Breaking down the facts that have now been revealed proving scientology was lying (and KNEW it) when they claimed Leah Remini and I had “incited” the murder of a scientology security guard in Australia in 2019. They had ALL the facts, but until now, they had remained secret. Their brazen lying relied on the documents that have now come to light never being public. This is yet another example of Fair Game.
See my earlier post with excerpts from the documents: Scientology’s “Blood on Your Hands” Lie Exposed
Wikipedia entry on Fair Game which includes a brief history of infamous Fair Game activities.
Thanks. I love detailed informative videos!
Somehow I find it amazing that Farney and the others have all the answers to their imagined problems in the very policies from Hubs but they refuse to apply them e.g. to never lie in PR.
But I also applaud OSA’s actions as they show – once more – that the “Church” lies and can’t be believed. Can we have some more please?
Current under-the-radar Scientologists will probably again be taking good notice of what happened here.
One more thought: Australia has FOI legislation. Leah’s attorney could ask for a full copy of the police file as they need the documentation for her case in the U.S.
I am reposting Helluva Hoax’s post as it so comprehensive
Well-known member
Today at 11:18 AM
Well, to be honest, BIG LIES is what Scientologists do.
That’s their PRODUCT.
That’s their VFP (Vindictively Felonious Prevarification)
Big lies about magical powers.
Big lies about saving mankind.
Big lies about their membership size, influence and stats.
Big lies about their spectacular “4th Dynamic Wins”
Big lies about curing criminality
Big lies about curing drugs
Big lies about curing cancer and countless other diseases
Big lies about saving marriages
Big lies about the “wholetrack”
Big lies about all 8 OT levels regarding xenu and body thetans
Big lies about Hubbard’s personal life and achievements
Big lies about the real cost of “going up the Bridge”
Big lies about No Disconnection
Big lies about No Fair Game
Big lies about psychs.
Big lies about ex-Scientologists being SPs (the same “SP” group as Hitler belongs to)
Big lies about blown Scientologists being evil, out ethics or squirrel as the reason they left (instead of the real reason which is that the technology does not work)
Big lies about exteriorization, something that never happens and nobody can demonstrate
Big lies about Clearing the planet
Big lies about the latest one of the thousands of “major breakthroughs” that solved why nobody was clear or OT
Big lies about hiding criminals, obstructing justice, protecting rapists, harboring child abusers, destroying evidence, falsely testifying, and every other manner of empowering psychopaths & sadists—whilst attacking, gaslighting and further victimizing the degenerate criminals that Scientology is “flowing power to”.
Big lies in answer to every single legitimate question that the media, public and whistleblowers have asked.
Big lies about their vast network of thugs, PIs, dirty cops, crooked lawyers, OSA attackers and the hundreds of millions of dollars of parishioner donations they spend on perpetrating vicious dirty tricks and terrorism against anyone who would expose their never ending crime wave.
Big lies trying to implant others with the false and destructive idea that perfectly honest, moral and truthful “enemies” are engaging in big lies when that’s exactly what Scientologists do on a daily basis.
end of rant
Scientology is forever having its lies exposed. What a rats nest!
Really, you’re being too charitable, Mat! For their exposed lies to be called a “rats’ nest”would be a challenging public relations goal for this “church”. Ethics-wise they’re so far down now, so deeply imbedded in the muck, so utterly and shamelessly degraded, that there is no “new low” any more, just the same fixed subterranean low.
So true.
Hello Mike. Are the Supreme Court, IRS and Grand Jury privy to this information? I sure hope so. I tried making a comment on the actual YouTube video, but it says my comment did not post. I’ve had this happen on several other YouTube, anti-scientology videos in the past week or so. Still trying to figure this out…could it be OSA? Just as an FYI, I haven’t unsubscribed to yours or BFGs channels. Still supporting ALL SPTV channels and listening to the voice of reason. I hope you are doing well in your recovery.