After the earlier interviews Claire and I did with Mike Brown, his mother, Rosemary reached out and asked to talk to Leah and me.
Hearing her experiences first-hand adds to the outrage of these abuses.
Here is a copy of Rosemary’s letter to David Miscavige Miscavige & Tom Cruise
So mostly this is a message to Mike Brown. You can’t put links in youtube and nobody comes in the forum really, so here it is. There is a Pat Hammersen on the elder list. Cece started mentioning a Pat Selle Bromley. I thought they were two different people. They were both married to Bruce Bromley.
But Lulu in the forum finally shed some light and it seems they are the same person. Which leaves the question of Erin. Cece said Erin was the child of Pat Selle. Mike Brown was talking about the child of Hammersen. So if they are then the same Erin, Mike doesn’t know that that Erin is out. That Erin, born Erin Selle (no idea where the Woodruff name came from) was the child of Vince Selle it seems. And she now calls herself Erin Selle Fox. I don’t see any tie with a Steiner or Steiner either. But she is out as you can see Rinder’s book on her facebook page. Trying to keep track of these names is impossible haha. I had two threads going in the forum on “Pat”. Guess I only needed one! But if this still isn’t right, maybe Mike can come post in the forum with info.
ach! that was the wrong erin. the real one was still in as of 2020 per mike’s blog. erin steiner married to jon steiner. so sorry. so we just still don’t know why she was called woodruff. i see an old list showing she lived in the same bldg. as Dan and Elizabeth Woodruff. I think Elizabeth is deceased but I have asked Chris Shelton if he knows more as he was listed there too. The father, at least on paper, seems to be Vincent P. Selle. He seems to be somewhere between Florida and Georgia. and nobody has said where Dan ended up. maybe with his brother…wherever that may be. (mission viejo possibly)
From one Rosemary to another all good things for in the years to come! Please know that you are respected and supported.
I also want to say to Mike, thank you for helping Rosemary and Mike B. to share their stories with us.
Lastly, I have worked in political and nonprofit organizations for years. What we find that helps to galvanize an effort is a Call to Action. Getting information out is one step but using your viewer/readers is the next step. Ask us to do something such as sign a petition or write letters to the IRS-congressional representatives or local governments. Between all the SPTV Channels you have 1000’s of viewers and their voices can be impactful! I donate regularly to The Aftermath Foundation and will continue to but would love to do even more.
I don’t know what first gen we can thank for having the old newsletters archived in a safe place, but they are a wealth of knowledge on the goings on in the 60’s and 70’s. When LRH was alive, these newsletters were THE source of info for all things cult related. I happened upon them by chance and posted the link in the ex forum. Also posted them randomly in a thread called “Vintage Carmelo” which started out as just narration of SF bay area cult history. Since nobody in the ex forum has “fessed up” to being the source of the archives, I can only imagine that person has passed on by now. If you want to see the progression of events through that era, they are a must read. Having known so many of those people (it was a very small cult!), it made them that much more interesting. The people speaking out now are predominately ex sea org. This is the view those of us on the outside had.
The sea org wanted my mom, a registered nurse, from the time she became a sciobot in the mid/late 60s. She would not join unless I agreed. I refused from the age of 11 on. Thank God they never got their hooks in her or this could have been her story. She officially resigned, in writing, from the cult when DM took over. Many funny stories of me jacking sea org recruiters around as child until I walked away at age 18.
Hello Rosemary,
That is a most eloquent letter that you wrote. But I hope you will not be surprised to learn that McSavage will likely never read a word of it. He most likely has left instructions to some underling that any letter even remotely like the one you wrote should be immediately destroyed.
But do not despair over that. I forsee there is an excellent chance that even if he never reads your letter, it may well provide useful evidence in some future court proceedings – either criminal or civil or both – to help apply pressure to this criminal cult or to send McSavage or one of his underlings to prison for any number of criminal charges.
The letter is so well written that I can see it will very likely be read into the court proceedings in order to provide evidence for which this cult will have to pay. This may well include prison time for McSavage and some of his followers or huge civil damages for all the harm they have done to so many people.
So, please do not be unhappy if you do not get some kind of response. I truly believe your letter may well be used in some future court proceeding or may even be read by many people who have no idea of the depth of depravity to which this stinkin’ cult often sinks.
Please have faith that your letter will indeed do some good sometime in the future – either in a court proceeding or just as evidence that will help inform the general public just how evil this criminal cult really is.
Be happy in the knowledge that your letter will be recognized by thousands of people who will know that you speak the truth and your letter will have some positive effect in the dismantling of this crazy criminal cult.
Well done Rosemary!
P.S. People who have spent a lifetime in this cult are almost always educated in matters that favor the cult. But they are rarely educated to read and write English to the high level that you have displayed in this letter. I hope you will not be insulted if I ask you whether you had some help to polish this letter to the high degree of eloquence you seem to have achieved. There is nothing wrong with receiving some help from others. But would you be willing to disclose just how you came to write such a beautiful letter given the minimal amount of English education one gets in this cult? I’m sure that people will understand if you do not wish to disclose whether you received any help from anyone who collaborated with you to write this letter. But it wouldn’t change a thing. I’m just curious how you were able to produce such a beautiful letter given the shabby level of English education this cult usually gives its members/slaves. If you are not comfortable disclosing this info, by all means, just do not comment on this issue.
Rosemary got in as an adult. I think you are confusing her with the children born in. Many of which have been writing tell all books recently.
I once wrote to DM but never got a reply. So don’t “hold your breath” Rosemary. I think the little “chicken shit” is too busy avoiding realities and just drinking scotch. Oh and maybe also too involved in planning how to run with all the money once the cult dwindles to nothing. And that is coming soon.
Likely to some country in South America that doesn’t have an extradition treaty with the United States of America. The first edition of Illuminati by Steve Jackson Games had the South American Nazis as an Illuminati faction.
May elder abuse and the horrific financial crimes of scientology be the ax that cuts them down.
So happy Rosemary was able to escape. Glad she is able to share her experience.
I wondered if Scientology were the payees for these people’s Social Security, food stamps, government benefits or pensions?
Jim Jones was being investigated by Congress because families of his cult members discovered that The People’s Temple were their relatives Social Security, welfare and Food Stamps payees. Taking some one’s government benefits and not using it for them is a federal crime.
Who ever is putting the elderly in private homes probably doesn’t have the certification or state license to run a care home. Stacking 9 ill older people in one bedroom sounds like, if nothing else, it violates buidling codes. Do they really have the ability to care properly for people with advanced dementia? Are they practising medicine with out a license?
Thank God Rosemary has a loving and devoted son . For many older cult members they were encouraged/coerced by the cult to sever all relationships with family, friends, co workers or anyone who criticized the cult. It may be decades since they were in touch w/family or family may have passed away . I can imagine they are alone in the world and have no one who cares about them.
Typical of cults that the members who slaved to make the organization rich and successful are tossed away when they become ill or aged.
There were a lot of older members from my former cult, who were found dead days after their passing, alone. If they owned their home it would have been mortaged to the teeth for cult recruitment activities or their property was left to the cult. Many people went into horrific debt for the cult but when the leader died, he was a multi millionaire.
It’s dreadful that the Scientologists would deny emergency medical care to a sick elderly woman because they didn’t want their secrets out. Sounds familar. I was suicidal. When the cult leader’s hench man found out, instead of doing what they could to help me, show some compassion , I was rejected, thrown out of the cult and shunned as evil. I was not spiritual enough for them. This was crushing. Many years later I was told by one of the leader’s assistants that it would have been very bad publicity if I had suceeded in killing myself. I was merely a liability, was less than nothing . So much got revealed,. The memory brings up rage.
Wouldn’t it be great to establish a foundation, outside of the cluches of COS, that could be guardians for these older cult members for their housing and medical care?
In reply to your last paragraph, yes it would. But considering they have been true believers all their lives, wouldn’t it be humane (a word the COS likes to throw around) if the church took proper care of their aged in a healthy way? Not holding my breath…