even understanding data that is put before them. I don’t think they even know WHAT they are reading when they read basic LRH books/data. I don’t think they can think sanely any more (recognize differences, similarities and identities – data series 1). I think their postulates on their cases now include 1. see nothing I’m not supposed to see 2. hear nothing I’m not supposed to hear and 3. speak nothing I’m not suppose to speak. I don’t think they can freely move on the tone scale and I don’t think they can even feel true affinity anymore.
There is quite a well known Scientologist – 60ish – (Cl. 6, OT8) who posts on facebook often with super hyped up comments about everything in life, followed by 5 to 10 exclamation points, always commenting on what wonderful friends he/she has and how happy he/she is with his/her purpose in life and as I read the comments, I often think that this person sounds like a manic drug case. Happy? Happier than me? Probably, but that’s not my point. My point is that as you read these OTC minutes or emails from FSMs about the planet being cleared now, and COB saving mankind ….. it really does sound as if a line has been crossed, that these folks are in a whole different mocked up universe, topsey turvey, bizzaro, call it what you want. It’s why parents can abandon children, why children can abandon parents and why folks can abandon and attack friends they’ve had for 30 – 40 years. Because these people have postulated a whole different universe that does not even exist and will NEVER exist for 99.99999999% plus of the people on this planet. Are they entitled to do that? Of course they are and numerous small cults have done so in the past, cults that are even MUCH more loony and destructive than today’s CoS.
But folks should know what they’re getting into. Especially about the emotional pain their involvement might eventually bring them. As I often say, my own experience in Scientology was satisfactory to me for 35 years and then ended very badly. But I refused to go belly up financially. Many of my friend were not that lucky. And some ended up in the RPF prison camp for years. And so, Mike Rinder is in fact doing his children a great turn by revealing these people’s postulates to the general public, so they know what is in store for them emotionally, financially, and in terms of their own personal freedoms. Folks are free to join in the nuttiness and turn over their lives, that’s their decisions/postulates. But NOW …. maybe folks will be able to make an INFORMED decision and that is no small thing, folks. end of rant for now
You make some very good points Joe, and I agree, the “thinkingness” of many Scnists is skewed. By and large Scnists have a predisposition to latch onto fantastical concepts, concepts that do not bear out in reality. Yet, they hold these concepts to be superior to everything else, including direct observation. I have to hold LRH partly responsible for this condition. I’ve listen to many a lecture where he has made jaw-dropping, quite unbelievable claims, and supports these claims with his own brand of “logic”. But, not a shred of evidence to support the validity of such a claim.
Followers operating within this framework for years or decades develop a “magical” sense of the world around them; that they possess the secrets of the universe, as though it is some secret weapon. Yet, very few are able leverage this insight to significantly change their condition.
I view the actions of DM as an attempt to somehow make Scn work. Even the countless seminars and workshops that have been held over the past 40 years are attempts to make Scn work and produce real results. I mean, how many seminars do you have to attend on the Eight Dynamics to get it and use it? They are all desperately trying to make sense of Scn and make it work to produce real results. Is Scn really that hard to comprehend? If so, then LRH did a pretty poor job of communicating about the subject.
The hook in all this is that there is TRUTH within Scn, and much of it is workable. The mistake people make is assuming it is ALL true and workable.
Agree – ^^^ Scientologist’s do have something wrong with them…study up on Hypnotism. They just repeat what has been fed to them. This is what happens when Scientology cleverly and covertly gets “your agreement” gradually over time.
L Ron Hubbard lectures on hypnotism and you don’t have to be in pain or unconscious – you just have to agree gradually over time.
Hubbard states “what is the definition of awake?” and then he gives the definition (but it does not match any dictionary definition).
He states” Awake is the level of participation and control (participates in Scientology and controls) Alseep – is the degree of not participating and control”. Check it out for yourself.
He is hypnotizing people listening to this if they have the belief that he is SOURCE. Very clever. He claims to wake people up – but do you see them awake? They are not even rational.
He also talks about Jack Parson’s and states “He was a good pal of mine”. Funny, Scientology left that out of Hubbard’s Biography.
When trauma is introduced (and it is through disconnection, billion year contracts, free-loader debts, no pay, no sleep, gulag RPF punishments, threats of taking away spiritual freedom, crush regging to the point of bankruptcy and foreclosure, Tone Scale misinformation (social tone verses spiritual tone and not know what people REALLy are, changing fundamental beliefs and ideals, participating in criminal acts like extortion, lying, bribery etc – perceptions are heightened).
There is ample information available on this subject. Hubbard says to never be hypnotized and then he proceeds to hypnotize.
These people are not under their own self – determinism. They are robots and have to be told what to do, what to think and how to behave.
Covert invalidation and nullificaction is the social intercourse in Scientology!
They are a Suppressive Group evidenced by the thousands of testimonials and lack of membership. If a Scientologist were able to use the PTS / SP tech freely – they would spot it. But no one can ever name management or the Organization as being the SP – it is a high crime punishable by getting kicked out and shunned.
My Clear cognition was not like the one which LRH wrote in a confidendial HCOB .. it was something beside of all what Scientology was or should be .. something simple ..
I liked the rant Joe. The truth will set us free………………
Step right up folks, welcome to the greatest show on earth with the one and only, king of cons, supreme snake oil salesman, put your hands together for the big boy of Black Dianetics – Mr. David Miscavige!!!
Joe:”… Scientologists have generally made postulates to start ACTIVELY creating stupidity within themselves as beings.”
Now you’ve done it. You’ve gone and released the Clearly Stupid cog!!! How do you expect sheeple to get the full benefit of the glorious reverse inverse hamster wheel when you hand them the CS cog? Now they’ll be false attesting to it and have to be programmed to redo the whole thing!
({DM thought bubble}): {Re,,, do… the whole thing?… … … Brillyafuckinint!}
Joe, that was one of the best rants I’ve ever read. YES! Let people choose the cult if they want to. But let it be an INFORMED DECISION after having read all the information on both sides.
Thank you Mike, for putting this blog here and giving the truth so that your kids, my kids, and many other families will be reunited one day when the church has crumbled. Mike, you are saving lives every day by getting this truth out there. People who decide not to join the SO or join the cult after reading your blogs are saved the degradation and heartache. Thank you for doing what you do so well.
Great insight. Yes… I agree. There is something totally skewed with their thinking. It’s holding down that #6 on the calculator when they try to add. It never comes out to the real thing. Thank you for your insight. I find it amazing to see some very intelligent people literally destroying their lives with this. It’s that darn #6 key. Someone is sitting on it. And maybe the #3 and the #12. Whew.
No matter how smart they are… how intelligent and accomplished a few of them seem to be… they keep coming up with a weird answer.
It’s time for me to undo all the rest of my stuck keys on my own calculator.
Yes, Zana, I have several times commented to people I am trying to wake up that once Scientologists get the idea that Scientology (= church of scientology to some) is mankind’s answer, then any truth that bucks up against that turns into something else. It is a held down 7.
It is just very difficult to say “I was wrong” and especially
when you have to admit it after so many years.
Great post, Joe.
I think they are pretty much the same mental effects Madison Avenue creates on the average TV-zombied couch potato, minus of course the planet agonizing consequences and clearing objectives.
30 years of hype, exaggerations and bald-faced lies from the CO$’s publications, promotions and events shepherds them into this dumbed-down mentality track in order to get their MONEY. The object is money, the trick … how to continue keeping them at the bullsh*t trough to swallow this nonsense hook, line and sinker. I mean these guys are financing anything and everything for the church right down to the point where they are utterly broke; that’s pretty effective headf*cking.
Answers the question WHO has a vested interest keeping others ignorant and stupid. No different than the background-player/Gov’t controlled news services much like Putin’s rhetoric PR campaigns to re-establish the old CCCP. It’s something LRH caught on early … control the minds, and you control the game. I see many SP declares as little more than someone they couldn’t get to play along, they couldn’t get him under control, and the reason for disconnection is to utterly cut off any control he may have on others. Must play/can’t play … games conditions.
I went up the bridge out here without the incessant pressure to “need you too”, “crush ‘debrief’ you”, “MAA routing forms” ad infinitum … the no-nonsense enjoyable way and it’s been the rocket ride of my life.
Great comments Joe! I think you went a long way to duplicate the viewpoints of the “still ins” in the RCS.
AMEN……..very well written post and so clearly stated. Thank you for putting these thoughts together for others like myself to read. I Loved it!
Joe, I think you’re right on all counts. Your explanation makes sense to me. I too believe that many of the trained, intelligent, still-ins are operating on the postulates you’ve outlined.
Does this mean Valley Org will be handling all extension courses in future? I don’t quite see how the 600 staff (I want what they’re smoking) relate to the Internet being the biggest ‘org’.
Yvonne was a joy and kept her word. Services at CCLA back then were pretty darned good, though the vast number of those taking them were only wannabees. VERY few actual celebrities.
I too, remember the old CC and Yvonne. She was great and the place was always packed with high energy surrounding it. I especially loved Saturday nights there. So much going on! The difference now is like night and day. It went from being fun and exciting to slave labor camps with a sociopath beating his staff and getting fabulously rich while staff and SO suffer. It just couldn’t be more different…
You mean you don’t like all the improvements?
Just by curiosity I logged into Valley Org’s web page; in it the provided description is: “Ideal Scientology Churches”
The point being that there is inconstancy on their terms and promotion; its it Ideal Org or Ideal Church?
Either answer won’t make much of a difference being that the Internet, with extension courses, is No 1.
All other outpoint and discrepancies have already been noted by you Mike.
I particularly love the part about how 600 staff will be needed to run the new Valley Org. They’d all be crammed into the building like crew on a submarine, with no room left over for the thousands of “parishioners” that they are hired to serve. And of course, it is ludicrous that the OT committee, which presumably has been in the existing Valley org a time or two, doesn’t quite combine the need for 600 staff in the very near future with a bored handful of existing staff who have so little traffic that there’s nothing for them to do. How could you possibly get from 12 underused staff in 2014 to a hive bustling with activity with 50x the staff in 2013?
This is the same sort of bizarre magical thinking as those morons who annouced “Operation American Spring” last week, intended to be a march on Washington to evict Obama from the White House and cause a far-right takeover of the government. Because they got a few hundred thousand “likes” on their Facebook page, they confidently predicted that between 10 million and 30 million people would descend on Washington to carry out their plan. The reality: when the designated day arrived last Friday, they had about 300 people actually show up. And they were all mystified as to where the millions of others were hiding.
Apparently, it had never occurred to the organizers that you needed to do some actual work to get people to commit to take days off work and spend thousands of dollars to travel to Washington, and you needed to keep ensuring that they were confirmed. Nope, in their world of magical thinking, you just announced that you were going to take over the government on Facebook, and everyone that “liked” your page would absolutely positively be there and would bring a couple of dozen friends. The parallels with the magical thinking inside the bubble are pretty clear.
The minutes don’t make this clear, but I suspect that the 600 staff refers to the just prior reference to the “Cathedral”, which would be the new building in Clearwater. Not that they need 600 staff there, either. It’s just PR.
Oh I think they were talking about Valley…into the Valley the 600 will ride. Reason I think that is that the CW Cathedral would take more like 60,000 staff.
Well, maybe. But if you can tease that meaning out of that jumbled paragraph, then you must be fluent in Thetanspeak. The only named org in that paragraph is Valley Org. Then they say there will be 600 staff in “the org,” so my first assumption is that the org is Valley. I know the word “cathedral” is thrown in in-between, but what’s it referring to? Superpower Bldg? Why would they refer to it as “the org?”
ARC Man, help me! I cannot grok your Scilon lingo.
So true John. It took lots of work for the Tea Party to 3/4 of a million people to show up. NOT just wishing for it.
good one John P.
They got their universes confused as to where to apply their postulates.
(see Logic 16).
What do you do when your magical thinking comes up against cold reality? Most folk try to figure out what went wrong. Will the 6k workers at this new Idle mOrg actually use good management/public relations to fix things? No, they can’t they are stuck with Lrooons 60 year old orders and they can never get that to work in the internet age. Efforts that used to go into course sales now go into people into the seats for the latest Miscavige misadventure. Talk about flogging a dead horse…..or maybe that should be typing on a telex….
I wonder if that line about the internet being the “largest org on the planet” is the start of new talking points to explain to the public that are actually IN the orgs and see the emptiness or even those that are just plain IN and sense the emptiness of the buildings. I mean won’t this explain to the true believers that there are millions on the internet doing Scientology. These people seem to be able to forget the past pretty quickly anyway. So why not start a new shore story before too many questions are being asked about where all the people are.
They’re on the internet! 😉
You have touched upon a very good point Mary.
In the past, it has always been “the expansion is happening everywhere else than where I am, we must be CI/out ethics” whereas in fact it was happening nowhere else.
But that scam is being undermined by the internet. You can look now and see what is going on in other areas and know your miserably failing org is not in fact out of step with the rest of the flourishing world of scientology, but is in lockstep with all other orgs all over the world.
But “people on service on the internet” are “invisible” and thus the lie cannot be exposed.
“Millions of people on course on the Internet”? The Largest Ideal Org? This must be Miscavige’s spring surprise, the “exciting news” the leaked emails have hinted is coming.
How wonderful that the members of the church have been invited to explore this grand Ideal Org.
Congratulations [parishioners]
Oh the places you’ll go!
It’s opener, out there, in the wide, open air.
You’re off to Great Places!
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
So… get on your way!
(Thank you Dr. Seuss)
I’m sure there is much more happening on the internet relative to $cientology that in all the orgs combined.
More truth revealed
More bodies in the shop
More communication cycles
More total trained auditors
More total OTs actually operating in life
More cash in the bank
More smiles per day
More coffee spewed onto laptop screens
Less debt
The stats for Marty, Mike and Tony’s Blogs have defined the term ‘straight up and vertical’ for the VFP “number of kool aide consuming cult members woken up and gotten into action”.
Carry on ……………
Made all courses on Internet .. wanted only to know how it is .. what data are given and how it looks for information and data .. asked friends to do the same .. but they did not .. I mean, to do this courses on Internet you have to be already a scientologist .. means knowing already all this stuff .. otherwise it is like a movie with questions after about your understanding of it ..
This is the greatest org now? It is nothing at all ..
This internet stat is a double edged sword for the church. On one hand it is a way to handle internal PR to tell the sheeple that the reason the org is empty is, “they’re all on the internet doing courses…” And maybe the sheeple will buy that.
BUT the other sword’s edge is that now the need for Ideal brick and mortar guilded, opulent buildings to deliver services in is unnecessary. People can go “on the internet” to do courses instead.
And believe me, many OT’s do just that so that they can say, “no need to get me in; I’m on course already.” The other real reason OT’s don’t go into the orgs is to avoid the entheta of being pounced upon and crush sold or begged for donations every second they are not actually in the courseroom. Just walking from the door to the courseroom is to walk the gauntlet.
Apologies to Stevie Wonder
People keep on learnin’
Sheeple keep on believin’
World keep on turnin’
Cause it won’t be too long
Powers keep on lyin’
While your people keep on dyin’
World keep on turnin’
Cause it won’t be too long
Nail on the head, Mary!
They’ll try to milk that for years, I’m sure. But it does make it hard to justify giant buildings renovated at ridiculous costs.
We don’t have to justify shit you CICSMF! — DM
Yes. Some can find it easy to forget especially if remembering makes your world crumble. BUT you can only “forget” for so long as you point out Syd.
Soon there’ll be in Internet events where 25 million people will come.
Yes, even 100 Million people will attened internet events. Very easy to shoop in people on CGI events. Yeah, dat’s de ticket!
They could create a McDonald’s style header on the Largest Org website. “Over 47 Billion Served!” In that case, I’m sure they’ll set up the first InterStellar Internet so Target 2 and beyond can get on board. They could be up in the trillions in no time.
When they say served, it will be the legal definition.
Five attendees were pulled off the street for a free meal.
Next problem, Valley Org needs 6,000 staff not 600 because its staff
that pay to keep the lights on ,pay the rent and make the place look full.
Saves hiring paid actors for PR videos and the staff know where the bathrooms
are and know to bring own toilet paper ( paid actors don’t know and have to be told)
No shit Jose!
They’ve come a long way since those days with Yvonne when the org was absolutely packed by word of mouth because people actually wanted to be there. Hey Mike, what was it that LRH said about committees?
I wonder if you’re counted as a BIS if you “show up” for course on the Internet.
Our org used to count public who arrived in the org for tape plays, even if you only came in and listened to 30 seconds of tape before Thursday at 2.
For sure Syd. This is what accounts for “57X more people on service than all 63 years combined earlier countings of bodies in the shop a week, cumulative” and “thousands winning like crazy on the Basics” and “straight up and vertical anything and everything”…
I would not be surprised if they haven’t redefined BIS, something like “Number of individuals on service lines”, leaving the term “service” open to interpretation. So, someone doing an OCA is being “serviced”; or the Receptionist gives the mailman a piece of promo is “receiving valuable help”. As you say, orgs have been liberally defining BIS for decades, so why not make if official?
Re: 600 staff members – yeah, right. Can anyone seriously imagine Scn’s “advanced” management technology coping with 600 employees? Yessiree, every org needs a Deputy Paperclip In-Charge, or a Mimeo Plate Archivist. A model of efficiency, for sure. I don’t think they could even FIND 600 people, much less pay them a wage; which at, let’s say, $250/per week, their CGI would have to be $500,000. This one is right up there with the “Clear the Planet” delusion.
Statpush, brilliant post!
Did they ever manage to scrape up more than that for the Super Power building? They wanted 2000, but were holding ~600 for a couple years.
Frank Zappa would be proud of these “Mothers of Invention”….;)
Not to forget his daughter with “Gag Me With A Spoon”.