Though I am trying to generally ignore the insanity that has been stirred up, out of respect for your long history of comments here I am responding to you.
Yes, you have heard Aaron tell HIS story.
Friendship is a mutual activity that requires both sides to participate. There is a lot that you will likely never know. Many seem to ignore what we did to try to protect Aaron, his family and his reputation from the fallout of his own actions. Have you ever heard me say anything bad about ASL?
You of course have the absolute right to choose to believe what you wish. I am not going to get into recriminations to try to persuade you or anyone else otherwise. It won’t help.
I am sorry if what I have done for the last 15 years in this battle against the cult is negated by someone’s position on an unpaid board. I have respected your opinions and support and am saddened that you have chosen to take this position and comment here publicly.
Actions speak louder than words, Mike, and you said everything when you noiselessly disappeared him from the board. You are what you do.
Wasn’t that long ago you were an Amigo and carousing on cruises together.
I love you. I love what you’ve achieved. I know the High Road isn’t easy to reach — the climb against self-interest is too hard for most — but truly, Mike, silence isn’t it. Neither is implying we’re “the insanity.”
Aaron apologized profusely and in writing. He’s done so again in his videos. We’re all hoping you will find the mettle to do the same. No “I’m sorry if.”
I am sick to death of $cientology and all its shite. I am sick sick sick of evil people doing evil things to this world. All of you who run blogs and YouTube sites and other anti-Scn expose’ sites must be sick to death of Scn being such a major part of your lives, even and especially after you have finally gotten out. How are you able to take the daily pressure of being outspoken critics and targets of Scn fair game? I admire every one of you for the time you devote to helping the world learn the truth and for your active enterprises to shutter this evil cult forever. I’ve never been in but I’ve read nearly every book written about Scn. My older brother has been in Scn for 50 years, and because I’m an SP, no chance to ever speak with him again unless he escapes. At the beginning of my brother’s time with Scn, he brought home materials from a Hubbard manual, maybe? and I skimmed through those. Seemed like a lot of gibberish. I haven’t changed my mind about that.
Thank you, Mike, for running this blog. The best to you in health and wealth and peace of mind.
Great interview. Alex is an amazing individual. You people who have the mettle to fight the fight, to get into the dirt and expose the church of scientology deserve major kudos – Medal of Freedom awards. Truly. The number of people you have saved cannot be measured.
Thank you Mike, Leah and Alex.
The scariest part is how the cult did all these things for decades without being noticed because the mainstream media couldn’t be bothered to care.
I need to at least add my comment about the situation with Aaron after hearing him tell his story.
Bottom line is I don’t think you, Mark and Claire lived up to what it means to be a friend, not even close.
Though I am trying to generally ignore the insanity that has been stirred up, out of respect for your long history of comments here I am responding to you.
Yes, you have heard Aaron tell HIS story.
Friendship is a mutual activity that requires both sides to participate. There is a lot that you will likely never know. Many seem to ignore what we did to try to protect Aaron, his family and his reputation from the fallout of his own actions. Have you ever heard me say anything bad about ASL?
You of course have the absolute right to choose to believe what you wish. I am not going to get into recriminations to try to persuade you or anyone else otherwise. It won’t help.
I am sorry if what I have done for the last 15 years in this battle against the cult is negated by someone’s position on an unpaid board. I have respected your opinions and support and am saddened that you have chosen to take this position and comment here publicly.
Actions speak louder than words, Mike, and you said everything when you noiselessly disappeared him from the board. You are what you do.
Wasn’t that long ago you were an Amigo and carousing on cruises together.
I love you. I love what you’ve achieved. I know the High Road isn’t easy to reach — the climb against self-interest is too hard for most — but truly, Mike, silence isn’t it. Neither is implying we’re “the insanity.”
Aaron apologized profusely and in writing. He’s done so again in his videos. We’re all hoping you will find the mettle to do the same. No “I’m sorry if.”
An ounce of apology is worth a pound of peace.
I am sick to death of $cientology and all its shite. I am sick sick sick of evil people doing evil things to this world. All of you who run blogs and YouTube sites and other anti-Scn expose’ sites must be sick to death of Scn being such a major part of your lives, even and especially after you have finally gotten out. How are you able to take the daily pressure of being outspoken critics and targets of Scn fair game? I admire every one of you for the time you devote to helping the world learn the truth and for your active enterprises to shutter this evil cult forever. I’ve never been in but I’ve read nearly every book written about Scn. My older brother has been in Scn for 50 years, and because I’m an SP, no chance to ever speak with him again unless he escapes. At the beginning of my brother’s time with Scn, he brought home materials from a Hubbard manual, maybe? and I skimmed through those. Seemed like a lot of gibberish. I haven’t changed my mind about that.
Thank you, Mike, for running this blog. The best to you in health and wealth and peace of mind.
Keep shedding light on this despicable practice and this despicable organization.
Great interview. Keep the heat on these public figures for cozying up to a human trafficking cult
Great interview. Alex is an amazing individual. You people who have the mettle to fight the fight, to get into the dirt and expose the church of scientology deserve major kudos – Medal of Freedom awards. Truly. The number of people you have saved cannot be measured.
Thank you Mike, Leah and Alex.
Just needed to say.. I’m always here with you Mike, Christy, Marc and Claire!! Susan aka Susan B