What you guys are doing is hurting them quite a lot.
You can see it by how they are reacting. Every time I type your blog then it appears at the top of the list on google. Now another site appears – a paid ad Who’s Mike Rinder – listing all the same old bullshit about you that they keep repeating.
A paid advert (!) just to be at the top of the list hoping that someone might believe it. They’re franticly scratching the bottom of the barrel now.
Good interview! Trusting or not being able to trust people after scientology comes in many forms. Leah and Mike must have it in all forms. They are two of the most special people in the world who never give up exposing this church for what and who it really is.
These two and their loved ones deserve the best of life. I hope one day they can trust that no one from the church will be bothering them again.
What you guys are doing is hurting them quite a lot.
You can see it by how they are reacting. Every time I type your blog then it appears at the top of the list on google. Now another site appears – a paid ad Who’s Mike Rinder – listing all the same old bullshit about you that they keep repeating.
A paid advert (!) just to be at the top of the list hoping that someone might believe it. They’re franticly scratching the bottom of the barrel now.
Good interview! Trusting or not being able to trust people after scientology comes in many forms. Leah and Mike must have it in all forms. They are two of the most special people in the world who never give up exposing this church for what and who it really is.
These two and their loved ones deserve the best of life. I hope one day they can trust that no one from the church will be bothering them again.
The Sea Org was the moral equivalent of the SS. It should be no surprise that they’re committing atrocious acts. (I’m not a nice guy.)
It is so great to see you back and see that Mike is doing well. What you do is priceless and you do it with high spirits and sense of humour.