My apologies for my recent absence. I explain this in the beginning of the video. I (and the rest of the family) got the flu in the New Year and because of my weakened immune system (and age) it hit me very hard and I ended up back in hospital for a week due to complications.
Also at the start of this video is some excellent news that Mark Bunker has been endorsed by the Clearwater Police Department in his run for re-election.
We are joined by Claire Headley to discuss the efforts made to suck Jimi Carrey into scientology. It was a strange coincidence that this even came up recently, and we talk about this and the efforts to circumvent the Hubbard “tech” on dealing with “illegal pc’s.” We also cover some crazy scientology celebrity stories and the lengths David Miscavige goes to in order to woo his biggest star, Tom Cruise.
These are the excerpts from the issue I read:
This is the reference on the Purification Rundown:
Jim Carrey with Jenny McCarthy:
The big bash put o0n by Cruise and the Smith’s for David and Victoria Beckham:
Jim Carrey and scientologist Cathriona White:
Hi Mike,
I’ve always wanted to ask you and Leah and Marc and Claire, etc, about counseling. That is, did any of you feel the need to talk to a counselor/ psychiatrist / etc after you got out of the Cult of $cientology? Also, have any of you found comfort or connection in a real religion? Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc?
Thanks for keeping up the fight.
Glad you’re feeling better Mike! There is a lot of everything going around now. (Not because Doctors are ‘often careless or incompetent’ nor because psychologists are ‘simply outright murderers’.)
Glad you recovered Mike. Take it easy.
So happy you do major good undoing Scientology’s deep harm to society.
So happy to see Claire and Leah doing major good undoing Scientology’s entrenched harm to the world.
If I were Scientology, I’d quit it and find another religion or 8th dynamic interest, the faster the better.
Good post Aqua,
I didn’t know Tom was so short. That made me realise why DM “likes” him so much. DM is quite short too. So he and Tom are 2 peas in a pod.
OR ……. Two farts in a skillet ……. = ……… a boatload of hot air!
Ewww…Newcomer, I did not need that picture…guess I’ll BROIL the shrimp tonite, pun intended…where is the brain bleach…
Broiled shrimp! I like it.
Yo Dave,
Howz about it big boy. You otta be about cooked by now?
I finally found it again. Here is what Miscavige said about his size:
92. As a final outrage, Wollersheim’s attorneys – Charles
O’Reilly and Leta Schlosser – allege that I threatened them in the
courthouse elevator. The exact circumstances are these: While
waiting by the elevator, I was standing with another Scientologist.
Mr. O’Reilly and Ms. Schlosser were accompanied by a very large
body guard. I do not know his name. When the elevator doors opened,
I stood waiting for Ms. Schlosser to enter first, out of common
courtesy. O’Reilly’s body guard said loudly, “Let the midget go
first,” in reference to my size (56″). I ignored his comment and
rode down the elevator in silence. End of story.
Wollersheim case
Declaration of David Miscavige
15 October 1999
But does he mean 56 inches (142cm) or 5 feet 6 inches (167cm)?
Honestly, from my experience with the “diminutive midget” I think the number is his IQ.
Glad you enjoyed my rant. From what I’ve read, TC is 5’8″. Conflicting reports I’ve read have DM as 5’5″ down to as low as 5’3″.
Allow me to take this opportunity to say that physical height doesn’t make a man a real man, in my opinion, nor does being well dressed make a female a real, womanly woman.
We take shots at TC and DM for being short because we have contempt for them. Ok, we don’t respect them so from time to time, to amuse ourselves, we take cheap shots at their height.
That said, very well do I know and understand that being a real, manly man does not depend on height or on being macho or even handsome. Character makes a real man.
Two of the most “manly” men I’ve ever had the privilige to know were each quite short. One was my uncle( 5’3″). He was the Godfather without being a criminal 🙂 Smart and successful and self made himself, married with no children, he took care of his parents, his brothers, setting them up in business, his sisters, sending them to secretarial school so that they could have office jobs and not be factory girls, buying a house for all of them to live, and being this wonderful loving husband, son, brother and finally uncle to me and his other nieces. He was respected, trusted, loved…a prince of a man. All 5’3″ of him!
And the other short man I knew and worked with for years in my business, another prince, smart and successful yet kind and fair to everyone high and low – at his funeral service – he was 95 when he died – the venue was so crowded that there were people standing outside in the hall while the service was going on. About a thousand people showed up, at least. He was good to everyone – trusted, respected.
And the way I take shots at Trish Duggan and Tom Cummins’ wife and that gargoyle Elena Cardone for their awful taste in clothes…of course, its because I don’t like them, don’t respect them. Clothes don’t make a woman “womanly”. There are two women I know who have always dressed badly but I love them. They’re not “important” people. One of them is a maid and a nurses aid. I respect them. They are respectABLE. I think they care for me and respect me back, and if I thought they didn’t, it would bother me. I would always want their good opinion.
Ok, my God, I’ve done it again! Another off topic rant! Sorry, Mike!
“Tom…DM…are 2 peas in a pod.” Definitively!
Good to see you well, alive and kicking!
Thanks for the video. It confirmed for me that any policy in Scientology can be countered with another policy – it just depends on what one is trying to achieve.
I’m not surprised that the cult would try to bring in Jim Carrey.
Mike, I was hoping to see you back and here you are. I’m sorry that you were temporarily pulled back due to the flu, but wow, here you are back again. You’re amazing, that’s all I can say.
Meow Alert:
Tom Cruise looks ridiculous standing next to Katie Holmes. She towers over him and has her arm around his shoulder. He looks like her little brother in this picture. He’s a handsome guy but he’s short. No shame in that. YOu’d think that with all his money he could have found a suitably smashing young woman who was a devoted Scientologist, a petite girl who didn’t tower over him. But no, he married not just one but THREE women who were way too tall for him even in flat shoes (Mimi Rogers, a big boned, zaftig girl, and then stunning Nicole Kidman who was rail thin but 5’11 and fond of stilettos making her easily 6’2”. OK, I’m being incredibly petty and stupid and utterly unimportant things like this, including how rich female Scientologists like Trish Duggan seem to have such awful taste in clothes, shouldn’t bother me. But they do 🙂 So thank you for reading this if you’ve managed to do so and I will now end this absurd rant.
Yay!! Glad to see that you’re doing better, Mike. Take care of yourself. My doctor was just telling me that a full blown case of the flu can kill you. Keep wearing a mask in public, especially if your immune system is compromised!
Fundies and their cherry picking. Too funny.
From the few clips that I’ve seen of interviews with Jim Carrey, he’s a conscious manifestor (see: Neville Goddard). Why would he join Scientology when he’s already one of the biggest names in “Hollywood” and operating at native state? Scientology has nothing to offer.
I’m sorry that Leah has gotten sh*t for outing Will and Jada. One of the things that I’ve experienced from trying to get justice over dealing with “Fair Game” tactics from the Game Grumps (Which includes having my image/likeness used without consent for the character “Ruin” in DC Comics’s ‘The Dreaming: Waking Hours’. I’m still looking for journalists and attorneys involving that!!) is that weak-minded consumers can’t handle their delusions being challenged. Cult of personality “clubbed seals” react abusively towards victims and whistleblowers, as opposed to demanding accountability. I’ll never understand that. There are so many frauds and cowards, like Neil Gaiman and The Smiths, who secretly support, or stay silent when it comes to exposing corruption and abuse. You can craft a persona and bald-faced lie, but, ultimately, they’re on the wrong side of history, and they’ll be remembered as that. Doing the “right” thing and getting justice is a BATTLE. It’s so f*cking heartbreaking. But don’t give up, because the truth is the truth, and the truth always wins. What you’re doing is beautiful. #withinthatinch
(hi, dave 🤍)